151. Manufacturing technology of monolithic and layered Zirconia crown
- Author
Jindra, Sara and Bergman, Lana
- Subjects
Ceramics ,BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Dentalna medicina ,keramika ,BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Dental Medicine ,cirkonij oksid ,Zirconium oxide ,računalom vođeno oblikovanje ,cirkonij-oksidna keramika ,obložna keramika ,monolitna krunica ,dvoslojna krunica ,CAD/CAM - Abstract
Dentalna industrija dugi niz godina istražuje i unaprjeđuje materijale za izradu protetskih nadomjestaka kako bi se poboljšala estetika,izbjegla upotreba metala tepostigla biokompatibilnost i trajnost. Donedavno je zlatni standard u protetici bila metalkeramika, ali zbog potencijalnih alergijskih reakcija na neke komponente dentalnih legura trend je povećana upotreba bezmetalnih sustava koji su inertni. Sve veća težnja za nadomjescima koji bi bili što sličniji prirodnim zubima dovela je do razvoja materijala koji uz pravilnu indikaciju i tehnologiju izrade dajuupravo takve rezultate. Današnje težnje doktora dentalne medicinesu da se osim estetskepostigne i visoka funkcijska vrijednost nadomjeska uz što manji gubitak tkiva zuba. S obzirom na to da su dobra mehanička svojstva prisutna kod materijala za izradu potpunih keramičkih krunica, taj oblik terapije ušao je u svakodnevnu praksu.Potpunokeramičke krunice zbog svojih visokih estetskih svojstava, kao što su translucencija i transparencija, metoda su izbora kod rješavanja zahtjevnih slučajeva u cilju postizanja što boljeg uklapanjaprotetskog nadomjeska u zubni niz. Najčešće korišteni materijal za izradu bezmetalnih nadomjestaka je cirkonijoksidna keramika zbog širokog spektra indikacija koje pokriva. Cirkonijoksidnu keramiku odlikuju izuzetna mehanička, ali i napretkom tehnologije i estetska svojstva koja su omogućila upotrebu u svim segmentima zubnog niza. U ovom diplomskom radu prikazat ću slučaj i usporediti tehnologije izrade monolitne i dvoslojne krunice iz cirkonijoksidne keramike. For many years, the dental industry has been researching and improving materials for the production of prosthodontic restorations in order to improve aesthetics, avoid the use of metals and achieve biocompatibility and durability. Until recently, the gold standard in prosthetics was porcelain fused to metal, but due to potential allergic reactions to some components of dental alloys, the trend is to increase the use of full ceramic systems that are biologically inert. The increasing tendency for restorations that would be as similar as possible to natural teeth has led to the development of materials that, with the correct indication and technology of production, produce exactly such results. Today's aspirations of doctors of dental medicine are to achieve, in addition to aesthetics, a high functional value of the restoration with minimal loss of tooth tissue. Given that good mechanical properties are present in the materials for the production of full ceramic crowns, this form of therapy has entered everyday practice. Full ceramic crowns due to their high aesthetic properties, such as translucency and transparency, are a method of choice in solving demanding cases in order to achieve the best possible fit of the prosthodontic restoration into the dental arch. The most commonly used material for the production of metalfree restorations is zirconium oxide ceramic due to the wide range of indications it covers. Zirconium oxide ceramics are characterized by exceptional mechanical, but also due to the technological progress of the material, the advance in the aesthetic properties which have enabled their use in all segments of the dental arch. In this thesis, I will present the case and compare the technologies for producing monolithic and layered crowns from zirconium oxide ceramics.
- Published
- 2022