551 results on '"Zanin, M."'
Search Results
202. Production of Λ and ΛΛ̄ correlations in the hadronic decays of the Z0
- Author
Abreu, P., Adam, W., Adye, T., Agasi, E., Aleksan, R., Alekseev, G. D., Algeri, A., Allen, P., Almehed, S., Alvsvaag, S. J., Amaldi, U., Andreazza, A., Antilogus, P., Apel, W. -D, Apsimon, R. J., Arnoud, Y., Åsman, B., Augustin, J. -E, Augustinus, A., Baillon, P., Bambade, P., Barao, F., Barate, R., Barbiellini, G., Bardin, D. Y., Barker, G. J., Baroncelli, A., Barring, O., Barrio, J. A., Bartl, W., Bates, M. J., Battaglia, M., Baubillier, M., Becks, K. -H, Begalli, M., Beilliere, P., Belokopytov, Yu, Beltran, P., Benedic, D., Benvenuti, A. C., Berggren, M., Bertrand, D., Bianchi, F., Bilenky, M. S., Billoir, P., Bjarne, J., Bloch, D., Blocki, J., Blyth, S., Bocci, V., Bogolubov, P. N., Bolognese, T., Bonesini, M., Bonivento, W., Booth, P. S. L., Borisov, G., Borner, H., Bosio, C., Bostjancic, B., Bosworth, S., Botner, O., Boudinov, E., Bouquet, B., Bourdarios, C., Bowcock, T. J. V., Bozzo, M., Braibant, S., Branchini, P., Brand, K. D., Brenner, R. A., Briand, H., Bricman, C., Brillault, L., Brown, R. C. A., Bruckman, P., Brunet, J. -M, Budziak, A., Bugge, L., Buran, T., Burmeister, H., Buytaert, J. A. M. A., Caccia, M., Calvi, M., Camacho Rozas, A. J., Campion, R., Camporesi, T., Canale, V., Cao, F., Carena, F., Carroll, L., Castillo Gimenez, M. V., Cattai, A., Cavallo, F. R., Cerrito, L., Chabaud, V., Chan, A., Charpentier, Ph, Chaussard, L., Chauveau, J., Checchia, P., Chelkov, G. A., Chevalier, L., Chliapnikov, P., Chorowicz, V., Chrin, J. T. M., Cindro, V., Collins, P., Contreras, J. L., Contri, R., Cortina, E., Cosme, G., Couchot, F., Crawley, H. B., Crennell, D., Crosetti, G., Cuevas Maestro, J., Czellar, S., Dahl-Jensen, E., Dalmagne, B., Dam, M., Damgaard, G., Darbo, G., Daubie, E., Daum, A., Dauncey, P. D., Davenport, M., Davies, J., Da Silva, W., Defoix, C., Delpierre, P., Demaria, N., Angelis, A., Boeck, H., Boer, W., Brabandere, S., Clercq, C., Fez Laso, M. D. M., La Vaissiere, C., Lotto, B., Min, A., Dijkstra, H., Di Ciaccio, L., Dolbeau, J., Donszelmann, M., Doroba, K., Dracos, M., Drees, J., Dris, M., Dufour, Y., Dupont, F., Edsall, D., Eek, L. -O, Eerola, P. A. -M, Ehret, R., Ekelof, T., Ekspong, G., Elliot Peisert, A., Elsing, M., Engel, J. -P, Ershaidat, N., Espirito Santo, M., Falaleev, V., Fassouliotis, D., Feindt, M., Ferrer, A., Filippas, T. A., Firestone, A., Foeth, H., Fokitis, E., Fontanelli, F., Forbes, K. A. J., Fousset, J. -L, Francon, S., Franek, B., Frenkiel, P., Fries, D. C., Frodesen, A. G., Fulda-Quenzer, F., Furstenau, H., Fuster, J., Gamba, D., Garcia, C., Garcia, J., Gaspar, C., Gasparini, U., Gavillet, Ph, Gazis, E. N., Gerber, J. -P, Giacomelli, P., Gillespie, D., Gokieli, R., Golob, B., Golovatyuk, V. M., Gomez Y Cadenas, J. J., Gopal, G., Gorn, L., Gorski, M., Gracco, V., Grant, A., Grard, F., Graziani, E., Grosdidier, G., Gross, E., Grossetete, B., Gumenyuk, S., Guy, J., Haedinger, U., Hahn, F., Hahn, M., Haider, S., Hajduk, Z., Hakansson, A., Hallgren, A., Hamacher, K., Hamel Monchenault, G., Hao, W., Harris, F. J., Hedberg, V., Henkes, T., Henriques, R., Hernandez, J. J., Herquet, P., Herr, H., Hessing, T. L., Hietanen, I., Higgins, C. O., Higon, E., Hilke, H. J., Hodgson, S. D., Hofmokl, T., Holmgren, S. -O, Holt, P. J., Holthuizen, D., Honore, P. F., Houlden, M., Hrubec, J., Huet, K., Hulth, P. O., Hultqvist, K., Ioannou, P., Iversen, P. -S, Jackson, J. N., Jalocha, P., Jarlskog, G., Jarry, P., Jean-Marie, B., Johansson, E. K., Jonker, M., Jonsson, L., Juillot, P., Kalkanis, G., Kalmus, G., Kapusta, F., Karlsson, M., Karvelas, E., Katsanevas, S., Katsoufis, E. C., Keranen, R., Khomenko, B. A., Khovanski, N. N., King, B., Kjaer, N. J., Klein, H., Klovning, A., Kluit, P., Koch-Mehrin, A., Koehne, J. H., Koene, B., Kokkinias, P., Koratzinos, M., Korcyl, K., Korytov, A. V., Kostioukhine, V., Kourkoumelis, C., Kouznetsov, O., Kramer, P. H., Krammer, M., Kreuter, C., Krolikowski, J., Kronkvist, I., Kruener-Marquis, U., Kucewicz, W., Kulka, K., Kurvinen, K., Lacasta, C., Lambropoulos, C., Lamsa, J. W., Lanceri, L., Lapin, V., Last, I., Laugier, J. -P, Lauhakangas, R., Leder, G., Ledroit, F., Leitner, R., Lemoigne, Y., Lemonne, J., Lenzen, G., Lepeltier, V., Lesiak, T., Levy, J. M., Lieb, E., Liko, D., Lindgren, J., Lindner, R., Lippi, I., Loerstad, B., Lokajicek, M., Loken, J. G., Lopez-Fernandez, A., Lopez Aguera, M. A., Los, M., Loukas, D., Lozano, J. J., Lutz, P., Lyons, L., Maehlum, G., Maillard, J., Maio, A., Maltezos, A., Mandl, F., Marco, J., Margoni, M., Marin, J. -C, Markou, A., Maron, T., Marti, S., Martinez-Rivero, C., Matorras, F., Matteuzzi, C., Matthiae, G., Mazzucato, M., Mc Cubbin, M., Mc Kay, R., Mc Nulty, R., Medbo, J., Meola, G., Meroni, C., Meyer, W. T., Michelotto, M., Mikulec, I., Mirabito, L., Mitaroff, W. A., Mitselmakher, G. V., Mjoernmark, U., Moa, T., Moeller, R., Moenig, K., Monge, M. R., Morettini, P., Mueller, H., Murray, W. J., Myatt, G., Navarria, F. L., Negri, P., Nemecek, S., Nicolaidou, R., Nielsen, B. S., Nijjhar, B., Nikolaenko, V., Nilsen, P. E. S., Niss, P., Nomerotski, A., Obraztsov, V., Olshevski, A. G., Orava, R., Ostankov, A., Osterberg, K., Ouraou, A., Paganoni, M., Pain, R., Palka, H., Papadopoulou, Th D., Pape, L., Parodi, F., Passeri, A., Pegoraro, M., Pennanen, J., Peralta, L., Pernegger, H., Pernicka, M., Perrotta, A., Petridou, C., Petrolini, A., Piana, G., Pierre, F., Pimenta, M., Plaszczynski, S., Podobrin, O., Pol, M. E., Polok, G., Poropat, P., Pozdniakov, V., Privitera, P., Pullia, A., Radojicic, D., Ragazzi, S., Rahmani, H., Rames, J., Ratoff, P. N., Read, A. L., Rebecchi, P., Redaelli, N. G., Regler, M., Reid, D., Renton, P. B., Resvanis, L. K., Richard, F., Richardson, J., Ridky, J., Rinaudo, G., Roditi, I., Romero, A., Roncagliolo, I., Ronchese, P., Ronnqvist, C., Rosenberg, E. I., Rosso, E., Roudeau, P., Rovelli, T., Ruckstuhl, W., Ruhlmann-Kleider, V., Ruiz, A., Saarikko, H., Sacquin, Y., Sajot, G., Salt, J., Sanchez, J., Sannino, M., Schael, S., Schneider, H., Schyns, M. A. E., Sciolla, G., Scuri, F., Segar, A. M., Seitz, A., Sekulin, R., Sessa, M., Seufert, R., Shellard, R. C., Siccama, I., Siegrist, P., Simonetti, S., Simonetto, F., Sisakian, A. N., Skjevling, G., Smadja, G., Smirnova, O., Smith, G. R., Sosnowski, R., Souza-Santos, D., Spassov, T., Spiriti, E., Squarcia, S., Staeck, H., Stanescu, C., Stapnes, S., Stavropoulos, G., Stichelbaut, F., Stocchi, A., Strauss, J., Straver, J., Strub, R., Stugu, B., Szczekowski, M., Szeptycka, M., Szymanski, P., Tabarelli, T., Tchikilev, O., Theodosiou, G. E., Tilquin, A., Timmermans, J., Timofeev, V. G., Tkatchev, L. G., Todorov, T., Toet, D. Z., Toker, O., Tomaradze, A., Bernardo Tomé, Torassa, E., Tortora, L., Treille, D., Trischuk, W., Tristram, G., Troncon, C., Tsirou, A., Tsyganov, E. N., Turluer, M. -L, Tuuva, T., Tyapkin, I. A., Tyndel, M., Tzamarias, S., Ueberschaer, S., Ullaland, O., Uvarov, V., Valenti, G., Vallazza, E., Valls Ferrer, J. A., Vander Velde, C., Apeldoorn, G. W., Dam, P., Heijden, M., Doninck, W. K., Eldik, J., Vaz, P., Vegni, G., Ventura, L., Venus, W., Verbeure, F., Verlato, M., Vertogradov, L. S., Vilanova, D., Vincent, P., Vitale, L., Vlasov, E., Vodopyanov, A. S., Vollmer, M., Voutilainen, M., Vrba, V., Wahlen, H., Walck, C., Waldner, F., Wehr, A., Weierstall, M., Weilhammer, P., Wetherell, A. M., Wickens, J. H., Wilkinson, G. R., Williams, W. S. C., Winter, M., Witek, M., Wormser, G., Woschnagg, K., Yamdagni, N., Yepes, P., Zaitsev, A., Zalewska, A., Zalewski, P., Zanin, M., Zavrtanik, D., Zevgolatakos, E., Zimin, N. I., Zito, M., Zontar, D., Zuberi, R., Zumerle, G., and Zuniga, J.
203. A flight delay reporting and analysis platform through secure information sharing
- Author
Paşaoǧlux C, Pereiray E, Guner G, Baspinar B, Koyuncu E, Gokhan Inalhan, Zanin M, Mirchandaniy V, Enrich Gonzalez A, and Castillo J
204. Modification of rheological properties of nickel laterite for stirred milling
- Author
Tong, L., Klein, B., Zanin, M., William Skinner, Quast, K., Addai-Mensah, J., and Robinson, D.
205. Influence of particle shape on dynamic DMS processes.
- Author
Ferrara G., Bevilacqua P., De Lorenzi L., Zanin M., Ferrara G., Bevilacqua P., De Lorenzi L., and Zanin M.
- Abstract
A new methodology has been developed for determining the partition curves in dense medium separation using tracer particles of fixed density but of different shape and size - including cubes, elongated and flat particles - and modifying the density of the medium. From the partition curves, values could be determined for the sharpness of separation Ep, the cut density, and the difference (or offset) between cut density and medium density - which is an important parameter in processing. It was found that single particle sizes and shapes are separated with high sharpness in both conical and cylindrical (Tri-Flo) cyclones; in contrast the offset value is dependent on particle size and shape, with large variations: conical cyclones have high positive offset values and the cylindrical have lower values from positive to negative. The applications of the results for processing materials which have different shapes, such as wastes and secondary materials, are discussed., A new methodology has been developed for determining the partition curves in dense medium separation using tracer particles of fixed density but of different shape and size - including cubes, elongated and flat particles - and modifying the density of the medium. From the partition curves, values could be determined for the sharpness of separation Ep, the cut density, and the difference (or offset) between cut density and medium density - which is an important parameter in processing. It was found that single particle sizes and shapes are separated with high sharpness in both conical and cylindrical (Tri-Flo) cyclones; in contrast the offset value is dependent on particle size and shape, with large variations: conical cyclones have high positive offset values and the cylindrical have lower values from positive to negative. The applications of the results for processing materials which have different shapes, such as wastes and secondary materials, are discussed.
206. Numerical prediction of the liberation spectrum of a two-phase texture.
- Author
Schena G.D., Zanin M., Schena G.D., and Zanin M.
- Abstract
A numerical approach is presented for predicting the liberation of phases during comminution, with direct calculation of a liberation spectrum giving the fraction of the particulate system in each narrow size-composition class. The numerical model uses a Poisson flat process for stochastic generation of the non-convex three-dimensional Poisson polyhedral textures and the system of fractures that give rise to convex fragments. With this numerical approach, there is no need to assume random uniform isotopic fracture (lack of selective liberation); only computational geometry primitives are exploited for the derivation. The agreement with relationships obtained previously under the random uniform isotopic fracture hypothesis demonstrates that the approach is capable of deriving full liberation spectra directly. Both volumetric and superficial composition can be calculated., A numerical approach is presented for predicting the liberation of phases during comminution, with direct calculation of a liberation spectrum giving the fraction of the particulate system in each narrow size-composition class. The numerical model uses a Poisson flat process for stochastic generation of the non-convex three-dimensional Poisson polyhedral textures and the system of fractures that give rise to convex fragments. With this numerical approach, there is no need to assume random uniform isotopic fracture (lack of selective liberation); only computational geometry primitives are exploited for the derivation. The agreement with relationships obtained previously under the random uniform isotopic fracture hypothesis demonstrates that the approach is capable of deriving full liberation spectra directly. Both volumetric and superficial composition can be calculated.
207. A study of mechanisms affecting molybdenite recovery in a bulk copper/molybdenum flotation circuit.
- Author
Zanin M., Ametov I., Grano S., Skinner W., Zhou L., Zanin M., Ametov I., Grano S., Skinner W., and Zhou L.
