4,046 results on '"Terrington, A"'
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152. Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall
- Author
Romanelli, F., Abel, I., Afanesyev, V., Aftanas, M., Agarici, G., Aggarwal, K. M., Aho-Mantila, L., Ahonen, E., Aints, M., Airila, M., Akers, R., Alarcon, Th., Albanese, R., Alexeev, A., Alfier, A., Allan, P., Almaviva, S., Alonso, A., Alper, B., Altmann, H., Alves, D., Ambrosino, G., Amosov, V., Andersson, F., Andersson Sundén, E., Andreev, V., Andrew, Y., Angelone, M., Anghel, M., Anghel, A., Angioni, C., Apruzzese, G., Arcis, N., Arena, P., Argouarch, A., Ariola, M., Armitano, A., Armstrong, R., Arnoux, G., Arshad, S., Artaserse, G., Artaud, J. F., Ash, A., Asp, E., Asunta, O., Atanasiu, C. V., Atkins, G., Avotina, L., Axton, M. D., Ayres, C., Baciero, A., Bailescu, V., Baiocchi, B., Baker, R. A., Balboa, I., Balden, M., Balorin, C., Balshaw, N., Banks, J. W., Baranov, Y. F., Barbier, D., Barlow, I. L., Barnard, M. A., Barnsley, R., Barrena, L., Barrera, L., Baruzzo, M., Basiuk, V., Bateman, G., Batistoni, P., Baumgarten, N., Baylor, L., Bazylev, B., Beaumont, P. S., Beausang, K., Bã©coulet, M., Bekris, N., Beldishevski, M., Bell, A. C., Belli, F., Bellinger, M., Bellizio, T., Belo, P. S. A., Belonohy, Ã., Bennett, P. E., Benterman, N. A., Berger-By, G., Bergsã¥ker, H., Berk, H., Bernardo, J., Bernert, M., Bertrand, B., Beurskens, M. N. A., Bieg, B., Bienkowska, B., Biewer, T. M., Bigi, M., Bãlkovã¡, P., Bin, W., Bird, J., Bizarro, J., Bjã¶rkas, C., Blackman, T. R., Blanchard, P., Blanco, E., Blum, J., Bobkov, V., Boboc, A., Boilson, D., Bolshakova, I., Bolzonella, T., Boncagni, L., Bonheure, G., Bonnin, X., Borba, D., Borthwick, A., Botrugno, A., Boulbe, C., Bouquey, F., Bourdelle, C., Bovert, K. v., Bowden, M., Boyce, T., Boyer, H. J., Bozhenkov, A., Brade, R. J., Bradshaw, J. M. A., Braet, J., Braic, V., Braithwaite, G. C., Brault, C., Breizman, B., Bremond, S., Brennan, P. D., Brett, A., Breue, J., Brezinsek, S., Bright, M. D. J., Briscoe, F., Brix, M., Brombin, M., Brown, B. C., Brown, D. P. D., Brzozowski, J., Bucalossi, J., Buckley, M. A., Budd, T., Budny, R. V., Bunting, P., Buratti, P., Burcea, G., Burckhart, A., Butcher, P. R., Buttery, R. J., Cahyna, P., Calabrã², G., Callaghan, C. P., Caminade, J. P., Camp, P. G., Campling, D. C., Caniello, R., Canik, J., Cannas, B., Capel, A. J., Carannante, G., Card, P. J., Cardinali, A., Carlstrom, T., Carman, P., Carralero, D., Carraro, L., Carter, T., Carvalho, B. B., Carvalho, I., Carvalho, P., Casati, A., Castaldo, C., Caughman, J., Cavazzana, R., Cavinato, M., Cecconello, M., Cecil, E., Cecil, F. E., Cenedese, A., Centioli, C., Cesario, R., Challis, C. D., Chandler, M., Chang, C., Chankin, A., Chapman, I. T., Chektybayev, B., Chernyshova, M., Child, D. J., Chiru, P., Chitarin, G., Chugonov, I., Chugunov, I., Ciric, D., Clairet, F., Clarke, R. H., Clay, R., Clever, M., Coad, J. P., Coates, P. A., Cocilovo, V., Coda, S., Coelho, R., Coenen, J., Coffey, I., Colas, L., Cole, M., Collins, S., Combs, S., Compan, J., Conboy, J. E., Conroy, S., Cook, N., Cook, S. P., Coombs, D., Cooper, S. R., Corre, Y., Corrigan, G., Cortes, S., Coster, D., Counsell, G. F., Courtois, X., Cox, M., Craciunescu, T., Cramp, S., Crisanti, F., Croci, G., Croft, O., Crombe, K., Crombã©, K., Crowley, B. J., Cruz, N., Cseh, G., Cupido, L., Curuia, M., Cusack, R. A., Czarnecka, A., Czarski, T., Dalley, S., Daly, E. T., Dalziel, A., Daniel, R., Darrow, D., David, O., Davies, N., Davies, W., Davis, J. J., Day, I. E., Day, C., De Angelis, R., De Arcas, G., De Baar, M. R., De La Cal, E., De La Luna, E., De Pablos, J. L., De Tommasi, G., De Vries, P. C., De-Angelis, R., Degli Agostini, F., Delabie, E., Del-Castillo-Negrete, D., Delpech, L., Denisov, G., Denyer, A. J., Denyer, R. F., Devaux, S., Devynck, P., Di Matteo, L., Di Pace, L., Dirken, P. J., Dittmar, T., Dodt, D., Dnestrovskiy, A., Doerner, R., Doldatov, S., Dominiczak, K., Dooley, P., Dorling, S. E., Douai, D., Down, A. P., Doyle, P. T., Drake, J. R., Dreischuh, T., Drozdov, V., Dumortier, P., Dunai, D., Duran, I., Durodiã©, F., Dutta, P., Dux, R., Dylst, K., Eaton, R., Edlington, T., Edwards, A. M., Edwards, D. T., Edwards, P. K., Eich, Th., Ekedahl, A., Elevant, T., Ellingboe, B., Elsmore, C. G., Emmoth, B., Erdei, G., Ericsson, G., Eriksson, L. G., Eriksson, A., Esposito, B., Esser, H. G., Estrada, T., Evangelidis, E. A., Evans, G. E., Ewart, G. D., Ewers, D. T., Falchetto, G., Falie, D., Fanthome, J. G. A., Farthing, J. W., Fasoli, A., Faugeras, B., Fedorczak, N., Felton, R. C., Fenzi, C., Fernades, A., Fernandes, H., Ferreira, J. A., Ferreira, J., Ferron, J., Fessey, J. A., Figini, L., Figueiredo, J., Figueiredo, A., Finburg, P., Finken, K. H., Fischer, U., Fitzgerald, N., Flanagan, J., Fleming, C., Forbes, A. D., Ford, O., Formisano, A., Fraboulet, D., Francis, R. J., Frassinetti, L., Fresa, R., Friconneau, J. P., Frigione, D., Fullard, K., Fundamenski, W., Furno Palumbo, M., Gã¡l, K., Gao, X., Garavaglia, S., Garbet, X., Garcia, J., Garcia Munoz, M., Gardner, W., Garibaldi, P., Garnier, D., Garzotti, L., Gatu Johnson, M., Gaudio, P., Gauthier, E., Gaze, J. W., Gear, D. F., Gedney, J., Gee, S. J., Gelfusa, M., Genangeli, E., Gerasimov, S., Geraud, A., Gerbaud, T., Gherendi, M., Ghirelli, N., Giacalone, J. C., Giacomelli, L., Gibson, C. S., Gil, C., Gilligan, S. J., Gimblett, C. G., Gin, D., Giovannozzi, E., Giroud, C., Giruzzi, G., Godwin, J., Goff, J. K., Gohil, P., Gã³jska, A., Goloborod'Ko, V., Gonã§alves, B., Goniche, M., Gonzales, S., González De Vicente, S. M., Goodyear, A., Gorelenkov, N., Gorini, G., Goulding, R., Graham, B., Graham, D., Graham, M. E., Graves, J., Green, N. R., Greuner, H., Grigore, E., Griph, F. S., Grisolia, C., Gros, G., Groth, M., Grã¼nhagen, S., Gryaznevich, M. P., Guirlet, R., Gunn, J., Gupta, A., Guzdar, P., Hackett, L. J., Hacquin, S., Haist, B., Hakola, A., Halitovs, M., Hall, S. J., Hallworth Cook, S. P., Hamilton, D. T., Han, H., Handley, R. C., Harding, S., Harling, J. D. W., Harting, D., Harvey, M. J., Haupt, T. D. V., Hawkes, N. C., Hawryluk, R., Hay, J. H., Hayashi, N., Haydon, P. W., Hayward, I. R., Hazel, S., Heesterman, P. J. L., Heidbrink, W., Heinola, K., Hellesen, C., Hellsten, T., Hemming, O. N., Hender, T. C., Henderson, M., Hennion, V., Hidalgo, C., Higashijima, S., Hill, J. W., Hill, M., Hill, K., Hillairet, J., Hillis, D., Hirai, T., Hitchin, M., Hobirk, J., Hogan, C., Hogben, C. H. A., Hogeweij, G. M. D., Hollingham, I. C., Holyaka, R., Homfray, D. A., Honeyands, G., Hong, S. H., Hong, J. H., Horã¡cek, J., Horn, B. A., Horton, A. R., Horton, L. D., Hotchin, S. P., Hough, M. R., Houlberg, W., Howell, D. F., Huber, A., Huddleston, T. M., Hudson, Z., Hughes, M., Hã¼hnerbein, M., Hume, C. C., Hunt, A. J., Hunter, C. L., Hutchinson, T. S., Huygen, S., Huysmans, G., Ide, S., Illescas, C., Imbeaux, F., Ivanova, D., Ivanova-Stanik, I., Ivings, E., Jachmich, S., Jackson, G., Jacquet, P., Jakubowska, K., James, P. V., Janky, F., Jã¤rvinen, A., Jednorog, S., Jenkins, I., Jennison, M. A. C., Jeskins, C., Jin Kwon, O., Joffrin, E., Johnson, M. F., Johnson, R., Johnson, T., Jolovic, D., Jonauskas, V., Jones, E. M., Jones, G., Jones, H. D., Jones, T. T. C., Jouvet, M., Jupã©n, C., Kachtchouk, I., Kaczmarczyk, J., Kallenbach, A., Kã¤llne, J., Kalupin, D., Kã¡lvin, S., Kamelander, G., Kamendje, R., Kamiya, K., Kappatou, A., Kasparek, W., Kasprowicz, G., Katramados, I., Kaveney, G., Kaye, A. S., Kear, M. J., Keeling, D. L., Kelliher, D., Kempenaars, M., Khilar, P., Khilkevich, E., Kidd, N. G., Kiisk, M., Kim, K. M., Kim, H., King, R. F., Kinna, D. J., Kiptily, V., Kirnev, G., Kirneva, N., Kirov, K., Kirschner, A., Kisielius, R., Kislov, D., Kiss, G., Kizane, G., Klein, A., Klepper, C., Klimov, N., Klix, A., Knaup, M., Kneuper, K., Kneupner, H., Knight, P. J., Knipe, S. J., Kocan, M., Koch, R., Kã¶chl, F., Kocsis, G., Koivuranta, S., Koppitz, T., Korotkov, A., Koskela, T., Koslowski, H. R., Kotov, V., Kovari, M. D., Kramer, G., Krasilnikov, A., Krasilnikov, V., Kraus, S., Kreter, A., Krieger, K., Kritz, A., Krivchenkov, Y., Kruezi, U., Krylov, S., Ksiazek, I., Kuhn, S., Kã¼hnlein, W., Kukushkin, A., Kundu, A., Kurki-Suonio, T., Kurowski, A., Kuteev, B., Kuyanov, A., Kyrytsya, V., La Haye, R., Laan, M., Labate, C., Lachichi, A., Laguardia, L., Lam, N., Lang, P., Large, M. T., Lasa, A., Lassiwe, I., Last, J. R., Lawson, K. D., Laxã¥back, M., Layne, R. A., Le Guern, F., Leblanc, B., Lee, S., Lee, J., Leggate, H. J., Lehnen, M., Leigheb, M., Lengar, I., Lennholm, M., Lerche, E., Lescure, C. N., Li, Y., Li Puma, A., Liang, Y., Likonen, J., Lin, Y., Lindholm, V., Linke, J., Linstead, S. A., Lipshultz, B., Litaudon, X., Litvak, A. G., Liu, Y., Loarer, T., Loarte, A., Lobel, R. C., Lomas, P. J., Long, F. D., Lã¶nnroth, J., Looker, D. J., Lopez, J., Lotte, Ph., Louche, F., Loughlin, M. J., Loving, A. B., Lowry, C., Luce, T., Lucock, R. M. A., Lukanitsa, A., Lukin, A., Lungu, A. M., Lungu, C. P., Lyssoivan, A., Macheta, P., Mackenzie, A. S., Macrae, M., Maddaluno, G., Maddison, G. P., Madsen, J., Magesh, B., Maget, P., Maggi, C. F., Maier, H., Mailloux, J., Makkonen, T., Makowski, M., Malaquias, A., Manning, C. J., Mansfield, M., Manso, M. E., Mantica, P., Marcenko, N., Marchitti, M. A., Mardenfeld, M., Marechal, J. L., Marinelli, M., Marinucci, M., Marocco, D., Marren, C. A., Marsen, S., Martin, D., Martin, D. L., Martin, G., Martin, Y., MartÃn-SolÃs, J. R., Masaki, K., Masiello, A., Maszl, C., Matejcik, S., Matilal, A., Mattei, M., Matthews, G. F., Mattoo, S., Matveev, D., Maviglia, F., May, C. R., Mayer, M., Mayoral, M. L., Mazon, D., Mazzotta, C., Mazzucato, E., Mccarthy, P., Mcclements, K. G., Mccormick, K., Mccullen, P. A., Mccune, D., Mcdonald, D. C., Mcgregor, R., Mckivitt, J. P., Meakins, A., Medina, F., Meigs, A. G., Menard, M., Meneses, L., Menmuir, S., Merrigan, I. R., Mertens, Ph., Messiaen, A., Mã©szã¡ros, B., Meyer, H., Miano, G., Michling, R., Miele, M., Miettunen, J., Migliucci, P., Miller, A. G., Mills, S. F., Milnes, J. J., Min Kim, K., Mindham, T., Miorin, E., Mirizzi, F., Mirones, E., Mironov, M., Mitteau, R., Mlynã¡r, J., Mollard, P., Monakhov, I., Monier-Garbet, P., Mooney, R., Moreau, D., Moreau, Ph., Moreira, L., Morgan, A., Morgan, P. D., Morlock, C., Morris, A. W., Mort, G. L., Murakami, M., Murari, A., Mustata, I., Nabais, F., Nakano, T., Nardon, E., Nash, G., Naulin, V., Nave, M. F. F., Nazikian, R., Nedzelski, I., Negus, C. R., Neilson, J. D., Nemtsev, G., Neto, A., Neu, R., Neubauer, O., Newbert, G. J., Newman, M., Nicholls, K. J., Nicolai, A., Nicolas, L., Nieckchen, P., Nielsen, A. H., Nielsen, S. K., Nielsen, P., Nielson, G., Nieto, J., Nightingale, M. P. S., Nishijima, D., Noble, C., Nocente, M., Nordman, H., Norman, M., Nowak, S., Nunes, I., Oberkofler, M., Odstrcil, M., O'Gorman, T., Ohsako, T., Okabayashi, M., Olariu, S., Oleynikov, A., O'Mullane, M., Ongena, J., Orsitto, F., Oswuigwe, O. I., Ottaviani, M., Oyama, N., Pacella, D., Paget, K., Pajuste, E., Palazzo, S., Palã©nic, J., Pamela, J., Pamela, S., Pangione, L., Panin, A., Panja, S., Pankin, A., Pantea, A., Parail, V., Paris, P., Parisot, Th., Park, M., Parkin, A., Parsloe, A., Parsons, B. T., Pasqualotto, R., Pastor, P., Paterson, R., Paul, M. K., Peach, D., Pearce, R. J. H., Pearson, B. J., Pearson, I. J., Pedrick, L. C., Pedrosa, M. A., Pegourie, B., Pereira, R., Pereslavtsev, P., Perevezentsev, A., Perez Von Thun, Ch., Pericoli-Ridolfini, V., Perona, A., Perrot, Y., Peruzzo, S., Peschanyy, S., Petravich, G., Petrizzi, L., Petrov, V., Petrzilka, V., Philipps, V., Piccolo, F., Pietropaolo, A., Pillon, M., Pinches, S. D., Pinna, T., Pintsuk, G., Piovesan, P., Pironti, A., Pisano, F., Pitts, R., Plaum, B., Plyusnin, V., Polasik, M., Poli, F. M., Pomaro, N., Pompilian, O., Poncet, L., Pool, P. J., Popovichev, S., Porcelli, F., Porfiri, M. T., Portafaix, C., Pospieszczyk, A., Possnert, G., Pozniak, K., Pradhan, S., Pragash, R., Prajapati, V., Prestopino, G., Prior, P., Prokopowicz, R., Puiatti, M. E., Purahoo, K., Pustovitov, V., Pã¼tterich, Th., Püttmann-Kneupner, D., Quercia, A., Rachlew, E., Rademaker, R., Rafiq, T., Rainford, M. S. J., Ramogida, G., Rapp, J., Rasmussen, J. J., Rathod, K., Rattã¡, G., Ravera, G., Refy, D., Reichle, R., Reinelt, M., Reiser, D., Reiss, R., Reiter, D., Rendell, D., Reux, C., Rewoldt, G., Ribeiro, T. T., Riccardo, V., Richards, D., Rigollet, F., Rimini, F. G., Rios, L., Riva, M., Roberts, J. E. C., Robins, R. J., Robinson, D. S., Robinson, S. A., Robson, D. W., Roche, H., Rã¶dig, M., Rodionov, N., Rohde, V., Rolfe, A., Romanelli, M., Romano, A., Romero, J., Ronchi, E., Rosanvallon, S., Roux, Ch., Rowe, S., Rubel, M., Rubinacci, G., Ruiz, M., Ruset, C., Russell, M., Ruth, A., Ryc, L., Rydzy, A., Rzadkiewicz, J., Saarelma, S., Sabathier, F., Sabot, R., Sadakov, S., Sadvakassova, A., Sadykov, A., Sagar, P., Saibene, G., Saille, A., Saint-Laurent, F., Salewski, M., Salmi, A., Salzedas, F., Samm, U., Sanchez, P., Sanders, S., Sanders, S. G., Sandford, G., Sandland, K., Sandquist, P., Sands, D. E. G., Santala, M. I. K., Santra, P., Sartori, F., Sartori, R., Sauter, O., Savelyev, A., Savtchkov, A., Scales, S. C., Scarabosio, A., Schaefer, N., Schmidt, V., Schmidt, A., Schmitz, O., Schmuck, S., Schneider, M., Scholz, M., Schã¶pf, K., Schweer, B., Schweinzer, J., Seki, M., Semeraro, L., Semerok, A., Sergienko, G., Sertoli, M., Shannon, M. M. J., Sharapov, S. E., Shaw, S. R., Shevelev, A., Sieglin, B., Sievering, R., Silva, C. A., Simmons, P. A., Simonetto, A., Simpson, D., Sipilã¤, S. K., Sips, A. C. C., Sirã©n, P., Sirinelli, A., Sjã¶strand, H., Skopintsev, D., Slabkowska, K., Smith, P. G., Snipes, J., Snoj, L., Snyder, S., Soare, S., Solano, E. R., Soleto, A., Solomon, W., Soltane, C., Sonato, P., Sopplesa, A., Sorrentino, A., Sousa, J., Sowden, C. B. C., Sozzi, C., Spã¤h, P., Spelzini, T., Spence, J., Spineanu, F., Spuig, P., Stagg, R. D., Stamp, M. F., Stancalie, V., Stangeby, P., Stankiewicz, R., Stan-Sion, C., Starkey, D. E., Stead, M. J., Stejner, M., Stephen, A. V., Stephen, M., Stevens, A. L., Stokes, R. B., Stork, D., Stoyanov, D., Strachan, J., Strand, P., Stransky, M., Strauss, D., Strintzi, D., Studholme, W., Su Na, Y., Subba, F., Summers, H. P., Sun, Y., Surdu-Bob, C., Surrey, E., Sutton, D. J., Svensson, J., Swain, D., Syme, B. D., Symonds, I. D., Szabolics, T., Szepesi, T., Szydlowski, A., Tabares, F., Takalo, V., Takenaga, H., Tala, T., Talbot, A. R., Taliercio, C., Tame, C., Tardocchi, M., Taroni, L., Telesca, G., Terra, A., Terrington, A. O., Testa, D., Theis, J. M., Thomas, J. D., Thomas, P. D., Thomas, P. R., Thompson, V. K., Thomser, C., Thyagaraja, A., Tigwell, P. A., Tiseanu, I., Tivey, R., Todd, J. M., Todd, T. N., Tokar, M. Z., Tosti, S., Trabuc, P., Travere, J. M., Trimble, P., Trkov, A., Trukhina, E., Tsalas, M., Tsitrone, E., Tskhakaya jun, D., Tudisco, O., Tugarinov, S., Turner, M. M., Tyrrell, S. G. J., Umeda, N., Unterberg, B., Urano, H., Urquhart, A. J., Uytdenhouwen, I., Vaccaro, A., Vadgama, A. P., Vagliasindi, G., Valcarcel, D., Valisa, M., Vallory, J., Valovic, M., Van Eester, D., Van Milligen, B., Van Rooij, G. J., Varandas, C. A. F., Vartanian, S., Vasava, K., Vdovin, V., Vega, J., Verdoolaege, G., Verger, J. M., Vermare, L., Verona, C., Versloot, Th., Vervier, M., Vicente, J., Villari, S., Villedieu, E., Villone, F., Vince, J. E., Vine, G. J., Vinyar, I., Viola, B., Vitale, E., Vitelli, R., Vitins, A., Vlad, M., Voitsekhovitch, I., Vrancken, M., Vulliez, K., Waldon, C. W. F., Walker, M., Walsh, M. J., Waterhouse, J., Watkins, M. L., Watson, M. J., Wauters, T., Way, M. W., Webb, C. R., Weiland, J., Weisen, H., Weiszflog, M., Wenninger, R., West, A. T., Weulersse, J. M., Wheatley, M. R., Whiteford, A. D., Whitehead, A. M., Whitehurst, A. G., Widdowson, A. M., Wiegmann, C., Wiesen, S., Wilson, A., Wilson, D., Wilson, D. J., Wilson, H. R., Wischmeier, M., Witts, D. M., Wolf, R. C., Wolowski, J., Woscov, P., Wright, J., G. S., Xu, Yavorskij, V., Yerashok, V., Yoo, M., Yorkshades, J., Young, C., Young, D., Young, I. D., Yuhong, X., Yun, S., Zabeo, L., Zabolotny, W., Zaccarian, L., Zagorski, R., Zaitsev, F. S., Zakharov, L., Zanino, R., Zaroschi, V., Zastrow, K. D., Zatz, I., Zefran, B., Zeidner, W., Zerbini, M., Zhang, T., Zhitlukin, A., Zhu, Y., Zimmermann, O., Zoita, V., Zoletnik, S., Zwingman, W., Romanelli, F, Abel, I, Afanesyev, V, Aftanas, M, Agarici, G, Aggarwal, K, Aho Mantila, L, Ahonen, E, Aints, M, Airila, M, Akers, R, Alarcon, T, Albanese, R, Alexeev, A, Alfier, A, Allan, P, Almaviva, S, Alonso, A, Alper, B, Altmann, H, Alves, D, Ambrosino, G, Amosov, V, Andersson, F, Sunden, E, Andreev, V, Andrew, Y, Angelone, M, Anghel, M, Anghel, A, Angioni, C, Apruzzese, G, Arcis, N, Arena, P, Argouarch, A, Ariola, M, Armitano, A, Arnoux, G, Arshad, S, Artaserse, G, Artaud, J, Ash, A, Asp, E, Asunta, O, Atanasiu, C, Atkins, G, Avotina, L, Axton, M, Ayres, C, Baciero, A, Bailescu, V, Baiocchi, B, Baker, R, Balboa, I, Balden, M, Balorin, C, Balshaw, N, Banks, J, Baranov, Y, Barbier, D, Barlow, I, Barnard, M, Barnsley, R, Barrena, L, Barrera, L, Baruzzo, M, Basiuk, V, Bateman, G, Batistoni, P, Baumgarten, N, Baylor, L, Bazylev, B, Beaumont, P, Beausang, K, Becoulet, M, Bekris, N, Beldishevski, M, Bell, A, Belli, F, Bellinger, M, Bellizio, T, Belo, P, Belonohy, E, Bennett, P, Benterman, N, Berger