228 results on '"Baillié, K"'
Search Results
202. Advances in Molecular Toxicology
- Author
Fishbein, James C. and Fishbein, James C.
- Subjects
- Molecular toxicology
- Abstract
Advances in Molecular Toxicology features the latest advances in all of the subspecialties of the broad area of molecular toxicology. Toxicology is the study of poisons and this series details the study of the molecular basis by which a vast array of agents encountered in the human environment and produced by the human body itself manifest themselves as toxins. Not strictly limited to documenting these examples the series is also concerned with the complex web of chemical and biological events that give rise to toxin-induced symptoms and disease. The new technologies that are being harnessed to analyze and understand these events will also be reviewed by leading workers in the field. Advances in Molecular Toxicology will report progress in all aspects of these rapidly evolving molecular aspects of toxicology with a view toward detailed elucidation of both progress on the molecular level and on advances in technological approaches employed - Cutting edge reviews by leading workers in the discipline - In depth dissection of molecular aspects of interest to a broad range of scientists, physisicans and any student in the allied disciplines - Leading edge applications of technological innovations in the chemistry, biochemistry and molecular medicine
- Published
- 2008
203. Reclaiming Social Work : Challenging Neo-liberalism and Promoting Social Justice
- Author
Iain Ferguson and Iain Ferguson
- Subjects
- Social service--Great Britain, Neoliberalism--Great Britain, Radicalism--Great Britain, Public welfare--Great Britain, Public welfare administration--Great Britain
- Abstract
Reclaiming Social Work is a thought-provoking and innovative book which examines how social work′s commitment to social justice has been deepened and enriched by its contact with wider social movements. It explores the tensions between social work values and a market-driven agenda, and locates new resources of hope for the social work profession in the developing resistance to managerialism. The book:'discusses pertinent social work issues such as inequality and risk, the voluntary sector, and service-user involvement'examines values such as democracy, solidarity, accountability, participation, justice, equality, liberty and diversity'is written in an accessible style, drawing on diverse examples to illustrate theoretical concepts. Reclaiming Social Work is an accessible yet challenging book and will be essential reading for all social work students and practitioners wanting to think outside the boundaries of their profession. The book will be particularly helpful to students taking courses in anti-oppressive practice, social work values, social work theories and concepts, and international social work. Iain Ferguson is a Senior Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Stirling. Previous publications include Rethinking Welfare: A Critical Perspective (SAGE, 2002, co-authored with Michael Lavalette and Gerry Mooney); Globalisation, Global Justice and Social Work (Routledge, 2004, co-edited with Michael Lavalette and Elizabeth Whitmore); and International Social Work and the Radical Tradition (Venture Press, 2007, co-edited with Michael Lavalette).
- Published
- 2008
204. Minder Brain, The: How Your Brain Keeps You Alive, Protects You From Danger, And Ensures That You Reproduce
- Author
Joe Herbert and Joe Herbert
- Subjects
- Adaptation (Physiology), Adaptability (Psychology), Brain, Brain--Evolution
- Abstract
Ambition, genius, thought, imagination, love, hate, greed and, above all, consciousness ourselves as alive and as part of our world — all this is somehow enabled by the brain. The brain is the person, and if it goes wrong, a person is ruined. This book is about part of what the brain does — a role of which many of us are hardly aware, but one that has ensured, the survival of mankind. Despite famine, drought, wars, cold, infections and hostile environments, we survive as a species — though not always as individuals. All this time, our brains have been coping with what fate throws at us — a process that some call adaptation. How does the brain do it? How does it know what's needed? How does it enable us to provide that need? How much do we depend on our own brains, or on those of others?This book is different from other books on the brain. It deals with the brain's role in survival, rather than “higher” cognitive functions (such as language or thought). It describes the special part of the brain that keeps you alive: that makes you feel hungry when you need energy, makes you feel thirsty when you need water, drives you to reproduce so that your species survives, makes you fearful of things or individuals that might harm you, and defends you against adversity.
