1,578 results on '"Ganbold A"'
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152. Light Meson Decay Constants
- Author
Ganbold, G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We estimate the decay constants $f_\pi$ and $f_K$ of the light mesons within a relativistic quantum-field model of interacting quarks and gluons confined analytically. The necessary physical parameters, the quark masses $m_u$ and $m_s$, the coupling constant $\alpha_s$ and the confinement scale $\Lambda$ have been obtained from our previous investigation on the meson ground states, orbital and radial excitations by using the ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation. Our approach provides a solid framework to compute the meson spectra, the lowest glueball state and decay constants of pseudoscalar mesons (as well as other physical observables) nonperturbatively from the basic principles of QCD and QFT., Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, typos corrected, minor modification in text, content unchanged more...
- Published
- 2006
153. Mesons and Glueballs: A Quantum Field Approach
- Author
Ganbold, G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The spectrum of two-particle bound states is investigated within a relativistic quantum-field model of interacting quarks and gluons confined analytically. The hadronization process of mesons and glueballs is described by using the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Provided by a minimal set of physical parameters (the quark masses, the coupling constant and the confinement scale), the model satisfactorily describes the meson ground-states, orbital and radial excitations in a wide range from $140 {\rm MeV}$ to $9.5 {\rm GeV}$. The estimated values for the coupling constant and the lowest-state glueball mass are in reasonable agreement with experimental data., Comment: 11 pages, 1 table, 5 fugures, typos corrected, minor modification in text, content unchanged. A talk given by GG at the 18th Int Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems "Relativistic Nuclear Physics & QCD", Sept. 25-30, 2006, Dubna (Russia) more...
- Published
- 2006
154. Meson Spectrum and the Glueball
- Author
Ganbold, G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The formation and spectrum of two-particle bound states are investigated within a simple relativistic quantum field model with the Yukawa-type interaction. Within this approach, relatively weakly interacting quarks and gluons form stable bound states under the analytic confinement. By introducing a minimal set of free parameters (the quark masses, the coupling constant and the confinement 'radius') and by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation with one-gluon exchange, we satisfactorily explain the experimental data for most known mesons and the glueball., Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table more...
- Published
- 2005
155. Postpartum depression in Mongolia: A qualitative exploration of health care providers’ perspectives
- Author
Trop, Justin, Gendenjamts, Battulga, Bat-Erdene, Undral, Doripurev, Doljinsuren, Ganbold, Solongo, Bayalag, Munkhuu, and Withers, Mellissa
- Published
- 2018
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156. An avifaunal survey of middle Mongolian wetlands: Important Bird Areas and threatened species
- Author
Ganbold, Onolragchaa, Bing, Gi-Chang, Lee, Jun-Heon, Munkhbayar, Munkhbaatar, Paik, In-Hwan, Jargalsaikhan, Ariunbold, Purevee, Erdenetushig, Purevdorj, Zoljargal, and Paek, Woon-Kee
- Published
- 2018
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157. Cytotoxicity of the Chinese herbal remedy 'Oldenlandia diffusa' and its anti-cancer effective constituents
- Author
Ganbold, Munkhchimeg
- Subjects
615.321 ,Pharmacy - Abstract
