2,388 results on '"struktura"'
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- Author
Kuřina, František
- Abstract
This study concerns the character of didactics in relation to two poles in education (the transmission of knowledge and the learning process). It is based on the author's experience with the teaching of mathematics and didactics in teacher university education and from recent literature. Th e structure of the “consumers” of the subject and the structure of the educational process form the basis for the exploration of the theme. Th ese aspects are the groundwork for the creation of views on particular subject didactics, which are formulated in the conclusion. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
153. O heleninu od Srećka Bošnjakovića do Lavoslava Ružičke i najnovijih saznanja - ogledni primjer razvoja organske kemije u XX. stoljeću.
- Author
Šunjić, V.
- Abstract
Prof. Srećko Bošnjaković (1865 - 1907) is considered as the first Croatian chemist who completed Ph. D. thesis in the field of organic chemistry. In his thesis published in 1893 under the title “Gerhardt's Helenine” S. Bošnjaković has described isolation of helenine from the roots of Inula helenium L., separation of chemically pure substances and determination of their empirical formulae by elemental analysis. In his thesis the names helenine and alantolactone were used, the second one appears exclusively in the recent literature. Since this name indicates existence of lactone group in helenine it was interesting to investigate what was known at that time about the structure of this natural product, in particular who has determined exact structure of alantolactone and its isomers and congeners, sesquiterpenes present in the Nature. It turned out that our Nobel laureate Lavoslav Ružička greatly contributed to the knowledge of this field, who in the period 1931 - 1936 investigated structures of numerous sesquiterpenes and formulated well-known Ružička’s biogenetic isoprene rule (L. Ružička, The isoprene rule and the biogenesis of terpenic compounds, Experientia 9 (1953) 357-396). Prompted by this unexpected “Croatian connection by helenine”, I have discovered interesting development of chemistry related to alantolactone, in particular contribution of Lavoslav Ružička to structure determination. In this review the work of Bošnjaković and Ružička is presented and new results revealed on structure determination, synthesis and important biological properties of alantolactone and related sesquiterpenes. Most recent results and accumulated knowledge on alantolactone represent an excellent example for development of organic chemistry in the XXth century. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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154. Organizacja i działalność komisji ekspertów ds. wyceny nieruchomości w Niemczech.
- Author
Kłosowski, Sławomir
- Abstract
Copyright of World of Real Estate Journal / Swiat Nieruchomosci is the property of Foundation of the Cracow University of Economics and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
155. Problem žanrovskog određenja filmova Živka Nikolića.
- Author
Koprivica, Zoran
- Abstract
The essential problem involved in this paper is related to the possibility or the impossibility of defining the genre of Živko Nikolić's films. This problem is particularly conspicuous in Nikolić's documentary films because of their particular narrative-structural features. But although they have an underlined documentary texture, Nikolić's films, conditionally defined as faction, evade any definition and approach the genre of short-feature films. However, regardless of their fabulous dispersion, Nikolić's feature-length films are in this respect both clear and identifiable. Nikolić has never conceived genre as a finished model, or rather a scheme that must be adhered to. So we can say that he was not looking for genre in his films, but the genre found his films. In other words, he has never defined his films in advance, nor is he concerned with the problems of the genre structure. The genre, according to him, is the natural consequence of what makes the thought and idea of the director. The theme of the film was important as well as the message it contained - If it contained it at all! The specific sensibility of this author stood in opposition to all the prevailing dogmatic attitudes and prejudices. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
156. Ke smyslu a konstrukci sociologických teorií
- Author
Ilja Šrubař
- Subjects
sociální teorie ,sebeorganizace společnosti ,metateorie ,akce ,struktura ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Abstract
Sociologie musí v principu odpovědět na Simmelovu otázku: „Jak je společnost vůbec možná“. Kazdou sociologickou – empirickou či teoretickou - výpověď je možno považovat za jeden z elementu možné odpovědi. Sociologické teorie nabízejí modely, kterými empirická zjištění získávají systematickou souvislost. Tyto modely musí ovšem zohlednit fakt, ze jimi prezentované souvislosti nejsou pouze vědeckými konstrukty, nýbrž i konstrukcemi každodenních aktérů, tedy konstrukty řídícími společnost již před vstupem vědy do ní. Sociologická teorie, jakož i sociologie v celku, si tedy musí být vědoma toho, ze vždy zůstává částí svého předmětu. To představuje jeden z jejích hlavních metodologických problémů. Sociologické teorie musí tedy odpovídat na základní otázky, týkající se konstrukce/konstituce sociálního řádu: 1. jak se orientuje sociální jednání; 2. v jakých procesech tato orientace vznikla, 3. jakými institucemi je tato orientace stabilizována a reprodukována; 4. co jsou faktory změny těchto struktur. To, kterou z těchto otázek sociologické teorie považují za výchozí, představuje jejich základní teoretické rozhodnutí, ovlivňující jejich další výstavbu a modelování společenských souvislostí. To, zdali sociologické výpovědi vůbec odpovídají na některé z těchto otázek s úmyslem ukázat jejich vzájemné propojeni a systematickou souvislost, pak odlišuje teorie od ostatních sociologických narativů.
- Published
- 2016
157. Powiązania strukturalne a podejmowanie decyzji lokalizacyjnych w małych przedsiębiorstwach
- Author
Hanna Godlewska-Majkowska
- Subjects
decyzja lokalizacyjna ,lokalizacja ,małe przedsiębiorstwo ,struktura ,Industries. Land use. Labor ,HD28-9999 - Abstract
W odniesieniu do lokalizacji małych przedsiębiorstw zwykle wskazuje się na duże znaczenie czynników behawioralnych w procesie jej wyboru, w mniejszym stopniu zwraca się zaś uwagę na czynniki strukturalne. W warunkach gospodarki globalnej pojawiły się nowe zjawiska determinujące rozmieszczenie sektora małych przedsiębiorstw. Postęp techniczny zmienia oblicze sektora i jego otoczenia znacznie szybciej, niż to odbywało się w przeszłości. Dlatego celem niniejszego opracowania jest wskazanie roli czynnika strukturalnego w podejmowaniu decyzji lokalizacyjnych w małych firmach na tle cyklu życia przedsiębiorstw oraz nowych trendów zauważanych w praktyce gospodarczej. W artykule zastosowano analizę krytyczną piśmiennictwa, metodę studiów przypadku w oparciu o pogłębione wywiady kwestionariuszowe i wizyty studyjne w parkach naukowo-technologicznych w Gdańsku, Puławach, Rzeszowie, Ełku i Kielcach oraz wyniki badań atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej regionów wykonanych w ramach realizacji badań statutowych w Kolegium Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie. Do nowo zaobserwowanych zjawisk wpływających na lokalizację małych przedsiębiorstw należy zaliczyć: – efekt indukowanej przedsiębiorczości w nowych przestrzeniach produkcyjno-usługowych, tworzonych w miejscach o wyższym standardzie infrastrukturalnym, – pobudzanie przedsiębiorczości w strefach uprzywilejowania ekonomicznego, – outsourcing i offshoring innych przedsiębiorstw w fazie rozwoju, – odnowę strategiczną przedsiębiorstw w fazie schyłkowej, – efekt rozpadu przedsiębiorstw w fazie schyłkowej.