By, G, Bergsaker, H, Berk, H, Bernardo, J, Bernert, M, Bertrand, B, Beurskens, M, Bieg, B, Bienkowska, B, Biewer, T, Bigi, M, Bilkova, P, Bin, W, Bird, J, Bizarro, J, Bjorkas, C, Blackman, T, Blanchard, P, Blanco, E, Blum, J, Bobkov, V, Boboc, A, Boilson, D, Bolshakova, I, Bolzonella, T, Boncagni, L, Bonheure, G, Bonnin, X, Borba, D, Borthwick, A, Botrugno, A, Boulbe, C, Bouquey, F, Bourdelle, C, Von, B, Bowden, M, Boyce, T, Boyer, H, Bozhenkov, A, Brade, R, Bradshaw, J, Braet, J, Braic, V, Braithwaite, G, Brault, C, Breizman, B, Bremond, S, Brennan, P, Brett, A, Breue, J, Brezinsek, S, Bright, M, Briscoe, F, Brix, M, Brombin, M, Brown, B, Brown, D, Brzozowski, J, Bucalossi, J, Buckley, M, Budd, T, Budny, R, Bunting, P, Buratti, P, Burcea, G, Burckhart, A, Butcher, P, Buttery, R, Cahyna, P, Calabro, G, Callaghan, C, Caminade, J, Camp, P, Campling, D, Caniello, R, Canik, J, Cannas, B, Capel, A, Carannante, G, Card, P, Cardinali, A, Carlstrom, T, Carman, P, Carralero, D, Carraro, L, Carter, T, Carvalho, B, Carvalho, I, Carvalho, P, Casati, A, Castaldo, C, Caughman, J, Cavazzana, R, Cavinato, M, Cecconello, M, Cecil, E, Cecil, F, Cenedese, A, Centioli, C, Cesario, R, Challis, C, Chandler, M, Chang, C, Chankin, A, Chapman, I, Chektybayev, B, Chernyshova, M, Child, D, Chiru, P, Chitarin, G, Chugonov, I, Ciric, D, Clairet, F, Clarke, R, Clay, R, Clever, M, Coad, J, Coates, P, Cocilovo, V, Coda, S, Coelho, R, Coenen, J, Coffey, I, Colas, L, Cole, M, Collins, S, Combs, S, Compan, J, Conboy, J, Conroy, S, Cook, N, Cook, S, Coombs, D, Cooper, S, Corre, Y, Corrigan, G, Cortes, S, Coster, D, Counsell, G, Courtois, X, Cox, M, Craciunescu, T, Cramp, S, Crisanti, F, Croci, G, Croft, O, Crombe, K, Crowley, B, Cruz, N, Cseh, G, Cupido, L, Curuia, M, Cusack, R, Czarnecka, A, Czarski, T, Dalley, S, Daly, E, Dalziel, A, Daniel, R, Darrow, D, David, O, Davies, N, Davies, W, Davies, J, Day, I, Day, C, De, A, De, B, De, L, De, P, De, T, De, V, De Angelis, R, Degli, A, Delabie, E, del Castillo Negrete, D, Delpech, L, Denisov, G, Denyer, A, Denyer, R, Devaux, S, Devynck, P, Di, M, Di, P, Dirken, P, Dittmar, T, Dnestrovskiy, A, Dodt, D, Doerner, R, Doldatov, S, Dominiczak, K, Dooley, P, Dorling, S, Douai, D, Down, A, Doyle, P, Drake, J, Dreischuh, T, Drozdov, V, Dumortier, P, Dunai, D, Duran, I, Durodie, F, Dutta, P, Dux, R, Dylst, K, Eaton, R, Edlington, T, Edwards, A, Edwards, D, Edwards, P, Eich, T, Ekedahl, A, Elevant, T, Ellingboe, B, Elsmore, C, Emmoth, B, Erdei, G, Ericsson, G, Eriksson, L, Eriksson, A, Esposito, B, Esser, H, Estrada, T, Evangelidis, E, Evans, G, Ewart, G, Ewers, D, Falchetto, G, Falie, D, Fanthome, J, Farthing, J, Fasoli, A, Faugeras, B, Fedorczak, N, Felton, R, Fenzi, C, Fernades, A, Fernandes, H, Ferreira, J, Ferron, J, Fessey, J, Figini, L, Figueiredo, J, Figueiredo, A, Finburg, P, Finken, K, Fischer, U, Fitzgerald, N, Flanagan, J, Fleming, C, Forbes, A, Ford, O, Formisano, A, Fraboulet, D, Francis, R, Frassinetti, L, Fresa, R, Friconneau, J, Frigione, D, Fullard, K, Fundamenski, W, Palumbo, M, Gal, K, Gao, X, Garavaglia, S, Garbet, X, Garcia, J, Munoz, M, Gardner, W, Garibaldi, P, Garnier, D, Garzotti, L, Johnson, M, Gaudio, P, Gauthier, E, Gaze, J, Gear, D, Gedney, J, Gee, S, Gelfusa, M, Genangeli, E, Gerasimov, S, Geraud, A, Gerbaud, T, Gherendi, M, Ghirelli, N, Giacalone, J, Giacomelli, L, Gibson, C, Gil, C, Gilligan, S, Gimblett, C, Gin, D, Giovannozzi, E, Giroud, C, Giruzzi, G, Godwin, J, Goff, J, Gohil, P, Gojska, A, Goloborod'Ko, V, Goncalves, B, Goniche, M, Gonzales, S, Goodyear, A, Gorelenkov, N, Gorini, G, Goulding, R, Graham, B, Graham, D, Graham, M, Graves, J, Green, N, Greuner, H, Grigore, E, Griph, F, Grisolia, C, Gros, G, Groth, M, Grunhagen, S, Gryaznevich, M, Guirlet, R, Gunn, J, Gupta, A, Guzdar, P, Hackett, L, Hacquin, S, Haist, B, Hakola, A, Halitovs, M, Hall, S, Hamilton, D, Han, H, Handley, R, Harding, S, Harling, J, Harting, D, Harvey, M, Haupt, T, Hawkes, N, Hawryluk, R, Hay, J, Hayashi, N, Haydon, P, Hayward, I, Hazel, S, Heesterman, P, Heidbrink, W, Heinola, K, Hellesen, C, Hellsten, T, Hemming, O, Hender, T, Henderson, M, Hennion, V, Hidalgo, C, Higashijima, S, Hill, J, Hill, M, Hill, K, Hillairet, J, Hillis, D, Hirai, T, Hitchin, M, Hobirk, J, Hogan, C, Hogben, C, Hogeweij, G, Hollingham, I, Holyaka, R, Homfray, D, Honeyands, G, Hong, S, Hong, J, Horacek, J, Horn, B, Horton, A, Horton, L, Hotchin, S, Hough, M, Houlberg, W, Howell, D, Huber, A, Huddleston, T, Hudson, Z, Hughes, M, Huehnerbein, M, Hume, C, Hunt, A, Hunter, C, Hutchinson, T, Huygen, S, Huysmans, G, Ide, S, Illescas, C, Imbeaux, F, Ivanova, D, Ivanova Stanik, I, Ivings, E, Jachmich, S, Jackson, G, Jacquet, P, Jakubowska, K, James, P, Janky, F, Jaervinen, A, Jednorog, S, Jenkins, I, Jennison, M, Jeskins, C, Kwon, O, Joffrin, E, Johnson, R, Johnson, T, Jolovic, D, Jonauskas, V, Jones, E, Jones, G, Jones, H, Jones, T, Jouvet, M, Jupen, C, Kachtchouk, I, Kaczmarczyk, J, Kallenbach, A, Kaellne, J, Kalupin, D, Kalvin, S, Kamelander, G, Kamendje, R, Kamiya, K, Kappatou, A, Kasparek, W, Kasprowicz, G, Katramados, I, Kaveney, G, Kaye, A, Kear, M, Keeling, D, Kelliher, D, Kempenaars, M, Khilar, P, Khilkevich, E, Kidd, N, Kiisk, M, Kim, K, Kim, H, King, R, Kinna, D, Kiptily, V, Kirnev, G, Kirneva, N, Kirov, K, Kirschner, A, Kisielius, R, Kislov, D, Kiss, G, Kizane, G, Klein, A, Klepper, C, Klimov, N, Klix, A, Knaup, M, Kneuper, K, Kneupner, H, Knight, P, Knipe, S, Kocan, M, Koch, R, Kochl, F, Kocsis, G, Koivuranta, S, Koppitz, T, Korotkov, A, Koskela, T, Koslowski, H, Kotov, V, Kovari, M, Kramer, G, Krasilnikov, A, Krasilnikov, V, Kraus, S, Kreter, A, Krieger, K, Kritz, A, Krivchenkov, Y, Kruezi, U, Krylov, S, Ksiazek, I, Kuhn, S, Kuhnlein, W, Kukushkin, A, Kundu, A, Kurki Suonio, T, Kurowski, A, Kuteev, B, Kuyanov, A, Kyrytsya, V, La, H, Laan, M, Labate, C, Lachichi, A, Laguardia, L, Lam, N, Lang, P, Large, M, Lasa, A, Lassiwe, I, Last, J, Lawson, K, Laxaback, M, Layne, R, Le, G, Leblanc, B, Lee, S, Lee, J, Leggate, H, Lehnen, M, Leigheb, M, Lengar, I, Lennholm, M, Lerche, E, Lescure, C, Li, Y, Li, P, Liang, Y, Likonen, J, Lin, Y, Lindholm, V, Linke, J, Linstead, S, Lipshultz, B, Litaudon, X, Litvak, A, Liu, Y, Loarer, T, Loarte, A, Lobel, R, Lomas, P, Long, F, Lonnroth, J, Looker, D, Lopez, J, Lotte, P, Louche, F, Loughlin, M, Loving, A, Lowry, C, Luce, T, Lucock, R, Lukanitsa, A, Lukin, A, Lungu, A, Lungu, C, Lyssoivan, A, Macheta, P, Mackenzie, A, Macrae, M, Maddaluno, G, Maddison, G, Madsen, J, Magesh, B, Maget, P, Maggi, C, Maier, H, Mailloux, J, Makkonen, T, Makowski, M, Malaquias, A, Manning, C, Mansfield, M, Manso, M, Mantica, P, Marcenko, N, Marchitti, M, Mardenfeld, M, Marechal, J, Marinelli, M, Marinucci, M, Marocco, D, Marren, C, Marsen, S, Martin, D, Martin, G, Martin, Y, Martin Solis, J, Masaki, K, Masiello, A, Maszl, C, Matejcik, S, Matilal, A, Mattei, M, Matthews, G, Mattoo, S, Matveev, D, Maviglia, F, May, C, Mayer, M, Mayoral, M, Mazon, D, Mazzotta, C, Mazzucato, E, Mccarthy, P, Mcclements, K, Mccormick, K, Mccullen, P, Mccune, D, Mcdonald, D, Mcgregor, R, Mckivitt, J, Meakins, A, Medina, F, Meigs, A, Menard, M, Meneses, L, Menmuir, S, Merrigan, I, Mertens, P, Messiaen, A, Meszaros, B, Meyer, H, Miano, G, Michling, R, Miele, M, Miettunen, J, Migliucci, P, Miller, A, Mills, S, Milnes, J, Mindham, T, Miorin, E, Mirizzi, F, Mirones, E, Mironov, M, Mitteau, R, Mlynar, J, Mollard, P, Monakhov, I, Monier Garbet, P, Mooney, R, Moreau, D, Moreau, P, Moreira, L, Morgan, A, Morgan, P, Morlock, C, Morris, A, Mort, G, Murakami, M, Murari, A, Mustata, I, Nabais, F, Nakano, T, Nardon, E, Nash, G, Naulin, V, Nave, M, Nazikian, R, Nedzelski, I, Negus, C, Neilson, J, Nemtsev, G, Neto, A, Neu, R, Neubauer, O, Newbert, G, Newman, M, Nicholls, K, Nicolai, A, Nicolas, L, Nieckchen, P, Nielsen, A, Nielsen, S, Nielsen, P, Nielsen, G, Nieto, J, Nightingale, M, Nishijima, D, Noble, C, Nocente, M, Nordman, H, Norman, M, Nowak, S, Nunes, I, Oberkofler, M, Odstrcil, M, O'Gorman, T, Ohsako, T, Okabayashi, M, Olariu, S, Oleynikov, A, O'Mullane, M, Ongena, J, Orsitto, F, Oswuigwe, O, Ottaviani, M, Oyama, N, Pacella, D, Paget, K, Pajuste, E, Palazzo, S, Palenic, J, Pamela, J, Pamela, S, Pangione, L, Panin, A, Panja, S, Pankin, A, Pantea, A, Parail, V, Paris, P, Parisot, T, Park, M, Parkin, A, Parsloe, A, Parsons, B, Pasqualotto, R, Pastor, P, Paterson, R, Paul, M, Peach, D, Pearce, R, Pearson, B, Pearson, I, Pedrick, L, Pedrosa, M, Pegourie, B, Pereira, R, Pereslavtsev, P, Perevezentsev, A, Von, T, Pericoli Ridolfini, V, Perona, A, Perrot, Y, Peruzzo, S, Peschanyy, S, Petravich, G, Petrizzi, L, Petrov, V, Petrzilka, V, Philipps, V, Piccolo, F, Pietropaolo, A, Pillon, M, Pinches, S, Pinna, T, Pintsuk, G, Piovesan, P, Pironti, A, Pisano, F, Pitts, R, Plaum, B, Plyusnin, V, Polasik, M, Poli, F, Pomaro, N, Pompilian, O, Poncet, L, Pool, P, Popovichev, S, Porcelli, F, Porfiri, M, Portafaix, C, Pospieszczyk, A, Possnert, G, Pozniak, K, Pradhan, S, Pragash, R, Prajapati, V, Prestopino, G, Prior, P, Prokopowicz, R, Puiatti, M, Purahoo, K, Pustovitov, V, Putterich, T, Puttmann Kneupner, D, Quercia, A, Rachlew, E, Rademaker, R, Rafiq, T, Rainford, M, Ramogida, G, Rapp, J, Rasmussen, J, Rathod, K, Ratta, G, Ravera, G, Refy, D, Reichle, R, Reinelt, M, Reiser, D, Reiss, R, Reiter, D, Rendell, D, Reux, C, Rewoldt, G, Ribeiro, T, Riccardo, V, Richards, D, Rigollet, F, Rimini, F, Rios, L, Riva, M, Roberts, J, Robins, R, Robinson, D, Robinson, S, Robson, D, Roche, H, Roedig, M, Rodionov, N, Rohde, V, Rolfe, A, Romanelli, M, Romano, A, Romero, J, Ronchi, E, Rosanvallon, S, Roux, C, Rowe, S, Rubel, M, Rubinacci, G, Ruiz, M, Ruset, C, Russell, M, Ruth, A, Ryc, L, Rydzy, A, Rzadkiewicz, J, Saarelma, S, Sabathier, F, Sabot, R, Sadakov, S, Sadvakassova, A, Sadykov, A, Sagar, P, Saibene, G, Saille, A, Saint Laurent, F, Salewski, M, Salmi, A, Salzedas, F, Samm, U, Sanchez, P, Sanders, S, Sandford, G, Sandland, K, Sandquist, P, Sands, D, Santala, M, Santra, P, Sartori, F, Sartori, R, Sauter, O, Savelyev, A, Savtchkov, A, Scales, S, Scarabosio, A, Schaefer, N, Schmidt, V, Schmidt, A, Schmitz, O, Schmuck, S, Schneider, M, Scholz, M, Schoepf, K, Schweer, B, Schweinzer, J, Seki, M, Semeraro, L, Semerok, A, Sergienko, G, Sertoli, M, Shannon, M, Sharapov, S, Shaw, S, Shevelev, A, Sieglin, B, Sievering, R, Silva, C, Simmons, P, Simonetto, A, Simpson, D, Sipilae, S, Sips, A, Siren, P, Sirinelli, A, Sjoestrand, H, Skopintsev, D, Slabkowska, K, Smith, P, Snipes, J, Snoj, L, Snyder, S, Soare, S, Solano, E, Soleto, A, Solomon, W, Soltane, C, Sonato, P, Sopplesa, A, Sorrentino, A, Sousa, J, Sowden, C, Sozzi, C, Spaeh, P, Spelzini, T, Spence, J, Spineanu, F, Spuig, P, Stagg, R, Stamp, M, Stancalie, V, Stangeby, P, Stankiewicz, R, Stan Sion, C, Starkey, D, Stead, M, Stejner, M, Stephen, A, Stephen, M, Stevens, A, Stokes, R, Stork, D, Stoyanov, D, Strachan, J, Strand, P, Stransky, M, Strauss, D, Strintzi, D, Studholme, W, Na, Y, Subba, F, Summers, H, Sun, Y, Surdu Bob, C, Surrey, E, Sutton, D, Svensson, J, Swain, D, Syme, B, Symonds, I, Szabolics, T, Szepesi, T, Szydlowski, A, Tabares, F, Takalo, V, Takenaga, H, Tala, T, Talbot, A, Taliercio, C, Tame, C, Tardocchi, M, Taroni, L, Telesca, G, Terra, A, Terrington, A, Testa, D, Theis, J, Thomas, J, Thomas, P, Thompson, V, Thomser, C, Thyagaraja, A, Tigwell, P, Tiseanu, I, Tivey, R, Todd, J, Todd, T, Tokar, M, Tosti, S, Trabuc, P, Travere, J, Trimble, P, Trkov, A, Trukhina, E, Tsalas, M, Tsitrone, E, Jun, D, Tudisco, O, Tugarinov, S, Turner, M, Tyrrell, S, Umeda, N, Unterberg, B, Urano, H, Urquhart, A, Uytdenhouwen, I, Vaccaro, A, Vadgama, A, Vagliasindi, G, Valcarcel, D, Valisa, M, Vallory, J, Valovic, M, Van, E, Van, M, Van, R, Varandas, C, Vartanian, S, Vasava, K, Vdovin, V, Vega, J, Verdoolaege, G, Verger, J, Vermare, L, Verona, C, Versloot, T, Vervier, M, Vicente, J, Villari, S, Villedieu, E, Villone, F, Vince, J, Vine, G, Vinyar, I, Viola, B, Vitale, E, Vitelli, R, Vitins, A, Vlad, M, Voitsekhovitch, I, Vrancken, M, Vulliez, K, Waldon, C, Walker, M, Walsh, M, Waterhouse, J, Watkins, M, Watson, M, Wauters, T, Way, M, Webb, C, Weiland, J, Weisen, H, Weiszflog, M, Wenninger, R, West, A, Weulersse, J, Wheatley, M, Whiteford, A, Whitehead, A, Whitehurst, A, Widdowson, A, Wiegmann, C, Wiesen, S, Wilson, A, Wilson, D, Wilson, H, Wischmeier, M, Witts, D, Wolf, R, Wolowski, J, Woscov, P, Wright, J, Xu, G, Yavorskij, V, Yerashok, V, Yoo, M, Yorkshades, J, Young, C, Young, D, Young, I, Yuhong, X, Yun, S, Zabeo, L, Zabolotny, W, Zaccarian, L, Zagorski, R, Zaitsev, F, Zakharov, L, Zanino, R, Zaroschi, V, Zastrow, K, Zatz, I, Zefran, B, Zeidner, W, Zerbini, M, Zhang, T, Zhitlukin, A, Zhu, Y, Zimmermann, O, Zoita, V, Zoletnik, S, Zwingman, W, Control Systems Technology, Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion, Miano, Giovanni, Coccorese, Vincenzo, Albanese, Raffaele, Rubinacci, Guglielmo, DE TOMMASI, Gianmaria, Faculdade de Engenharia, Romanelli, F., Abel, I., Afanesyev, V., Aftanas, M., Agarici, G., Aggarwal, K. M., Aho Mantila, L., Ahonen, E., Aints, M., Airila, M., Akers, R., Alarcon, T. h., Albanese, R., Alexeev, A., Alfier, A., Allan, P., Almaviva, S., Alonso, A., Alper, B., Altmann, H., Alves, D., Ambrosino, G., Amosov, V., Andersson, F., Sunden E., Andersson, Andreev, V., Andrew, Y., Angelone, M., Anghel, M., Anghel, A., Angioni, C., Apruzzese, G., Arcis, N., Arena, P., Argouarch, A., Ariola, M., Armitano, A., Arnoux, G., Arshad, S., Artaserse, G., Artaud, J. F., Ash, A., Asp, E., Asunta, O., Atanasiu, C. V., Atkins, G., Avotina, L., Axton, M. D., Ayres, C., Baciero, A., Bailescu, V., Baiocchi, B., Baker, R. A., Balboa, I., Balden, M., Balorin, C., Balshaw, N., Banks, J. W., Baranov, Y. F., Barbier, D., Barlow, I. L., Barnard, M. A., Barnsley, R., Barrena, L., Barrera, L., Baruzzo, M., Basiuk, V., Bateman, G., Batistoni, P., Baumgarten, N., Baylor, L., Bazylev, B., Beaumont, P. S., Beausang, K., Becoulet, M., Bekris, N., Beldishevski, M., Bell, A. C., Belli, F., Bellinger, M., Bellizio, T., Belo, P. S. A., Belonohy, E., Bennett, P. E., Benterman, N. A., Berger By, G., Bergsaker, H., Berk, H., Bernardo, J., Bernert, M., Bertrand, B., Beurskens, M. N. A., Bieg, B., Bienkowska, B., Biewer, T. M., Bigi, M., Bilkova, P., Bin, W., Bird, J., Bizarro, J., Bjorkas, C., Blackman, T. R., Blanchard, P., Blanco, E., Blum, J., Bobkov, V., Boboc, A., Boilson, D., Bolshakova, I., Bolzonella, T., Boncagni, L., Bonheure, G., Bonnin, X., Borba, D., Borthwick, A., Botrugno, A., Boulbe, C., Bouquey, F., Bourdelle, C., Von Bovert, K., Bowden, M., Boyce, T., Boyer, H. J., Bozhenkov, A., Brade, R. J., Bradshaw, J. M. A., Braet, J., Braic, V., Braithwaite, G. C., Brault, C., Breizman, B., Bremond, S., Brennan, P. D., Brett, A., Breue, J., Brezinsek, S., Bright, M. D. J., Briscoe, F., Brix, M., Brombin, M., Brown, B. C., Brown, D. P. D., Brzozowski, J., Bucalossi, J., Buckley, M. A., Budd, T., Budny, R. V., Bunting, P., Buratti, P., Burcea, G., Burckhart, A., Butcher, P. R., Buttery, R. J., Cahyna, P., Calabro, G., Callaghan, C. P., Caminade, J. P., Camp, P. G., Campling, D. C., Caniello, R., Canik, J., Cannas, B., Capel, A. J., Carannante, G., Card, P. J., Cardinali, A., Carlstrom, T., Carman, P., Carralero, D., Carraro, L., Carter, T., Carvalho, B. B., Carvalho, I., Carvalho, P., Casati, A., Castaldo, C., Caughman, J., Cavazzana, R., Cavinato, M., Cecconello, M., Cecil, E., Cecil, F. E., Cenedese, A., Centioli, C., Cesario, R., Challis, C. D., Chandler, M., Chang, C., Chankin, A., Chapman, I. T., Chektybayev, B., Chernyshova, M., Child, D. J., Chiru, P., Chitarin, G., Chugonov, I., Ciric, D., Clairet, F., Clarke, R. H., Clay, R., Clever, M., Coad, J. P., Coates, P. A., Cocilovo, V., Coda, S., Coelho, R., Coenen, J., Coffey, I., Colas, L., Cole, M., Collins, S., Combs, S., Compan, J., Conboy, J. E., Conroy, S., Cook, N., Cook, S. P., Coombs, D., Cooper, S. R., Corre, Y., Corrigan, G., Cortes, S., Coster, D., Counsell, G. F., Courtois, X., Cox, M., Craciunescu, T., Cramp, S., Crisanti, F., Croci, G., Croft, O., Crombe, K., Crowley, B. J., Cruz, N., Cseh, G., Cupido, L., Curuia, M., Cusack, R. A., Czarnecka, A., Czarski, T., Dalley, S., Daly, E. T., Dalziel, A., Daniel, R., Darrow, D., David, O., Davies, N., Davies, W., Davies, J. J., Day, I. E., Day, C., De Angelis, R., de Arcas, G., de Baar, M. R., de la Cal, E., de la Luna, E., de Pablos, J. L., De Tommasi, G., de Vries, P. C., Degli Agostini, F., Delabie, E., del Castillo Negrete, D., Delpech, L., Denisov, G., Denyer, A. J., Denyer, R. F., Devaux, S., Devynck, P., Di Matteo, L., Di Pace, L., Dirken, P. J., Dittmar, T., Dnestrovskiy, A., Dodt, D., Doerner, R., Doldatov, S., Dominiczak, K., Dooley, P., Dorling, S. E., Douai, D., Down, A. P., Doyle, P. T., Drake, J. R., Dreischuh, T., Drozdov, V., Dumortier, P., Dunai, D., Duran, I., Durodie, F., Dutta, P., Dux, R., Dylst, K., Eaton, R., Edlington, T., Edwards, A. M., Edwards, D. T., Edwards, P. K., Eich, T. h., Ekedahl, A., Elevant, T., Ellingboe, B., Elsmore, C. G., Emmoth, B., Erdei, G., Ericsson, G., Eriksson, L. G., Eriksson, A., Esposito, B., Esser, H. G., Estrada, T., Evangelidis, E. A., Evans, G. E., Ewart, G. D., Ewers, D. T., Falchetto, G., Falie, D., Fanthome, J. G. A., Farthing, J. W., Fasoli, A., Faugeras, B., Fedorczak, N., Felton, R. C., Fenzi, C., Fernades, A., Fernandes, H., Ferreira, J. A., Ferreira, J., Ferron, J., Fessey, J. A., Figini, L., Figueiredo, J., Figueiredo, A., Finburg, P., Finken, K. H., Fischer, U., Fitzgerald, N., Flanagan, J., Fleming, C., Forbes, A. D., Ford, O., Formisano, A., Fraboulet, D., Francis, R. J., Frassinetti, L., Fresa, R., Friconneau, J. P., Frigione, D., Fullard, K., Fundamenski, W., Palumbo M., Furno, Gal, K., Gao, X., Garavaglia, S., Garbet, X., Garcia, J., Munoz M., Garcia, Gardner, W., Garibaldi, P., Garnier, D., Garzotti, L., Johnson M., Gatu, Gaudio, P., Gauthier, E., Gaze, J. W., Gear, D. F., Gedney, J., Gee, S. J., Gelfusa, M., Genangeli, E., Gerasimov, S., Geraud, A., Gerbaud, T., Gherendi, M., Ghirelli, N., Giacalone, J. C., Giacomelli, L., Gibson, C. S., Gil, C., Gilligan, S. J., Gimblett, C. G., Gin, D., Giovannozzi, E., Giroud, C., Giruzzi, G., Godwin, J., Goff, J. K., Gohil, P., Gojska, A., Goloborod'Ko, V., Goncalves, B., Goniche, M., Gonzales, S., de