The main objective of the study was to investigate the bioactive components, their effect on HL60 leukaemic and Caco-2 colon carcinoma cancer cell lines and their bioavailability from a decoction of a Chinese Herbal Remedy OldenIandia diffusa, using a Caco-2 monolayer as a mimic for intestinal absorption. The HPLC separation method was set up by investigating parameters such as column type, mobile phase, isoeratic/gradient elution, flow rate, pH of buffer and detection wavelength. Using this method eleven fractions (F1-F11) were collected. Results from a cytotoxicity investigation using the CyQUANT NF, trypan blue and neutral red uptake assays showed that the decoction has a cytotoxic effect on HL60 (V=13.5±4.3%, n=3) and Caco-2 (V=50.0±1.4%, n=3) cancer cell lines. The most cytotoxic active fraction was F9 (V=62.2±7.3% (HL60) and V=32.l±7.9%, n=3 (Caco-Zj). DAPI staining and Western blotting (detection of cleaved-PARP) studies on the decoction and F9 fraction indicated that mode of cell death was apoptosis, which was mediated by a caspase cascade. Fraction F9 was separated into eight further fractions (compound- fraction-l to 8) by optimisation of the HPLC method. By using liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl acetate, eleven sub fractions (compound-fraction-l to 8 and ethyl acetate fractions (FEA-l to 3) were collected purely. All collected fractions were analysed by high resolution-MS and their MWs were determined as 268.07,238.07,242.24,280.38,256.24,282.25, 284.27, 456.36,550.17,328.22 and 330.24. In the most cytotoxic fraction F9, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid were isolated and identified in concentrations of 0.068 mg/g and 0.166 mg/g, respectively. FEA-l to 3 also showed cytotoxic effects on these cancer cells (V=53.3±2.2%, 55.4±4.4% and 50.6±11.3% (HL60) and V=63.4±13.5%, 45.8±5.9%, and 59.5±9.7%, respectively (Caco-2), Fraction FEA-l was identified as E-6-0-p-coumaroyl seandoside methyl ester (MW 550.17). Cytotoxicity assessment results showed that it has a growth inhibition effect on both cancer cell lines. Bioavailability after ingestion of the decoction was studied using 21-day grown Caco-2 monolayers. The post absorption sample (PAS) of the decoction and fraction F9 were shown to have a good permeability (P[sub]app=3.575xlO[sup]-6 cm/s). The PAS also has a cytotoxic effect on cancer cells (V=67.0±7.5%, n=3). When analysed by LC-MS, the most of the compounds that had previously been seen in the original fractions were again observed. more...
- Published
- 2010
158. Results of the permafrost investigation of road
- Author
Ulambayar Ganbold, Jambaljav Yamkhin, and Byambabayar Ganbold
- Abstract
In recent years, despite the intensive expansion of our country's asphalt road network, building roads in permafrost areas without scientific study have become the main reason for an increase in the formation of damaged, subsided, and low-aged roads. Therefore, we conducted a permafrost investigation in the selected 25.8 km asphalt road sections, which included K13+600:K13+800, K14+360:K14+500, and K15+160:K15+300, and covered areas from Tsagaanuur village of Nogoonnuur soum in Bayan-Ulgii province to Ulaanbaishint border crossing with Russia, which are in the region with a continuous extent of permafrost in Mongolia. The road sections were selected due to the observed subsidence and deformation on the surface during the construction of the road embankment. In this study, high-precision geophysical electrical measurement, drilling, soil and rock samplings, and borehole temperature measurements were performed in the field and analyzed in the laboratory. According to the results, after excavating in the base of the road embankment at the road sections K13+600:K13+800, K14+360:K14+500, K15+160:K15+300, the thawing of permafrost was 1.5-3 meters at the center and also observed on both sides of the excavated areas. When comparing the amount of ice, it was three times less at the depth of 1.5-3 meters than at below 3 meters, which indicated the necessity of building a road with preventing pipes in the above three areas. Such preventing pipes could be thermosyphon pipes, which are widely used to prevent damage to road embankments from thawing in permafrost regions of the world. Автозамын цэвдгийн судалгааны үр дүнгээс (Цагааннуур-Улаанбайшинт чиглэлийн автозамын жишээн дээр) ХУРААНГУЙ Сүүлийн жилүүдэд манай улсын хатуу хучилттай авто замын сүлжээ эрчимтэйгээр тэлж байгаа хэдий ч цэвдэгтэй бүс нутагт зам барихдаа цэвдгийн нарийвчилсан судалгааг хийж, тухайн зурвас хэсгийн цэвдгийн шинж чанар, онцлогт тохирсон далангийн шийдлээр авто замыг төлөвлөж барьдаггүй нь эвдрэл, суулт ихтэй, насжилт багатай замуудыг нэмэгдүүлэх гол шалтгаан болоод байна. Иймд бид Монгол орны цэвдгийн үргэлжилсэн тархалттай бүс нутаг болох Баян-Өлгий аймгийн Ногооннуур сумын нутаг Цагааннуур тосгоноос