- Published
- 2007
205. Planetary Ring Systems
- Author
Ellis D. Miner, Randii R. Wessen, Jeffrey N. Cuzzi, Ellis D. Miner, Randii R. Wessen, and Jeffrey N. Cuzzi
- Subjects
- Astronomy, Planetary science, Astronomy—Observations
- Abstract
Miner and Wessen have teamed together again, along with noted planetary ring scientist, Dr Jeffrey Cuzzi, to produce the most comprehensive and up-to date book on the topic of planetary rings systems yet written. The book is written in a style and at a language level easily accessible to the interested non-expert. The authors cover the scientific significance of ring studies, the history of their discovery and characterization, the observations of Pioneer 10 at Jupiter, Pioneer 11 and Voyager 1 at Jupiter and Saturn, Voyager 2 at all four giant planets of the solar system, and Galileo at Jupiter. The discussion also includes subsequent scientific analyses of the observations, along with the accompanying theoretical studies, including various theories for the origins of planetary ring systems. Finally, the four ring systems are both compared and contrasted in a chapter on comparative planetology. Early additional findings from the Cassini spacecraft in orbit around Saturn (due to arrive in July 2004) will also be included. The first series of ring orbits by Cassini occur between May and October 2005 and this book will provide the first summary of these detailed observations, the first since the flyby of Voyager 2 in 1981. Images of Saturn, as the Cassini spacecraft approached the planet in spring 2004, revealed a wealth of detail in the ring system, a foretaste of the excitement to come. Each chapter includes extensive notes, references, figures and tables. A bibliography is also included at the end of each chapter, for those who want to peruse the existing literature. Both a glossary and a topical index will make the book a useful reference tool for planetary scientists as well as for the targeted audience of non-experts.
- Published
- 2007
206. Handbook of Obesity Prevention : A Resource for Health Professionals
- Author
Shiriki Kumanyika, Ross Brownson, Shiriki Kumanyika, and Ross Brownson
- Subjects
- Obesity, Obesity--Prevention
- Abstract
Comprehensive in scope and meticulously researched, Handbook of Obesity Prevention analyzes the intricate causes of this public health crisis, and sets out concrete, multilevel strategies for meeting it head-on. This innovative handbook starts by clearly defining obesity in clinical, epidemiologic, and financial terms. From there, expert contributors provide insights on current issues, methods, and controversies in the field, focusing on new opportunities for prevention, successful interventions and initiatives, and guidelines for planning and implementing programs and evaluating results. This systematic approach to large-scale social and policy change gives all parties involved - from individual practitioners to multinational corporations - the tools to set and attain realistic goals based on solid evidence and best practice in public health.
- Published
- 2007
207. 1860-1864
- Author
Giacomo Meyerbeer, Sabine Henze-Döhring, Giacomo Meyerbeer, and Sabine Henze-Döhring
- Subjects
- Opera--France--19th century, Composers--Correspondence, Composers--Diaries
- Abstract
Die Ausgabe enthält in historisch-kritischer Edition Meyerbeers umfangreiche Korrespondenz sowie seine Tagebücher und Taschenkalender. Die im edierten Text vorkommenden Personen und Zusammenhänge sind nahezu vollständig ermittelt und werden umfassend kommentiert. Band 8 dokumentiert Meyerbeers letzte, überaus erfüllte Lebensjahre. Er erhielt einige ehrenvolle Kompositionsaufträge: für die Krönung Wilhelms I. von Preußen im Oktober 1861 sowie für die Eröffnung der Londoner Weltausstellung im Mai 1862. Bei dieser Gelegenheit stand er – als einziger Repräsentant der Komponisten Deutschlands – zum letzten Mal im Mittelpunkt eines von der Weltöffentlichkeit wahrgenommenen Ereignisses. Der Wunsch des französischen Staatministers nach Vollendung und Aufführung der Africaine (uraufgeführt postum 1865) führte Meyerbeer 1863 nach Paris. Die Arbeit an diesem Projekt lässt sich anhand der edierten Dokumente detailliert nachvollziehen. Zugleich spiegelt der Band eine durch die zeitgeschichtlichen Verhältnisse geprägte Phase des musikkulturellen Umbruchs wider, geprägt durch die zunehmende Akzeptanz Richard Wagners, durch die Verbreitung des populären Musiktheaters Jacques Offenbachs sowie durch die Belebung des in weite Kreise der Öffentlichkeit wirkenden Konzertwesens.