- Abstract
The flotation of molybdenite was studied in the bulk Cu-Mo flotation circuit at Copperon, Utah, USA, using plant metallurgical surveys, laboratory flotation tests, mineralogical and surface analysis and contact angle measurements. The results showed that molybdenite recovery was consistently higher at reduced flotation feed solids percent and that recovery was significantly lower from flotation feeds with high limestone skarn ore content. The main parameters affecting the flotation recovery of molybdenite from porphyry and skarn Cu ores are discussed and it is suggested that the lower flotation recovery of molybdenite than of copper sulphide is determined by a number of factors, including particle morphology, inherent hydrophobicity and possible formation of slime coatings in the presence of gangue minerals typical of skarn ores. Strategies to increase molybdenite recovery are discussed including operating the rougher/scavengers at lower solids percent and preventing slimes adsorbing on molybdenite particles., The flotation of molybdenite was studied in the bulk Cu-Mo flotation circuit at Copperon, Utah, USA, using plant metallurgical surveys, laboratory flotation tests, mineralogical and surface analysis and contact angle measurements. The results showed that molybdenite recovery was consistently higher at reduced flotation feed solids percent and that recovery was significantly lower from flotation feeds with high limestone skarn ore content. The main parameters affecting the flotation recovery of molybdenite from porphyry and skarn Cu ores are discussed and it is suggested that the lower flotation recovery of molybdenite than of copper sulphide is determined by a number of factors, including particle morphology, inherent hydrophobicity and possible formation of slime coatings in the presence of gangue minerals typical of skarn ores. Strategies to increase molybdenite recovery are discussed including operating the rougher/scavengers at lower solids percent and preventing slimes adsorbing on molybdenite particles.
208. Selective flotation of carbon in the Pb-Zn carbonaceous sulphide ores of Century mine, Zinifex.
- Author
Gredelj S., Grano S.R., Zanin M., Gredelj S., Grano S.R., and Zanin M.
- Abstract
Ore from the Century mine in Queensland, Australia, contains sphalerite and galena as valuable minerals with carbonaceous material present among the gangue minerals. Pre-flotation in the absence of collector is carried out prior to galena flotation to remove some of the organic carbon, part of which is naturally hydrophobic, from the flotation feed. Issues affecting the pre-flotation included low carbon recovery, low selectivity against Zn and very high MIBC frother consumption. The results of laboratory studies showed that most of the MIBC added during flotation disappeared from solution as a result of its high adsorption on ore particles, in particular on fine carbon-enriched particles with a high surface area. The addition of 100 g/t of diesel oil could be used to replace 200-250 g/t MIBC but did not increase the selectivity of carbon pre-flotation with respect to Zn. Polypropylene glycol (PPG 192) showed a lower affinity for carbon surfaces, due to its higher hydrophilic/lipophilic balance, so that stable froths could be produced by the addition of 225 g/t of PPG 192 rather than the 400 g/t required with MIBC., Ore from the Century mine in Queensland, Australia, contains sphalerite and galena as valuable minerals with carbonaceous material present among the gangue minerals. Pre-flotation in the absence of collector is carried out prior to galena flotation to remove some of the organic carbon, part of which is naturally hydrophobic, from the flotation feed. Issues affecting the pre-flotation included low carbon recovery, low selectivity against Zn and very high MIBC frother consumption. The results of laboratory studies showed that most of the MIBC added during flotation disappeared from solution as a result of its high adsorption on ore particles, in particular on fine carbon-enriched particles with a high surface area. The addition of 100 g/t of diesel oil could be used to replace 200-250 g/t MIBC but did not increase the selectivity of carbon pre-flotation with respect to Zn. Polypropylene glycol (PPG 192) showed a lower affinity for carbon surfaces, due to its higher hydrophilic/lipophilic balance, so that stable froths could be produced by the addition of 225 g/t of PPG 192 rather than the 400 g/t required with MIBC.
209. Post-regrind selective depression of pyrite in pyritic copper-gold flotation using aeration and diethylenetriamine.
- Author
Agorhom E.A., Skinner W., Zanin M., Agorhom E.A., Skinner W., and Zanin M.
- Abstract
The present study investigates the effect of aeration and diethylenetriamine on the selective depression of pyrite in a porphyry copper-gold ore, after regrinding (at grind sizes, d80 = 38 and 8 micrometres) with respect to Au recovery and grade using oxygen demand tests, flotation, quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray spectroscopy and EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) extraction analysis. It was found that pyrite depression increases after aeration and with decreasing grind size. This was observed to be due to the markedly higher oxygen consumption rate of pyrite at the 8 micrometre (O2 mass transfer coefficient k(L)a = 0.10/min) than at the 38 micrometre grind size (k(L)a = 0.02/min). The addition of diethylenetriamine improved pyrite depression (9% with aeration only versus 39% with aeration + diethylenetriamine) at the 38 micrometre grind size. Gold and copper flotation recovery followed pyrite recovery for the two grind sizes using XD5002 in the presence of air and diethylenetriamine. The surface analysis ( X-ray spectroscopy and EDTA extraction) revealed that the significant pyrite depression at the 8 micrometre grind size was due to increased amount of surface iron oxides, oxy-hydroxides (Fe-O/OH), sulphate species and increased liberation of mineral phases (quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electron microscopy analysis), whilst the poorer pyrite depression at the 38 micrometre grind size was due to insufficient liberation of mineral phases and the persistence of activating Cu on the pyrite surface. The addition of diethylenetriamine increased pyrite depression at the coarser grind size due to a significant reduction in Cu(I)S and increased Cu(II)-O species, correlating with the flotation results of pyrite under this test condition. Two-stage copper and pyrite flotation, followed by Au cleaning after regrinding to 38 micrometre grind size, under high pH or aerated condition is proposed as the recommend, The present study investigates the effect of aeration and diethylenetriamine on the selective depression of pyrite in a porphyry copper-gold ore, after regrinding (at grind sizes, d80 = 38 and 8 micrometres) with respect to Au recovery and grade using oxygen demand tests, flotation, quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray spectroscopy and EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) extraction analysis. It was found that pyrite depression increases after aeration and with decreasing grind size. This was observed to be due to the markedly higher oxygen consumption rate of pyrite at the 8 micrometre (O2 mass transfer coefficient k(L)a = 0.10/min) than at the 38 micrometre grind size (k(L)a = 0.02/min). The addition of diethylenetriamine improved pyrite depression (9% with aeration only versus 39% with aeration + diethylenetriamine) at the 38 micrometre grind size. Gold and copper flotation recovery followed pyrite recovery for the two grind sizes using XD5002 in the presence of air and diethylenetriamine. The surface analysis ( X-ray spectroscopy and EDTA extraction) revealed that the significant pyrite depression at the 8 micrometre grind size was due to increased amount of surface iron oxides, oxy-hydroxides (Fe-O/OH), sulphate species and increased liberation of mineral phases (quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electron microscopy analysis), whilst the poorer pyrite depression at the 38 micrometre grind size was due to insufficient liberation of mineral phases and the persistence of activating Cu on the pyrite surface. The addition of diethylenetriamine increased pyrite depression at the coarser grind size due to a significant reduction in Cu(I)S and increased Cu(II)-O species, correlating with the flotation results of pyrite under this test condition. Two-stage copper and pyrite flotation, followed by Au cleaning after regrinding to 38 micrometre grind size, under high pH or aerated condition is proposed as the recommend
210. Characterisation of coarse composite sphalerite particles with respect to flotation.
- Author
Fosu S., Pring A., Skinner W., Zanin M., Fosu S., Pring A., Skinner W., and Zanin M.
- Abstract
The flotation response of a typical zinc-lead ore, with respect to coarse composite (sulphide/non-sulphide) particles is reported. The flotation tests were carried out on a selected feed particle size range (-600 + 75 micrometres, at P80 of 390 micrometres) and the recovery of zinc composite particles analysed on a size by size basis. The best results were achieved with the use of 75 g/t sodium isopropyl xanthate (SIPX), obtaining a zinc recovery of 77%, with a significant improvement at the coarse end of the particle size distribution. Computerised scanning electron microscope (QEMSCAN) was used to characterise value mineral grain size and degree of liberation, as well as gangue and sphalerite association in particles reporting to both concentrate and tailings. A new characterisation function Locking ratio was developed based on the data from the automated mineralogical analysis to characterise particles into two-phase composites with different degree of locking texture (simple and complex). The function, which is based on the mode of occurrence of sphalerite, grain size, proportion and composition of the constituent minerals in each particle, was used to study the flotation response of the particles with different degrees of locking. The results highlight the difference in recoverability of the sphalerite bearing particles with different degrees of locking, with simple locking texture giving higher recovery than complex locking texture, for the same overall liberation. (Authors.)., The flotation response of a typical zinc-lead ore, with respect to coarse composite (sulphide/non-sulphide) particles is reported. The flotation tests were carried out on a selected feed particle size range (-600 + 75 micrometres, at P80 of 390 micrometres) and the recovery of zinc composite particles analysed on a size by size basis. The best results were achieved with the use of 75 g/t sodium isopropyl xanthate (SIPX), obtaining a zinc recovery of 77%, with a significant improvement at the coarse end of the particle size distribution. Computerised scanning electron microscope (QEMSCAN) was used to characterise value mineral grain size and degree of liberation, as well as gangue and sphalerite association in particles reporting to both concentrate and tailings. A new characterisation function Locking ratio was developed based on the data from the automated mineralogical analysis to characterise particles into two-phase composites with different degree of locking texture (simple and complex). The function, which is based on the mode of occurrence of sphalerite, grain size, proportion and composition of the constituent minerals in each particle, was used to study the flotation response of the particles with different degrees of locking. The results highlight the difference in recoverability of the sphalerite bearing particles with different degrees of locking, with simple locking texture giving higher recovery than complex locking texture, for the same overall liberation. (Authors.).
211. Effect of particle size distribution on recovery of coarse chalcopyrite and galena in Denver flotation cell.
- Author
Awatey B., Skinner W., Zanin M., Awatey B., Skinner W., and Zanin M.
- Abstract
The flotation recovery by particle size of single mineral chalcopyrite and galena was studied in a Denver flotation cell, using sodium dicresylthiophosphate (DTP) and sodium isopropyl xanthate (SIPX) as collectors and polypropylene glycol (PPG) as a frother. The study was extended to very coarse particle size, up to 1·6 mm. Froth stability was also measured in parallel to the batch flotation tests, in a specifically designed froth stability column, following the Bikerman approach. It is shown that particles up to 850 micrometres can be floated successfully, provided they are liberated and hydrophobic. However, the recovery of both chalcopyrite and galena was strongly influenced by the overall particle size distribution, decreasing sharply as the fraction of fines -106 micrometres in the feed also decreased. Rheology measurements showed negligible differences in pulp viscosity, and therefore in the collection zone hydrodynamics, between the different conditions tested. Froth stability, on the contrary, decreased as the feed particle size distribution became coarser. Correlation was found between the amount of fines in the pulp, froth stability and flotation recovery. The recovery of mineral particles is critically dependent on froth stability, which in turn is highly influenced by the overall particle size distribution of the feed material. For these reasons, the study also suggests that it is not possible in batch flotation to determine the rate and recovery of the coarse particle size fractions floating them independently from the fine size fractions. (Authors.), The flotation recovery by particle size of single mineral chalcopyrite and galena was studied in a Denver flotation cell, using sodium dicresylthiophosphate (DTP) and sodium isopropyl xanthate (SIPX) as collectors and polypropylene glycol (PPG) as a frother. The study was extended to very coarse particle size, up to 1·6 mm. Froth stability was also measured in parallel to the batch flotation tests, in a specifically designed froth stability column, following the Bikerman approach. It is shown that particles up to 850 micrometres can be floated successfully, provided they are liberated and hydrophobic. However, the recovery of both chalcopyrite and galena was strongly influenced by the overall particle size distribution, decreasing sharply as the fraction of fines -106 micrometres in the feed also decreased. Rheology measurements showed negligible differences in pulp viscosity, and therefore in the collection zone hydrodynamics, between the different conditions tested. Froth stability, on the contrary, decreased as the feed particle size distribution became coarser. Correlation was found between the amount of fines in the pulp, froth stability and flotation recovery. The recovery of mineral particles is critically dependent on froth stability, which in turn is highly influenced by the overall particle size distribution of the feed material. For these reasons, the study also suggests that it is not possible in batch flotation to determine the rate and recovery of the coarse particle size fractions floating them independently from the fine size fractions. (Authors.)
