165 results on '"Petrović, Danijela"'
Search Results
152. Quality of container seedlings of Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) of different ages
- Author
Drvodelić, Damir, Oršanić, Milan, Bakšić, Darko, Perković, Ivan, Đodan, Martina, Jeren Šašek, Martina, Kapović-Solomun, Marijana, Dukić, Vojislav, Govedar, Zoran, Stupar, Vladimir, Mataruga, Milan, Marčeta, Dane, and Petrović, Danijela
- Subjects
Seedling morphology ,Root morphology ,Substrate pH ,Nutrient content in the substrate - Abstract
The analysis included 15 randomly selected Pedunculate oak seedlings from multicontainers Lieco V-395 at the age of 1+0 and 2+0. The treatments and preparation of the filling substrate of the containers, as well as the type, amount and timing of fertilizer addition were uniformly performed on the automatic filling and seedling line (Urbinati). The following parameters were analyzed on the seedlings and substrate: height, root collar diameter, slenderness coefficient, seedling biomass, root morphological characteristics, substrate pH, and nutrient content (P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn). The average height of seedlings 1+0 was 24.2 cm, root collar was 7.40 mm, and the slenderness coefficient was 3.37. The average height of seedlings 2+0 was 20.0 cm, root collar was 7.23 mm, and the slenderness coefficient was 2.82. A statistically significant difference was found between the seedling heights of 1+0 and 2+0. The average biomass of seedlings 1+0 was 2.28 g, roots 5.90 g, and stem/root ratio 0.40. The average stem biomass of seedlings 2+0 was 1.93 g, roots 6.00 g, and stem/root biomass ratio 0.32. A statistically significant difference was found between seedlings 1+0 and 2+0 in the following root variables: average diameter, volume, and number of tips. There is a significant difference in the content of P, K, Mg, Mn and Cu in the substrate, which may also indicate inhomogeneous filling that should be further controlled to improve seedling quality. Due to the limited volume, Lieco V-395 containers are not recommended for growing seedlings 2+0.
- Published
- 2022
153. Selection of genotypes of Service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) with regard to seed quality
- Author
Drvodelić, Damir, Kapović-Solomun, Marijana, Dukić, Vojislav, Govedar, Zoran, Stupar, Vladimir, Mataruga, Milan, Marčeta, Dane, and Petrović, Danijela
- Subjects
Seed mass ,Seed morphology ,Stratification ,Nursery germination - Abstract
Service tree seeds were collected in autumn 2021 from five trees (genotypes) originating from five localities in the Republic of Croatia: Kravarsko, Cekovići, Šiljakovina, Daruvar and Velika. Seeds were taken from fruits immediately after harvest and stored at room temperature until the time of scanning, weighing and stratification. Stratification was done according to ISTA recommendations for overcoming seed dormancy in species of the genus Sorbus L. After stratification, all germinated seeds were counted. A total of 1287 seeds from five trees were sown in Dunemann nursery beds on March 29, 2022. Seed weight was statistically different between trees, ranging from 0.02552 g (Cekovići) to 0.04385 g (Velika). The tree from Velika is characterised by the highest values of the following seed characteristics: projected area (mm2), straight length (mm) and curved length (mm). The percentage of germinated seeds after stratification averaged 30.82%, ranging from 10.75% (Velika) to 56.04% (Kravarsko). Seed germination was complete 49 days after sowing (May 10, 2022). Germination ranged from 37.00% (Cekovići) to 66.00% (Velika) or an average of 52.77% for all 5 trees. From these studies, it can be concluded that the selection of the Service tree from Velika is justified, given the quality of the seed. Such genotypes are interesting for forestry (forest seedlings, clonal seed orchards) and fruit growing (raising grafted fruit trees).
- Published
- 2022
154. Spring and autumn leaf phenology of common beech and sessile oak provenances in relation to different soil phosphorus concentration
- Author
Sever, Krunoslav, Vukmirović, Antonia, Bačurin, Marko, Škvorc, Željko, Katičić Bogdan, Ida, Krstonošić, Daniel, Karažija, Tomislav, Bogdan, Saša, Kapović-Solomun, Marijana, Dukić, Vojislav, Govedar, Zoran, Stupar, Vladimir, Mataruga, Milan, Marčeta, Dane, and Petrović, Danijela
- Subjects
Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., saplings - Abstract
This research was conducted on a four-year-old common beech and sessile oak saplings originating from two mature mixed common beech and sessile oak stands (provenance) from the Republic of Croatia (HR). Provenances differ in annual amount of precipitation, which in provenance Slavonski Brod (SB) from the eastern part of the HR is about 770 mm (dry provenance), and in Karlovac (KA) from the north-western part of the HR is about 1112 mm (wet provenance). During year 2021, after the establishment of the experimental trail, the transplanted saplings grew into two soil types, one was characterized by high (0.30 g P2O5/l soil) and the other by low (0.16 g P2O5/l soil) phosphorus (P) concentration. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of higher soil P concentration on the average onset of spring bud burst and autumn leaf senescence in beech and oak saplings. The results showed that the onset of bud burst and leaf senescence in beech compared to oak saplings occurred significantly earlier, in six and ten days, respectively. Differences in the onset of bud burst and leaf senescence between oak provenances were not significant, whereas these differences between beech provenances were significant. Therefore, the onset of bud burst and leaf senescence in beech of dry SB provenance compared to wet KA provenance occurred earlier in five and three days, respectively. The higher soil P concentration significantly affected only the onset of leaf senescence in beech saplings. This means that the onset of leaf senescence in beech saplings under the higher compared to lower soil P concentration occurred three days earlier in the dry SB provenance and four days earlier in the wet KA provenance.
- Published
- 2022
155. Psihološka tranzicija ka inkluzivnom nastavniku u kontekstu inkluzivne obrazovne politike
- Author
Jokić, Tijana, Baucal, Aleksander, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Kovač-Cerović, Tinde, Petrović, Danijela S., and Jovanović Milanović, Olja
- Subjects
psihološka tranzicija, predmetni nastavnici, inkluzivno obrazovanje, pregovaranje značenja, institucionalni medijatori, profesionalna putanja ,psychological transition, subject teachers, inclusive education, meaning negotiation, institutional mediators, professional trajectories - Abstract
U skladu sa sociokulturnim teorijskim pretpostavkama, primena nove obrazovne politike je kreativni i interpretativni proces pregovaranja značenja politike kroz svakodnevnu praksu u institucionalnom kontekstu. Cilj istraživanja je razumeti kako su predmetni nastavnici na profesionalnim putanjama pregovarali iskustvo inkluzivnog obrazovanja i kako su medijatori u sociokulturnom kontekstu posredovali to iskustvo. Težimo da razumemo da li je inkluzivno obrazovanje u Srbiji predmetnim nastavnicima donelo prekid profesionalnih putanja, kako je pregovaranjem značenja inkluzivnog obrazovanja uspostavljen kontinuitet profesionalnih putanja (tranzicija) i kako su institucionalni artefakti posredovali te procese. Primenom integrisane sekvencijalne strategije, prikupili smo i analizirali kvantitativne i kvalitativne podatke o profesionalnom iskustvu predmetnih nastavnika tokom desetogodišnjeg sprovođenja inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Rezultati pokazuju da su strukture značenja koje su nastavnike vodile na profesionalnim putanjama postale nedovoljno dobri vodiči za prakse u kontekstu inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Međutim, nisu svi nastavnici prošli tranziciju u pravcu „inkluzivnog nastavnika“. Naime, nastavnici sa različitim profesionalnim ideologijama pregovarali su značenja različite opštosti i u različitim domenima profesionalnog iskustva. Dodatno, nisu svi nastavnici uvek imali na raspolaganju adekvatne resurse koji bi podržali tranziciju ka agensnom nastavniku – sistemske prakse nisu uvek bile koherentne u pogledu značenja i pozicija koje propisuju i legitimišu, a različite školske prakse, podele posla i pravila su validirala višestruka poimanja inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Shodno zaključcima, istraživanje je iznedrilo preporuke za dopunu teorijskog okvira i profesionalni razvoj nastavnika. In line with sociocultural theoretical assumptions, implementation of new educational policy is a creative and interpretive process of meaning negotiation through everyday practices in institutional context. Goal of the research is to understand how subject teachers negotiated experiences of inclusive education along their professional trajectories and how artefacts in the sociocultural context mediated these processes. We tend to understand whether inclusive education policy in Serbia caused a rupture in professional trajectories of subject teachers, how negotiation of meaning of inclusive education repaired the rupture (transition) and how institutional artefacts mediated these processes. Through integrated sequential strategy, we collected and analysed quantitative and qualitative data on professional experiences of subject teachers during its ten-year-long implementation. Results showed that meaning structures which teachers used to navigate professional trajectories became inadequate guides for practical action in the context of inclusive education. However, not all teachers transitioned towards “inclusive teacher”. Teachers with different professional ideologies negotiated meanings at different levels of abstraction and in different domains of professional experience. Additionally, adequate resources that would support transition towards “inclusive teacher” were not always at disposal for all teachers – system practices were not always coherent in the meaning and positions they prescribe and legitimate, and different schools’ practices, division of labour and rules validated multiple meanings of inclusive education. Given this, the research offered recommendations for adjusting theoretical framework and for teacher professional development.
