1,324 results on '"Management Control Systems"'
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- Author
Marginson, David E. W.
- Subjects
MIDDLE managers ,EXECUTIVES ,STRATEGIC planning ,BUSINESS planning ,TELECOMMUNICATION ,INFORMATION theory ,CASE studies ,BRITISH corporations - Abstract
The relationship between management control systems (MCS) and the strategy process is a largely unexplored area of strategic management. This paper reports the findings of an in-depth, longitudinal case study of a major British-based organization operating within the increasingly globalized telecommunications industry. Informed by Simons' (1991, 1994, 1995) theoretical model of the strategy process--MCS relationship, the study examines the nature and extent of this relationship at middle- and lower-management levels. Of particular interest were the effects that the design and use of three groups of MCS have on the development of new ideas and initiatives. Findings suggest that beliefs systems influence managers' initiation or 'triggering' decisions, the use of administrative controls affects the location of strategic initiatives and may lead to the polarization of roles, and simultaneous emphasis on a range of key performance indicators can create a bias towards one set of measures and against another. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2002
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203. Using management control to understand public sector corporate governance changes : Localism, public interest, and enabling control in an English local authority
- Author
Ferry, Laurence and Ahrens, Thomas
- Published
- 2017
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204. Strategic responses to institutional pressures for sustainability : The role of management control systems
- Author
Wijethilake, Chaminda, Munir, Rahat, and Appuhami, Ranjith
- Published
- 2017
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205. Tensions in managerial attention in a company in crisis : How tightening budget control resulted in discomfort zones for line managers
- Author
Bourmistrov, Anatoli and Kaarbøe, Katarina
- Published
- 2017
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206. Project management control within a multicultural setting
- Author
de Waal, André A. and de Boer, Freke A.
- Published
- 2017
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207. Management Control Systems in Insurance Companies of Nepal
- Author
Upadhyay, Jitendra Prasad
- Published
- 2017
208. Greening the black box: integrating the environment and management control systems
- Author
Sundin, Heidi and Brown, David Andrew
- Published
- 2017
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209. Utilizing online reviews : The benefit to hotels and management system controls of online reviews
- Published
- 2020
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210. Tail wagging the strategy dog? : Implications of management control systems
- Published
- 2018
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211. Sustainability and management control systems : Managing responses to change; changing management responses
- Published
- 2018
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212. Looking for Synergies Between Accounting and Information Technologies
- Author
Mancini, D., Dameri, R. P., Bonollo, E., Spagnoletti, Paolo, Series editor, De Marco, Marco, Series editor, Pouloudi, Nancy, Series editor, Te'eni, Dov, Series editor, vom Brocke, Jan, Series editor, Winter, Robert, Series editor, Baskerville, Richard, Series editor, Mancini, Daniela, editor, Dameri, Renata Paola, editor, and Bonollo, Elisa, editor
- Published
- 2016
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213. Using Collaboration Platforms for Management Control Processes: New Opportunities for Integration
- Author
Mancini, Daniela, Ferruzzi, Concetta, Spagnoletti, Paolo, Series editor, De Marco, Marco, Series editor, Pouloudi, Nancy, Series editor, Te'eni, Dov, Series editor, Vom Brocke, Jan, Series editor, Winter, Robert, Series editor, Baskerville, Richard, Series editor, Torre, Teresina, editor, Braccini, Alessio Maria, editor, and Spinelli, Riccardo, editor
- Published
- 2016
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214. 25 Years of Change in Management Control Systems and Business Education in Estonia
- Author
Ülle Pärl
- Subjects
changes ,education ,Estonia ,management control systems ,manager ,training ,History (General) ,D1-2009 ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
During the last 25 years, the Estonian economy has transitioned from a centrally planned economy to a market-oriented, globally open, highly competitive economy. Although during these years there has been fast growth and Estonians could tell a lot of success stories, research shows that management practices are still less advanced compared to those in enterprises from developed countries. Increased competition, openness and innovation increased the significance of more sophisticated management control systems (MCS). Researchers accentuate the role of managers and their education and training in using and developing more sophisticated MCS in companies. The objective of the current paper is to better understand how changes in the business environment, managerial training and education are connected to developments in MCS in Estonia. This article provides an overview of the statistics and studies completed in Estonia over the last 25 years. As this study shows, the last decade has brought a different level of internationalization and development in the business environment and business education. The problems associated with developments in MCS , using cloud technology, business education and managerial training are the same in Estonia as in developed countries. To develop the business and economic environment in the country, Estonian entrepreneurs need high-level data processing, analytical and financial education, and practical training courses.
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Patricia Villa Costa Vaz and Márcia Maria dos Santos Bortolocci Espejo
- Subjects
Trust ,Case study ,Meta-synthesis ,Management Control Systems ,Management. Industrial management ,HD28-70 - Abstract
ABSTRACT Management accounting has been associated to the institutionalization of trust inside organizations. Trust allows the implementation of systems which grant freedom to choose without trying to process more information about the world than it ought to be done. (TOMKINS, 2001). Regarding such aspects, this paper questions: how have previous studies been relating trust and Management Control Systems (MCS) towards reaching organizational objectives? To achieve this, we object to examine the role of trust in Management Control System, and its relation with organizational objectives, according to Hoon’s (2014) methodology, which allow the construction of a theory based on primary case studies. On developing the methodology four causal networks have been examined on selected studies: institutions, Management Control Systems, trust and organizational objectives. The institutions represent the effective background of the case studies, specially as a series of habits, rules, routines and procedures; the approaches regarding management control systems include budget and performance evaluation; in relation to trust, previous studies have primarily discussed it through contract, communication and competence approaches; and, as to organizational objectives, changes on current systems, focus on performance and business risk reduction are tackled. Feedback, however, was dealt with after achieving objectives, when management incorporates trust on personnel relationships – the primary step towards goals and objectives.
