Tagarro, Alfredo, Cobos-Carrascosa, Elena, Villaverde, Serena, Sanz-Santaeufemia, Francisco-Javier, Grasa, Carlos, Soriano-Arandes, Antoni, Hernanz, Alicia, Navarro, María Luisa, Pino, Rosa, Epalza, Cristina, Batista, Rosa, Rizo, Jana, Iglesias-Bouzas, María-Isabel, Rodríguez-Molino, Paula, Villanueva-Medina, Sara, Carrasco-Colom, Jaime, Alonso-Cadenas, José-Antonio, Mellado, María-José, Herrero, Blanca, Melendo, Susana, De La Torre, Mercedes, Calleja, Lourdes, Calvo, Cristina, Urretavizcaya-Martínez, María, Astigarraga, Itziar, Menasalvas, Ana, Penin, María, Neth, Olaf, Berzosa, Arantxa, De Ceano-Vivas, María, Vidal, Paula, Romero, Isabel, González, Raúl, García, María Luz, Mesa, Juan-Miguel, Ballesteros, Álvaro, Bernardino, María, Moraleda, Cinta, and EPICO-AEP Working Group
We aimed to identify the spectrum of disease in children with COVID-19, and the risk factors for admission in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs). We conducted a multicentre, prospective study of children with SARS-CoV-2 infection in 76 Spanish hospitals. We included children with COVID-19 or multi-inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) younger than 18 years old, attended during the first year of the pandemic. We enrolled 1200 children. A total of 666 (55.5%) were hospitalised, and 123 (18.4%) required admission to PICU. Most frequent major clinical syndromes in the cohort were mild syndrome (including upper respiratory tract infection and flu-like syndrome, skin or mucosae problems and asymptomatic), 44.8%; bronchopulmonary syndrome (including pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma flare), 18.5%; fever without a source, 16.2%; MIS-C, 10.6%; and gastrointestinal syndrome, 10%. In hospitalised children, the proportions were 28.5%, 25.7%, 16.5%, 19.1% and 10.2%, respectively. Risk factors associated with PICU admission were age in months (OR: 1.007; 95% CI 1.004 to 1.01), MIS-C (OR: 14.4, 95% CI 8.9 to 23.8), chronic cardiac disease (OR: 4.8, 95% CI 1.8 to 13), asthma or recurrent wheezing (OR: 2.5, 95% CI 1.2 to 5.2) and after excluding MIS-C patients, moderate/severe liver disease (OR: 8.6, 95% CI 1.6 to 47.6). However, asthmatic children were admitted into the PICU due to MIS-C or pneumonia, not due to asthma flare.Conclusion: Hospitalised children with COVID-19 usually present as one of five major clinical phenotypes of decreasing severity. Risk factors for PICU include MIS-C, elevation of inflammation biomarkers, asthma, moderate or severe liver disease and cardiac disease. What is Known: • All studies suggest that children are less susceptible to serious SARS-CoV-2 infection when compared to adults. Most studies describe symptoms at presentation. However, it remains unclear how these symptoms group together into clinically identifiable syndromes and the severity associated with them. What is New: • We have gathered the primary diagnoses into five major syndromes of decreasing severity: MIS-C, bronchopulmonary syndrome, gastrointestinal syndrome, fever without a source and mild syndrome. Classification of the children in one of the syndromes is unique and helps to assess the risk of critical illness and to define the spectrum of the disease instead of just describing symptoms and signs. Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (PI20/00095) SERMAS-Fundacion para la Investigacion Biomedica del Hospital 12 de Octubre Spanish Society of Paediatrics (Asociacion Espanola de Pediatria) Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government Fondos FEDER (Contrato Rio Hortega) CM20/00173 Becas Cantera Santander-Fundacion Universidad Europea de Madrid 3.860 JCR (2021) Q1, 28/130 Pediatrics 0.806 SJR (2021) Q1, 65/320 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health No data IDR 2021 UEM