Background and objectives Chronic pain often has negative social and professional repercussions. The care of patients who suffer from chronic pain causing problems at work is long overdue, complex, and fragmented. The objective of our network is to propose customised care covering medical, psychological, social and occupational aspects for patients with chronic pain. Our first priority was to set up multidisciplinary case review meetings. Programme The network is managed by the Pain Department of the palliative care unit of Nice university hospital. The multidisciplinary meetings follow the model given in the French national Cancer Plan (2003–2007) and have been validated through professional practice appraisal. From October 2007 to September 2009, the department held 20 multidisciplinary meetings attended by 35 health professionals. They included 21 workplace doctors (non-hospital and hospital sectors), a health officer from French national health insurance, a doctor from the county9s office for the disabled, two doctors from the Regional Assembly, a rheumatologist/algologist, a neurosurgeon, a psychiatrist, three psychologists, two nurses and two social workers. The files of 112 patients, including 59 cases of lumbo-radicular pain and 33 cases of cervico-brachial pain, were reviewed. Fifty-two patients had been away from work for an average of 20.2 months (2–85) because of workplace accidents: 17 cases of permanent partial incapacity, 20 cases of sick leave, seven cases of leave for an occupational disease, seven cases of being laid off work because of incapacity, and 25 ‘active solidarity income’ beneficiaries. A review of each case led to a customised programme of medical-psychological-social-occupational care being handed to each patient, with a copy sent to the general practitioner (GP). The proposals included 20 neurosurgical assessments, 48 offers of psychological or psychiatric follow-up, 22 social assessments, 52 requests for visits with the workplace doctor for job redesign or adaptation of the workplace, and 14 applications lodged with the county office for the disabled. Results in terms of clinical impact Our programme has improved patient access to professionals with expertise in chronic pain management. Waiting times have decreased to under 15 days. The multidisciplinary approach has led to faster solutions to social-occupational problems; 34 patients still hold their job after 6 months. Discussion and conclusion Including the patient9s GP into the programme and the continued presence of the national health insurance officer are two programme priorities. We are currently looking into a health economics assessment of the programme. In conclusion, multidisciplinary review meetings provide a global approach (medical, psychological, social and occupational) to the care of patients with chronic pain who have difficulties at work and offer a concerted, proactive treatment proposal for each patient. Objectif La douleur chronique a frequemment des repercussions socio-professionnelles. La prise en charge des patients douloureux chroniques en difficulte avec le monde du travail est tardive, complexe et cloisonnee. L9objectif du reseau est de definir de maniere pluridisciplinaire une proposition de prise en charge individualisee medico-psycho-socio- professionnelle. Pour y repondre, la priorite a ete la creation de Reunions de Concertation Pluridisciplinaires (RCP). Programme Ces reunions ont ete crees sur le modele des RCP de cancerologie, defini par la mesure 31 du Plan Cancer 2003-2007 et ont fait l9objet d9une validation de l9 evaluation des pratiques professionnelles. D9octobre 2007 a Septembre 2009, le Departement d9Evaluation et Traitement de la Douleur - Medecine Palliative du CHU de Nice a coordonne 20 RCP reunissant 35 professionnels de sante soit 21 medecins du travail (ville-hopital), un medecin conseil, un medecin de la Maison Depatemental des Personne Handicapees (MDPH), deux medecins du Conseil General, un rhumato-algologue, un neuro-chirurgien, un psychiatre, trois psychologues, deux infirmiers, deux assistantes sociales. Les dossiers de 112 patients ont ete discutes dont 59 lombo-radiculalgies, 33 cervico-brachialgies. Cinquante-deux patients sont en accident de travail depuis en moyenne 20.2 mois (2-85) avec 17 consolidations, 20 en arret maladie, 7 en maladie professionnelle, 7 sujets licencies pour inaptitude au poste, 25 sujets allocataires du revenu de solidarite active. Apres discussion un programme personnalise de soins medico-psycho-socio professionnel a ete remis au patient, le double adresse au medecin traitant. Les propositions ont concerne: 20 evaluations neuro-chirurgicales, 48 evaluations avec suivi psychologique ou psychiatrique, 22 evaluations sociales, 52 demandes de visite de pre reprise aupres du medecin du travail pour reclassement professionnel ou amenagement de poste, 14 depots de dossier MDPH. Resultats en terme d9impact clinique Ce programme a permis d9ameliorer l9accessibilite a une expertise “douleur chronique” avec des delais de prise en charge raccourcis (inferieurs a 15 jours). Il a egalement permis l9elaboration pluridisciplinaire d9une solution socio-professionnelle plus rapide: a 6 mois le maintien dans l9emploi concernait 34 sujets. Discussion-perspectives Sur le plan organisationnel, l9integration du medecin traitant au dispositif et la perennisation de la presence du medecin conseil constituent deux axes prioritaires. Une reflexion est egalement engagee afin de mettre en place une eventuelle evaluation medico-economique d9un tel programme. Conclusion La mise en place de ces RCP permet, en decloisonnant la prise en charge des patients douloureux chroniques en difficulte avec le monde du travail, une approche globale bio-psycho-sociale et l9elaboration d9une proposition therapeutique concertee et anticipative.