- Published
- 2016
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158. Apie formaliosios akademinės santraukos rašymo mokymo turinį
- Author
Benedikta Zinaida Stanevičienė
- Subjects
formali akademinė santrauka ,aukštoji mokykla ,lingvistika ,psichologinis mokymo kontekstas ,tekstas ,struktūra ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Straipsnyje bandoma nustatyti formaliosios akademinės santraukos rašymo mokymo turinį, kuris turėtų būti lingvistinio ir psichologinio pobūdžio. lingvistinė mokymo medžiaga yra pirminio teksto (originalo) ir studentų sukurtų santraukų tekstų struktūra, o psichologinė - ugdytini gebėjimai, reikalingi medžiagai atrinkti ir santraukai parašyti. Straipsnyje pateiktas ir pirminio teksto virtimo santrauka metodinis psichologinis mechanizmas.
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Ilhom Islomovich Pirnazarov
- Subjects
egzoz ,transvers ,konstruktsiya ,lcsh:Science (General) ,lcsh:L7-991 ,lcsh:Education (General) ,struktura ,lcsh:Q1-390 - Abstract
Zamonaviy issiqxonalarda shamollatish har qanday o`simlik uchun zarur hisoblanadi. Shamollatish har bir zamonaviy issiqxona egasi uchun daromat manbai bo`lib xizmat qiladi.
- Published
- 2020
160. The period issue of the satirical signs of socialism of the work 'Black Barons' from the perspective of Lotman's works
- Author
Dovhanič, Pavel, Češka, Jakub, and Kapičiak, Jakub
- Subjects
system ,Black Barons ,struktura ,systém ,language ,satira ,socialismus ,jazyk ,znak ,kultura ,Černí baroni ,sign ,culture ,socialism ,satire ,structure - Abstract
This thesis attempts to clarify the period issue of satirical signs of socialism of the prose "Black Barons" with regard to the Czechoslovak normalization culture. It focuses primarily on the historical role of the work and its artistic components. It studies them with a particularly semiotic perspective of Lotman's texts culturally and literary. Its core is then an analysis of the literary structure of mentioned book. It is realized with regard to the partial characters and aims to find out which specific parts of the world of the story are ridiculed and for what exactly the title is (at the time of its first publication) censorial unacceptable. Keywords: sign, language, system, structure, culture, socialism, satire, Black Barons
- Published
- 2022
161. Chemistry in Education: Glass, from Antics to Space Age
- Author
Čalogović, Marina and Marjanac, Tihomir
- Subjects
STEM ,struktura ,vrste ,proizvodnja ,svojstva stakla ,pokusi ,nastava kemije ,structure ,types ,production ,properties of glass ,experiments ,chemistry education - Abstract
Staklo je materijal koji se upotrebljava još od Antike pa sve do danas, ali je razvojem tehnologije postalo dostupno svima i sveprisutno je u industriji. Za proizvodnju stakla važan je sastav sirovina, a svojstva stakla ovise i o procesu proizvodnje. U članku je opisan proces proizvodnje stakla kroz povijest i razvoj novih vrsta stakla s boljim svojstvima. Također, uspoređeno je antropogeno s prirodnim staklima kao što su opsidijani i tektiti. Opisana su stakla koja se upotrebljavaju za izradu velikih teleskopa i u svemirskoj tehnologiji. U nastavnom dijelu opisani su jednostavni pokusi koji se mogu napraviti u učionici u sklopu STEM-orijentirane nastave. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna., Glass has been produced since ancient times, and today is a high-technology material embedded in almost every technical product. This article describes how ancient glass was produced, and how the technology evolved developing new types of glass with ever better properties. Fabricated glass is compared with natural glass such as obsidian and tektite. The versatile use of glass today spans from flat window glass to heat-resistant Pyrex glass, which was used for the primary mirror of the large telescope on Mt. Palomar observatory, and in space technology. The education section describes several easy experiments, which may be conducted in Chemistry classes. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- Published
- 2022
162. Diversity and function of pattern structures in the microworld
- Author
Hirnerová, Anna, Škaloud, Pavel, and Němcová, Yvonne
- Subjects
scales ,reakčně - difuzní model ,struktura ,vzor ,microorganism ,mikroorganismy ,geometry ,šupiny ,schránky ,kostry ,protist ,skeletons ,shells ,protista ,reaction - diffusion model ,pattern ,konvekce ,geometrie ,convection ,structure - Abstract
This thesis summarizes current knowledge of patterns and structures at various scales, with an emphasis on the use of these patterns in the microworld and also on the materials that are most often used. Patterns are applied in all areas of natural processes and human activity. There are many analogous models at different scales, but we do not know if they have the same self-organizing mechanisms. Many patterns formed by microorganisms can be prepared without their presence, on the basis of physical and chemical methods, so they are probably created under certain parameters that can be influenced by a given protist. These patterns are evolutionarily advantageous for microorganisms, because they provide them with a number of functional adaptations, mainly in connection with defense against predators and movement in the water column, which is based on the organism's life strategy. The mathematical description of the pattern is extremely important for its further research and for determining the laws that have allowed the organism to benefit from its parameters. Keywords: pattern, structure, convection, reaction - diffusion model, geometry, protist, microorganism, skeletons, shells, scales
- Published
- 2022
163. Električni prijenos u molibdenovim i volframovim fosfatnim staklima
- Author
Renka, Sanja and Šantić, Ana
- Subjects
fosfatna stakla ,električna svojstva ,struktura ,učinak miješanih staklotvoraca ,mixed glass former effect ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Kemija ,phosphate glasses ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Chemistry ,Inorganic Chemistry ,electrical properties ,udc:54(043.3) ,structure ,Kemija. Kristalografija. Mineralogija ,Chemistry. Crystallography. Mineralogy - Abstract