Vicente S. M., Gonzalez, Goodyear, A., Gorelenkov, N., Gorini, G., Goulding, R., Graham, B., Graham, D., Graham, M. E., Graves, J., Green, N. R., Greuner, H., Grigore, E., Griph, F. S., Grisolia, C., Gros, G., Groth, M., Grunhagen, S., Gryaznevich, M. P., Guirlet, R., Gunn, J., Gupta, A., Guzdar, P., Hackett, L. J., Hacquin, S., Haist, B., Hakola, A., Halitovs, M., Hall, S. J., Cook S. P., Hallworth, Hamilton, D. T., Han, H., Handley, R. C., Harding, S., Harling, J. D. W., Harting, D., Harvey, M. J., Haupt, T. D. V., Hawkes, N. C., Hawryluk, R., Hay, J. H., Hayashi, N., Haydon, P. W., Hayward, I. R., Hazel, S., Heesterman, P. J. L., Heidbrink, W., Heinola, K., Hellesen, C., Hellsten, T., Hemming, O. N., Hender, T. C., Henderson, M., Hennion, V., Hidalgo, C., Higashijima, S., Hill, J. W., Hill, M., Hill, K., Hillairet, J., Hillis, D., Hirai, T., Hitchin, M., Hobirk, J., Hogan, C., Hogben, C. H. A., Hogeweij, G. M. D., Hollingham, I. C., Holyaka, R., Homfray, D. A., Honeyands, G., Hong, S. H., Hong, J. H., Horacek, J., Horn, B. A., Horton, A. R., Horton, L. D., Hotchin, S. P., Hough, M. R., Houlberg, W., Howell, D. F., Huber, A., Huddleston, T. M., Hudson, Z., Hughes, M., Huehnerbein, M., Hume, C. C., Hunt, A. J., Hunter, C. L., Hutchinson, T. S., Huygen, S., Huysmans, G., Ide, S., Illescas, C., Imbeaux, F., Ivanova, D., Ivanova Stanik, I., Ivings, E., Jachmich, S., Jackson, G., Jacquet, P., Jakubowska, K., James, P. V., Janky, F., Jaervinen, A., Jednorog, S., Jenkins, I., Jennison, M. A. C., Jeskins, C., Kwon O., Jin, Joffrin, E., Johnson, M. F., Johnson, R., Johnson, T., Jolovic, D., Jonauskas, V., Jones, E. M., Jones, G., Jones, H. D., Jones, T. T. C., Jouvet, M., Jupen, C., Kachtchouk, I., Kaczmarczyk, J., Kallenbach, A., Kaellne, J., Kalupin, D., Kalvin, S., Kamelander, G., Kamendje, R., Kamiya, K., Kappatou, A., Kasparek, W., Kasprowicz, G., Katramados, I., Kaveney, G., Kaye, A. S., Kear, M. J., Keeling, D. L., Kelliher, D., Kempenaars, M., Khilar, P., Khilkevich, E., Kidd, N. G., Kiisk, M., Kim, K. M., Kim, H., King, R. F., Kinna, D. J., Kiptily, V., Kirnev, G., Kirneva, N., Kirov, K., Kirschner, A., Kisielius, R., Kislov, D., Kiss, G., Kizane, G., Klein, A., Klepper, C., Klimov, N., Klix, A., Knaup, M., Kneuper, K., Kneupner, H., Knight, P. J., Knipe, S. J., Kocan, M., Koch, R., Kochl, F., Kocsis, G., Koivuranta, S., Koppitz, T., Korotkov, A., Koskela, T., Koslowski, H. R., Kotov, V., Kovari, M. D., Kramer, G., Krasilnikov, A., Krasilnikov, V., Kraus, S., Kreter, A., Krieger, K., Kritz, A., Krivchenkov, Y., Kruezi, U., Krylov, S., Ksiazek, I., Kuhn, S., Kuhnlein, W., Kukushkin, A., Kundu, A., Kurki Suonio, T., Kurowski, A., Kuteev, B., Kuyanov, A., Kyrytsya, V., La Haye, R., Laan, M., Labate, C., Lachichi, A., Laguardia, L., Lam, N., Lang, P., Large, M. T., Lasa, A., Lassiwe, I., Last, J. R., Lawson, K. D., Laxaback, M., Layne, R. A., Le Guern, F., Leblanc, B., Lee, S., Lee, J., Leggate, H. J., Lehnen, M., Leigheb, M., Lengar, I., Lennholm, M., Lerche, E., Lescure, C. N., Li, Y., Li Puma, A., Liang, Y., Likonen, J., Lin, Y., Lindholm, V., Linke, J., Linstead, S. A., Lipshultz, B., Litaudon, X., Litvak, A. G., Liu, Y., Loarer, T., Loarte, A., Lobel, R. C., Lomas, P. J., Long, F. D., Lonnroth, J., Looker, D. J., Lopez, J., Lotte, P. h., Louche, F., Loughlin, M. J., Loving, A. B., Lowry, C., Luce, T., Lucock, R. M. A., Lukanitsa, A., Lukin, A., Lungu, A. M., Lungu, C. P., Lyssoivan, A., Macheta, P., Mackenzie, A. S., Macrae, M., Maddaluno, G., Maddison, G. P., Madsen, J., Magesh, B., Maget, P., Maggi, C. F., Maier, H., Mailloux, J., Makkonen, T., Makowski, M., Malaquias, A., Manning, C. J., Mansfield, M., Manso, M. E., Mantica, P., Marcenko, N., Marchitti, M. A., Mardenfeld, M., Marechal, J. L., Marinelli, M., Marinucci, M., Marocco, D., Marren, C. A., Marsen, S., Martin, D., Martin, D. L., Martin, G., Martin, Y., Martin Solis, J. R., Masaki, K., Masiello, A., Maszl, C., Matejcik, S., Matilal, A., Mattei, Massimo, Matthews, G. F., Mattoo, S., Matveev, D., Maviglia, F., May, C. R., Mayer, M., Mayoral, M. L., Mazon, D., Mazzotta, C., Mazzucato, E., Mccarthy, P., Mcclements, K. G., Mccormick, K., Mccullen, P. A., Mccune, D., Mcdonald, D. C., Mcgregor, R., Mckivitt, J. P., Meakins, A., Medina, F., Meigs, A. G., Menard, M., Meneses, L., Menmuir, S., Merrigan, I. R., Mertens, P. h., Messiaen, A., Meszaros, B., Meyer, H., Miano, G., Michling, R., Miele, M., Miettunen, J., Migliucci, P., Miller, A. G., Mills, S. F., Milnes, J. J., Kim K., Min, Mindham, T., Miorin, E., Mirizzi, F., Mirones, E., Mironov, M., Mitteau, R., Mlynar, J., Mollard, P., Monakhov, I., Monier Garbet, P., Mooney, R., Moreau, D., Moreau, P. h., Moreira, L., Morgan, A., Morgan, P. D., Morlock, C., Morris, A. W., Mort, G. L., Murakami, M., Murari, A., Mustata, I., Nabais, F., Nakano, T., Nardon, E., Nash, G., Naulin, V., Nave, M. F. F., Nazikian, R., Nedzelski, I., Negus, C. R., Neilson, J. D., Nemtsev, G., Neto, A., Neu, R., Neubauer, O., Newbert, G. J., Newman, M., Nicholls, K. J., Nicolai, A., Nicolas, L., Nieckchen, P., Nielsen, A. H., Nielsen, S. K., Nielsen, P., Nielsen, G., Nieto, J., Nightingale, M. P. S., Nishijima, D., Noble, C., Nocente, M., Nordman, H., Norman, M., Nowak, S., Nunes, I., Oberkofler, M., Odstrcil, M., O'Gorman, T., Ohsako, T., Okabayashi, M., Olariu, S., Oleynikov, A., O'Mullane, M., Ongena, J., Orsitto, F., Oswuigwe, O. I., Ottaviani, M., Oyama, N., Pacella, D., Paget, K., Pajuste, E., Palazzo, S., Palenic, J., Pamela, J., Pamela, S., Pangione, L., Panin, A., Panja, S., Pankin, A., Pantea, A., Parail, V., Paris, P., Parisot, T. h., Park, M., Parkin, A., Parsloe, A., Parsons, B. T., Pasqualotto, R., Pastor, P., Paterson, R., Paul, M. K., Peach, D., Pearce, R. J. H., Pearson, B. J., Pearson, I. J., Pedrick, L. C., Pedrosa, M. A., Pegourie, B., Pereira, R., Pereslavtsev, P., Perevezentsev, A., Perez, von Thun C. h., Pericoli Ridolfini, V., Perona, A., Perrot, Y., Peruzzo, S., Peschanyy, S., Petravich, G., Petrizzi, L., Petrov, V., Petrzilka, V., Philipps, V., Piccolo, F., Pietropaolo, A., Pillon, M., Pinches, S. D., Pinna, T., Pintsuk, G., Piovesan, P., Pironti, A., Pisano, F., Pitts, R., Plaum, B., Plyusnin, V., Polasik, M., Poli, F. M., Pomaro, N., Pompilian, O., Poncet, L., Pool, P. J., Popovichev, S., Porcelli, F., Porfiri, M. T., Portafaix, C., Pospieszczyk, A., Possnert, G., Pozniak, K., Pradhan, S., Pragash, R., Prajapati, V., Prestopino, G., Prior, P., Prokopowicz, R., Puiatti, M. E., Purahoo, K., Pustovitov, V., Putterich, T. h., Puttmann Kneupner, D., Quercia, A., Rachlew, E., Rademaker, R., Rafiq, T., Rainford, M. S. J., Ramogida, G., Rapp, J., Rasmussen, J. J., Rathod, K., Ratta, G., Ravera, G., Refy, D., Reichle, R., Reinelt, M., Reiser, D., Reiss, R., Reiter, D., Rendell, D., Reux, C., Rewoldt, G., Ribeiro, T. T., Riccardo, V., Richards, D., Rigollet, F., Rimini, F. G., Rios, L., Riva, M., Roberts, J. E. C., Robins, R. J., Robinson, D. S., Robinson, S. A., Robson, D. W., Roche, H., Roedig, M., Rodionov, N., Rohde, V., Rolfe, A., Romanelli, M., Romano, A., Romero, J., Ronchi, E., Rosanvallon, S., Roux, C. h., Rowe, S., Rubel, M., Rubinacci, G., Ruiz, M., Ruset, C., Russell, M., Ruth, A., Ryc, L., Rydzy, A., Rzadkiewicz, J., Saarelma, S., Sabathier, F., Sabot, R., Sadakov, S., Sadvakassova, A., Sadykov, A., Sagar, P., Saibene, G., Saille, A., Saint Laurent, F., Salewski, M., Salmi, A., Salzedas, F., Samm, U., Sanchez, P., Sanders, S., Sanders, S. G., Sandford, G., Sandland, K., Sandquist, P., Sands, D. E. G., Santala, M. I. K., Santra, P., Sartori, F., Sartori, R., Sauter, O., Savelyev, A., Savtchkov, A., Scales, S. C., Scarabosio, A., Schaefer, N., Schmidt, V., Schmidt, A., Schmitz, O., Schmuck, S., Schneider, M., Scholz, M., Schoepf, K., Schweer, B., Schweinzer, J., Seki, M., Semeraro, L., Semerok, A., Sergienko, G., Sertoli, M., Shannon, M. M. J., Sharapov, S. E., Shaw, S. R., Shevelev, A., Sieglin, B., Sievering, R., Silva, C. A., Simmons, P. A., Simonetto, A., Simpson, D., Sipilae, S. K., Sips, A. C. C., Siren, P., Sirinelli, A., Sjoestrand, H., Skopintsev, D., Slabkowska, K., Smith, P. G., Snipes, J., Snoj, L., Snyder, S., Soare, S., Solano, E. R., Soleto, A., Solomon, W., Soltane, C., Sonato, P., Sopplesa, A., Sorrentino, A., Sousa, J., Sowden, C. B. C., Sozzi, C., Spaeh, P., Spelzini, T., Spence, J., Spineanu, F., Spuig, P., Stagg, R. D., Stamp, M. F., Stancalie, V., Stangeby, P., Stankiewicz, R., Stan Sion, C., Starkey, D. E., Stead, M. J., Stejner, M., Stephen, A. V., Stephen, M., Stevens, A. L., Stokes, R. B., Stork, D., Stoyanov, D., Strachan, J., Strand, P., Stransky, M., Strauss, D., Strintzi, D., Studholme, W., Na Y., Su, Subba, F., Summers, H. P., Sun, Y., Surdu Bob, C., Surrey, E., Sutton, D. J., Svensson, J., Swain, D., Syme, B. D., Symonds, I. D., Szabolics, T., Szepesi, T., Szydlowski, A., Tabares, F., Takalo, V., Takenaga, H., Tala, T., Talbot, A. R., Taliercio, C., Tame, C., Tardocchi, M., Taroni, L., Telesca, G., Terra, A., Terrington, A. O., Testa, D., Theis, J. M., Thomas, J. D., Thomas, P. D., Thomas, P. R., Thompson, V. K., Thomser, C., Thyagaraja, A., Tigwell, P. A., Tiseanu, I., Tivey, R., Todd, J. M., Todd, T. N., Tokar, M. Z., Tosti, S., Trabuc, P., Travere, J. M., Trimble, P., Trkov, A., Trukhina, E., Tsalas, M., Tsitrone, E., Jun D., Tskhakaya, Tudisco, O., Tugarinov, S., Turner, M. M., Tyrrell, S. G. J., Umeda, N., Unterberg, B., Urano, H., Urquhart, A. J., Uytdenhouwen, I., Vaccaro, A., Vadgama, A. P., Vagliasindi, G., Valcarcel, D., Valisa, M., Vallory, J., Valovic, M., Van Eester, D., van Milligen, B., van Rooij, G. J., Varandas, C. A. F., Vartanian, S., Vasava, K., Vdovin, V., Vega, J., Verdoolaege, G., Verger, J. M., Vermare, L., Verona, Claudio, Versloot, T. h., Vervier, M., Vicente, J., Villari, S., Villedieu, E., Villone, F., Vince, J. E., Vine, G. J., Vinyar, I., Viola, B., Vitale, E., Vitelli, R., Vitins, A., Vlad, M., Voitsekhovitch, I., Vrancken, M., Vulliez, K., Waldon, C. W. F., Walker, M., Walsh, M. J., Waterhouse, J., Watkins, M. L., Watson, M. J., Wauters, T., Way, M. W., Webb, C. R., Weiland, J., Weisen, H., Weiszflog, M., Wenninger, R., West, A. T., Weulersse, J. M., Wheatley, M. R., Whiteford, A. D., Whitehead, A. M., Whitehurst, A. G., Widdowson, A. M., Wiegmann, C., Wiesen, S., Wilson, A., Wilson, D., Wilson, D. J., Wilson, H. R., Wischmeier, M., Witts, D. M., Wolf, R. C., Wolowski, J., Woscov, P., Wright, J., Xu, G. S., Yavorskij, V., Yerashok, V., Yoo, M., Yorkshades, J., Young, C., Young, D., Young, I. D., Yuhong, X., Yun, S., Zabeo, L., Zabolotny, W., Zaccarian, L., Zagorski, R., Zaitsev, F. S., Zakharov, L., Zanino, R., Zaroschi, V., Zastrow, K. D., Zatz, I., Zefran, B., Zeidner, W., Zerbini, M., Zhang, T., Zhitlukin, A., Zhu, Y., Zimmermann, O., Zoita, V., Zoletnik, S., Zwingman, W., Abhangi, M., Abreu, P., Afzal, M., Alegre, D., Alessi, E., Aleynikov, P., Alkseev, A., Alsworth, I., Ambrosino, R., Andersson Sundén, E., Appel, L., Arnichand, H., Austin, Y., Bachmann, C., Aião, D., Baker, A., Bament, R., Barnes, D., Baron Wiechec, A., Bassan, M., Bastow, R., Batista, A., Bauer, R., Bauvir, B., Beal, J., Becoulet, A., Bednarczyk, P., Bell, K., Belo, J. K., Belo, P., Belonohy, É., Bergsåker, H., Berry, M., Bertalot, L., Eurskens, M. N. A., Bielecki, J., Biewer, T., Bílková, P., Binda, F., Bizarro, J. P. S., Björkas, C., Blackman, K., Blatchford, P., Bodnár, G., Bogar, O., Bonham, R., Boom, J., Booth, J., Borodin, D., Boulting, P., Bovert, K. V., Bower, C., Broeckx, ., Brown, M., Bruno, E., Buch, J., Bucko, K., Budny, R., Ufferand, H., Bulman, M., Bulmer, N., Buscarino, A., Butler, N. K., Bykov, I., Yrne, J., Byszuk, A., Cackett, A., Cain, G., Calabrò, G., Cane, J., Aputano, M., Casson, F. J., Astaldo, C., Cazzaniga, A., Handler, M., Chandra, D., Chang, C. S., Chapman, S. C., Chouli, B., Hung, N., Ciraolo, G., Citrin, J., Clark, E., Clatworthy, D., Coccorese, V., Cocilovo, ., Coenen, J. W., Ooper, D., Couchman, A. S., Cox, M. P., Cox, P., Ramp, S., Cristescu, I., Crombé, K., Crowe, R., Cull, K., Curran, D., Uruia, M., Davies, R., Davis, W., de la una, E., De Magistris, M., de Vries, 19 P. C., Deakin, K., Deane, J., Decker, J., Ejarnac, R., den Harder, N., Dendy, R. O., Denner, P., Di Maio, F., Donné, ., Dormido Canto, S., Doswon, S., Drewelow, P., Rozdowicz, K., Dumont, R., Dunne, M., Durodié, F., Duval, B., Zysiuk, N., Edappala, P. V., El Jorf, R., Riksson, J., Esteve, D., Evans, J., Fagan, D., Arthing, J. W., Fattorini, L., Faustin, J., Fawlk, N., Federici, G., Ernandes, H., Fil, A., Firdaouss, M., Fittill, L., Itzgerald, M., Flammini, D., Flinders, K., Formisano, Alessandro, Forsythe, L., Fortuna, L., Fortune, M., Frasca, M., Rassinetti, L., Freisinger, M., Fuchs, V., Fyvie, J., Gadomska, M., Gál, K., Galperti, C., Galvão, R., Aravaglia, S., Garcia Carrasco, A., García Munoz, M., Gardner, M., Gervasini, G., Ghate, M., Giegerich, ., Girardo, J. B., Gleason Gonzalez, C., Gójska, A., Oloborod’Ko, V., Gomes, R., Gonçalves, B., Gonzalez, S., Goodsell, B., Goussarov, A., Raham, . E., Grazier, N., Grist, D., Grundy, C. N., Ryaznevich, M., Guard, D., Gubb, D., Guillemaut, C., Guo, Y., Utoh, H. H, Hagar, A., All, S. J., Hallworth Cook, S. P., Hammond, K., Hart, J., Hartmann, N., Hawkins, J., Azel, S., Helou, W., Henriques, R., Hepple, ., Hermon, G., Highcock, E. G., Hillesheim, J., Hjalmarsson, A., Hogben, . H. A., Horácek, J., Howarth, P. J., Uber, A., Hurzlmeier, H., Huynh, P., Igitkhanov, J., Iglesias, D., Imríšek, M., Vanova, D., Asjacobsen, A. S. Jacobsen, James, J., Järvinen, A., Aulmes, F., Jenkins, C., Ješko, K., Joita, L., Joyce, L., Jupén, C., Hoshino, K. K, Kaniewski, J., Kantor, A., Karhunen, J., Azakov, ., Keep, J., Kennedy, C., Kenny, D., Kim, H. T., Kim, H. S., King, C., Ing, D., King, 20 R. F., Kobuchi, T., Öchl, F., Kocsis, ., Kogut, D., Mköppen, M. Köppen, Tkoskela, T. Koskela, Hrkoslowski, H. R. Koslowski, Vkotov, V. Kotov, Ekowalska, E. Kowalska Strzeciwilk, Rasilnikov, V., Krivska, A., Won, O. J., Lane, C., Lang, P. T., Lapins, J., Lawson, A., Awson, K. D., Lazaros, A., Lazzaro, E., Leichtle, D., Leichuer, P., Leipold, F., Ennholm, M., Lerche, ., Leyland, M., Leysen, W., Linsmeier, C. h., Lipschultz, B., Iu, G., Lo Schiavo, V. P., Lohr, ., Lönnroth, J., López, J., López, J. M., Ouche, F., Lowbridge, S., Lupelli, I., Acheta, ., Maj, A., Akkonen, T., Makwana, R., Mansffield, F., Mantsinen, M., Manzanares, A., Arandet, Y., Marchetto, C., Marchuk, O., Markovic, T., Marot, L., Arsen, S., Marshal, R., Martin, A., Martín de Aguilera, A., Martín Solís, J. R., Maslov, M., Maslova, V., Atejcik, S., Mattei, Massimiliano, Matveev, M., Mayer49 M. L. Mayoral, M. Mayer49 M. L. Mayoral, Cadams, R., Mccarthy, P. J., Mcdonald, D., Mckean, R., Mckehon, J., Ckinley, R., Meadows, I., Meadows, R. C., Medland, M., Medley, S., Meigh, S., Errigan, I. R., Meshchaninov, S., Middleton Gear, D., Igliucci, P., Militello Asp, E., Minucci, S., Miyoshi, Y., Mlynár, J., Moradi, S., Ordijck, S., Moreno, R., Morgan, R., Morley, L., Morris, J., Moser, L., Moulton, D., Urari, A., Muraro, A., Asakura, N. N, Neethiraj, N., Emtsev, G., Nespoli, F., Rneu, R. Neu, Nicolai, D., Nicolas, T., Nightingale, . P. S., Nilsson, E., Nodwell, D., O’Meara, B., Bryk, B., Odupitan, T., Ogawa, M. T., O’Gorman, T., O’Mullane, M., Oswuigwe, B. I., Ace, N., Page, A., Paget, A., Pagett, D., Papp, P., Aris, ., Parish, S. C. W., Perelli Cippo, E., Ch Perez von hun, 21 C. h. Perez von hun, Perez Von Thun, C., Peschanyi, S., Peterka, M., Petersson, P., Etržilka, V., Pfefferle, D., Pires dos Reis, A., Itts, R., Plusczyk, ., Porosnicu, C., Porton, M., Ossnert, G., Potzel, S., Powell, T., Pozzi, J., Prakash, R., Price, D., Price, R., Rokopowicz, R., Proudfoot, R., Puglia, P., Pulley, D., Pütterich, T. h., Rack, M., Aeder, J., Rainford, . S. J., Ranjan, S., Rasmussen, J., Rattá, G., Rayner, C., Rebai, M., Reece, D., Eed, A., Réfy, D., Regan, B., Regana, J., Reich, M., Reid, P., Reinke, M. L., Reinke, M., Eux, C., Robinson, T., Roddick, P., Odionov, R., Romanelli, S., Rowe, D., Rowley, A., Ruchko, ., Safi, E., Saint aurent, F., Sandiford, D., Santa, P., Aunders, R., Scannell, R., Schlummer, T., Schneider4 M. Scholz, M. Schneider4 M. Scholz, Chöpf, K., Serikov, A., Shabbir, A., Shannon, M., Shaw, I., Haw, S. R., Shepherd, A., Shumack, A., Sibbald, M., Silva, C., Sinha, A., Sipilä, S. K., Irén, P., Sjöstrand, H., Skiba, M., Skilton, R., Slade, B., Smith, N., Smith, T. J., Soldatov, ., Sparkes, A., Stables, G., Tamatelatos, I., Stankunas, G., Stano, M., Tephen, . V., Stevens, B. D., Ström, P., Stubbs, G., Summers, . P., Sykes, N., Szepesi, G., Suzuki, T. T, Tabarés, F., Akalo, V., Tál, B., Tamain, P., Taylor, K. A., Teplova, N., Erra, A., Teuchner, B., Tholerus, S., Thomas, F., Thomas, P., Thompson, A., Thompson, C. A., Homson, L., Thorne, L., Tipton, N., Tojo, H., Tomeš, M., Tonner, P., Towndrow, M., Ripsky, M., Tskhakaya Jun, D., Turner, I., Turnyanskiy, M., Tvalashvili, G., l. bidin, Z., Ulyatt, D., Vadgama, 2. 2. a. P., an enterghem, W., Varoutis, S., Erhoeven, R., Verona, C., Veshchev, E., Vézinet, D., Vlad, ., Voitsekhovitch, ., Vondrácek, P., Pires de Sa, W. W, Walsh, M., Warren, R. J., Aterhouse, J., Watkins, N. W., Watts, C., Webster, A., Weckmann, A., Elte, S., Wendel, ., Whetham3 AM Whitehead, S. Whetham3 A. M. Whitehead, Whitehead, B. D., Whittington, P., Iesen, S., Wilkes, D., Wilkinson, J., Williams, M., Wilson, A. R., Withenshaw, G., Ojciech, D., Wojenski, A., Wood, D., Wood, S., Woodley, C., Woznicka, U., Wu, J., Yao, L., Yapp, D., Yoo, M. G., Orkshades, J., Zacks, J., Eidner, ., Ziólkowski, A., and Zychor, I.