212. Production of $\Lambda$ and $\Lambda\overline{\Lambda}$ correlations in the hadronic decays of the Z$^0$
- Author
Abreu, P., Adam, W., Adye, T., Agasi, E., Aleksan, R., Alekseev, G D., Algeri, A., Allen, P., Almehed, S., Alvsvaag, S J., Amaldi, U., Andreazza, A., Antilogus, P., Apel, W D., Apsimon, R J., Arnoud, Y., Aasman, B., Augustin, J.-E., Augustinus, A., Baillon, P., Bambade, P., Barao, F., Barate, R., Barbiellini, G., Bardin, D Yu., Barker, G J., Baroncelli, A., Barring, O., Barrio, J A., Bartl, W., Bates, M J., Battaglia, M., Baubillier, M., Becks, K H., Begalli, M., Beilliere, P., Belokopytov, Yu., Beltran, P., Benedic, D., Benvenuti, A C., Berggren, M., Bertrand, D., Bianchi, F., Bilenky, M S., Billoir, P., Bjarne, J., Bloch, D., Blocki, J., Blyth, S., Bocci, V., Bogolubov, P N., Bolognese, T., Bonesini, M., Bonivento, W., Booth, P S L., Borisov, G., Borner, H., Bosio, C., Bostjancic, B., Bosworth, S., Botner, O., Boudinov, E., Bouquet, B., Bourdarios, C., Bowcock, T J V., Bozzo, M., Braibant, S., Branchini, P., Brand, K D., Brenner, R A., Briand, H., Bricman, C., Brillault, L., Brown, R C A., Bruckman, P., Brunet, J M., Budziak, A., Bugge, L., Buran, T., Burmeister, H., Buytaert, J A M A., Caccia, M., Calvi, M., Camacho Rozas, A J., Campion, R., Camporesi, T., Canale, V., Cao, F., Carena, F., Carroll, L., Castillo-Gimenez, M V., Cattai, A., Cavallo, F R., Cerrito, L., Chabaud, V., Chan, A., Charpentier, P., Chaussard, L., Chauveau, J., Checchia, P., Chelkov, G A., Chevalier, L., Chliapnikov, P V., Chorowicz, V., Chrin, J T M., Cindro, V., Collins, P., Contreras, J.L., Contri, R., Cortina, E., Cosme, G., Couchot, F., Crawley, H.B., Crennell, D., Crosetti, G., Cuevas Maestro, J., Czellar, S., Dahl-Jensen, E., Dalmagne, B., Dam, M., Damgaard, G., Darbo, G., Daubie, E., Daum, A., Dauncey, P D., Davenport, M., Davies, J., Da Silva, W., Defoix, C., Delpierre, P A., Demaria, N., De Angelis, A., De Boeck, H., de Boer, W., De Brabandere, S., De Clercq, C., De Fez Laso, M D M., de la Vaissiere, C., De Lotto, B., De Min, A., Dijkstra, H., Di Ciaccio, L., Dolbeau, J., Donszelmann, M., Doroba, K., Dracos, M., Drees, J., Dris, M., Dufour, Y., Dupont, F., Edsall, D., Eek, L O., Eerola, P A M., Ehret, R., Ekeloef, T., Ekspong, G., Elliot-Peisert, A., Elsing, M., Engel, J.P., Ershaidat, N., Espirito-Santo, M., Falaleev, V P., Fassouliotis, D., Feindt, M., Ferrer, A., Filippas, T A., Firestone, A., Foeth, H., Fokitis, E., Fontanelli, F., Forbes, K A J., Fousset, J L., Francon, S., Franek, B., Frenkiel, P., Fries, D C., Frodesen, A G., Fulda-Quenzer, F., Fuerstenau, H., Fuster, J., Gamba, D., Garcia, C., Garcia, J., Gaspar, C., Gasparini, U., Gavillet, P., Gazis, E N., Gerber, J.P., Giacomelli, P., Gillespie, D., Gokieli, R., Golob, B., Golovatyuk, V M., Gomez, Y Cadenas J.J., Gopal, G., Gorn, L., Gorski, M., Gracco, V., Grant, A., Grard, F., Graziani, E., Grosdidier, G., Gross, E., Grossetete, B., Gumenyuk, S A., Guy, J., Haedinger, U., Hahn, F., Hahn, M., Haider, S., Hajduk, Z., Hakansson, A., Hallgren, A., Hamacher, K., Hamel de Monchenault, G., Hao, W., Harris, F J., Hedberg, V., Henkes, T., Henriques, R., Hernandez, J J., Herquet, P., Herr, H., Hessing, T L., Hietanen, I., Higgins, C O., Higon, E., Hilke, H J., Hodgson, S D., Hofmokl, T., Holmgren, S O., Holt, P J., Holthuizen, D., Honore, P F., Houlden, M., Hrubec, J., Huet, K., Hulth, P O., Hultqvist, K., Ioannou, P., Iversen, P S., Jackson, J N., Jalocha, P., Jarlskog, G., Jarry, P., Jean-Marie, B., Johansson, E K., Jonker, M., Joensson, L., Juillot, P., Kalkanis, G., Kalmus, G., Kapusta, F., Karlsson, M., Karvelas, E., Katsanevas, S., Katsoufis, E C., Keraenen, R., Khomenko, B A., Khovanskii, N N., King, B., Kjaer, N J., Klein, H., Klovning, A., Kluit, P., Koch-Mehrin, A., Koehne, J H., Koene, B., Kokkinias, P., Koratzinos, M., Korcyl, K., Korytov, A V., Kostyukhin, V., Kourkoumelis, C., Kuznetsov, O., Kramer, P H., Krammer, M., Kreuter, C., Krolikowski, J., Kronkvist, I., Kruener-Marquis, U., Kucewicz, W., Kulka, K., Kurvinen, K., Lacasta, C., Lambropoulos, C., Lamsa, J W., Lanceri, L., Lapin, V., Last, I., Laugier, J P., Lauhakangas, R., Leder, G., Ledroit, F., Leitner, R., Lemoigne, Y., Lemonne, J., Lenzen, G., Lepeltier, V., Lesiak, T., Levy, J.M., Lieb, E., Liko, D., Lindgren, J., Lindner, R., Lippi, I., Loerstad, B., Lokajicek, M., Loken, J G., Lopez-Fernandez, A., Lopez-Aguera, M A., Los, M., Loukas, D., Lozano, J J., Lutz, P., Lyons Collins, P., Contreras, J L., Crawley, H B., Maehlum, G., Maillard, J., Maio, A., Maltezos, A., Mandl, F., Marco, J., Margoni, M., Marin, J C., Markou, A., Maron, T., Marti, S., Martinez-Rivero, C., Matorras, F., Matteuzzi, C., Matthiae, G., Mazzucato, M., McCubbin, M., McKay, R., McNulty, R., Meola, G., Meroni, C., Meyer, W T., Michelotto, M., Mikulec, I., Mirabito, L., Mitaroff, W A., Mitselmakher, G V., Mjoernmark, U., Moa, T., Moeller, R., Moenig, K., Monge, M R., Morettini, P., Mueller, H., Murray, W J., Myatt, G., Navarria, F L., Negri, P., Nemecek, S., Nicolaidou, R., Nielsen, B S., Nijjhar, B., Nikolaenko, V., Nilsen, P E S., Niss, P., Nomerotski, A., Obraztsov, V F., Olshevskii, A G., Orava, R., Ostankov, A., Osterberg, K., Ouraou, A., Paganoni, M., Pain, R., Palka, H., Papadopoulou, T D., Pape, L., Parodi, F., Passeri, A., Pegoraro, M., Pennanen, J., Peralta, L., Pernegger, H., Pernicka, M., Perrotta, A., Petridou, C., Petrolini, A., Piana, G., Pierre, F., Pimenta, M., Plaszczynski, S., Podobrin, O., Pol, M E., Polok, G., Poropat, P., Pozdnyakov, V., Privitera, P., Pullia, A., Radojicic, D., Ragazzi, S., Rahmani, H., Rames, J., Ratoff, P N., Read, A L., Rebecchi, P., Redaelli, N G., Regler, M., Reid, D., Renton, P B., Resvanis, L K., Richard, F., Richardson, M., Ridky, J., Rinaudo, G., Roditi, I., Romero, A., Roncagliolo, I., Ronchese, P., Ronnqvist, C., Rosenberg, E I., Rosso, E., Roudeau, P., Rovelli, T., Ruckstuhl, W., Ruhlmann-Kleider, V., Ruiz, A., Saarikko, H., Sacquin, Y., Sajot, G., Salt, J., Sanchez, J., Sannino, M., Schael, S., Schneider, H., Schyns, M A E., Sciolla, G., Scuri, F., Segar, A M., Seitz, A., Sekulin, R L., Sessa, M., Seufert, R., Shellard, R C., Siccama, I., Siegrist, P., Simonetti, S., Simonetto, F., Sissakian, A N., Skjevling, G., Smadja, G., Smirnova, O G., Smith, G R., Sosnowski, R., Souza-Santos, D., Spassov, T.S., Spiriti, E., Squarcia, S., Staeck, H., Stanescu, C., Stapnes, S., Stavropoulos, G., Stichelbaut, F., Stocchi, A., Strauss, J., Straver, J., Strub, R., Stugu, B., Szczekowski, M., Szeptycka, M., Szymanski, P., Tabarelli, T., Tchikilev, O., Theodosiou, G E., Tilquin, A., Timmermans, J., Timofeev, V G., Tkatchev, L G., Todorov, T., Toet, D Z., Toker, O., Tomaradze, A., Tome, B., Torassa, E., Tortora, L., Treille, D., Trischuk, W., Tristram, G., Troncon, C., Tsirou, A., Tsyganov, E N., Turluer, M L., Tuuva, T., Tyapkin, I A., Tyndel, M., Tzamarias, S., Ueberschaer, S., Ullaland, O., Uvarov, V., Valenti, G., Vallazza, E., Valls Ferrer, J A., Vander Velde, C., van Apeldoorn, G W., van Dam, P., van der Heijden, M., Van Doninck, W., Van Eldik, J., Vaz, P., Vegni, G., Ventura, L., Venus, W., Verbeure, F., Verlato, M., Vertogradov, L S., Vilanova, D., Vincent, P., Vitale, L., Vlasov, E., Vodopyanov, A., Vollmer, M., Voutilainen, M., Vrba, V., Wahlen, H., Walck, C., Waldner, F., Wehr, A., Weierstall, M., Weilhammer, P., Wetherell, A M., Wickens, J H., Wilkinson, G R., Williams, W S C., Winter, M., Witek, M., Wormser, G., Woschnagg, K., Yamdagni, N., Yepes, P., Zaitsev, A., Zalewska, A., Zalewski, P., Zanin, M., Zavrtanik, D., Zevgolatakos, E., Zimin, N I., Zito, M., Zontar, D., Zuberi, R., Zumerle, G., Zuniga, J., Abreu, P., Adam, W., Adye, T., Agasi, E., Aleksan, R., Alekseev, G D., Algeri, A., Allen, P., Almehed, S., Alvsvaag, S J., Amaldi, U., Andreazza, A., Antilogus, P., Apel, W D., Apsimon, R J., Arnoud, Y., Aasman, B., Augustin, J.-E., Augustinus, A., Baillon, P., Bambade, P., Barao, F., Barate, R., Barbiellini, G., Bardin, D Yu., Barker, G J., Baroncelli, A., Barring, O., Barrio, J A., Bartl, W., Bates, M J., Battaglia, M., Baubillier, M., Becks, K H., Begalli, M., Beilliere, P., Belokopytov, Yu., Beltran, P., Benedic, D., Benvenuti, A C., Berggren, M., Bertrand, D., Bianchi, F., Bilenky, M S., Billoir, P., Bjarne, J., Bloch, D., Blocki, J., Blyth, S., Bocci, V., Bogolubov, P N., Bolognese, T., Bonesini, M., Bonivento, W., Booth, P S L., Borisov, G., Borner, H., Bosio, C., Bostjancic, B., Bosworth, S., Botner, O., Boudinov, E., Bouquet, B., Bourdarios, C., Bowcock, T J V., Bozzo, M., Braibant, S., Branchini, P., Brand, K D., Brenner, R A., Briand, H., Bricman, C., Brillault, L., Brown, R C A., Bruckman, P., Brunet, J M., Budziak, A., Bugge, L., Buran, T., Burmeister, H., Buytaert, J A M A., Caccia, M., Calvi, M., Camacho Rozas, A J., Campion, R., Camporesi, T., Canale, V., Cao, F., Carena, F., Carroll, L., Castillo-Gimenez, M V., Cattai, A., Cavallo, F R., Cerrito, L., Chabaud, V., Chan, A., Charpentier, P., Chaussard, L., Chauveau, J., Checchia, P., Chelkov, G A., Chevalier, L., Chliapnikov, P V., Chorowicz, V., Chrin, J T M., Cindro, V., Collins, P., Contreras, J.L., Contri, R., Cortina, E., Cosme, G., Couchot, F., Crawley, H.B., Crennell, D., Crosetti, G., Cuevas Maestro, J., Czellar, S., Dahl-Jensen, E., Dalmagne, B., Dam, M., Damgaard, G., Darbo, G., Daubie, E., Daum, A., Dauncey, P D., Davenport, M., Davies, J., Da Silva, W., Defoix, C., Delpierre, P A., Demaria, N., De Angelis, A., De Boeck, H., de Boer, W., De Brabandere, S., De Clercq, C., De Fez Laso, M D M., de la Vaissiere, C., De Lotto, B., De Min, A., Dijkstra, H., Di Ciaccio, L., Dolbeau, J., Donszelmann, M., Doroba, K., Dracos, M., Drees, J., Dris, M., Dufour, Y., Dupont, F., Edsall, D., Eek, L O., Eerola, P A M., Ehret, R., Ekeloef, T., Ekspong, G., Elliot-Peisert, A., Elsing, M., Engel, J.P., Ershaidat, N., Espirito-Santo, M., Falaleev, V P., Fassouliotis, D., Feindt, M., Ferrer, A., Filippas, T A., Firestone, A., Foeth, H., Fokitis, E., Fontanelli, F., Forbes, K A J., Fousset, J L., Francon, S., Franek, B., Frenkiel, P., Fries, D C., Frodesen, A G., Fulda-Quenzer, F., Fuerstenau, H., Fuster, J., Gamba, D., Garcia, C., Garcia, J., Gaspar, C., Gasparini, U., Gavillet, P., Gazis, E N., Gerber, J.P., Giacomelli, P., Gillespie, D., Gokieli, R., Golob, B., Golovatyuk, V M., Gomez, Y Cadenas J.J., Gopal, G., Gorn, L., Gorski, M., Gracco, V., Grant, A., Grard, F., Graziani, E., Grosdidier, G., Gross, E., Grossetete, B., Gumenyuk, S A., Guy, J., Haedinger, U., Hahn, F., Hahn, M., Haider, S., Hajduk, Z., Hakansson, A., Hallgren, A., Hamacher, K., Hamel de Monchenault, G., Hao, W., Harris, F J., Hedberg, V., Henkes, T., Henriques, R., Hernandez, J J., Herquet, P., Herr, H., Hessing, T L., Hietanen, I., Higgins, C O., Higon, E., Hilke, H J., Hodgson, S D., Hofmokl, T., Holmgren, S O., Holt, P J., Holthuizen, D., Honore, P F., Houlden, M., Hrubec, J., Huet, K., Hulth, P O., Hultqvist, K., Ioannou, P., Iversen, P S., Jackson, J N., Jalocha, P., Jarlskog, G., Jarry, P., Jean-Marie, B., Johansson, E K., Jonker, M., Joensson, L., Juillot, P., Kalkanis, G., Kalmus, G., Kapusta, F., Karlsson, M., Karvelas, E., Katsanevas, S., Katsoufis, E C., Keraenen, R., Khomenko, B A., Khovanskii, N N., King, B., Kjaer, N J., Klein, H., Klovning, A., Kluit, P., Koch-Mehrin, A., Koehne, J H., Koene, B., Kokkinias, P., Koratzinos, M., Korcyl, K., Korytov, A V., Kostyukhin, V., Kourkoumelis, C., Kuznetsov, O., Kramer, P H., Krammer, M., Kreuter, C., Krolikowski, J., Kronkvist, I., Kruener-Marquis, U., Kucewicz, W., Kulka, K., Kurvinen, K., Lacasta, C., Lambropoulos, C., Lamsa, J W., Lanceri, L., Lapin, V., Last, I., Laugier, J P., Lauhakangas, R., Leder, G., Ledroit, F., Leitner, R., Lemoigne, Y., Lemonne, J., Lenzen, G., Lepeltier, V., Lesiak, T., Levy, J.M., Lieb, E., Liko, D., Lindgren, J., Lindner, R., Lippi, I., Loerstad, B., Lokajicek, M., Loken, J G., Lopez-Fernandez, A., Lopez-Aguera, M A., Los, M., Loukas, D., Lozano, J J., Lutz, P., Lyons Collins, P., Contreras, J L., Crawley, H B., Maehlum, G., Maillard, J., Maio, A., Maltezos, A., Mandl, F., Marco, J., Margoni, M., Marin, J C., Markou, A., Maron, T., Marti, S., Martinez-Rivero, C., Matorras, F., Matteuzzi, C., Matthiae, G., Mazzucato, M., McCubbin, M., McKay, R., McNulty, R., Meola, G., Meroni, C., Meyer, W T., Michelotto, M., Mikulec, I., Mirabito, L., Mitaroff, W A., Mitselmakher, G V., Mjoernmark, U., Moa, T., Moeller, R., Moenig, K., Monge, M R., Morettini, P., Mueller, H., Murray, W J., Myatt, G., Navarria, F L., Negri, P., Nemecek, S., Nicolaidou, R., Nielsen, B S., Nijjhar, B., Nikolaenko, V., Nilsen, P E S., Niss, P., Nomerotski, A., Obraztsov, V F., Olshevskii, A G., Orava, R., Ostankov, A., Osterberg, K., Ouraou, A., Paganoni, M., Pain, R., Palka, H., Papadopoulou, T D., Pape, L., Parodi, F., Passeri, A., Pegoraro, M., Pennanen, J., Peralta, L., Pernegger, H., Pernicka, M., Perrotta, A., Petridou, C., Petrolini, A., Piana, G., Pierre, F., Pimenta, M., Plaszczynski, S., Podobrin, O., Pol, M E., Polok, G., Poropat, P., Pozdnyakov, V., Privitera, P., Pullia, A., Radojicic, D., Ragazzi, S., Rahmani, H., Rames, J., Ratoff, P N., Read, A L., Rebecchi, P., Redaelli, N G., Regler, M., Reid, D., Renton, P B., Resvanis, L K., Richard, F., Richardson, M., Ridky, J., Rinaudo, G., Roditi, I., Romero, A., Roncagliolo, I., Ronchese, P., Ronnqvist, C., Rosenberg, E I., Rosso, E., Roudeau, P., Rovelli, T., Ruckstuhl, W., Ruhlmann-Kleider, V., Ruiz, A., Saarikko, H., Sacquin, Y., Sajot, G., Salt, J., Sanchez, J., Sannino, M., Schael, S., Schneider, H., Schyns, M A E., Sciolla, G., Scuri, F., Segar, A M., Seitz, A., Sekulin, R L., Sessa, M., Seufert, R., Shellard, R C., Siccama, I., Siegrist, P., Simonetti, S., Simonetto, F., Sissakian, A N., Skjevling, G., Smadja, G., Smirnova, O G., Smith, G R., Sosnowski, R., Souza-Santos, D., Spassov, T.S., Spiriti, E., Squarcia, S., Staeck, H., Stanescu, C., Stapnes, S., Stavropoulos, G., Stichelbaut, F., Stocchi, A., Strauss, J., Straver, J., Strub, R., Stugu, B., Szczekowski, M., Szeptycka, M., Szymanski, P., Tabarelli, T., Tchikilev, O., Theodosiou, G E., Tilquin, A., Timmermans, J., Timofeev, V G., Tkatchev, L G., Todorov, T., Toet, D Z., Toker, O., Tomaradze, A., Tome, B., Torassa, E., Tortora, L., Treille, D., Trischuk, W., Tristram, G., Troncon, C., Tsirou, A., Tsyganov, E N., Turluer, M L., Tuuva, T., Tyapkin, I A., Tyndel, M., Tzamarias, S., Ueberschaer, S., Ullaland, O., Uvarov, V., Valenti, G., Vallazza, E., Valls Ferrer, J A., Vander Velde, C., van Apeldoorn, G W., van Dam, P., van der Heijden, M., Van Doninck, W., Van Eldik, J., Vaz, P., Vegni, G., Ventura, L., Venus, W., Verbeure, F., Verlato, M., Vertogradov, L S., Vilanova, D., Vincent, P., Vitale, L., Vlasov, E., Vodopyanov, A., Vollmer, M., Voutilainen, M., Vrba, V., Wahlen, H., Walck, C., Waldner, F., Wehr, A., Weierstall, M., Weilhammer, P., Wetherell, A M., Wickens, J H., Wilkinson, G R., Williams, W S C., Winter, M., Witek, M., Wormser, G., Woschnagg, K., Yamdagni, N., Yepes, P., Zaitsev, A., Zalewska, A., Zalewski, P., Zanin, M., Zavrtanik, D., Zevgolatakos, E., Zimin, N I., Zito, M., Zontar, D., Zuberi, R., Zumerle, G., and Zuniga, J.