U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji istražen je utjecaj zamjene P2O5 s WO3 i MoO3 na strukturna i električna svojstva binarnih fosfatnih te ternarnih fosfatnih stakala s konstantnim udjelom Li2O odnosno Na2O. Rezultati su pokazali značajno veću polaronsku provodnost WO3‒P2O5 stakala u odnosu na MoO3‒P2O5 stakla kao posljedicu klasteriranja WO6 oktaedara za razliku od MoO6 i MoO4 poliedra koji se uglavnom jednoliko ugrađuju u fosfatnu mrežu. Također je utvrđena važnost terminalnih kisikovih atoma u prijenosu polarona čiji nedostatak uzrokuje smanjenje električne provodnosti. U staklima s Li2O i Na2O utvrđen je učinak miješanih staklotvoraca uslijed nastajanja miješanih volframovih/molibdenovih-fosfatnih jedinica koje ubrzavaju prijenos litijevih i natrijevih iona kroz staklenu mrežu. Za razliku od stakala s Na2O, gdje je uočen maksimum DC provodnosti dodatkom WO3 i MoO3, u staklima s Li2O dobiven je porast provodnosti u cijelom području sastava zbog manjeg radijusa iona litija i posljedično njegove lakše difuzije This doctoral thesis investigates changes in structural and electrical properties occurring upon the replacement of P2O5 by WO3 and MoO3 in binary and ternary phosphate glasses containing constant Li2O and Na2O content. Significantly higher electrical conductivity of WO3‒P2O5 in comparison to MoO3‒P2O5 glasses was ascribed to the clustering of WO6 octahedra in contrast to MoO6 and MoO4 polyhedra which interconnect uniformly with phosphate network. The role of terminal oxygen atoms in polaron conduction was established and shown to be a key parameter which governs the polaron transport. Glasses containing Li2O and Na2O exhibited mixed glass former effect in which the formation of mixed tungsten/molybdenum-phosphate units facilitates the long-range mobility of lithium and sodium ions. In glasses with Na2O, the maximum in DC conductivity was observed, while glasses with Li2O showed increase in the whole compositional range due to the smaller radius of lithium ions and hence their easier diffusion.
- Published
- 2022
164. Razdvajanje i prečišćavanje proteina kravlje surutke hromatografskim metodama
- Author
Vitas, Milan and Stojadinović, Marija M.
- Subjects
hromatografija ,beta-laktoglobulin ,laktoperoksidaza ,alfa-laktalbumin ,laktoferin ,prečišćavanje proteina ,struktura - Abstract
Surutka dobijena nakon taloženja kazeina predstavlja mešavinu proteina koji se međusobno razlikuju po fizičko-hemijskim svojstvima, kao i procentualnoj zastupljenosti u surutki. Najzastupljeniji proteini redom su β-laktoglobulin, α-laktoglobulin, imunoglobulini, goveđi albumin seruma, laktoferin, laktoperoksidaza, kao i nekoliko manje zastupljenih proteina. Svi ovi proteini imaju važne uloge u organizmu. Laktoferin i laktoperoksidaza imaju antimikrobno dejstvo, α- laktalbumin reguliše sintezu laktoze, imunoglobulini neutrališu viruse, bakterije I toksine, β-laktoglobulin ima transportnu ulogu, a BSA je transporter nutrijenata ukljucujuci masne kiseline I liposolubilne lipide pa je to bitna funkcija za govece koje pije mleko a i za ljude. Usled velike potencijalne primene proteina surutke zbog dobrih tehnoloških i nutritivnih svojstava, postoji veliko interesovanje naučne zajednice za proučavanjem ovih proteina. Selektivno razvajanje I prečišćavanje ovih proteina je zahtevno, ali se ipak izvodi kako u laboratorijskim, tako i industrijskim uslovima od šezdestih godina prošlog veka. Cilj ovog master rada je bio optimizacija prečišćavanja proteina kravlje surutke primenom više različitih hromatografskih metoda.
- Published
- 2022
165. Nemetalne pjene
- Author
Mahović, Lovro
- Subjects
nemetalne pjene ,norme ,porozni materijali ,postupci proizvodnje ,primjena ,struktura ,svojstva - Abstract
Nemetalne pjene se dijele na polimerne, keramičke, ugljične i staklene pjene. U radu su opisane prethodno nabrojane pjene. Za svaku skupinu opisana je struktura i svojstva navedenih nemetalnih pjena uz prikaze makrostrukture i mikrostrukture. Zatim su navedeni i objašnjeni postupci proizvodnje. Naposljetku je navedeno područje primjene za svaku skupinu nemetalnih pjena te popis normi za pojedina ispitivanja nemetalnih pjena.
- Published
- 2022
166. Hidden Landscape Typography and its Use in Art Education
- Author
Lochová, Monika, Gajdošíková, Pavla, and Vačkář, Adam
- Subjects
struktura ,transformace ,analogová fotografie ,structure ,malba ,krajina ,experiment ,stylizace ,analog photography ,painting ,transformation ,landscape ,stylization - Abstract
Key words: analog photography, experiment, landscape, the changing of landscape, stylization, transformation, typography. The bachelor thesis with the name "Hidden typography of landscape and its use in art education" deals with the monotony of landscape with the aid of looking at it through different perspectives. It maps its extraordinary side and variability. It analyses the character of a landscape that surrounds us everyday and becomes our home. In the theoretical part it searches for heterogeneous painting approaches and for a concept that sees the landscape as a carrier of sense in historical context. The unconventional approach towards landscape, becomes the measuring scale, which delimits broad painting perspectives especially of the 20th and 21st century. It mentions artist who are also engaged in similar topics and are reacting to the stereotypical approach of landscape scenery. In the practical part the author of the thesis is looking for the unconventional part of a landscape and records it on an analog camera. She will then herself develop the film. A cycle of black and white photos will be created which will become a motive for the transformation of landscape and for the formation of foreshortening. The result of this project is a painting collection carrying the name "Alphabet of...