- Published
- 2021
156. Novi pristup analizi kvaliteta nastave/učenja i razvoj instrumenta za tehniku sekvencijalne analize kvaliteta nastave
- Author
Joksimović, Jelena, Pešikan, Ana, Baucal, Aleksander, Petrović, Danijela S., Matović, Nataša B., and Antić, Slobodanka
- Subjects
kvalitet obrazovanja, proces nastave/učenja (N/U), sekvencijalna analiza, pravednost ,quality of education, process of teaching/learning, sequential analysis, justice - Abstract
Nemoguće je govoriti o obrazovanju a da se ne pokrene pitanje toga šta je kvalitetno, dobro obrazovanje. Ovo pitanje zanima vjerovatno svako dijete kada pođe u školu, zanima i odrasle, ali i obrazovne, državne i međunarodne vlasti. Upravo zato su istraživačka pitanja ove studije sledeća: kolika je važnost kvaliteta procesa N/U u obrazovanju; kako se konceptualizuje, teorijski utemeljuje konstrukt kvalitet procesa N/U; koja je pozicija pravednosti i demokratičnosti u kvalitetu procesa N/U. U prvoj fazi studije smo mapirali postojeće pristupe kvalitetu procesa N/U, u drugoj fazi redefinišemo danas dominantnu socio-konstruktivističku viziju kvaliteta u obrazovanju uticajima iz kritičke pedagogije i dajemo svoj doprinos razvoju instrumenta za sistematsko posmatarnje procesa N/U uvođenjem koncepta demokratski potencijal N/U. Ovaj doprinos ogleda se u tome što smo tehniku sekvencijalne analize (SEKA) koja je razvijena u okviru programa Aktivno učenje (Ivić, Pešikan i Antić, 2003) dalje razvili u instrument koji sadrži softverski protokol SEKA (SP-SEKA), koji je u trećoj fazi ove studije imao empirijsku provjeru validnosti, objektivnosti i pouzdanosti. Treća faza uključila je posmatranje 15 časova i konsultacije sa 15 ljudi iz profesionalne zajednice koja se bavi problemima kvaliteta procesa N/U. Na časovima su posmatranje vršile tri osobe, dvije vodeći SP-SEKA i jedna vodeći protokol postavljen na sličnim teorijskim osnovama pod imenom IBUS (Thiel, Ophardt, and Krümmel, 2004). Rezultati faze posmatranja N/U i konsultacija pokazuju da SP-SEKA pokazuje visoku validnost konstrukta u svim analiziranim aspektima sem pitanja socijalnog i afektivnog aspekta života u učionici. Provjera objektivnosti i pouzdanosti pokazuje takođe visoku saglasnost za aspekte kvaliteta metode N/U, nivoe kognitivnog angažovanja i nivo dječje participacije od 78,03 procenata It is impossible to talk about education without raising the question of what quality education or good education is. This question intrigues every child from starting their own education, but also all adults, as well as educational, national and international authorities. This is exactly why the research questions of this study are: what is the importance of the quality of the teaching/learning process in education; what is the position of justice and democracy in the quality of teaching/learning. In the first phase we have mapped existing approaches to the quality of the teaching/learning process; in the second phase we redefine the predominant socio-constructivist vision of quality in education by employing influences from critical pedagogy. Based on that, we give our contribution to the development of systematic observation of the teaching/learning process by introducing the concept of democratic potential. This is implemented by further development of the technique for sequential analysis, which is part of the active learning program (Ivić, Pešikan and Antić, 2003). Sequential analysis was built in the instrument including the software protocol SEKA (SP-SEKA). Third phase of this study was the empirical verification of validity, objectivity and reliability. This phase included an observation of 15 school classes and consultations with 15 members of the professional community dealing with the topic of quality in education. Classroom observations were implemented by three observers, two with SP-SEKA and one with a protocol set on similar theoretical foundations called IBUS (Thiel, Ophardt, and Krümmel, 2004). The results of the third phase imply that SP-SEKA has high construct validity in all analysed aspects, except regarding the social and affective aspects of classroom life. Verification of objectivity and reliability also showed high intersubjective agreement of 78.03 percent regarding quality of teaching/learning methods, levels of cognitive engagement and levels of children participation.
