201. Ispitivanje uticaja prirodnih stimulatora rasta na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate prasadi u odgoju
- Author
Šefer, Dragan, Krnjajić, Dejan, Marković, Radmila, Jakić-Dimić, Dobrila, Ivetić, Vojin, Radulović, Stamen, Šefer, Dragan, Krnjajić, Dejan, Marković, Radmila, Jakić-Dimić, Dobrila, Ivetić, Vojin, and Radulović, Stamen
- Abstract
Rezime: U cilju ispitivanja uticaja različitih stimulatora rasta u ishrani prasadi na proizvodne rezultate i zdravstveno stanje organizovan je ogled po grupnokontrolnom sistemu na farmi registrovanog gazdinstva u Malim Radincima. Ogled je trajao 40 dana, a podeljen je u dve faze od po 20 dana. Za ogled je korišćeno 48 prasadi, melezi švedskog landrasa i pietrena, odbijenih od krmače u starosti od 35 dana. Ispitivanja su izvedena na prasadima oba pola, prosečne telesne mase 8,61±1,59 kg koja su odmah nakon odbijanja raspoređena u jedan od četiri hranidbena tretmana. Kontrolna grupa prasadi hranjena je smešom bez stimulatora rasta, dok su ogledne grupe, po redosledu, dobijale hranu sa dodatkom preparata probiotika, prebiotika ili fitobiotika u količinama preporučenim od strane proizvođača. Tokom ogleda praćeno je zdravstveno stanje i proizvodni rezultati prasadi. Na početku i kraju svake faze ogleda izvršeno je merenje telesne mase životinja, utrošak hrane kao i uzimanje uzoraka potpunih smeša za analizu a iz dobijenih podataka vršeno je izračunavanje ostalih proizvodnih rezultata. Na kraju druge faze ogleda izvršeno je planirano žrtvovanje po 6 jedinki iz svake grupe, a prilikom žrtvovanja uzeti su uzorci creva i crevnog sadržaja za fizičko-hemijska, mikrobiološka i histološka ispitivanja. Tokom ogleda nije došlo do poremećaja zdravstvenog stanja i/ili ispoljavanja kliničkih znakova oboljenja. Kontrolna grupa prasadi hranjena smešama bez dodatog stimulatora rasta postgla je uobičajenu telesnu masu, dnevni prirast, konzumaciju i konverziju hrane za datu rasu, starost i uslove držanja. Korišćenjem stimulatora rasta postignuti su bolji proizvodni rezultati u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, s tim da je upotreba probiotika rezultirala najboljim proizvodnim rezultatima zasnovanim na najvećoj postignutoj telesnoj masi (27,98±4,76 kg), najvećem ostvarenom prosečnom dnevnom prirastu (0,49±0,09 kg) i najboljoj konverziji hrane (1,959). Upotrebom stimulatora rasta smanjen je ukupan, Summary: In order to investigate the influence of different growth promoters in pigs nutrition on the performance and health status trial was organized by a groupcontrol system on the registered farm in Mali Radinci. The experiment lasted 40 days and was divided into two phases, 20 days of each. For the experiment 48 piglets were used, Swedish Landrace and Pietrain, weaned at the age of 35 days. Examinations were carried out on pigs, with an average body weight of 8.61±1.59 kg, which were arranged immediately after weaning into the one of the four feeding treatments. The control group was fed a mixture without growth promoters, while the experimental groups, in order, had a diet containing product of probiotics, prebiotics or phytobiotics in the amounts recommended by the manufacturer. During the experiment, health status and prerformances of pigs have been observed. At the beginning and at the end of each phase of the experiment, animal body weight and feed consumption were evaluated, as well as sampling of complete mixtures for analysis and with obtained data was performed calculating of other production items. At the end of the second phase of the experiment planned sacrifice was carried out on the 6 animals in each group, and samples of intestine and intestinal content were taken for the physico-chemical, microbiological and histological examination. During the experiment, there was no disturbance of health and manifestation of clinical signs of disease were not recorded. The control group of pigs fed a diet without added growth stimulators achieved normal body weight, daily gain, feed consumption and feed conversion for a given race, age and housing conditions. Using the growth stimulators led to the better performances compared to the control group, with the probiotics resulted in the best production results based on the maximum achieved body weight (27.98±4.76 kg), the largest average daily gain (0.49±0.09 kg) and the best feed conversion (1.959)...
- Published
- 2014