At present, to accelerate the Chinese estab lishment of enterp rise internal control, it is necessary to continuously im prove Chinese ente rprise internal control standard system and emphasize on the establishment of enterprise internal control implementation mechanism. To continuously improve Chinese enterprise internal control standard system The study on Chinese enterprise internal contro l standard develops gradually along with the recovery of China’ s auditing. In 1980s, the academ ia firstly t ook the lead in exploration and research on this field. In the m iddle and later period of 1990s, relevant au thorities in finance, state-owned assets, etc. gradually realized the significance of internal control to ensure the legality, truthfulness and validity of enterprise operatio n and m anagement, and began paying attention to formulation of internal control standard and prom otion of establishment of enterprise in ternal controls. However, on the one hand, the theoretical research and practices operating in Chinese enterprise internal control start late at a lowe r level, and it’s impossible for China to consciously form a clear and definite m ain line and center o n the line to establish an internal control standard system at the very beginning bei ng like crossing a rive r by feeling his w ay over the stones; on the other hand, under the planned econom ic system w ith the influence of industrially centralize d administration of Chinese enterprise, the formula tion of internal contro l standard was lar gely administered in an industry-specific m ode, that is, each industrial authority or departm ent formulated separate standard for specific industry. This system of multiple leaderships benefited reflect the special requirements of some industries for internal cont rol system to certain extent, but was not helpful to form a unified standard syst em. Therefore, for a long tim e, China hadn’ t a recognized and authoritative intern al control standard docum ent, let alone form ing a scientific internal control elem ent framework and sta ndard system. It was until June 2008 that The Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control was jointly printed and re leased by five Chinese government authorities and regulators, nam ely the Ministry of Finance of the People’ s Republic of China, China Securities Regulatory Commission, National Audit Office, China Banking Regulatory Commission, and China Insurance Regulatory Commission, which builds the basic fram ework for Chinese enterprises to establis h and im plement internal contro l. On April 26, 2010, these five authorities and regulators jointly issued The Enterprise Internal Control Supporting Guidelines, including 18 item s of The Enterprise Internal Control Application Guideline, The Enterprise Internal Control Assessment Guideline and The Enterprise Internal Control Audit Guideline. The release of this basic st andard and supporting guidelines m arked the basic establishment of Chinese enterprise internal control s tandard system. Chinese newly -established enterprise internal control standard system gives full play to the late-m over advantage, borrows a lot f rom internationally advanced internal control standard like COSO’s Internal Control-Integrated Framework, and aligns with internal standard in all m ajor aspects wi th striving for some i nnovation and breakthrough. However, as a new thing, it needs improvem ent in the ever -changing practices. To this end, we should especially pay attention to the following matters: 1. To attach great importance to legislation for enterprise internal control standard Developed European countries a nd America have attached great importance to legislation for enterprise internal control and establish ed a multip le-level enterprise internal control standard system based on their own conditio ns and legal traditions. I n this system, basic laws, such as the International Conference on Education Technology and Information System (ICETIS 2013) © 2013. The authors Published by Atlantis Press 808 basic laws of comm erce, the sub ject laws of commerce (like com pany law), securities laws, accounting laws, etc., often genera lly stipulate the m ajor matters with respect to enterprise accounting regulation and enterprise governance structure, then, on the legal level, the com petent administrative organs formulate concrete rules a nd regulations to sp ecifically detail the le gal requirements and additionally often support and recognize detailed operational guidelines and research reports prepared by relevant bodies (legislative advisory bodies or professional bodies). As a result, a com plete, inter-coordinated and operationa l standard system is for med. It is especially notable that before Enron event in 2001, basically , there was no special legi slation for enterprise internal control initiated in each country, but only nine m onths after this event, exactly on June 18, 2002, U.S. Senate Banking Committee passed Listed Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act in 2002, namely, The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and formulated implementation rules and operational guidelines to perform this act. EU and its inside major members also examined and reformed their company law and corporate governance rules, partly referring to The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and partly reviewing and im proving their own corporate gove rnance and internal control practices. Foresaid international experi ence shows that m any countries are paying m ore and m ore attention to the role of law in adjustment of enterprise internal control. China should also follow the trend to supplem ent and im prove relevant universal standard of internal control by am ending its existing laws and regulations like Accounting Law, Company Law and Securities Law, and put important matters of internal control in to law to inc rease the ef fectiveness of those laws. For example, present legislation can m ake mandatory provisions for the enterpri ses’ financial report control and governance structure as a dominant part while making advocacy provisions for principle of other fields. At the sam e time, Coordination shall be intensif ied between rules or no rmative documents prepared by dif ferent departments to avoid differentiated understanding and appeals of industry sectors with respect to internal control due to privat e interests and knowledge limitation. The forms of Departmental re gulations and norm ative documents should be intensified and stabilized, so as to ef fectively solve the problem of multiple leaderships, differential requirements and enterprises’ confusion and to practically increase the regulatory efficiency for internal control and reduce regulatory costs. 2. To attach great importance to interaction and interconnection of enterprise internal control with other relevant matters Enterprise internal control directly affects three key groups of stakeholders, nam ely, enterprise owner and operator , state regulator and independent auditor , which covers risk co ntrol, financial management, governance structure, strategic devel opment, etc., and involves international m arket, domestic market, physical m arket and virtual ma rket under the context of economic globalization and asset securitization. Som e standards seem slight, but actually ar e highly interconnected. Therefore, when reviewing, fo rmulating, applying and improving Chinese enterprise internal control standard, the democratic and scientific decision-making mechanism shall be consolid ated strongly, and the activity, initiative, and creativity of all aspects concerned shall be aroused fully to provide strong intellectual supports for establishing a high-quality inte rnal control standard system; characteristics of financial industr y and financial risk shall be fully considered, the initiative shall be taken to com ply with financial laws and regul ations, three guidelines with respect to banking, securities and insurance shall be iss ued as soon as possible; relation between external regulatory requirements and internal m anagement requirements shall be m anaged well, enterprise’ s endogenous impetus shall be strengthened; m andatory legal requirem ents for im portant internal control matters shall be raised, more importantly, optional examples shall be available for various enterprises to estab lish and im prove internal control system; the interconn ection relation of accounting rules, au diting rules, in ternal control standard and accounting education with talent evaluation, informationization construction and credit system construction shall be studied and analyzed, the relation of certified public accountant auditing with corporate self-evaluation shall be managed well, and a mechanism to discover problems through self-evaluation and external auditing shall be established to give f ull play to ove rall interconnection effect and to better serve the