- Published
- 2017
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216. Circling the Squares : Radical Innovation and Management Control Systems in the Circular Economy
- Author
Arekrans, Johan and Arekrans, Johan
- Abstract
An economic system built upon the sale of tangible goods produced using finite resources is inherently unsustainable. The idea of a Circular Economy (CE) as a viable pathway to sustainability has gained considerable attention from academia, policymakers, and the business community. The CE builds on a new logic in the business environment in which industrial firms operate that requires substantial changes. We face a significant knowledge gap concerning how firms internally manage the implementation and adoption of CE. Filling in this knowledge gap is critical to understanding how to implement CE at large and established firms with a considerable history of a linear logic, which are known to favor incremental improvements to existing business opportunities over radical innovation. This thesis aims to delve into the managerial challenges that large, established industrial firms encounter when implementing CE principles, and how they address these challenges, particularly through managerial controls. Additionally, it aims to provide insights into how management can facilitate radical circular innovation and support the circular transformation of incumbent firms. To accomplish this aim, existing knowledge on barriers to CE has been synthesized through a systematic literature mapping and a systematic literature review. Next, interviews (n=68) at five large and established industrial firms provide empirical insights concerning the implementation and adoption of CE principles. In addition to the four appended papers, this comprehensive summary theorizes about the empirical findings using literature on radical innovation, sensemaking, and managerial controls. Building on the empirical papers, this analysis sheds light on two distinct patterns in how managers frame CE: incremental framing versus radical framing. It is argued that this has considerable consequences concerning with respect to ambitions, operationalization, and the means used to achieve a CE. In addition, the t, Ett ekonomiskt system byggt på försäljning av varor tillverkade av ändliga resurser är i grunden ohållbart. Idén om en Cirkulär Ekonomi (CE) har vuxit fram som en möjlig väg framåt och har fått betydande uppmärksamhet från akademin, beslutsfattare och näringslivet. CE bygger på en ny logik i affärsmiljön där industriella företag verkar och kräver betydande förändringar. Det finns dock en betydande kunskapslucka om hur företag hanterar implementering och antagande av CE internt. Denna kunskapslucka är särskilt avgörande att förstå i stora och etablerade företag med en lång historik av en linjär logik, och som är kända för att gynna inkrementella förbättringar av befintliga affärsmöjligheter framför radikalt nya. Denna avhandling syftar till att fördjupa sig i de ledningsmässiga utmaningarna som stora och etablerade industriföretag står inför när de implementerar CE-principer och hur de hanterar dem, särskilt genom kontrollmekanismer. Dessutom syftar den till att ge insikter om hur ledningen kan underlätta radikal cirkulär innovation och stödja en cirkulär omvandling av befintliga företag. För att uppnå detta mål har befintlig kunskap om hinder för CE syntetiserats genom en systematisk litteraturkartläggning och en systematisk litteraturstudie. Därefter ger intervjuer (n=68) i fem stora och etablerade industriella företag empiriska insikter om implementering och antagande av CE-principer. Förutom de fyra bifogade artiklarna teoretiserar denna kappa kring de empiriska resultaten med hjälp av litteratur om radikal innovation, meningsskapande och kontrollmekanismer. Med utgångspunkt i de empiriska artiklarna så visar analysen två olika tolkningar eller ”inramningar” av CE inom företagen: en inkrementell inramning och en radikal inramning. Det argumenteras för att inramningen har betydande konsekvenser när det gäller ambitioner, operationalisering och tillvägagångssätt för att nå CE inom företaget. Dessutom teoretiserar avhandlingen om förhållandet mellan kontrollmekanism
- Published
- 2023
217. Management Controls in a Circular Economy Transition
- Author
Arekrans, Johan, Nilsson, Susanne, Ritzén, Sofia, Arekrans, Johan, Nilsson, Susanne, and Ritzén, Sofia
- Abstract
Management control systems offers powerful ways of guiding employee behavior and implementing organizational strategy. Given the new business logic and the extensive and complex challenges that industrial firms face in light of a circular economy transition, this paper is oriented around two questions. First, the compatibility between traditional management control systems and circular economy. Second, how management control systems can support the radical transformation of firms that circular economy entails. By scrutinizing extant research on MCS, six propositions are developed and grounded in empirical illustrations. These propositions hold relevant implications for practitioners, and several promising avenues for future research are highlighted., QC 20231117
- Published
- 2023
218. Management Control Systems och Kontrollaversion : En Kvantitativ Studie om Dess Komplexa Dynamik
- Author
Vinsa, Ida, Berg, Colin, Vinsa, Ida, and Berg, Colin
- Abstract
Management Control Systems (MCS) fyller en viktig funktion genom att kontrollera och styra anställda i rätt riktning för att uppnå strategiska mål. Denna process kan möta motstånd i form av kontrollaversion. Studien syftar till att utforska ett möjligt samband mellan kontrollaversion och hur tajt tre specifika styrsystem upplevs inom företagsmiljöer. Undersökningen bygger på en kvantitativ metod och datainsamlingen sker genom en enkätundersökning riktad till yrkesverksamma inom olika branscher. Resultaten visar ingen statistisk signifikans mellan styrsystemens tajthet och kontrollaversion. Emellertid visar kompletterande kvalitativa data på tendenser som indikerar att välmotiverad och värdeskapande kontroll är mer accepterad. Vidare betonas att balansen mellan tydliga mål och förväntningar, tillsammans med autonomi och flexibilitet, är avgörande. Dessutom verkar begrepp som övervakning ha en koppling till kontrollaversion. Slutsatsen understryker behovet av ytterligare forskning för att djupare förstå de komplexa dynamikerna i hur styrsystem och deras utformning påverkar anställdas attityder.
