5,040 results on '"labor legislation"'
Search Results
202. Pay as You Go? Internship Pay, Quality and Access in the Graduate Jobs Market
- Author
Sutton Trust (England), Cullinane, Carl, and Montacute, Rebecca
- Abstract
Earlier this year, the Sutton Trust released "Internships -- unpaid, unadvertised, unfair"; which examined current available evidence on internships in the UK. Following increased attention to the topic in the period since the Sutton Trust first looked at this issue in 2014, there appears to have been some progress on the lack of pay for interns in some companies. However, many organisations continue to offer internships which are unpaid, costing young people a minimum of £1,100 a month in London, and £885 a month in Manchester. However, while available research suggests that internships are an important point of entry to the job market, there is still relatively little known about them. Polling suggests that around 40% of young people who have carried out an internship have done at least one unpaid. As well as gaining a more detailed view of internships from the perspective of young people, this report also aims to increase understanding of employers' views of internships, including importantly their understanding of the law as it applies to unpaid internships.
- Published
- 2018
203. Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998. Report to Congress on State Performance, Program Year 2006-07
- Author
Office of Vocational and Adult Education (ED), Division of Career and Technical Education and MPR Associates, Inc.
- Abstract
The "Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 19981" (commonly referred to as "Perkins," "Perkins III," or "the Act" and referred to hereafter as "Perkins III") requires, in Sec. 113(c)(3)(C), that the secretary provide the appropriate committees of Congress copies of annual reports received by the U.S. Department of Education from each eligible agency that receives funds under "Perkins III." Sec. 113(c)(3)(A) further requires the secretary to make the information contained in such reports available to the general public. To meet this obligation, the Department is providing the data in both hard copy and digital (on the Internet) formats. This report contains information on states' progress in achieving their adjusted performance levels--negotiated with and approved by the Department--on the core indicators of performance listed in Sec. 113(b)(2)(A) of "Perkins III": (1) Student attainment of challenging state-established academic, vocational and technical skill proficiencies, hereafter referred to as academic and skill attainment; (2) Student attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, a proficiency credential in conjunction with a secondary school diploma, or a postsecondary degree or credential, hereafter referred to as completion; (3) Placement in, retention in, and completion of, postsecondary education or advanced training, placement in military service, or placement or retention in employment, hereafter referred to as placement and retention; and (4) Student participation in and completion of career and technical education programs that lead to nontraditional training and employment, hereafter referred to as nontraditional programs. This is the Department's eighth annual report to Congress. This report transmits data that states submitted to the Department for program year (PY) 2006-07. This report to Congress contains four sections. The first section enumerates the accountability requirements in "Perkins III" and describes efforts by the Department to help states develop their performance accountability systems and their performance levels for career and technical education. The second section summarizes states' progress in meeting their PY 2006-07 performance levels. The third section discusses issues pertaining to the quality and reliability of states' "Perkins III" performance data. The final section offers conclusions. Individual state data profiles are provided in the appendices. [For "Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998. Report to Congress on State Performance, Program Year 2005-06," see ED515880.]
- Published
- 2008
204. Public Policy Issues Surrounding Online University Courses
- Author
Holmes, Georgia L.
- Abstract
With the maturation of the internet more and more colleges and universities are offering online courses. As these courses enter the mainstream, public policy issues are beginning to emerge. Many of these involve the tension between the "work for hire" doctrine and academic freedom that occurs when educational institutions offer these courses with a profit motive and then claim ownership of course materials. When a university begins to offer courses with a for profit motive, issues involving copyright infringement may also arise due to the inapplicability of the "fair use exception". Other issues involve a developing disparity between the rights of public university faculty over those of private university faculty to the ownership of course materials as a result of the United States Supreme Court decision in "NLRB v. Yeshiva University" as well as the Due Process and the Takings Clauses in the Fifth Amendment and the Due Process Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The lack of clarity in U.S. copyright law over ownership of professorial created academic works has led some commentators to suggest the time has come to amend the law to return a "teacher exception" to the definition of a "work for hire" in the U.S. copyright statute. In the meantime, faculty must negotiate ownership issues with their schools on a individual basis, through collective bargaining or by both. In the case of private university faculty, there is no guarantee of any right to negotiate with their employer.
- Published
- 2008
205. State Policymakers: Supporting Military Families with Children. Policy Briefing Series. Issue 15
- Author
Sloan Work and Family Research Network, Brown, Melissa, and Lettieri, Chelsea
- Abstract
Managing work and family responsibilities is particularly difficult for military families with children. While military life has always been demanding, in recent years an increasing number of military personnel in both the Active Duty Force and Selected Reserves have had to confront the additional demands of parenthood. Providing resources to support parents who serve in the military and the nearly 1.8 million children living in military families has become a priority for state legislators. This paper answers the following questions about supporting military families with children: (1) How many military personnel are parents?; (2) What challenges are faced by military families with children?; (3) Supporting military families with children is a policy issue; (4) The military and the public benefit when military families with children are supported; (5) What states have enacted legislation to support military families with children?; (6) States have made military families with children a priority in recent sessions; and (7) Where can I get more information? (Contains 13 sources.)
- Published
- 2008
206. Labour Law in Canadian Higher Education
- Author
Barnetson, Bob
- Abstract
The legislative framework for academic and nonacademic unionization and collective bargaining in Canadian public colleges, universities and technical institutes is set out and compared with mainstream labour law. Significant deviations affecting academic staff in the province of Alberta are explored to understand their effect and the factors which maintain this deviation. (Contains 2 tables and 2 endnotes.)
- Published
- 2006
207. Module 4: Work-Family Policy in the United States. Work-Family Curriculum Guide
- Author
Sloan Work and Family Research Network, Kossek, Ellen Ernst, Leana, Carrie, and MacDermid, Shelley
- Abstract
Public policy affects the experiences of workers and their families, both directly and indirectly. For example, employment-focused statutes such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Employment Retirement and Income Security Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act establish frameworks for employer-employee relationships and clarify the types of protections mandated for specific groups of employees. Other legislation, principally the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and Family and Medical Leave Act, address some of the priorities of employees who have specific types of family responsibilities. This module provides students with a conceptual framework for understanding the relevance of public policies to work-family issues and introduces the students to selected public policies. The module's contents address the following topics: (1) An overview of public policy in the United States; (2) Work-family policy in the United States at the state level; and (3) Work-family policy in the United States at the federal level. (Contains 20 online resources.) [This paper was prepared with the help of Judi C. Casey, Karen Corday, and Christina Matz. For Modules 1, 2, and 3 of this curriculum guide, see ED536763, ED536753, and ED536766, respectively.]
- Published
- 2006
208. Employment and Training for Older Workers. Policy Leadership Series. Issue 7
- Author
Sloan Work and Family Research Network, Wong, Michelle, Shulkin, Sandee, and Casey, Judi
- Abstract
The aging of the baby boom generation and the increase in life expectancy has led to record numbers of older adults in the United States. Increasingly, older adults want or need to stay in the workforce. Older workers comprise a diverse group of individuals with various expectations, desires and abilities. As a result, definitions of exactly who is an older worker are varied. Older workers have many reasons for remaining in the work force, including needing income or benefits and wanting to stay physically and mentally healthy. Regardless of the reasons, however, older workers are the largest growing group of employees in the labor market. This paper answers the following questions about employment and training for older workers: (1) Why are employment opportunities for older workers a policy matter?; (2) How do employment opportunities for older workers affect your constituents?; (3) Which older workers have access to employment opportunities?; (4) How do employment opportunities for older workers affect business?; (5) What can be done?; (6) Have any bills on employment opportunities for older workers been recently introduced in your state?; and (7) Would you like additional information about employment opportunities for older workers? (Contains 10 sources.)
