Pei Li Sun, Rafael Huertas, Andree Woodcock, Li Chen Ou, Klaus Richter, M. Ronnier Luo, Hung-Shing Chen, Hossein Izadan, José Luis Caivano, Monica Billger, Alain Trémeau, Shing Sheng Guan, Neng Chung Hu, University of Leeds, Graduate Institute of Engineering, National Taiwan University [Taiwan] (NTU), Department of Electronic Engineering, Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, Department of Visual Communication Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Coventry School of Art and Design, Coventry University, University of Buenos Aires and National Council for Research, Departamento de Optica, Universidad de Granada (UGR), Laboratoire Hubert Curien [Saint Etienne] (LHC), Institut d'Optique Graduate School (IOGS)-Université Jean Monnet [Saint-Étienne] (UJM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Department of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology [Göteborg], Department of Textile Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, and Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung und -prufung (BAM)
Psychophysical experiments were conducted in the UK, Taiwan, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Argentina, and Iran to assess colour emotion for two-colour combinations using semantic scales warm/cool, heavy/ light, active/passive, and like/dislike. A total of 223 observers participated, each presented with 190 colour pairs as the stimuli, shown individually on a cathode ray tube display. The results show consistent responses across cultures only for warm/cool, heavy/light, and active/passive. The like/dislike scale, however, showed some differences between the observer groups, in particular between the Argentinian responses and those obtained from the other observers. Factor analysis reveals that the Argentinian observers preferred passive colour pairs to active ones more than the other observers. In addition to the cultural difference in like/dislike, the experimental results show some effects of gender, professional background (design vs. nondesign), and age. Female observers were found to prefer colour pairs with high-lightness or lowchroma values more than their male counterparts. Observers with a design background liked low-chroma colour pairs or those containing colours of similar hue more than nondesign observers. Older observers liked colour pairs with high-lightness or high-chroma values more than young observers did. Based on the findings, a two-level theory of colour emotion is proposed, in which warm/cool, heavy/light, and active/passive are identified as the reactive-level responses and like/dislike the reflective-level response. Fil: Ou, Li Chen. University of Leeds; Reino Unido Fil: Luo, M. Ronnier. University of Leeds; Reino Unido Fil: Sun, Pei Li. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology; República de China Fil: Hu, Neng Chung. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology; República de China Fil: Chen, Hung Shing. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology; República de China Fil: Guan, Shing Sheng. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology; República de China Fil: Woodcock, Andrée. Coventry University; Reino Unido Fil: Caivano, Jose Luis Ricardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina Fil: Huertas, Rafael. Universidad de Granada; España Fil: Treméau, Alain. Université Jean Monnet; Francia Fil: Billger, Monica. Chalmers University Of Technology; Suecia Fil: Izadan, Hossein. Isfahan University of Technology; Irán Fil: Ritcher, Klaus. Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung; Alemania