213. Production rate and decay lifetime measurement of B$^{0}_{s}$ mesons at LEP using D$_{s}$ and $\phi$ mesons
- Author
Abreu, P., Adam, W., Adye, T., Agasi, E., Aleksan, R., Alekseev, G D., Algeri, A., Allen, P., Almehed, S., Alvsvaag, S J., Amaldi, U., Andreazza, A., Antilogus, P., Apel, W D., Apsimon, R J., Arnoud, Y., Aasman, B., Augustin, J.-E., Augustinus, A., Baillon, P., Bambade, P., Barao, F., Barate, R., Barbiellini, G., Bardin, D Yu., Barker, G J., Baroncelli, A., Baerring, O., Barrio, J A., Bartl, W., Bates, M J., Battaglia, M., Baubillier, M., Becks, K H., Begalli, M., Beilliere, P., Belokopytov, Yu., Beltran, P., Benedic, D., Benvenuti, A C., Berggren, M., Bertrand, D., Bianchi, F., Bilenkii, M S., Billoir, P., Bjarne, J., Bloch, D., Blocki, J., Blyth, S., Bocci, V., Bogolubov, P N., Bolognese, T., Bonesini, M., Bonivento, W., Booth, P S L., Borisov, G., Borner, H., Bosio, C., Bostjancic, B., Bosworth, S., Botner, O., Boudinov, E., Bouquet, B., Bourdarios, C., Bowcock, T J V., Bozzo, M., Braibant, S., Branchini, P., Brand, K D., Brenner, R A., Briand, H., Bricman, C., Brillault, L., Brown, R C A., Brueckman, P., Brunet, J M., Budziak, A., Bugge, L., Buran, T., Burmeister, H., Buytaert, J A M A., Caccia, M., Calvi, M., Camacho Rozas, A J., Campion, R., Camporesi, T., Canale, V., Cao, F., Carena, F., Carroll, L., Caso, C., Castillo-Gimenez, M V., Cattai, A., Cavallo, F R., Cerrito, L., Chabaud, V., Chan, A., Charpentier, P., Chaussard, L., Chauveau, J., Checchia, P., Chelkov, G A., Chevalier, L., Chliapnikov, P V., Chorowicz, V., Chrin, J T M., Cindro, V., Collins, P., Contreras, J L., Contri, R., Cortina, E., Cosme, G., Couchot, F., Crawley, H B., Crennell, D., Crosetti, G., Cuevas-Maestro, J., Czellar, S., Dahl-Jensen, E., D'Almagne, B., Dam, M., Damgaard, G., Darbo, G., Daubie, E., Daum, A., Dauncey, P D., Davenport, M., Davies, J., Da Silva, W., Defoix, C., Delpierre, P A., Demaria, N., De Angelis, A., De Boeck, H., de Boer, W., De Brabandere, S., De Clercq, C., De Fez Laso, M D M., de la Vaissiere, C., De Lotto, B., De Min, A., Dijkstra, H., Di Ciaccio, L., Dolbeau, J., Doenszelmann, M., Doroba, K., Dracos, M., Drees, J., Dris, M., Dufour, Y., Dupont, F., Edsall, D., Eek, L O., Eerola, P A M., Ehret, R., Ekeloef, T., Ekspong, G., Elliot-Peisert, A., Elsing, M., Engel, J.P., Ershaidat, N., Espirito-Santo, M., Falaleev, V., Fassouliotis, D., Feindt, M., Ferrer, A., Filippas, T A., Firestone, A., Foeth, H., Fokitis, E., Fontanelli, F., Forbes, K A J., Fousset, J L., Francon, S., Franek, B., Frenkiel, P., Fries, D C., Frodesen, A G., Fulda-Quenzer, F., Fuerstenau, H., Fuster, J., Gamba, D., Garcia, C., Garcia, J., Gaspar, C., Gasparini, U., Gavillet, P., Gazis, E N., Gerber, J.P., Giacomelli, P., Gillespie, D., Gokieli, R., Golob, B., Golovatyuk, V M., Gomez-Cadenas, J J., Gopal, G., Gorn, L., Gorski, M., Gracco, V., Grant, A., Grard, F., Graziani, E., Grosdidier, G., Gross, E., Grossetete, B., Gumenyuk, S A., Guy, J., Haedinger, U., Hahn, F., Hahn, M., Haider, S., Hajduk, Z., Hakansson, A., Hallgren, A., Hamacher, K., Hamel de Monchenault, G., Hao, W., Harris, F J., Hedberg, V., Henkes, T., Henriques, R., Hernandez, J J., Herquet, P., Herr, H., Hessing, T L., Hietanen, I., Higgins, C O., Higon, E., Hilke, H J., Hodgson, S D., Hofmokl, T., Holmgren, S O., Holt, P J., Holthuizen, D., Honore, P F., Houlden, M., Hrubec, J., Huet, K., Hulth, P O., Hultqvist, K., Ioannou, P., Iversen, P S., Jackson, J N., Jalocha, P., Jarlskog, G., Jarry, P., Jean-Marie, B., Johansson, E K., Jonker, M., Joensson, L., Juillot, P., Kalkanis, G., Kalmus, G., Kapusta, F., Karlsson, M., Karvelas, E., Katsanevas, S., Katsoufis, E C., Keraenen, R., Khomenko, B A., Khovanskii, N N., King, B., Kjaer, N J., Klein, H., Klovning, A., Kluit, P., Koch-Mehrin, A., Koehne, J H., Koene, B., Kokkinias, P., Koratzinos, M., Korcyl, K., Korytov, A V., Kostyukhin, V., Kourkoumelis, C., Kuznetsov, O., Kramer, P H., Krammer, M., Kreuter, C., Krolikowski, J., Kronkvist, I., Kruener-Marquis, U., Kucewicz, W., Kulka, K., Kurvinen, K., Lacasta, C., Lambropoulos, C., Lamsa, J W., Lanceri, L., Lapin, V., Last, I., Laugier, J P., Lauhakangas, R., Leder, G., Ledroit, F., Leitner, R., Lemoigne, Y., Lemonne, J., Lenzen, G., Lepeltier, V., Lesiak, T., Levy, J.M., Lieb, E., Liko, D., Lindgren, J., Lindner, R., Lippi, I., Loerstad, B., Lokajicek, M., Loken, J G., Lopez-Fernandez, A., Lopez-Aguera, M A., Los, M., Loukas, D., Lozano, J J., Lutz, P., Lyons, L., Maehlum, G., Maillard, J., Maio, A., Maltezos, A., Mandl, F., Marco, J., Margoni, M., Marin, J C., Markou, A., Maron, T., Marti, S., Martinez-Rivero, C., Matorras, F., Matteuzzi, C., Matthiae, G., Mazzucato, M., McCubbin, M., McKay, R., McNulty, R., Meola, G., Meroni, C., Meyer, W T., Michelotto, M., Mikulec, I., Mirabito, L., Mitaroff, W A., Mitselmakher, G V., Mjoernmark, U., Moa, T., Moeller, R., Moenig, K., Monge, M R., Morettini, P., Mueller, H., Murray, W J., Myatt, G., Navarria, F L., Negri, P., Nemecek, S., Nicolaidou, R., Nielsen, B S., Nijjhar, B., Nikolaenko, V., Nilsen, P E S., Niss, P., Nomerotski, A., Obraztsov, V F., Olshevski, A G., Orava, R., Ostankov, A., Osterberg, K., Ouraou, A., Paganoni, M., Pain, R., Palka, H., Papadopoulou, T D., Pape, L., Parodi, F., Passeri, A., Pegoraro, M., Pennanen, J., Peralta, L., Pernegger, H., Pernicka, M., Perrotta, A., Petridou, C., Petrolini, A., Piana, G., Pierre, F., Pimenta, M., Plaszczynski, S., Podobrin, O., Pol, M E., Polok, G., Poropat, P., Pozdniakov, V., Privitera, P., Pullia, A., Radojicic, D., Ragazzi, S., Rahmani, H., Rames, J., Ratoff, P N., Read, A L., Rebecchi, P., Redaelli, N G., Regler, M., Reid, D., Renton, P B., Resvanis, L K., Richard, F., Richardson, M., Ridky, J., Rinaudo, G., Roditi, I., Romero, A., Roncagliolo, I., Ronchese, P., Roennqvist, C., Rosenberg, E I., Rosso, E., Roudeau, P., Rovelli, T., Ruckstuhl, W., Ruhlmann-Kleider, V., Ruiz, A., Saarikko, H., Sacquin, Y., Sajot, G., Salt, J., Sanchez, J., Sannino, M., Schael, S., Schneider, H., Schyns, M A E., Sciolla, G., Scuri, F., Segar, A M., Seitz, A., Sekulin, R L., Sessa, M., Seufert, R., Shellard, R C., Siccama, I., Siegrist, P., Simonetti, S., Simonetto, F., Sissakian, A N., Skjevling, G., Smadja, G., Smirnova, O G., Smith, G R., Sosnowski, R., Souza-Santos, D., Spassov, T S., Spiriti, E., Squarcia, S., Staeck, H., Stanescu, C., Stapnes, S., Stavropoulos, G., Stichelbaut, F., Stocchi, A., Strauss, J., Straver, J., Strub, R., Stugu, B., Szczekowski, M., Szeptycka, M., Szymanski, P., Tabarelli, T., Chikilev, O., Theodosiou, G E., Tilquin, A., Timmermans, J., Timofeev, V G., Tkatchev, L G., Todorov, T., Toet, D Z., Toker, O., Tomaradze, A., Tome, B., Torassa, E., Tortora, L., Trischuk, W., Tristram, G., Troncon, C., Tsirou, A., Tsyganov, E N., Turluer, M L., Tuuva, T., Tyapkin, I A., Tyndel, M., Tzamarias, S., Ueberschaer, S., Ullaland, O., Uvarov, V., Valenti, G., Vallazza, E., Valls Ferrer, J A., Vander Velde, C., van Apeldoorn, G W., van Dam, P., van der Heijden, M., Van Doninck, W., Van Eldik, J., Vaz, P., Vegni, G., Ventura, L., Venus, W., Verbeure, F., Verlato, M., Vertogradov, L S., Vilanova, D., Vincent, P., Vitale, L., Vlasov, E., Vodopyanov, A S., Vollmer, M., Voutilainen, M., Vrba, V., Wahlen, H., Walck, C., Waldner, F., Wehr, A., Weierstall, M., Weilhammer, P., Wetherell, A M., Wickens, J H., Wilkinson, G R., Williams, W S C., Winter, M., Witek, M., Wormser, G., Woschnagg, K., Yamdagni, N., Yepes, P., Zaitsev, A., Zalewska, A., Zalewski, P., Zanin, M., Zavrtanik, D., Zevgolatakos, E., Zimin, N I., Zito, M., Zontar, D., Zuberi, R., Zumerle, G., Zuniga, J., Abreu, P., Adam, W., Adye, T., Agasi, E., Aleksan, R., Alekseev, G D., Algeri, A., Allen, P., Almehed, S., Alvsvaag, S J., Amaldi, U., Andreazza, A., Antilogus, P., Apel, W D., Apsimon, R J., Arnoud, Y., Aasman, B., Augustin, J.-E., Augustinus, A., Baillon, P., Bambade, P., Barao, F., Barate, R., Barbiellini, G., Bardin, D Yu., Barker, G J., Baroncelli, A., Baerring, O., Barrio, J A., Bartl, W., Bates, M J., Battaglia, M., Baubillier, M., Becks, K H., Begalli, M., Beilliere, P., Belokopytov, Yu., Beltran, P., Benedic, D., Benvenuti, A C., Berggren, M., Bertrand, D., Bianchi, F., Bilenkii, M S., Billoir, P., Bjarne, J., Bloch, D., Blocki, J., Blyth, S., Bocci, V., Bogolubov, P N., Bolognese, T., Bonesini, M., Bonivento, W., Booth, P S L., Borisov, G., Borner, H., Bosio, C., Bostjancic, B., Bosworth, S., Botner, O., Boudinov, E., Bouquet, B., Bourdarios, C., Bowcock, T J V., Bozzo, M., Braibant, S., Branchini, P., Brand, K D., Brenner, R A., Briand, H., Bricman, C., Brillault, L., Brown, R C A., Brueckman, P., Brunet, J M., Budziak, A., Bugge, L., Buran, T., Burmeister, H., Buytaert, J A M A., Caccia, M., Calvi, M., Camacho Rozas, A J., Campion, R., Camporesi, T., Canale, V., Cao, F., Carena, F., Carroll, L., Caso, C., Castillo-Gimenez, M V., Cattai, A., Cavallo, F R., Cerrito, L., Chabaud, V., Chan, A., Charpentier, P., Chaussard, L., Chauveau, J., Checchia, P., Chelkov, G A., Chevalier, L., Chliapnikov, P V., Chorowicz, V., Chrin, J T M., Cindro, V., Collins, P., Contreras, J L., Contri, R., Cortina, E., Cosme, G., Couchot, F., Crawley, H B., Crennell, D., Crosetti, G., Cuevas-Maestro, J., Czellar, S., Dahl-Jensen, E., D'Almagne, B., Dam, M., Damgaard, G., Darbo, G., Daubie, E., Daum, A., Dauncey, P D., Davenport, M., Davies, J., Da Silva, W., Defoix, C., Delpierre, P A., Demaria, N., De Angelis, A., De Boeck, H., de Boer, W., De Brabandere, S., De Clercq, C., De Fez Laso, M D M., de la Vaissiere, C., De Lotto, B., De Min, A., Dijkstra, H., Di Ciaccio, L., Dolbeau, J., Doenszelmann, M., Doroba, K., Dracos, M., Drees, J., Dris, M., Dufour, Y., Dupont, F., Edsall, D., Eek, L O., Eerola, P A M., Ehret, R., Ekeloef, T., Ekspong, G., Elliot-Peisert, A., Elsing, M., Engel, J.P., Ershaidat, N., Espirito-Santo, M., Falaleev, V., Fassouliotis, D., Feindt, M., Ferrer, A., Filippas, T A., Firestone, A., Foeth, H., Fokitis, E., Fontanelli, F., Forbes, K A J., Fousset, J L., Francon, S., Franek, B., Frenkiel, P., Fries, D C., Frodesen, A G., Fulda-Quenzer, F., Fuerstenau, H., Fuster, J., Gamba, D., Garcia, C., Garcia, J., Gaspar, C., Gasparini, U., Gavillet, P., Gazis, E N., Gerber, J.P., Giacomelli, P., Gillespie, D., Gokieli, R., Golob, B., Golovatyuk, V