- Published
- 2006
209. Collective Bargaining in Catholic Schools: What Does Governance Have to Do with It?
- Author
James, John T.
- Abstract
This article outlines the significant legal decisions regarding collective bargaining in Catholic schools, identifies the governance structures employed in Catholic schools and the methods of translating these governance structures into documents required by civil law, and concludes with the citation of two recent court decisions that demonstrate the method of incorporation and the day-to-day governance practices utilized in Catholic schools that are of great importance to educational leaders.
- Published
- 2004
210. European Vocational Training 'Systems'--Some Thoughts on the Theoretical Context of Their Historical Development
- Author
Greinert, Wolf-Dietrich
- Abstract
There are few long-term studies in which the development of vocational education and training (VET) is placed in a larger societal framework. Consequently, there is limited understanding as to why VET has evolved quite differently even in countries with similar economic and social development. In his reflections on a possible theoretical framework for analyzing the historical development of European VET systems, Wolf-Dietrich Greinert takes a three-step approach searching for common principles of the various systems. VET is firstly embedded in national work cultures manifest in labor law. It is the work cultures which form the basis of specific VET regimes. Work cultures and VET regimes in turn come with leading ideas, which legitimatize a certain didactic orientation. Based on a diachronic analysis from the Industrial Revolution onwards, three general types of VET systems are identified: the liberal market economy model in Britain, the state-regulated bureaucratic model in France and the dual-corporate model in Germany.
- Published
- 2004
211. Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2000: Report on Federal Activities under the Rehabilitation Act
- Author
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) (ED/OSERS)
- Abstract
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (the Act), provides the legislative basis for programs and activities that assist individuals with disabilities in the pursuit of gainful employment, independence, self-sufficiency and full integration into community life. This report is intended to provide a description of accomplishments and progress made under the Act during fiscal year 2000 (October 1999 through September 2000). To that end, the report identifies major activities that occurred during this fiscal year, and the status of those activities during that specific time period. The report provides a description of the activities of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), a component of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education. RSA is the principal agency for carrying out Titles I, III, VI, and VII, as well as specified portions of Title V of the Act. RSA has responsibility for preparing and submitting this report to the President and Congress under Section 13 of the Act. The Act also authorizes research activities that are administered by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDDR) and the work of the National Council on Disability, and includes a variety of provisions focused on rights, advocacy and protections for individuals with disabilities. A description of those activities is also provided in this report.
- Published
- 2003
212. Developing an Effective Tool for Teaching Teens about Workplace Safety
- Author
Miara, Christine, Gallagher, Susan, and Bush, Diane
- Abstract
Paid employment is an important feature of adolescent life. Too often, it has negative health consequences, including more than 200,000 workplace injuries to 14 to 17 year olds every year. Training teens about occupational safety is part of an overall strategy to address this problem. When the project described in this article began, there were few curricula for teaching teens basic occupational safety information, and there was little research on the most effective way to deliver this information. Project staff sought to fill these gaps in resources and knowledge. They conducted formative research to determine teen knowledge and attitudes about workplace safety and about child labor laws, teens' comfort with voicing concerns at work, and the type of training they received. Staff also interviewed educators and pilot-tested a draft curriculum to determine format and content appropriate to trainers' time constraints and levels of knowledge. In response to the findings, project staff developed curricula with activities addressing hazards in workplaces, prevention strategies, child labor laws, and how to communicate effectively about workplace concerns. Activities were created to be interactive and fun, and instructor guidance was presented concisely but with sufficient background information for someone with limited knowledge of occupational health and safety. (Contains 1 table.)
- Published
- 2003
213. Employment of People with Disabilities. ERIC Digest.
- Author
ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education, Columbus, OH. and Wonacott, Michael E.
- Abstract
With its definitions of individuals' and employers' rights and obligations, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a mandate and a statement of our moral and ethical values as a culture. Persons with disabilities and employers must apply ADA's "triple standard" of reasonable accommodations for performing essential job functions without undue hardship to find individuals that match jobs and jobs that match individuals. Ten years after ADA's passage, workers with disabilities are older, work fewer hours, and are more likely to be single and less likely to have a college degree. They are still disproportionately represented in low-growth, low-wage occupations. Under ADA, the individual has the right to choose when or whether to disclose his or her disability or related information, but employers cannot be expected to provide reasonable accommodation for an undisclosed disability. Job seekers are advised to script and rehearse disclosure, minimizing medical terms, omitting medical treatment history, and describing the disability briefly with stress on strengths and willingness to improve and ability to perform with or without accommodations. Reasonable accommodations range from simple to complex and cheap to expensive; information on them is available from many sources, including websites. Strengthened mechanisms are needed to help workers with disabilities and employers find appropriate matches between jobs and skills. (Contains 14 references.) (YLB)
- Published
- 2003
214. Pre-Employment Transition Services for Students with Intellectual Disabilities. Data Note. Number 67
- Author
University of Massachusetts Boston, Institute for Community Inclusion, Migliore, Alberto, and Butterworth, John
- Abstract
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 requires that vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies set aside at least 15% of their federal VR services grant funds to assist students with disabilities. These students are entitled to receiving pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS). Pre-ETS include job exploration counseling, work-based learning experiences, counseling on enrollment opportunities, workplace readiness training, and instruction in self-advocacy. This Data Note explores the effects of this WIOA provision on people with intellectual disabilities (ID) who exited the VR program during program year 2018 (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019). [This Data Note is a product of ThinkWork! at the Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston.]
- Published
- 2020
215. Youth with Disabilities and the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Policy Update: Summarizing Recent Laws and Federal Regulations.
- Author
National Center on Secondary Education and Transition, Minneapolis, MN.
- Abstract
In preparation for the reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), this policy update presents key aspects of the statutory language of Title I of the WIA and describes its potential implications for youth with disabilities as they prepare for the transition to employment and adult life as described in Sections 126-129 of Chapter 4--Youth Activities. The purpose of the WIA is to establish a new comprehensive workforce investment system that is customer focused, allows individuals to manage their careers, and helps employers locate competent employees. For youth with disabilities, WIA includes individualized service and access to integrated education opportunities as key complements, similar to those found in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). A chart illustrates the interrelationship of the transition service requirements of Title I of WIA and IDEA. Information is also provided on key services each local youth program must include: tutoring, study skills training, instruction leading to completion of secondary school, alternative secondary school services, summer employment, work experiences, occupational skills training, leadership development, supportive services, mentoring, and counseling. The performance accountability system under the WIA is also explained, along with provisions addressing the Job Corps, Youth Opportunity Grants, and nondiscrimination. (CR)
- Published
- 2002
216. Welfare-to-Work and Learning Disability Interventions in Kansas Community College Settings: Phase IV, Learning Disability Assessment Project. Project Final Report.