- Published
- 2021
157. Развој разумевања симболичких процеса у каузацији емоција
- Author
Simunović, Vojin, Baucal, Aleksandаr, Gvozdenović, Vasilije, Petrović, Danijela S., Klikovac, Tamara, and Janković, Dragan
- Subjects
causation of emotions, symbolic elicitors, social cognition, theory of mind, implicit psychological theory, mental states, basic emotions, phobias, symbolic media that imitate reality ,каузација емоција, симболички побуђивачи, социјална когниција, теорија ума, имплицитна психолошка теорија, ментална стања, основне емоције, фобије, симболичка средства која опонашају стварност - Abstract
Разумевање каузације туђих емоција представља једну од централних тема широке области социјалне когниције (тј. теорије ума). Иако је одавно (Vigotski, 1995; Harris, 2008) познато да и симболички стимулуси могу да буду побуђивачи емоција, пажња истраживача досад је била фокусирана готово искључиво на природне побуђиваче (Mirić i Jevtić, 2012). Подстакнути тиме, а полазећи од појмова менталних стања из социјалне когниције, као и од идеја Кристине Лагатуте (Lagattuta, 2014) о детету као наивном психологу, спровели смо три независне студије у којима је учествовало по 20 испитаника на узрастима од: 5, 9, 12-13 и 16-17 година, као и студената психологије и студената непсихолошких група. У Првој студији утврђено је да су испитаници од најранијег (5 година) узраста наводили симболичке побуђиваче за четири основне емоције, као и да релативна учесталост таквих побуђивача расте између пете и девете године, након чега се не мења значајније. Тако је демонстриран значај симболичких побуђивача за имплицитну психолошку теорију. Анализа по поткатегоријама је показала да се између два поменута узраста смањује релативна учесталост симболичких средстава која опонашају стварност (сликовнице, филмови итд.), а да се повећава релативна учесталост нормативно-симболичких побуђивача (везаних за културу и друштвене институције). Друга студија, која је била фокусирана на тумачење фобија, показала је да велика већина испитаника на свим узрастима фобичару не приписује ирационално уверење него уверење да ће му се десити нешто што заиста може да се деси (нпр. заглављивање у лифту). Фобији се при томе не приписује никакав симболички квалитет, него се она сагледава као прост страх од тога да ће се поновити неко негативно искуство од раније. Субјективни моменат је био присутан само у томе што се фобичару приписује процена да је вероватноћа „злог“ догађаја већа него што заиста јесте, као и у изолованим одговорима на друга питања. Испитаници на свим узрастима су, у Трећој студији, јављање страха код детета услед појаве чудовишта/дивље животиње на екрану/слици/платну углавном тумачили позивањем на објекат, без помињања субјекта и уз упадљив изостанак менталистичких појмова. Ни у овој (као ни у Другој) студији није поновљен налаз који се доследно добија у истраживањима са природним побуђивачима да се са узрастом прелази са спољашњих објашњења на унутрашња, менталистичка. На директно питање о томе шта је дете помислило, испитаници су у великој већини одговора наводили уверење да стимулус стварно постоји, не приписујући му никакав симболички квалитет. На крају, испитаници су били релативно „прецизни“ при процени садашњег узраста детета, као и у предвиђању на ком ће узрасту дете научити разлику између симбола и опажаја. Неочекиване резултате из друге две студије, који указују на слабу диференцираност имплицитне психолошке теорије на различитим узрастима, као и на изостанак развоја, тумачили смо преко менталних процеса (емпатија, „језичка економичност“ итд.), као и преко услова испитивања (школска ситуација, ограничења при испитивању итд.), а дали смо и предлоге за будућа истраживања. Understanding the causation of other people's emotions is one of the central themes of a broad area of social cognition (i.e. theory of mind). Although it has been known for a long time (Vygotsky, 1995; Harris, 2008) that symbolic stimuli also can be the elicitors of emotions, the attention of researchers so for has been almost exclusively focused on understanding the causation of emotions by natural elicitors (Mirić & Jevtić, 2012). Inspired by that, and starting from the concepts of mental states from social cognition, as well as from the ideas of Kristin Lagattuta (2014) about the child as a naive psychologist, we conducted three independent studies with 20 participants in each age group: 5, 9, 12-13 and 16-17 years, as well as psychology students and students of non-psychological groups. The results of the First study showed that even the youngest respondents (5 years) mentioned symbolic elicitors of the four basic emotions, and that the relative frequency of such elicitors increases between the ages of 5 and 9 years, and after that it does not change significantly with age. The importance of symbolic elicitors for implicit psychological theory has been demonstrated in this way. The analysis by subcategories showed that between these two ages: the relative frequency of symbolic media that imitate reality (picture books, films, etc.) decreases, and the relative frequency of normative-symbolic elicitors (related to culture and social institutions) increases. The Second study, that was focused on the interpretation of phobias, showed that the vast majority of respondents of all ages do not attribute an irrational belief to a phobic, but a belief that something that can really happen will happen to him/her (e.g. getting stuck in an elevator). No symbolic quality is attributed to the phobia, but it is seen as a simple fear that some previous negative experience will be repeated. The subjective moment was present only in the fact that the phobic is attributed with estimation that the probability of an "evil" event is greater than it really is, as well as in isolated answers to other questions. Respondents of all ages, in the Third Study, mostly interpreted the occurrence of fear in a child due to the appearance of a monster / wild animal on the TV screen / picture / cinema screen by referring to an object, without mentioning the subject and with a noticeable absence of mentalistic concepts. In this (as well as in the Second) study, the finding that was consistently obtained in research with natural stimuli - the transition from external explanations to internal, mentalist ones with age - was not repeated. When asked directly what the child thought, the vast majority of respondents pointed out to the belief that the stimulus really exists, without attributing any symbolic quality to it. At the end, respondents were relatively "precise" in assessing the child's current age, as well as in predicting the age when the child will learn to understand the difference between symbols and percepts. Unexpected results from the Second study and the Third study, that indicate a poor differentiation of implicit psychological theory at different ages, as well as an abscence of development, were interpreted through mental processes (empathy, economy of linguistic expression, etc.), as well as through examination conditions (school situation, examination limitations, etc.), and suggestions for future research are given.
- Published
- 2021
158. Interkulturalna osetljivost i uverenja nastavnika o kulturnim razlikama u školskom kontekstu
- Author
Dimitrijević, Bojana, Petrović, Danijela S., Macura, Sunčica, Vranješević, Jelena, and Jovanović Milanović, Olja
- Subjects
Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity ,stereotypes ,teachers ,stereotipi ,Roma cultural group ,učenici ,nastavnici razredne nastave ,pupils ,beliefs ,Hungarian cultural group ,romska kulturna grupa ,mađarska kulturna grupa ,Razvojni model interkulturne osetljivosti ,uverenja - Abstract
Predmet ovog rada su uverenja nastavnika razredne nastave u vezi sa učenicima kulturnog porekla različitog od većinskog. Uverenja nastavnika o kulturnim razlikama i učenicima manjinskog kulturnog porekla su relativno često bila predmet istraživanja. Međutim, prethodne studije nisu situirale svoje razmatranje na preseku teorijskih doprinosa različitih disciplina koje su usredsređene na proučavanje interkulturne1 interakcije i percepcije kulturnog „drugog”. Stoga su u uvodnom delu ovog rada prikazani i kritički razmatrani međusobno povezani doprinosi različitih disciplina. Prvi segment uvoda obuhvata značenja i određenja multikulturnog i interkulturnog obrazovanja, alternativne obrazovne pristupe, kao i teorijska objašnjenja pozicije učenika manjinskog porekla u obrazovanju (perspektiva o deficitu, opozicionom kulturnom identitetu i referentnom okviru, perspektiva o kulturnim razlikama, pristupi usredsređeni na pitanje sistemske reprodukcije nejednakosti u obrazovnom kontekstu). U drugom segmentu analizirani su odabrani koncepti i teorijski modeli koji su dizajnirani da objasne ishode u interkulturnoj interakciji. Poseban naglasak bio je na kritičkom razmatranju Razvojnog modela interkulturne osetljivosti Miltona Beneta. Konačno, u trećem segmentu uvodnog poglavlja predstavili smo i razmotrili različite konceptualizacije uverenja i srodnih konstrukata o kulturnim grupama u okviru socijalne psihologije, kao i percepciju kulturnog drugog u kulturalnoj