- Published
- 2006
208. International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments
- Author
Joel Weiss, Jason Nolan, Jeremy Hunsinger, Peter Trifonas, Joel Weiss, Jason Nolan, Jeremy Hunsinger, and Peter Trifonas
- Subjects
- Internet in education, Computer-assisted instruction
- Abstract
Three issues are explored and used as organizers for The International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments. First, a distinction is made between virtual learning and learning virtually. Second, since the focus is on learning, an educational framework is developed as a means of bringing coherence to the available literature. Third, learning is defined broadly as a process of knowledge creation for transforming experience to reflect different facets of'the curriculum of life'. The Handbook is divided into four sections: Foundations of Virtual Learning Environments; Schooling, Professional Learning and Knowledge Management; Out-of-School Learning Environments; and Challenges for Virtual Learning Environments. A variety of chapters representing different academic and professional fields are included. These chapters cover topics ranging from philosophical perspectives, historical, sociological, political and educational analyses, case studies from practical and research settings, as well as several provocative'classics'originally published in other settings.
- Published
- 2006
209. Infections Causing Human Cancer
- Author
Harald zur Hausen and Harald zur Hausen
- Subjects
- Viral carcinogenesis
- Abstract
Infections must be thought as one of the most important, if not the most important, risk factors for cancer development in humans. Approximately 15-20% of all cases of cancer around the world are caused by viruses. The establishment of a causal relationship between the presence of specific infective agents and certain types of human cancer represents a key step in the development of novel therapeutic and preventive strategies. In this book, Professor zur Hausen (Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine 2008) provides a thorough and comprehensive overview on carcinogenic infective agents -- viruses, bacteria, parasites and protozoons -- as well as their corresponding transforming capacities and mechanisms. The result is an invaluable and instructive reference for all oncologists, microbiologists and molecular biologists working in the area of infections and cancer. The author was among the first scientists to reveal the cervical cancer-inducing mechanisms of human papilloma viruses and isolated HPV16 and HPV18, and, as early as 1976, published the hypothesis that wart viruses play a role in the development of this type of cancer.
- Published
- 2006
210. Chirality in Drug Research
- Author
Eric Francotte, Wolfgang Lindner, Eric Francotte, and Wolfgang Lindner
- Subjects
- Pharmaceutical chemistry, Drugs--Design, Chirality, Drugs--Research, Drug development, Stereoisomers
- Abstract
Divided into the three main sections of synthesis, analysis and drug development, this handbook covers all stages of the drug development process, including large-scale synthesis and purification of chirally pure pharmaceuticals. The two editors from academia and a major pharmaceutical company have assembled an experienced, international team who provide first-hand practical advice and report previously unpublished data. In the first section, the isolation of chiral drugs from natural sources, their production in enzymatic processes and the resolution of racemic mixtures in preparative chromatography are outlined in separate chapters. For the section on qualitative and quantitative analysis, enantioselective chromatographic methods are presented as well as optical methods and CE-MS, while the final section deals with the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and metabolic aspects of chiral drugs, devoting whole chapters to stereoselective drug binding and modeling chiral drug-receptor interactions. With its unique industry-relevant aspects, this is a must for medicinal and pharmaceutical chemists.
