Determining boron requirement through sorption isotherms is considered more accurate than conventional soil testing. Boron requirements of chickpea leaves and seeds were assessed from yield response curves based on the model applied by boron fertilizer under field conditions. Boron sorption isotherms were constructed by using Talagang (Fluventic Camborthid) and Balkassar (Typic Haplustalf) soil series at Murat and Tatral, Punjab Province, Pakistan, varying in their calcium carbonate and clay contents. Adsorption isotherms were constructed by equilibrating 3g soil with 30ml of 0.01M calcium chloride solution containing varying amounts of boron (0 to 1.6mgkg���1 soil). Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models were used to assess the boron sorption parameters. Langmuir showed a good fit of the sorption data (r2 = 0.99). Six soil solution boron levels (0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, and 0.12mg l���1) were developed using sorption data and recommended N, P, and K rates were applied as basal dose. Boron application significantly increased grain yield and boron uptake by all the chickpea cultivars over native soil boron. Soil solution boron requirement of chickpea cultivars for near-maximum relative seed yield at both soils was approximately the same (0.02mg l���1). Internal boron requirement in leaves varied from 20-24mgkg���1 and in seed from 11-15mgkg���1. The study indicates that exploitation of the genetic variation in chickpea can help to avoid B deficiency or reduce B fertilizer requirements without affecting crop productivity., {"references":["Ahlawat IPS, Gangaiah B, Zadid MA. 2007. Nutrient management in chickpea. In: Yadav SS, Redden R, Chen W, Sharma B, Eds. Chickpea breeding and management. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, United Kingdom p. 213-232.","Arora S, Chahal DS. 2007. 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