- Author
Kansas Univ., Lawrence. Center for Research on Learning., Mellard, Daryl, and Johnson, Richard
- Abstract
The Road to Success (RtS) program was designed to introduce hard-to-employ adults with learning disabilities and other cognitive barriers to ways of learning that are will enable them to learn the skills and knowledge they will need as employees and in their everyday lives. Originally developed to serve welfare recipients in Kansas, RtS was eventually expanded to serve all clients of the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services. The RtS curriculum, which was delivered in 6-week workshops by community college instructors, was based on a cognitive model of adult learning, featuring techniques such as advance organizers, explicit description, verbal rehearsal, modeling, and specific feedback. In addition to teaching transferable learning strategies, the curriculum focused on the following "soft skills" so strongly supported by the employment sector: social skills, sense of community, self-determination, employability skills, and knowledge of employment rights and responsibilities. The program has proved highly successful. Sixty-three percent of RtS attendees successfully completed the workshop. Pretest/posttest data established that all participants made measurable gains in their sense of work ethic, self-sufficiency, positive attitude, and communication skills. Close collaboration between the RtS participants' case managers and their RtS instructors was deemed a key factor in the program's success. (Forty-six tables are included. Fourteen charts and a 22-item bibliography are appended.) (MN)
- Published
- 2002
217. Child Labor: Labor Can Strengthen Its Efforts To Protect Children Who Work. Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate.
- Author
General Accounting Office, Washington, DC.
- Abstract
Occupational safety and health data and labor statistics were evaluated in order to update a 1991 report on child labor. Data were from the Bureau of Labor Statistics; Department of Health and Human Services; National Institutes for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH); the Department of Labor's (DOL's) investigations database and individual case files; and interviews at DOL field offices and with NIOSH officials. Little change in the number and characteristics of working children was found. As many as 3.7 million children aged 15 to 17 worked in 2001; of those, approximately 4% were employed illegally. Among those most likely to be employed illegally were Hispanic and non-citizen children. The number of children who die each year from work-related injuries (62-73) changed little over the decade; however, those who incurred nonfatal injuries while working were more difficult to determine because of data discrepancies. Boys and Hispanic children; children working in construction, agriculture, transportation, and public utilities; and children working in family businesses faced a greater likelihood of being killed than other working children. Compliance with the child labor provisions of Fair Labor Standards Act was found wanting for these reasons: (1) lack of specific goals for industries in which children have high rates of injuries and fatalities; (2) inadequate methods of measuring compliance success; (3) poor planning and assessment; and, (4) inadequate guidance and training of local offices. The following items are appended: scope and methodology; recent legislative proposals on child labor; detailed information on children in the United States who work; and comments from the DOL/GAO. (Contains 24 tables and 13 figures.) (AJ)
- Published
- 2002
218. Labour Market Effects of Employment Protection. IAB Labour Market Research Topics.
- Author
Institute of Employment Research, Nurenberg (Germany). and Walwei, Ulrich
- Abstract
The labor market effects of employment protection were examined in a study of Germany's employment protection regulations and their impact on employment practices and patterns. The following topics were considered: (1) the question of whether Germany's labor market problems are a result of regulations; (2) employment security as a subject of labor market regulation; (3) labor-economics criticism of employment protection; (4) the labor market effects of employment protection regulations in Germany and in other member countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development; and (5) empirical and theoretical contradictions of the law and economics of employment protection. The study concluded that the labor market effects of employment protection regulations are frequently overrated. If the statistical relationship between a low regulation level and high economic growth is disregarded, there is little evidence that regulation strictness has an effect on levels of employment and unemployment. The study's empirical and theoretical findings were said to provide no justification for large-scale deregulation of employment protection legislation. However, several adjustments in economic policy in response to recent changes in Germany's economic structure were recommended. (Three tables of data related to the relationship between growth and the labor market are appended. The bibliography lists 20 references.) (MN)
- Published
- 2002
219. Awareness, Knowledge and Exercise of Individual Employment Rights. Employment Relations Research Series.
- Author
Sussex Univ., Brighton (England). Inst. for Employment Studies., Meager, Nigel, Tyers, Claire, Perryman, Sarah, Rick, Jo, and Willison, Rebecca
- Abstract
Recent employment law reforms in England precipitated a telephone survey of a stratified random sample of 5,120 employed people (1,000 respondents) that was intended to find their levels of awareness and knowledge of employment rights and their exercise of those rights. Survey results included the following: (1) nearly 70% of those questioned assess themselves as well-informed or very well-informed about employment rights in general; (2) of laws known by respondents, the most commonly cited related to working time, health and safety, and discrimination; (3) while women assessed their awareness/knowledge as higher than men, the latter were more likely to name an employment right; (4) levels of awareness peaked in the 36-45 age group and among those with the highest level of education; (5) levels of awareness/knowledge were highest among managers and professionals, and among permanent employees and trade union members; (6) 16% of respondents experienced problems at work in relation to employment rights in the previous five years; (7) non-whites were nearly twice as likely to report work problems; and (8) older respondents and those with a work contract were much less likely to report having experienced problems. Because of the relatively small numbers who had experienced infringements of their rights, only limited conclusions could be drawn about whether a lack of awareness/knowledge disenfranchises people in achieving their employment rights. (There are 185 figures and tables. Appended are a description of the research methodology; details of the achieved sample; scenarios; and the survey instrument.) (AJ)
- Published
- 2002
220. Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act: Promising Practices in Workforce Development. Hearing before the Subcommittee on 21st Century Competitiveness of the Committee on Education and the Workforce. House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, Second Session (September 12, 2002).
- Author
Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC. House Committee on Education and the Workforce.
- Abstract
This report presents the testimony and submissions presented at the first of a series of Congressional hearings on workforce development and reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act. Statements were given by the following individuals: (1) Buck McKeon, U.S. (United States) Congressman from California; (2) John Tierney, U.S. Congressman from Massachusetts; (3) Bruce Stenslie, Director of the Ventura County, California, Workforce Investment Board and Deputy Director of the Ventura County Human Services Agency; (4) Danny Wegman, President of Wegman's Food Markets; (5) Diane D. Rath, Chair of the Texas Workforce Commission and Commissioner Representing the Public, Austin, Texas; and (6) Timothy Barnicle, Co-Director of the Workforce Development Program, National Center on Education and the Economy. The bulk of the document consists of the written statements of these witnesses and a sampling of promising best practices from the nation's Workforce Investment System. (AJ)
- Published
- 2002
221. Utah Work-Based Learning Manual.
- Author
Utah State Office of Education, Salt Lake City.
- Abstract
This document presents materials to assist Utah school personnel who are initiating, implementing, or improving work-based learning opportunities for students. The document presents detailed guidelines for creating and maintaining work-based learning systems in schools and resource materials for improving existing work-based opportunities. Formal definitions, practical examples, student profiles, step-by-step checklists, and sample forms are included. The following are among the specific topics covered: (1) school-to-careers and work-based learning (Utah's school-to-careers system; counseling and guidance; career fields and pathways; articulation; curriculum integration; collaboration; benefits of work-based learning); (2) public relations strategies (promotion; regional coordination; evaluating promotional activities; worksite development; marketing programs to the public, school districts, personnel, parents, students, and employers; strategies for working with employers; recruiting worksite staff; designing marketing tools;); (3) developing a work-based learning system (building on existing strengths; the role of planning in good work-based learning systems; setting goals and establishing time lines; identifying potential problems; involving participants in programs; assessing student learning; evaluating programs); (4) work-based learning activities (field studies; guest speakers; job shadowing; school-based enterprise; entrepreneurship; mentorship; clinical experiences, internships; career practicums; community service learning; registered youth apprenticeships; teacher/staff internships); and (5) legal issues (understanding legal issues affecting schools, employers, and students; minimizing potential liability). (MN)
- Published
- 2002
222. Labour Market Policy in Germany: Job Placement, Unemployment Insurance and Active Labour Market Policy in Germany. IAB Labour Market Research Topics.
