This article stands in the context of rural communities in Brazil, where, like many others emerging countries, the overwhelming increasing markets and the overcrowded cities are leaving behind informal settlements based on obsolete agricultural economies and techniques. The pilot project for the community of Goiabeira reflects the attempt to imagine a development model that privileges the actual improvement of living conditions, the education and training, the social inclusion and participation of the dwellers of rural communities. Through the inclusion of operative public space, the aim is for them to become self-sustaining, encouraging the use of local resources for appropriate architectural, ecological and energy technologies and devices, that are efficient, affordable and foster community participation, in the respect of the surrounding environment., {"references":["","M. Reid, \"A Special Report on Latin America: So Near and Yet so Far\",\nin The Economist, 9th of September 2010, available online at:\ (April 2013)","M. Villa, \"Contro la povertà il Brasile rivitalizza il settore agricolo\", in\nMeridiani Relazioni Internazionali, 8 marzo 2013, available online at:\\n(March 2013)","L.A. Pinto de Oliveira & A. Tadeu Ribeiro de Oliveira, Estudo e\nAnalises Informação Demográfica e Socioeconómica numero 1.\nReflexões sobre os Deslocamentos Populacionais no Brasil, Rio de\nJaneiro: Instituo Brasileiro de Geografia e Estadística – IBGE, 2011","F. Brito, \"As migrações internas no ˇBrasil: um ensaio sobre os\ndesafios teóricos recentes\", in VI Encontro Nacional sobre Migrações,\nBelo Horizonte, 2009. Available online at:\n\nracoes/ST3/FaustoBrito.pdf (March 2013)","A. Battisti, \"L'approccio bioclimatico alla progettazione\", in\nArchitettura produttiva. Principi di progettazione ecologica, M.\nL. Palumbo, Ed. Rimini: Maggioli Editore, 2012, p. 35-48.","A. K. Sen, Development as Freedom. New York: Anchor Books, 1999","E. Pieterse, \"Building New Wolds: Design and the Second Urban\nTransition\", in Design for the Other 90%, C.E. Smith, Ed. New York:\nCooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institute, 2011","UN-HABITAT, State of the World's Cities 2010-2011.","S. Cozzens, J. Sutz, \"Innovation in Informal Settings: A Research\nAgenda\", International Development Research Centre – IDRC, 2012.\nAvailable online at:\n\nmework%20July%2029.pdf (March 2013)\n[10] United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Inclusive Development,\navailable online at:\n\nocus_areas/focus_inclusive_development/, (April 2013)\n[11] P. Jenkins, L. Forsyth, Architecture, Participation and Society. New\nYork: Routledge, 2010\n[12] N. M. Lister, \"Insurgent Ecologies, (Re)Claiming Ground in Landscape\nand Urbanism\", in Ecological Urbanism, M. Mostafavi, G. Doherty,\nEd. Baden: Lars Muller Publisher, 2010, pg.540\n[13] J. A. Berdegué, R. Fuentealba, \"Proıpoor innovation systems\", in Latin\nAmerica: The State of Smallholders in Agriculture, Conference on New\nDirections for Smallholder Agriculture, IFAD, 2011. Available online\nat:\n(March 2013)\n[14] International-Labor-Organization (ILO), Employment, Incomes and\nequality: A strategy for increasing productive employment in Kenya.\nGeneva, 1972.\n[15] A. H. Maslow, A theory of human motivation. Readings in managerial\npsychology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1989\n[16] Y. Friedman, L'architecture de survie. Une philosophie de la pauvreté.\nParis: Editions l'éclat, 2003\n[17] A., North, Operatives Landscapes. Building Communities Through\nPublic Space. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, 2013\n[18] C. Waldheim, \"A Reference Manifesto\", in The Landscape Urbanism\nReader, C. Waldheim, Ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press,\n2006, p.16\n[19] J. M. Jáuregui, \"Articulating the Broken City and Society\", in\nArchitectural Design, Vol. 81, Issue 3, pages 58–63, May/June 2011\n[20] F. Oswald & P. Schenker, \"NESTown: New Ethiopian Sustainable\nTown. A Real Life Experiment\", in ATDF JOURNAL Vol. 7, Issue 1/2,\n2010\n[21] A. Battisti \"Best practices for architectural, energetic and social\ninformal city retrofitting\", in Inhabiting the future...after Copenhagen,\nAA. VV.. Napoli: Clean Edizioni, 2010, p. 1352-1363\n[22] S. Cimini, \"Il problema dell'equilibrio e l'innovazione tra cultura\ntecnologica, integrazione con l'ambiente e creatività\", in 7° seminario\nOSDOTTA - La Ricerca tra Innovazione, Creatività e Progetto,\nMantova, 2011\n[23] United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP, Annual Report 2011,\nUnited Nations Environment Programme, 2012\n[24] International Cooperatives Alliance, Statement on the Cooperative\nIdentity, available online at:\nvalues-principles (April 2013)."]}