s / Placenta 32 (2011) S326–S340 S336 the new TH-expressing neurons suggestive of the dopaminergic neurogenesis. Infusion of fluorogold (FG) into striatum confirmed that these newborn neurons have successfully restored the nigrostriatal circuit that was disrupted by the HI insult. Although, the implanted hPLC-NPs were matured in the recipient's brain, we propose that the recovery was mainly mediated by the resident progenitors because nestin was induced in the SNc of the recipient animals. Possibility of the migration of the transplanted cells into the host substantia nigra can be safely ruled out since TH-expressing cells expressed neither human nuclear antigen nor human mitochondrial antigen. Relevance of these results to other dopaminergic degenerative disease needs to be confirmed, however, we propose that progenitors can induce regeneration of the diseased tissues by stimulating the resident tissuespecific progenitors as well as supplementing the lost tissues. doi:10.1016/j.placenta.2011.07.062 AMNIOTIC MESENCHYMAL TISSUE CELLS INHIBIT TUMOR CELL LINE PROLIFERATION M. Magatti, S. De Munari, E. Vertua, S. Acali, O. Parolini Centro di Ricerca E. Menni, Fondazione Poliambulanza-Istituto Ospedaliero, Brescia, Italy We and others have demonstrated that amniotic membrane-derived cells strongly inhibit in vitro lymphocyte proliferation, abolish the production of inflammatory cytokines and suppress the generation and maturation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether these cells may also exert suppressive effects on the proliferation of different tumor cell lines. We have isolated cells from the mesenchymal layer of amniotic membrane (AMTC) and cultured themwith KG1, KG1a, Jurkat, U937, Girardi heart, Hela and Saos cells. Tumor cell line proliferationwas then assessed by measuring [3H]-Thymidine incorporation. We demonstrated that AMTC are able to inhibit the proliferation of different tumorcell lines of lymphoid andmyeloid origin, as well as tumor cell lines of non-hematopoietic origin, both when cultured in contact and transwell settings, demonstrating the involvement of inhibitory soluble factor(s) in this suppression. This inhibition does not seem to be mediated by tumor cell line apoptosis, but likely to cell cycle arrest of the tumor cells in G0/G1 phase, as revealed by combined analysis with Annexin-V and IP staining, and BrdU and 7-AAD staining, respectively. These findings reveal further interesting features of AMTC and suggest a possible application of these cells in controlling tumor cell proliferation. doi:10.1016/j.placenta.2011.07.063 IN VITRO AND IN VIVO DIFFERENTIATION OF AMNIOTIC EPITHELIAL STEM CELLS INTO HEPATOCYTE-LIKE CELLS F. Marongiu , R. Gramignoli , S. Doratiotto , M. Serra , M. Sini , S. Sharma , T. Sellaro , K. Dorko , E. Laconi , S. Strom a Department of Pathology University of Pittsburgh; Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies, Universita degli Studi di Cagliari The use of cell transplantation as an alternative to Orthotopic Liver Transplant for the treatment of liver diseases is still limited by the availability of useful cells. Stem cell-derived liver cells could be useful if they expressed the enzymes and functions needed for liver support. We investigated the differentiation of human Amniotic Epithelial cells (hAECs) into hepatocytes in vitro. We also tested the ability of rat-derived Amniotic Epithelial cells (rAECs) to integrate and differentiate into hepatic cells upon transplantation into a rat model of liver repopulation. In vitro differentiation: The expression of mature liver genes was strongly increased in hAECs after culture on a Pig Liver-derived extracellular matrix sandwich system in the presence of EGF, HGF, bFGF, OSM, Dexamethasone and ITS. Differentiated cells were able tometabolize TE, HPC and ammonia, confirming the expression of functional liver enzymes. In vivo transplant: After transplantation of rAECs into Retrorsine-treated animals, clusters of donor cells were present into the liver of recipient animals. Two, 6 and 12 months following transplants, donor cells had morphological appearance of mature hepatocytes with normal growth pattern. They expressed major liver proteins such as CYP2E1, 3A1 and Albumin. Taken together, these data indicate that hAECs and rAECs have the potential to differentiate into mature hepatocytes both in vitro and in vivo, thus suggesting that these cells will be a useful source of cells for regeneration of liver tissue. doi:10.1016/j.placenta.2011.07.064 THE KEY ROLE OF DECIDUALIZATION IN THE IMMUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITIES OF HUMAN DECIDUAL STROMAL CELLS R. Munoz-Fernandez , E. Leno-Duran , A. Prados , A. Abadia-Molina , M. Ruiz Ruiz , M. Delgado , E. Olivares b a Instituto de Biomedicina “Lopez Neyra”, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Armilla, Granada; b Instituto de Biopatologia y Medicina Regenerativa, Centro de Investigacion Biomedica, Universidad de Granada, Armilla, Granada Decidual stromal cells (DSC) are the main cellular component of the decidua, the maternal tissue which is in close contact with the fetal trophoblast. We have isolated and maintained human DSC lines in culture and used them to characterize the antigen phenotype and properties of these cells. We previously reported that DSC are closely related to mesenchymal stem cells, have contractile activity and exert different immunological activities thatmaybe involved inmaternal–fetal cross-talk. Decidual stromal cells differentiate (decidualize) under the effect of the progesterone, changing their morphology to a rounder shape and secreting prolactin. Decidualization led DSC to a more immunoregulatory profile: it inhibited their phagocytic activity and secretion of IL-6, while increasing their secretion of IL-10 and expression of HLA-G. Decidualization also decreased the expression of CD21, CD54 and BAFFbyDSC, and althoughDSC are resistant to many apoptosis-inducing factors, it induced apoptosis in these cells. The potential therapeutic use of DSC was supported by the finding that these cells survived in mice weeks after injection. However, in mice with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced colitis, decidualized DSC but not undifferentiated DSC showed a therapeutic effect. We also found that endometrial stromal cells, the cellular counterpart of DSC in the nongestating uterus, exhibited an antigen phenotype equivalent to that of DSC, but ESC were less sensitive to the effects of progesterone. doi:10.1016/j.placenta.2011.07.065 TRANSPLANTATION OF PLACENTA-DERIVED MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS IN IMMUNOCOMPETENT MICE SUBMITTED TO MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION J. Passipieri , G.D. Suhett , G.V. Brasil , T.H. Kasai-Brunswick , A.B. Martins , D.C. Rodrigues , N. Rocha , J. Nascimento-Silva , B.B. Christie , B.J.S. Mendes , B.L.B. Esporcatte , R.C.S. Goldenberg , A.B. Carvalho , A.C.C. Carvalho a,b a Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; b Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; c Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ, Brazil Death of cardiomyocytes due to myocardial infarction (MI) causes wall thinning and ventricular dilatation leading to heart failure. This study aims to evaluate the role placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells (pMSCs) in the treatment of cardiac failure in immunocompetent mice. pMSCs were characterized as plastic-adherent and multipotent cells. They did not express hematopoietic or endothelial cells markers (CD45, CD34