- Published
- 2006
211. Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXVI
- Author
Paul Okunieff, Jacqueline P. Williams, Yuhchyau Chen, Paul Okunieff, Jacqueline P. Williams, and Yuhchyau Chen
- Subjects
- Biological transport, Oxygen consumption (Physiology), Oxygen--Physiological transport--Congresses, Tissue respiration--Congresses
- Abstract
The International Society of Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT) was founded in 1973 to provide a forum for bioengineers, basic scientists, physiologists, and physicians to discuss new data, original theories, new interpretations of old data, and new technologies for the measurement of oxygen. At each annual meeting all posters are presented orally along with plenary lectures, and all presentations are given in a general session attended by everyone. Each meeting has had a specific focus, ranging from neonatology to physical chemistry to cancer biology. The Society has helped to build many careers, through opportunities to meet leaders in the field, and through awards made to young physicians and scientists. The Society also, through cross fertilization of ideas and scientific comradery, has inspired many breakthroughs in clinical medicine that now benefit mankind. I find myself president of the society after having been a winner of the Melvin Knisely Award for young scientists, in 1991. The 2003 meeting emphasized the role of oxygen and oxygen measurement in tumor growth, metastasis, physiology, and treatment resistance. Additionally, however, completely novel approaches to measurement of tissue oxygen were presented (notably work by Dr. Takahashi) and molecular methods for estimating tissue oxygen were evaluated. Papers discussing other aspects of oxygen measurement and pathophysiology were presented including in vivo ESR spectroscopy (notably including Dr. Swartz and colleagues), exercise physiology, organ transplant outcome (discussed by Dr. Cicco, our 2004 president), circulatory physiology, and cerebral oxygenation (notably including Dr. Chance).
- Published
- 2005
212. Exploring Social Policy in the 'new' Scotland
- Author
Mooney, Gerry, Scott, Gill, Mooney, Gerry, and Scott, Gill
- Abstract
This is the first book specifically aimed at students that integrates the description and analysis of social policy in Scotland since devolution. It has been designed to support the delivery of social policy and related courses in Scotland itself but also to appeal to students on courses across the United Kingdom.
- Published
- 2005
213. 1856–1859
- Author
Giacomo Meyerbeer, Sabine Henze-Döhring, Giacomo Meyerbeer, and Sabine Henze-Döhring
- Abstract
Der kulturelle Wandel im Zuge des Second Empire hatte binnen weniger Jahre auch im Leben Meyerbeers tief greifende Spuren hinterlassen: Die Opéra als neben dem preußischen Hof zentrale Institution seines bisherigen Schaffens war in einer dauerhaften Krise und erforderte neue künstlerische Wege im Ringen um den Erfolg, den der Komponist noch am Lebensabend als tägliche Herausforderung empfand. Mit bewundernswerter Wachheit registrierte er den Machtverlust alter Weggefährten, den Geschmackswandel auf dem Gebiet des Musiktheaters, der auch ihm bemerkenswert zu schaffen machte, und versuchte die neuen gesellschaftlichen Kräfte und künstlerischen Strömungen zu orten. Das für Meyerbeer persönlich wichtigste Ereignis in den Jahren 1856 bis 1859 ist ohne Frage die Vollendung und Uraufführung seiner Opéra comique Le Pardon de Ploërmel, die unter dem späteren Titel Dinorah populär wurde. Noch einmal, zum letzten Mal, war es Meyerbeer vergönnt zu erleben, wie die Opernhäuser um die Aufführung dieses Werkes rangen. Noch einmal auch war er, wohin immer er kam, ein gefeierter Star und wurde mit allen nur erdenklichen Ehrungen überhäuft. In Italien - dort hielt er sich 1856 mehrere Monate auf - wurde er im Grunde erst entdeckt. Und dennoch: Meyerbeer spürte, daß man ihn nun zu den'Alten'zählte, daß eine neue Generation mit Verdi und Wagner an ihrer Spitze nach oben drängte und ihm den Platz als berühmtester Opernkomponist der Zeit nicht nur streitig zu machen versuchte, sondern dies tatsächlich auch zunehmend tat. Der vorliegende Band spiegelt diese wichtige Etappe der Künstlerbiographie Meyerbeers in allen ihren Aspekten wider, darüber hinaus facettenreich den gesamteuropäischen Kulturwandel primär auf dem Gebiet der Musik. Die in diesem Band edierten und eingehend kommentierten Briefe und Tagebücher können ohne Übertreibung als seismographisch genaue Reflexe eines intimen Kenners der Materie gelten, als Zeugnisse aus erster Hand. Wie stets geben die Dokumente einen faszinieren Einblick in das Alltagsleben damaliger Zeit: Reisen inklusive Sightseeing und Badekur, Vermögensbildung und -verwaltung, Verlag und Vermarktung, zuerst und vor allem aber in die Presse als dem Öffentlichkeitsmedium schlechthin. Die Ausgabe erschließt die umfangreiche Korrespondenz (darunter mit herausragenden Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens sowie im Bereich von Kunst und Wissenschaft), die Tagebücher und Taschenkalender vollständig und in historisch-kritischer Edition. Der umfangreiche Kommentar enthält die zum Verständnis nötigen Hintergrundinformationen zu den erwähnten Personen, Kunstwerken und angesprochenen Themen.
