- Author
Aleksandra Žmegač Horvat
- Subjects
Medicinski engleski ,promjene kurikuluma ,Bolonjski proces ,morfologija medicinskih termina ,usvajanje vokabulara na razini prepoznavanja i produkcije ,education ,Medical English ,curricular changes ,Bologna process ,morphology of medical terms ,vocabulary acquisition at the levels of recognition and production - Abstract
Aim. To compare the impact of the introductory part of the Medical English course at the University of Zagreb Medical School in three different student groups, in view of the recent curricular changes concerning the Bologna process. Method. In the academic year 2005/06, three student groups (students of The Medical Studies in English program, regular first- and second-year students) took the same course concerning the basics of the morphology of medical terms. At the beginning and at the end of the course, each group was given the same questionnaire testing vocabulary at the levels of recognition and production. The difference between the results obtained at the outset and upon the completion of the course expressed the extent of vocabulary acquisition, calculated for each term and as mean values for each group separately. Results. In the vertical, recognition vs production, comparison of results, all groups attained higher percentages in the recognition part of the questionnaire. Horizontally, the best results in both parts were achieved by the Medical Studies in English (MSE) group. Concerning the regular first- and second-year groups, the former did markedly better in the recognition part, while the difference in the production part was only slightly in their favor. Conclusion. The considerably better results attained by the MSE group are probably due to the chronologically concentrated teaching and evaluation of the course, as well as to the students’ high motivation. Regarding the first and second-year groups, it was shown that the course impact was definitely greater for the first-year group, a result that supports the current changes in the curriculum concerning the Medical English course and serves as a hopeful pointer to our future efforts in that direction., Cilj: Usporediti učinak uvodnoga dijela kolegija Medicinski engleski u trima različitim skupinama studenata Medicinskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, posebice s obzirom na promjene u kurikulumu uvedene radi usklađivanja sa zahtjevima Bolonjskoga procesa. Metoda: U ak. god. 2005./06. uvodni dio kolegija Medicinski engleski koji se bavi morfologijom medicinskih termina slušale su tri skupine studenata (studenti programa Studija medicine na engleskom, te redoviti studenti 1. i 2. godine). Na početku i kraju kolegija svaka je skupina popunila isti upitnik, test vokabulara na razinama prepoznavanja i produkcije. Razlika postignutih rezultata, izražena u postotcima za svaki pojedinačni termin, te kao ukupna srednja vrijednost za svaku skupinu posebno, pokazatelj je usvojenoga vokabulara. Rezultati: Vertikalnom (prepoznavanje vs-produkcija) usporedbom rezultata razvidno je da su sve skupine postigle bolji rezultat u prvom dijelu upitnika kojim se testiralo prepoznavanje termina. Horizontalna usporedba pokazuje da je najbolji rezultat u oba dijela testa postigla skupina Studija medicine na engleskom; od redovitih je studenata skupina 1. godine postigla znatno bolje rezultate u prvom dijelu testa (prepoznavanje), dok je u drugom dijelu (produkcija) razlika u njihovu korist bila tek neznatna. Zaključak: Značajno bolji ukupan rezultat skupine studenata Studija medicine na engleskom vjerojatno se može objasniti činjenicom da oni kolegij slušaju vremenski koncentrirano, u bloku koji uključuje i samu evaluaciju, te njihovom visokom motiviranošću. Što se tiče skupina 1. i 2. godine, rezultati upućuju na to da je učinak nastave veći na prvoj godini, što je činjenica koja ide u prilog tekućim promjenama kurikuluma te može biti smjernicom za naš budući rad.
- Published
- 2006