- Published
- 2023
219. Pressões ambientais e uso diagnóstico e interativo de sistemas de controle gerencial: evidências em incubadoras de empresas
- Author
Lopes, Iago França, Beuren, Ilse Maria, Lopes, Iago França, and Beuren, Ilse Maria
- Abstract
This study analyzes the effects of environmental pressures on the diagnostic and interactive use of management control systems in business incubators. The sample is composed of 75 managers of incubators of Brazilian companies who answered the questionnaire. The results of structural equation modeling show that economic conditions have a positive influence on the diagnostic and interactive use of management control systems. It is concluded that the economic conditions and the way of using management control systems substantiate the activities of incubators aimed at the incubated companies. The study reinforces the previous literature on the importance of considering the economic environment to influence behavior and guide agents in their efforts to adapt goals and control flexibility. However, it instigates the non-significance of the effects of political-legal and technological conditions in the use of control systems by business incubators., Este estudo analisa os efeitos das pressões ambientais no uso diagnóstico e interativo de sistemas de controle gerencial em incubadoras de empresas. A amostra compõe-se dos 75 gestores de incubadoras de empresas brasileiras respondentes do questionário. Os resultados da modelagem de equações estruturais mostram que as condições econômicas exercem influência positiva no uso diagnóstico e interativo de sistemas de controle gerencial. Conclui-se que as condições econômicas e a forma de uso de sistemas de controle gerencial consubstanciam as atividades das incubadoras voltadas às empresas incubadas. O estudo reforça a literatura prévia sobre a relevância de considerar o ambiente econômico para influenciar comportamentos e direcionar os agentes em seus esforços na adequação das metas e flexibilidade do controle. No entanto, instiga a não significância dos efeitos das condições política-legais e tecnológicas no uso dos sistemas de controle pelas incubadoras de empresas., Este estudio analiza los efectos de las presiones ambientales sobre el uso diagnóstico e interactivo de los sistemas de control de gestión en las incubadoras de empresas. La muestra contempla 75 gerentes de incubadoras de empresas brasileñas. Los resultados del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales muestran que las condiciones económicas tienen una influencia positiva en el diagnóstico y uso interactivo de los sistemas de control de gestión. Se concluye que las condiciones económicas y la forma de utilizar los sistemas de control de gestión fundamentan las actividades de las incubadoras dirigidas a las empresas incubadas. El estudio refuerza la literatura previa sobre la importancia de considerar el entorno económico para influir en el comportamiento y guiar a los agentes en sus esfuerzos por adaptar objetivos y controlar la flexibilidad. Sin embargo, instiga la no trascendencia de los efectos de las condiciones político-jurídicas y tecnológicas en el uso de los sistemas de control por parte de las incubadoras de empresas.
- Published
- 2023
220. Management Control Systems, Performance and Uncertainty : A quantitative study on the role of MCS in uncertain contexts
- Author
Lewinson Skörd, Julia, Racov, Tova, Lewinson Skörd, Julia, and Racov, Tova
- Abstract
Background: Management Control Systems are shown to be valuable tools for managing different contexts and enhance organizational performance. To succeed with intended strategies, organizations must balance different levers of controls (LOC). The right balance is argued to be dependent on the external environment and contingent factors that surrounds the organization. To understand the role of MCS, one must explore different contexts. Hence, this paper broadens the knowledge about the role of MCS by studying the unexplored context of post-Covid-19. When facing uncertainty, MCS are claimed to be especially important for organizational performance – something that tested in this paper. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between MCS, organizational performance, and the external environment. Also, this paper tests if uncertainty has a moderating effect on these relationships. Method: This study is based within the positivistic paradigm and follows a deductive research approach. It addresses a quantitative methodology where data is gathered from 164 Swedish managers through a structured questionnaire. The empirical data is analysed using multiple linear regressions with- and without moderating effect. Conclusion: The results partly support the alleged positive relationship between the use of MCS and organizational performance. Three out of four LOC are found to be positive correlated with organizational performance. The study did not find support for the claim that uncertainty has a moderating effect on these relationships. This occurrence can be explained by the phenomenon of organizational learning.