- Published
- 2004
214. Development and Management of Visitor Attractions
- Author
John Swarbrooke, Stephen J. Page, John Swarbrooke, and Stephen J. Page
- Subjects
- Leisure industry, Tourism, Recreation industry
- Abstract
Now in its second edition, the successful'Development and Management of Visitor Attractions'has been fully revised and updated to cover the latest issues in this ever-changing area of tourism. New features/topics include:• The Millennium Dome• National Lottery funded projects• International case studies• Updated statistics and examplesThe author examines the factors that contribute to the success of visitor attractions.'The Development and Management of Visitor Attractions'2nd Edition, covers every aspect of the process of developing and managing different kinds of attractions. Theories explored throughout the text are illustrated through a range of examples and case studies drawn from a number of countries.
- Published
- 2002
215. Secret Spaces, Forbidden Places : Rethinking Culture
- Author
Fran Lloyd, Catherine O'Brien, Fran Lloyd, and Catherine O'Brien
- Subjects
- Secrecy in literature, Marginality, Social, Secrecy
- Abstract
In this highly original approach to the study of the construction of culture, this collection of previously unpublished essays explore the topography of the secret and the forbidden, focusing on specific moments in recent cultural and political history. By bringing together writers from different disciplines and different locations, this volume provides a rich and diverse mapping of how the secret and forbidden operate across different subjects and different geographies, extending far beyond physical locations. It is present in domains ranging from language, literature, and cinema to social and political life. This refreshing and thought-provoking collection of essays will prove invaluable for researchers and students.
- Published
- 2001
216. Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 14
- Author
Kenny B. Lipkowitz, Donald B. Boyd, Kenny B. Lipkowitz, and Donald B. Boyd
- Subjects
- Chemistry--Mathematics, Chemistry--Data processing, Cheminformatics
- Abstract
- Published
- 2000
217. Nanomedicine, Volume IIA : Biocompatibility
- Author
Robert A. Freitas and Robert A. Freitas
- Subjects
- Biomedical engineering, Mimicry (Chemistry), Medical technology, Nanotechnology, Medical innovations
- Abstract
The safety, effectiveness, and utility of medical nanorobotic devices will critically depend upon their biocompatibility with human organs, tissues, cells, and biochemical systems. In this Volume, we broaden the definition of nanomedical biocompatibility to include all of the mechanical, physiological, immunological, cytological, and biochemical re
- Published
- 1999
218. Physics Of Hadrons And Qcd - Proceedings Of The Apctp-rcnp Joint International School And 1998 Yitp Workshop
- Author
Makoto Oka, Hiroyuki Yabu, T Matsui, Kazunori Itakura, Makoto Oka, Hiroyuki Yabu, T Matsui, and Kazunori Itakura
- Subjects
- Quantum chromodynamics--Congresses, Hadrons--Congresses
- Abstract
The purpose of the School and Workshop was to study recent topics in QCD and hadron physics from various points of view. The subjects included perturbative and nonperturbative aspects of QCD, chiral effective theory in hadron physics and high temperature and density nuclear matter physics.Another purpose was to enhance communications and collaborations among researchers in the Asia and Oceania region.