psihologiji. Deo ovog segmenta čini i selektivan pregled rezultata dosadašnjih istraživanja o uverenjima nastavnika i studenata učiteljskih fakulteta o kulturnim razlikama. Istraživanje je imalo za cilj da unapredi razumevanje u vezi sa tim kako nastavnici opažaju i interpretiraju kulturne razlike, da osvetli njihova eksplicitna i implicitna uverenja o učenicima manjinskog porekla, kao i da Razvojni model interkulturne osetljivosti bude kritički preispitan, kako sa stanovišta logičke konzistentnosti pretpostavki modela, tako i spram nalaza sprovedenog empirijskog istraživanja. Iz ciljeva su izvedena tri istraživačka pitanja: a) koje će osnovne teme o 1 U okviru privatne prepiske sa prof. dr Ivanom Klajnom je ukazano da bi prikladnije bilo koristiti izraze multikulturno i interkulturno umesto multikulturalno ili interkulturalno. Sa druge strane, termin interkulturalno je zadržan u okviru naslova rada, s obzirom na to da je Veće naučnih oblasti društveno-humanističkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu donelo je odluku kojom se daje saglasnost na predlog teme doktorske disertacije sa ovim naslovom. učenicima manjinskog kulturnog porekla, njihovim porodicama i zajednicama biti zastupljene u iskazima nastavnika; b) da li će identifikovane teme biti kvalitativno distinktivne za poduzorke nastavnika koji su različitog nivoa interkulturne osetljivosti; c) da li će se identifikovane teme u iskazima o mađarskoj grupi kvalitativno razlikovati od tema identifikovanih u iskazima o romskoj grupi. Eksplicirano je da bi u skladu sa teorijskim pretpostavkama Razvojnog modela interkulturne osetljivosti bili oni nalazi koji ukazuju na zajednički obrazac uverenja o različitim kulturnim grupama unutar svakog od poduzorka (nivoa interkulturne osetljivosti), kao i na distinktivne, specifične obrasce za svaki poduzorak. Uzorak su sačinjavala 42 učitelja iz Vojvodine. Prikupljanje podataka je podrazumevalo dve sukcesivne faze. U prvoj fazi učitelji su učestvovali u realizaciji polustrukturiranih intervjua i iznosili svoje utiske u vezi sa hipotetičkom situacijom – kritičnim incidentom sa romskim ili alternativno sa mađarskim učenikom. U narednoj fazi (približno šest meseci nakon prve faze), sagovornicima je prosleđena elektronska verzija Inventara interkulturnog razvoja (IDI®). Na osnovu rezultata na Inventaru interkulturnog razvoja formirana su dva poduzorka: jedan koji su sačinjavali ispitanici na stadijumima poricanja i odbrane i drugi sa ispitanicima na stadijumu minimizacije. Pristup analizi podataka zasnivao se u najvećoj meri na kombinaciji induktivnog pristupa kvalitativnoj tematskoj analizi i utemeljene teorije zasnovane na konstruktivističkim principima. Odlučeno je da će biti uzeti u obzir kako sadržaj iskaza ispitanika (šta je ono o čemu ispitanici govore), tako i procesi opisivanja, objašnjavanja, opravdavanja i pozicioniranja sagovornika (kako izražavaju svoje predstave). Rezultati ovog istraživanja podupiru zaključke kritičke analize teorijskih pretpostavki Razvojnog modela interkulturne osetljivosti predstavljene u okviru uvodnog poglavlja. Oba poduzorka su ispoljila zajedničke tendencije ka hijerarhijskom vrednovanju i kontrastiranju različitih grupa, kao i obrazac umanjivanja značaja razlika i naglašavanja karakteristika koje su opažene kao univerzalno ljudske. Odabrane kulturne grupe (romska i mađarska) su sagledane kao međusobno veoma različite i unutar istog poduzorka: romska kulturna grupa iz perspektive kognitivnih i nekognitivnih deficita; mađarska kulturna grupa iz perspektive sklonosti ka homogenom grupisanju i preferiranju pripadnika sopstvene grupe. Percepciju kulturnih grupa u velikoj meri je oblikovala deljena socijalna reprezentacija o specifičnoj grupi, dok je razvojni stadijum interkulturne senzitivnosti bio od manjeg značaja. Postojale su, međutim, uočljive razlike među poduzorcima u pogledu učestalosti, intenziteta i eksplicitnosti hijerarhijske evaluacije grupa, pre svega kada je reč o percepciji romske kulturne grupe. U okviru poduzorka poricanja i odbrane ove tendencije su bile eksplicitnije, sagovornici su iznosili ekstremnije primere, negativne sudove i bili su skloniji hijerarhijskom vrednovanju i navođenju socio-bioloških objašnjenja razlika. Smatramo da je osnovni doprinos ovog istraživanja u domenu razvoja teorije. Naši nalazi i kritičko razmatranje pretpostavki Razvojnog modela interkulturne osetljivosti sugerišu da je ovaj model potrebno delimično rekonceptualizovati. Naime, stadijume ili faze pretpostavljenog jednosmernog razvoja interkulturne senzitivnosti trebalo bi razmatrati kao različite procese koji se mogu odvijati i simultano. Takođe smatramo da bi bilo potrebno da model inkorporira ideju da je percepcija kulturne grupe po pravilu, makar u izvesnoj meri, oblikovana deljenom socijalnom reprezentacijom. Zaključili smo i da bi dva diskutovana modela sadržaja stereotipa trebalo da budu udružena kako bi na zadovoljavajući način objasnili percepciju manjinskih kulturnih grupa koje su izložene intenzivnim i negativnim procenama (romska kulturna grupa u ovom istraživanju) The subject of this paper are the beliefs of primary school teachers about cultural minority pupils. Teachers' beliefs about cultural differences and minority pupils were a relatively common point of research prior to this study. However, former studies did not base their analysis on the cross-section of the theoretical contributions of different disciplines focused on intercultural interaction and perception of the cultural "other". Therefore, in the introductory part of this thesis their interrelated contributions were presented and critically examined. The first segment of the introduction comprises meanings and definitions of multicultural and intercultural education, alternative educational approaches, as well as theoretical explanations for the status of minority pupils in education (the deficit perspective, oppositional cultural identity and frame of reference, the cultural difference perspective, approaches focusing on systematic reproduction of inequality in the educational context). In the second segment, the selected concepts and theoretical models designed to explain outcomes in intercultural interaction were examined. The main emphasis is on critical examination of Milton Bennett’s Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity. Lastly, in the third segment, we present and assess conceptualizations of beliefs and related constructs about cultural groups in social psychology, as well as the perception of the cultural other in cultural psychology. One part of this segment also includes a selective review of prior research findings about the beliefs of teachers and students of teacher-training faculties about cultural differences in the school context. The research aims at enhancing our understanding of teachers' perception and interpretation of cultural differences, revealing their explicit and implicit beliefs about minority pupils and critically examining the Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity - both the logical consistency of the assumptions of the model, as well as its consistency with the research findings. Three research questions were derived from these aims: a) What are the main themes pertaining to cultural minority pupils, their parents and communities; b) Is there a qualitative distinction between the identified themes for the two subsamples characterized by different levels of intercultural sensitivity; c) Is there a qualitative distinction between the identified themes regarding the Hungarian minority group and the identified themes regarding the Roma minority group. It is stated that, in order for the given findings to be in accordance with the assumptions of the Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity, they should point to the existence of a common pattern of beliefs about different cultural groups within each subsample (level of intercultural sensitivity), as well as to the presence of distinctive, specific patterns for each subsample. The sample consists of 42 primary school teachers from the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Data collection was organized in two successive phases. In the first phase, the teachers participated in semi-structured interviews and offered their insight about the hypothetical situation - critical incident with a Roma pupil or a Hungarian pupil, alternatively. In the following phase (approximately six months after) an online version of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI®) was distributed to the participants. Based on the participants' IDI® score, two subsamples were formed. The first subsample consists of teachers in denial and defense stages, whereas the second subsample consists of participants in a minimization stage. Analysis and interpretation of the data were based on a predominantly inductive approach to qualitative thematic analysis and a constructivist approach to grounded theory. The decision was made to take into account the content of statements (what participants were saying), as well as participants’ processes of describing, explaining, justifying and positioning interlocutors (how they