- Subjects
Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,Materials science ,REGIME ,Nuclear engineering ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Condensed Matter Physic ,Effective radiated power ,Tungsten ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Pedestal ,PLASMA-FACING COMPONENTS ,TOKAMAK PLASMAS ,Jet (fluid) ,TUNGSTEN ,Divertor ,perfomance ,Plasma ,PERFORMANCE ,Settore FIS/07 - Fisica Applicata(Beni Culturali, Ambientali, Biol.e Medicin) ,chemistry ,Beta (plasma physics) ,DIVERTOR ,Beryllium ,Atomic physics - Abstract
Following the completion in May 2011 of the shutdown for the installation of the beryllium wall and the tungsten divertor, the first set of JET campaigns have addressed the investigation of the retention properties and the development of operational scenarios with the new plasma-facing materials. The large reduction in the carbon content (more than a factor ten) led to a much lower Zeff (1.2-1.4) during L- and H-mode plasmas, and radiation during the burn-through phase of the plasma initiation with the consequence that breakdown failures are almost absent. Gas balance experiments have shown that the fuel retention rate with the new wall is substantially reduced with respect to the C wall. The re-establishment of the baseline H-mode and hybrid scenarios compatible with the new wall has required an optimization of the control of metallic impurity sources and heat loads. Stable type-I ELMy H-mode regimes with H98,y2 close to 1 and βN ∼ 1.6 have been achieved using gas injection. ELM frequency is a key factor for the control of the metallic impurity accumulation. Pedestal temperatures tend to be lower with the new wall, leading to reduced confinement, but nitrogen seeding restores high pedestal temperatures and confinement. Compared with the carbon wall, major disruptions with the new wall show a lower radiated power and a slower current quench. The higher heat loads on Be wall plasma-facing components due to lower radiation made the routine use of massive gas injection for disruption mitigation essential. © 2013 IAEA, Vienna.
- Published
- 2013
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153. Ground motion and stratum thickness comparison in Tower Hamlets, London
- Author
Novellino, A., Terrington, R., Christodoulou, V., Smith, H., Bateson, L., Novellino, A., Terrington, R., Christodoulou, V., Smith, H., and Bateson, L.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of a study by the British Geological Survey (BGS) to identify the impact of thickness and distribution of different strata beneath the borough of Tower Hamlets in London compared against temporal ground motion resulting from anthropogenic activities. Other units which are known to have potential high shrink and swelling characteristics in this location were also considered. Focus was on a newly developed Artificially Modified Ground (AMG) 3D layer where the thickness and distribution was calculated using boreholes and landuse types. The layer has been used to refine the thickness of the other lithological units in the area. Ground motion data for the 2015-2018 period was derived using spaceborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) which can measure surface displacement to millimetre accuracy in urban areas. A machine learning technique, called cluster analysis, has been used to group ground motion pattern of 23,245 points within the borough in space and time. The relationship with the thickness of the AMG and the underlying superficial and bedrock units was then studied. The results show that, within the area of study, the main component of motion is the uplift connected, in time, with the underground anthropogenic activities in the area. Ground displacement patterns are not connected with the thickness of the thickest and deepest units (London Clay, Lambeth Group and Thanet Formation) but have a connection to the most superficial deposits (Alluvium, River Terrace Deposits, Langley Silt Member and Kempton Park Gravel Member).
- Published
- 2019
154. UK Geo-energy observatories: developing a visualisation for site appraisal, investigation, and communication
- Author
Napier, Bruce, Terrington, Ricky, Watson, Carl, Napier, Bruce, Terrington, Ricky, and Watson, Carl
- Published
- 2019
155. Virtual field reconnaissance for mapping and exploration (Chile)
- Author
Terrington, Ricky, Napier, Bruce, Ramos Cabrera, Luz, Bateson, Luke, Terrington, Ricky, Napier, Bruce, Ramos Cabrera, Luz, and Bateson, Luke
- Published
- 2019
156. Making geology relevant for infrastructure and planning
- Author
Terrington, R.L., Thorpe, S., Kessler, H., Bidarmaghz, A., Choudhary, R., Yuan, M., Bricker, S., Terrington, R.L., Thorpe, S., Kessler, H., Bidarmaghz, A., Choudhary, R., Yuan, M., and Bricker, S.
- Abstract
The urban population is projected to rise to 66% in 2050 to 7.6 billion. This has had, and will have, a profound effect on the geological and geomorphological character of the Earth’s shallow geosphere. It is important to know the character and geometries of the geological deposits so that infrastructure is planned sensibly and sustainably, and urban areas can be reused responsibly to ensure that they help facilitate economic and social development. This brings major challenges for our cities, where there is increased pressure on resources, space and services. The geosciences have an important part to play in securing sustainable global cities - they can support urban innovation and city performance, reduce our environmental footprint and ensure greater resilience to natural hazards such as flooding and ground instability. For more than 30 years the British Geological Survey has advanced the geoscientific understanding and 3D characterisation of urban environments, producing multi-themed spatial datasets for geohazards and ground investigation used across the environmental, planning and insurance sectors. The BGS have collaborated with the University of Cambridge to better integrate geological data with landuse and infrastructure to look at the long-term impact on these types of activities at surface and subsurface. A 3D GeoLanduse layer was produced from the geological framework model of London. This vector-based grid means that many soil and rock properties (e.g. foundation conditions, groundwater levels, volume change potential), can be represented alongside landuse statistics and infrastructure type and correlated in the XYZ domain. Focus has been at geothermal potential of the ground surrounding residential basements and the broader correlation between geology, energy consumption and landuse at city scale using principle component analysis and cluster recognition.
- Published
- 2019
157. Creation and delivery of a complex 3D geological survey for the Glasgow area and its application to urban geology
- Author
Kearsey, T.I., Whitbread, K., Arkley, S.L.B., Finlayson, A., Monaghan, A.A., McLean, W.S., Terrington, R.L., Callaghan, E.A., Millward, D., Campbell, S.D.G., Kearsey, T.I., Whitbread, K., Arkley, S.L.B., Finlayson, A., Monaghan, A.A., McLean, W.S., Terrington, R.L., Callaghan, E.A., Millward, D., and Campbell, S.D.G.
- Abstract
The Glasgow area has a combination of highly variable superficial deposits and a legacy of heavy industry, quarrying and mining. These factors create complex foundation and hydrological conditions, influencing the movement of contaminants through the subsurface and giving rise locally to unstable ground conditions. Digital geological three-dimensional models developed by the British Geological Survey are helping to resolve the complex geology underlying Glasgow, providing a key tool for planning and environmental management. The models, covering an area of 3200km2 to a depth of 1.2km, include glacial and post-glacial deposits and the underlying, faulted Carboniferous igneous and sedimentary rocks. Control data, including 95,000 boreholes, digital mine plans and published geological maps, were used in model development. Digital outputs from the models include maps of depth to key horizons, such as rockhead or depth to mine workings. The models have formed the basis for the development of site-scale high-resolution geological models and provide input data for a wide range of other applications from groundwater modelling to stochastic lithological modelling.
- Published
- 2019
158. Landlords need gov't support: Paragon
- Author
Shoffman, Marc
- Subjects
Paragon Group Inc. -- Officials and employees ,Landlords -- Finance ,Real estate developers -- Officials and employees ,Company financing ,Banking, finance and accounting industries ,Business ,Business, international - Abstract
The government must foster an environment that encourages continued investment in the private sector, according to Nigel Terrington, chief executive of the Paragon Group. Mr Terrington cited government figures which [...]
- Published
- 2010
159. The error field correction coils on the JET machine
- Author
Barlow, I., Bigi, M., Bird, J., Bonizzoni, G., Buttery, R., Clay, R., De Benedetti, M., Dobbing, T., Gallagher, T., Gervasini, G., Gittini, G., Hender, T.C., Hotchin, S., Last, J., Lazzaro, E., Lennholm, M., Peruzzo, S., Riccardo, V., Rossi, L., Santagiustina, A., Starkey, D., Stevens, A., Tabellini, M., Tanga, A., Terrington, A., Vincent, M., Watkins, P., Way, M., and Williams, M.
- Published
- 2001
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160. P8 Epidemiology of tuberculosis in norfolk
- Author
R Phillips, D Terrington, and A Bhamani
- Subjects
education.field_of_study ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Tuberculosis ,Demographics ,business.industry ,West midlands ,Incidence (epidemiology) ,Significant difference ,Population ,medicine.disease ,Epidemiology ,medicine ,Optometry ,Patient group ,education ,business ,Demography - Abstract
The incidence of tuberculosis in England has shown a year-on-year decline over the past four years. The main burden of disease has been concentrated in larger urban areas. The East of England is an area of low prevalence and in 2015, had the lowest rate of TB cases notified per 1 00 000 people (6.2). London, the West Midlands and the North-West had the highest rates in the country. The population demographic of Norfolk shows a variation when compared to the rest of England. In 2011, 21.4% of Norfolk’s population was aged 65 or over compared with 16.5% in England. Similarly, 94.3% of people in Norfolk were identified as white compared to 87.5% in England.1 We hypothesised that these differences would be reflected in the demographics of patients treated for Tuberculosis at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH). We analysed data over a 3 year period between 2014 and 2016. While most patients were diagnosed and treated locally, patients had been diagnosed elsewhere and moved to the local area after commencing treatment. One patient moved abroad following diagnosis. Our incidence of Tuberculosis was significantly lower than the national rate. Forty-six patients were diagnosed with TB in the 3 year period. This equates to 2.47 new cases per 1 00 000 people compared to 10.5 per 1 00 000 nationally in 2015. Four cases were Isoniazid resistant (8.7% compared to 6.9% nationally). There was one case of multi drug-resistant TB. Fourteen cases did not have microbiological cultures. In our patient group, 67.3% were born outside the UK compared to 72.5% nationally. Twenty-one of the twenty-three patients aged less than 40 were born abroad. However, all of the seven patients 65 and above were UK-born. Additionally, of the twenty patients with extra-pulmonary disease (with or without pulmonary involvement), only two were born within the UK. These trends are similar to those seen nationally. Furthermore, the incidence of TB locally peaked in the 25–29 age group reflecting national figures.2 Our analysis shows that contrary to our hypothesis, there is no significant difference in the TB population in a low-incidence area compared to high-incidence areas. References http://www.cprenorfolk.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Demography-and-Information-in-Norfolk.pdf http://www.tbalert.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/PHE_TB_Annual_Report_2016.pdf
- Published
- 2017
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161. Terrington on the road to conversion
- Author
Cormack, Bill
- Published
- 1996
162. ADAS Terrington
- Author
Cormack, Bill
- Published
- 1993
163. Breath biomarkers in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a systematic review
- Author
Hayton, Conal, primary, Terrington, Dayle, additional, Wilson, Andrew M., additional, Chaudhuri, Nazia, additional, Leonard, Colm, additional, and Fowler, Stephen J., additional
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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164. Making Geology Relevant for Infrastructure and Planning
- Author
Terrington, R L, primary, Thorpe, S, additional, Kessler, H, additional, Bidarmaghz, A, additional, Choudhary, R, additional, Yuan, M, additional, and Bricker, S, additional
- Published
- 2019
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165. Creation and delivery of a complex 3D geological survey for the Glasgow area and its application to urban geology.
- Author
Kearsey, T. I., Whitbread, K., Arkley, S. L. B., Finlayson, A., Monaghan, A. A., McLean, W. S., Terrington, R. L., Callaghan, E. A., Millward, D., and Campbell, S. D. G.
- Abstract
The Glasgow area has a combination of highly variable superficial deposits and a legacy of heavy industry, quarrying and mining. These factors create complex foundation and hydrological conditions, influencing the movement of contaminants through the subsurface and giving rise locally to unstable ground conditions. Digital geological three-dimensional models developed by the British Geological Survey are helping to resolve the complex geology underlying Glasgow, providing a key tool for planning and environmental management. The models, covering an area of 3200km
2 to a depth of 1.2km, include glacial and post-glacial deposits and the underlying, faulted Carboniferous igneous and sedimentary rocks. Control data, including 95,000 boreholes, digital mine plans and published geological maps, were used in model development. Digital outputs from the models include maps of depth to key horizons, such as rockhead or depth to mine workings. The models have formed the basis for the development of site-scale high-resolution geological models and provide input data for a wide range of other applications from groundwater modelling to stochastic lithological modelling. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2019
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166. Exhaled Breath Biomarkers in Sarcoidosis: A Systematic Review
- Author
Terrington, Dayle, primary, Hayton, Conal, additional, Peel, Adam, additional, Fowler, Stephen, additional, and Wilson, Andrew, additional
- Published
- 2018
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167. Tracheal Chondrosarcoma Masquerading as COPD
- Author
Terrington, Dayle, primary, Punjabi, Anshu, additional, Bhamani, Amyn, additional, and Kamath, Ajay, additional
- Published
- 2018
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168. Breath Biomarkers in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Systematic Review
- Author
Hayton, Conal, primary, Terrington, Dayle, additional, Wilson, Andrew M., additional, Chaudhuri, Nazia, additional, Leonard, Colm, additional, and Fowler, Stephen J., additional
- Published
- 2018
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169. A 31-year-old female with a rare cause of recurrent lower lobar collapses
- Author
Banka, Radhika, primary, Terrington, Dayle, additional, and Kamath, Ajay V., additional
- Published
- 2018
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170. Offshore Geological, Geotechnical and Geohazard Modelling and Design for Abu Dhabi
- Author
Matthew, Free, additional, Esad, Porovic, additional, Jason, Manning, additional, Yannis, Fourniadis, additional, Richard, Lagesse, additional, Charlene, Ting, additional, Grace, Campbell, additional, Areti, Koskosidi, additional, Andrew, Farrant, additional, Ricky, Terrington, additional, Gareth, Carter, additional, and Tarek, Omar, additional
- Published
- 2018
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171. A preliminary investigation into the early embryo death syndrome (EEDS) at the world’s largest green turtle rookery
- Author
Booth, David Terrington, primary and Dunstan, Andrew, additional
- Published
- 2018
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172. Orthotic management of fixed flexion deformity of the proximal interphalangeal joint following traumatic injury: A systematic review.
- Author
Young, Nicole, Terrington, Nichola, Francis, Diana, and Robinson, Luke S.
- Published
- 2018
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173. National geological screening : London and the Thames Valley
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Ellison, R., Schofield, D., Aldiss, D.T., Haslam, R., Lewis, M., O Dochartaigh, B., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F.M., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Ellison, R., Schofield, D., Aldiss, D.T., Haslam, R., Lewis, M., O Dochartaigh, B., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.M.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about the London and the Thames Valley region to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK Government’s White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
174. National geological screening : East Anglia region
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Woods, M.A., Schofield, D., Pharaoh, T., Haslam, R., Crane, E., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F.M., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Woods, M.A., Schofield, D., Pharaoh, T., Haslam, R., Crane, E., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.M.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about the East Anglia region to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK’s government White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
175. National geological screening : the Wealden district
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Lewis, M., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Aldiss, D.T., Schofield, D., Evans, D.E., Haslam, R., O Dochartaigh, B., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F.M., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Lewis, M., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Aldiss, D.T., Schofield, D., Evans, D.E., Haslam, R., O Dochartaigh, B., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.M.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about the Wealden district region to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK’s government White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
176. National geological screening : Northern England region
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Ford, J., Waters, C., Schofield, D., Evans, D.E., Millward, D., Haslam, R., O Dochartaigh, B., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F.M., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Ford, J., Waters, C., Schofield, D., Evans, D.E., Millward, D., Haslam, R., O Dochartaigh, B., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.M.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about the Northern England region to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK’s government White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
177. National geological screening : the Pennines and adjacent areas
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Ford, J., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Waters, C., Schofield, D., Evans, D.E., Haslam, R., Loveless, S., Butcher, A., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Ford, J., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Waters, C., Schofield, D., Evans, D.E., Haslam, R., Loveless, S., Butcher, A., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about the Pennines and adjacent areas region to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK’s government White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
178. National geological screening : the Hampshire Basin and adjoining areas
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P, Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Newell, A., Schofield, D., Evans, D.E., Haslam, R., Lewis, M., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F.M., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P, Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Newell, A., Schofield, D., Evans, D.E., Haslam, R., Lewis, M., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.M.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about the Hampshire Basin and adjoining areas region to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK’s government White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
179. National geological screening : South-West England region
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Westhead, K., Holden, A., Schofield, D., Haslam, R., Loveless, S., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F.M., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Westhead, K., Holden, A., Schofield, D., Haslam, R., Loveless, S., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.M.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about the South-west England region to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK Government’s White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
180. National geological screening : Northern Ireland
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Cooper, M.R., Schofield, D., Haslam, R., Wilson, P., Lewis, M., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Reay, D.M., Bide, T., McEvoy, F.M., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Cooper, M.R., Schofield, D., Haslam, R., Wilson, P., Lewis, M., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Reay, D.M., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.M.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about Northern Ireland to underpin its process of national geological screening set out in the UK’s government White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
181. National geological screening : Central England region
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Stuart, M., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Hough, E., Schofield, D., Pharaoh, T., Haslam, R., Loveless, S., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Stuart, M., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Hough, E., Schofield, D., Pharaoh, T., Haslam, R., Loveless, S., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about the Central England region to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK Government’s White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
182. National geological screening : the Welsh Borderland region
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Powell, J., Schofield, D., Haslam, R., Farr, G., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F.M., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Powell, J., Schofield, D., Haslam, R., Farr, G., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.M.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about the Welsh Borderland region to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK’s government White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
183. National geological screening : Wales
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Wilby, P.R., Schofield, D., Haslam, R., Farr, G., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F.M., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Wilby, P.R., Schofield, D., Haslam, R., Farr, G., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.M.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about Wales to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK’s government White Paper Implementing geological disposal: A framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
184. National geological screening : Eastern England region
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, J.P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Lewis, M., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Ford, J.R., Powell, J., Schofield, D., Haslam, R., Pharaoh, T., Crane, E., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, J.P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Evans, D.E., Lewis, M., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Ford, J.R., Powell, J., Schofield, D., Haslam, R., Pharaoh, T., Crane, E., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about the Eastern England region to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK’s government White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the long-term management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 m and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
185. National geological screening : Bristol and Gloucester region
- Author
Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Farrant, A., Schofield, D., Evans, D.E., Haslam, R., Loveless, S., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., McEvoy, F.M., Field, L.P., Terrington, R., Williamson, P., Mosca, I., Smith, N.J.P., Gent, C., Barron, M., Howard, A., Baker, G., Lark, R.M., Lacinska, A., Thorpe, S., Holbrook, H., Longhurst, I., Hannaford, L., Farrant, A., Schofield, D., Evans, D.E., Haslam, R., Loveless, S., Bloomfield, J.P., Lee, J.R., Baptie, B., Shaw, R.P., Bide, T., and McEvoy, F.M.