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Mashhura Akmal Qizi Asqarova
- Subjects
syujet ,notiqlik ,imidj ,temperament ,metako'nikma ,aktyor ,struktura ,huquqshunos ,kulminatsiya dramaturg ,messenjer ,jurnalist ,internet ,intriga ,diksiya ,Muvaffaqiyat ,artikulyatsiya - Abstract
Ushbu maqolada notiqlik va uning lisoniy – uslubiy vositalari, omma oldida nutq so'zlash , notiqlikni rivojlantirish usullari haqidagi olimlarning fikrlari hamda notiqlik san‘atining asosiy tamoyillari, oqilona nutq mantiq va tuzilish haqida so‘z yurtiladi.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Sirojiddin Axmedjanov and Adilova, Shirin
- Subjects
cement ,concrete brand ,kalass ,suvning zichligi ,beton tarkibi ,shag���al ,qum ,water ,qorishma ,sand ,stretching ,natural humidity ,compression ,mixed ,suv ,struktura ,sement ,concrete structure ,marka ,cho���zilish ,density of water ,tabiiy namlik ,concrete class ,siqilish ,gravel - Abstract
Mazkur maqolada bugungi kunda qurilish sohasida keng qo���llanilayotgan beton qorishmasining tarkibini to���g���ri tanlash orqali uning mustahkamligini oshirish usullari bayon qilingan., This article describes methods of increasing its durability due to the correct choice of the composition of the concrete mixture, which is widely used in the construction industry today
- Published
- 2022
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169. On Genesis
- Author
Louis Althusser
- Subjects
genealogia ,przyczynowość linearna ,przyczynowość strukturalna ,struktura ,Social Sciences - Abstract
On Genesis, written In 1966 is a short summary of Althusser’s earlytheory of encounter. In Althusser’s note we find description of structural causalityas opposed to teleological and mechanicist notions of historical determinations. Thetext has documentary value allowing the reader to look at problems presented insuch works as Reading Capital from the perspective proposed by Aalthusser in histexts devoted, among others, to aleatory conception of materialism and theory ofhistory.
- Published
- 2012
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170. Ojkonimi gospićkog područja
- Author
Vesna Grahovac-Pražić and Sanja Vrcić-Mataija
- Subjects
toponimija ,Gospić ,ojkonimija ,semantika ,struktura ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
U radu se donosi uvid u problematiku imena pedeset gospićkih naselja od kojih jedno ima status grada. Uz povijesnu i geografsku kontekstualizaciju ojkonimi se analiziraju semantički i strukturno. Uočena je motivacijska i strukturna raznolikost ojkonima kroz koju se stječe uvid u sliku života zajednice u prošlosti.
- Published
- 2010
171. Sodelovanje družbe pri ustvarjanju prostorske ureditve in njena povezanost s strukturo vsakodnevne krajine
- Author
Beata J. Gawryszewska
- Subjects
struktura ,vsakodnevna pokrajina ,sodelovanje ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Bivanjski prostor oblikujejo naravni procesi, značilni za posamezen kraj, javni prostori v njem in enačenje prebivalcev s krajem. Proces enačenja s krajem spodbuja nastanek sistema zasebnih, družbenih in javnih zelenih površin. Pojavlja se na formalni, funkcionalni in simbolni ravni zaznave mestnega prostora. Zelene površine so lahko zasebna cvetlična korita pod oknom ali gredice pod blokom, skupne zelenice, javne zelene površine, parki in drevoredi ... Vse te zelene površine so za skupnost zelo pomembne. Krajevnim skupnostim omogočajo, da se enačijo s krajino svojega stanovanjskega naselja in z monumentalno krajino, v kateri so ob njihovem naselju zrasla nova stanovanjska naselja. Enačenje s krajem v tem smislu zvišuje standard naselja in simbolizira monumentalno pokrajino. To pa spodbuja njeno prenovo. Primer take strukture so varšavsko stanovanjsko naselje, ki sta ga projektirala Poljaka B. in S. Brukalski, delavnice, v katerih so sodelovali srednješolci, in projekt »Varšavska kraljevska promenada«. To so tudi instrumenti, ki oblikujejo družbeno potrebo po objektih za rekreativne in kulturne dejavnosti, po objektih, ki simbolizirajo metropolitanski značaj mesta.
- Published
- 2008
172. Children’s right to education during the COVID-19 epidemic
- Author
Pečnik, Pascale Emily and Lukšič, Andrej
- Subjects
education ,izobraževanje ,children's rights, political power ,covid-19 ,udc:342.733-053.2:[616-036.22:578.834] ,otrokove pravice, politična moč ,structure ,struktura - Abstract
Epidemija covida-19 posega v vse pore družbenega življenja in spreminja obstoječe strukturne pogoje in razmerja moči znotraj kapitalistične države. Pri tem spreminja in omejuje tudi obstoječe oblike človekovih in otrokovih pravic, oblikovane v sodobnem družbeno-produkcijskem sistemu. V pričujočem članku na teoretski ravni raziskujemo spremembo razmerja med strukturo in delovanjem skozi spremembo razmerij moči in si prizadevamo identificirati dejavnike, ki znotraj procesa sprememb najbolj vplivajo na uresničevanje otrokove pravice do izobraževanja v času epidemije. Pri tem uporabljamo morfogenetski pristop Margaret Archer (1996: 279), ki pravi, da sta struktura in delovanje sicer v soodvisnosti, a delujeta na dva različna načina in ju je tako potrebno tudi preučevati The COVID-19 epidemic has affected all pores of social life and changed the existing structural conditions and power relations within the capitalist state. In the process, it has also altered and restricted the forms of human and children’s rights established in the modern social-production system. In the article, we study the changed relationship between the structure and the function of the changing power relations on the theoretical level and strive to identify the factors with the greatest influence on the exercise of children’s right to education during the epidemic. To this end, we adopt the morphogenetic approach of Margaret Archer (1996: 279) who states that structure and function indeed work interdependently in two different ways and that, therefore, they must be studied
- Published
- 2021
173. Current view on EpCAM structural biology
- Author
Miha Pavšič, Aljaž Gaber, and Brigita Lenarčič
- Subjects
Models, Molecular ,Protein subunit ,bolezni ,Review ,struktura ,Keywords: EpCAM ,regulirana znotrajmembranska proteoliza ,transmembrane protein ,Animals ,Humans ,structure ,lcsh:QH301-705.5 ,disease ,Chemistry ,Cell adhesion molecule ,signaliziranje ,transmembranski proteini ,General Medicine ,Adhesion ,Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule ,dimer ,regulated intramembrane proteolysis ,Transmembrane protein ,udc:577.112 ,Cell biology ,adhesion ,Structural biology ,lcsh:Biology (General) ,EpCAM ,Proteolysis ,Protein Multimerization ,signaling ,adhezija ,Function (biology) ,Signal Transduction - Abstract
EpCAM, a carcinoma cell-surface marker protein and a therapeutic target, has been primarily addressed as a cell adhesion molecule. With regard to recent discoveries of its role in signaling with implications in cell proliferation and differentiation, and findings contradicting a direct role in mediating adhesion contacts, we provide a comprehensive and updated overview on the available structural data on EpCAM and interpret it in the light of recent reports on its function. First, we describe the structure of extracellular part of EpCAM, both as a subunit and part of a cis-dimer which, according to several experimental observations, represents a biologically relevant oligomeric state. Next, we provide a thorough evaluation of reports on EpCAM as a homophilic cell adhesion molecule with a structure-based explanation why direct EpCAM participation in cell–cell contacts is highly unlikely. Finally, we review the signaling aspect of EpCAM with focus on accessibility of signaling-associated cleavage sites.