M., Gomez-Cadenas, J J., Gopal, G., Gorn, L., Gorski, M., Gracco, V., Grant, A., Grard, F., Graziani, E., Grosdidier, G., Gross, E., Grossetete, B., Gumenyuk, S A., Guy, J., Haedinger, U., Hahn, F., Hahn, M., Haider, S., Hajduk, Z., Hakansson, A., Hallgren, A., Hamacher, K., Hamel de Monchenault, G., Hao, W., Harris, F J., Hedberg, V., Henkes, T., Henriques, R., Hernandez, J J., Herquet, P., Herr, H., Hessing, T L., Hietanen, I., Higgins, C O., Higon, E., Hilke, H J., Hodgson, S D., Hofmokl, T., Holmgren, S O., Holt, P J., Holthuizen, D., Honore, P F., Houlden, M., Hrubec, J., Huet, K., Hulth, P O., Hultqvist, K., Ioannou, P., Iversen, P S., Jackson, J N., Jalocha, P., Jarlskog, G., Jarry, P., Jean-Marie, B., Johansson, E K., Jonker, M., Joensson, L., Juillot, P., Kalkanis, G., Kalmus, G., Kapusta, F., Karlsson, M., Karvelas, E., Katsanevas, S., Katsoufis, E C., Keraenen, R., Khomenko, B A., Khovanskii, N N., King, B., Kjaer, N J., Klein, H., Klovning, A., Kluit, P., Koch-Mehrin, A., Koehne, J H., Koene, B., Kokkinias, P., Koratzinos, M., Korcyl, K., Korytov, A V., Kostyukhin, V., Kourkoumelis, C., Kuznetsov, O., Kramer, P H., Krammer, M., Kreuter, C., Krolikowski, J., Kronkvist, I., Kruener-Marquis, U., Kucewicz, W., Kulka, K., Kurvinen, K., Lacasta, C., Lambropoulos, C., Lamsa, J W., Lanceri, L., Lapin, V., Last, I., Laugier, J P., Lauhakangas, R., Leder, G., Ledroit, F., Leitner, R., Lemoigne, Y., Lemonne, J., Lenzen, G., Lepeltier, V., Lesiak, T., Levy, J.M., Lieb, E., Liko, D., Lindgren, J., Lindner, R., Lippi, I., Loerstad, B., Lokajicek, M., Loken, J G., Lopez-Fernandez, A., Lopez-Aguera, M A., Los, M., Loukas, D., Lozano, J J., Lutz, P., Lyons, L., Maehlum, G., Maillard, J., Maio, A., Maltezos, A., Mandl, F., Marco, J., Margoni, M., Marin, J C., Markou, A., Maron, T., Marti, S., Martinez-Rivero, C., Matorras, F., Matteuzzi, C., Matthiae, G., Mazzucato, M., McCubbin, M., McKay, R., McNulty, R., Meola, G., Meroni, C., Meyer, W T., Michelotto, M., Mikulec, I., Mirabito, L., Mitaroff, W A., Mitselmakher, G V., Mjoernmark, U., Moa, T., Moeller, R., Moenig, K., Monge, M R., Morettini, P., Mueller, H., Murray, W J., Myatt, G., Navarria, F L., Negri, P., Nemecek, S., Nicolaidou, R., Nielsen, B S., Nijjhar, B., Nikolaenko, V., Nilsen, P E S., Niss, P., Nomerotski, A., Obraztsov, V F., Olshevski, A G., Orava, R., Ostankov, A., Osterberg, K., Ouraou, A., Paganoni, M., Pain, R., Palka, H., Papadopoulou, T D., Pape, L., Parodi, F., Passeri, A., Pegoraro, M., Pennanen, J., Peralta, L., Pernegger, H., Pernicka, M., Perrotta, A., Petridou, C., Petrolini, A., Piana, G., Pierre, F., Pimenta, M., Plaszczynski, S., Podobrin, O., Pol, M E., Polok, G., Poropat, P., Pozdniakov, V., Privitera, P., Pullia, A., Radojicic, D., Ragazzi, S., Rahmani, H., Rames, J., Ratoff, P N., Read, A L., Rebecchi, P., Redaelli, N G., Regler, M., Reid, D., Renton, P B., Resvanis, L K., Richard, F., Richardson, M., Ridky, J., Rinaudo, G., Roditi, I., Romero, A., Roncagliolo, I., Ronchese, P., Roennqvist, C., Rosenberg, E I., Rosso, E., Roudeau, P., Rovelli, T., Ruckstuhl, W., Ruhlmann-Kleider, V., Ruiz, A., Saarikko, H., Sacquin, Y., Sajot, G., Salt, J., Sanchez, J., Sannino, M., Schael, S., Schneider, H., Schyns, M A E., Sciolla, G., Scuri, F., Segar, A M., Seitz, A., Sekulin, R L., Sessa, M., Seufert, R., Shellard, R C., Siccama, I., Siegrist, P., Simonetti, S., Simonetto, F., Sissakian, A N., Skjevling, G., Smadja, G., Smirnova, O G., Smith, G R., Sosnowski, R., Souza-Santos, D., Spassov, T S., Spiriti, E., Squarcia, S., Staeck, H., Stanescu, C., Stapnes, S., Stavropoulos, G., Stichelbaut, F., Stocchi, A., Strauss, J., Straver, J., Strub, R., Stugu, B., Szczekowski, M., Szeptycka, M., Szymanski, P., Tabarelli, T., Chikilev, O., Theodosiou, G E., Tilquin, A., Timmermans, J., Timofeev, V G., Tkatchev, L G., Todorov, T., Toet, D Z., Toker, O., Tomaradze, A., Tome, B., Torassa, E., Tortora, L., Trischuk, W., Tristram, G., Troncon, C., Tsirou, A., Tsyganov, E N., Turluer, M L., Tuuva, T., Tyapkin, I A., Tyndel, M., Tzamarias, S., Ueberschaer, S., Ullaland, O., Uvarov, V., Valenti, G., Vallazza, E., Valls Ferrer, J A., Vander Velde, C., van Apeldoorn, G W., van Dam, P., van der Heijden, M., Van Doninck, W., Van Eldik, J., Vaz, P., Vegni, G., Ventura, L., Venus, W., Verbeure, F., Verlato, M., Vertogradov, L S., Vilanova, D., Vincent, P., Vitale, L., Vlasov, E., Vodopyanov, A S., Vollmer, M., Voutilainen, M., Vrba, V., Wahlen, H., Walck, C., Waldner, F., Wehr, A., Weierstall, M., Weilhammer, P., Wetherell, A M., Wickens, J H., Wilkinson, G R., Williams, W S C., Winter, M., Witek, M., Wormser, G., Woschnagg, K., Yamdagni, N., Yepes, P., Zaitsev, A., Zalewska, A., Zalewski, P., Zanin, M., Zavrtanik, D., Zevgolatakos, E., Zimin, N I., Zito, M., Zontar, D., Zuberi, R., Zumerle, G., and Zuniga, J.
214. Production of Lambda and Lambda anti-Lambda correlations in the hadronic decays of the Z0
- Author
DELPHI Collaboration, Abreu, P, Adam, W, Adye, T, Agasi, E, Aleksan, R, Alekseev, G D, Algeri, A, Allen, P, Almehed, S, Alvsvaag, S J, Amaldi, U, Andreazza, A, Antilogus, P, Apel, W D, Apsimon, R J, Arnoud, Y, Asman, B, Augustin, J E, Augustinus, A, Baillon, P, Bambade, P, Barao, F, Barate, R, Barbiellini, G, Bardin, D Yu, Barker, G, Baroncelli, A, Barring, O, Barrio, J A, Bartl, W, Bates, M J, Battaglia, M, Baubillier, M, Becks, K H, Begalli, M, Beilliere, P, Belokopytov, Yu, Beltran, P, Benedic, D, Benvenuti, A C, Berggren, M, Bertrand, D, Bianchi, F, Bilenky, Mikhail S, Billoir, P, Bjarne, J, Bloch, D, Blocki, J, Blyth, S, Bocci, V, Bogolyubov, P, Bolognese, T, Bonesini, M, Bonivento, W, Booth, P S L, Borisov, G, Borner, H, Bosio, C, Bostjancic, B, Bosworth, S, Botner, O, Boudinov, E, Bouquet, B, Bourdarios, C, Bowcock, T J V, Bozzo, M, Braibant, S, Branchini, P, Brand, K D, Brenner, R A, Briand, H, Bricman, C, Brillault, L, Brown, R C A, Bruckman, P, Brunet, J M, Budziak, A, Bugge, L, Buran, T, Burmeister, H, Buytaert, J A M A, Caccia, M, Calvi, M, Camacho Rozas, A J, Campion, R, Camporesi, T, Canale, V, Cao, F, Carena, F, Carroll, L, Castillo Gimenez, M V, Cattai, A, Cavallo, F R, Cerrito, L, Chabaud, V, Chan, A, Charpentier, P, Chaussard, L, Chauveau, J, Checchia, P, Chelkov, G A, Chevalier, L, Chliapnikov, P, Chorowicz, V, Chrin, J T, Cindro, V, Collins, P, Contreras, J L, Contri, R, Cortina, E, Cosme, G, Couchot, F, Crawley, H B, Crennell, D, Crosetti, G, Cuevas Maestro, J, Czellar, S, Dahl-Jensen, E, D'Almagne, B, Dam, M, Damgaard, G, Darbo, G, Daubie, E, Daum, A, Dauncey, P D, Davenport, M, Davies, J, Da Silva, W, Defoix, C, Delpierre, P, Demaria, N, De Angelis, A, De Boeck, H, De Boer, W, De Brabandere, S, De Clercq, C, De Fez Laso, M D M, De la Vaissiere, C, De Lotto, B, De Min, A, Dijkstra, H, Di Ciaccio, L, Dolbeau, J, Donszelmann, M, Doroba, K, Dracos, M, Drees, J, Dris, M, Dufour, Y, Dupont, F, Edsall, D, Eek, L O, Eerola, P A M, Ehret, R, Ekelof, T, Ekspong, G, Elliot Peisert, A, Elsing, M, Engel, J P, Ershaidat, W, Espirito Santo, M, Falaleev, B, Fassouliotis, D, Feindt, M, Ferrer, A, Filippas, T A, Firestone, A, Foeth, H, Fokitis, E, Fontanelli, F, Forbes, K A J, Fousset, J L, Francon, S, Franek, B, Frenkiel, P, Fries, D C, Frodesen, A G, Fulda-Quenzer, F, Furstenau, H, Fuster, J, Gamba, D, Garcia, C, Garcia, J, Gaspar, C, Gasparini, U, Gavillet, P, Gazis, E N, Gerber, J P, Giacomelli, P, Gillespie, D, Gokieli, R, Golob, B, Golovatyuk, V M, Gomez y Cadenas, J J, Gopal, G, Gorn, L, Gorski, M, Gracco, V, Grant, A, Grard, F, Graziani, E, Grosdidier, G, Gross, E, Grossetete, B, Gumenyuk, S, Guy, J, Haedinger, U, Hahn, F, Hahn, M, Haider, S, Hajduk, Z, Hakansson, A, Hallgren, A, Hamacher, K, Hamel de Monchenault, G, Hao, W, Harris, F J, Hedberg, V, Henkes, T, Henriques, R, Hernandez, J J, Herquet, P, Herr, H, Hessing, T L, Hietanen, I, Higgins, C O, Higon, E, Hilke, H J, Hodgson, S D, Hofmokl, T, Holmgren, S O, Holt, P J, Holthuizen, D, Honore, P F, Houlden, M, Hrubec, J, Huet, C, Hulth, P O, Hultqvist, K, Ioannou, P, Iversen, P S, Jackson, J N, Jalocha, P, Jarlskog, G, Jarry, P, Jean-Marie, B, Johansson, E K, Jonker, M, Jonsson, L, Juillot, P, Kalkanis, G, Kalmus, G, Kapusta, F, Karlsson, M, Karvelas, E, Katsanevas, S, Katsoufis, E C, Keranen, R, Khomenko, B A, Khovanski, N N, King, B, Kjaer, N J, Klein, Hansjorg, Klovning, A, Kluit, P, Koch-Mehrin, A, Kohne, J H, Koene, B, Kokkinias, P, Koratzinos, M, Korcyl, K, Korytov, A V, Kostioukhine, V, Kourkoumelis, C, Kouznetsov, O, Kramer, P H, Krammer, M, Kreuter, C, Krolikowski, J, Kronkvist, I, Kruner-Marquis, U, Kucewicz, W, Kulka, K, Kurvinen, K, Lacasta, C, Lambropoulos, C, Lamsa, J W, Lanceri, L, Lapin, V, Last, I, Laugier, J P, Lauhakangas, R, Leder, G, Ledroit, F, Leitner, R, Lemoigne, Y, Lemonne, J, Lenzen, G, Lepeltier, V, Lesiak, T, Levy, J M, Lieb, Elmar, Liko, D, Lindgren, J, Lindner, R, Lippi, I, Lorstad, B, Lokajicek, M, Loken, J G, Lopez-Fernandez, A, Lopez Aguera, M A, Los, M, Loukas, D, Lozano, J J, Lutz, P, Lyons, L, Maehlum, G, Maillard, J, Maio, A, Maltezos, A, Mandl, F, Marco, J, Margoni, M, Marin, J C, Markou, A, Maron, T, Marti, S, Martinez-Rivero, C, Matorras, F, Matteuzzi, C, Matthiae, G, Mazzucato, M, McCubbin, M, McKay, R, McNulty, R, Medbo, J, Meola, G, Meroni, C, Meyer, W T, Michelotto, M, Mikulec, I, Mirabito, L, Mitaroff, W A, Mitselmakher, G, Mjornmark, U, Moa, T, Moller, R, Monig, K, Monge, M R, Morettini, P, Muller, H, Murray, W J, Myatt, G, Navarria, F L, Negri, P, Nemecek, S, Nicolaidou, R, Nielsen, B S, Nijjhar, B, Nikolaenko, V, Nilsen, P E S, Niss, P, Nomerotski, A, Obraztsov, V, Olshevski, A G, Orava, R, Ostankov, A, Osterberg, K, Ouraou, A, Paganoni, M, Pain, R, Palka, H, Papadopoulou, T, Pape, L, Parodi, F, Passeri, A, Pegoraro, M, Pennanen, J, Peralta, L, Pernegger, H, Pernicka, M, Perrotta, A, Petridou, C, Petrolini, A, Piana, G, Pierre, F, Pimenta, M, Plaszczynski, S, Podobrin, O, Pol, M E, Polok, G, Poropat, P, Pozdniakov, V, Privitera, P, Pullia, A, Radojicic, D, Ragazzi, S, Rahmani, H, Rames, J, Ratoff, P N, Read, Alexander L, Rebecci, P, Redaelli, N G, Regler, M, Reid, D, Renton, P B, Resvanis, L K, Richard, F, Richardson, M, Ridky, J, Rinaudo, G, Roditi, I, Romero, A, Roncagliolo, I, Ronchese, P, Ronnqvist, C, Rosenberg, E