- Abstract
This report is the published product of one of a series of studies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland commissioned by Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Ltd. The report provides geological information about the Bristol and Gloucester region to underpin the process of national geological screening set out in the UK’s government White Paper Implementing geological disposal: a framework for the longterm management of higher activity radioactive waste (DECC, 2014). The report describes geological features relevant to the safety requirements of a geological disposal facility (GDF) for radioactive waste emplaced onshore and up to 20 km offshore at depths between 200 and 1000 m from surface. It is written for a technical audience but is intended to inform RWM in its discussions with communities interested in finding out about the potential for their area to host a GDF.
- Published
- 2018
186. User guide for the shrink-swell subsurface (GeoSure Extra) dataset
- Author
Lee, K.A., Jones, L., Diaz Doce, D., Terrington, R., Lee, K.A., Jones, L., Diaz Doce, D., and Terrington, R.
- Abstract
This report describes the national scale Shrink–Swell subsurfsce (GeoSure Extra) dataset. The methods used to create the dataset have been critically assessed and its fitness for purpose determined by specialists in BGS. This document outlines the background to why the dataset was created, its potential uses and gives a brief description of the layer. Technical information regarding the GIS and how the data was created is described and advice is provided on using the dataset.
- Published
- 2018
187. 3D Groundwater Vulnerability
- Author
Loveless, S., Lewis, M.A., Bloomfield, J.P., Terrington, R., Stuart, M.E., Ward, R.S., Loveless, S., Lewis, M.A., Bloomfield, J.P., Terrington, R., Stuart, M.E., and Ward, R.S.
- Abstract
This report is the product of a joint British Geological Survey (BGS) – Environment Agency (EA) study to assess the vulnerability of groundwater in relation to deep sub-surface hydrocarbon activity (3D Groundwater Vulnerability) in England. Since the late 1980s, groundwater protection in England has benefited from a series of national groundwater vulnerability maps. These are now routinely used to inform decisions around allowing and/or managing activities on, or just below, the land surface that are potentially polluting. The recent increased interest in onshore exploration and exploitation of the deeper subsurface and concerns about the risk to groundwater has highlighted the fact that the existing groundwater vulnerability assessment methodology focuses solely on risks from hazards that are above the groundwater that requires protection. Plans to exploit the deep sub-surface, in particular for shale gas using hydraulic fracturing, have attracted considerable public interest and concerns over the potential for these activities to cause pollution of groundwater. It is therefore essential that in considering any proposals for use of the deep sub-surface, tools and methods for assessing groundwater vulnerability and risk are fit for purpose. Hence, the aim of this project was to develop a new vulnerability method that could address the potential risks to groundwater from activities below, or at similar depths to, groundwater systems (aquifers) that are currently used or have the potential to be used in the future. These systems are those requiring protection under current EU and UK legislation. To this end we present a methodology along with five different hydrocarbon activity case study examples from across England. The report describes how information can be compiled, interpreted and presented in order to assess the vulnerability of groundwater and an indication of the risks associated with a hydrocarbon development activity at a site. The outputs are designed for
- Published
- 2018
188. Post-calculation checks of GSI3D models V2
- Author
Terrington, R.L., Thorpe, S., Terrington, R.L., and Thorpe, S.
- Abstract
This report describes methods for identifying, checking and remediating issues in GSI3D models post calculation using cross-sections and exported surface and thickness grids. These checks are to ensure that the outputted geometry of geological units bear a true resemblance to the lateral and depth extents of those units correlated in GSI3D. The cross-section checks and issues include: • Missing envelopes or cross-section correlations geometries • Lack of correlation nodes on cross-section lines • Wrongly attributed correlation lines in cross-section • Lack of constraint at envelope boundaries The surface and thickness grid checks and issue include: • Bulls-eyes from anomalous correlation points • Holes in the top and base calculated surface • Surface crossovers • Unnatural artefacts in modelled surfaces from cross-sections
- Published
- 2018
189. Chylothorax following posterior cervical decompression – A rare & unusual complication
- Author
Lubna Nishath, Shiva Murugan-Sukumar, Dayle Terrington, and Arun Arya
- Subjects
Thorax ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Chyle ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Pleural effusion ,Chylothorax ,medicine.disease ,Empyema ,Thoracic duct ,Surgery ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Effusion ,Medicine ,business ,Chest radiograph - Abstract
Background: A chylothorax is a rare cause of pleural effusion resulting in the accumulation of chyle in the pleural space due to disruption or obstruction of the thoracic duct or its tributaries. We present an extremely unusual cause for a chylothorax following posterior cervical decompression. Case Report: A 27 year-old-female with a history of persistent neck pain presented with acute onset lower limb paralysis, retention and paraesthesia. Urgent MRI demonstrated cord compression at the level of C7 and she was transferred to a tertiary centre and underwent posterior cervical decompression. Four weeks post-operatively she presented with worsening dyspnoea and a chest radiograph demonstrated a moderate right-sided effusion. Intercostal chest drain was inserted and drained greasy purulent fluid initially thought to represent an empyema, however her inflammatory markers remained within normal parameters. Furthermore pleural glucose was 4.5mmol/L. As a result of the greasy appearance further analysis revealed elevated triglycerides at 10.4mmol/L. A CT neck and thorax was unremarkable other than the effusion. She was commenced upon a fat-free diet and the drain output significantly improved from >2L/day to 300-600mls/day. In addition she was referred for consideration of thoracic duct ligation. Discussion: Chylothorax is a rare complication recognised following anterior spinal surgery, however is reported in only a handful of cases of following a posterior approach. This therefore highlights the need to consider chylothorax in any patient presenting with a pleural effusion following spinal surgery and need for specific analysis of fluid for triglycerides and chylomicrons to confirm or refute a diagnosis.
- Published
- 2016
- Full Text
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190. The public appetite for foreign news on TV and online
- Author
Richard Sambrook, Simon Terrington, and David A. L. Levy
- Subjects
News media,journalism,publishing ,Internet and everyday life - Abstract
This study looks at coverage of international issues on BBC TV and online. It reveals that online audiences for individual international stories are on average lower than those of the two main BBC TV news bulletins and that online selection of international stories often follows behind them being broadcast on TV.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Terrington, J. W.
- Published
- 1952
- Author
Maulany, Risma Illa, Baxter, Greg Stephen, Booth, David Terrington, and Spencer, Ricky John
- Subjects
Lepidochelys olivacea ,hatchling???s sex ratio ,Population Viability Analysis (PVA) ,hatchling mortality ,emergence success - Abstract
Population Viability Analysis (PVA) is a common tool used to quantitatively assess the risks of extinction and time to extinction in a population and provides justification for management responses to conserve threatened species. PVA was performed on the olive ridley turtle population nesting in Alas Purwo National Park (APNP) using the computer simulation program VORTEX, to examine the efficacy of current management applied in the park, and possible management options for the future especially given the predicted change in climate and its effects on beach and consequently nest temperatures. Forty scenarios using different emergence success and sex ratios potentially generated from the hatchery were simulated. The models revealed the importance of high emergence success from the hatchery to the long-term viability to the olive ridley turtle population nesting in the park which would not be possible under natural conditions because of the extremely high predation rate on natural nests. A skewed sex ratio to a male sex bias over time, combined with low emergence success (
- Published
- 2016
193. Benefits of a 3D geological model for major tunnelling works: an example from Farringdon, east–central London, UK
- Author
David Entwisle, D. P. Page, Ricky Terrington, M. G. Black, and D.T. Aldiss
- Subjects
Engineering ,Software ,Third party ,business.industry ,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) ,Geology ,3d model ,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology ,business ,Civil engineering ,Desk ,Geological structure - Abstract
In the design of major construction works, the better the ground conditions are known, the more control there is on the assessment of risks for construction, contract and personnel, and ultimately on final costs. Understanding of the ground conditions is usually expressed as a conceptual ground model that is informed by the results of desk study and of dedicated ground investigation. Using the GSI3D software, a 3D geological model (a model composed of attributed solid volumes, rather than of surfaces) can be constructed that exactly honours geologists’ interpretations of the data. The data are used in their true 3D position. The 3D model of faulted Lambeth Group (Palaeogene) strata in the area of the proposed new Crossrail Farringdon underground station, in central London, has several types of benefit. These include allowing optimum use of available ground investigation data, including third party data, with confidence. The model provides an understanding of the local geological structure that had not been possible using other commonly used methods: in particular, it shows the likely distribution of numerous water-bearing coarse deposits and their faulted offsets, which has potentially significant effects on groundwater control. The model can help to focus ground investigation, constrain design and control risk.
- Published
- 2012
- Full Text
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194. Modelling Volume Change Potential in the London Clay
- Author
Ricky Terrington and Lee Jones
- Subjects
Outcrop ,Earth science ,Foundation (engineering) ,Geology ,Volume change ,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology ,complex mixtures ,Soil water ,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) ,Geotechnical engineering ,Soil moisture content ,Water content ,Ground movement - Abstract
The London Clay Formation is particularly susceptible to shrink–swell behaviour that has resulted in a long history of foundation damage owing to ground movement across the outcrop. Damage has cost up to £500 million in a single year. Underlying most of the Greater London area, the London Clay Formation is of major engineering importance as it is on and within this formation that the majority of the city9s infrastructure, buildings and underground services are constructed. The Volume Change Potential (VCP) of a soil is the relative change in volume to be expected with changes in soil moisture content, and the subsequent shrinkage or swelling can cause major damage to structures above or below ground. Detailed statistical and spatial analyses of data across the London Clay outcrop have revealed a significant geographical trend in the VCP of this deposit, confirming an overall increase from west to east, but also showing subtle trends with depth. This paper describes how this analysis was carried out and shows how such assessments can yield valuable information about shrink–swell behaviour not only of the London Clay but also of similar shrink–swell-prone argillaceous formations elsewhere.
- Published
- 2011
- Full Text
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195. Reconstructing flood basalt lava flows in three dimensions using terrestrial laser scanning
- Author
Dougal A. Jerram, Catherine E. Nelson, Ricky Terrington, Holger Kessler, and Richard Hobbs
- Subjects
Basalt ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Lava ,Outcrop ,Stratigraphy ,Geology ,Igneous rock ,Volcano ,Facies ,Flood basalt ,Sedimentary rock ,Geomorphology - Abstract
We present a new method for reconstructing flood basalt lava flows from outcrop data, using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) to generate three-dimensional (3D) models. Case studies are presented from the Faroe Islands and the Isle of Skye (UK), both part of the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP). These were analyzed to pick out lava flow tops and bases, as well as dykes, lava tubes, and sedimentary layers. Three-dimensional surfaces were then generated using modeling software, and 3D geological models constructed. Finally, the models were interrogated to give data on flow thickness and crust-to-core ratio. The aim of this research is to obtain quantitative data on the internal heterogeneity of a sequence of flood basalt lava flows, and to provide high-resolution information about flow geometries and volcanic facies variations in 3D. Lava flow sequences display complex stacking patterns, and these are difficult to understand from photos or outcrop observations. Laser scanning allows us to study inaccessible outcrops, while avoiding the perspective distortion in conventional photography. The data from this study will form parts of larger models of flood basalt provinces, which will be used to improve seismic imaging in areas of basalt cover, and aid our understanding of facies architecture in flood basalts.
- Published
- 2011
- Full Text
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196. Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall
- Author
Romanelli, F, Abel, I, Afanesyev, V, Aftanas, M, Agarici, G, Aggarwal, K, Aho Mantila, L, Ahonen, E, Aints, M, Airila, M, Akers, R, Alarcon, T, Albanese, R, Alexeev, A, Alfier, A, Allan, P, Almaviva, S, Alonso, A, Alper, B, Altmann, H, Alves, D, Ambrosino, G, Amosov, V, Andersson, F, Sunden, E, Andreev, V, Andrew, Y, Angelone, M, Anghel, M, Anghel, A, Angioni, C, Apruzzese, G, Arcis, N, Arena, P, Argouarch, A, Ariola, M, Armitano, A, Arnoux, G, Arshad, S, Artaserse, G, Artaud, J, Ash, A, Asp, E, Asunta, O, Atanasiu, C, Atkins, G, Avotina, L, Axton, M, Ayres, C, Baciero, A, Bailescu, V, Baiocchi, B, Baker, R, Balboa, I, Balden, M, Balorin, C, Balshaw, N, Banks, J, Baranov, Y, Barbier, D, Barlow, I, Barnard, M, Barnsley, R, Barrena, L, Barrera, L, Baruzzo, M, Basiuk, V, Bateman, G, Batistoni, P, Baumgarten, N, Baylor, L, Bazylev, B, Beaumont, P, Beausang, K, Becoulet, M, Bekris, N, Beldishevski, M, Bell, A, Belli, F, Bellinger, M, Bellizio, T, Belo, P, Belonohy, E, Bennett, P, Benterman, N, Berger By, G, Bergsaker, H, Berk, H, Bernardo, J, Bernert, M, Bertrand, B, Beurskens, M, Bieg, B, Bienkowska, B, Biewer, T, Bigi, M, Bilkova, P, Bin, W, Bird, J, Bizarro, J, Bjorkas, C, Blackman, T, Blanchard, P, Blanco, E, Blum, J, Bobkov, V, Boboc, A, Boilson, D, Bolshakova, I, Bolzonella, T, Boncagni, L, Bonheure, G, Bonnin, X, Borba, D, Borthwick, A, Botrugno, A, Boulbe, C, Bouquey, F, Bourdelle, C, Von, B, Bowden, M, Boyce, T, Boyer, H, Bozhenkov, A, Brade, R, Bradshaw, J, Braet, J, Braic, V, Braithwaite, G, Brault, C, Breizman, B, Bremond, S, Brennan, P, Brett, A, Breue, J, Brezinsek, S, Bright, M, Briscoe, F, Brix, M, Brombin, M, Brown, B, Brown, D, Brzozowski, J, Bucalossi, J, Buckley, M, Budd, T, Budny, R, Bunting, P, Buratti, P, Burcea, G, Burckhart, A, Butcher, P, Buttery, R, Cahyna, P, Calabro, G, Callaghan, C, Caminade, J, Camp, P, Campling, D, Caniello, R, Canik, J, Cannas, B, Capel, A, Carannante, G, Card, P, Cardinali, A, Carlstrom, T, Carman, P, Carralero, D, Carraro, L, Carter, T, Carvalho, B, Carvalho, I, Carvalho, P, Casati, A, Castaldo, C, Caughman, J, Cavazzana, R, Cavinato, M, Cecconello, M, Cecil, E, Cecil, F, Cenedese, A, Centioli, C, Cesario, R, Challis, C, Chandler, M, Chang, C, Chankin, A, Chapman, I, Chektybayev, B, Chernyshova, M, Child, D, Chiru, P, Chitarin, G, Chugonov, I, Ciric, D, Clairet, F, Clarke, R, Clay, R, Clever, M, Coad, J, Coates, P, Cocilovo, V, Coda, S, Coelho, R, Coenen, J, Coffey, I, Colas, L, Cole, M, Collins, S, Combs, S, Compan, J, Conboy, J, Conroy, S, Cook, N, Cook, S, Coombs, D, Cooper, S, Corre, Y, Corrigan, G, Cortes, S, Coster, D, Counsell, G, Courtois, X, Cox, M, Craciunescu, T, Cramp, S, Crisanti, F, Croci, G, Croft, O, Crombe, K, Crowley, B, Cruz, N, Cseh, G, Cupido, L, Curuia, M, Cusack, R, Czarnecka, A, Czarski, T, Dalley, S, Daly, E, Dalziel, A, Daniel, R, Darrow, D, David, O, Davies, N, Davies, W, Davies, J, Day, I, Day, C, De, A, De, B, De, L, De, P, De, T, De, V, De Angelis, R, Degli, A, Delabie, E, del Castillo