- Published
- 2021
174. Modeliranje potresnih tveganj
- Author
Centrih, Vasilij and Perman, Mihael
- Subjects
primeri ,zavarovalstvo ,udc:504.4 ,kalkulacije ,modeli ,struktura ,models ,cases ,potresi ,structure ,calkulations ,earthquakes ,tveganje ,insurance ,risk - Published
- 2021
175. Structure and ratio of material and labor costs in building construction projects
- Author
Gradištanac, Kristijan, Dolaček-Alduk, Zlata, Krstić, Hrvoje, and Galić, Mario
- Subjects
troškovnik ,struktura ,grupa radova ,grubi radovi ,završni radovi - Abstract
U radu su analizirani troškovnici stambenih zgrada po grupama radova. Na osnovu dobivenih cijena, uspoređeni su troškovi grubih i završnih radova pri čemi se razmatralo koja od grupa radova se ističe u pogledu cijene. Na osnovu navedenih troškova, četiri grupe radova su dodatno analizirane u računalnom programu GALA kako bi se utvrdilo koji aspekt (rad, materijal ili strojni rad) najviše utječe na njihovu cijenu.
- Published
- 2021
176. The market structure and regulation of over-the top messaging services
- Author
Wilson, Adam and Hrovatin, Nevenka
- Subjects
udc:339.13 ,services ,komuniciranje ,communication ,trg ,market ,regulation ,storitve ,regulacija ,struktura ,information technology ,informatika ,informacijska tehnologija ,informatics ,structure - Published
- 2021
177. Tekst staropolski jako odmienny obiekt badań? W poszukiwaniu narzędzi opisu
- Author
Tomasz Mika
- Subjects
tekst średniowieczny ,struktura ,ciągłość i spójność tekstu ,wielowarstwowość ,wyrażenia funkcyjne ,kopista ,Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 - Abstract
Old Polish text as a separate subject of study? In the search of descriptive tools The author provides an answer to the question why Old Polish texts, especially mediaeval ones, constitute a separate subject of study. Primarily, he draws attention to the kinds of problems connected with the reading of those texts (e.g. identification of functional expressions), and with the various manifestations of multilayeredness. How to study such texts? The author suggests that the existing palette of methods be complemented with selected tools developed by modern textology, which so far have only sporadically been employed in the research of the oldest Polish texts. Meanwhile, their use makes possible a precise description and analysis, taking into account the multilayeredness and the traces of the work of many scribes, sometimes so large that they modify the arrengement of intentions and functions of the text. The author uses the example of Rozmyślanie przemyskie and other texts to show the complexity of such problems as the address of the text, its cohesion, continuity, and comprehensiveness – qualities that are only revealed when appropriate assumptions are made and adequate descriptive tools used.
- Published
- 2015
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178. Apie šiuolaikinio struktūralizmo vertinimą
- Author
Georgijus Kursanovas
- Subjects
Struktūralizmas ,struktūra ,ženklų sistema ,metodas ,pažinimas ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
Straipsnyje kritiškai vertinami struktūralizmo teorijos metodologiniai principai. Teigiama, kad struktūralizmas atsieja socialines struktūras nuo jų realaus egzistavimo sąlygų, paverčia jas autonominiais dariniais, dažnai traktuoja kaip nekintamas, statiškas; suabsoliutina lingvistinių struktūrų reikšmę ir vaidmenį; atmeta žmogaus aktyvią visuomeninę istorinę veiklą, kurioje ir kuriamos tos socialinės struktūros. Nurodomi ir struktūralizmo teigiami aspektai: jis remiasi realių, objektyviai egzistuojančių struktūrų (socialinių, kultūrinių, kalbinių ir kt.) analize, panaudoja konkrečią skirtingų pažinimo sričių medžiagą atmesdamas apriorinius, spekuliatyvinius išvedžiojimus. Ženklų sistemų tyrimas yra efektyvus tais atvejais, kai įmanoma iš sudėtingos žinių visumos išskirti vientisas ir konkrečias mokslo logines struktūras. Jas galima tirti kaip aukščiausią teorinio pažinimo rezultatą, todėl jų analizė turi didelę pažintinę reikšmę. Analizuojant sudėtingas aplinkos pasaulio daiktų, reiškinių ir procesų visumas, pats skirtingų struktūrų tyrimo faktas ir ontologiniu, ir gnoseologiniu atžvilgiu yra ne tik racionalus, bet ir būtinas.