I, Rosso, E, Roudeau, P, Rovelli, T, Ruckstuhl, W, Ruhlmann-Kleider, V, Ruiz, A, Saarikko, H, Sacquin, Y, Sajot, G, Salt, J, Sanchez, J, Sannino, M, Schael, S, Schneider, H, Schyns, M A E, Sciolla, G, Scuri, F, Segar, A M, Seitz, A, Sekulin, R, Sessa, M, Seufert, R, Shellard, R C, Siccama, I, Siegrist, P, Simonetti, S, Simonetto, F, Sisakian, A N, Skjevling, G, Smadja, G, Smirnova, O, Smith, G R, Sosnowski, R, Souza-Santos, D, Spassov, T S, Spiriti, E, Squarcia, S, Stack, H, Stanescu, C, Stapnes, S, Stavropoulos, G, Stichelbaut, F, Stocchi, A, Strauss, J, Straver, J, Strub, R, Stugu, B, Szczekowski, M, Szeptycka, M, Szymanski, P, Tabarelli, T, Chikilev, O, Theodosiou, G, Tilquin, A, Timmermans, J, Timofeev, V G, Tkachev, L G, Todorov, T, Toet, D Z, Toker, O, Tomaradze, A, Tome, B, Torassa, E, Tortora, L, Treille, D, Trischuk, W, Tristram, G, Troncon, C, Tsirou, A, Tsyganov, E N, Turluer, M L, Tuuva, T, Tyapkin, I A, Tyndel, M, Tzamarias, S, Uberschar, S, Ullaland, O, Uvarov, V A, Valenti, G, Vallazza, E, Valls Ferrer, J A, Vander Velde, C, Van Apeldoorn, G W, Van Dam, P, Van der Heijden, M, Van Doninck, W K, Van Eldik, J, Vaz, P, Vegni, G, Ventura, L, Venus, W, Verbeure, F, Verlato, M, Vertogradov, L S, Vilanova, D, Vincent, P, Vitale, L, Vlasov, E, Vodopyanov, A S, Vollmer, M, Voutilainen, M, Vrba, V, Wahlen, H, Walck, C, Waldner, F, Wehr, A, Weierstall, M, Weilhammer, P, Wetherell, A M, Wickens, J H, Wilkinson, G R, Williams, W S C, Winter, M, Witek, M, Wormser, G, Woschnagg, K, Yamdagni, N, Yepes, P, Zaitsev, A, Zalewska, A, Zalewski, P, Zanin, M, Zavrtanik, D, Zevgolatakos, E, Zimin, N I, Zito, M, Zontar, D, Zuberi, R, Zumerle, G, Zuniga, J, DELPHI Collaboration, Abreu, P, Adam, W, Adye, T, Agasi, E, Aleksan, R, Alekseev, G D, Algeri, A, Allen, P, Almehed, S, Alvsvaag, S J, Amaldi, U, Andreazza, A, Antilogus, P, Apel, W D, Apsimon, R J, Arnoud, Y, Asman, B, Augustin, J E, Augustinus, A, Baillon, P, Bambade, P, Barao, F, Barate, R, Barbiellini, G, Bardin, D Yu, Barker, G, Baroncelli, A, Barring, O, Barrio, J A, Bartl, W, Bates, M J, Battaglia, M, Baubillier, M, Becks, K H, Begalli, M, Beilliere, P, Belokopytov, Yu, Beltran, P, Benedic, D, Benvenuti, A C, Berggren, M, Bertrand, D, Bianchi, F, Bilenky, Mikhail S, Billoir, P, Bjarne, J, Bloch, D, Blocki, J, Blyth, S, Bocci, V, Bogolyubov, P, Bolognese, T, Bonesini, M, Bonivento, W, Booth, P S L, Borisov, G, Borner, H, Bosio, C, Bostjancic, B, Bosworth, S, Botner, O, Boudinov, E, Bouquet, B, Bourdarios, C, Bowcock, T J V, Bozzo, M, Braibant, S, Branchini, P, Brand, K D, Brenner, R A, Briand, H, Bricman, C, Brillault, L, Brown, R C A, Bruckman, P, Brunet, J M, Budziak, A, Bugge, L, Buran, T, Burmeister, H, Buytaert, J A M A, Caccia, M, Calvi, M, Camacho Rozas, A J, Campion, R, Camporesi, T, Canale, V, Cao, F, Carena, F, Carroll, L, Castillo Gimenez, M V, Cattai, A, Cavallo, F R, Cerrito, L, Chabaud, V, Chan, A, Charpentier, P, Chaussard, L, Chauveau, J, Checchia, P, Chelkov, G A, Chevalier, L, Chliapnikov, P, Chorowicz, V, Chrin, J T, Cindro, V, Collins, P, Contreras, J L, Contri, R, Cortina, E, Cosme, G, Couchot, F, Crawley, H B, Crennell, D, Crosetti, G, Cuevas Maestro, J, Czellar, S, Dahl-Jensen, E, D'Almagne, B, Dam, M, Damgaard, G, Darbo, G, Daubie, E, Daum, A, Dauncey, P D, Davenport, M, Davies, J, Da Silva, W, Defoix, C, Delpierre, P, Demaria, N, De Angelis, A, De Boeck, H, De Boer, W, De Brabandere, S, De Clercq, C, De Fez Laso, M D M, De la Vaissiere, C, De Lotto, B, De Min, A, Dijkstra, H, Di Ciaccio, L, Dolbeau, J, Donszelmann, M, Doroba, K, Dracos, M, Drees, J, Dris, M, Dufour, Y, Dupont, F, Edsall, D, Eek, L O, Eerola, P A M, Ehret, R, Ekelof, T, Ekspong, G, Elliot Peisert, A, Elsing, M, Engel, J P, Ershaidat, W, Espirito Santo, M, Falaleev, B, Fassouliotis, D, Feindt, M, Ferrer, A, Filippas, T A, Firestone, A, Foeth, H, Fokitis, E, Fontanelli, F, Forbes, K A J, Fousset, J L, Francon, S, Franek, B, Frenkiel, P, Fries, D C, Frodesen, A G, Fulda-Quenzer, F, Furstenau, H, Fuster, J, Gamba, D, Garcia, C, Garcia, J, Gaspar, C, Gasparini, U, Gavillet, P, Gazis, E N, Gerber, J P, Giacomelli, P, Gillespie, D, Gokieli, R, Golob, B, Golovatyuk, V M, Gomez y Cadenas, J J, Gopal, G, Gorn, L, Gorski, M, Gracco, V, Grant, A, Grard, F, Graziani, E, Grosdidier, G, Gross, E, Grossetete, B, Gumenyuk, S, Guy, J, Haedinger, U, Hahn, F, Hahn, M, Haider, S, Hajduk, Z, Hakansson, A, Hallgren, A, Hamacher, K, Hamel de Monchenault, G, Hao, W, Harris, F J, Hedberg, V, Henkes, T, Henriques, R, Hernandez, J J, Herquet, P, Herr, H, Hessing, T L, Hietanen, I, Higgins, C O, Higon, E, Hilke, H J, Hodgson, S D, Hofmokl, T, Holmgren, S O, Holt, P J, Holthuizen, D, Honore, P F, Houlden, M, Hrubec, J, Huet, C, Hulth, P O, Hultqvist, K, Ioannou, P, Iversen, P S, Jackson, J N, Jalocha, P, Jarlskog, G, Jarry, P, Jean-Marie, B, Johansson, E K, Jonker, M, Jonsson, L, Juillot, P, Kalkanis, G, Kalmus, G, Kapusta, F, Karlsson, M, Karvelas, E, Katsanevas, S, Katsoufis, E C, Keranen, R, Khomenko, B A, Khovanski, N N, King, B, Kjaer, N J, Klein, Hansjorg, Klovning, A, Kluit, P, Koch-Mehrin, A, Kohne, J H, Koene, B, Kokkinias, P, Koratzinos, M, Korcyl, K, Korytov, A V, Kostioukhine, V, Kourkoumelis, C, Kouznetsov, O, Kramer, P H, Krammer, M, Kreuter, C, Krolikowski, J, Kronkvist, I, Kruner-Marquis, U, Kucewicz, W, Kulka, K, Kurvinen, K, Lacasta, C, Lambropoulos, C, Lamsa, J W, Lanceri, L, Lapin, V, Last, I, Laugier, J P, Lauhakangas, R, Leder, G, Ledroit, F, Leitner, R, Lemoigne, Y, Lemonne, J, Lenzen, G, Lepeltier, V, Lesiak, T, Levy, J M, Lieb, Elmar, Liko, D, Lindgren, J, Lindner, R, Lippi, I, Lorstad, B, Lokajicek, M, Loken, J G, Lopez-Fernandez, A, Lopez Aguera, M A, Los, M, Loukas, D, Lozano, J J, Lutz, P, Lyons, L, Maehlum, G, Maillard, J, Maio, A, Maltezos, A, Mandl, F, Marco, J, Margoni, M, Marin, J C, Markou, A, Maron, T, Marti, S, Martinez-Rivero, C, Matorras, F, Matteuzzi, C, Matthiae, G, Mazzucato, M, McCubbin, M, McKay, R, McNulty, R, Medbo, J, Meola, G, Meroni, C, Meyer, W T, Michelotto, M, Mikulec, I, Mirabito, L, Mitaroff, W A, Mitselmakher, G, Mjornmark, U, Moa, T, Moller, R, Monig, K, Monge, M R, Morettini, P, Muller, H, Murray, W J, Myatt, G, Navarria, F L, Negri, P, Nemecek, S, Nicolaidou, R, Nielsen, B S, Nijjhar, B, Nikolaenko, V, Nilsen, P E S, Niss, P, Nomerotski, A, Obraztsov, V, Olshevski, A G, Orava, R, Ostankov, A, Osterberg, K, Ouraou, A, Paganoni, M, Pain, R, Palka, H, Papadopoulou, T, Pape, L, Parodi, F, Passeri, A, Pegoraro, M, Pennanen, J, Peralta, L, Pernegger, H, Pernicka, M, Perrotta, A, Petridou, C, Petrolini, A, Piana, G, Pierre, F, Pimenta, M, Plaszczynski, S, Podobrin, O, Pol, M E, Polok, G, Poropat, P, Pozdniakov, V, Privitera, P, Pullia, A, Radojicic, D, Ragazzi, S, Rahmani, H, Rames, J, Ratoff, P N, Read, Alexander L, Rebecci, P, Redaelli, N G, Regler, M, Reid, D, Renton, P B, Resvanis, L K, Richard, F, Richardson, M, Ridky, J, Rinaudo, G, Roditi, I, Romero, A, Roncagliolo, I, Ronchese, P, Ronnqvist, C, Rosenberg, E I, Rosso, E, Roudeau, P, Rovelli, T, Ruckstuhl, W, Ruhlmann-Kleider, V, Ruiz, A, Saarikko, H, Sacquin, Y, Sajot, G, Salt, J, Sanchez, J, Sannino, M, Schael, S, Schneider, H, Schyns, M A E, Sciolla, G, Scuri, F, Segar, A M, Seitz, A, Sekulin, R, Sessa, M, Seufert, R, Shellard, R C, Siccama, I, Siegrist, P, Simonetti, S, Simonetto, F, Sisakian, A N, Skjevling, G, Smadja, G, Smirnova, O, Smith, G R, Sosnowski, R, Souza-Santos, D, Spassov, T S, Spiriti, E, Squarcia, S, Stack, H, Stanescu, C, Stapnes, S, Stavropoulos, G, Stichelbaut, F, Stocchi, A, Strauss, J, Straver, J, Strub, R, Stugu, B, Szczekowski, M, Szeptycka, M, Szymanski, P, Tabarelli, T, Chikilev, O, Theodosiou, G, Tilquin, A, Timmermans, J, Timofeev, V G, Tkachev, L G, Todorov, T, Toet, D Z, Toker, O, Tomaradze, A, Tome, B, Torassa, E, Tortora, L, Treille, D, Trischuk, W, Tristram, G, Troncon, C, Tsirou, A, Tsyganov, E N, Turluer, M L, Tuuva, T, Tyapkin, I A, Tyndel, M, Tzamarias, S, Uberschar, S, Ullaland, O, Uvarov, V A, Valenti, G, Vallazza, E, Valls Ferrer, J A, Vander Velde, C, Van Apeldoorn, G W, Van Dam, P, Van der Heijden, M, Van Doninck, W K, Van Eldik, J, Vaz, P, Vegni, G, Ventura, L, Venus, W, Verbeure, F, Verlato, M, Vertogradov, L S, Vilanova, D, Vincent, P, Vitale, L, Vlasov, E, Vodopyanov, A S, Vollmer, M, Voutilainen, M, Vrba, V, Wahlen, H, Walck, C, Waldner, F, Wehr, A, Weierstall, M, Weilhammer, P, Wetherell, A M, Wickens, J H, Wilkinson, G R, Williams, W S C, Winter, M, Witek, M, Wormser, G, Woschnagg, K, Yamdagni, N, Yepes, P, Zaitsev, A, Zalewska, A, Zalewski, P, Zanin, M, Zavrtanik, D, Zevgolatakos, E, Zimin, N I, Zito, M, Zontar, D, Zuberi, R, Zumerle, G, and Zuniga, J
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215. An efficient vehicle queue detection system based on image processing
- Author
Zanin, M., primary, Messelodi, S., additional, and Modena, C.M., additional
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216. Switching models for vision-based on-board road detection
- Author
Lombardi, P., primary, Zanin, M., additional, and Messelodi, S., additional
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217. Relationship between different mixing conditions and DC breakdown strength of high density polyethylene compound
- Author
Ueki, M.M., primary and Zanin, M., additional
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218. Evaluation of the incorporation of recycled material in the dielectric properties of high density polyethylene
- Author
Cruz, S.A., primary and Zanin, M., additional
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219. Charge injection and polarization in ethylene-propylene copolymer (EPDM) probed with the thermal pulse technique
- Author
Zanin, M., primary, Giacometti, J.A., additional, and DeReggi, A.S., additional
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220. High curvature two-clothoid road model estimation
- Author
Corridori, C., primary and Zanin, M., additional
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221. Influence of titanium dioxide and carbon black on the high density polyethylene DC breakdown strength evaluated by Weibull distribution
- Author
Ueki, M.M., primary and Zanin, M., additional
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222. Spatial and Temporal Attractiveness Analysis Through Geo-Referenced Photo Alignment.
