The additive reduct of a band semiring is a regular band. We refer to [1] and [2] for a general background on semigroups, and on bands in particular. A semiring (S,+, ·) is said to be an idempotent semiring if both the reducts (S,+) and (S, ·) are bands. Green’s D [L-, R-] relation on the additive reduct (S,+) will be denoted by + D [ + L , + R ]. It is easy to see that if (S,+, ·) is an idempotent semiring, then + D is a semiring congruence, whereas + L induces a congruence on the multiplicative reduct (S, ·) (see also [3]). An idempotent semiring (S,+, ·) is said to be a band semiring if + D is the least (distributive) lattice congruence on S , or equivalently, if S satisfies the identities x+ xy + x ≈ x ≈ x+ yx+ x (see Theorem 2.2 of [3]). We shall show that the additive reduct of a band semiring is a regular band. We shall use the fact that a band is regular if and only if the Green’s relations L and R are congruence relations (see Section II.3 of [2]). Lemma. Let (S,+) be a band. The Green’s relation L is not a congrence relation on S if and only if S contains either a subband isomorphic to E1 or ∗The research is supported by an NSF(China) grant #10471112. The research of the first author is supported by a grant of the Youth Scintific Research Foundation of Southwest Normal University (#SWNUQ2004003). 440 Wang, Zhou, and Guo a subband isomorphic to E2 , where E1 and E2 are respectively given by + a b c d e a a a c d e b b b c d e c d e c d e d d d c d e e e e c d e and + a b c d e f g h a a a c d e c d e b b b f g h f g h c d e c d e c d e d d d c d e c d e e e e c d e c d e f g h f g h f g h g g g f g h f g h h h h f g h f g h . Proof. The Green’s relation L on the band S is not a congruence if and only if there exist a, b, k ∈ S such that aLb but k+a is not L-related to k+ b . If this is the case, then with c = a + k , the subband of S generated by a, b and c is isomorphic to E1 if c = b + c , and is isomorphic to E2 if c = b + c . Conversely, if S contains a subband isomorphic to E1 or E2 , then obviously the L-relation is not a congruence on S . Theorem. The additive reduct of a band semiring is a regular band. Proof. Let (S,+, ·) be a band semiring. Using the Lemma and duality, it suffices to show that the band (S,+) cannot contain a subband isomorphic to E1 or E2 . (1) Suppose that (S,+) has a subband T isomorphic to E1 . We identify T with E1 . First we have a = a+ ac+ a = a(a+ c+ a) = ad. Since a + Lb and + L is a congruence on (S, ·), we have a + Lab . Then a = ad = a(b+ d) = ab+ ad = ab+ a = ab. Since + D is a lattice congruence we have that ab + Dcb in S . So we have b = b+ db+ b = (b+ d+ b)b = db = (a+ c+ a)b = ab+ cb+ ab = ab = a, a contradiction. Therefore (S,+) has no subband isomorphic to E1 . (2) Suppose S has a subband T isomorphic to E2 and we identify T with E2 . First we have a = a+ ae+ a = a(a+ e+ a) = ae and b = b+ gb+ b = (b+ g + b)b = gb. Wang, Zhou, and Guo 441 Since + D is a lattice congruence, we obtain that ab + Ddb + Dah . So we have ab = ab+ db+ ab = (a+ d+ a)b = db and ab = ab+ ah+ ab = a(b+ h+ b) = ah. Thus, noticing that ac + Dcb + Dab , we have (c+ a)(c+ b) = (c+ a)c+ (c+ a)b = c+ ac+ cb+ ab = c+ (ac+ ab) = c+ a(c+ b) = c+ ae = c+ a = d and (c+ a)(c+ b) = c(c+ b) + a(c+ b) = c+ cb+ ac+ ab = c+ (cb+ ab) = c+ (c+ a)b = c+ db = c+ ab. Therefore we have c + ab = d . Similarly, applying the distributive law to (f+a)(f+b), one can get f+ab = h in combination with b = gb and ab = ah . Thus we obtain that d = c+ ab = (a+ f) + ab = a+ (f + ab) = a+ h = e, a contradiction. So S has no subband isomorphic to E2 either. Thus the proof is complete. Note 1. Let (S, ·) be a band and define an addition by: for a, b ∈ S, a = a + b . Then (S,+, ·) is a band semiring. Thus, any band is isomorphic to the multiplicative reduct of some band semiring. Note 2. The additive reduct of a band semiring need not be a normal band: see the example following Construction 3.5 of [3]. Note 3. For a band semiring S , the relation + L is a semiring congruence. From this and its dual it follows that S is a subdirect product of the semirings S/ + L and S/ + R . 442 Wang, Zhou, and Guo Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Professor Francis Pastijn for his valuable suggestions and help. References [1] Howie, J. M., “Fundamentals of Semigroup Theory”, Clarendon Press, Ox- ford, 1995. [2] Petrich, M., “Lectures in Semigroups”, Akad. Berlag, Berlin, 1977. [3] Sen, M. K., Guo, Y. Q. and Shum, K. P., A class of idempotent semirings, Semigroup Forum 60 (2000), 351–367. Department of Mathematics Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin (150001), China Department of Mathematics Southwest China University Chongqing (400715), China Department of Mathematics Jiangxi Normal University Nanchang (330027), China Department of Mathematics Southwest China University Chongqing (400715) China Received November 7, 2004 and in final form August 19, 2005 Online publication January 23, 2006