Cilj doktorske disertacije Ţivotni ciklusi preduzeća i rešavanje konflikata primenom medijacije jeste da utvrdi da li u Srbiji postoje razlike u vrstama konflikata, poredeći preduzeća u različitim fazama ţivotnog ciklusa, a zatim da, kroz procenu efekata konflikata od strane samih radnika, ponudi medijaciju kao jedan od načina rešavanja konflikata. Medijacija u ovom radu je razmotrena kao mogućnost upravljanja konfliktima i kao preduslov za prevazilaţenje negativnih efekata konflikata, koji bi mogli da dovedu preduzeće do propadanja. Upravo zato što je medijacija u Srbiji relativno nova, a njena efikasnost se najčešće ilustruje kroz njenu primenu u rešavanju sudskih sporova, procena za potrebom medijacije u konfliktima u preduzeću bila bi osnova za dalji razvoj medijacije u ovoj sferi primene. Rad pokušava da popuni prazninu u postojećem istraţivačkom fondu i naučnom znanju uopšte, kad je reč o ovoj tematici. Naime, istraţivanja vezana za konflikte u različitim fazama ţivotnog ciklusa firme gotovo da ne postoje. Polazeći od Adiţesove teorije koja je nastala na uzorku razvijenog kapitalizma, radna hipoteza ovog istraţivanja, koja bi bila potvrdjena ili osporena, bila bi - da li će se u Srbiji, kao zemlji u tranziciji, sa nestabilnim vlasničkim odnosima, visokom socijalnom nesigurnošću i najvećom stopom nezaposlenosti u regionu, desiti karakteristični konflikti po fazama ţivotnog ciklusa preduzeća. Istraţivanjem se pokušalo utvrditi da li postoje odnosi uslovljavanja ili uzročnosti izmeĎu faza u kojima se preduzeće nalazi i konflikata u tom razvojnom periodu, ispitujući preduzeća sa različitom vlasničkom strukturom, a polazeći od Adiţesovih teorijskih postavki o fazama ţivotnog ciklusa i specifičnim konfliktima u svakoj od faza. Ako posmatramo radnu organizaciju i interakciju njenih članova, jasno je da svaki konflikt moţe ometati grupne procese i stvoriti neprijateljsku klimu u kojoj članovi grupe ne ţele ili ne mogu da rade jedni sa drugima u postizanju ciljeva te organizacije. Nerešeni sukobi imaju tendenciju da prerastu u veće sukobe, a što više rastu, veća je šansa da se nakupi još više problema. Organizacije imaju ţivotne cikluse isto kao ţivi organizmi: prolaze kroz različite faze i, baš kao i ţivi organizam, preduzeće se raĎa, raste, sazreva i (eventualno) umire. MeĎutim, za razliku od promena koje se dešavaju ţivim organizmima, organizacione promene su uzrokovane internim uzrocima, odnosno unutrašnjom dinamikom, što je posledica nestrabilnosti samog preduzeća ili okoline u kojoj preduzeće funkcioniše. Zbog toga su transformacija organizacije i adekvatno reagovanje na turbulencije - uslov rasta i razvoja preduzeća, njegovog oporavka i opstanka. Pri odreĎivanju ţivotnih ciklusa preduzeća različiti autori nude različite teorije, a samim tim i različit broj faza tog ţivotnog ciklusa. U radu se polazi od Adiţesove teorije, koja daje čak 10 faza ţivotnog ciklusa. Upravljanje prema ţivotnom ciklusu preduzeća Isaka Adiţesa jeste organistički pristup izučavanju organizacionih sistema. On je dao nov pristup shvatanju preduzeća i njegovo shvatanje je ne samo prihvaćeno na teorijskom planu već pokazuje i značajne praktične rezultate. Adiţes je ustanovio paralelu izmeĎu ţivih bića i organizacija po tome što se vremenom menjaju, prilagoĎavaju, evoluiraju, a one koje u tome ne uspeju, na kraju umiru. Da bi organizacija opstala, mora dostići Top formu i zadrţati se u njoj. Svaki period ţivotnog ciklusa ima odreĎene karakteristike po kojima se utvrĎuje u kojoj fazi se nalazi organizacija, iz čega sledi da će i konflikti unutar firme biti, vremenom, različiti. Istraţivanje je sprovedeno u osam preduzeća, različitih prema delatnosti, vlasničkim odnosima, kvalifikacionoj, obrazovnoj i starosnoj strukturi. Prilikom istraţivanja korišćena je metoda ispitivanja reprezentativnog uzorka - anketiranjem pomoću upitnika koji sadrţi 15 pitanja sa potpitanjima. Osnovni metodološki plan istraţivanja je zasnovan na korelaciji izmedju opštih promenljivih o stručnoj spremi, radnom staţu, obrazovanju, polu, vrsti zaposlenja (nezavisne promenljive) i zadovoljstva poslom, nagraĎivanjem rada, odnosima sa kolegama i rukovodiocima i razlozima za nastajanje konflikata (zavisne promenljive). TakoĎe je izračunata korelacija izmedju rezultata slaganja sa pojedinim stavovima. Znači, osnovni metodološki plan je zasnovan na korelacionoj studiji o mogućim povezanostima uslovno-nezavisnih sa uslovno-zavisnim promenljivima, sa izdvajanjem glavnih faktora koji utiču na pojavu i način rešavanja konflikta i dovoĎenje u vezu nezavisnih promenljivih sa zavisnim promenljivim. Rezultati istraţivanja pokazuju da na pojavu konflikata utiču snaga firme, broj zaposlenih, delatnost preduzeća, vlasnička struktura, prosečna zarada sa jedne strane i starosna i obrazovna struktura zaposlenih i duţine radnog staţa, sa druge strane. Istraţivanje je pokazalo da uzroci konflikata zavise od ţivotne faze preduzeća i da su u različitim fazama ţivotnog ciklusa preduzeća razlozi za nastanak konflikata različiti, što i proističe iz Adiţesove teorije o ţivotnim ciklusima preduzeća. Stavovi o efektima konflikata zavise od karakteristika zaposlenih: od njihone starosne i obrazovne strukture, kao i duţine radnog staţa. Istraţivanje je pokazalo i to da stavovi o načinu rešavanja konflikta zavise od karakteristika zaposlenih, odnosno, način rešavanja konflikata zavisi od starosne i obrazovne strukture zaposlenih, kao i duţine radnog staţa ispitanika. Zaključak je da smo potvrdili da se zakonitosti ţivotnih ciklusa preduzeća, koje je uočio Adiţes u zemljama razvijenog kapitalizma, odnose i na preduzeća u Srbiji. PotvrĎena je povezanost faza ţivotnog ciklusa preduzeća sa konfliktima koji se u njima javljaju, što dalje omogućava njihovo predviĎanje, rano otkrivanje i pravovremeno intervenisanje primenom medijacije. Naţalost, i pored prednosti koje medijacija nudi, pre svega u rešavanju konflikata ali i u prevenciji starenja preduzeća, istraţivanjem smo potvrdili činjenicu da veliki broj zaposlenih nema osnovna znanja o tome šta je to medijacija. The aim of the doctoral dissertation life cycles of companies and conflict resolution using mediation is to determine whether there are differences