- Author
Institute of Employment Research, Nurenberg (Germany)., Blien, Uwe, Walwei, Ulrich, and Werner, Heinz
- Abstract
Job placement, unemployment insurance, and active labor market policy in Germany were reviewed. The following were among the review's main conclusions: (1) measures of active and passive labor market policy are still regarded as important to combating unemployment and improving the matching function of the German labor market; (2) the many different instruments of active labor market policy that are in use in Germany have been only slightly "modernized" in Germany's new Job-AQTIV Law, which emphasizes activation of the unemployed and follows the trend observed in other countries of brining together elements of active and passive labor market policies; (3) Germany's multitude of instruments of active labor market policy and their high cost are partly due to the events following Germany's unification; (4) unemployment remains high in the eastern part of Germany, and only parts of its economy can stand up to competition on the world market; and (5) Germany's high degree of intervention in the labor market is intended to ease the labor market situation and make it socially more acceptable. It was concluded that measures of active labor market policy will likely result in a redistribution of the risks of unemployment rather than in a lasting reduction of the unemployment level. (Contains 41 references.) (MN)
- Published
- 2002
223. Supportive and Suppressive Factors in the Improvement of Vocational Special Needs Education: A Case Study of Malaysia.
- Author
Mustapha, Ramlee B., Ali, Manisah Mohd, Bari, Safani, and Amat, Salleh
- Abstract
In the era of globalization, Malaysia's ability to remain economically competitive depends on the skills of its workforce. The policies and practices of Malaysia's vocational education system must be revised to do more to give the country's disabled citizens the training they need to find employment and become taxpayers. More concerted efforts are needed to uphold the rights of Malaysia's estimated 100,000 disabled adults, only 4,175 of whom were employed in the private sector in 1990-2001. Appropriate legislation is needed to defend the rights of special populations as outlined by United Nations resolution 3447 (Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons). These rights include the right to economic and social security, the right to a decent standard of living, and the right to have their special needs considered at all stages of economic and social planning. Malaysia needs a holistic and systematic approach to improving the quality of life of its special needs population. The following legislative acts must be passed: (1) the Vocational Education and Training for Special Need Population Act; (2) the Job Partnership and Employment for Disabled Act; and (3) the Building Accessibility Act. The Vocational Education and Training for Special Need Population Act should emphasize making vocational education and training accessible to everyone and eliminating gender bias and stereotyping. (MN)
- Published
- 2001
224. Workforce Investment Act: New Requirements Create Need for More Guidance. Statement of Sigurd R. Nilsen, Director, Education, Workforce, and Income Security Issues, before the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, U.S. Senate.
- Author
General Accounting Office, Washington, DC. and Nilsen, Sigurd R.
- Abstract
An evaluation was conducted to assess progress in implementing the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 (which sought to streamline the delivery of employment and training services) during its first full year ending in June 2001. Data were gathered through contact with 12 national associations representing state and local implementers, visits to 9 one-stop centers in 6 areas in 3 states, and meetings with officials and review of documents from the 4 federal agencies that house the mandatory partner programs. The study found that state and local implementers have faced challenges during the early stages of WIA implementation because of the significant changes to the work force system that WIA introduced. Mandatory partners have wrestled with their concerns about how to participate in one-stops without adversely affecting their respective target populations, violating their own programs' rules, or straining their financial resources. Training providers have struggled to find ways to meet WIA's data collection and reporting requirements, and as a result, have reduced the course offerings they make available to WIA job seekers. Private-sector members of work force investment boards have grappled with their concerns that their input is diluted by staff and committees set up to facilitate board operations. The study recommends that the various federal agencies work together to provide more effective guidance to address the concerns raised by state and local implementers and provide more time for training providers to adjust to the data collection and reporting requirements. (KC)
- Published
- 2001
225. Workforce Investment Act: Better Guidance Needed To Address Concerns over New Requirements. Report to Congressional Requesters.
- Author
General Accounting Office, Washington, DC. and Nilsen, Sigurd R.
- Abstract
In an effort to assess what progress states and localities are making in implementation of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998, a study identified three issues of particular concern: (1) mandatory partners' participation in the one-stops; (2) job seekers' ability to receive enhanced choices for training; and (3) private-sector participation on workforce boards. Information was collected through interviews with officials of the Departments of Labor, Education, Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban Development, officials from national associations representing implementers, site visits to nine one-stop employment service centers in three states, and a symposium of stakeholders. The study found, first, that although mandatory partners are attempting to participate in the one-stops, program or financial concerns are affecting their level of participation and their ability to fully integrate their services at the one-stops. Second, the partners found the data collection requirements of the legislation difficult and costly. Finally, the private-sector partners were concerned about the operation of the workforce investment boards on which they were supposed to be represented. The study recommends that the responsible federal agencies work together to provide more effective guidance on how to address the specific concerns identified by state and local implementers and that Congress provide more time for training providers. Appended are: Presence of Partners at Nine One-Stops and Method of Core Service Provision and Respective Comments from the Departments of Labor, Education, Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban Development, as well as GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgements. (KC)
- Published
- 2001
226. 'Right-to-Work' Laws and Economic Development in Oklahoma. Briefing Paper.
- Author
Economic Policy Inst., Washington, DC. and Mishel, Lawrence
- Abstract
The bulk of this position paper consists of statements in opposition to a September 2001 referendum on adopting 'right-to-work' (RTW) legislation in Oklahoma. The statements are by Joan Fitzgerald, William Sschweke, Raymond Hogler, Steven Shulman, Stephan Weiler, Ann Markusen, Robert G. Lynch, David R. Howell, James Galbraith, Colin Gordon, Wim Wiewel, Mark Cassell, Philip Shapira, Chris Tilly and Andrew Reamer and make the following points: (1) RTW results in low pay and income polarization; (2) RTW has limited positive effects on job creation and economic development and significant social costs; (3) in a global economy, RTW primarily attracts low wage firms, which are later easily lured away; (4) other factors, such as a highly skilled workforce, infrastructure, vibrant communities, and a clean environment are often more important in attracting businesses than low labor costs; (5) RTW encourages low wages resulting in lower tax receipts and more need for social services; (6) fewer high skill jobs will result in the out-migration of higher education graduates and skilled workers; and (7) nurturing home-grown businesses and start-ups has recently become a preferred economic development strategy over luring businesses from elsewhere. (CG)
- Published
- 2001
227. The Emergence of a Binational Mexico-US Workforce: Implications for Farm Labor Workforce Security.
- Author
Aguirre International, San Mateo, CA., Kissam, Edward, Intili, Jo Ann, and Garcia, Anna
- Abstract
The U.S. agricultural labor market is already, in many respects, a binational one, and it will become increasingly one in which workers who are born in Mexico will follow a variety of worklife trajectories that take them back and forth between both countries. Recognition of this reality has important implications for policy development and program planning. For example, improved research, program redesign, and innovation, coupled with a commitment to binational collaboration can give rise to more effective and cost-effective interventions that will improve the employment security and economic well-being of migrant and seasonal farm workers, especially teenage farm workers. Four broad areas of initiatives where action is needed as part of recognizing and responding to the current reality of a binational agricultural workforce can be recommended: immigrant policy, migrant education, farm worker employment training, and labor law enforcement. Several issues and options should be explored in order to improve transnational migrant teenagers' workforce security: (1) binational eligibility for unemployment insurance; (2) binational strategies to deter the employment of very young teenagers in the US farm labor force; (3) skills development programs to develop basic and transferrable skills for transnational migrant farm workers; (4) formation of a Binational Collaborative to inform transnational migrants about US labor law; and (5) education and employment training components in efforts to link remittances and public investment in rural development in migrant-sending areas. (Contains 31 footnotes.) (KC)