- Published
- 2015
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179. A. J. Greimo studija prancūzų struktūralizmo kontekste
- Author
Tomas Venclova
- Subjects
Struktūralizmas ,struktūra ,kalbotyra ,istorija ,Algirdas Greimas ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
Straipsnyje supažindinama su Algirdo Juliaus Greimo kūrybos ir prancūziško struktūralizmo apskritai pagrindiniais principais. Teigiama, kad A. J. Greimo tyrimų teorinis pamatas pirmiausia yra struktūrinė kalbotyra, bene ryškiausia yra Kopenhagos mokyklos įtaka. Struktūrinis metodas lingvistikoje reikalauja tyrinėti kalbą kaip sistemą (santykių mechanizmą), griežtai skirti istorinę (diachroninę) problematiką nuo dabartinės (sinchroninės). Epistemologijoje struktūrinis metodas reiškia, kad turi būti tiriami ne izoliuoti daiktai, o jų sistemos, santykiai, opozicijos. Struktūra apibrėžiama kaip paslėptų, tiesiogiai neįžiūrimų santykių tinklas; tuos santykius transformuodami, išskiriame tam tikrus invariantus. Žmogus egzistuoja ženklų, arba reikšmių, pasaulyje, ženklų sistemos lemia, programuoja, formuoja žmogaus elgseną. Struktūralistų tikslas yra rasti ir aprašyti abstrakčias struktūras, kurios generuoja kultūrinius tekstus. Struktūralizmas, remdamasis antropologijos ir lingvistikos patyrimu, neigia istorijos mistifikuotą statusą: ji nėra privilegijuota sritis, apsieinanti be kodo ir nepasiduodanti moksliniam tyrimui.
- Published
- 2015
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180. Struktūra ir istorija
- Author
Algirdas Julius Greimas
- Subjects
Struktūralizmas ,istorija ,struktūra ,sinchronija ,diachronija ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
Publikuojamas pirmasis prancūziškojo struktūralizmo straipsnis lietuvių kalba. Straipsnis skirtas struktūrinio metodo taikymui istorijoje aptarti. Nagrinėjami istorijos ir permanentiškumo, trukmės ir hierarchijos, sinchronijos ir diachronijos, struktūrų istorizacijos, struktūrų ir uzusų, struktūrų transformacijos ir kiti klausimai. Teigiama, kad santykį tarp struktūros funkcionavimo ir istorinės erdvės, kurią užpildo struktūra, paaiškina kalbos būsenos sąvoka. Aptariama trukmių ir struktūrų koreliacija. Keliami klausimai, kur slypi socialinių struktūrų istorinis pobūdis ir kaip apibrėžti diachroniškas transformacijas tarp struktūrų, išsidėsčiusių laike viena po kitos. Uzusas apibrėžiamas kaip kalbinės bendruomenės atlikta jos dispozicijoje esančios reikšminės struktūros utilizacija. Uzusus apsprendžiantis statiškų struktūrų aprašymas yra logiškai pirmesnis, negu sukcesyvių struktūrinių būsenų lyginimo procedūros. Daroma išvada, kad istorijos negalima pajungti socialinių mokslų metodologijai, jeigu istorijos mokslas nepradės traktuoti struktūros kaip vienos svarbiausių savo sąvokų.
- Published
- 2015
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181. Soil macrofauna (invertebrates) of Kazakhstanian Stipa lessingiana dry steppe.
- Author
Bragina, Tatyana M.
- Subjects
- *
SOIL ecology , *INVERTEBRATE communities , *STIPA , *PLATEAUS , *NATURE reserves - Abstract
Stipa lessingiana steppes used to be prevalent on the dry Trans-Ural denudation plains, particularly, on the Sub-Ural and the Turgay Plateau. But, most of them have been lost because they were plowed up during the Virgin Land campaign in the second part of 20th century. This paper presents a detailed study of the faunistic composition and the structure of soil-dwelling invertebrate communities (macrofauna) of a temperate-dry bunch feather grass steppe in the Turgai Plateau (Northern-Turgai physical-geographical province of steppe Kazakhstan, Kostanay Oblast). The study site is located in the territory of the Naurzum State Nature Reserve, a part of the UNESCO World Heritage site “Saryarka - Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan”, where remnants of Virgin S. lessingiana steppes have been preserved to the present day. This region is the driest and most continental in climate of all the dry steppes of Kazakhstan. The total abundance and biomass of soil invertebrate communities in the investigated site were lower than in the northern and western steppe areas. Soil invertebrates are among the major components that determine the functioning of terrestrial natural ecosystems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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182. Wpływ geometrii narzędzia na rozdrobnienie ziarna stopu CuZn37 w procesie powtarzalnej obróbki plastycznej.
- Author
Rusz, Stanislav, Salajka, Michał, Hilser, Ondrej, Dutkiewicz, Jan, Boruta, Josef, and Švec, Jiri
- Abstract
Development of technologies for the production of very fine-grained materials is currently very intensively accelerated. On VSB-Technical University of Ostrava developed a method that uses the principle of severe plastic deformation to refine the structure and enhance mechanical properties of sheet metal strips. The greatest importance in practice represents an increase in proof stress and tensile stress of sheet metal strips. Dual Rolls Equal Channel Extrusion (DRECE) method is a newly developed method. Severe plastic deformation results in a high degree of the material reformation. The method can be used to produce metallic materials with a very fine grain structure (hereinafter referred to as ultrafine grain structure). The forming process is based on extrusion technology with zero removal of the sheet strip thickness with the ultimate aim of achieving a high degree of deformation in the formed material, resulting in a significant improvement of mechanical properties in the input material. The paper analyses the effects of the values of angles of the newly developed forming tools on the achievement of mechanical properties in selected materials Cu and brass in the SPD process. The following types materials were verified experimentally - strip sheet with dimensions 58 (width) x 2 (thickness) x 1000 (length) mm. The paper also evaluates the influence of severe plastic deformation (SPD) on strengthening these materials at different values of the angle in the forming tool. The influence of new geometries of forming tools for improving mechanical properties has been unequivocally demonstrated. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Rung, Ottilie, Ćwiekala-Lewis, Klaudia, and Scarcello, Michael
- Subjects
CONCEPTUAL structures ,EMERGENCY nursing ,INTENSIVE care nursing ,THEORY of knowledge ,MATERNITY nursing ,MATHEMATICAL models ,NURSING ,PHILOSOPHY of nursing ,NURSING practice ,THOUGHT & thinking ,THEORY - Abstract
Copyright of Polish Nursing / Pielegniarstwo Polskie is the property of Poznan University of Medical Sciences Publishing and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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184. Synthesis and properties of doped ZnO ceramics.
