This paper tries to shed light on the existence of a bank lending channel (BLC) in South Eastern European countries (SEE). Based on a VAR framework we test the responsiveness of credit supply to monetary policy shocks. By compiling a new data set and using the reserve requirement ratio, among others, as the policy instrument we measure the effectiveness of the BLC and the buffering effect of the banks in the SEE countries. The results indicate that loan supply is significantly affected by shifts in monetary policy, when demand factors are controlled. Furthermore, by analyzing the effect of the Greek banks in the region we conclude that Greek banks do buffer the negative effects of monetary policy transmission. By having a significant market share of the SEE-s banking markets we argue that Greek banks influence positively the economic growth of SEE countries., {"references":["Kishan and Opiela, \"Bank, Size and the Bank Lending Channel,\" Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol.32, pp. 121 -141, 2000.","B.S. Bernanke, and M. Gertler, \"Inside the Black Box: The Credit Channel of Monetary Transmission,\" Journal of Economic\nPerspectives, vol. 9, pp. 27-48, 1995.","J. C. Stein, \"An adverse-selection model of bank asset and liability management with implications for the transmission of monetary\npolicy,\" RAND Journal of Economics, vol.29, pp. 466-486, 1998.","C. Romer, and D. Romer, \"Does monetary policy matter? A new test in\nthe spirit of Friedman and Schwartz,\" NBER Macroeconomics Annual,\nvol. 4, pp. 121-70, 1989.","A. Kashyap, D. Wilcox, and J. Stein, \"The monetary transmission\nmechanism, evidence from the composition of external finance,\" Mimeo, MIT. 1991.","B. Bernanke, and A. 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