ОХУ-тай хиллэдэг Улаанбайшинт хилийн боомт хүртэлх 25.8 км автозамын К13+600:K13+800, К14+360:K14+500, К15+160:K15+300 зурвас хэсгүүдийг сонгож цэвдгийн нарийвчилсан судалгааг хийсэн. Дээрх зурвас хэсгүүдийг сонгон авсан шалтгаан нь тухайн зурвас хэсгүүдийн замын даланг бэлтгэх явцад газрын гадаргад ажиглагдахуйц суулт, хэв гажилтууд үүссэн байсан. Энэхүү судалгаанд өндөр нарийвчлал бүхий геофизикийн цахилгаан хайгуул, өрөмдлөг, хөрс чулуулгийн дээжлэлт, цооногийн температур хэмжилт зэргийг хээрийн нөхцөлд хийж, лабораторийн нөхцөлд боловсруулсан. Судалгааны үр дүнгээр К13+600:K13+800, K14+360:K14+500, K15+160:K15+300 хэсгүүдэд замын далангийн суурийн хэсэгт ухалт хийсний дараа цэвдгийн гэсэлт ухмалын төв хэсэгт 1.5-3 метр явагдаад зогсохгүй ухмалын хоёр хажуу талд гэсэлт явагдсан байв. Тухайн гэсэлт явагдсан 1.5-3 метрийн гүнд агуулагдах мөсжилтийн хэмжээг 3 метрээс дооших гүний мөсжилтийн хэмжээтэй харьцуулж үзэхэд 3 дахин бага мөсжилттэй байсан нь дээрх гурван хэсэгт хамгаалах хоолойг суурилуулах шаардлага байгааг харуулж байна. Энэхүү хоолой нь дэлхийн цэвдэгтэй бүс нутагт замын даланг эвдрэлээс сэргийлэх зорилгоор өргөнөөр ашиглагддаг термосифон хоолой байж болно. Түлхүүр үгс: Цэвдэг, Термосифон, Замын далан, Цагааннуур-Улаанбайшинт more...
- Published
- 2022
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159. Quartic Anharmonicity in Different Spatial Dimensions
- Author
Efimov, G. V. and Ganbold, G.
- Subjects
Quantum Physics - Abstract
A path-integral method effective beyond the perturbation expansion approach is suggested to consider the quartic anharmonicity in different spatial dimensions. Due to an optimal representation of the partition function, the leading term has already taken into account the correct strong-coupling behaviour. In the simplest cases of zero and one dimension we have obtained reasonable results in a simple way. Then, this technique is applied to the superrenormalizable scalar theory phi^4_2 in two dimensions. This results in an accurate estimation of the ground-state energy that provides exact weak- and strong-coupling behaviour already in the leading-order approximation. The next-to-leading terms give rise in insignificant corrections., Comment: ReVTeX, 22 pages, 2 tables more...
- Published
- 2002
160. Analytic Confinement and Regge Trajectories
- Author
Efimov, G. V. and Ganbold, G.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
A simple relativistic quantum field model with the Yukawa-type interaction is considered to demonstrate that the analytic confinement of the constituent ("quarks") and carrier ("gluons") particles explains qualitatively the basic dynamical properties of the spectrum of mesons considered as two-particle stable bound states of quarks and gluons: the quarks and gluons are confined, the glueballs represent bound states of massless gluons, the masses of mesons are larger than the sum of the constituent quark masses and the Regge trajectories of mesonic orbital excitations are almost linear., Comment: RevTeX, 16 pages, 3 figures and 2 tables more...
- Published
- 2001
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161. Prediction of Optimal Thickness of InAs/InGaAs Quantum Well
- Author
Oyut Batchuluun, Namsrai Tsogbadrakh, and Tamiraa Ganbold
- Subjects
Radiation ,General Materials Science ,Condensed Matter Physics - Abstract
In this work, some properties of the InAs/InGaAs quantum well (QW) were calculated, such as the wave functions and the charge density of the 2D free electron gas (2DEG) by solving the Poisson- Schroedinger equation. The thinner capping layer gives charge densities forming inside the QW that are higher than the thicker values. The optimal thickness of the capping layer can be 10 nm due to the most stable charge density and fully symmetrical wave functions. Our result indicates that higher charge densities can be found with higher Si-delta doping concentrations. However, the distance of the Si-delta doping also affects the charge population. The charge density linearly decreases with a higher Si-delta doping spacer; the thickness was chosen as 7nm. We performed the growth with different concentrations of Si with optimal thicknesses and compared them with the calculated values. There is good agreement between the simulations and experiments with the lower Si-doping concentrations. more...