- Author
PODDENEZHNY, Evgheni N., DROBISHEVSKAYA, Natalie E., MAZANIK, Aleksander V., KOROLIK, Olga V., FEDOTOV, Aleksander S., FEDOTOV, Aleksander K., SVITO, Ivan A., and KOLTUNOWICZ, Tomasz N.
- Subjects
ZINC oxide synthesis ,CERAMIC powders synthesis ,CERAMIC materials synthesis ,NANOSTRUCTURED materials synthesis ,DOPED semiconductors ,SCANNING electron microscopy - Abstract
Copyright of Przegląd Elektrotechniczny is the property of Przeglad Elektrotechniczny and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Kapusta, Franciszek
- Abstract
Copyright of Ekonomia XXI Wieku is the property of Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wroclawiu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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186. Żeliwo z grafitem wermikularnym jako tworzywo przyszłościowe.
- Author
Pytel, Andrzej and Guzik, Edward
- Abstract
Copyright of Transactions of the Foundry Research Institute / Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa is the property of Lukasiewicz Research Network, Krakow Institute of Technology and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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187. Właściwości tribologiczne biodegradowalnych poliuretanów o różnej budowie i zawartości segmentów sztywnych.
- Author
Karalus, Wojciech, Dąbrowski, Jan R., Auguścik, Monika, and Ryszkowska, Joanna
- Abstract
Copyright of Polimery is the property of Industrial Chemistry Research Institute and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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188. Strukturalni Realizam - Potraga za Nosiocem Realnosti.
- Author
Stojanović, Milutin
- Abstract
Copyright of Filozofija i Drustvo is the property of University of Belgrade, Institute for Philosophy & Social Theory and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
TURALIJA, Dubravko
- Abstract
As portrayed in Chronicles 11 - 12, King Rehoboam was both a good king and a bad one; wise and foolish, a strong leader of a prosperous country as well as a weak leader of a declining one. Although he was a skilled diplomat, his arrogance brought the wrath of God upon himself and his nation. The Chronicler clearly attempts to depict King Rehoboam within his own context, while acknowledging his temperament and proclivities. This paper provides a detailed examination and analysis of the Chronicler's presentation of King Rehoboam and the Kingdom of Judah. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
190. Bibliografija radova Žarka Dadića 1947-2015.
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Historical Journal / Historijski Zbornik is the property of Drustvo za Hrvatsku Povjesnicu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
191. Nedržavni akteri i praksa zagovaranja nezavisnosti -- slučaj Kosova od 1999. do 2008. godine.
- Author
Radojković, Stefan
- Abstract
Copyright of Yearbook of the Faculty of Political Sciences / Godisnjak Fakultet Politickih Nauka Beograd is the property of University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Kapusta, Franciszek
- Abstract
Copyright of Ekonomia XXI Wieku is the property of Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wroclawiu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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193. Ocena jednorodności struktury zolu krzemionkowego.
- Author
Baliński, Andrzej
- Abstract
Copyright of Transactions of the Foundry Research Institute / Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa is the property of Lukasiewicz Research Network, Krakow Institute of Technology and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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194. Patrząc na rzekę – wrocławski waterfront.
- Author
Adamiczka, Bartosz
- Subjects
URBAN planning ,URBAN land use ,WATER supply ,ARCHITECTURAL design ,RENEWABLE energy sources - Abstract
Copyright of Architectus is the property of Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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195. Ocena wpływu wybranych parametrów odlewania ciśnieniowego na strukturę siluminu AlSi9Cu3.
- Author
Pałyga, Łukasz, Stachowicz, Mateusz, and Granat, Kazimierz
- Abstract
Copyright of Transactions of the Foundry Research Institute / Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa is the property of Lukasiewicz Research Network, Krakow Institute of Technology and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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196. Depopulacioni prostori u Srbiji u 21. veku – od lokalnog do nacionalnog problema
- Author
Joksimović, Marko, Joksimović, Marko, Golić, Rajko, Joksimović, Marko, Joksimović, Marko, and Golić, Rajko
- Abstract
Depopulacioni ili napušteni prostori nastaju kao posledica pražnjenja naselja i potpunog iščezavanja ljudskog faktora u korišćenju prostora. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje veličine i strukture prostora – klastera koji se može smatrati napuštenim na regionalnom nivou, odnosno nivou administrativnih okruga. U radu je izdvojen prostor na nivou okruga u Srbiji u okviru kojeg su se desile značajne promene u korišćenju zemljišta u periodu 2000-2018. Analizirane su vremenske serije formalnih baza podataka i podataka dobijenih GIS alatima kako bi se uočile promene u strukturi površina i definisao trend srastanja odnosno povećanja praznog prostora tokom poslednje dve decenije. U radu su analizirani planski dokumenti i strategije kako bi se utvrdilo sa kojim problemima država identifikuje napuštene prostore i kakva planska rešenja su moguća.
- Published
- 2021
197. Influence of regime of electrolysis on morphology and structure of copper dendrites
- Author
Nikolić, Nebojša D., Maksimović, Vesna M., Baščarević, Zvezdana, Živković, Predrag M., Pavlović, Miomir G., Nikolić, Nebojša D., Maksimović, Vesna M., Baščarević, Zvezdana, Živković, Predrag M., and Pavlović, Miomir G.
- Abstract
Comparative analysis of morphological and structural features of copper dendrites obtained by potentiostatic and galvanostatic regimes of electrolysis was made. The 3D (three dimensional) pine-like dendrites composed from stalk and corncob-like forms as branches, with the sharp tips of both stalk and branches, were obtained by the potentiostatic regime of electrolysis with all analyzed amounts of passed electricity. On the other hand, with increasing the amount of the passed electricity the shape of 3D pine-line dendrites obtained by the galvanostatic regime of electrolysis changed than those with the sharp tips of stalk and branches to those which the tips finished globules. Comparing with Cu deposits obtained at overpotentials which belonged to different types of electrodeposition control, it is concluded that overpotential at the end of passed amount of the electricity plays crucial role in the final shape of galvanostatically produced Cu dendrites. Irrespective of the shape of Cu dendrites, crystallites of copper were random oriented in the both types of dendrites., Napravljena je uporedna analiza morfoloških i strukturnih karakteristika dendrita bakra dobijenih potenciostatskim i galvanostatskim režimima elektrolize. Trodimenzionalni (3D) dendriti nalik stablu bora izgrađeni od stabla i grana koje nalikuju klipovima kukuruza, sa oštrim vrhovima, su bili dobijeni potenciostatskim režimom elektrolize sa svim analiziranim količinama propuštenog naelektrisanja. Na drugoj strani, sa povećanjem količine propuštenog naelektrisanja oblik 3D dendrita dobijenih galvanostatskim režimom elektrolize se menjao od onih sa oštrim vrhovima i stalka i grana do onih čiji vrhovi su se završavali globulama. Poređenjem sa talozima bakra dobijenim na prenapetostima koje su pripadale različitim tipovima kontrole procesa elektrohemijskog taloženja, zaključeno je da prenapetost na kraju propuštene količine naelektrisanja igra presudnu ulogu u krajnjem obliku galvanostatski proizvedenih Cu dendrita. Bez obzira na oblik Cu dendrita, kristaliti bakra su bili slučajno orijentisani u oba tipa dendrita.
