Jecković, Mihajlo, Vučaj-Ćirilović, Viktorija, Stojanović, Sanja, Petrović, Slađana, Lovrenski, Jovan, Šarčev, Katarina, and Till, Viktor
UVOD: Hronične inflamatorne bolesti se ispoljavaju kao Kronova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis. Njihova značajnost ogleda se u hronicitetu kao i u stepenu u kom ograničavaju rast i razvoj dece i omladine. Brojne su posledice ovih oboljenja: dugotrajno izostajanje sa nastave, ograničavanje životnih aktivnosti i pojava komplikacija koje neretko zahvataju i druge organske sisteme. Etiologija je i dalje nerazjašnjenja navodeći kao značajan hronični inflamatorni proces u genetski uslovljenih pojedinaca a provociranih nekim infektivnim agensom. Početkom 21. veka genetska istraživanja su otkrila osnovu nasleđivanja hroničnih inflamatornih oboljenja povezanih sa NOD2 genom. Kako je u pitanju organskim sistem koji je ograničeno pristupačan kliničkom pregledu, osnovu dijagnostike čine radiološke metode. Kako je potrebno sprečiti kontinuirano izlaganje štetnom dejstvu rendgenskog zračenja istraživanja se usmeravaju ka UZ i magnetnoj rezonanca. Naše istraživanje se baziralo na mogućnostima ovih dveju metoda u svakodnevnom radu za dijagnostiku i dalje praćenje hroničnih inflamatornih bolesti creva. CILJEVI: Utvrditi senzitivnost i specifičnost ultrazvučne dijagnostike i magnetne resonance kod upalnih oboljenja creva u dečjem i adolescentnom uzrastu. Definisati i uporediti prednosti i ograničenja ultrazvučne dijagnostike sa dijagnostikom magnetne rezonace kod upalnih obolenja creva u dečjem i adolescentnom uzrastu. MATERIJAL I METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 62. dece i adolescenata u toku prvog ataka bolesti ili ponovljenim fazama bolesti ili tokom redovnog praćenja u remisiji. Obuhvaćeni uzrast je od 4. do 18. godina. Potom su razvrstani u grupe na osnovu vrste pregleda i prisustva zadebljanja crevnog zida na A i B (pregled UZ), gde je A grupa imala zabeleženo zadebljanje crevnog zida preko 3 mm, a kod dece u grupi B debljina crevnog zida je bila između 2,5-3 mm. Sa druge strane na osnovu pregleda magnetnom rezonancom podeljeni su u A1 i B1 grupe, takođe po kriterijumu zadebljanja crevnog zida većeg od 3 mm (A1), odnosno između 2,5-3 mm (B1). Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Institutu za zdravstvenu zaštitutu dece i omladine Vojvodine i Institutu za radiologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine. Prvi pregled načinjen je UZ a potom je načinjen pregled magnetnom rezonanacom. Podaci su obrađivani retrospektivno i prospektivno. Kriterijumi za uključivanje u studiju pored uzrasta bili su radiološki: zadebljanje crevnog zida >3mm, postojanje narušene arhitektonike crevnog zida, zadebljanje pojedinih crevnih segmenata-dužina segmenta, znaci fibroze, odsustvo peristaltike, izražena hiperemija na kolor Doppleru, transmuralni znaci upale, uvećani mezenterijalni limfni nodusi kao i kontrolni pregledi kod dece sa ranije ustanovljenom dijagnozom. Načinjena je endoskopija sa biopsijom radi postavljanja definitivne dijagnoze, potom se pristupilo statističkoj obradi dobijenih podataka. Izračunate su prosečne i standardne devijacije i frekvencije kao i pripadajući procenti. Određivane su maksimalne i minimalne vrednosti, medijane i interkvartalni raspon. Dobijeni podaci prikazani su u grafikonima i tabelama. Za parametrijske varijable upotrebljavan je Man – Vitni U test. Za kategoričke vrednosti upotrebljeni su χ2 i Fišerov test. Nadalje su određivane senzitivnost, specifičnost kao i pozitivne i negativne prediktivne vrednosti. Veze između dva parametra uspostavljene su pomoću Pirsonove korelacione analize i linearnim regresionim modelom. Upotrebljen je program za obradu podataka SPSS 21 Statistics,a kao statistički značajne vrednosti uzete su vrednosti p, INTRODUCTION: Chronic inflammatory diseases are manifested through two clinical entities: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Their significance lies in the chronicity and the degree to which they restrict the growth and development of children and youth. There are many consenquences that come with the very nature of the disease, in addition to long-term absence from school, limiting life activities and the occurrence of complications that often affect other organ systems. The etiology of the disease has long been in favor of the theory that a chronic inflammatory process in genetically conditioned individual is provoking an inflammation due to a certain infectious agent. However, a step closer was made regarding the etiology of the disease - when the genetic basis of inheritance studies have revealed chronic inflammatory bowel diseases were associated with NOD2 gene. It is particularly important to prevent continuous exposure to the harmful effects of X-rays. Therefore, numerous studies have been made towards the validation of complementarity, accuracy and diagnostic capabilities of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging as noninvasive techniques. Our research was based on the capabilities of these two methods in their daily work for diagnosis and follow-up of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. OBJECTIVES: The objectives were to determine the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in inflammatory bowel disease in children and adolescents. Furthermore, the aim was to define and compare the advantages and limitations between ultrasound diagnosis and magnetic resonance in inflammatory bowel disease in children and adolescents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 62 children and adolescents during the first attack of disease or recurrent stages of the disease, or during regular monitoring in remission. Patients included children of both sexes, aged 4-18. Then they were sorted into groups based on the type of the examination and the presence of a thickening of the intestinal wall into groups A and B - in these groups children were examined by ultrasound, A group had observed thickening of the intestinal wall > 3 mm whereas children in group B had had thickening of the intestinal wall between 2,5-3 mm. Based on the review of MRI children were divided into groups A1 and B1, also according to the criterion of bowel wall thickening greater than 3mm (A1) and between 2,5-3mm (B1). The research was conducted at the Institute for Health Protection of Children and Youth and the Institute of Radiology, Clinical Center of Vojvodina. The first review was made by ultrasound, followed by the review of magnetic resonance. Data were analyzed retrospectively and prospectively. Criteria for inclusion in the study were: thickening of the intestinal wall greater than 3 mm, the existence of disturbed intestinal wall architectural structure, no clear distinction of layers, abnormal thickening of certain intestinal segments, signs of fibrosis, the absence of peristalsis, expressed hyperemia on color Doppler, transmural inflammation, increased mesenterial lymph nodes as well as check-ups for children with previously established diagnosis. Endosccopy with biopsy has made for the definitive diagnosis and then we approached statistical analysis of the data obtained. The data are presented in graphs and tables. For parametric variables we used Man - Whitney U test. For categorical values χ2 and Fisher's test were used. Further the sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values were determined. Relationship between these two parameters were established using Pearson correlation analysis and linear regression model. For data processing we used the program SPSS Statistics 21, statistically significant values were taken p values