- Published
- 2001
228. How Welfare and Work Policies Affect Employment and Income: A Synthesis of Research.
- Author
Manpower Demonstration Research Corp., New York, NY., Bloom, Dan, and Michalopoulos, Charles
- Abstract
Studies of 29 welfare reform initiatives conducted by the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation were synthesized in an exploration of how welfare and work policies affect employment and income. Each of the studies reviewed focused on one or more of the following key program features: mandatory employment services, earnings supplements, and time limits on welfare receipt. The synthesis yielded the following key lessons: (1) although a number of programs that provided only mandatory employment services were effective, the most successful of these programs used a mix of services (including some education and training) and strongly emphasized the need to find work; (2) the only programs that both increased work and made families financially better off were those that provided earnings supplements to low-wage workers; and (3) although relatively little is known about the effects of welfare time limits, the available data suggest that time limits need not cause widespread hardship, at least not in the short term. (Twenty-three tables/figures/boxes are included. The bibliography lists 30 references. The following items are appended: a list of 23 key reports from the studies reviewed; program descriptions; program impacts; and a discussion of why including the federal Earned Income Credit does not substantially change program impacts on income.) (MN)
- Published
- 2001
229. Welfare Reform: Progress in Meeting Work-Focused TANF Goals. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Human Resources, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives.
- Author
General Accounting Office, Washington, DC. and Fagnoni, Cynthia M.
- Abstract
The General Accounting Office (GAO) examined progress in meeting work-focused goals of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. The following issues were considered: (1) states' progress in implementing TANF; (2) the status of families who have left welfare; (3) the characteristics of adults currently receiving TANF; (4) states' strategies for helping hard-to-employ recipients find jobs; and (5) emerging issues as welfare reform evolves. The analysis established that, as states implemented welfare reform amid strong economic growth, welfare caseloads dropped by 50%. Although most adults in former welfare families were employed at some time after leaving welfare, they were often working at low-wage jobs. States were attempting to help hard-to-employ recipients find jobs through strategies such as improving and expanding case management and providing services targeted toward preparing hard-to-employ individuals for work. Most TANF recipients were not engaged in work activities in part because many have characteristics that make it difficult for them to get and keep jobs. The six states visited by GAO staff have modified their "work first" programs to better serve hard-to-employ clients. It was recommended that states emphasize and enhance their work-based welfare-to-work strategies and foster and facilitate improved management and service delivery approaches. (MN)
- Published
- 2001
230. Internship Handbook for Career Academies.
- Author
California Univ., Berkeley. Career Academy Support Network. and Winthrop, Jerauld
- Abstract
Career academies are high school programs that frame academic learning around a career focus in order to increase student motivation and achievement. They generally have three defining features: a school-within-a-school structure, a college preparation curriculum with a career theme, and partnerships with employers, the community, and higher education. This handbook provides information on organizing and implementing an internship program in a high school career academy. The handbook includes six sections. Section 1 explains the background and purpose of internships, and section 2 provides information on organizing an internship program, including the role and responsibilities of the coordinator. Section 3 spells out student roles and responsibilities, and section 4 provides guidelines for employer roles and responsibilities. Section 5 considers the legal issues involved in an internship program, including labor laws for minors and hazardous occupations. Section 6 is an appendix that contains the following sample forms: (1) internship student application; (2) intern standards of conduct; (3) potential sites worksheet; (4) orientation checklist; (5) worksite learning plan; (6) guidelines for business and industry participants; (6) daily worksite log; (7) intern assessment form; (8) student internship evaluation; and (9) student self-evaluation. A list of six related Web sites and a bibliography containing six references are included in the handbook. (KC)
- Published
- 2001
231. What's a Good Job? The Importance of Employment Relationships. CPRN Study. Changing Employment Relationships Series.
- Author
Canadian Policy Research Networks Inc., Ottawa (Ontario)., Lowe, Graham S., and Schellenberg, Grant
- Abstract
The Changing Employment Relationships Project examined the importance of good employment relationships for workers, employers, and public policy. A nationally representative sample of 2,500 employed Canadians was surveyed, and 8 focus groups were conducted. The research findings were analyzed to explain the multidimensional nature of the relationships linking workers with employers, business clients, and other workers. The analysis also focused on "nonstandard work," including temporary and self-employment arrangements, and on links between paid work, home, and family. A healthy and supportive work environment and receiving the resources needed to do the job well were identified as the two most crucial factors in creating robust employment relationships. Organizational change was an important negative influence. Perceptions of whether a job pays well appeared to be more important than actual pay. Union membership was associated with weaker employment relationships on all dimensions. Employment relationships were shown to have a big impact on the following job attitudes and behaviors: job satisfaction; skill development and use; turnover; workplace morale; absenteeism; and willingness to join a union. The study documented a strong link between work environments, employment relationships, quality of work life, and organizational performance. Appendixes present the multivariate analysis results and the survey questionnaire. (Contains 39 endnotes and 56 tables/figures/boxes.) (MN)
- Published
- 2001
232. Gender, Employment and Working Time Preferences in Europe.
- Author
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin (Ireland)., Fagan, Colette, and Warren, Tracey
- Abstract
A representative survey of over 30,000 people aged 16-64 years across the 15 member states of the European Union and Norway sought Europeans' preferences for increasing or reducing the number of hours worked per week. Key finding included the following: (1) 51% preferred to work fewer hours in exchange for lower earnings while 12% preferred to work longer hours; (2) substantial part-time hours (20-34) or moderate full-time hours (35-59) were the most widely preferred arrangements; (3) men preferred a 37-hour work week while women preferred a 30-hour week; (4) those most likely to prefer part-time hours were women with young children; (5) fatherhood had less influence on men's preferences for work hours; (6) more than half of the respondents prefer taking time off, in such forms as "time banking" or flextime, in compensation for overtime work; and (7) 23% said they would take unpaid leaves if available, and this figure rose to 30% of those employees in higher income brackets. Issues raised by these results included the following: (1) collective reduction of full-time hours; (2) improvement in the quality and amount of part-time work; and (3) help for parents to combine employment and family responsibilities. (Partial solutions in France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom were described. Included are 6 tables and 5 figures.) (AJ)
- Published
- 2001
233. Low Wage Workers in Today's Economy: Strategies for Productivity and Opportunity. Draft Policy Statement.
- Author
Jobs for the Future, Inc., Cambridge, MA.
