Cultures of resistance are forms of alternative or oppositional strategies, direct actions, norms, values, attitudes, behaviors, and agendas that are developed and employed by groups who seek change through noninstitutionalized means. Often, these are groups who feel marginalized from the mainstream and excluded from decision making in major institutions of society. Within political, educational, economic, family, religious, and other institutions, marginalized groups exhibit cultures (as reflected in language, dress, music, hairstyles, and so on) that stand in opposition to the culture of majority groups. Cultures of resistance are inherently political, based upon self-defined standpoint experiences, inextricably embedded in race, gender, and class relations, and serve as sites for struggle. Historically, African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and other racial and ethnic minority groups have engaged in direct action to protest discrimination, prejudice, and alienation. Individuals engaging in sit-ins, boycotts, and marches are expressing a culture of resistance.