Negrete, D, Delpech, L, Denisov, G, Denyer, A, Denyer, R, Devaux, S, Devynck, P, Di, M, Di, P, Dirken, P, Dittmar, T, Dnestrovskiy, A, Dodt, D, Doerner, R, Doldatov, S, Dominiczak, K, Dooley, P, Dorling, S, Douai, D, Down, A, Doyle, P, Drake, J, Dreischuh, T, Drozdov, V, Dumortier, P, Dunai, D, Duran, I, Durodie, F, Dutta, P, Dux, R, Dylst, K, Eaton, R, Edlington, T, Edwards, A, Edwards, D, Edwards, P, Eich, T, Ekedahl, A, Elevant, T, Ellingboe, B, Elsmore, C, Emmoth, B, Erdei, G, Ericsson, G, Eriksson, L, Eriksson, A, Esposito, B, Esser, H, Estrada, T, Evangelidis, E, Evans, G, Ewart, G, Ewers, D, Falchetto, G, Falie, D, Fanthome, J, Farthing, J, Fasoli, A, Faugeras, B, Fedorczak, N, Felton, R, Fenzi, C, Fernades, A, Fernandes, H, Ferreira, J, Ferron, J, Fessey, J, Figini, L, Figueiredo, J, Figueiredo, A, Finburg, P, Finken, K, Fischer, U, Fitzgerald, N, Flanagan, J, Fleming, C, Forbes, A, Ford, O, Formisano, A, Fraboulet, D, Francis, R, Frassinetti, L, Fresa, R, Friconneau, J, Frigione, D, Fullard, K, Fundamenski, W, Palumbo, M, Gal, K, Gao, X, Garavaglia, S, Garbet, X, Garcia, J, Munoz, M, Gardner, W, Garibaldi, P, Garnier, D, Garzotti, L, Johnson, M, Gaudio, P, Gauthier, E, Gaze, J, Gear, D, Gedney, J, Gee, S, Gelfusa, M, Genangeli, E, Gerasimov, S, Geraud, A, Gerbaud, T, Gherendi, M, Ghirelli, N, Giacalone, J, Giacomelli, L, Gibson, C, Gil, C, Gilligan, S, Gimblett, C, Gin, D, Giovannozzi, E, Giroud, C, Giruzzi, G, Godwin, J, Goff, J, Gohil, P, Gojska, A, Goloborod'Ko, V, Goncalves, B, Goniche, M, Gonzales, S, Goodyear, A, Gorelenkov, N, Gorini, G, Goulding, R, Graham, B, Graham, D, Graham, M, Graves, J, Green, N, Greuner, H, Grigore, E, Griph, F, Grisolia, C, Gros, G, Groth, M, Grunhagen, S, Gryaznevich, M, Guirlet, R, Gunn, J, Gupta, A, Guzdar, P, Hackett, L, Hacquin, S, Haist, B, Hakola, A, Halitovs, M, Hall, S, Hamilton, D, Han, H, Handley, R, Harding, S, Harling, J, Harting, D, Harvey, M, Haupt, T, Hawkes, N, Hawryluk, R, Hay, J, Hayashi, N, Haydon, P, Hayward, I, Hazel, S, Heesterman, P, Heidbrink, W, Heinola, K, Hellesen, C, Hellsten, T, Hemming, O, Hender, T, Henderson, M, Hennion, V, Hidalgo, C, Higashijima, S, Hill, J, Hill, M, Hill, K, Hillairet, J, Hillis, D, Hirai, T, Hitchin, M, Hobirk, J, Hogan, C, Hogben, C, Hogeweij, G, Hollingham, I, Holyaka, R, Homfray, D, Honeyands, G, Hong, S, Hong, J, Horacek, J, Horn, B, Horton, A, Horton, L, Hotchin, S, Hough, M, Houlberg, W, Howell, D, Huber, A, Huddleston, T, Hudson, Z, Hughes, M, Huehnerbein, M, Hume, C, Hunt, A, Hunter, C, Hutchinson, T, Huygen, S, Huysmans, G, Ide, S, Illescas, C, Imbeaux, F, Ivanova, D, Ivanova Stanik, I, Ivings, E, Jachmich, S, Jackson, G, Jacquet, P, Jakubowska, K, James, P, Janky, F, Jaervinen, A, Jednorog, S, Jenkins, I, Jennison, M, Jeskins, C, Kwon, O, Joffrin, E, Johnson, R, Johnson, T, Jolovic, D, Jonauskas, V, Jones, E, Jones, G, Jones, H, Jones, T, Jouvet, M, Jupen, C, Kachtchouk, I, Kaczmarczyk, J, Kallenbach, A, Kaellne, J, Kalupin, D, Kalvin, S, Kamelander, G, Kamendje, R, Kamiya, K, Kappatou, A, Kasparek, W, Kasprowicz, G, Katramados, I, Kaveney, G, Kaye, A, Kear, M, Keeling, D, Kelliher, D, Kempenaars, M, Khilar, P, Khilkevich, E, Kidd, N, Kiisk, M, Kim, K, Kim, H, King, R, Kinna, D, Kiptily, V, Kirnev, G, Kirneva, N, Kirov, K, Kirschner, A, Kisielius, R, Kislov, D, Kiss, G, Kizane, G, Klein, A, Klepper, C, Klimov, N, Klix, A, Knaup, M, Kneuper, K, Kneupner, H, Knight, P, Knipe, S, Kocan, M, Koch, R, Kochl, F, Kocsis, G, Koivuranta, S, Koppitz, T, Korotkov, A, Koskela, T, Koslowski, H, Kotov, V, Kovari, M, Kramer, G, Krasilnikov, A, Krasilnikov, V, Kraus, S, Kreter, A, Krieger, K, Kritz, A, Krivchenkov, Y, Kruezi, U, Krylov, S, Ksiazek, I, Kuhn, S, Kuhnlein, W, Kukushkin, A, Kundu, A, Kurki Suonio, T, Kurowski, A, Kuteev, B, Kuyanov, A, Kyrytsya, V, La, H, Laan, M, Labate, C, Lachichi, A, Laguardia, L, Lam, N, Lang, P, Large, M, Lasa, A, Lassiwe, I, Last, J, Lawson, K, Laxaback, M, Layne, R, Le, G, Leblanc, B, Lee, S, Lee, J, Leggate, H, Lehnen, M, Leigheb, M, Lengar, I, Lennholm, M, Lerche, E, Lescure, C, Li, Y, Li, P, Liang, Y, Likonen, J, Lin, Y, Lindholm, V, Linke, J, Linstead, S, Lipshultz, B, Litaudon, X, Litvak, A, Liu, Y, Loarer, T, Loarte, A, Lobel, R, Lomas, P, Long, F, Lonnroth, J, Looker, D, Lopez, J, Lotte, P, Louche, F, Loughlin, M, Loving, A, Lowry, C, Luce, T, Lucock, R, Lukanitsa, A, Lukin, A, Lungu, A, Lungu, C, Lyssoivan, A, Macheta, P, Mackenzie, A, Macrae, M, Maddaluno, G, Maddison, G, Madsen, J, Magesh, B, Maget, P, Maggi, C, Maier, H, Mailloux, J, Makkonen, T, Makowski, M, Malaquias, A, Manning, C, Mansfield, M, Manso, M, Mantica, P, Marcenko, N, Marchitti, M, Mardenfeld, M, Marechal, J, Marinelli, M, Marinucci, M, Marocco, D, Marren, C, Marsen, S, Martin, D, Martin, G, Martin, Y, Martin Solis, J, Masaki, K, Masiello, A, Maszl, C, Matejcik, S, Matilal, A, Mattei, M, Matthews, G, Mattoo, S, Matveev, D, Maviglia, F, May, C, Mayer, M, Mayoral, M, Mazon, D, Mazzotta, C, Mazzucato, E, Mccarthy, P, Mcclements, K, Mccormick, K, Mccullen, P, Mccune, D, Mcdonald, D, Mcgregor, R, Mckivitt, J, Meakins, A, Medina, F, Meigs, A, Menard, M, Meneses, L, Menmuir, S, Merrigan, I, Mertens, P, Messiaen, A, Meszaros, B, Meyer, H, Miano, G, Michling, R, Miele, M, Miettunen, J, Migliucci, P, Miller, A, Mills, S, Milnes, J, Mindham, T, Miorin, E, Mirizzi, F, Mirones, E, Mironov, M, Mitteau, R, Mlynar, J, Mollard, P, Monakhov, I, Monier Garbet, P, Mooney, R, Moreau, D, Moreau, P, Moreira, L, Morgan, A, Morgan, P, Morlock, C, Morris, A, Mort, G, Murakami, M, Murari, A, Mustata, I, Nabais, F, Nakano, T, Nardon, E, Nash, G, Naulin, V, Nave, M, Nazikian, R, Nedzelski, I, Negus, C, Neilson, J, Nemtsev, G, Neto, A, Neu, R, Neubauer, O, Newbert, G, Newman, M, Nicholls, K, Nicolai, A, Nicolas, L, Nieckchen, P, Nielsen, A, Nielsen, S, Nielsen, P, Nielsen, G, Nieto, J, Nightingale, M, Nishijima, D, Noble, C, Nocente, M, Nordman, H, Norman, M, Nowak, S, Nunes, I, Oberkofler, M, Odstrcil, M, O'Gorman, T, Ohsako, T, Okabayashi, M, Olariu, S, Oleynikov, A, O'Mullane, M, Ongena, J, Orsitto, F, Oswuigwe, O, Ottaviani, M, Oyama, N, Pacella, D, Paget, K, Pajuste, E, Palazzo, S, Palenic, J, Pamela, J, Pamela, S, Pangione, L, Panin, A, Panja, S, Pankin, A, Pantea, A, Parail, V, Paris, P, Parisot, T, Park, M, Parkin, A, Parsloe, A, Parsons, B, Pasqualotto, R, Pastor, P, Paterson, R, Paul, M, Peach, D, Pearce, R, Pearson, B, Pearson, I, Pedrick, L, Pedrosa, M, Pegourie, B, Pereira, R, Pereslavtsev, P, Perevezentsev, A, Von, T, Pericoli Ridolfini, V, Perona, A, Perrot, Y, Peruzzo, S, Peschanyy, S, Petravich, G, Petrizzi, L, Petrov, V, Petrzilka, V, Philipps, V, Piccolo, F, Pietropaolo, A, Pillon, M, Pinches, S, Pinna, T, Pintsuk, G, Piovesan, P, Pironti, A, Pisano, F, Pitts, R, Plaum, B, Plyusnin, V, Polasik, M, Poli, F, Pomaro, N, Pompilian, O, Poncet, L, Pool, P, Popovichev, S, Porcelli, F, Porfiri, M, Portafaix, C, Pospieszczyk, A, Possnert, G, Pozniak, K, Pradhan, S, Pragash, R, Prajapati, V, Prestopino, G, Prior, P, Prokopowicz, R, Puiatti, M, Purahoo, K, Pustovitov, V, Putterich, T, Puttmann Kneupner, D, Quercia, A, Rachlew, E, Rademaker, R, Rafiq, T, Rainford, M, Ramogida, G, Rapp, J, Rasmussen, J, Rathod, K, Ratta, G, Ravera, G, Refy, D, Reichle, R, Reinelt, M, Reiser, D, Reiss, R, Reiter, D, Rendell, D, Reux, C, Rewoldt, G, Ribeiro, T, Riccardo, V, Richards, D, Rigollet, F, Rimini, F, Rios, L, Riva, M, Roberts, J, Robins, R, Robinson, D, Robinson, S, Robson, D, Roche, H, Roedig, M, Rodionov, N, Rohde, V, Rolfe, A, Romanelli, M, Romano, A, Romero, J, Ronchi, E, Rosanvallon, S, Roux, C, Rowe, S, Rubel, M, Rubinacci, G, Ruiz, M, Ruset, C, Russell, M, Ruth, A, Ryc, L, Rydzy, A, Rzadkiewicz, J, Saarelma, S, Sabathier, F, Sabot, R, Sadakov, S, Sadvakassova, A, Sadykov, A, Sagar, P, Saibene, G, Saille, A, Saint Laurent, F, Salewski, M, Salmi, A, Salzedas, F, Samm, U, Sanchez, P, Sanders, S, Sandford, G, Sandland, K, Sandquist, P, Sands, D, Santala, M, Santra, P, Sartori, F, Sartori, R, Sauter, O, Savelyev, A, Savtchkov, A, Scales, S, Scarabosio, A, Schaefer, N, Schmidt, V, Schmidt, A, Schmitz, O, Schmuck, S, Schneider, M, Scholz, M, Schoepf, K, Schweer, B, Schweinzer, J, Seki, M, Semeraro, L, Semerok, A, Sergienko, G, Sertoli, M, Shannon, M, Sharapov, S, Shaw, S, Shevelev, A, Sieglin, B, Sievering, R, Silva, C, Simmons, P, Simonetto, A, Simpson, D, Sipilae, S, Sips, A, Siren, P, Sirinelli, A, Sjoestrand, H, Skopintsev, D, Slabkowska, K, Smith, P, Snipes, J, Snoj, L, Snyder, S, Soare, S, Solano, E, Soleto, A, Solomon, W, Soltane, C, Sonato, P, Sopplesa, A, Sorrentino, A, Sousa, J, Sowden, C, Sozzi, C, Spaeh, P, Spelzini, T, Spence, J, Spineanu, F, Spuig, P, Stagg, R, Stamp, M, Stancalie, V, Stangeby, P, Stankiewicz, R, Stan Sion, C, Starkey, D, Stead, M, Stejner, M, Stephen, A, Stephen, M, Stevens, A, Stokes, R, Stork, D, Stoyanov, D, Strachan, J, Strand, P, Stransky, M, Strauss, D, Strintzi, D, Studholme, W, Na, Y, Subba, F, Summers, H, Sun, Y, Surdu Bob, C, Surrey, E, Sutton, D, Svensson, J, Swain, D, Syme, B, Symonds, I, Szabolics, T, Szepesi, T, Szydlowski, A, Tabares, F, Takalo, V, Takenaga, H, Tala, T, Talbot, A, Taliercio, C, Tame, C, Tardocchi, M, Taroni, L, Telesca, G, Terra, A, Terrington, A, Testa, D, Theis, J, Thomas, J, Thomas, P, Thompson, V, Thomser, C, Thyagaraja, A, Tigwell, P, Tiseanu, I, Tivey, R, Todd, J, Todd, T, Tokar, M, Tosti, S, Trabuc, P, Travere, J, Trimble, P, Trkov, A, Trukhina, E, Tsalas, M, Tsitrone, E, Jun, D, Tudisco, O, Tugarinov, S, Turner, M, Tyrrell, S, Umeda, N, Unterberg, B, Urano, H, Urquhart, A, Uytdenhouwen, I, Vaccaro, A, Vadgama, A, Vagliasindi, G, Valcarcel, D, Valisa, M, Vallory, J, Valovic, M, Van, E, Van, M, Van, R, Varandas, C, Vartanian, S, Vasava, K, Vdovin, V, Vega, J, Verdoolaege, G, Verger, J, Vermare, L, Verona, C, Versloot, T, Vervier, M, Vicente, J, Villari, S, Villedieu, E, Villone, F, Vince, J, Vine, G, Vinyar, I, Viola, B, Vitale, E, Vitelli, R, Vitins, A, Vlad, M, Voitsekhovitch, I, Vrancken, M, Vulliez, K, Waldon, C, Walker, M, Walsh, M, Waterhouse, J, Watkins, M, Watson, M, Wauters, T, Way, M, Webb, C, Weiland, J, Weisen, H, Weiszflog, M, Wenninger, R, West, A, Weulersse, J, Wheatley, M, Whiteford, A, Whitehead, A, Whitehurst, A, Widdowson, A, Wiegmann, C, Wiesen, S, Wilson, A, Wilson, D, Wilson, H, Wischmeier, M, Witts, D, Wolf, R, Wolowski, J, Woscov, P, Wright, J, Xu, G, Yavorskij, V, Yerashok, V, Yoo, M, Yorkshades, J, Young, C, Young, D, Young, I, Yuhong, X, Yun, S, Zabeo, L, Zabolotny, W, Zaccarian, L, Zagorski, R, Zaitsev, F, Zakharov, L, Zanino, R, Zaroschi, V, Zastrow, K, Zatz, I, Zefran, B, Zeidner, W, Zerbini, M, Zhang, T, Zhitlukin, A, Zhu, Y, Zimmermann, O, Zoita, V, Zoletnik, S, Zwingman, W, Romanelli, F., Abel, I., Afanesyev, V., Aftanas, M., Agarici, G., Aggarwal, K., Aho Mantila, L., Ahonen, E., Aints, M., Airila, M., Akers, R., Alarcon, T.h., Albanese, R., Alexeev, A., Alfier, A., Allan, P., Almaviva, S., Alonso, A., Alper, B., Altmann, H., Alves, D., Ambrosino, G., Amosov, V., Andersson, F., Sunden, E., Andreev, V., Andrew, Y., Angelone, M., Anghel, M., Anghel, A., Angioni, C., Apruzzese, G., Arcis, N., Arena, P., Argouarch, A., Ariola, M., Armitano, A., Arnoux, G., Arshad, S., Artaserse, G., Artaud, J., Ash, A., Asp, E., Asunta, O., Atanasiu, C., Atkins, G., Avotina, L., Axton, M., Ayres, C., Baciero, A., Bailescu, V., Baiocchi, B., Baker, R., Balboa, I., Balden, M., Balorin, C., Balshaw, N., Banks, J., Baranov, Y., Barbier, D., Barlow, I., Barnard, M., Barnsley, R., Barrena, L., Barrera, L., Baruzzo, M., Basiuk, V., Bateman, G., Batistoni, P., Baumgarten, N., Baylor, L., Bazylev, B., Beaumont, P., Beausang, K., Becoulet, M., Bekris, N., Beldishevski, M., Bell, A., Belli, F., Bellinger, M., Bellizio, T., Belo, P., Belonohy, E., Bennett, P., Benterman, N., Berger By, G., Bergsaker, H., Berk, H., Bernardo, J., Bernert, M., Bertrand, B., Beurskens, M., Bieg, B., Bienkowska, B., Biewer, T., Bigi, M., Bilkova, P., Bin, W., Bird, J., Bizarro, J., Bjorkas, C., Blackman, T., Blanchard, P., Blanco, E., Blum, J., Bobkov, V., Boboc, A., Boilson, D., Bolshakova, I., Bolzonella, T., Boncagni, L., Bonheure, G., Bonnin, X., Borba, D., Borthwick, A., Botrugno, A., Boulbe, C., Bouquey, F., Bourdelle, C., Von Bovert, Bowden, M., Boyce, T., Boyer, H., Bozhenkov, A., Brade, R., Bradshaw, J., Braet, J., Braic, V., Braithwaite, G., Brault, C., Breizman, B., Bremond, S., Brennan, P., Brett, A., Breue, J., Brezinsek, S., Bright, M., Briscoe, F., Brix, M., Brombin, M., Brown, B., Brown, D., Brzozowski, J., Bucalossi, J., Buckley, M., Budd, T., Budny, R., Bunting, P., Buratti, P., Burcea, G., Burckhart, A., Butcher, P., Buttery, R., Cahyna, P., Calabro, G., Callaghan, C., Caminade, J., Camp, P., Campling, D., Caniello, R., Canik, J., Cannas, B., Capel, A., Carannante, G., Card, P., Cardinali, A., Carlstrom, T., Carman, P., Carralero, D., Carraro, L., Carter, T., Carvalho, B., Carvalho, I., Carvalho, P., Casati, A., Castaldo, C., Caughman, J., Cavazzana, R., Cavinato, M., Cecconello, M., Cecil, E., Cecil, F., Cenedese, A., Centioli, C., Cesario, R., Challis, C., Chandler, M., Chang, C., Chankin, A., Chapman, I., Chektybayev, B., Chernyshova, M., Child, D., Chiru, P., Chitarin, G., Chugonov, I., Ciric, D., Clairet, F., Clarke, R., Clay, R., Clever, M., Coad, J., Coates, P., Cocilovo, V., Coda, S., Coelho, R., Coenen, J., Coffey, I., Colas, L., Cole, M., Collins, S., Combs, S., Compan, J., Conboy, J., Conroy, S., Cook, N., Cook, S., Coombs, D., Cooper, S., Corre, Y., Corrigan, G., Cortes, S., Coster, D., Counsell, G., Courtois, X., Cox, M., Craciunescu, T., Cramp, S., Crisanti, F., Croft, O., Crombe, K., Crowley, B., Cruz, N., Cseh, G., Cupido, L., Curuia, M., Cusack, R., Czarnecka, A., Czarski, T., Dalley, S., Daly, E., Dalziel, A., Daniel, R., Darrow, D., David, O., Davies, N., Davies, W., Davies, J., Day, I., Day, C., De Angelis, de Arcas, de Baar, de la, de Pablos, De Tommasi, de Vries, De Angelis, R., Degli Agostini, Delabie, E., del Castillo Negrete, D., Delpech, L., Denisov, G., Denyer, A., Denyer, R., Devaux, S., Devynck, P., Di Matteo, Di Pace, Dirken, P., Dittmar, T., Dnestrovskiy, A., Dodt, D., Doerner, R., Doldatov, S., Dominiczak, K., Dooley, P., Dorling, S., Douai, D., Down, A., Doyle, P., Drake, J., Dreischuh, T., Drozdov, V., Dumortier, P., Dunai, D., Duran, I., Durodie, F., Dutta, P., Dux, R., Dylst, K., Eaton, R., Edlington, T., Edwards, A., Edwards, D., Edwards, P., Eich, T.h., Ekedahl, A., Elevant, T., Ellingboe, B., Elsmore, C., Emmoth, B., Erdei, G., Ericsson, G., Eriksson, L., Eriksson, A., Esposito, B., Esser, H., Estrada, T., Evangelidis, E., Evans, G., Ewart, G., Ewers, D., Falchetto, G., Falie, D., Fanthome, J., Farthing, J., Fasoli, A., Faugeras, B., Fedorczak, N., Felton, R., Fenzi, C., Fernades, A., Fernandes, H., Ferreira, J., Ferron, J., Fessey, J., Figini, L., Figueiredo, J., Figueiredo, A., Finburg, P., Finken, K., Fischer, U., Fitzgerald, N., Flanagan, J., Fleming, C., Forbes, A., Ford, O., Formisano, A., Fraboulet, D., Francis, R., Frassinetti, L., Fresa, R., Friconneau, J., Frigione, D., Fullard, K., Fundamenski, W., Palumbo, M., Gal, K., Gao, X., Garavaglia, S., Garbet, X., Garcia, J., Munoz, M., Gardner, W., Garibaldi, P., Garnier, D., Garzotti, L., Johnson, M., Gaudio, P., Gauthier, E., Gaze, J., Gear, D., Gedney, J., Gee, S., Gelfusa, M., Genangeli, E., Gerasimov, S., Geraud, A., Gerbaud, T., Gherendi, M., Ghirelli, N., Giacalone, J., Giacomelli, L., Gibson, C., Gil, C., Gilligan, S., Gimblett, C., Gin, D., Giovannozzi, E., Giroud, C., Giruzzi, G., Godwin, J., Goff, J., Gohil, P., Gojska, A., Goloborod'ko, V., Goncalves, B., Goniche, M., Gonzales, S., de Vicente, Goodyear, A., Gorelenkov, N., Goulding, R., Graham, B., Graham, D., Graham, M., Graves, J., Green, N., Greuner, H., Grigore, E., Griph, F., Grisolia, C., Gros, G., Groth, M., Grunhagen, S., Gryaznevich, M., Guirlet, R., Gunn, J., Gupta, A., Guzdar, P., Hackett, L., Hacquin, S., Haist, B., Hakola, A., Halitovs, M., Hall, S., Hamilton, D., Han, H., Handley, R., Harding, S., Harling, J., Harting, D., Harvey, M., Haupt, T., Hawkes, N., Hawryluk, R., Hay, J., Hayashi, N., Haydon, P., Hayward, I., Hazel, S., Heesterman, P., Heidbrink, W., Heinola, K., Hellesen, C., Hellsten, T., Hemming, O., Hender, T., Henderson, M., Hennion, V., Hidalgo, C., Higashijima, S., Hill, J., Hill, M., Hill, K., Hillairet, J., Hillis, D., Hirai, T., Hitchin, M., Hobirk, J., Hogan, C., Hogben, C., Hogeweij, G., Hollingham, I., Holyaka, R., Homfray, D., Honeyands, G., Hong, S., Hong, J., Horacek, J., Horn, B., Horton, A., Horton, L., Hotchin, S., Hough, M., Houlberg, W., Howell, D., Huber, A., Huddleston, T., Hudson, Z., Hughes, M., Huehnerbein, M., Hume, C., Hunt, A., Hunter, C., Hutchinson, T., Huygen, S., Huysmans, G., Ide, S., Illescas, C., Imbeaux, F., Ivanova, D., Ivanova Stanik, I., Ivings, E., Jachmich, S., Jackson, G., Jacquet, P., Jakubowska, K., James, P., Janky, F., Jaervinen, A., Jednorog, S., Jenkins, I., Jennison, M., Jeskins, C., Kwon, O., Joffrin, E., Johnson, R., Johnson, T., Jolovic, D., Jonauskas, V., Jones, E., Jones, G., Jones, H., Jones, T., Jouvet, M., Jupen, C., Kachtchouk, I., Kaczmarczyk, J., Kallenbach, A., Kaellne, J., Kalupin, D., Kalvin, S., Kamelander, G., Kamendje, R., Kamiya, K., Kappatou, A., Kasparek, W., Kasprowicz, G., Katramados, I., Kaveney, G., Kaye, A., Kear, M., Keeling, D., Kelliher, D., Kempenaars, M., Khilar, P., Khilkevich, E., Kidd, N., Kiisk, M., Kim, K., Kim, H., King, R., Kinna, D., Kiptily, V., Kirnev, G., Kirneva, N., Kirov, K., Kirschner, A., Kisielius, R., Kislov, D., Kiss, G., Kizane, G., Klein, A., Klepper, C., Klimov, N., Klix, A., Knaup, M., Kneuper, K., Kneupner, H., Knight, P., Knipe, S., Kocan, M., Koch, R., Kochl, F., Kocsis, G., Koivuranta, S., Koppitz, T., Korotkov, A., Koskela, T., Koslowski, H., Kotov, V., Kovari, M., Kramer, G., Krasilnikov, A., Krasilnikov, V., Kraus, S., Kreter, A., Krieger, K., Kritz, A., Krivchenkov, Y., Kruezi, U., Krylov, S., Ksiazek, I., Kuhn, S., Kuhnlein, W., Kukushkin, A., Kundu, A., Kurki Suonio, T., Kurowski, A., Kuteev, B., Kuyanov, A., Kyrytsya, V., La Haye, Laan, M., Labate, C., Lachichi, A., Laguardia, L., Lam, N., Lang, P., Large, M., Lasa, A., Lassiwe, I., Last, J., Lawson, K., Laxaback, M., Layne, R., Le Guern, LeBlanc, B., Lee, S., Lee, J., Leggate, H., Lehnen, M., Leigheb, M., Lengar, I., Lennholm, M., Lerche, E., Lescure, C., Li, Y., Li Puma, Liang, Y., Likonen, J., Lin, Y., Lindholm, V., Linke, J., Linstead, S., Lipshultz, B., Litaudon, X., Litvak, A., Liu, Y., Loarer, T., Loarte, A., Lobel, R., Lomas, P., Long, F., Lonnroth, J., Looker, D., Lopez, J., Lotte, P.h., Louche, F., Loughlin, M., Loving, A., Lowry, C., Luce, T., Lucock, R., Lukanitsa, A., Lukin, A., Lungu, A., Lungu, C., Lyssoivan, A., Macheta, P., Mackenzie, A., Macrae, M., Maddaluno, G., Maddison, G., Madsen, J., Magesh, B., Maget, P., Maggi, C., Maier, H., Mailloux, J., Makkonen, T., Makowski, M., Malaquias, A., Manning, C., Mansfield, M., Manso, M., Mantica, P., Marcenko, N., Marchitti, M., Mardenfeld, M., Marechal, J., Marinelli, M., Marinucci, M., Marocco, D., Marren, C., Marsen, S., Martin, D., Martin, G., Martin, Y., Martin