- Published
- 1999
219. Secret Spaces, Forbidden Places : Rethinking Culture
- Author
Lloyd, Fran, O’Brien, Catherine, Lloyd, Fran, and O’Brien, Catherine
- Published
- 2001
220. Benford’s Law: applications to chondrules and refractory inclusions
- Author
Grodner, Jake and Rubin, Alan E.
- Published
- 2025
- Full Text
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221. Lattice 89 : Proceedings of the 1989 Symposium on Lattice Field Theory
- Author
N. Cabbibo, E. Marinari, G. Parisi, N. Cabbibo, E. Marinari, and G. Parisi
- Subjects
- Particles (Nuclear physics)--Congresses, Lattice field theory--Congresses, Gauge fields (Physics), Quantum chromodynamics--Congresses
- Abstract
Lattice 89
- Published
- 1990
222. Mass Spectrometry : Volume 5
- Author
R A W Johnstone and R A W Johnstone
- Subjects
- Mass spectrometry
- Abstract
Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage of progress in the major areas of chemical research. Written by experts in their specialist fields the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, supplying regular critical in-depth accounts of progress in particular areas of chemistry. For over 80 years the Royal Society of Chemistry and its predecessor, the Chemical Society, have been publishing reports charting developments in chemistry, which originally took the form of Annual Reports. However, by 1967 the whole spectrum of chemistry could no longer be contained within one volume and the series Specialist Periodical Reports was born. The Annual Reports themselves still existed but were divided into two, and subsequently three, volumes covering Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry. For more general coverage of the highlights in chemistry they remain a'must'. Since that time the SPR series has altered according to the fluctuating degree of activity in various fields of chemistry. Some titles have remained unchanged, while others have altered their emphasis along with their titles; some have been combined under a new name whereas others have had to be discontinued. The current list of Specialist Periodical Reports can be seen on the inside flap of this volume.
- Published
- 1979
223. Fundamentals and Techniques
- Author
Heftmann, Erich and Heftmann, Erich
- Subjects
- Electrophoresis, Chromatographic analysis
- Abstract
Fundamentals and Techniques
- Published
- 1983
224. 2024 Medicinal Chemistry Reviews
- Author
Thomas A. Baillie, Andrew G. Capacci, Nick A. Paras, Karin Worm, James L. Carr, Mia C. Callens, Ethan Chidlow, Tryfon Zarganes-Tzitzikas, Katherine S. England, Paul E. Brennan, Yonghong Song, Nicholas Wurtz, Kevin J. Filipski, Kentaro Futatsugi, Robert Dullea, Michelle R. Garnsey, Daniel J. Smaltz, Matthew M. Weiss, Jack A. Terrett, Huifen Chen, Marion Lanier, Samantha Evans, Gregory Williams, Joshua Wollam, Debra Brennan, Yufan Liang, Scott Mlynarski, Bing-Yan Zhu, David J. St. Jean, Trang Tieu, Angel Guzman-Perez, Alexander M. Taylor, Linjie Li, Chenxi Wang, Liuzhi Hu, Xiaowu Dong, Jinxin Che, Andrew S. Bell, James A. Brannigan, Kevin X. Rodriguez, Isaac D. Falk, Bradley T. Reid, Greta Klejborowska, Camilla Scarpellini, Caroline Lanthier, Koen Augustyns, Benjamin D. Sellers, Brian R. Hearn, Katerina Leftheris*, Jennifer X. Qiao, Abdellatif El Marrouni, Abbas Walji, Matthew A. Marx, Jill Hallin, James Christensen, Brad Fell, David W. Lin, Megan Armstrong, Jennifer Jiang, Juan del Pozo, Christiana N. Teijaro, Erika Araujo, Björn Bartels, Ian M. Be, Thomas A. Baillie, Andrew G. Capacci, Nick A. Paras, Karin Worm, James L. Carr, Mia C. Callens, Ethan Chidlow, Tryfon Zarganes-Tzitzikas, Katherine S. England, Paul E. Brennan, Yonghong Song, Nicholas Wurtz, Kevin J. Filipski, Kentaro Futatsugi, Robert Dullea, Michelle R. Garnsey, Daniel J. Smaltz, Matthew M. Weiss, Jack A. Terrett, Huifen Chen, Marion Lanier, Samantha Evans, Gregory Williams, Joshua Wollam, Debra