- Published
- 2023
221. ”Fallerar den ena, fallerar den andra” : En studie av relationen mellan kulturell- och cybernetisk verksamhetsstyrning i Sparbanken Eken
- Author
Grönvall, Rasmus, Ek, Joakim, Grönvall, Rasmus, and Ek, Joakim
- Abstract
Examensarbete (4FE18E), Civilekonomprogrammet – Controller, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö, VT 2023. Titel: ”Fallerar den ena, fallerar den andra” - En studie av relationen mellan kulturell- och cybernetisk verksamhetsstyrning i Sparbanken Eken Bakgrund och problem: Tidigare forskning har riktat fokus mot enskilda styrsystem och studerat dessa isolerade från varandra, något som bidragit till att ”antingen-eller-förhållanden” satt sin prägel och begränsat studiernas resultat. Kulturell styrning har i flera av dessa studier porträtterats som det nav vilket binder samman organisationer och skapar regler eller normerför att förklara och vägleda. Samtidigt går det att ställa sig frågande till om cybernetisk styrning fungerar utan hänsyn till andra system, eller om de är beroende av en specifik tolkning baserad på värderingar, antaganden och normer, för att fungera. Med utgångspunkten att cybernetiska kontroller är starkt beroende av tolkning, finns det en klar fördel av att studera verksamhetsstyrsystem i relation till varandra, inte var för sig. Förvånansvärt nog är det få studier som faktiskt lyckats precisera betydelsen av relationen mellan kulturell- och cybernetisk styrning. Tidigare studier har fångat relationen genom begreppen samspel och balans men inte beskrivit systemens relation på djupet. Med anledning av att system ofta studerats isolerade från varandra krävs studier som fördjupar förståelsen för relationen mellan kulturell- och cybernetisk styrning. Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med studien är att fördjupa förståelsen för relationen mellan kulturell- och cybernetisk styrning. Frågeställningarna som väglett undersökningen är hur kulturell styrning kommer till uttryck i cybernetiska styrmedel samt hur cybernetisk styrning kommer till uttryck i kulturella styrmedel. Metod och genomförande: Studien präglades av en kvalitativ forskningsansats med ett deduktivt angreppssätt. För att besvara frågeställningarna var Sparbanken Eken fallföretag, Master thesis (4FE18E), Master of Science in Business and Economics, School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University in Växjö, Spring 2023. Title: ”If one fails, the other fails” - A study about the relationship between cultural- and cybernetic management controls in Sparbanken Eken Background and problem: Previous research have focused on single control systems and studied these isolated from each other which has contributed to that “either-or-relationships” has left its’ mark and limited the studies’ results. Cultural controls have in many of these studies been portrayed as the hub that ties organizations together and creates rules or norms to explain and guide. At the same time, it is possible to raise questions about whether cybernetic controls function without consideration to other systems, or if they are dependent on a specific mode of interpretation based on values, convictions, and norms, to work. With the premise that cybernetic controls are strongly dependent on interpretations, there is a clear advantage of studying management controls systems in relation to each other, not one by one. Surprisingly enough, few studies have managed to pinpoint the importance of the relationship between cultural- and cybernetic controls. Previous studies have captured the relationship by using the concepts interplay and balance but have not been able to describe the systems’ relationship in depth. Since systems is usually studied isolated from each other, there is a need for studies that deepens the understanding for the relationship between cultural- and cybernetic controls. Purpose and research questions: The purpose of the study is to deepen the understanding of the relationship between cultural- and cybernetic controls. The research questions that have guided the study are how cultural controls is expressed through cybernetic means of control and how cybernetic controls is expressed through cultural means of controls. Method and implementation: The implementati
- Published
- 2023
222. Relationer mellan styrsystem på IKEA : En studie om företagskulturens relation med den cybernetiska och administrativa styrningen utifrån ett ledar- och medarbetarperspektiv
- Author
Walizai, Sunita, Lund, Thilde, Walizai, Sunita, and Lund, Thilde
- Abstract
Bakgrund: Traditionellt sett förknippas ekonomistyrning med den formella styrningen och mycket fokus har därmed lagts på den formella styrningen. Eftersom företag idag påverkas av kultur på olika sätt, kan den formella styrningen kompletteras med den informella styrningen. I styrningsarbetet blir ledarnas uppgift att reflektera på inflytande, vägleda och vidta olika åtgärder så att medarbetarna utför önskvärda ageranden. Samtidigt bör hänsyn tas till att det som kommuniceras av ledarna inte alltid uppfattas likadant av medarbetarna. Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva hur företagskultur relaterar med den cybernetiska och administrativa styrningen, med avseende på vilken typ av relation som är förekommande enligt ledarna och medarbetarna. Uppsatsens delsyfte är att beskriva ledarna och medarbetarnas uppfattning om den cybernetiska, administrativa och kulturella styrningen som styrmedel. Metod: Studien har genomförts på en av IKEAs organisationer i Älmhult och är därmed en fallsstudie. Undersökningen utgår ifrån en kvalitativ ansats med femton semistrukturerade intervjuer med ledare och medarbetare. Vidare har studien utgått ifrån en deduktiv ansats. Slutsats: Resultatet av studien visar att företagskultur relaterar till den cybernetiska och administrativa styrningen på flera olika sätt. Kulturen har en kompletterande, stödjande och samverkande effekt på den cybernetiska ochadministrativa styrningen. I vissa fall förekommer det även motsägande relationer mellan styrsystemen. Ytterligare en slutsats som kan dras är att kultur som styrmedel används i större omfång än den cybernetiska och administrativa styrningen i fallföretaget. Ledarna och medarbetarna har liknande uppfattning om den kulturella och administrativa styrningen. Uppfattningen om den cybernetiska styrningen som styrmedel varierar dock bland ledare och medarbetare., Background: Traditionally, management accounting is associated with formal management and a lot of focus has thus been placed on formal management. Since companies today are influenced by culture in different ways, formal control can be supplemented with informal control. In the management work, the leaders' task is to reflect on influence, guide and take various measures so that the employees perform desirable actions. At the same time, it should be taken into account that what is communicated by the leaders is not always perceived in the same way by the employees. Purpose: The essay aims to describe how organizational culture relates to the cybernetic and administrative management, with respect to what type of relationship is present according to the leaders and employees. The partial aim of the essay is to describe the leaders' and employees' perception of the cybernetic, administrative and cultural management as a means of governance. Method: The study has been carried out at one of IKEA's organizations in Älmhult and is thus a case study. The survey is based on a qualitative approach with fifteen semi-structured interviews with leaders and employees. Furthermore, the study was based on a deductive approach. Conclusion: The result of the study show that corporate culture relates to cybernetic and administrative control in several different ways. Culture has a complementary, supportive and synergistic effect on cybernetic and administrative control. In some cases, there are also contradictory relationships between the control systems. Another conclusion that can be drawn is that culture as a means of control is used to a greater extent than cybernetic and administrative control in the company. Leaders and employees have a similar opinion about the cultural and administrative management. However, the perception of cybernetic governance as a means of governance varies among leaders and employees.