expressed their views). The results support the conclusions of critical analysis based on the theoretical assumptions the Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity, presented in the introductory chapter. Both subsamples exhibit common tendencies towards hierarchical evaluation and contrasting of different groups, as well as the patterns of minimizing differences and emphasizing characteristics that were perceived as universally human. The selected cultural groups (Roma and Hungarian) were perceived very differently even within the same subsample: Roma cultural group from the perspective of cognitive and non-cognitive deficits; Hungarian cultural group from the perspective of tendencies towards homogeneous grouping and in-group preferences. Perception of the two cultural groups was strongly influenced by the social representation of the specific cultural group, whereas the developmental stage of intercultural sensitivity appeared to be of smaller significance. There were, however, notable differences between the subsamples in terms of frequency, intensity and explicitness of the hierarchical evaluation of groups, primarily in regard to the perception of the Roma cultural group. Within the subsample of denial and defense the tendency was more explicit; participants conveyed more extreme examples, negative judgments, were more prone to hierarchical evaluation and offered socio-biological explanations of differences. We believe that this study principally contributes to the development of theory. Firstly, our findings, as well as critical examination of the assumptions of the Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity, suggest that the model should be partially re-conceptualized. Namely, stages or phases in the presumed unidirectional developmental progression of intercultural sensitivity should be addressed as different processes that could be simultaneous. Further, it is suggested that the Model should incorporate the notion that perception of specific cultural groups is shaped by a shared social representation, at least to some extent. We also conclude that the two discussed models of stereotype content should be combined in order to offer a satisfactory explanation to the perception of cultural minority groups that are exposed to intense negative judgment (the Roma cultural group in our research)
- Published
- 2019
159. Развој професионалног идентитета наставника
- Author
Stojković, Milica M., Petrović, Danijela, Rajović, Vera, Simić, Nataša, and Bjekić, Dragana
- Subjects
комбиновани метод ,гешталт психологија ,teachers ,професионални идентитет ,teachers’ professional development ,mix-method ,професионални развој наставника ,наставници ,self-concept ,gestalt psychology ,лични идентитет ,narratives ,појам о себи ,наративи ,personal identity ,professional identity - Abstract
Овај рад се бави професионалним идентитетом наставника, који је одређен као организована целина искустава које особа има о себи као наставнику, коју сачињавају вишеструке Ја-позиције, повезане кроз различите социјалне интеракције и контексте, а која резултира релативно међусобно усаглашеним и доследним доживљајем себе у контексту професије. Основни проблем којим се рад бави јесте утврђивање специфичности формирања и развоја професионалног идентитета наставника предметне и наставника разредне наставе (учитељи) у Србији у различитим фазама њихове каријере. Идентитет наставника је истраживан и објашњаван из угла два феноменолошка приступа: наративног и гешталтистичког. Истраживање је експлоративно и засновано на комбиновању квалитативне и квантитативне методологије. Комбиновани метод је присутан у техникама прикупљања података, њиховој обради и анализи, као и интерпретацији резултата. Основна техника за прикупљање података је индивидуални полуструктурирани интервју, у оквиру којег су коришћене технике недовршених реченица и скале самопроцене. Поступци за обраду података подразумевали су квалитативну анализу (тематска анализа и наративна анализа) и квантитативну обраду података (дескриптивни статистички показатељи и тамо где је било изводљиво Хи-квадрат тест и анализу варијансе). Укупан узорак обухвата 95 испитаника уједначено расподељених у категоријама две основне независне варијабле: фаза професионалног развоја (23 будућа наставника, 24 почетника, 24 наставника који имају 5–15 и 24 наставника са преко 25 година радног стажа у настави) и разредна/предметна настава (46 учитеља и 49 предметних наставника, од чега су 24 наставници српског језика и 25 наставници математике. Резултатима су утврђене одређене опште правилности развоја личног и професионалног идентитета наставника. Обим личног идентитета наставника је већи од обима професионалног идентитета. Садржај идентитета наставника чини прожимање самоодредница које се односе на личну, социјалну и димензију наставе/поучавања. Професионални идентитет наставника чини значајну Ја-позицију личног идентитета наставника у тридесетим и четрдесетим годинама живота, а у свим старосним групама израженији је код учитеља него код предметних наставника. Професионална идентификација и сигурност у професионалне компетенције расту са годинама радног стажа и са годинама живота, али није утврђена њихова међусобна корелација. Утврђена су два основна наративна позиционирања у аутобиографским наративима: Наставник, то је мој посао (изражено одвајање себе и посла којим се баве и описивање себе претежно кроз спољашње критеријуме прописаног понашања наставника) и Наставник, то сам ја (делимично или потпуно преклапање особе и посла). Утврђено је постојање две основне димензије развоја професионалног идентитета наставника: (1) диференцијација/интеграција и (2) унутра/споља. Диференцијација Ја-позиција и усмереност ка споља су доминантни у прве три фазе професионалног развоја и достижу врхунац у четрдесетим годинама живота, док у последњој фази превладава интеграција. Укрштањем ових димензија са добијеним основним наративним позиционирањима и њиховим комбиновањем са статусима идентитета који је развио Џејмс Марша, предложен је модел четири основна облика професионалног идентитета наставника... The main topic of this dissertation is teachers’ professional identity (TPI) which is defined as an organized schema of experiences that a person has on oneself as a teacher and that consists of multiple I-positions connected through various social interactions and contexts, resulting in relatively coherent and consistent sense of a professional self. The main goal of this research is to determine the development of professional identity of class teachers and subject teachers in Serbia throughout different stages of their career. TPI is explored and explained through the perspective of two phenomenological approaches: narrative and gestalt. The research is exploratory and based on a mix-method approach. This combination of qualitative and quantitative approach is present in obtaining data tachniques, analysis and interpretations of the results. An individual semi-structured interview is the main data collection technique. Techniques of unfinished sentences and self-assessment scales are integral parts of the inteview. Data analysis consists of qualitative (thematic and narrative analysis) and quantitative procedures (descriptive statistics, Chi squere and ANOVA). The sample consists of 95 participants equaly distributed in categories of two main variables: stages of professional development (23 preservice teachers, 24 beggining teachers, 24 experienced teachers with 5–15 years of teaching experience and 24 teachers with over 25 years of teaching experience) and class/subject teachers (total of 46 class teachers and 49 subject teachers, half of which are Serbian language teachers and math teachers). The results suggest some general regularities in teachers’ identity development. The volume of teachers’ personal identity is wider than the volume of their professional identity. TPI consists of personal, social and teaching self-determinants. TPI is an important I-position of personal identity of teachers in their 30s and 40s, and it is more dominant in class than in subject teachers in all age groups. Professional identification and confidence in teaching competences increase with years and working experience, but it is not determined that they correlate with each other. Two basic narrative positionings in autobiographical narratives are determined: Teacher, that’s my job (separating oneself from the job, selfdescriptions are mostly formed through the external criteria of prescribed teacher behavior) and Teacher, that’s me (partial or complete overlapping of a person and his or her job). Two basic dimensions of TPI development are determined: (1) differentiation/integration and (2) inward/outward orientation. Differentiation of I-positions and outward orientation are dominant in the first three stages of professional development and they reach its peak in 40s, while, in the final stage, it is integration that prevails, along with inward orientation. By intersecting these two dimensions with obtained basic narrative positionings and combining them with James Marcia’s identity statuses, a model of four basic forms of TPI is proposed...