- Published
- 2021
198. Preparation of project documentation for the electrical installation of the teaching laboratory using the EPLAN program
- Author
Brkić, Bruno and Hederić, Željko
- Subjects
terminals ,simboli ,electrical diagrams ,izvještaji ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Electrical Engineering. Electromechanical Engineering ,reports ,laboratory for Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering ,stranice ,projektna dokumentacija ,kabeli ,struktura ,laboratorij za Osnove elektrotehnike ,project documentation ,cables ,symbols ,EPLAN Electric P8 ,EPLAN Education 2.9 SP1 ,structure ,elektrotehničke sheme ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Elektrotehnika. Elektrostrojarstvo ,stezaljke ,pages - Abstract
U ovom diplomskom radu obrađena je tematika vezana za rad u programu EPLAN Electric P8 i izrađena je projektna dokumentacija električne i LAN instalacije nastavnog laboratorija za Osnove elektrotehnike. U uputama za rad u programu EPLAN Electric P8 opisani su postupci za izradu elektrotehničkih shema, izradu grafičkog prikaza panela, izradu 3D modela i generiranje izvještaja. Dan je postupak izrade novog projekta pomoću predložaka, kreiranje nove stranice u izrađenom projektu i postavljanje direktorija. Objašnjen je postupak izrade strukture stranica. Dana su objašnjenja za umetanje simbola, njihovo međusobno povezivanje i umetanje uređaja iz EPLAN Data Portal-a. Izrada grafičkog prikaza panela izvodi se na stranici PANEL LAYOUT gdje je potrebno umetnuti panel na stranicu i umetnuti deklarirane uređaje u elektrotehničkim shemama. Izrada 3D modela izvodi se pomoću LAYOUT SPACE gdje se mogu umetnuti 3D modeli deklariranih komponenti. Obrađen je postupak generiranja izvještaja pomoću opcije REPORTS. Projektna dokumentacija nastavnog laboratorija za Osnove elektrotehnike sadrži shemu razvodnog ormara, shemu upravljačkog panela ispitnog pulta i shemu panela sa komponentama. Izrađene su i kabelske rute u prostoriji, dan je prostorni raspored rasvjete i priključnica u prostoriji. Generirani su izvještaji popisa opreme, kabela, veza i stezaljki. Izrađena je shema LAN instalacije. In this diploma thesis, the topic related to the work in the program EPLAN Electric P8 is processed and the project documentation of electrical and LAN installation of the teaching laboratory for Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering is prepared. The instructions for working in the EPLAN Electric P8 describe the procedures for creating electrical diagrams, creating a graphical display of panels, creating 3D models and generating reports. The process of creating a new project using templates, creating a new page in the created project and setting up a directory is given. The process of creating a page structure is explained. Explanations are given for inserting symbols, their interconnection and inserting devices from the EPLAN Data Portal. Creating a graphic display of the panel is performed on the PANEL LAYOUT page where it is necessary to insert the panel on the page and insert the declared devices in the electrical diagrams. Creating 3D models is performed using LAYOUT SPACE where 3D models of declared components can be inserted. The process of generating a report using the REPORTS option has been processed. The project documentation of the teaching laboratory for Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering contains the scheme of the distribution cabinet, the scheme of the control panel of the test desk and the scheme of the panel with components. Cable routes in the room were also made, and the spatial arrangement of lighting and sockets in the room was given. Equipment, cable, connection, and terminal list reports were generated. A LAN installation scheme has been created.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Lovrić, Lucija and Bašić, Ivica
- Subjects
external influences ,efficiency ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics ,timski rad ,eksterni utjecaji ,structure ,teamwork ,učinkovitost ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija ,struktura - Abstract
Temeljni čimbenik svakog poduzeća koje teži ostvariti poslovni uspjeh je pronalazak jasno definirane i adekvatne organizacijske strukture. Iste vrste poduzeća često različitoreagiraju na iste eksterne utjecaje. Cilj svake organizacije je kontinuirano i učinkovito poslovanje, eliminirajući problematiku s kojom se suočavaju. Uzimajući u obzirsve pozitivne i negativne stavke organizacijskih struktura, okolinu, strategiju, tehnologiju i veličinu, poduzeće može jasno definirati sve aktivnosti unutar poduzeća. Te aktivnosti i timski rad imaju izniman utjecaj na učinkovitost strukture. Naposljetku, svaka organizacija oblikuje načine organiziranja i izvršavanje poslovnih aktivnosti u skladu s vlastitim parametrima i određenjima. The primary factor of any company that strives to achieve business success is finding a clearly defined and appropriate organizational structure. The same types of companies often react differently to the same external influences. The goal of every organization is a continuous and efficient business, eliminating the problems they face. Considering all the positive and negative items of organizational structures, environment, strategy, technology and size, the company can clearly define all activities within the company. Thesactivities and teamwork have an exceptional impact on the effectiveness of the structure. Finally, each organization designs ways to organize and execute business activities in accordance with its own parameters and determinations.
- Published
- 2021
200. FDI inflows and outflows
- Author
Pogačnik, Filip Jakob and Mrak, Mojmir
- Subjects
denarni tokovi ,foreign direct investments ,Nizozemska ,analiza ,udc:658.152 ,analysis ,ekonomski razvoj ,The Netherlands ,comparisons ,cash flows ,neposredne tuje investicije ,economic development ,Švica ,struktura ,komparacije ,structure ,Switzerland - Published
- 2021
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