- Published
- 2023
223. Från soffan till kontoret : En intervjustudie om chefers upplevelser av att tillämpa en hybrid arbetsform i samband med att det påtvingade distansarbetet avvecklats
- Author
Björck, Wilma, Weberyd, Hanna, Björck, Wilma, and Weberyd, Hanna
- Abstract
Bakgrund: När covid-19 plötsligt drabbade världen förändrades arbetssätt och branscher fundamentalt då distansarbete blev en påtvingad arbetsform. Uppmärksammande fördelar med arbetsformen medför en förväntan att distansarbete ska bli varaktig i den postpandemiska eran. Emellertid påträffades svårigheter att vidhålla en överenstämmelse mellan företagsintressen och medarbetarintressen avseende distansarbete. Följaktligen introduceras en hybrid arbetsform som kombinerar kontors- och distansarbete efter det påtvingade distansarbetet hävts. Företag utsättas för komplexa förändringar vid applikationen av en hybrid arbetsform, vilket förorsakar att det föreligger väsentliga ställningstagande inom chefers verksamhetsstyrning som måste beaktas för att kunna hantera övergången till en hybrid arbetsform. Således finns det anledning att öka förståelsen för chefers verksamhetsstyrning i angiven kontext. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att ur ett styrningsperspektiv bidra med ökad förståelse för förändringsarbete genom verksamhetsstyrning vid arbetsplatser som efter påtvingat distansarbete tillämpat en hybrid arbetsform. Metod: Med utgångspunkt i det tolkande perspektivet har studien antagit en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en abduktiv ansats. Empiriskt material har insamlats genom en intervjustudie som konstruerats av tolv intervjuer med chefer från fem olika företag. Slutsats: Vid förändring av arbetsarrangemang framgår det att chefer tillämpat handlingsstyrning i avsikt att förverkliga kombinationen av arbetsutförande i kontorsmiljö och distansarbete. I avsikt att övervinna och bemöta upplevt motstånd från medarbetare att samverka i arbetsformen har resultatstyrning, i förbindelse till icke-finansiella incitament nyttjats, samt kulturstyrning i form av medarbetarrelationer och justering av fysiska arrangemang. Det framgår att chefer inte brukat personalstyrning i form av utbildning eller resursfördelning för, Background: When COVID-19 suddenly hit the world, work methods and industries were changed fundamentally as remote work became a forced work form. The perceived benefits of this work form led to an expectation that remote work will be long-lasting in the post- pandemic era. However, difficulties are observed in maintaining an alignment between company and employee interests regarding remote work. Consequently, a hybrid work form, combining office and remote work, is introduced after the enforced remote work has been lifted. Enterprises are exposed to complex changes because of the application of a hybrid work arrangement, causing significant managerial decisions that need to be considered to effectively manage the transition to a hybrid work form. Thus, there is reason to increase the understanding of managers' governance in the given context. Purpose: The purpose of the study is, from a governance perspective, to contribute to increased understanding of change management through management control systems at workplaces that have applied a hybrid work form after forced remote work. Method: Based on the interpretive perspective, the study has taken a qualitative research strategy with an abductive approach. Empirical material has been collected via an interview study composed of twelve interviews with managers from five different companies. Conclusion: When changing work arrangement, it appears that managers have applied action control to realize the combination of work performance in an office environment and remote work. To overcome and respond to the perceived resistance of employees to engage in the work form, result control in connection with non-financial incentives has been used, as well as cultural control in the form of employee relations and adjustment of physical arrangements. It appears that managers have not used personnel controls in the form of training or resource allocation to ensure that employees have the right skills to work in the current work fo
- Published
- 2023
224. Resignation to Retention : An exploratory studie on how to limit postCOVID-19 employees discontent via the application of Management Control Systems
- Author
Karpelin, David, Dannenberg, Andreas, Karpelin, David, and Dannenberg, Andreas
- Abstract
In the field of management control systems, employee retention is a significant challenge faced by management. In contemporary society, the workplace is experiencing increased dispersion, which presents challenges for management in effectively addressing these issues. If unsuccessful, it may result in additional costs and decreased productivity for the organisation. The current study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how management control systems can support managers in implementing remote work to enhance employee retention. The study started by evaluating modern use cases in the field, followed by collecting data on employee retention and conducting interviews. The findings shed light on the possibilities and challenges that management control systems present in the context of remote work and employee retention. The insights gained from this research hold potential benefits for academics, managers, and executives in making informed decisions to improve employee retention strategies. Furthermore, this dissertation lays the groundwork for future research that aims to optimise the advantages of effective management techniques in enhancing overall organisational performance and employee satisfaction.