- Author
Chippendale, P., Zanin, M., and Andreatta, C.
- Published
- 2008
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223. DC electrical conductivity of recycled PP and PS from post consumer packaging.
- Author
Ueki, M.M., Vilckas, J.H., Albiero, L.G., and Zanin, M.
- Published
- 2003
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224. Evaluation of the incorporation of recycled material in the dielectric properties of high density polyethylene.
- Author
Cruz, S.A. and Zanin, M.
- Published
- 2003
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225. Influence of titanium dioxide and carbon black on the high density polyethylene DC breakdown strength evaluated by Weibull distribution.
- Author
Ueki, M.M. and Zanin, M.
- Published
- 1997
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226. Relationship between different mixing conditions and DC breakdown strength of high density polyethylene compound.
- Author
Ueki, M.M. and Zanin, M.
- Published
- 1997
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227. Effects of age on behavioral and physiological responses to carbaryl in rats
- Author
Takahashi, R.N., Poli, A., Morato, G.S., Lima, T.C.M., and Zanin, M.
- Published
- 1991
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228. Sex difference in sensitization to the locomotor effects of mazindol in rats
- Author
Zanin, M. and Takahashi, R. N.
- Published
- 1994
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229. Influence of water rate, gas rate, and bed particle size on bed-level and coarse particle flotation performance.
- Author
Dankwah, J.B., Asamoah, R.K., Zanin, M., and Skinner, W.
- Subjects
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FLOTATION , *BUBBLE column reactors , *AGGLOMERATION (Materials) , *FLUIDIZATION , *GASES - Abstract
[Display omitted] • Minimum fluidization water rate increases with increasing bed particle size. • The relationships between bed-level and superficial water rate, and bed-level and superficial gas rate are more apparent at finer bed sizes compared to coarser bed sizes. • At constant bed masses, flotation performance is optimal at finer bed sizes due to the higher bed levels that can be attained. • After adjusting for bed level, flotation performance remains optimum at finer bed sizes due to low porosity at coarser bed sizes leading to poor bubble-dissipation. • This indicates a potential upper bed particle size limit, beyond which fluidization is unfeasible. This work investigates the effect of superficial water rate, superficial gas rate, and bed particle size on bed-level and coarse particle flotation performance. 5 kg of quartz in three size ranges (- 1180 + 850 µm, − 850 + 425 µm, − 425 + 250 µm) were used to study the effect of bed particle size on bed-level at varying superficial water rates and superficial gas rates. The influence of bed particle size on flotation performance was studied in two stages. One stage maintained constant bed masses, and another maintained constant bed-level, superficial water rate, and superficial gas rate. Results showed that bed-level increases with increasing superficial water rate after a minimum is attained but the rate of increase is limited by increasing bed particle size. Bed level decreases with an increasing superficial gas rate within a stable bed but this rate of decrease is also lowered at relatively coarser bed particle sizes. At constant bed masses, flotation performance tends to be better for the − 425 + 250 µm bed due to the high range of bed levels that can be attained. However, after adjusting for these parameter differences, we found that there may be an inherent upper bed particle size limit beyond which fluidization is unfeasible. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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230. Dense liquid flotation: Can coarse particle flotation performance be enhanced by controlling fluid density?
- Author
Dankwah, J.B., Asamoah, R.K., Zanin, M., and Skinner, W.
- Subjects
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FLUID control , *FLOTATION , *PARTICULATE matter , *LIQUIDS , *DENSITY , *FOAM - Abstract
[Display omitted] • Bubble-load is optimized in bubble-particles aggregates of fine particles compared to coarser ones. • Coarser particles simulate the detachment behavior of finer particles at increased fluid SGs. • Increased critical detachment amplitudes at increased fluid SGs translate to better flotation performance for coarse particles in terms of recovery, rate, and maximum floatable size. • Increasing fluid SG beyond a limit increases the likelihood of detachment in the froth phase. • Particle weight in fluid is the major detachment force, and the effect of cell turbulence on coarse particle flotation performance is largely dependent on it. In this work, we investigate the influence of fluid density on bubble-particle detachment and coarse particle flotation performance. Detachment studies were carried out using an electro-acoustic apparatus in a dense liquid environment using a lithium heteropolytungstate (LST) mixture with subsequent flotation studies carried out in a micro flotation cell at varying fluid densities. Our results indicate that bubble load was inherently limited by particle surface area and weak particle–particle interactions at coarser sizes. Coarser particles tend to follow the detachment behavior of relatively finer particles at increased fluid density. We also found that flotation performance in terms of recovery, rate, and maximum floatable size can be enhanced by controlling fluid density within a stated limit beyond which detachment in the froth phase causes overall performance to drop. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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231. Anomalous consistency in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A complex networks approach.
- Author
Martínez, J.H., Ariza, P., Zanin, M., Papo, D., Maestú, F., Pastor, J.M., Bajo, R., Boccaletti, S., and Buldú, J.M.
- Subjects
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MILD cognitive impairment , *MENTAL illness , *NEURONS , *MAGNETOENCEPHALOGRAPHY , *NONLINEAR dynamical systems , *NEURAL circuitry - Abstract
Increased variability in performance has been associated with the emergence of several neurological and psychiatric pathologies. However, whether and how consistency of neuronal activity may also be indicative of an underlying pathology is still poorly understood. Here we propose a novel method for evaluating consistency from non-invasive brain recordings. We evaluate the consistency of the cortical activity recorded with magnetoencephalography in a group of subjects diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a condition sometimes prodromal of dementia, during the execution of a memory task. We use metrics coming from nonlinear dynamics to evaluate the consistency of cortical regions. A representation known as parenclitic networks is constructed, where atypical features are endowed with a network structure, the topological properties of which can be studied at various scales. Pathological conditions correspond to strongly heterogeneous networks, whereas typical or normative conditions are characterized by sparsely connected networks with homogeneous nodes. The analysis of this kind of networks allows identifying the extent to which consistency is affected in the MCI group and the focal points where MCI is especially severe. To the best of our knowledge, these results represent the first attempt at evaluating the consistency of brain functional activity using complex networks theory. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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232. Feature selection and Gaussian process prediction of rougher copper recovery.
- Author
Amankwaa-Kyeremeh, B., Zhang, J., Zanin, M., Skinner, W., and Asamoah, R.K.
- Subjects
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GAUSSIAN processes , *KRIGING , *STANDARD deviations , *ALUMINUM foam , *COPPER - Abstract
GPR* – Gaussian Process Regression. [Display omitted] • The selected input variables define flotation copper recovery prediction performance. • Regularised Neighbourhood Component Analysis algorithm selects good features for predicting copper recovery. • Gaussian Process Regression model make good rougher copper recovery prediction using relevant input variables. • Among on-plant measured parameters, feed particle size is the most sensitive rougher flotation input variable. The emergence of advanced computational techniques provides opportunity in better modelling complex, nonlinear relationship of industrial processes. In this work, the performance of Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) models in predicting rougher copper recovery, following development with and without model-selected, relevant rougher flotation variables has been investigated. Randomly selected training and validation data sets as well as an independent testing data set (later than the original training and validation sets) were used to demonstrate the model predictive behaviour. The results showed that exponential GPR covariance function, modelled with selected relevant rougher flotation variables (throughput, feed particle size, xanthate dosage, frother dosage and froth depth), was the best model yielding correlation coefficient (r), root mean square error (RMSE), normalised root mean square error (NRMSE), variance accounted for (VAF) and performance index (PI) values of 0.99, 0.10, 0.01%, 99.99% and 1.97, respectively for training set. In the same manner, the validation set yielded 0.95, 0.40, 0.06%, 91.0%, and 1.75 whilst the testing set gave 0.96, 0.39, 0.07%, 92.10% and 1.78, confirming that exponential GPR algorithm can make good rougher copper recovery prediction given a set of useful rougher flotation variables. In all cases, the Regularised Neighbourhood Component Analysis algorithm performed best better in selecting useful flotation variables for rougher copper recovery prediction. Sobol's global sensitivity analysis indicated feed particle size as the most sensitive input variable recording first and total sobol indices values of ~63% and ~67%, respectively. Partial dependence plots revealed the functional relationship between the top two sensitive input variables (feed particle size and froth depth of tank cell 1) and predicted rougher copper recovery, suggesting their critical operating regime. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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233. Certification of the Cessna 152 on 100% ethanol
- Author
Zanin, M
- Published
- 1997
234. Implementation of alternative bio-based fuels in aviation: The Clean Airports Program
- Author
Zanin, M
- Published
- 1997
235. Ethyl-tertiary-butyl-ether (ETBE) as an aviation fuel: Eleventh international symposium on alcohol fuels
- Author
Zanin, M
- Published
- 1996
236. Modelling the Air Transport with Complex Networks: a short review
- Author
Fabrizio Lillo, Massimiliano Zanin, Zanin M, Lillo F, Zanin, M, and Lillo, Fabrizio
- Subjects
Air Transport Network ,Physics - Physics and Society ,Air transport ,Operations research ,Computer science ,Extreme events ,General Physics and Astronomy ,FOS: Physical sciences ,ComputerApplications_COMPUTERSINOTHERSYSTEMS ,Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph) ,Complex network ,complex network ,Air traffic ,Key (cryptography) ,General Materials Science ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,Resilience (network) ,resilience - Abstract
Air transport is a key infrastructure of modern societies. In this paper we review some recent approaches to air transport, which make extensive use of theory of complex networks. We discuss possible networks that can be defined for the air transport and we focus our attention to networks of airports connected by flights. We review several papers investigating the topology of these networks and their dynamics for time scales ranging from years to intraday intervals, and consider also the resilience properties of air networks to extreme events. Finally we discuss the results of some recent papers investigating the dynamics on air transport network, with emphasis on passengers traveling in the network and epidemic spreading mediated by air transport., Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2013
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237. Influence of bed material density on fluidized bed flotation performance: A study on the flotation performance of quartz and alumina beds in the HydroFloat.
- Author
Dankwah, J.B., Asamoah, R.K., Abaka-Wood, G.B., Zanin, M., and Skinner, W.
- Subjects
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[Display omitted] • Bed permeability is limited at increased bed particle sizes. • Bed permeability was identical irrespective of apparent bed density. • Bed material properties influence bubble size range. • Less dense beds are more likely to elutriate into concentrate, limiting grade. • Recovery was identical irrespective of apparent bed density. This work investigated the influence of bed material density on fluidized bed flotation performance. Experiments were carried out in a HydroFloat cell to investigate the influence of bed material density on required bed masses and bed behaviour at a bed level of 15 cm and water rate of 1.19 cm/s. Bubble size image analysis was carried out under four different fluidization conditions: water only, water and frother (1 ppm), water, frother (1 ppm) and quartz, and water, frother (1 ppm) and aluminium oxide. Flotation experiments were undertaken to investigate the influence of the resulting bed density and characteristics on concentrate recovery and grade performance. The results confirm that there is an upper particle size limit on fluidization. Apparent bed density was higher for the denser bed material (aluminium oxide) even though bed behaviour remained identical with both being highly permeable. The product Cu grades for the quartz bed were lower (8.42 % and 15.82 %) compared to the alumina bed (23.81 % and 21.86 %). This was due to the elutriation of quartz into the concentrate with Si concentrations of 25.85 % and 15.69 % compared to 2.4 % in the feed. In contrast, Al concentrations were 2.44 % and 1.09 % in the concentrates compared to the 0.38 % in the feed. However, recovery performances for both bed materials were identical (39.72 % and 40.88 % at low collector concentrations and 98.93 % and 97.95 % after ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) cleaning and increased collector concentration for the quartz and aluminium oxide beds respectively). This indicates that apparent bed density may have only a slight influence on flotation recovery compared to other direct control variables such as fluidization water rate and bed height. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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238. Gait analysis under the lens of statistical physics
- Author
Zanin, Massimiliano, Olivares, Felipe, Pulido-Valdeolivas, Irene, Rausell, Estrella, Gomez-Andres, David, Institut Català de la Salut, [Zanin M, Olivares F] Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Campus UIB, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. [Pulido-Valdeolivas I, Rausell E] Department of Anatomy, Histology and Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. [Gomez-Andres D] Department of Anatomy, Histology and Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. Servei de Neurologia Pediàtrica, Vall d’Hebron Hospital Universitari, Barcelona, Spain. Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR), Barcelona, Spain. European Reference Network-Rare Neurological Diseases, Barcelona, Spain, Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, European Research Council, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), and ONCE
- Subjects
Irreversibility ,Physical Phenomena::Thermodynamics::Entropy [PHENOMENA AND PROCESSES] ,Multi-fractal analysis ,Entropy ,Biophysics ,fenómenos físicos::termodinámica::entropía [FENÓMENOS Y PROCESOS] ,Population Characteristics::Health::Physical Fitness::Physical Functional Performance::Gait Analysis [HEALTH CARE] ,Biochemistry ,Human gait ,Computer Science Applications ,Neurologia ,Diagnosis::Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures::Diagnosis::Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures::Physical Examination::Neurologic Examination [ANALYTICAL, DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES, AND EQUIPMENT] ,Maximum Lyapunov exponent ,Structural Biology ,Entropia ,Trastorns de la marxa ,diagnóstico::técnicas y procedimientos diagnósticos::diagnóstico::técnicas y procedimientos diagnósticos::exploración física::exploración neurológica [TÉCNICAS Y EQUIPOS ANALÍTICOS, DIAGNÓSTICOS Y TERAPÉUTICOS] ,Genetics ,Características de la Población::salud::aptitud física::rendimiento funcional físico::análisis de la marcha [ATENCIÓN DE SALUD] ,Biotechnology - Abstract
Human gait is a fundamental activity, essential for the survival of the individual, and an emergent property of the interactions between complex physical and cognitive processes. Gait is altered in many situations, due both to external constraints, as e.g. paced walk, and to physical and neurological pathologies. Its study is therefore important as a way of improving the quality of life of patients, but also as a door to understanding the inner working of the human nervous system. In this review we explore how four statistical physics concepts have been used to characterise normal and pathological gait: entropy, maximum Lyapunov exponent, multi-fractal analysis and irreversibility. Beyond some basic definitions, we present the main results that have been obtained in this field, as well as a discussion of the main limitations researchers have dealt and will have to deal with. We finally conclude with some biomedical considerations and avenues for further development., This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 851255). M.Z. and F.O. acknowledges the Spanish State Research Agency through Grant MDM-2017–0711 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Authors acknowledge support from the Escuela Universitaria de Fisioterapia de la ONCE.
