Objetivo: Analizar mediante un estudio observacional descriptivo, la frecuencia de las patologias observadas en una consulta de cirugia de mano. Material y metodo: Estudio observacional descriptivo, de una serie consecutiva de 400 pacientes visitados en una consulta de cirugia de mano, analizando estadisticamente la edad, genero y patologia observada. Resultados: Nueve patologias (artrosis trapecio metacarpiana, enfermedad de Dupuytren, sindrome del tunel carpiano, dedo en resorte, epicondilalgia, artrosis de las interfalangicas distales, enfermedad de De Quervain, ganglion de muneca y neuropatia cubital), abarcaron el 75% de todos los pacientes visitados, y el resto (25%), correspondieron a otras 29 patologias diferentes. Del total de pacientes, 237 (59.25%) correspondieron al genero femenino, con una edad media de 56 anos (r = 16-88; DE: 16.89), y 163 (40.75%) al masculino, con una edad media de 48,95 anos (r = 17-79; DE: 17.86). Conclusiones: Si en el 75% de los pacientes visitados en una consulta de cirugia de mano, el grueso de las patologias observadas se circunscriben a nueve, es posible incidir en ellas para que la ensenanza de nuestros residentes y medicos en general sea la mas adecuada. Purpose: To analyze by means of a descriptive observational study, the frequency of the pathologies observed in a clinic hand unit Material and method: Study observational and descriptive, of a consecutive series of 400 patients visited in a consultation of clinic hand unit, analyzing statistically the age, gender and observed pathology. Results: Nine pathologies (trapeciometacarpal joint arthrosis, Dupuytren disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, epycondilitis, distal interphalangeal joint arthrosis, DeQuervain tendynitis, ganglion of the wrist and ulnar neuropathy), included 75% of all the visited patients, and the rest (25%), corresponded to other 29 different pathologies. Of the total of patients, 237 (59,25%) they were female, with an average age of 56 years (r = 16-88; OF: 16.89), and 163 (40,75%) they were male, with an average age of 48.95 years (r = 17-79; OF: 17.86). Conclusions: If in 75% of the patients visited in a clinic hand unit, the thickness of the observed pathologies is confined to nine, is possible to affect them so that the education of our residents and doctors, in general, is adapted.