- Abstract
In the United States today, too many hardworking people are unable to earn enough through work to support their families. Policymakers can help change this situation by taking the following steps: (1) keep work central; (2) promote family-supporting work; (3) invest in education and work skills; (4) make it easier for individuals to stay employed and advance; (5) make it easier for employers to hire, train, and support low-skill, low-wage workers; (6) and promote public and private sector policies in education, economic development, and workforce development that help low-wage workers become more productive and help the employers who hire them improve the quality of available jobs. Congress should take the following actions to increase economic opportunities for low-wage workers: (1) reauthorize the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program in ways that promote labor market advancement; (2) strengthen the emerging workforce development system; (3) reform Unemployment Insurance to increase access and coverage for low-wage workers; (4) make it easier for those who are already working to gain postsecondary credentials; (5) provide employers with incentives to train and support low-wage workers; (6) structure individual tax relief to reward work and help low-income families; and (7) encourage employers to raise entry-level wages. (MN)
- Published
- 2001
234. The Language Teacher, 2001.
- Author
Japan Association for Language Teaching., Swanson, Malcolm, and Long, Robert
- Abstract
These issues of "The Language Teacher" examine second language learning issues in Japan, focusing on such topics as the following: language educators and labor law; using videofeedback to nurture self-monitoring skills; learning diaries in learner training; English for special learners; developing listening subskills with trivia; attitude and motivation in language learning; the need for change in English writing instruction in Japan; the role and influence of Japan's university entrance exams; the On-Line Teaching Evaluation Regional Workshop; task-based methodology and sociocultural history; the best Japanese-English character dictionaries for meeting Kanji-learning needs; applying for a university job in Japan; stress, disempowerment, bullying, and school non-attendance; apathy and post-meritocracy in higher education; rethinking text within a task-based approach to language teaching; machine translation and the future of English as a global language; the language teacher's peer support group; cross-age peer tutoring in an English as a Foreign Language writing class; video production to enhance language learning; and a four-step approach for improved syllabus design coherence. (SM)
- Published
- 2001
235. The Agricultural Job Opportunity Benefits and Security Act of 1999. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration of the Committee on the Judiciary. United States Senate, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Second Session (May 4, 2000).
- Author
Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC. Senate Committee on the Judiciary.
- Abstract
This publication documents a congressional hearing on the Agricultural Job Opportunity Benefits and Security Act of 1999, which focuses on these three major concerns: the United States (US) is the home of a large and growing number of undocumented agricultural workers; the current H-2A Program is administratively burdensome, does not work well for workers or employers and could be replaced by a registry; and the bill provides a route to legal residence for farm workers and enhances protections, wages, and labor conditions. An opening statement by Senator Spencer Abraham of Michigan is followed by testimony and/or statements from Representatives from the States of California and Georgia; Senators from the States of Idaho, Florida, and Oregon; and individuals representing the United Farmworkers of America, AFL-CIO; Lutheran Ministry to Farmworkers, Woodburn, Oregon; National Council of Agricultural Employers, Washington, DC; Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation, National Council of La Raza; and American Farm Bureau, Traverse City, Michigan. (YLB)
- Published
- 2001
236. Whose Citizenship? Which State? Work and Its Challenges for Women's Visions of Citizenship, 1900-1925.
- Author
Nackenoff, Carol
- Abstract
The role of the women's movement in shaping women's vision of the obligations of citizenship in 1900-1925 was examined. The analysis focused primarily on the final 2 decades of the suffrage struggle. Special emphasis was placed on the class alliances and tensions that were forged during the struggle for suffrage and later helped set the stage for the shape of maternalist policies to come. The following were among the key themes and topics considered: (1) the thesis that maternalism or "difference feminism" was responsible for social policies that engendered a second-class citizenship for working women and women of color during the 1920s-1930s and that had continuing impact in the welfare state; (2) the emancipatory potential of gender difference and attempts to transform interpersonal service from an activity performed by those in subordinate and dependent positions to an activity involving equals rather than servants; (3) the question of whether the maternalist agenda was more about statism than about participation; (4) the theme of class as a contradiction at the suffrage movement's heart; (5) women's contributions to the definition of citizenship; and (6) "scientific motherhood" as an attempt to legitimate women's claims on the political agenda. (Contains 34 references.) (MN)
- Published
- 2001
237. Employment Needs of Amish Youth. Hearing before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, First Session. Special Hearing.
- Author
Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC.
- Abstract
A Senate subcommittee hearing received testimony concerning a proposed amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to permit Amish youth, ages 14-18, to work under adult supervision in sawmills. Current Department of Labor regulations ban the employment of minors in sawmill operations. This poses a problem for Amish youth who finish their formal education in the eighth grade and have very few employment opportunities. Employment in family-run sawmills and woodworking shops provides an opportunity for them to continue their instruction in the workplace under adult supervision with continuing guidance. The Amish view such work as a form of vocational education, called learning by doing. Amish families have received large fines for having their own children in the workplace, even when they were not in unsafe conditions. Congressmen, representatives of Amish organizations, and Amish people affected by the FLSA gave testimony in favor of the amendments. A representative of the Department of Labor discussed the extremely high injury rates in lumber and woodworking occupations, the Department's efforts to accommodate the unique circumstances of Amish youth, and the difficulties in enforcing amendment provisions prescribing distances to be maintained between adolescent workers and hazardous situations. (SV)
- Published
- 2001
238. From Guests to Permanent Stayers? From the German 'Guestworker' Programmes of the Sixties to the Current 'Green Card' Initiative for IT Specialists. IAB Labour Market Research Topics No. 43.
- Author
Institute of Employment Research, Nurenberg (Germany). and Werner, Heinz
- Abstract
In the 1960s, German industry experienced a greater need for labor. Recruitment agreements for "guestworkers" were concluded with a number of Mediterranean countries, with the opinion at the time being that temporary immigration would be in the interests of all involved: German firms would get cheap labor, the "guestworkers" could earn money and return to their home countries with their savings, and the countries of origin would benefit from the remittances sent from abroad by their workers and from the know-how these workers brought back. This ideal turned out to be an illusion as stays lengthened, families joined workers, and children were born in Germany. After the oil price shock of 1973, a recruitment ban on workers from non-European Union countries was adopted in principle, and restrictive regulations were put in place. However, because of traditions of family reunification and European conventions of providing asylum, as well as for other reasons, the number of foreign workers continued to increase. By the year 2000, improving labor markets and shortages of skilled labor created new allowances for 10,000 to 20,000 foreign information technology (IT) specialists to come to Germany to work for up to 5 years. As a result of these changing needs, German immigration policy has often been incoherent. Lessons learned through the experiences of the past include the following: (1) immigration policy should be rational and transparent in order to discourage evasion and allow both employers and workers to plan their lives; (2) immigration must be geared toward local and regional needs; (3) employers should be encouraged to look more extensively for domestic workers before importing foreign workers; and (4) the short- and long-term consequences of immigration should be considered in order to develop a desirable and workable immigration policy. (Contains 54 references.) (KC)
- Published
- 2001
239. The One-Stop System Must Continue To Work toward Readiness. [Audits of One-Stop Systems in California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, New York, and Vermont].
- Author
Office of Inspector General (DOL), Washington, DC. and Office of Inspector General (DOL), Washington, DC.
- Abstract
This document contains the reports on audits of the one-stop systems in California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, New York, and Vermont. The overall audit conclusions were as follows: (1) the states have made substantial efforts toward forming new comprehensive workforce investment systems as mandated by the Workforce Investment Act (WIA); (2) the states have generally opened one-stop centers capable of providing user-friendly services to customers; (3) as of the time of the audits, development of the infrastructure for the one-stop system was not complete; and (4) state and local boards, memoranda of understanding, cost-allocation methods, and data collection systems must be instituted to ensure the service delivery, customer choice, program accountability, and continuous improvement that are fundamental to WIA. The state reports were all based on a standard format that included the following components: (1) background information; (2) objectives and scope; (3) audit results with respect to six areas (including all WIA-required one-stop partners; opening centers in each local area; establishing agreements with agencies; developing a financial system to meet one-stop needs under WIA; developing a data collection system; and providing access to services at the one-stop centers); (4) recommendations; and (5) state responses to the draft report. (MN)
- Published
- 2000
240. Report on the Youth Labor Force. Revised.
- Author
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC.