in Serbia in the types of conflicts, comparing companies in different stages of the life cycle, and then, through the assessment of the effects of conflict by the workers themselves, offer mediation as a ways of resolving conflicts. Mediation in this paper is considered as a way to manage conflict as a precondition for overcoming the negative effects of conflicts, which could lead to the collapse of the company. Just as mediation in Serbia is relatively new, and its effectiveness is often illustrated through its application in solving legal disputes, assessment of the need for mediation in conflicts in the company would be the basis for further development of mediation in this field of application. The paper tries to fill the gap in the existing research and fund scientific knowledge in general, when it comes to this subject. The research related to conflicts in different phases of the life cycle of companies simply does not exist. Starting from Adizes theory that emerged in a sample of advanced capitalism, the working hypothesis of this study, which would be confirmed or disputed whether it would be in Serbia, a country in transition, with unstable relations of ownership, high social insecurity and the highest unemployment rate in the region, to find the typical conflicts across the life cycle stages of enterprises. The study attempted to determine whether there are relationships or causality between the conditioning phase in which the company is located and conflict in the development period, examining companies with different ownership structure, based on the theoretical foundations of Adizes theory phases of the life cycle and specific conflicts at each stage. If we look at their organization and interaction of its members, it is clear that every conflict can interfere with the group process and create a hostile environment in which group members do not want or cannot work with each other to achieve the goals of the organization. Unresolved conflicts have a tendency to escalate into a larger conflict, and the more they escalate, the better the chance to accumulate more problems. Organizations have life cycles just like living organisms, passing through various stages and, like a living organism, the company is born, grows, matures and eventually dies. However, in contrast to the changes that occur in living organisms, organizational changes are caused by internal causes, or internal dynamics, which are a consequence of the company's instability or the environment in which the company operates. Therefore, the transformation of the organization and adequate response to the turbulent condition of growth and development of enterprises, is their recovery and survival. In determining the life cycles of different companies different authors offer different theories and therefore the number of different stages of the life cycle. The paper starts with Adizes theory, which provides up to 10 stages of life cycle. Managing the life cycle of companies by Isaac Adizes is the study of organizational systems. He gave a new approach to the understanding of the company and his insight is not only accepted at the theoretical level, but shows significant practical results. Adizes has found parallels between living organisms and organizations in that they change over time, adapting, evolving, and those that fail, eventually die. For an organization to survive, it has to reach top form and retain it. Each period of the life cycle has specific characteristics that determine in what stage is the organization, which implies that the conflicts within the firm change over time. The research was conducted in eight companies, of different functions, various ownership structures, qualification, educational and age structure. During the research a method of testing a representative sample survey using a questionnaire was used containing 15 questions with sub-questions. The basic plan of the research methodology is based on the correlation between the general variables of the level of education, work history, gender, employment type (independent) and job satisfaction, relationships with colleagues and managers, and the reasons for the occurrence of conflicts (the dependent variable). Also calculated was the correlation between the results of agreement with certain views. So, the basic methodological plan is based on the correlative study on the possible connection of the conditionally independent with the conditionally dependent variable, with the separation of the major factors that influence the occurrence and the way to resolve the conflict and to relate the independent variables to the dependent variable. The results show that the occurrence of conflicts is affected by the strength of the company, number of employees, business enterprises, ownership structure, the average salary on the one hand and age and educational structure of employees and length of service, on the other hand. Research has shown that the causes of conflict vary by life stage of the companies and various stages of the company life cycle are reasons for the development of different conflicts, which stems from the Adizes theory of the life cycles of companies. The views on the effects of conflict depend on the characteristics of employees: from their age and educational background, and length of service. The study also found that views on how to resolve the conflict depends on the characteristics of employees or, method of conflict resolution depends on the age and educational structure of employees, as well as the length of service of the respondents. The conclusion is that we have verified that the legality of the life cycle of companies, identified by the Adizes in advanced capitalism, also reflect on companies in Serbia. Confirmed is the association phase of the life cycle of companies with conflicts that occur in it, which further makes predicting possible, early detection and timely intervention using mediation. Unfortunately, despite the benefits that mediation offers, especially in the resolution of conflicts and in the prevention of company aging, by researching we have confirmed the fact that many employees lack basic knowledge about what is mediation.