- Published
- 2023
225. Book Review: System Engineering Management
- Author
Ameer, Muhammad Saad, Song, Huaming, Ameer, Muhammad Saad, and Song, Huaming
- Published
- 2023
226. The (r)evolution of integrated reporting: The impact of integrated reporting on the visibility of integrated thinking in performance management systems
- Author
de Graaff, Brigitte Catharina, Steens, HBA, Camfferman, C, Accounting, and Amsterdam Business Research Institute
- Subjects
integrated reporting ,supervisory board members ,sustainability reporting ,geïntegreerd denken ,integrated thinking ,performance management systems ,duurzaamheid ,sustainability ,duurzaamheidsverslaggeving ,prestatiemeting ,externe verslaggeving ,geïntegreerd rapporteren ,commisarissen ,esg ,geïntegreerd rapporteren, geïntegreerd denken, duurzaamheid, duurzaamheidsverslaggeving, duurzaamheidsrapportage, prestatiemeting, integrated reporting, commisarissen, externe verslaggeving ,integrated reporting, integrated thinking, sustainability, esg, performance management systems, management control systems, supervisory board members, sustainability reporting ,duurzaamheidsrapportage ,management control systems - Abstract
Since the foundation of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) in 2010, the concept of integrated reporting (IR) has gained widespread attention. The IR Framework as first published by the IIRC in 2013 aims to fulfil stakeholders’ demands by providing an overview in which all strands of information, and their attendant impact on the value creation process, are connected in the integrated report. Although the integrated report is an important outcome of IR, this product should ultimately be based on the process of integrated thinking. Integrated thinking fulfils a pivotal role in the integrated reporting process, but most of the attention has been given to the report as a product rather than to integrated thinking as a key internal process. The impact of IR adoption on the organisation internally, and the degree to which integrated thinking becomes visible in the organisation, has thus far remained underexposed. This dissertation studies the extent to which IR affects the observable presence of integrated thinking within performance management systems (PMSs). Through recourse to legitimacy theory and management fashion theory, a preliminary assessment of the development of IR is provided. The uncovered genealogy of claims about potential benefits of IR are explored in more detail by administering a survey among Dutch supervisory board members (SBMs). Both the perceived benefits of IR and the factors that influence the motives of SBMs to advocate for a change towards IR implementation are explored. The results also stress the iterative process that is taking place between IR and integrated thinking practices. Some of the claims about IR pertained to topics such as: the breaking down of silos within organisations, improved decision-making, better alignment between financial and non-financial information, and an overall more holistic business approach. These claims describe aspects which can be encompassed under the umbrella of integrated thinking. In this dissertation, integrated thinking is approached from a management control perspective. Through conducting case studies with four Dutch companies that have multiple years of experience with publishing integrated reports, it becomes apparent that each of the organisations experienced changes in their PMSs due to IR. The results of this dissertation show that due to IR implementation, integrated thinking is becoming visible in the PMSs, because PMSs are becoming more integrated with respect to financials and non-financials. This study also shows the iterative process between the concepts of IR and integrated thinking. These changing PMSs are in alignment (at least partially) with the espoused benefits of IR outlined in literature. Such an overview of the IR journey is expedient for both academics studying the concept of IR, and practitioners seeking a more complete understanding of what they can expect from IR implementation and what they can learn about the impact of IR and use of integrated thinking in practice. It also helps standard setters’, regulators’ and consultants’ attempts to provide more guidance to companies aiming to better understand the phenomenon of integrated thinking.
- Published
- 2023
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227. Developing Individual IT-Enabled Capabilities for Management Control Systems
- Author
Patas, Janusch, Mayer, Jörg H., editor, and Quick, Reiner, editor
- Published
- 2015
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228. Control Information Quality to Promote Collaborative Learning: A Perspective of Caring Ethical Climate.
- Author
Shuling Zhou, Xi Zhang, Yuqing Zhao, Kaihua Zhang, and Yihang Cheng
- Subjects
INFORMATION storage & retrieval systems ,COLLABORATIVE learning ,QUALITY control ,MANAGEMENT controls ,SOCIAL network analysis - Abstract
Given emergence of advanced computer-mediated technologies and changed manners of teamwork, collaborative learning becomes a popular distributed teamwork mode. Many management control methods, such as information quality control, are utilized to enhance the levels of team collaborative learning, however, the consequences do not always meet managers’ expectation, and that is seemingly difficult to be explained by traditional theoretical perspectives. We filled the gap by explaining the mechanism that information quality control can affect levels of collaborative learning via caring ethical climate based on Ethical Climate Theory. By conducting an experiment of collaborative learning lasting 8 weeks, we collected 154 valid samples to analyze. The results verified the complete mediating effect of caring ethical climate. Implications for theory and practice, and limitations are also given. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
229. Institutional entrepreneurship and management control systems
- Author
Martin-Sardesai, Ann
- Published
- 2016
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230. Risk management–control system interplay: case studies of two banks
- Author
Rad, Alexander
- Published
- 2016
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231. Rethinking enterprise flexibility: a new approach based on management control theory
- Author
Yanine, Fernando, Valenzuela, Lionel, Tapia, Juan, and Cea, Jorge
- Published
- 2016
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232. Strategy and control: 25 years of empirical use of Simons’ Levers of Control framework
- Author
Martyn, Patricia, Sweeney, Breda, and Curtis, Emer
- Published
- 2016
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233. Integrative contingency-based framework of MCS: the case of post-secondary education
- Author
Pomare, Carol and Berry, Anthony
- Published
- 2016
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234. Management controls for minimising risk in public-private partnerships in a developing country : Evidence from Sri Lanka
- Author
Appuhami, Ranjith and Perera, Sujatha
- Published
- 2016
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235. Exploration and Exploitation from Start-up to Sale: A Longitudinal Analysis through Strategy and MCS Practices
- Author
Frigotto, M. Laura, Graziano Coller and, and Collini, Paolo
- Published
- 2014
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- Author
Lima Soares, Juliano, Mendes, Wilian, Araújo, Thaís, and dos Santos Carstens, Danielle Denes
- Subjects
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GOAL (Psychology) , *INTERNAL auditing , *ORGANIZATIONAL ambidexterity , *AMBIDEXTERITY , *MANAGEMENT controls - Abstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between the degree of ambidexterity and the maturity of the managerial control in accounting offices of the Curitiba-PR region. Organizational ambidexterity refers to the ability of an organization to simultaneously orchestrate its exploitation actions (incremental innovations) and its exploration actions (radical innovations). Management control is a mechanism that ensures that people will behave in a way that strives to achieve the goal of the organization. The methodology of the research was exploratory, quantitative, descriptive and transversal, being the research subject the owner or the main manager in 21 accounting offices. The main contribution of the research is to confirm the hypothesis that there is a high, positive and significant (Pearson's r = 0.75 and Spearman's r = 0.820) relationship between the ambidexterity degree factors and the maturity of the managerial control system of the accounting organizations investigated. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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237. Management control in born-global firms: a case study.