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Božić, Mario, Čavlović, Jura, Goršić, Ernest, Cvjetković, Branislav, Marčeta, Dane, Petrović, Danijela, Čomić, Dragan, Ćoralić, Svjetlana, Stupar, Vladimir, Dukić, Vojislav, Govedar, Zoran, and Stanivuković, Zoran
- Subjects
Private holder forests, purcase (sales) impact, too low felling intensity - Abstract
Dominant feature of private held forestsin Croatia are small property sizes wich are relatively scattered around. There are about 600.000 small private forest holders in Croatia. In average, every forest holder has two parcels which are not connected. According to foret management regulations there are no special rules for private forest holders despite some specific conditions. Therefore forest management plans are made in the same way as for state forests. In state forests there is constant and intensive forest management according to programs and regulations which are followed as good as possible. For private forest holders acoording to Starčević (1992) application of forest management regulations are very low partially because of subjective and partially because of objective reasons. Becuse of this forest planners appoint lower wood cutting intensity than normally required. Beside that, value of certain property depends on its size, position, spatial homogeneity, possibility of spatial indentification, road acess, tree species composition, management form and quality of trees and their size. Aditionally, property value is related to financial effect which can be obtained in certain time interval. So one of the questions which arise is how forest management plans influence eventual purcase/sales/exchange of forest parcels. Based on growth tables for hornbeam, acacia and alder (Meštrović & Fabijanić 1995) normal wood cutting intensity is defined for first and second quality class and 60 years age for hornbeam and 40 years for acacia. By analysing the wood cutting regulations for hornbeam, acacia and alder management classes from 16 different forest management plans a comparison was made with constructed normals to get the overview of the relationship between prescribed and normal cutting intensity. Analysis showed that cutting intensity specified in forest management plans for private forest holders are too low and incomplete and practically the same in almost all management units. It is the case with all management classes within certain management unit regardless of the management period. In discussion with colleagues which prescribed the management regulations for private forests it is clear that: a) when deciding about regulations they were ' negatively biased' by former regulation realization in those private forests which had existing forest management plans. In this way regulations are related to estimation what could be realized in reality and not what is the actual potential (and need) for certain forest parcel. b) in some parcels uneven age forest management (how these forest are managed) and normality are not clearly defined. If those facts are observed from the point of investor who is looking to increase its posession by purchasing additional parcels those low intensity regulations especially within management classes of trees with short management period is destimulating. In the end it is not clear how will the forest inspection respond in the case of unaccomplished forest regulations or what to do if someone that would like to purchase the forest parcel requires higher cutting intensity in order to make the purchase.
- Published
- 2017
161. Influences of storm Bora on vegetation of Rab island - case study Lopar
- Author
Novak Agbaba, Sanja, Belamarić, Boris, Ćelepirović, Nevenka, Ferina, Jelena, Cvjetković, Branislav, Marčeta, Dane, Petrović, Danijela, Ćoralić, Svjetlana, Stupar, Vladimir, Dukić, Vojislav, and Govedar, Zoran and Stanivuković, Zoran
- Subjects
storm bora, vegetation damage, Aleppo pine, Lopar locality - Abstract
Rab is the island of the northern part of the Adriatic Sea in Croatia. The climate of the island of Rab is most affected by the sea surrounding it and the winds bora and jugo that have a significant influence on vegetation. They can reach speeds of up to 20 m/s in their strikes. The bora is a turbulent wind that most often blows in the gusts of northeast (NE) on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea and can achieve storm strength. The stormy bora with storm strikes on the island of Rab caused significant damage to the vegetation in the 2012. year on 7th and 10th to 11th of February. The aim of this work is to the investigate the intensity and type of damage and health condition of the forest vegetation caused by storm bora, to analyze the climate and frequency of storm bora, and to take protection measures for the damage repair in the area of Lopar. In the spring of 2013, in the management unit Kamenjak, department 43a, a 10m wide belt of forest was visually inspected along the pathway, and the edge of the forest. Four trees of Aleppo pine with a different percentage of damage were examined and analyzed in detail. The type and intensity of damage have been identified. The analysis of the results show that the 75% of Aleppo pine were damaged and the crown damage of the Aleppo pine were from 20 to 100%. After two vegetation cycles the forest vegetation were gradually recovering. The protecting measurres by cutting dry and heavy damaged aleppo pine trees were done in 2015. year. Based on visual monitoring of the Lopar site, it was estimated that in 2017. year 80% of the vegetation has been recovered. Strong gusts of bora, salt spray, frost and low temperatures, have a unfavorable influence on vegetation in the area of Lopar, where most of the pine trees, especially the Aleppo pine, are missing out on places that are heavily exposed to storm winds.
- Published
- 2017
162. Afektivna uloga nastavnika: konceptualizacija i empirijska provera konstrukta
- Author
Tošić-Radev, Milica N., Pešikan, Ana, Knežević, Goran, Petrović, Danijela, and Stefanović-Stanojević, Tatjana
- Subjects
aktivno učenje ,active learning ,Afektivna uloga nastavnika ,affective role of teacher ,teacher/student interaction ,interacija nastavnik-učenik - Abstract
Interesovanje istraživača za ulogu emocija u nastavi je novijeg datuma. U klasifikaciji nastavničkih uloga koju su dali Ivić i saradnici (2003) navodi se uloga nastavnika kao partnera u afektivnoj interakciji kao jedna od profesionalnih uloga nastavnika, ova uloga nije elaborirana, te samim tim ne postoje precizno definisana očekivana ponašanja nastavnika koja bi proizilazila iz ove njegove uloge. Predmet istraživanja je konceptualizacija (definicija i klasifikacija) i empirijska provera konstrukta afektivna uloga nastavnika... Research interest into the role emotions play in the teaching process is rather recent. In the classification of teachers’ roles provided by Ivić et al. (2003) one of the roles is teachers’ role as a partner in affective interaction with pupils. As one of the professional roles of the teacher, this role is not elaborated upon, and thus there are no precisely defined expected forms of teacher behavior which would stem from his role. The subject matter of this study is the conceptualization (definition and classification) and empirical validation of the construct of the affective role of the teacher...
- Published
- 2016
163. Uloga porodičnog funkcionisanja i samopoimanja u predikciji antisocijalnog ponašanja u adolescenciji
- Author
Cicović Maslovar, Julijana B., Opačić, Goran, Kovačević, Panta, and Petrović, Danijela
- Subjects
Adolescencija ,Samopoimanje ,Family functioning ,Parent-child relationship ,Self-concept ,Odnos roditelj-dijete ,Antisocial behavior ,Antisocijalno ponašanje ,Porodično funkcionisanje ,Adolescence - Abstract
Ova studija je imala za cilj da istraži koliko aspekti porodičnog funkcionisanja i samopoimanje imaju udjela u genezi antisocijalnog ponašanja adolescenata. Kao okvir za razumjevanje porodičnog funkcionisanja uzete su postavke sistemske porodične teorije. Istraživanje je realizovano u Crnoj Gori, u periodu od aprila do juna 2011 godine, na uzorku od 270 ispitanika adolescentne dobi (12-18 god), u redovnim školama u 5 opština, u različitim regijama zemlje. Od porodičnih varijabli ispitivane su: zadovoljstvo porodicom, patrijarhalna struktura, porodična kompetencija tj.zdravlje, kohezija, komunikacija, afektivna responzivnost i rješavanje konflikata. U okviru porodične dinamike posebno je istraživan odnos roditelj-dijete i to kroz nekoliko aspekata tog odnosa i posebno za oca i za majku. Kad je u pitanju samopimanje, takođe su ispitivani različiti aspekti. Među oblicima antisocijalnog ponašanja, u ovom istraživanju su specifikovana tri oblika: nedisciplinovano ponašanje u školi, impulsivnost i prokriminalno ponašanje. Procjenjivalo se u kojoj mjeri adolescenti pokazuju neki od ovih oblika antisocijalnog ponašanja i koje od gore pomenutih varijabli porodičnog funkcionisanja, odnosa roditelj-adolescent i samopimanja imaju najviše uticaja na takvo ponašanje. Odnosno, ispitivalo se na osnovu koje od tih varijabli, ili kog skupa varijabli, se najbolje može predvidjeti adolescentova sklonost ka antisocijalnom ponašanju. I na kraju, ispitivalo se da li porodične varijable imaju neposredan uticaj na adolescentovo antisocijalno ponašanje, ili je taj uticaj posredovan varijablama samopoimanja. Za procjenu varijabli porodičnog funkcionisanja korištene su dvije skale: SFI (Self Report Family Inventory), autora Hampson, Hulgus i Beavers (1991.), koja je prevedena za potrebe istraživanja i imenovana kao ISPO (Inventar samoprocjene porodičnih odnosa) i SRDI, autora Opačić i sar.