- Published
- 2023
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162. Influence of Reaction Temperature on Yields of Multi-Walled CNTs Synthesized with Fe-Co/Al2O3 Bimetallic Nanocatalyst
- Author
Enkhtor Sukhbaatar, Nomin Erdene Battulga, Galbadrakh Ragchaa, Tsog Ochir Tsendsuren, Rentsenmyadag Dashzeveg, Munkhtsetseg Sambuu, Uuriintuya Dembereldorj, and Erdene Ochir Ganbold
- Subjects
Mechanics of Materials ,Mechanical Engineering ,General Materials Science ,Condensed Matter Physics - Abstract
Aluminum-supported iron and cobalt (Fe-Co/Al2O3) bimetallic nano-sized catalyst has been synthesized by the sol-gel method. The average diameter of the Fe-Co/Al2O3 catalyst was measured to be around 7 nm from SEM images. EDX measurements revealed that Fe-Co/Al2O3 consists of 59.98% of Al, 20.00% of Fe, and 20.02% of Co by atomic weight. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) were prepared with as-synthesized nanocatalyst from a commercial butane gas by the CCVD method at different reaction temperatures. TEM and XRD measurements revealed that Fe-Co/Al2O3 bimetallic nano-sized catalyst is beneficial to fabricating MWCNTs by the CCVD method. The highest yield of MWCNTs was obtained at 690°C. more...
- Published
- 2023
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163. The polaron confined in one dimension
- Author
Ganbold, G.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Abstract
The ground-state energy, the effective mass and the number of virtual phonons of the optical large polaron confined strictly in one dimension have been estimated by using the generalized Gaussian approximation. The leading-order terms take care of all Gaussian fluctuations in the system and improve the conventional variational estimates at finite coupling. Particularly, the lowest upper bound to the polaron ground-state energy has been obtained. The non-Gaussian contributions systematically correct the leading-order approximations. We have obtained exact analytical solutions in the weak- and strong-coupling limit and reasonable numerical data for intermediate coupling. Our result for the number of excited phonons limits the validity region of the few-phonon approximation methods., Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 2 figures in *.eps files more...
- Published
- 2000
164. New Amphiphilic Squalene Derivative Improves Metabolism of Adipocytes Differentiated From Diabetic Adipose-Derived Stem Cells and Prevents Excessive Lipogenesis
- Author
Munkhzul Ganbold, Farhana Ferdousi, Takashi Arimura, Kenichi Tominaga, and Hiroko Isoda
- Subjects
squalene ,derivative ,ASC ,diabetes ,adipose-derived stem cell differentiation ,adipocyte metabolism ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Squalene (Sq) is a natural compound, found in various plant oils, algae, and larger quantity in deep-sea shark liver. It is also known as an intermediate of cholesterol synthesis in plants and animals including humans. Although evidences demonstrated its antioxidant, anticancer, hypolipidemic, and hepatoprotective and cardioprotective effects, its biological effects in cellular function might have been underestimated because of the water-insoluble property. To overcome this hydrophobicity, we synthesized new amphiphilic Sq derivative (HH-Sq). On the other hand, adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are a valuable source in regenerative medicine for its ease of accessibility and multilineage differentiation potential. Nevertheless, impaired cellular functions of ASCs derived from diabetic donor have still been debated controversially. In this study, we explored the effect of the HH-Sq in comparison to Sq on the adipocyte differentiation of ASCs obtained from subjects with type 2 diabetes. Gene expression profile by microarray analysis at 14 days of adipogenic differentiation revealed that HH-Sq induced more genes involved in intracellular signaling processes, whereas Sq activated more transmembrane receptor pathway-related genes. In addition, more important number of down-regulated and up-regulated genes by Sq and HH-Sq were not overlapped, suggesting the compounds might not only have difference in their chemical property but also potentially exert different biological effects. Both Sq and HH-Sq improved metabolism of adipocytes by enhancing genes associated with energy homeostasis and insulin sensitivity, SIRT1, PRKAA2, and IRS1. Interestingly, Sq increased significantly early adipogenic markers and lipogenic gene expression such as PPARG, SREBF1, and CEBPA, but not HH-Sq. As a consequence, smaller and fewer lipid droplet formation was observed in HH-Sq-treated adipocytes. Based on our findings, we report that both Sq and HH-Sq improved adipocyte metabolism, but only HH-Sq prevented excessive lipogenesis without abrogating adipocyte differentiation. The beneficial effect of HH-Sq provides an importance of synthesized derivatives from a natural compound with therapeutic potentials in the application of cell therapies. more...