- Author
Roque, Ana Filipa M., Alves, Maria-Céu G., and Raposo, Mário
- Subjects
MANAGEMENT controls ,CRITICAL incident technique ,MANAGERIAL accounting ,INTERNAL auditing ,CASE studies - Abstract
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- Published
- 2020
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- Author
da Silva, Alini and Maria Beuren, Ilse
- Subjects
STRUCTURAL equation modeling ,INFORMATION sharing ,MANAGEMENT controls - Abstract
Copyright of Advances in Scientific & Applied Accounting is the property of Associacao Nacional de Programas de Pos-graduacao em Ciencias Contabeis and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Mony, Suresh and Ramachandran, Narayani
- Subjects
MANAGEMENT controls ,PROFITABILITY ,CAPITAL movements ,TOURIST attractions ,REGRESSION analysis - Abstract
The attraction of public private partnerships (PPPs) for governments is that the on-ground fructification of infrastructure projects is far higher than the traditional implementation route through public sector or departmental undertakings. Besides, time overruns are also considerably reduced. However, empirical evidence does not clearly establish that PPPs are cost efficient. This coupled with the risk intensity has impacted the long run flow of private capital to infrastructure PPPs and it therefore calls for a more scientific approach to management of profitability related risks. Appropriate management control systems (MCS) could be the answer, provided they can favorably impact profitability. Aggregating data from road, ports, airports, urban infrastructure, railways and power PPP ventures implemented in India, this chapter attempts to study the relationship between MCS and returns to sponsors through regression analysis. The study concludes that multiple MCS have a significant relationship with sponsors' profitability. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Patrocinio Pereira, Antonio José and Gomes, Josir Simeone
- Subjects
MANAGEMENT controls ,GLOBALIZATION ,CHEMICAL industry ,HIGH technology industries - Abstract
Copyright of Revista de Contabilidade do Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis da UERJ is the property of Editora da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (EdUERJ) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
241. Measuring reflectiveness as innovation potential – Do we ever stop to think around here?
- Author
Hildén, Sanna, Sanna Pekkola and, and Rämö, Johanna
- Published
- 2014
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242. The Contribution of Management Control Systems to Environmental Capabilities.
- Author
Albertini, Elisabeth
- Subjects
MANAGEMENT controls ,INDUSTRIAL costs ,COMPETITIVE advantage in business ,RESOURCE-based theory of the firm ,BUSINESS & the environment ,STAKEHOLDERS - Abstract
A growing number of companies are implementing proactive environmental strategies with the objective of gaining competitive advantage through an enhanced reputation, the reduction in production costs, and a first-mover advantage in the green product market. Yet according to the natural-resource-based view, the development and maintenance of unique and valuable environmental capabilities are the central elements allowing companies to gain financial benefit from their proactive environmental strategy. In this context, management control systems can contribute to the development of environmental capabilities by focusing attention on strategic priorities and stimulating dialogue. Through a single case study, and building on Simons' (Levers of control: how Managers use innovative control systems to drive strategic renewal, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 1995) four levers of control, we propose a conceptual framework of management control levers that show how companies can enhance (1) stakeholder integration capability through the joint use of belief, boundary, and diagnostic control systems; (2) shared vision capability through the joint use of the belief and boundary systems; (3) organizational learning capability through the use of interactive control systems and to a lesser extent diagnostic control systems; and (4) continuous innovation capability through the use of interactive control systems, belief systems and to a lesser extent diagnostic control systems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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243. Disentangling the Role of Management Control Systems for Product and Process Innovation in Different Contexts.
- Author
Guo, Bing, Paraskevopoulou, Evita, and Santamaría Sánchez, Luis
- Subjects
PROCESS control systems ,MANAGEMENT controls ,TECHNOLOGICAL innovations - Abstract
This paper studies the relationship between the use of management control systems and different types of innovation (product and process), taking into account innovation contexts (high-tech versus low-tech sectors). We develop and test our hypotheses based on a large sample of Spanish manufacturing firms and find that input controls have a positive association only with process innovation in both innovation contexts. Behavior controls have similar effects on both types of innovation outcomes for high-tech firms, while they have stronger positive associations with process than with product innovation for low-tech firms. Output controls are equally relevant for product and process innovation in both contexts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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244. Enabling and coercive management control systems and organizational resilience.
