The message which is presented or disseminated is called advertisement. In the present day marketing activities hardly is there any business in the modern world which does not advertise. The wise thing to do is to go for a combination of various ad mediums and each advertising medium should spread the same message. These all can be followed according to the related grounds.The advertisement can be made effective by selecting the appropriate ways, medium and golden rules of advertisement. Advertisement: Advertising is nothing but a paid form of non-personal presentation or promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor with a view to disseminate information concerning an idea, product or service. The message which is presented or disseminated is called advertisement. In the present day marketing activities hardly is there any business in the modern world which does not advertise. However, the form of advertisement differs from business to business. Advertisement has been defined differently by different persons. A few definitions are being reproduced below: v According to Wood, “Advertising is causing to know to remember, to do.” v According to Wheeler, “Advertising is any form of paid non-personal presentation of ideas, goods or services for the purpose of inducting people to buy.” The above definitions clearly reveal the nature of advertisement. This is a powerful element of the promotion mix. Essentially advertising means spreading of information about the characteristics of the product to the prospective customers with a view to sell the product or increase the sale volume. Main objectives or functions of advertisement: § Preparing Ground for New Product § Creation of Demand § Facing the Competition § Creating or Enhancing Goodwill § Informing the Changes to the Customers § Neutralizing Competitor’s Advertising § Barring New Entrants Ways for effective advertisement: Media is getting fragmented day by day. So the wise thing to do is to go for a combination of various ad mediums and each advertising medium should spread the same message. O Advertisement Should Be Consistent: Everyone is leading a very fast life and the consumers don’t have much time to give to one medium. Therefore, repeating your message through the same medium will not make any sense. In order to hit your customers consistently, it’s a need to reach them through multiple mediums. Only then we can turn the viewers into potential customers. O Medium is Addittion Value to Advertisement:It is not possible for us to go for each and every medium. we can choose three to four mediums according to our budget but the advertisement has to be consistent on all the mediums we have chosen. Before choosing a medium also try to know whether the target audience are exposed to that medium. The ways we place an advertisement also add value to our product. So be careful before in choosing a medium. For example, leaflet is not the right medium for the advertising of a diamond company. O Who Is the Target Audience:Before making an ad we should have a clear idea about who is our target audience? This will also determine the medium. For example if we sell fashionable clothes the target audiences are the young crowd and we can go for Internet advertising. If we sell kitchen wears that are mainly used by housewives Internet advertising is not a good option as they are less exposed to Internet so, TV ads will be a good option in this case because most of them watch serials. O Budget Determines the Medium:While choosing a medium of showing ad the most important role is played by the budget. Budget determines the advertising medium. If we sale perfume we can go for TV ad but if we have a SEO company, placing an ad on the TV is nothing but wastage. In such case we must put our ad on the Internet. Online advertising is ideal for us,. TV ads, newspaper ads, and radio ads are fine for big budgets. They are in fact the most recognized advertising mediums. O Having a Great Web Site Is Not Enough:By choosing the Internet as a medium to place the ad and it make a great Web site. However, designing a great Web site will not help in any way if the site is not visible. In order to make it visible, it need to get high search engine ranking. It should go for link exchange, directory submission, forum participation, etc. to popularize the site. O Involve Experts:If we make the ad in own, we can follow a trial and error method since you are not an expert in this field. So it is better to hire an advertising firm and involve experts who know this job better. In fact, different mediums demand different sorts of ad though the message is the same. The creative minds will make use of their experience to make the most effective ad for you. O If not satisfied with the result, go for a different medium or make slight changes to the existing medium to get the desired result. Tips for effective advertisement and the golden rule of advertisement: Detailed marketing plan: If we place advertising for a business without a definite plan that will not going to work. A detailed marketing plan let you go far for very long. Proper planning will reduce advertising costs and advertising waste and provides with a comprehensive understanding of the businesses. Certain areas that are covered under marketing plan are Market Research, Imple