Brennan, Yufan Liang, Scott Mlynarski, Bing-Yan Zhu, David J. St. Jean, Trang Tieu, Angel Guzman-Perez, Alexander M. Taylor, Linjie Li, Chenxi Wang, Liuzhi Hu, Xiaowu Dong, Jinxin Che, Andrew S. Bell, James A. Brannigan, Kevin X. Rodriguez, Isaac D. Falk, Bradley T. Reid, Greta Klejborowska, Camilla Scarpellini, Caroline Lanthier, Koen Augustyns, Benjamin D. Sellers, Brian R. Hearn, Katerina Leftheris*, Jennifer X. Qiao, Abdellatif El Marrouni, Abbas Walji, Matthew A. Marx, Jill Hallin, James Christensen, Brad Fell, David W. Lin, Megan Armstrong, Jennifer Jiang, Juan del Pozo, Christiana N. Teijaro, Erika Araujo, Björn Bartels, and Ian M. Be
225. Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 6
- Author
Kenny B. Lipkowitz, Donald B. Boyd, Kenny B. Lipkowitz, and Donald B. Boyd
- Subjects
- Chemistry--Mathematics, Chemistry--Data processing
- Abstract
Volume 6 of the successful series'Reviews in Computational Chemistry'contains articles of interest to pharmaceutical chemists, biological chemists, chemical engineers, inorganic and organometallic chemists, synthetic organic chemists, polymer chemists, and theoretical chemists. The series is designed to help the chemistry community keep current with the many new developments in computational techniques. The writing style is refreshingly pedagogical and non-mathematical, allowing students and researchers access to computational methods outside their immediate area of expertise.
- Published
- 1995
226. Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry
- Author
Hess, Hans-Jürgen and Hess, Hans-Jürgen
- Subjects
- Pharmaceutical chemistry
- Abstract
Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry
- Published
- 1982
227. Diagnostic Monitoring of Skill and Knowledge Acquisition
- Author
Norman Frederiksen, Robert Glaser, Alan Lesgold, Michael G. Shafto, Norman Frederiksen, Robert Glaser, Alan Lesgold, and Michael G. Shafto
- Subjects
- Educational tests and measurements--Congresses, Achievement tests--Congresses.--United States, Learning--Evaluation--Congresses, Educational Measurement--methods--congresses, Intelligence Tests--standards--congresses, Learning--physiology--congresses, Transfer (Psychology)--congresses
- Abstract
An adjunct to the increased emphasis on developing students'critical thinking and higher order skills is the need for methods to monitor and evaluate these abilities. These papers provide insight into current techniques and examine possibilities for the future. The contributors to Diagnostic Monitoring of Skill and Knowledge Acquisition focus on two beliefs: that new kinds of tests and assessment methods are needed; and that instruction and learning can be improved by developing new assessment methods based on work in cognitive science.
- Published
- 1990
228. Aza-Crown Macrocycles, Volume 51
- Author
Jerald S. Bradshaw, Krzysztof E. Krakowiak, Reed M. Izatt, Jerald S. Bradshaw, Krzysztof E. Krakowiak, and Reed M. Izatt
- Subjects
- Organonitrogen compounds, Macrocyclic compounds, Crown ethers
- Abstract
The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, since its inception, has been recognized as a cornerstone of heterocyclic chemistry. Each volume attempts to discuss all aspects – properties, synthesis, reactions, physiological and industrial significance – of a specific ring system. To keep the series up-to-date, supplementary volumes covering the recent literature on each individual ring system have been published. Many ring systems (such as pyridines and oxazoles) are treated in distinct books, each consisting of separate volumes or parts dealing with different individual topics. With all authors are recognized authorities, the Chemistry of Heterocyclic Chemistry is considered worldwide as the indispensable resource for organic, bioorganic, and medicinal chemists.
- Published
- 1993
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