- Author
Maria Beuren, Ilse and dos Santos, Vanderlei
- Subjects
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ORGANIZATIONAL resilience , *MANAGEMENT controls , *STRUCTURAL equation modeling , *MERGERS & acquisitions , *CAPACITY building - Abstract
This study examines the impacts of enabling and coercive management control systems (MCSs) on organizational resilience, in the cognitive, behavioral, and contextual dimensions. Research on resilience has sought to identify elements capable of improving organizational resilience capacity, and enabling and coercive MCSs may shed new light on this discussion. Understanding the role of MCSs in the creation and use of resilience capacities can help explain why some organizations manage to outperform others in situations of adverse and turbulent events. The literature has focused on enabling MCSs and adopts the premise that, in general, the use of coercive controls is negatively perceived. However, the results of the research show that enabling and coercive MCSs coexist in companies, and that coercive controls do not have a negative influence on resilience, even showing a positive association with the contextual dimension. A survey was conducted in companies that bought and/or were acquired by others, according to PwC Brazil's Mergers and Acquisitions report, and the sample consists of 144 managers from different organizational areas of these companies who answered the questionnaire sent via Survey Monkey. The structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was applied to test the hypotheses. The study presents evidence that MCSs constitute antecedents of resilience capacity in organizations. This suggests that the design and use of MCSs may favor the development of capacities to deal with turbulences and unexpected events in advance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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245. Measuring business performance in the metal finishing industry by combining theory with practice.
- Author
Dietrich, M. and Wald, A.
- Subjects
METAL finishing ,FINISHES & finishing ,METAL industry ,ORGANIZATIONAL performance ,THEORY-practice relationship ,MANAGEMENT controls ,PERFORMANCE evaluation - Abstract
Little attention has been spent on the adaptation and implementation of theoretical Business Performance Measurement (BPM) models to specific industry and company contexts leading to a limited practical value of such models. This article, aimed at industrialists, reports on research carried out on performance measurement for the metal finishing industry. The purpose of this research was threefold: first, to analyse the interplay of strategy, Management Control Systems (MCS) and BPM to establish linkages between these dimensions; second, to render generic BPM models more readily accessible for practitioners; and third, to develop a BPM design process linking individual industry (in this case, metal finishing) class characteristics to generic BPM models. The BPM design process developed, empirically validated for the metal finishing industry, helps to narrow the gap between theory and practice in MCS and BPM. Future research should be able to apply the concept to other industry classes. Industrial practitioners can use our BPM design process for implementing a suitable BPM model within their management control systems and industry context. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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246. Stages of management control in a large public organization: from top to frontline managers.
- Author
Deschamps, Carl
- Abstract
We examine how the preferences of managers in using management control systems change at every hierarchical level and how these changes affect strategic alignment. Based on an extensive case study in a large Belgian public organization where performance management is a core philosophy, we report data from observations and interviews of managers to examine the differences in how managers use controls at each level. We find three principal trends in the use of controls, each representing a challenge in creating hierarchical alignment and consistency using management control systems. First, controls designed as boundaries tend to get progressively stricter down the hierarchy despite the intentions and efforts of top management. Second, while top management favours the design and use of diagnostic controls, frontline managers prefer to use interactive controls and direct information. Therefore, more effort is required at the frontlines in order to activate the control systems. Finally, boundaries create empowerment for managers at lower hierarchical levels, but only when they are able to find both a sense of direction and a sense of security and predictability in organizational control systems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
- Subjects
ORGANIZATION management ,MANAGEMENT controls ,INDUSTRIAL management ,KEY performance indicators (Management) ,EMPLOYEE promotions - Abstract
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- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Teles, João, Mendes, Alcindo Cipriano Argolo, and Lunkes, Rogério João
- Subjects
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MANAGEMENT controls , *INDUSTRIAL management , *SUPERIOR-subordinate relationship , *ORGANIZATIONAL behavior , *ORGANIZATIONAL goals - Abstract
Top management teams use Management Control Systems (MCS) to guide the performances of their subordinates and also the decisions made by them, promoting and implementing strategies based on the organizational behavior. The choices made by upper echelon members can determine how the organizational goals will be achieved by using MCS. This integrative review aims to examine the literature addressing the ways in which upper level executives use Management Control Systems in organizations, highlighting and categorizing the expected linkage between the use of MCS and upper echelons characteristics. The results allowed a synthesis of the theme based on the identification of a taxonomy for top managers' characteristics that have influenced on MCS usages, as well as some provocative questions as a way of reflection for future researches. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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249. Interrelation of Controls for Autonomous Motivation: A Field Study of Productivity Gains Through Pressure-Induced Process Innovation.
- Author
Pfister, Jan A. and Lukka, Kari
- Subjects
EMPLOYEE motivation ,PROCESS optimization ,INDUSTRIAL productivity ,INNOVATIONS in business ,MANUFACTURING processes ,CREATIVE thinking ,AUTONOMY (Psychology) - Abstract
This field study investigates an empirical setting where the introduction of new formal results controls—stretch targets for productivity that are seemingly unachievable with current process efficiencies—is associated with high productivity gains over extended periods of time. Contrary to findings from the prior management accounting research, employees meet the targets by being creative and risk-taking in continuously innovating processes, despite the pressure induced by high target-level difficulty. Mobilizing self-determination theory, we argue that a specific interrelation of personnel and cultural control with results control supports internalization of the latter by employees. In this situation, employees perceive the high performance required by the results control assimilated into their own values, which facilitates the autonomous motivation necessary for their creativity. Our findings contribute to the literature by identifying the conditions, and discovering the mechanisms, that enhance the efficacy of stretch targets. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Rafael Defaveri, Ivan, Grapegia Dal Vesco, Delci, Alberto Diehl, Carlos, and Augusto Toigo, Leandro
- Subjects
COOPERATIVE agriculture ,STRUCTURAL equation modeling ,SOCIAL structure ,MANAGEMENT controls ,RECORDS management - Abstract
Copyright of Advances in Scientific & Applied Accounting is the property of Associacao Nacional de Programas de Pos-graduacao em Ciencias Contabeis and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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