Background: The literature about artificial insemination and the associated psychological, psychiatric and sexual disorders is relatively rich. But the majority of these studies is made in gynaecology, with a feminine approach of the disorder. There are very few works led in andrology. This justified the investigation of new trails in order to understand better the clinical context of the sterile man. We undertake a study about the psychiatric disorders among sterile men and about the defense styles. These are a clinical entity recently introduced in the quantitative psychopathology research. The defense style questionnaire (DSQ) is a psychometric scale used in common practice in order to measure the defense styles., Objectives: We made this study in order to examine the psychiatric state of a sterile males sample consulting in andrology; to assess the defense style by means of the Bond and al DSQ-88 ; to look into a difference between the defensive process according to their clinical situation of azoospermic males or as the oligoazoospermic males and finally, to reveal a correlation between the psychiatric disorders developed in this sample of sterile males and the defensive process they used., Method: There were 42 people (22 azoospermic males and 20 oligoazoospermic males) aged between 23 and 49 years old in the analysed sample. These have been selected at the surgery of andrology at the RUHC of Lille, depending on their arrival order for 6 months. There was no significant difference between the two groups as far as the age and the education standard are concerned. The selection criteria were medical and somatic. Our sample population were divided into two groups: azoospermia (no spermatozoon found in the semen analysis) and oligoasthenospermia (decrease of the number and the mobility of the spermatozoa and an increase of the percentage of atypical forms). The method first consisted in the DSQ, followed by the analysis of the psychiatric state according to the DSM IV, a hetero questionnaire to collect some general information about infertility and a self questionnaire about the sexual, conjugal and social effects of infertility. The DSQ and the interviews took place in the andrology department with the same investigator trained for this job., Results: We found in our sample 26.2% of psychiatric disorders according to the DSM IV with a significant over-representation of generalized anxious disorder and somatization disorder. The comparison between azoospermic males and oligoazoospermic males patients showed the absence of significative difference as far as psychiatric morbidity rate and the use of defense styles are concerned., Discussion: Our sample defended himself in accordance with modalities similar to the general population and used defense mechanisms preferentially belonging to the mature defense style, such as humor, repression and anticipation. The psychiatric pathology was significantly correlated to the preferential use of withdrawal, consumption, reaction formation and lack of humor use. We also confirm in our study the fact that the subjects using especially neurotic defense styles are more likely to develop a psychiatric disorder than the others. Our male sample is a waiting population and threatened by failure. The situation of wait creates anxiety. We also know that infertility is one of the most stressful situations a couple might face. However, our study did not enable us to know the precise relations between generalized anxious disorder and infertility, especially whether the generalized anxious disorder preceded this pathology or not. The over-representation of a somatization disorder only allows us to acknowledge its existence. We can also deduce from that a possible link between infertility and psychic disorder, even if no research permitted to affirm to date the existence of interrelations linking infertility and psychic life. On the whole, this population was suffering despite 73.8% of the patients had no confirmed psychiatric disorder. It is the reason why a liaison psychiatry more inserted into highly specialized teams is interesting, especially because it includes a medical and psychological approach of such disorders. The defense mechanisms preferentially used by this population were humor, repression and anticipation. Humor can only be considered as a defense mechanism when it is applied to oneself. The population who has no psychiatric disorder more uses humor. Does humor protect against the development of a psychiatric pathology, as certain authors proved it ? On the other hand, is repression really protective? It didn't interfere in our study about the development of a psychiatric pathology. So we can suppose that repression was protective for our whole sample, but we can not prove it. However, we wonder if this mechanism works after the failure of an artificial insemination is announced. In which measure such a stress can be repressed out of the conscience field? As for anticipation, it is used by our population who is for the most part in good health. But the question is to know if our sample really envisaged all the different possible solutions or only the success of artificial insemination. As some other works, we confirm that the, psychiatric, people significantly use the neurotic style. Our psychiatric patients used less humor and more consumption, withdrawal and reaction formation than the sane people. Consumption is rarely considered as a defense mechanism by some other authors. And yet, consumption and the existence of psychiatric disorders were very closely linked. This association is found again with anxiety in other studies. The correlation between psychiatric disorder and withdrawal was veryimportant too. The DSM lV defines withdrawal as an apathetic withdrawal. It is not an apathetic withdrawal in our population because the average scores for the ,, activity >, defense mechanism remained high. In our sample, the use of this defense mechanism would encourage the expression of psychiatric troubles. The reaction formation quoted by Freud and Bergeret are both valorised in our society. What kinds of reaction formations use these men ? Are they pathological ? Our study can not answer to these questions. However, the DSQ items examining the reaction formation present its "socially promoted" aspect and forget the pathological one. It has been showed that the evaluation of the defense modalities in a certain type of population can allow the emergence of specific defense mechanisms. This can be considered as predictive factors of development of a mental pathology. The evaluation of specific mental defenses could permit to define vulnerability and affinity for given affections instead of simple personality traits or profiles. Most part of the works shows results in favour of the capacity of DSQ to assess the different defense mechanisms according to the diagnosis groups. But the insufficient numbers of studies moderate on the whole the hypothesis of the existence of specific defense mechanisms--protective factors and factors of vulnerability--linked to a given psychiatric disorder., Conclusion: There is not a difference of psychological effect in terms of degree of sterility. On the other hand, the existence of over-represented psychiatric disorders with sterile males compared with a control group force Consultation-Liaison psychiatrists and andrologists would be able to understand the pain beyond the need of acting by the artificial insemination. In our opinion, this justifies the fact that the patients should have the opportunity of expressing, in the department where they are treated, all the feelings inherent to their personal and conjugal drama as part of a specialized treatment. Our study confirms the difficulty to know whether some defense mechanisms are vulnerability factors for a certain psychiatric disorder or whether the defense mechanisms are an epiphenomenon of a particular psychiatric disorder. This is the reason why a lot of authors having worked with DSQ agree to conclude that additional prospective studies, which would permit to make a link between the defense mechanisms anda certain psychiatric pathology, are necessary. In the case we study, it is important to explore the defensive modalities before the infertility diagnosis and after the birth of a child, with a more important sample population. A better knowledge of the defensive modalities of such a population, used in a psychotherapeutic context could help to prevent the appearance of psychiatric disorders or, if not, to anticipate them.