- Published
- 2022
239. Dense liquid flotation: Can coarse particle flotation performance be enhanced by controlling fluid density?
- Author
Massimiliano Zanin, Richmond Asamoah, William Skinner, James Dankwah, Dankwah, JB, Asamoah, RK, Zanin, M, and Skinner, W
- Subjects
Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,dense liquid ,Control and Systems Engineering ,Mechanical Engineering ,detachment ,turbulence ,General Chemistry ,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology ,coarse particle flotation ,fluid density - Abstract
In this work, we investigate the influence of fluid density on bubble-particle detachment and coarse particle flotation performance. Detachment studies were carried out using an electro-acoustic apparatus in a dense liquid environment using a lithium heteropolytungstate (LST) mixture with subsequent flotation studies carried out in a micro flotation cell at varying fluid densities. Our results indicate that bubble load was inherently limited by particle surface area and weak particle–particle interactions at coarser sizes. Coarser particles tend to follow the detachment behavior of relatively finer particles at increased fluid density. We also found that flotation performance in terms of recovery, rate, and maximum floatable size can be enhanced by controlling fluid density within a stated limit beyond which detachment in the froth phase causes overall performance to drop. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
- Published
- 2022
240. Influence of water rate, gas rate, and bed particle size on bed-level and coarse particle flotation performance
- Author
Massimiliano Zanin, Richmond Asamoah, William Skinner, James Dankwah, Dankwah, JB, Asamoah, RK, Zanin, M, and Skinner, W
- Subjects
Control and Systems Engineering ,Mechanical Engineering ,detachment ,General Chemistry ,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology ,coarse particle flotation ,fluidized bed cell ,bed particle size - Abstract
This work investigates the effect of superficial water rate, superficial gas rate, and bed particle size on bed-level and coarse particle flotation performance. 5 kg of quartz in three size ranges (- 1180 + 850 µm, − 850 + 425 µm, − 425 + 250 µm) were used to study the effect of bed particle size on bed-level at varying superficial water rates and superficial gas rates. The influence of bed particle size on flotation performance was studied in two stages. One stage maintained constant bed masses, and another maintained constant bed-level, superficial water rate, and superficial gas rate. Results showed that bed-level increases with increasing superficial water rate after a minimum is attained but the rate of increase is limited by increasing bed particle size. Bed level decreases with an increasing superficial gas rate within a stable bed but this rate of decrease is also lowered at relatively coarser bed particle sizes. At constant bed masses, flotation performance tends to be better for the − 425 + 250 µm bed due to the high range of bed levels that can be attained. However, after adjusting for these parameter differences, we found that there may be an inherent upper bed particle size limit beyond which fluidization is unfeasible. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
- Published
- 2022
241. Differential flotation of pyrite and Arsenopyrite: effect of pulp aeration and the critical importance of collector concentration
- Author
P. Forson, M. Zanin, W. Skinner, R. Asamoah, Forson, P, Zanin, M, Skinner, W, and Asamoah, R
- Subjects
dissolved oxygen consumption ,collector ,Control and Systems Engineering ,Mechanical Engineering ,arsenopyrite ,selectivity ,flotation ,General Chemistry ,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology ,galvanic interactions ,pyrite - Abstract
Differences in the oxidation rate and extent of model pyrite and arsenopyrite minerals, augmented by pulp aeration, was investigated using dissolved oxygen demand tests and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. Flotation studies of single mineral admixture coupled with zeta potential measurements, UV–Vis spectroscopy analysis of collector concentration and ex-situ metal ions in solution after collector addition were ascertained to shed light on reasons for observed window for selective flotation. The highest selectivity was achieved with low collector concentration of 1 × 10-5 M PAX and selectivity index of 5.2 after 6 min flotation with collector concentration playing a critical role in attaining a good selectivity. Fast adsorption of xanthate and simultaneous oxidation to dixanthogen on slightly oxidised pyrite surface starved heavily oxidised arsenopyrite surface of the collector species, at low collector concentration, leading to its depression. The study was extended to the flotation of an auriferous refractory ore where similar observations were made. 62.7% rejection of pyrite was achieved in the staged flotation process Refereed/Peer-reviewed
- Published
- 2022
242. A simple analysis showing the limits of coarse particle flotation
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7th UMaT Biennial International Mining and Mineral Conference Tarkwa, Ghana 30 July - 1 August 2022, Dankwah, JB, Asamoah, RK, Zanin, M, and Skinner, W
- Subjects
bubble size ,density ,particle size ,coarse particle flotation - Abstract
In this work, we investigate potential limitations to coarse particle flotation due to the finiteness of bubble surface area and the need for a bubble-particle aggregate to have a lower density than the fluid medium for particle collection to be possible. We derived a simple mathematical model which assumes perfect collection efficiency (E = 1) and spherical particles. The model was simulated using a python script and the data obtained is as presented in this paper. Our results indicate that the maximum number of particles attached to a bubble surface depends not only on bubble size but also on fluid density and particle density, especially at extreme coarse sizes. However, this does not necessarily lead to higher particle loads per bubble in terms of mass. Whiles increased fluid density generally increases the maximum bubble load, this increase is not monotonous and may not influence performance within some size ranges Refereed/Peer-reviewed
- Published
- 2022
243. Towards the concentration of gold-rich arsenopyrite and rejection of gangue pyrite from an auriferous concentrate
- Author
Forson, P, Zanin, M, Skinner, W, Asamoah, R, and SME Annual Conference and Expo 2022 Salt Lake City 27 February - 2 March 2022
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differential oxidation ,dithionocarbamate ,arsenopyrite ,selectivity ,pre-aeration ,pyrite - Abstract
Despite the seeming benefits decoupling pyrite and arsenopyrite minerals present in practice, little success has been achieved. The present study presents possible process routes for attaining selective flotation broadly capitalizing on differential oxidation between these minerals, and the use of a chelating collectors. The best performance was achieved with dithionocarbamate application following copper activation, yielding 81.4% arsenopyrite and 37% pyrite recovery. Preaeration followed by staged addition of xanthate produced 76% arsenopyrite and 31% pyrite recovery while reverse flotation of pyrite after H2O2 addition gave rise to rejection of 66% pyrite accompanied with 24% arsenopyrite Refereed/Peer-reviewed
- Published
- 2022
244. Flotation of auriferous arsenopyrite from pyrite using thionocarbamate
- Author
P. Forson, M. Zanin, G. Abaka-Wood, W. Skinner, R.K. Asamoah, Forson, P, Zanin, M, Abaka-Wood, G, Skinner, W, and Asamoah, RK
- Subjects
Control and Systems Engineering ,Mechanical Engineering ,arsenopyrite ,selectivity ,flotation ,General Chemistry ,gold ,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology ,pyrite ,thionocarbamate - Abstract
To provide an understanding of the preferential interaction and flotation of Cu-activated arsenopyrite compared to pyrite, Cu species adsorbed, extent of surface oxidation, nature of bond and coordination between donor atoms of IPETC, and Cu and As acceptor atoms on mineral surfaces was investigated using X-ray photoelectrons spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis. Adsorption of Cu (II) and concurrent reduction to Cu(I) ions, which was paramount for the formation Cu-IPETC chelate complex was apparent on the surface of both pyrite and arsenopyrite from the XPS analysis. IPETC adsorption did not lead to removal of surface oxidation product on either pyrite or arsenopyrite surface, with extent of ferric hydroxide coverage on arsenopyrite far exceling that of pyrite. Adsorbed Cu(I) on the surface of pyrite was higher than arsenopyrite and was irreconcilable to their flotation performance. Bonding of S occurred with Cu(I), and As coordination with deprotonated N was suggested with the strength of the bond increasing at pH 11 using enargite as surrogate mineral. Roughing and single stage flotation of a refractory ore using 200 mg/l CuSO4 and 300 mg/l IPETC at pH 11 gave an Au and As grade of 26.2 g/t and 1.35% respectively, at a mass pull of 6.9 wt% and 82.2% Au recovery. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
- Published
- 2022
245. Challenges and opportunities in the recovery/rejection of trace elements in copper flotation-a review.
- Author
Agorhom, E.A., Lem, J.P., Skinner, W., and Zanin, M.
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COPPER sulfide , *COPPER ores , *TRACE elements , *PORPHYRY , *GOLD ores , *METALLURGY - Abstract
In most copper sulphide flotation processes, optimising recovery of trace elements such as gold or maximising the rejection of penalty elements such as uranium, arsenic and fluorine remains a major metallurgical challenge. This review looks at the existing and possible strategies of improving gold recovery in porphyry copper ores and rejection of penalty elements such as uranium, arsenic and fluorine in copper flotation concentrates. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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246. Resource selection and connectivity reveal conservation challenges for reintroduced brown bears in the Italian Alps.
- Author
Peters, W., Hebblewhite, M., Cavedon, M., Pedrotti, L., Mustoni, A., Zibordi, F., Groff, C., Zanin, M., and Cagnacci, F.
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BROWN bear , *CARNIVOROUS animals , *HABITAT selection , *CULTURAL landscapes - Abstract
Large carnivores are declining worldwide and few examples of successful reintroductions exist, because of their large home-ranges, low reproductive rates, and penchant for human–wildlife conflict that is the main cause of their decline. Moreover, few studies assess whether habitat suitability predicted before reintroduction, a critical evaluation step, matches post-reintroduction habitat selection. We examined habitat-related factors contributing to a successful brown bear ( Ursus arctos ) reintroduction in central Europe. Starting in 1999, 10 brown bears were translocated from Slovenia to Trentino in the Italian Alps, and this population has since grown by >10%/year. First, we estimated multi-scale resource selection functions (RSF) with GPS collar data and validated models with k-folds cross validation and external VHF data. Then, we used Kappa-statistics to compare our population-scale RSF with a habitat suitability model (HSM) developed to predict potential habitat before reintroduction. Lastly, we employed least-cost path (LCP) analyses integrating our within home-range scale RSF to define movement paths. Overall, the HSM predicted post-reintroduction habitat selection well in many areas, but bears used orchards and shrubs more, and mixed/conifer forests and pastures less than expected prior to reintroduction. Finally, we identified road crossings of predicted paths between preferred habitat patches. We found two potential crossings in the Adige Valley, likely the biggest constraint for the study population to expand eastward and impeding dispersal to/from the closest bear population (Dinaric–Pindos population). Increasing awareness for key brown bear habitats and corridors, especially in potential ecological traps within cultural landscapes, will be necessary for large carnivore conservation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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247. A brief review on the influence of fines on coarse particle flotation
- Author
17th International Conference on Mineral Processing and Geometallurgy Online 20/10/2021-22/10/2021, Dankwah, JB, Asamoah, RK, Zanin, M, and Skinner, W
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hydrodynamics ,fines ,coarse particle flotation - Abstract
Coarse particle flotation is flotation of particles beyond the optimum size range for conventional flotation. The main limitation of the flotation of particles of such sizes is detachment - a function of cell hydrodynamics. With research on fine particles showing their tendency to increase pulp viscosity and fluid density as shown in industrial heavy media separation, it seems intuitive that the addition of fines in the coarse particle flotation process should provide a means of reducing detachment by limiting the mean energy dissipation. However, mixed results from such experiments in literature indicates that other factors may be at play. In this paper, we review works in this area and identify factors that interfere with optimum performance. We suggest means of mitigating these interferences and propose two methodologies, one involving the use of conventional mechanical cells to modify fluid viscosity to enhance coarse particle flotation and the other involving a drum-like flotation cellde sign which enables the usage of a dense suspension to enhance coarse particle flotation. We show how dense medium flotation may be possible and recommend further research into the area. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
- Published
- 2021
248. Characterisation of pyrite and arsenopyrite surface species in aqueous systems for selective flotation
- Author
International Mineral Processing Congress 2020 Cape Town, South Africa 18-22 October 2020, Forson, P, Xu, S, Asamoah, R, Zanin, M, and Skinner, W
- Subjects
grade engineering ,selectivity index ,EDTA extractable iron ,differential flotation - Abstract
In most auriferous hydrothermal deposits, gold is preferentially associated with pyrite and arsenopyrite minerals, with higher economic gold values noted for the latter and arsenian pyriteminerals. In this paper, surface (Cryo-XPS) and solution (EDTA extraction) analysis were used to characterise pyrite and arsenopyrite minerals under different aqueous conditions involving electrokinetic study and collector interactions to better understand ways of improving the separation of pyrite and arsenopyrite. The evidence showed higher surface oxidation at solution pulp pH values in the range of 4-11 for arsenopyrite relative to pyrite. The observed highest ratio of pyrite to arsenopyrite selectivity was 1. 7 at collector concentration of 50 git and decreased with an increase in collector concentration. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
- Published
- 2021
249. Non-contact acoustic and vibration sensors in Autogenous and Semi-Autogenous (AG/SAG) Mills: a brief review
- Author
International Mineral Processing Congress 2020 Cape Town, South Africa 18-22 October 2020, Owusu, KB, Karageorgos, J, Greet, C, Zanin, M, Skinner, W, and Asamoah, R
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acoustic sensor ,Autogenous/semi-autogenous mill ,vibration sensor ,in-mill process - Abstract
The complexities associated with controlling Autogenous/Semi-autogenous (AG/SAG) grinding mills are well known. Comprehensive understanding of in-mill AG/SAG process dynamics which define key economic factors (energy consumption, throughput and cost-effective mineral liberation for downstream processing) remain critical to address. Several techniques through mill operators'experience, mill built-in instruments, and simulations are employed, but the approaches are not sustainably reliable. The last few years have seen major research improvement with sensor-based technology, particularly non-contact acoustic and vibration sensors. These sensors, to some extent, have been broadly applied in both laboratory and industrial AG/SAG mills to understand and predict the in-mill process dynamics with promising results. Following on an extensive literature survey, this paper presents a brief review of research into the use of non-contact acoustic and vibration measurements in an AG/SAG grinding mill operation. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
- Published
- 2021
250. A methodology for synthesis of coarse composite particles
- Author
17th International Conference on Mineral Processing and Geometallurgy Online 20-22 October 2021, Dankwah, JB, Asamoah, RK, Zanin, M, and Skinner, W
- Subjects
synthetic composites ,locking texture ,flotation ,liberation - Abstract
Research on the influence of liberation and mineral locking textures on concentration processes is mired by the unpredictability of these variables in natural ores. Therefore, there has been the need to synthesize composite particles in which these variables can be controlled. Previous methods have proven to be suitable for stereo logical correction but have had little suitability in actual concentration research. In this paper, a methodology is presented for the synthesis of coarse composite particles with varying liberation levels, locking textures and particle densities using an epoxy resin with industry relevant mineral grains. Means of adjusting the locking texture, liberation level and particle density of the generated particles are presented. An investigation is carried out to test the suitability of the product particles for flotation studies. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
- Published
- 2021
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