- Abstract
This report explains the current U.S. regulations governing child labor; provides a detailed look at youth labor in this country, including how it differs among major demographic groups and economic sectors, and over time; and describes the outcomes of young people's work activities, including occupational injuries and fatalities and other long-term consequences. Chapter 1: "Introduction" (Marilyn Manser) introduces the study and the data set. Chapter 2: "Child Labor Laws and Enforcement" (Art Kerschner, Jr.) addresses the history and current status of federal and state child labor laws and policies and current policy approaches for enforcement. Chapters 3: "A Detailed Look at Employment of Youths Aged 12 to 15" (Donna Rothstein and Diane Herz) and chapter 4: "Trends in Youth Employment: Data from the Current Population Survey" (Diane Herz and Karen Kosanovich) present detailed information on the current situation regarding the employment of youth, using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997 and the Current Population Survey. The agricultural employment sector receives separate attention in Chapter 5: "Youth Employment in Agriculture" (Ruth Samardick, Susan M. Gabbard, and Melissa A. Lewis) because it has special characteristics and is subject to different regulations. Chapter 6: "Occupational Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities" (Anthony Barkume) explores the question of whether youth receive other benefits besides pay from their work experiences and looks at safety and injury reports among young employees. Chapter 7: "The Relationship of Youth Employment to Future Educational Attainment and Labor Market Experience" (Donna Rothstein and Marilyn Manser) presents information from the annual National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979 on college attendance and labor market experience of persons while they were aged 18-30, examined separately for individuals categorized by work activity while aged 16-17. Chapter 7 also briefly discusses the literature on educational and labor market outcomes of early work experiences. (KC)
- Published
- 2000
241. AIDS in the Workplace: A Training for Managers and Supervisors. District of Oregon.
- Author
Tyree, Jimmy L.
- Abstract
This document provides a summary of "AIDS in the Workplace for Court Managers," a 3-hour seminar that was presented to the District of Oregon. The document begins with a summary of the seminar goals and objectives, which included the following: reduce fears and anxieties about HIV/AIDS in the workplace; provide information about the fundamentals of HIV/AIDS; explore the legal and ethical aspects of HIV/AIDS and provide a forum for discussion; discuss the issue of confidentiality regarding employees' HIV status; identify actions that could constitute discrimination based on the Americans with Disabilities Act; and identify state and federal laws regarding HIV/AIDS. Presented next are questions summarizing the seminar's content regarding basic medical facts and work-related issues. Concluding the document are reproductions of the 55 Power Point slides presented during the seminar. Among the topics covered in the individual slides are the following: interpersonal barriers in the workplace; strategies for overcoming barriers; global statistics on HIV/AIDS; historical trends in AIDS incidence; HIV/AIDS among various minority groups; symptoms and causes of AIDS and HIV; exposure versus infection; sexually transmitted diseases; managers' responses to employees' HIV disclosure; HIV testing; Oregon revised statutes; and precautions to prevent discrimination. (MN)
- Published
- 2000
242. Labor Laws and Issues: A Guide for Planning and Implementing Work-Based Learning Opportunities for Minors.
- Author
Ohio State Dept. of Education, Columbus. and Piper, James W.
- Abstract
The focus of this publication is to maximize the ability of business, education, and community partners to access information relating to legal issues and minor labor laws that have implications for school-based and work-based learning experiences. Each section is intended to provide the most applicable legal and labor law information. Since paraphrasing federal and state laws runs the risk of changing the intent of those laws, much of this document consists of excerpts taken directly from the laws, rather than an interpretation of the law. Many of the legal questions and concerns that sometimes swirl around the notion of business and education partnerships are addressed. The excerpts, compilations, and general application of legal and labor issues are provided only as guidelines and are not meant to be complete reflections on the regulations. Materials include an introduction and sections on employment relationships; child labor laws; minimum wages and overtime; unemployment compensation; liability and risk management; related employment laws; and federal and state technical assistance directories. Organized around questions compiled from five focus groups around Ohio, the document highlights the major concerns that individuals in the field who place students in work-based learning environments face on a continuing basis. (Contains 38 references.) (YLB)
- Published
- 2000
243. An Overview of the Formation of Local Workforce Investment Boards under the Workforce Investment Act.
- Author
Office of Inspector General (DOL), Washington, DC., McNeill, Mary Elizabeth, Chiang, Lifang, and Raymond, Dennis J.
- Abstract
The formation of local workforce investment boards (WIBs) was examined through case studies of two sites in Indiana and two in Kentucky. The four sites had very different labor market conditions, contexts, and One Stop histories that affected their formation of local WIBs and selection of One Stop operators. The boards surveyed ranged in size from 48 to 53 members. All four WIBs formed an executive committee and subcommittees. Most policy work was performed at the committee level. The size of the boards was unwieldy and caused logistical difficulties for WIB staff. Board members at all four WIBs relied on WIB staff to provide research and information and ensure that the board meets guidelines and deadlines. All four WIBs were seeking additional funding in various forms. Some individuals interviewed expressed concern that the Department of Labor (DOL) was not coordinating with other agencies; others voiced complaints about the lack of guidance and coordination at the state level. Despite the challenges facing the WIBs surveyed, they all supported the idea of creating an integrated workforce investment system for their local area. (The following items are appended: state profiles; WIB profiles; a list of acronyms; and the DOL response to the draft report.) (MN)
- Published
- 2000
244. Women at the Millennium, Accomplishments and Challenges Ahead. Facts on Working Women.
- Author
Women's Bureau (DOL), Washington, DC.
- Abstract
To benefit from new millennium opportunities, women should take advantage of the burgeoning information technology revolution and growth in other mathematics- and science-based occupations. Among occupations, professional jobs will increase the fastest and add the most employment. Among industries, the computer and data processing services industries lead in rate of employment growth. Immigration continues to play a major role in labor force growth, with the Hispanic labor force growing four times as fast as the rest of the labor force. Equal employment opportunity legislation in the 20th century has been particularly helpful to women. In the 20th century, women's labor force participation by age has changed from the "M" curve--with women entering the workforce, leaving to care for families, then returning to work--to the inverted "bowl" shape of men's participation by age. Although women's employment in high tech occupations has increased, there is still tremendous potential for women. One of the most significant changes that occurred between 1900-1999 is the rise of women managers. The gap between women's and men's earnings has been narrowing since 1973. Although their earnings increased sharply during the 1980s, during the 1990s the growth slowed and a gap persists. Women should be encouraged to press for fair or equal wages and workplaces that allow workers to meet work and family obligations. (YLB)
- Published
- 2000
245. Workplace Mentoring Guide For Education, Business and Industry Partners of Connecticut's School-to-Career Initiative: Connecticut LEARNS.
- Author
Connecticut State Dept. of Education, Hartford. Bureau of Career and Adult Education.
- Abstract
This document is a guide to workplace mentoring that is intended to assist individuals who are interested in or involved in placing students in work-based learning experiences as part of Connecticut's school-to-work initiative, Connecticut Learns. The following are among the topics discussed: (1) the purposes and principles of workplace mentoring; (2) the role of workplace mentoring in Connecticut Learns (the organization of Connecticut's school-to-career system and its school-based learning, work-based learning, and connecting activities; the principle of "all aspects of the industry"; Connecticut's work-based learning continuum; and Connecticut's career clusters); (3) benefits of workplace mentoring to students, employers, mentors, the community, and schools; (4) strategies for recruiting workplace mentors; (5) characteristics of effective workplace mentors; (6) evaluation; (7) mentor roles and responsibilities in the areas of orientation, support, and development of career exploration opportunities and skills for students; and (8) working with youth (characteristics of adolescent students and caveats for workplace mentors). The following items are appended: Connecticut's school-to-career core academic and employability skill requirements; legal requirements for wages, working papers, and job restrictions; and guidelines for promoting diversity and equity and protecting confidentiality. A list of 15 workplace mentoring resources and addresses for obtaining them is included. (MN)
- Published
- 2000
246. The Ones the Law Forgot: Children Working in Agriculture.
- Author
Davis, Shelley and Leonard, James B.