(1995.), koja sadrži i podskale koje sam koristila za ispitivanje kvaliteta odnosa roditelj-adolescent.. Za procjenu adolescentovog samopimanja korištena je Skala samopoimanja (Opačić 1995). Sve pomenute skale su skale samoprocjene. U ovom istraživanju podaci o porodičnom funkcionisanju, kvalitetu odnosa roditelj-adolescent i samopimanju, prikupljani su samo iz jednog izvora, od adolescenta-ispitanika. Kad je u pitanju adolescentova sklonost ka antisocijalnom ponašanju, korištena su dva izvora: samoprocjena adolescenta i procjena od strane njihovih razrednih starješina u školi. U tu svrhu su korištene dvije verzije skale za procjenu antisocijalnog ponašanja, čiji je autor Opačić (1995)... The goal of this study is to research to what extent the aspects of family functioning and self-concept take part in the genesis of antisocial behavior of adolescents. The framework for understanding the family functioning are the postulates of systemic family theory. The research was conducted in Montenegro within the time frame April-June 2011, with the sample of 270 adolescent examinees (12-18 years of age), in the regular schools in 5 municipalities all over the country. The family variables represented in the research are: satisfaction with one’s family, patriarchal structure, family competence, its health in the sense of its cohesion, communication, affective responsiveness and conflict resolution. Within the family dynamics, the parent-child relation-ship was the focus of research through several aspects of that relationship and specific em-phasis on mother and father. Numerous aspects of self-concept were also researched. Three forms of antisocial behavior were specified within this research, namely: lack of disciplined behavior in school, impulsiveness and pro-criminal behavior. The assessment was performed about the extent of some of these forms of adolescent antisocial behavior exhibited and which of the above mentioned variables of family functioning had the biggest impact on such behavior. The goal of the research was to try to predict adolescents’ inclination toward anti-social behavior based on some of those variables. Finally, I also researched whether the fami-ly variables have a direct impact on adolescents’ behavior or whether such an impact was a by-product of self-concept variables. Two scales were used for assessing family functioning variables: SFI (Self Report Family Inventory), created by Hampson, Hulgus&Beavers (1991.), which was translated for the research and classified as “ISPO - Inventar samoprocjene porodičnih odnosa” and SRDI, created by Opačić et al.1995, which also contains sub scales used for assessing the quality of the parent-adolescnet relationship. The Self-Concept Scale (Opačić 1995) was used for assessing adolescents’ self-concept. All of the above mentioned scales are the self assessment scales. This research on family functioning and the quality of parent-adolescent relationship collected all of the data from only one source, namely from the adolescent examinees. However, when it comes to adolescents’ inclination towards antisocial behavior, two sources were used: adolescents’ self assessment and their class teachers’ assessment. For that part of research, two versions of antisocial behavior assessment scale were used (created by Opačić 1995)...
- Published
- 2016
164. Faktori napredovanja na testu čitalačke pismenosti: predstave o znanju i karakteristike školskog konteksta
- Author
Jovanović, Vitomir P., Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Petrović, Danijela, Kovač-Cerović, Tinde, and Trebješanin, Biljana
- Subjects
reading literacy ,motivation ,čitalačka pismenost ,school characteristics ,karakteristike škola ,faktori obrazovnih postignuća ,epistemološka uverenja ,mere obrazovne politike ,educational attainment factors ,motivacija ,epistemological beliefs ,education policy measures - Abstract
Osnovni cilj ovog rada je a) da se identifikuje s tepen povezanosti merenih faktora sa napredovanjem učenika na testu čitalačke pismenosti i b) da se utvrde i opišu karakteristike onih škola čiji učenici napreduju više i manje u odnosu na očekivanje formirano na osnovu regresione prave prosečnog socio-ekonomskog statusa učenika je dne škole i prosečnog napredovanja učenika te škole na testu čitalačke pismenosti koncipiranim u okviru PISA studije i da se na osnovu rezultata formulišu mere obrazovne politike koje mogu povećati postignuća načih učenika. U teorijskom delu rada opisani su faktori koji su uticali na promenu paradigme u merenju obrazovnih ishoda u psihologijji obrazovanja i koji su doveli do korišćenja konceptualizacije obrazovnih ishoda merenih na način kako je to urađe no u ovoj studiji. Ovi faktori su kategorisani u dve grupe: 1) u grupu onih uticaja koji su došli iz same nauke na osnovu empirijskih i teorijskih proučavanja, kao što su silaženje sa scene logičkog pozitivizma u psihologiji najvidljivije kroz pad bihejviorizma i uspon kognitivističkih, socijalno-kognitivističkih i konstruktivističkih teorija učenja, a zatim i razvijanje kompleksnih statističkih tehnika za konstrukciju psiholoških testova (IRT) 2) u grupu onih uticaja koji nisu došli iz same nauke već su posledica različitih političkih, demografskih i ekonomskih promena, kao što su npr. javljanje praksi testiranja, uticaj globalizacije i razvoj savremenih tehnologija. Prikazan je referentni okvir PISA studije i čitalačke pismenosti u okviru nje, kao i konceptualne, empirijske i teorijske kritike na račun PISA studije kao i kontraargumenti u prilog svrsishodnosti ovakvog načina merenja obrazovnih postignuća učenika. Na osnovu više teorijskih modela uspešne škole, kao što je to OECD-ov model uspešne škole, model decentralizovane (autonomne) škole i dinamički model efektivne škole, kreiran je referentni okvir za kvalitativnu analizu koja je koriščena u fazi identifikacije karakteristika uspešne i manje uspešne škole u Srbiji. U daljem delu rada koji se bavi teorijskim osnovama istraživanja, obrazložen je izbor konstrukata koji su ušli u studiju kao potencijalni faktori (korelati) napredovanja učenika na testu čitalačke pismenosti (školska samoefikasnost, pojam o sebi, stavovi prema nastavnicima i prema školi, procena učeničkih ciljeva, intrizička i ekstrinzička motivacija proširena shvatanjem teorije samodeterminacije Desaja i Rajana, epistemološka uverenja, metakognitivne strategije čitanja, uživanje u čitanju, socio-ekonomski status učenika) ... The main goal of this research is a) to identify the correlation between the measured factors with the progress of students in reading literacy test, and b) to a provide description of the characteristics of those schools whose students achieve more and achieve less compared to the expectations formed on the basis of regression line between average socio-economic status of school and average student progress in school reading literacy test set up in the PISA study. In the theoretical part of the paper there are described factors that influenced the shift of paradigm in the measurement of educational outcomes in educational psychology and that led to the use of conceptualizations of educational outcomes as they are measured in this study. These factors of influence are categorized into two groups: 1) in the group that have came out of the science on the basis of empirical and theoretical studies, as descent of logical positivism in psychology most evident through the fall of behaviorism and rise of cognitive psychology and social-constructivistic learning theories, as well as development of complex statistical techniques for the construction of psychological tests (IRT) 2) in the group of influences that did not come from science per se, but are consequences of different political, demographic and economic changes, such astesting practices, the impact of globalization and the development of new technology. Referent framework is presented for PISA reading literacy studies and within it, there are presented conceptual, empirical and theoretical criticisms of the PISA studies and counter-arguments in favor of the usefulness of this method in measuring student achievement as well. Based on several theoretical models of successful schools, such as the OECD's model of successful schools, decentralized model of autonomous school and a dynamic model of effective schools, framework for qualitative analysis is created, which is used in the process of identifying the characteristics of successful and less successful schools in Serbia. Following part of the paper deals with the theoretical basis of the research, explaination of the choice of constructs that were entered in the study as potential factors (correlates) of students'progress in reading literacy test (academic self-efficacy, self-concept, attitudes toward school and teachers, assessment of students' goals, extrinsic motivation and intrinsicmotivation expanded understanding of the theory of self-determination of Ryan and Deci, epistemological beliefs, metacognitive reading strategies, reading enjoyment, socio-economic status of students)...
