201. Curriculum Handbook for Parents, 2001-2002: Catholic School Version, Grade 9.
- Author
Alberta Learning, Edmonton.
- Abstract
Parents are vital partners in the educational system. This handbook provides parents with information about the Grade 9 curriculum in Catholic schools in Alberta, Canada. Based on the Alberta Learning "Program of Studies: Junior High Schools," the handbook describes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes Catholic school students in Alberta are expected to demonstrate upon completion of the Grade 9 curriculum. Following introductory material, sections include: (1) "What Is Curriculum?"; (2) "Religious Education"; (3) "English Language Arts"; (4) "Mathematics"; (5) "Science"; (6) "Social Studies"; (7) "Physical Education"; (8) "Health and Personal Life Skills"; (9) "Information and Communication Technology"; (10) "Integrated Occupational Program"; and (11) "Optional Courses" in Career and Technology Studies, Fine and Performing Arts, Language Programs and Courses Other than English, and other courses such as Environmental and Outdoor Education, and Ethics. Each section includes samples of what students are expected to learn in each subject. The handbook concludes with a one-page questionnaire requesting feedback on the handbook. (HTH)
- Published
- 2001