- Abstract
Contrary to popular perception, the agricultural workplace presents many hazards. Yet children are allowed to work on farms at an age when they are likely to lack the training, skill, or maturity to handle these functions safely. This study of child labor in agriculture is divided into seven parts. Following an introductory section, part 2 provides a demographic snapshot of both the farmworker population as a whole and farmworkers under age 18. Analysis highlights the strengths and weaknesses of available databases. The third part describes the work performed by children in agriculture. The fourth part analyzes the risk factors child workers face for fatal and nonfatal injuries. General studies that encompass all farmworkers are also taken into account. Another set of studies examines injuries to all children who live and work on farms. These data, too, are analyzed for the light they shed on hired child workers. The fifth part describes federal and state child labor laws regulating agricultural employment. A limited discussion is included of laws of general applicability, which could be used to reduce the hazards to children working in agriculture. The sixth part sets forth 20 recommendations for enhanced legal protections. (Contains 90 references.) (TD)
- Published
- 2000
247. State Flexibility: The Minimum Wage and Welfare Reform.
- Author
Employment Policies Inst., Washington, DC.
- Abstract
In 1999, Congress for the first time, is debating a federal minimum wage hike that will affect low-skilled people who have dramatically fewer options if they cannot find work. This public policy debate has been occasioned by the new state focus on welfare reform that, to some, suggests that a state flexibility approach be applied to the minimum wage, with the federal government insuring against a rollback of the current wage floor. In this view, Congress should grant governors authority over their own labor markets to match their new responsibility for creating employment opportunities for those who have great difficulty getting hired. The state flexibility proposal is composed of two elements: a wage hike to $6.15 per hour, phased in over 3 years; and state flexibility: any state without a minimum wage law would be subject to the federal minimum wage, whereas any state that has its own minimum wage law would retain the current rate of $5.15 and would be exempt from future federal rate increases. If this legislation were enacted, each state with a minimum wage law in place would have four options: (1) raise the state wage at the pace of the federal rate; (2) keep the state rate constant at its current rate; (3) raise the state rate but more slowly than the federal rate hike; or (4) raise the state rate higher or more quickly than the federal rate hike. Research shows that the public strongly favors state, rather than federal, control of the minimum wage rate, and application of the state flexibility approach would encourage evolution of smaller government and encourage job growth for the least skilled workers, according to the proponents of the proposed policy. Nowhere has the shift of federal control to the state level been more aggressive than in the field of education and job training. The Education Flexibility Partnership Act (1999) provides states with flexibility in spending federal education dollars and increases state accountability for educational achievement. (KC)
- Published
- 1999
248. Homeworking: Home Office or Home Sweatshop? Report on Current Conditions of Homeworkers in Toronto's Garment Industry. NALL Working Paper.
- Author
Ng, Roxana, Wong, Renita Yuk-Lin, and Choi, Angela
- Abstract
The current conditions of home workers in the garment industry in Toronto, Canada, were examined through in-depth telephone interviews with 30 Chinese-speaking immigrant women who were employed as home workers in 1999. The paper dicusses the formal training and informal learning experiences of immigrant woman who are garment workers. A comparison of the results of the 1999 survey with those of similar surveys conducted in 1991 and 1993 revealed that the wages of sewing machine operators remained at the levels of the 1980s. Many subcontractors were circumventing the Employment Standards Act's provisions protecting home workers. Instead of receiving wage increases as they became more experienced, many home workers were actually "punished" for getting skilled. Most women were paid by check every 2 weeks and reported few problems getting paid. Although many women preferred home work because it gave them more flexibility and a chance to combine paid work with child care, many others expressed feeling internal pressures from having to work all the time and meet the multiple demands of household, family, and employment. The following were among common problems reported by the women: (1) not learning the piece rate until garments were completed; (2) no vacation pay despite the legislative provisions calling for paid vacations; and (3) no avenues of compensation for work-related health problems (repetitive strain syndrome, back pain). Education of the public and policymakers and broad-based action on the part of homeworkers and the government are needed. (Contains 19 endnotes) (MN)
- Published
- 1999
249. Sticking to the Union: The War on Organized Faculty and How We Can Resist
- Author
Volchok, Edward
- Abstract
Right-to-work (RTW) laws neither provide opportunity for gainful employment nor a higher standard of living. In truth, by ending a union's ability to charge administrative fees to employees who benefit from their collectively bargained contract, these laws aim to weaken unions and silence workers. They are designed to help employers, not workers. On June 27, 2018, with its long anticipated 5 to 4 decision in "Janus v. AFSCME," the Supreme Court has made RTW the law of the land. In this article, the author reviews the decades of well-funded, anti-union RTW activism that led to this decision. The focus of this article is on public-sector unions, in general, and faculty and staff unions in particular. The author shows that RTW is part of a movement to weaken unions, abolish collective bargaining in the public sector, privatize higher education, eliminate faculty tenure, and curtail academic freedom. The article discusses how faculty union leaders and rank-and-file members can--and "must"--resist for the sake of our students, our universities, our communities, and ourselves.
- Published
- 2018
250. After 'Janus': A New Era of Teachers Union Activism
- Author
Marianno, Bradley D. and Strunk, Katharine O.
- Abstract
In "Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31", the U.S. Supreme Court ended the practice of enabling public-sector unions to collect "fair-share" or "agency" fees from employees who decline to join. Although federal law prohibits requiring workers to join a union as a condition of employment, public-sector unions had been allowed to collect some portion of their dues from employees who do not wish to become members. These non-members were required to pay fair-share fees for the non-political activities that benefit all employees covered by the union contract. Speculation about what the Janus decision will mean for teachers unions has been rampant. Most analysts who follow education policy and organized labor believe that the ruling will result in decreased power for teachers unions. The logic behind this assumption is simple: teachers unions will lose dues revenue because membership will decrease and former agency-fee payers will cease paying fees for union services. With fewer resources, teachers unions will have less ability to exert their influence in local, state, and federal elections and at the bargaining table. Fewer members, less money, less power. However agency fees have been challenged at the state level over the past decade, and several states recently stopped allowing unions to collect them. For this article, the authors examine state affiliates of the nation's largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA), in Wisconsin and Michigan. They look at changes in membership rates, revenues, and campaign contributions from 2009-2016, the six-year period before and after their new right-to-work laws were adopted. They also interviewed two dozen teachers, administrators, and union officials in Michigan to gather insights about how they have coped on the ground. They focus on Wisconsin and Michigan because the timing of their right-to-work laws provided them with sufficient pre- and post-reform data. With the Wisconsin and Michigan data results, they compared the two states' trends to those of NEA affiliates in two other groups of states: the 25 states that allowed agency fees during the six-year period, which they call "agency-shop" states (including West Virginia, Missouri, and Kentucky), and the 23 states that had right-to-work laws on the books during this time and therefore did not allow fees, which they call "right-to-work" states.
- Published
- 2018
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