- Published
- 2014
165. Kritička analiza konstrukta i provera konvergentno-diskriminativne valjanosti mera kulturalne inteligencije
- Author
Starčević, Jelena S., Petrović, Danijela, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Opačić, Goran, and Macura Milovanović, Sunčica
- Subjects
interkulturna interakcija ,kultura ,cultural intelligence ,kulturne razlike ,intercultural interaction ,kulturalna inteligencija ,cultural differences ,intelligence ,inteligencija ,culture - Abstract
Rad se bavi teorijskom i empirijskom validacijom novog pristupa individualnim razlikama u interkulturnoj interakciji, koji se ogleda u konstruktu kulturalne inteligencije. Konstrukt kulturalne inteligencije (KI) je nastao sa jedne strane u pokušaju prevazilaţenja nedostataka postojećih diferencijalno-psiholoških konstrukata u oblasti interkulturnih odnosa, a sa druge strane, u kontekstu razvoja novih pristupa inteligenciji. Konstrukt KI počiva na starim shvatanjima kulture i novim shvatanjima inteligencije. Sa starim modelom kulture u svojoj osnovi, KI se izlaţe brojnim kritikama koje se upućuju ovom modelu kulture, a tiču se impliciranja homogenosti, statičnosti i jasnih granica čiji su „čuvari“ kulturne razlike. Isto vaţi i za druge konstrukte kojima se objašnjavaju individualne razlike u interkulturnoj interakciji. KI je u izvesnoj meri slična ovim konstruktima, kako na planu konceptualizacije, tako i na planu operacionalizacije, a jedinstvena po tome što predstavlja konstrukt inteligencije. KI je najčešće definisana kao sposobnost za uspešnu adaptaciju ili efikasno funkcionisanje u novim kulturnim kontekstima. Po većini autora KI predstavlja višedimenzionalni konstrukt koji obuhvata „mentalne” i sposobnosti na nivou ponašanja. Kao takav, konstrukt KI ne zadovoljava većinu semantičkih kriterijuma za nezavisnu inteligenciju – različiti modeli KI često nisu jasno ili nisu dosledno konceptualizovani na nivou potencijala, a još izrazitije je njihovo iskoračivanje iz okvira kognitivnih sposobnosti. KI je operacionalizovana Skalom kulturalne inteligencije (SKI), instrumentom koji je zasnovan na samoproceni ili proceni posmatrača. To, meĎutim, nije u skladu sa osnovnim empirijskim standardom za nezavisnu inteligenciju, a po kome bi konstrukt inteligencije trebalo da bude operacionalizovan merama maksimalnog učinka. Tako su za potrebe empirijske validacije KI u našoj sredini, razvijene dve mere KI koje su zasnovane na postignuću – Test interkulturnih problemskih situacija (TIPS) i Test znanja o kulturama (TZK). Istraţivanje je imalo za cilj utvrĎivanje konvergentno-diskriminativne valjanosti mera KI, kao jednog od empirijskih uslova da bi se konstrukt smatrao nezavisnim. To je podrazumevalo zadavanje 10 instrumenata koji su, pored mera KI, predstavljali mere akademske inteligencije, socio-emocionalne inteligencije, bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti i interkulturnog iskustva. Istraţivanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 336 studenata sa različitih fakulteta i univerziteta u Srbiji. Nalazi istraţivanja pokazuju odsustvo konvergentne valjanosti mera koje su korišćene kao indikatori KI. Ove mere su snaţnije povezane sa merama drugih konstrukata nego meĎusobno. Diskriminativna valjanost SKI nije uverljivo potvrĎena, dok korelacione analize i analiza glavnih komponenti potvrĎuju očekivanja da se ova skala, kao mera samoprocene, ne moţe smatrati indikatorom inteligencije. Diskriminativna valjanost TZK je dovedena u pitanje – postoji osnova da se TZK smatra merom kristalizovanog aspekta akademske inteligencije, koja je pod uticajem interesovanja za druge kulture ili iskustava sa drugim kulturama. TIPS je ostao jedinstven meĎu merama u istraţivanju, ali je to barem delom posledica njegove heterogenosti. Izvori varijanse TIPS-a su i sposobnosti i crte ličnosti. U celini gledano, nalazi ovog istraţivanja nisu podrţali ideju da je KI nezavisna inteligencija. Ovaj zaključak je u skladu sa teorijskim analizama KI koje ukazuju na njenu manjkavost kao konstrukta inteligencije i kao konstrukta koji se tiče kulture i kulturnih razlika. The paper deals with theoretical and empirical validation of a new approach to individual differences in intercultural interaction, reflected in the construct of cultural intelligence. Cultural intelligence (CQ) construct emerged on the one hand from attempts to overcome the shortcomings of the existing constructs of differential psychology in the field of intercultural relations, and on the other hand from within the context of developing new approaches to intelligence. CQ construct rests upon the old notions of culture and new notions of intelligence. Based on the old model of culture, CQ is open to a great deal of criticism addressed to it, related to implying homogeneity, unchangeability, and clear boundaries “guarded” by cultural differences. The same also holds for other constructs that explain individual differences in an intercultural interaction. CQ is to an extent similar to such constructs, both at the level of conceptualisation and at the level of operationalisaton, but it is unique in that it represents a construct of intelligence. CQ is most often defined as a capability to successfully adapt to or efficiently function in new cultural contexts. According to most authors, CQ is a multidimensional construct comprising both “mental” and behavioural capabilities. As such, CQ construct does not satisfy most of the semantic criteria for independent intelligence – various models of CQ often fail to be clearly or consistently conceptualised in terms of potentials, and what is even more present is their departure from the framework of cognitive capabilities. CQ is operationalised by means of the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS), an instrument based on self-reports or observer reports. This, however, is not in line with the general empirical standard for independent intelligence, which calls for the construct of intelligence to be operationalised through maximum performance measures. Thus, in order to empirically validate CQ in our environment, two achievement-based measures of CQ have been developed – Intercultural problem situations test (IPST) and Cultural knowledge test (CKT). The survey aimed to establish convergent-discriminant validity of CQ measures as one of the empirical requirements for the construct to be deemed independent. This involved setting as tasks the ten instruments that, in addition to CQ measures, also represented measures of academic intelligence, socio-emotional intelligence, basic personality dimensions and intercultural experience. The survey involved the sample of 336 students from different faculties and universities in Serbia. The survey findings indicate the absence of convergent validity of the measures used as CQ indicators. These measures are more strongly related to measures of other constructs than among themselves. Discriminant validity of CQS has not been undoubtedly established, while correlational analyses and principal component analysis confirm the expectations that this scale, as a self-report measure, may not be taken as intelligence indicator. Discriminant validity of the CKT has been called into question – there are grounds for CKT to be deemed as a measure of crystallised aspect of academic intelligence, influenced by interest in other cultures or experiences with other cultures. IPST still remains singular among the survey measures, but it is at least partly due to its heterogeneity. The sources of IPST variances are also capabilities and personality traits. On the whole, the findings of this survey do not support the notion that CQ is an independent intelligence. This conclusion is in line with theoretical analyses of CQ that indicate its inadequacy as a construct of intelligence as well as a construct related to culture and cultural differences.
- Published
- 2013
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