Solis, J., Masaki, K., Masiello, A., Maszl, C., Matejcik, S., Matilal, A., Mattei, M., Matthews, G., Mattoo, S., Matveev, D., Maviglia, F., May, C., Mayer, M., Mayoral, M., Mazon, D., Mazzotta, C., Mazzucato, E., McCarthy, P., McClements, K., McCormick, K., McCullen, P., McCune, D., McDonald, D., Mcgregor, R., Mckivitt, J., Meakins, A., Medina, F., Meigs, A., Menard, M., Meneses, L., Menmuir, S., Merrigan, I., Mertens, P.h., Messiaen, A., Meszaros, B., Meyer, H., Miano, G., Michling, R., Miele, M., Miettunen, J., Migliucci, P., Miller, A., Mills, S., Milnes, J., Mindham, T., Miorin, E., Mirizzi, F., Mirones, E., Mironov, M., Mitteau, R., Mlynar, J., Mollard, P., Monakhov, I., Monier Garbet, P., Mooney, R., Moreau, D., Moreau, P.h., Moreira, L., Morgan, A., Morgan, P., Morlock, C., Morris, A., Mort, G., Murakami, M., Murari, A., Mustata, I., Nabais, F., Nakano, T., Nardon, E., Nash, G., Naulin, V., Nave, M., Nazikian, R., Nedzelski, I., Negus, C., Neilson, J., Nemtsev, G., Neto, A., Neu, R., Neubauer, O., Newbert, G., Newman, M., Nicholls, K., Nicolai, A., Nicolas, L., Nieckchen, P., Nielsen, A., Nielsen, S., Nielsen, P., Nielsen, G., Nieto, J., Nightingale, M., Nishijima, D., Noble, C., Nordman, H., Norman, M., Nowak, S., Nunes, I., Oberkofler, M., Odstrcil, M., O'Gorman, T., Ohsako, T., Okabayashi, M., Olariu, S., Oleynikov, A., O'Mullane, M., Ongena, J., Orsitto, F., Oswuigwe, O., Ottaviani, M., Oyama, N., Pacella, D., Paget, K., Pajuste, E., Palazzo, S., Palenic, J., Pamela, J., Pamela, S., Pangione, L., Panin, A., Panja, S., Pankin, A., Pantea, A., Parail, V., Paris, P., Parisot, T.h., Park, M., Parkin, A., Parsloe, A., Parsons, B., Pasqualotto, R., Pastor, P., Paterson, R., Paul, M., Peach, D., Pearce, R., Pearson, B., Pearson, I., Pedrick, L., Pedrosa, M., Pegourie, B., Pereira, R., Pereslavtsev, P., Perevezentsev, A., von Thun, Pericoli Ridolfini, V., Perona, A., Perrot, Y., Peruzzo, S., Peschanyy, S., Petravich, G., Petrizzi, L., Petrov, V., Petrzilka, V., Philipps, V., Piccolo, F., Pietropaolo, A., Pillon, M., Pinches, S., Pinna, T., Pintsuk, G., Piovesan, P., Pironti, A., Pisano, F., Pitts, R., Plaum, B., Plyusnin, V., Polasik, M., Poli, F., Pomaro, N., Pompilian, O., Poncet, L., Pool, P., Popovichev, S., Porcelli, F., Porfiri, M., Portafaix, C., Pospieszczyk, A., Possnert, G., Pozniak, K., Pradhan, S., Pragash, R., Prajapati, V., Prestopino, G., Prior, P., Prokopowicz, R., Puiatti, M., Purahoo, K., Pustovitov, V., Putterich, T.h., Puttmann Kneupner, D., Quercia, A., Rachlew, E., Rademaker, R., Rafiq, T., Rainford, M., Ramogida, G., Rapp, J., Rasmussen, J., Rathod, K., Ratta, G., Ravera, G., Refy, D., Reichle, R., Reinelt, M., Reiser, D., Reiss, R., Reiter, D., Rendell, D., Reux, C., Rewoldt, G., Ribeiro, T., Riccardo, V., Richards, D., Rigollet, F., Rimini, F., Rios, L., Riva, M., Roberts, J., Robins, R., Robinson, D., Robinson, S., Robson, D., Roche, H., Roedig, M., Rodionov, N., Rohde, V., Rolfe, A., Romanelli, M., Romano, A., Romero, J., Ronchi, E., Rosanvallon, S., Roux, C.h., Rowe, S., Rubel, M., Rubinacci, G., Ruiz, M., Ruset, C., Russell, M., Ruth, A., Ryc, L., Rydzy, A., Rzadkiewicz, J., Saarelma, S., Sabathier, F., Sabot, R., Sadakov, S., Sadvakassova, A., Sadykov, A., Sagar, P., Saibene, G., Saille, A., Saint Laurent, F., Salewski, M., Salmi, A., Salzedas, F., Samm, U., Sanchez, P., Sanders, S., Sandford, G., Sandland, K., Sandquist, P., Sands, D., Santala, M., Santra, P., Sartori, F., Sartori, R., Sauter, O., Savelyev, A., Savtchkov, A., Scales, S., Scarabosio, A., Schaefer, N., Schmidt, V., Schmidt, A., Schmitz, O., Schmuck, S., Schneider, M., Scholz, M., Schoepf, K., Schweer, B., Schweinzer, J., Seki, M., Semeraro, L., Semerok, A., Sergienko, G., Sertoli, M., Shannon, M., Sharapov, S., Shaw, S., Shevelev, A., Sieglin, B., Sievering, R., Silva, C., Simmons, P., Simonetto, A., Simpson, D., Sipilae, S., Sips, A., Siren, P., Sirinelli, A., Sjoestrand, H., Skopintsev, D., Slabkowska, K., Smith, P., Snipes, J., Snoj, L., Snyder, S., Soare, S., Solano, E., Soleto, A., Solomon, W., Soltane, C., Sonato, P., Sopplesa, A., Sorrentino, A., Sousa, J., Sowden, C., Sozzi, C., Spaeh, P., Spelzini, T., Spence, J., Spineanu, F., Spuig, P., Stagg, R., Stamp, M., Stancalie, V., Stangeby, P., Stankiewicz, R., Stan Sion, C., Starkey, D., Stead, M., Stejner, M., Stephen, A., Stephen, M., Stevens, A., Stokes, R., Stork, D., Stoyanov, D., Strachan, J., Strand, P., Stransky, M., Strauss, D., Strintzi, D., Studholme, W., Na, Y., Subba, F., Summers, H., Sun, Y., Surdu Bob, C., Surrey, E., Sutton, D., Svensson, J., Swain, D., Syme, B., Symonds, I., Szabolics, T., Szepesi, T., Szydlowski, A., Tabares, F., Takalo, V., Takenaga, H., Tala, T., Talbot, A., Taliercio, C., Tame, C., Taroni, L., Telesca, G., Terra, A., Terrington, A., Testa, D., Theis, J., Thomas, J., Thomas, P., Thompson, V., Thomser, C., Thyagaraja, A., Tigwell, P., Tiseanu, I., Tivey, R., Todd, J., Todd, T., Tokar, M., Tosti, S., Trabuc, P., Travere, J., Trimble, P., Trkov, A., Trukhina, E., Tsalas, M., Tsitrone, E., Jun, D., Tudisco, O., Tugarinov, S., Turner, M., Tyrrell, S., Umeda, N., Unterberg, B., Urano, H., Urquhart, A., Uytdenhouwen, I., Vaccaro, A., Vadgama, A., Vagliasindi, G., Valcarcel, D., Valisa, M., Vallory, J., Valovic, M., Van Eester, van Milligen, van Rooij, Varandas, C., Vartanian, S., Vasava, K., Vdovin, V., Vega, J., Verdoolaege, G., Verger, J., Vermare, L., Verona, C., Versloot, T.h., Vervier, M., Vicente, J., Villari, S., Villedieu, E., Villone, F., Vince, J., Vine, G., Vinyar, I., Viola, B., Vitale, E., Vitelli, R., Vitins, A., Vlad, M., Voitsekhovitch, I., Vrancken, M., Vulliez, K., Waldon, C., Walker, M., Walsh, M., Waterhouse, J., Watkins, M., Watson, M., Wauters, T., Way, M., Webb, C., Weiland, J., Weisen, H., Weiszflog, M., Wenninger, R., West, A., Weulersse, J., Wheatley, M., Whiteford, A., Whitehead, A., Whitehurst, A., Widdowson, A., Wiegmann, C., Wiesen, S., Wilson, A., Wilson, D., Wilson, H., Wischmeier, M., Witts, D., Wolf, R., Wolowski, J., Woscov, P., Wright, J., Xu, G., Yavorskij, V., Yerashok, V., Yoo, M., Yorkshades, J., Young, C., Young, D., Young, I., Yuhong, X., Yun, S., Zabeo, L., Zabolotny, W., Zaccarian, L., Zagorski, R., Zaitsev, F., Zakharov, L., Zanino, R., Zaroschi, V., Zastrow, K., Zatz, I., Zefran, B., Zeidner, W., Zerbini, M., Zhang, T., Zhitlukin, A., Zhu, Y., Zimmermann, O., Zoita, V., Zoletnik, S., Zwingman, W., CROCI, GABRIELE, GORINI, GIUSEPPE, NOCENTE, MASSIMO, TARDOCCHI, MARCO, Romanelli, F, Abel, I, Afanesyev, V, Aftanas, M, Agarici, G, Aggarwal, K, Aho Mantila, L, Ahonen, E, Aints, M, Airila, M, Akers, R, Alarcon, T, Albanese, R, Alexeev, A, Alfier, A, Allan, P, Almaviva, S, Alonso, A, Alper, B, Altmann, H, Alves, D, Ambrosino, G, Amosov, V, Andersson, F, Sunden, E, Andreev, V, Andrew, Y, Angelone, M, Anghel, M, Anghel, A, Angioni, C, Apruzzese, G, Arcis, N, Arena, P, Argouarch, A, Ariola, M, Armitano, A, Arnoux, G, Arshad, S, Artaserse, G, Artaud, J, Ash, A, Asp, E, Asunta, O, Atanasiu, C, Atkins, G, Avotina, L, Axton, M, Ayres, C, Baciero, A, Bailescu, V, Baiocchi, B, Baker, R, Balboa, I, Balden, M, Balorin, C, Balshaw, N, Banks, J, Baranov, Y, Barbier, D, Barlow, I, Barnard, M, Barnsley, R, Barrena, L, Barrera, L, Baruzzo, M, Basiuk, V, Bateman, G, Batistoni, P, Baumgarten, N, Baylor, L, Bazylev, B, Beaumont, P, Beausang, K, Becoulet, M, Bekris, N, Beldishevski, M, Bell, A, Belli, F, Bellinger, M, Bellizio, T, Belo, P, Belonohy, E, Bennett, P, Benterman, N, Berger By, G, Bergsaker, H, Berk, H, Bernardo, J, Bernert, M, Bertrand, B, Beurskens, M, Bieg, B, Bienkowska, B, Biewer, T, Bigi, M, Bilkova, P, Bin, W, Bird, J, Bizarro, J, Bjorkas, C, Blackman, T, Blanchard, P, Blanco, E, Blum, J, Bobkov, V, Boboc, A, Boilson, D, Bolshakova, I, Bolzonella, T, Boncagni, L, Bonheure, G, Bonnin, X, Borba, D, Borthwick, A, Botrugno, A, Boulbe, C, Bouquey, F, Bourdelle, C, Von, B, Bowden, M, Boyce, T, Boyer, H, Bozhenkov, A, Brade, R, Bradshaw, J, Braet, J, Braic, V, Braithwaite, G, Brault, C, Breizman, B, Bremond, S, Brennan, P, Brett, A, Breue, J, Brezinsek, S, Bright, M, Briscoe, F, Brix, M, Brombin, M, Brown, B, Brown, D, Brzozowski, J, Bucalossi, J, Buckley, M, Budd, T, Budny, R, Bunting, P, Buratti, P, Burcea, G, Burckhart, A, Butcher, P, Buttery, R, Cahyna, P, Calabro, G, Callaghan, C, Caminade, J, Camp, P, Campling, D, Caniello, R, Canik, J, Cannas, B, Capel, A, Carannante, G, Card, P, Cardinali, A, Carlstrom, T, Carman, P, Carralero, D, Carraro, L, Carter, T, Carvalho, B, Carvalho, I, Carvalho, P, Casati, A, Castaldo, C, Caughman, J, Cavazzana, R, Cavinato, M, Cecconello, M, Cecil, E, Cecil, F, Cenedese, A, Centioli, C, Cesario, R, Challis, C, Chandler, M, Chang, C, Chankin, A, Chapman, I, Chektybayev, B, Chernyshova, M, Child, D, Chiru, P, Chitarin, G, Chugonov, I, Ciric, D, Clairet, F, Clarke, R, Clay, R, Clever, M, Coad, J, Coates, P, Cocilovo, V, Coda, S, Coelho, R, Coenen, J, Coffey, I, Colas, L, Cole, M, Collins, S, Combs, S, Compan, J, Conboy, J, Conroy, S, Cook, N, Cook, S, Coombs, D, Cooper, S, Corre, Y, Corrigan, G, Cortes, S, Coster, D, Counsell, G, Courtois, X, Cox, M, Craciunescu, T, Cramp, S, Crisanti, F, Croci, G, Croft, O, Crombe, K, Crowley, B, Cruz, N, Cseh, G, Cupido, L, Curuia, M, Cusack, R, Czarnecka, A, Czarski, T, Dalley, S, Daly, E, Dalziel, A, Daniel, R, Darrow, D, David, O, Davies, N, Davies, W, Davies, J, Day, I, Day, C, De, A, De, B, De, L, De, P, De, T, De, V, De Angelis, R, Degli, A, Delabie, E, del Castillo Negrete, D, Delpech, L, Denisov, G, Denyer, A, Denyer, R, Devaux, S, Devynck, P, Di, M, Di, P, Dirken, P, Dittmar, T, Dnestrovskiy, A, Dodt, D, Doerner, R, Doldatov, S, Dominiczak, K, Dooley, P, Dorling, S, Douai, D, Down, A, Doyle, P, Drake, J, Dreischuh, T, Drozdov, V, Dumortier, P, Dunai, D, Duran, I, Durodie, F, Dutta, P, Dux, R, Dylst, K, Eaton, R, Edlington, T, Edwards, A, Edwards, D, Edwards, P, Eich, T, Ekedahl, A, Elevant, T, Ellingboe, B, Elsmore, C, Emmoth, B, Erdei, G, Ericsson, G, Eriksson, L, Eriksson, A, Esposito, B, Esser, H, Estrada, T, Evangelidis, E, Evans, G, Ewart, G, Ewers, D, Falchetto, G, Falie, D, Fanthome, J, Farthing, J, Fasoli, A, Faugeras, B, Fedorczak, N, Felton, R, Fenzi, C, Fernades, A, Fernandes, H, Ferreira, J, Ferron, J, Fessey, J, Figini, L, Figueiredo, J, Figueiredo, A, Finburg, P, Finken, K, Fischer, U, Fitzgerald, N, Flanagan, J, Fleming, C, Forbes, A, Ford, O, Formisano, A, Fraboulet, D, Francis, R, Frassinetti, L, Fresa, R, Friconneau, J, Frigione, D, Fullard, K, Fundamenski, W, Palumbo, M, Gal, K, Gao, X, Garavaglia, S, Garbet, X, Garcia, J, Munoz, M, Gardner, W, Garibaldi, P, Garnier, D, Garzotti, L, Johnson, M, Gaudio, P, Gauthier, E, Gaze, J, Gear, D, Gedney, J, Gee, S, Gelfusa, M, Genangeli, E, Gerasimov, S, Geraud, A, Gerbaud, T, Gherendi, M, Ghirelli, N, Giacalone, J, Giacomelli, L, Gibson, C, Gil, C, Gilligan, S, Gimblett, C, Gin, D, Giovannozzi, E, Giroud, C, Giruzzi, G, Godwin, J, Goff, J, Gohil, P, Gojska, A, Goloborod'Ko, V, Goncalves, B, Goniche, M, Gonzales, S, Goodyear, A, Gorelenkov, N, Gorini, G, Goulding, R, Graham, B, Graham, D, Graham, M, Graves, J, Green, N, Greuner, H, Grigore, E, Griph, F, Grisolia, C, Gros, G, Groth, M, Grunhagen, S, Gryaznevich, M, Guirlet, R, Gunn, J, Gupta, A, Guzdar, P, Hackett, L, Hacquin, S, Haist, B, Hakola, A, Halitovs, M, Hall, S, Hamilton, D, Han, H, Handley, R, Harding, S, Harling, J, Harting, D, Harvey, M, Haupt, T, Hawkes, N, Hawryluk, R, Hay, J, Hayashi, N, Haydon, P, Hayward, I, Hazel, S, Heesterman, P, Heidbrink, W, Heinola, K, Hellesen, C, Hellsten, T, Hemming, O, Hender, T, Henderson, M, Hennion, V, Hidalgo, C, Higashijima, S, Hill, J, Hill, M, Hill, K, Hillairet, J, Hillis, D, Hirai, T, Hitchin, M, Hobirk, J, Hogan, C, Hogben, C, Hogeweij, G, Hollingham, I, Holyaka, R, Homfray, D, Honeyands, G, Hong, S, Hong, J, Horacek, J, Horn, B, Horton, A, Horton, L, Hotchin, S, Hough, M, Houlberg, W, Howell, D, Huber, A, Huddleston, T, Hudson, Z, Hughes, M, Huehnerbein, M, Hume, C, Hunt, A, Hunter, C, Hutchinson, T, Huygen, S, Huysmans, G, Ide, S, Illescas, C, Imbeaux, F, Ivanova, D, Ivanova Stanik, I, Ivings, E, Jachmich, S, Jackson, G, Jacquet, P, Jakubowska, K, James, P, Janky, F, Jaervinen, A, Jednorog, S, Jenkins, I, Jennison, M, Jeskins, C, Kwon, O, Joffrin, E, Johnson, R, Johnson, T, Jolovic, D, Jonauskas, V, Jones, E, Jones, G, Jones, H, Jones, T, Jouvet, M, Jupen, C, Kachtchouk, I, Kaczmarczyk, J, Kallenbach, A, Kaellne, J, Kalupin, D, Kalvin, S, Kamelander, G, Kamendje, R, Kamiya, K, Kappatou, A, Kasparek, W, Kasprowicz, G, Katramados, I, Kaveney, G, Kaye, A, Kear, M, Keeling, D, Kelliher, D, Kempenaars, M, Khilar, P, Khilkevich, E, Kidd, N, Kiisk, M, Kim, K, Kim, H, King, R, Kinna, D, Kiptily, V, Kirnev, G, Kirneva, N, Kirov, K, Kirschner, A, Kisielius, R, Kislov, D, Kiss, G, Kizane, G, Klein, A, Klepper, C, Klimov, N, Klix, A, Knaup, M, Kneuper, K, Kneupner, H, Knight, P, Knipe, S, Kocan, M, Koch, R, Kochl, F, Kocsis, G, Koivuranta, S, Koppitz, T, Korotkov, A, Koskela, T, Koslowski, H, Kotov, V, Kovari, M, Kramer, G, Krasilnikov, A, Krasilnikov, V, Kraus, S, Kreter, A, Krieger, K, Kritz, A, Krivchenkov, Y, Kruezi, U, Krylov, S, Ksiazek, I, Kuhn, S, Kuhnlein, W, Kukushkin, A, Kundu, A, Kurki Suonio, T, Kurowski, A, Kuteev, B, Kuyanov, A, Kyrytsya, V, La, H, Laan, M, Labate, C, Lachichi, A, Laguardia, L, Lam, N, Lang, P, Large, M, Lasa, A, Lassiwe, I, Last, J, Lawson, K, Laxaback, M, Layne, R, Le, G, Leblanc, B, Lee, S, Lee, J, Leggate, H, Lehnen, M, Leigheb, M, Lengar, I, Lennholm, M, Lerche, E, Lescure, C, Li, Y, Li, P, Liang, Y, Likonen, J, Lin, Y, Lindholm, V, Linke, J, Linstead, S, Lipshultz, B, Litaudon, X, Litvak, A, Liu, Y, Loarer, T, Loarte, A, Lobel, R, Lomas, P, Long, F, Lonnroth, J, Looker, D, Lopez, J, Lotte, P, Louche, F, Loughlin, M, Loving, A, Lowry, C, Luce, T, Lucock, R, Lukanitsa, A, Lukin, A, Lungu, A, Lungu, C, Lyssoivan, A, Macheta, P, Mackenzie, A, Macrae, M, Maddaluno, G, Maddison, G, Madsen, J, Magesh, B, Maget, P, Maggi, C, Maier, H, Mailloux, J, Makkonen, T, Makowski, M, Malaquias, A, Manning, C, Mansfield, M, Manso, M, Mantica, P, Marcenko, N, Marchitti, M, Mardenfeld, M, Marechal, J, Marinelli, M, Marinucci, M, Marocco, D, Marren, C, Marsen, S, Martin, D, Martin, G, Martin, Y, Martin Solis, J, Masaki, K, Masiello, A, Maszl, C, Matejcik, S, Matilal, A, Mattei, M, Matthews, G, Mattoo, S, Matveev, D, Maviglia, F, May, C, Mayer, M, Mayoral, M, Mazon, D, Mazzotta, C, Mazzucato, E, Mccarthy, P, Mcclements, K, Mccormick, K, Mccullen, P, Mccune, D, Mcdonald, D, Mcgregor, R, Mckivitt, J, Meakins, A, Medina, F, Meigs, A, Menard, M, Meneses, L, Menmuir, S, Merrigan, I, Mertens, P, Messiaen, A, Meszaros, B, Meyer, H, Miano, G, Michling, R, Miele, M, Miettunen, J, Migliucci, P, Miller, A, Mills, S, Milnes, J, Mindham, T, Miorin, E, Mirizzi, F, Mirones, E, Mironov, M, Mitteau, R, Mlynar, J, Mollard, P, Monakhov, I, Monier Garbet, P, Mooney, R, Moreau, D, Moreau, P, Moreira, L, Morgan, A, Morgan, P, Morlock, C, Morris, A, Mort, G, Murakami, M, Murari, A, Mustata, I, Nabais, F, Nakano, T, Nardon, E, Nash, G, Naulin, V, Nave, M, Nazikian, R, Nedzelski, I, Negus, C, Neilson, J, Nemtsev, G, Neto, A, Neu, R, Neubauer, O, Newbert, G, Newman, M, Nicholls, K, Nicolai, A, Nicolas, L, Nieckchen, P, Nielsen, A, Nielsen, S, Nielsen, P, Nielsen, G, Nieto, J, Nightingale, M, Nishijima, D, Noble, C, Nocente, M, Nordman, H, Norman, M, Nowak, S, Nunes, I, Oberkofler, M, Odstrcil, M, O'Gorman, T, Ohsako, T, Okabayashi, M, Olariu, S, Oleynikov, A, O'Mullane, M, Ongena, J, Orsitto, F, Oswuigwe, O, Ottaviani, M, Oyama, N, Pacella, D, Paget, K, Pajuste, E, Palazzo, S, Palenic, J, Pamela, J, Pamela, S, Pangione, L, Panin, A, Panja, S, Pankin, A, Pantea, A, Parail, V, Paris, P, Parisot, T, Park, M, Parkin, A, Parsloe, A, Parsons, B, Pasqualotto, R, Pastor, P, Paterson, R, Paul, M, Peach, D, Pearce, R, Pearson, B, Pearson, I, Pedrick, L, Pedrosa, M, Pegourie, B, Pereira, R, Pereslavtsev, P, Perevezentsev, A, Von, T, Pericoli Ridolfini, V, Perona, A, Perrot, Y, Peruzzo, S, Peschanyy, S, Petravich, G, Petrizzi, L, Petrov, V, Petrzilka, V, Philipps, V, Piccolo, F, Pietropaolo, A, Pillon, M, Pinches, S, Pinna, T, Pintsuk, G, Piovesan, P, Pironti, A, Pisano, F, Pitts, R, Plaum, B, Plyusnin, V, Polasik, M, Poli, F, Pomaro, N, Pompilian, O, Poncet, L, Pool, P, Popovichev, S, Porcelli, F, Porfiri, M, Portafaix, C, Pospieszczyk, A, Possnert, G, Pozniak, K, Pradhan, S, Pragash, R, Prajapati, V, Prestopino, G, Prior, P, Prokopowicz, R, Puiatti, M, Purahoo, K, Pustovitov, V, Putterich, T, Puttmann Kneupner, D, Quercia, A, Rachlew, E, Rademaker, R, Rafiq, T, Rainford, M, Ramogida, G, Rapp, J, Rasmussen, J, Rathod, K, Ratta, G, Ravera, G, Refy, D, Reichle, R, Reinelt, M, Reiser, D, Reiss, R, Reiter, D, Rendell, D, Reux, C, Rewoldt, G, Ribeiro, T, Riccardo, V, Richards, D, Rigollet, F, Rimini, F, Rios, L, Riva, M, Roberts, J, Robins, R, Robinson, D, Robinson, S, Robson, D, Roche, H, Roedig, M, Rodionov, N, Rohde, V, Rolfe, A, Romanelli, M, Romano, A, Romero, J, Ronchi, E, Rosanvallon, S, Roux, C, Rowe, S, Rubel, M, Rubinacci, G, Ruiz, M, Ruset, C, Russell, M, Ruth, A, Ryc, L, Rydzy, A, Rzadkiewicz, J, Saarelma, S, Sabathier, F, Sabot, R, Sadakov, S, Sadvakassova, A, Sadykov, A, Sagar, P, Saibene, G, Saille, A, Saint Laurent, F, Salewski, M, Salmi, A, Salzedas, F, Samm, U, Sanchez, P, Sanders, S, Sandford, G, Sandland, K, Sandquist, P, Sands, D, Santala, M, Santra, P, Sartori, F, Sartori, R, Sauter, O, Savelyev, A, Savtchkov, A, Scales, S, Scarabosio, A, Schaefer, N, Schmidt, V, Schmidt, A, Schmitz, O, Schmuck, S, Schneider, M, Scholz, M, Schoepf, K, Schweer, B, Schweinzer, J, Seki, M, Semeraro, L, Semerok, A, Sergienko, G, Sertoli, M, Shannon, M, Sharapov, S, Shaw, S, Shevelev, A, Sieglin, B, Sievering, R, Silva, C, Simmons, P, Simonetto, A, Simpson, D, Sipilae, S, Sips, A, Siren, P, Sirinelli, A, Sjoestrand, H, Skopintsev, D, Slabkowska, K, Smith, P, Snipes, J, Snoj, L, Snyder, S, Soare, S, Solano, E, Soleto, A, Solomon, W, Soltane, C, Sonato, P, Sopplesa, A, Sorrentino, A, Sousa, J, Sowden, C, Sozzi, C, Spaeh, P, Spelzini, T, Spence, J, Spineanu, F, Spuig, P, Stagg, R, Stamp, M, Stancalie, V, Stangeby, P, Stankiewicz, R, Stan Sion, C, Starkey, D, Stead, M, Stejner, M, Stephen, A, Stephen, M, Stevens, A, Stokes, R, Stork, D, Stoyanov, D, Strachan, J, Strand, P, Stransky, M, Strauss, D, Strintzi, D, Studholme, W, Na, Y, Subba, F, Summers, H, Sun, Y, Surdu Bob, C, Surrey, E, Sutton, D, Svensson, J, Swain, D, Syme, B, Symonds, I, Szabolics, T, Szepesi, T, Szydlowski, A, Tabares, F, Takalo, V, Takenaga, H, Tala, T, Talbot, A, Taliercio, C, Tame, C, Tardocchi, M, Taroni, L, Telesca, G, Terra, A, Terrington, A, Testa, D, Theis, J, Thomas, J, Thomas, P, Thompson, V, Thomser, C, Thyagaraja, A, Tigwell, P, Tiseanu, I, Tivey, R, Todd, J, Todd, T, Tokar, M, Tosti, S, Trabuc, P, Travere, J, Trimble, P, Trkov, A, Trukhina, E, Tsalas, M, Tsitrone, E, Jun, D, Tudisco, O, Tugarinov, S, Turner, M, Tyrrell, S, Umeda, N, Unterberg, B, Urano, H, Urquhart, A, Uytdenhouwen, I, Vaccaro, A, Vadgama, A, Vagliasindi, G, Valcarcel, D, Valisa, M, Vallory, J, Valovic, M, Van, E, Van, M, Van, R, Varandas, C, Vartanian, S, Vasava, K, Vdovin, V, Vega, J, Verdoolaege, G, Verger, J, Vermare, L, Verona, C, Versloot, T, Vervier, M, Vicente, J, Villari, S, Villedieu, E, Villone, F, Vince, J, Vine, G, Vinyar, I, Viola, B, Vitale, E, Vitelli, R, Vitins, A, Vlad, M, Voitsekhovitch, I, Vrancken, M, Vulliez, K, Waldon, C, Walker, M, Walsh, M, Waterhouse, J, Watkins, M, Watson, M, Wauters, T, Way, M, Webb, C, Weiland, J, Weisen, H, Weiszflog, M, Wenninger, R, West, A, Weulersse, J, Wheatley, M, Whiteford, A, Whitehead, A, Whitehurst, A, Widdowson, A, Wiegmann, C, Wiesen, S, Wilson, A, Wilson, D, Wilson, H, Wischmeier, M, Witts, D, Wolf, R, Wolowski, J, Woscov, P, Wright, J, Xu, G, Yavorskij, V, Yerashok, V, Yoo, M, Yorkshades, J, Young, C, Young, D, Young, I, Yuhong, X, Yun, S, Zabeo, L, Zabolotny, W, Zaccarian, L, Zagorski, R, Zaitsev, F, Zakharov, L, Zanino, R, Zaroschi, V, Zastrow, K, Zatz, I, Zefran, B, Zeidner, W, Zerbini, M, Zhang, T, Zhitlukin, A, Zhu, Y, Zimmermann, O, Zoita, V, Zoletnik, S, Zwingman, W, Romanelli, F., Abel, I., Afanesyev, V., Aftanas, M., Agarici, G., Aggarwal, K., Aho Mantila, L., Ahonen, E., Aints, M., Airila, M., Akers, R., Alarcon, T.h., Albanese, R., Alexeev, A., Alfier, A., Allan, P., Almaviva, S., Alonso, A., Alper, B., Altmann, H., Alves, D., Ambrosino, G., Amosov, V., Andersson, F., Sunden, E., Andreev, V., Andrew, Y., Angelone, M., Anghel, M., Anghel, A., Angioni, C., Apruzzese, G., Arcis, N., Arena, P., Argouarch, A., Ariola, M., Armitano, A., Arnoux, G., Arshad, S., Artaserse, G., Artaud, J., Ash, A., Asp, E., Asunta, O., Atanasiu, C., Atkins, G., Avotina, L., Axton, M., Ayres, C., Baciero, A., Bailescu, V., Baiocchi, B., Baker, R., Balboa, I., Balden, M., Balorin, C., Balshaw, N., Banks, J., Baranov, Y., Barbier, D., Barlow, I., Barnard, M., Barnsley, R., Barrena, L., Barrera, L., Baruzzo, M., Basiuk, V., Bateman, G., Batistoni, P., Baumgarten, N., Baylor, L., Bazylev, B., Beaumont, P., Beausang, K., Becoulet, M., Bekris, N., Beldishevski, M., Bell, A., Belli, F., Bellinger, M., Bellizio, T., Belo, P., Belonohy, E., Bennett, P., Benterman, N., Berger By, G., Bergsaker, H., Berk, H., Bernardo, J., Bernert, M., Bertrand, B., Beurskens, M., Bieg, B., Bienkowska, B., Biewer, T., Bigi, M., Bilkova, P., Bin, W., Bird, J., Bizarro, J., Bjorkas, C., Blackman, T., Blanchard, P., Blanco, E., Blum, J., Bobkov, V., Boboc, A., Boilson, D., Bolshakova, I., Bolzonella, T., Boncagni, L., Bonheure, G., Bonnin, X., Borba, D., Borthwick, A., Botrugno, A., Boulbe, C., Bouquey, F., Bourdelle, C., Von Bovert, Bowden, M., Boyce, T., Boyer, H., Bozhenkov, A., Brade, R., Bradshaw, J., Braet, J., Braic, V., Braithwaite, G., Brault, C., Breizman, B., Bremond, S., Brennan, P., Brett, A., Breue, J., Brezinsek, S., Bright, M., Briscoe, F., Brix, M., Brombin, M., Brown, B., Brown, D., Brzozowski, J., Bucalossi, J., Buckley, M., Budd, T., Budny, R., Bunting, P., Buratti, P., Burcea, G., Burckhart, A., Butcher, P., Buttery, R., Cahyna, P., Calabro, G., Callaghan, C., Caminade, J., Camp, P., Campling, D., Caniello, R., Canik, J., Cannas, B., Capel, A., Carannante, G., Card, P., Cardinali, A., Carlstrom, T., Carman, P., Carralero, D., Carraro, L., Carter, T., Carvalho, B., Carvalho, I., Carvalho, P., Casati, A., Castaldo, C., Caughman, J., Cavazzana, R., Cavinato, M., Cecconello, M., Cecil, E., Cecil, F., Cenedese, A., Centioli, C., Cesario, R., Challis, C., Chandler, M., Chang, C., Chankin, A., Chapman, I., Chektybayev, B., Chernyshova, M., Child, D., Chiru, P., Chitarin, G., Chugonov, I., Ciric, D., Clairet, F., Clarke, R., Clay, R., Clever, M., Coad, J., Coates, P., Cocilovo, V., Coda, S., Coelho, R., Coenen, J., Coffey, I., Colas, L., Cole, M., Collins, S., Combs, S., Compan, J., Conboy, J., Conroy, S., Cook, N., Cook, S., Coombs, D., Cooper, S., Corre, Y., Corrigan, G., Cortes, S., Coster, D., Counsell, G., Courtois, X., Cox, M., Craciunescu, T., Cramp, S., Crisanti, F., Croft, O., Crombe, K., Crowley, B., Cruz, N., Cseh, G., Cupido, L., Curuia, M., Cusack, R., Czarnecka, A., Czarski, T., Dalley, S., Daly, E., Dalziel, A., Daniel, R., Darrow, D., David, O., Davies, N., Davies, W., Davies, J., Day, I., Day, C., De Angelis, de Arcas, de Baar, de la, de Pablos, De Tommasi, de Vries, De Angelis, R., Degli Agostini, Delabie, E., del Castillo Negrete, D., Delpech, L., Denisov, G., Denyer, A., Denyer, R., Devaux, S., Devynck, P., Di Matteo, Di Pace, Dirken, P., Dittmar, T., Dnestrovskiy, A., Dodt, D., Doerner, R., Doldatov, S., Dominiczak, K., Dooley, P., Dorling, S., Douai, D., Down, A., Doyle, P., Drake, J., Dreischuh, T., Drozdov, V., Dumortier, P., Dunai, D., Duran, I., Durodie, F., Dutta, P., Dux, R., Dylst, K., Eaton, R., Edlington, T., Edwards, A., Edwards, D., Edwards, P., Eich, T.h., Ekedahl, A., Elevant, T., Ellingboe, B., Elsmore, C., Emmoth, B., Erdei, G., Ericsson, G., Eriksson, L., Eriksson, A., Esposito, B., Esser, H., Estrada, T., Evangelidis, E., Evans, G., Ewart, G., Ewers, D., Falchetto, G., Falie, D., Fanthome, J., Farthing, J., Fasoli, A., Faugeras, B., Fedorczak, N., Felton, R., Fenzi, C., Fernades, A., Fernandes, H., Ferreira, J., Ferron, J., Fessey, J., Figini, L., Figueiredo, J., Figueiredo, A., Finburg, P., Finken, K., Fischer, U., Fitzgerald, N., Flanagan, J., Fleming, C., Forbes, A., Ford, O., Formisano, A., Fraboulet, D., Francis, R., Frassinetti, L., Fresa, R., Friconneau, J., Frigione, D., Fullard, K., Fundamenski, W., Palumbo, M., Gal, K., Gao, X., Garavaglia, S., Garbet, X., Garcia, J., Munoz, M., Gardner, W., Garibaldi, P., Garnier, D., Garzotti, L., Johnson, M., Gaudio, P., Gauthier, E., Gaze, J., Gear, D., Gedney, J., Gee, S., Gelfusa, M., Genangeli, E., Gerasimov, S., Geraud, A., Gerbaud, T., Gherendi, M., Ghirelli, N., Giacalone, J., Giacomelli, L., Gibson, C., Gil, C., Gilligan, S., Gimblett, C., Gin, D., Giovannozzi, E., Giroud, C., Giruzzi, G., Godwin, J., Goff, J., Gohil, P., Gojska, A., Goloborod'ko, V., Goncalves, B., Goniche, M., Gonzales, S., de Vicente, Goodyear, A., Gorelenkov, N., Goulding, R., Graham, B., Graham, D., Graham, M., Graves, J., Green, N., Greuner, H., Grigore, E., Griph, F., Grisolia, C., Gros, G., Groth, M., Grunhagen, S., Gryaznevich, M., Guirlet, R., Gunn, J., Gupta, A., Guzdar, P., Hackett, L., Hacquin, S., Haist, B., Hakola, A., Halitovs, M., Hall, S., Hamilton, D., Han, H., Handley, R., Harding, S., Harling, J., Harting, D., Harvey, M., Haupt, T., Hawkes, N., Hawryluk, R., Hay, J., Hayashi, N., Haydon, P., Hayward, I., Hazel, S., Heesterman, P., Heidbrink, W., Heinola, K., Hellesen, C., Hellsten, T., Hemming, O., Hender, T., Henderson, M., Hennion, V., Hidalgo, C., Higashijima, S., Hill, J., Hill, M., Hill, K., Hillairet, J., Hillis, D., Hirai, T., Hitchin, M., Hobirk, J., Hogan, C., Hogben, C., Hogeweij, G., Hollingham, I., Holyaka, R., Homfray, D., Honeyands, G., Hong, S., Hong, J., Horacek, J., Horn, B., Horton, A., Horton, L., Hotchin, S., Hough, M., Houlberg, W., Howell, D., Huber, A., Huddleston, T., Hudson, Z., Hughes, M., Huehnerbein, M., Hume, C., Hunt, A., Hunter, C., Hutchinson, T., Huygen, S., Huysmans, G., Ide, S., Illescas, C., Imbeaux, F., Ivanova, D., Ivanova Stanik, I., Ivings, E., Jachmich, S., Jackson, G., Jacquet, P., Jakubowska, K., James, P., Janky, F., Jaervinen, A., Jednorog, S., Jenkins, I., Jennison, M., Jeskins, C., Kwon, O., Joffrin, E., Johnson, R., Johnson, T., Jolovic, D., Jonauskas, V., Jones, E., Jones, G., Jones, H., Jones, T., Jouvet, M., Jupen, C., Kachtchouk, I., Kaczmarczyk, J., Kallenbach, A., Kaellne, J., Kalupin, D., Kalvin, S., Kamelander, G., Kamendje, R., Kamiya, K., Kappatou, A., Kasparek, W., Kasprowicz, G., Katramados, I., Kaveney, G., Kaye, A., Kear, M., Keeling, D., Kelliher, D., Kempenaars, M., Khilar, P., Khilkevich, E., Kidd, N., Kiisk, M., Kim, K., Kim, H., King, R., Kinna, D., Kiptily, V., Kirnev, G., Kirneva, N., Kirov, K., Kirschner, A., Kisielius, R., Kislov, D., Kiss, G., Kizane, G., Klein, A., Klepper, C., Klimov, N., Klix, A., Knaup, M., Kneuper, K., Kneupner, H., Knight, P., Knipe, S., Kocan, M., Koch, R., Kochl, F., Kocsis, G., Koivuranta, S., Koppitz, T., Korotkov, A., Koskela, T., Koslowski, H., Kotov, V., Kovari, M., Kramer, G., Krasilnikov, A., Krasilnikov, V., Kraus, S., Kreter, A., Krieger, K., Kritz, A., Krivchenkov, Y., Kruezi, U., Krylov, S., Ksiazek, I., Kuhn, S., Kuhnlein, W., Kukushkin, A., Kundu, A., Kurki Suonio, T., Kurowski, A., Kuteev, B., Kuyanov, A., Kyrytsya, V., La Haye, Laan, M., Labate, C., Lachichi, A., Laguardia, L., Lam, N., Lang, P., Large, M., Lasa, A., Lassiwe, I., Last, J., Lawson, K., Laxaback, M., Layne, R., Le Guern, LeBlanc, B., Lee, S., Lee, J., Leggate, H., Lehnen, M., Leigheb, M., Lengar, I., Lennholm, M., Lerche, E., Lescure, C., Li, Y., Li Puma, Liang, Y., Likonen, J., Lin, Y., Lindholm, V., Linke, J., Linstead, S., Lipshultz, B., Litaudon, X., Litvak, A., Liu, Y., Loarer, T., Loarte, A., Lobel, R., Lomas, P., Long, F., Lonnroth, J., Looker, D., Lopez, J., Lotte, P.h., Louche, F., Loughlin, M., Loving, A., Lowry, C., Luce, T., Lucock, R., Lukanitsa, A., Lukin, A., Lungu, A., Lungu, C., Lyssoivan, A., Macheta, P., Mackenzie, A., Macrae, M., Maddaluno, G., Maddison, G., Madsen, J., Magesh, B., Maget, P., Maggi, C., Maier, H., Mailloux, J., Makkonen, T., Makowski, M., Malaquias, A., Manning, C., Mansfield, M., Manso, M., Mantica, P., Marcenko, N., Marchitti, M., Mardenfeld, M., Marechal, J., Marinelli, M., Marinucci, M., Marocco, D., Marren, C., Marsen, S., Martin, D., Martin, G., Martin, Y., Martin Solis, J., Masaki, K., Masiello, A., Maszl, C., Matejcik, S., Matilal, A., Mattei, M., Matthews, G., Mattoo, S., Matveev, D., Maviglia, F., May, C., Mayer, M., Mayoral, M., Mazon, D., Mazzotta, C., Mazzucato, E., McCarthy, P., McClements, K., McCormick, K., McCullen, P., McCune, D., McDonald, D., Mcgregor, R., Mckivitt, J., Meakins, A., Medina, F., Meigs, A., Menard, M., Meneses, L., Menmuir, S., Merrigan, I., Mertens, P.h., Messiaen, A., Meszaros, B., Meyer, H., Miano, G., Michling, R., Miele, M., Miettunen, J., Migliucci, P., Miller, A., Mills, S., Milnes, J., Mindham, T., Miorin, E., Mirizzi, F., Mirones, E., Mironov, M., Mitteau, R., Mlynar, J., Mollard, P., Monakhov, I., Monier Garbet, P., Mooney, R., Moreau, D., Moreau, P.h., Moreira, L., Morgan, A., Morgan, P., Morlock, C., Morris, A., Mort, G., Murakami, M., Murari, A., Mustata, I., Nabais, F., Nakano, T., Nardon, E., Nash, G., Naulin, V., Nave, M., Nazikian, R., Nedzelski, I., Negus, C., Neilson, J., Nemtsev, G., Neto, A., Neu, R., Neubauer, O., Newbert, G., Newman, M., Nicholls, K., Nicolai, A., Nicolas, L., Nieckchen, P., Nielsen, A., Nielsen, S., Nielsen, P., Nielsen, G., Nieto, J., Nightingale, M., Nishijima, D., Noble, C., Nordman, H., Norman, M., Nowak, S., Nunes, I., Oberkofler, M., Odstrcil, M., O'Gorman, T., Ohsako, T., Okabayashi, M., Olariu, S., Oleynikov, A., O'Mullane, M., Ongena, J., Orsitto, F., Oswuigwe, O., Ottaviani, M., Oyama, N., Pacella, D., Paget, K., Pajuste, E., Palazzo, S., Palenic, J., Pamela, J., Pamela, S., Pangione, L., Panin, A., Panja, S., Pankin, A., Pantea, A., Parail, V., Paris, P., Parisot, T.h., Park, M., Parkin, A., Parsloe, A., Parsons, B., Pasqualotto, R., Pastor, P., Paterson, R., Paul, M., Peach, D., Pearce, R., Pearson, B., Pearson, I., Pedrick, L., Pedrosa, M., Pegourie, B., Pereira, R., Pereslavtsev, P., Perevezentsev, A., von Thun, Pericoli Ridolfini, V., Perona, A., Perrot, Y., Peruzzo, S., Peschanyy, S., Petravich, G., Petrizzi, L., Petrov, V., Petrzilka, V., Philipps, V., Piccolo, F., Pietropaolo, A., Pillon, M., Pinches, S., Pinna, T., Pintsuk, G., Piovesan, P., Pironti, A., Pisano, F., Pitts, R., Plaum, B., Plyusnin, V., Polasik, M., Poli, F., Pomaro, N., Pompilian, O., Poncet, L., Pool, P., Popovichev, S., Porcelli, F., Porfiri, M., Portafaix, C., Pospieszczyk, A., Possnert, G., Pozniak, K., Pradhan, S., Pragash, R., Prajapati, V., Prestopino, G., Prior, P., Prokopowicz, R., Puiatti, M., Purahoo, K., Pustovitov, V., Putterich, T.h., Puttmann Kneupner, D., Quercia, A., Rachlew, E., Rademaker, R., Rafiq, T., Rainford, M., Ramogida, G., Rapp, J., Rasmussen, J., Rathod, K., Ratta, G., Ravera, G., Refy, D., Reichle, R., Reinelt, M., Reiser, D., Reiss, R., Reiter, D., Rendell, D., Reux, C., Rewoldt, G., Ribeiro, T., Riccardo, V., Richards, D., Rigollet, F., Rimini, F., Rios, L., Riva, M., Roberts, J., Robins, R., Robinson, D., Robinson, S., Robson, D., Roche, H., Roedig, M., Rodionov, N., Rohde, V., Rolfe, A., Romanelli, M., Romano, A., Romero, J., Ronchi, E., Rosanvallon, S., Roux, C.h., Rowe, S., Rubel, M., Rubinacci, G., Ruiz, M., Ruset, C., Russell, M., Ruth, A., Ryc, L., Rydzy, A., Rzadkiewicz, J., Saarelma, S., Sabathier, F., Sabot, R., Sadakov, S., Sadvakassova, A., Sadykov, A., Sagar, P., Saibene, G., Saille, A., Saint Laurent, F., Salewski, M., Salmi, A., Salzedas, F., Samm, U., Sanchez, P., Sanders, S., Sandford, G., Sandland, K., Sandquist, P., Sands, D., Santala, M., Santra, P., Sartori, F., Sartori, R., Sauter, O., Savelyev, A., Savtchkov, A., Scales, S., Scarabosio, A., Schaefer, N., Schmidt, V., Schmidt, A., Schmitz, O., Schmuck, S., Schneider, M., Scholz, M., Schoepf, K., Schweer, B., Schweinzer, J., Seki, M., Semeraro, L., Semerok, A., Sergienko, G., Sertoli, M., Shannon, M., Sharapov, S., Shaw, S., Shevelev, A., Sieglin, B., Sievering, R., Silva, C., Simmons, P., Simonetto, A., Simpson, D., Sipilae, S., Sips, A., Siren, P., Sirinelli, A., Sjoestrand, H., Skopintsev, D., Slabkowska, K., Smith, P., Snipes, J., Snoj, L., Snyder, S., Soare, S., Solano, E., Soleto, A., Solomon, W., Soltane, C., Sonato, P., Sopplesa, A., Sorrentino, A., Sousa, J., Sowden, C., Sozzi, C., Spaeh, P., Spelzini, T., Spence, J., Spineanu, F., Spuig, P., Stagg, R., Stamp, M., Stancalie, V., Stangeby, P., Stankiewicz, R., Stan Sion, C., Starkey, D., Stead, M., Stejner, M., Stephen, A., Stephen, M., Stevens, A., Stokes, R., Stork, D., Stoyanov, D., Strachan, J., Strand, P., Stransky, M., Strauss, D., Strintzi, D., Studholme, W., Na, Y., Subba, F., Summers, H., Sun, Y., Surdu Bob, C., Surrey, E., Sutton, D., Svensson, J., Swain, D., Syme, B., Symonds, I., Szabolics, T., Szepesi, T., Szydlowski, A., Tabares, F., Takalo, V., Takenaga, H., Tala, T., Talbot, A., Taliercio, C., Tame, C., Taroni, L., Telesca, G., Terra, A., Terrington, A., Testa, D., Theis, J., Thomas, J., Thomas, P., Thompson, V., Thomser, C., Thyagaraja, A., Tigwell, P., Tiseanu, I., Tivey, R., Todd, J., Todd, T., Tokar, M., Tosti, S., Trabuc, P., Travere, J., Trimble, P., Trkov, A., Trukhina, E., Tsalas, M., Tsitrone, E., Jun, D., Tudisco, O., Tugarinov, S., Turner, M., Tyrrell, S., Umeda, N., Unterberg, B., Urano, H., Urquhart, A., Uytdenhouwen, I., Vaccaro, A., Vadgama, A., Vagliasindi, G., Valcarcel, D., Valisa, M., Vallory, J., Valovic, M., Van Eester, van Milligen, van Rooij, Varandas, C., Vartanian, S., Vasava, K., Vdovin, V., Vega, J., Verdoolaege, G., Verger, J., Vermare, L., Verona, C., Versloot, T.h., Vervier, M., Vicente, J., Villari, S., Villedieu, E., Villone, F., Vince, J., Vine, G., Vinyar, I., Viola, B., Vitale, E., Vitelli, R., Vitins, A., Vlad, M., Voitsekhovitch, I., Vrancken, M., Vulliez, K., Waldon, C., Walker, M., Walsh, M., Waterhouse, J., Watkins, M., Watson, M., Wauters, T., Way, M., Webb, C., Weiland, J., Weisen, H., Weiszflog, M., Wenninger, R., West, A., Weulersse, J., Wheatley, M., Whiteford, A., Whitehead, A., Whitehurst, A., Widdowson, A., Wiegmann, C., Wiesen, S., Wilson, A., Wilson, D., Wilson, H., Wischmeier, M., Witts, D., Wolf, R., Wolowski, J., Woscov, P., Wright, J., Xu, G., Yavorskij, V., Yerashok, V., Yoo, M., Yorkshades, J., Young, C., Young, D., Young, I., Yuhong, X., Yun, S., Zabeo, L., Zabolotny, W., Zaccarian, L., Zagorski, R., Zaitsev, F., Zakharov, L., Zanino, R., Zaroschi, V., Zastrow, K., Zatz, I., Zefran, B., Zeidner, W., Zerbini, M., Zhang, T., Zhitlukin, A., Zhu, Y., Zimmermann, O., Zoita, V., Zoletnik, S., Zwingman, W., CROCI, GABRIELE, GORINI, GIUSEPPE, NOCENTE, MASSIMO, and TARDOCCHI, MARCO
- Published
- 2013
197. P8 Epidemiology of tuberculosis in norfolk
- Author
Bhamani, A, primary, Terrington, D, additional, and Phillips, R, additional
- Published
- 2017
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198. Engaging the hard to engage: What contribution could occupational therapy make to an interdisciplinary approach?
- Author
Newberry, Karen, primary and Terrington, Claire, additional
- Published
- 2017
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199. Assessment of the resource base for engineered geothermal systems in Great Britain
- Author
Busby, Jon, primary and Terrington, Ricky, additional
- Published
- 2017
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200. Creation and delivery of a complex 3D geological survey for the Glasgow area and its application to urban geology
- Author
Kearsey, T. I., primary, Whitbread, K., additional, Arkley, S. L. B., additional, Finlayson, A., additional, Monaghan, A. A., additional, McLean, W. S., additional, Terrington, R. L., additional, Callaghan, E. A., additional, Millward, D., additional, and Campbell, S. D. G., additional
- Published
- 2017
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