- Published
- 2020
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165. Quasi-particle characteristics of the one-dimensional polaron
- Author
Ganbold, G.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Abstract
The main quasi-particle characteristics of the one-dimensional polaron are estimated within and beyond the most general Gaussian approximation at arbitrary electron-phonon coupling. We have derived explicitly the ground-state energy and the effective mass in the weak- and strong-coupling regimes. For arbitrary coupling, the Gaussian leading-order term of the polaron self energy improves the corresponding Feynman estimate and represents the lowest upper bound available. We have calculated the next non-Gaussian corrections. Taking into account systematically higher-order corrections does not perturb considerably the obtained results., Comment: REVTeX, 13 pages, 1 figure in a separate "fig1.ps" file, 2 tables more...
- Published
- 1999
166. Mongolian Part of the Transboundary Sailugem Natural Plague Focus in 2017. Communication 1. Epizootic condition
- Author
V. M. Korzun, S. V. Balakhonov, A. V. Denisov, M. B. Yarygina, E. N. Rozhdestvensky, D. E. Abibulaev, V. V. Shefer, S. A. Kosilko, D. Otgonbayar, M. Baigalmaa, L. Orgilbayar, Ch. Urzhikh, N. Togoldor, A. Makhbal, H. Daurenbek, N. Tsogbadrakh, D. Tserennorov, and Kh. Ganbold more...
- Subjects
northwest mongolia, sailugem natural plague focus, epizootic activity, yersinia pestis ,Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 - Abstract
Objective – estimation of current epizootic condition of Mongolian part of transboundary Sailugem natural plague focus. Materials and methods. Epizootiological survey was performed for the area of 2335 km2, 277 mammals and 516 ectoparasites were investigated for plague. Results and conclusions. Eight Yersinia pestis subsp. pestis strains were isolated, including 7 strains – from grey marmots (6 – from the remains of meals of predatory birds, 1 from a corpse) and 1 – from long-tailed souslik (corpse). Y. pestis DNA was detected in 52 objects. Serological samples showed 40 positive results. Epizootic manifestations, confirmed by isolation of Y. pestis cultures, detection of plague microbe DNA, and positive serological results, were observed across the area of 1611 km2 covering 69 % of the inspected territory. Epizootic results indicated high infection rate of mass mammal species and first of all grey marmots. The data demonstrated that the extended plague epizooty caused by Y. pestis of the main subspecies occurred in the inspected territory in the carrier settlements. For the first time the circulation of Y. pestis subsp. pestis was registered in the Mongolian part of the transboundary Sailugem focus. more...
- Published
- 2018
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167. The Effect of Scalp Acupuncture and rTMS on Neuromotor Function in Photothrombotic Stroke Rat Model
- Author
Park, Jong-Seong, primary, Kim, Eun-Jong, additional, Song, Min-Keun, additional, Kim, Jung-Kook, additional, Selenge, Ganbold, additional, and Lee, Sam-Gyu, additional
- Published
- 2023
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168. Organic carbon resources of gobi brown soils
- Author
Ganbold, Uuganbat, primary and Tsedevdorj, Ser-od, additional
- Published
- 2023
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169. Application of scar-pattern analysis to the scrapers from the Lower and Middle Paleolithic site of Yarkh Mountain
- Author
Ganbold, Margad-Erdene, primary
- Published
- 2023
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170. Effect of Botulinum Toxin- A injection for the Lower Limb in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy
- Author
Tsegmid, Narantsetseg, primary, Batbold, Galindev, additional, Erdenebileg, Nasantogtokh, additional, Shirmen, Batchimeg, additional, Ganbold, Davaasuren, additional, Zagd, Gerelmaa, additional, and Avirmed, Baljinnyam, additional more...
- Published
- 2023
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171. Molecular epidemiology of SARS‐CoV‐2 in Mongolia, first experience with nanopore sequencing in lower‐ and middle‐income countries setting
- Author
Erendereg, Munkhtuya, primary, Tumurbaatar, Suvd, additional, Byambaa, Otgonjargal, additional, Enebish, Gerelmaa, additional, Burged, Natsagdorj, additional, Khurelsukh, Tungalag, additional, Baatar, Nomin‐Erdene, additional, Munkhjin, Badmaarag, additional, Ulziijargal, Jargaltulga, additional, Gantumur, Anuujin, additional, Altanbayar, Oyunbaatar, additional, Batjargal, Ochbadrakh, additional, Altangerel, Delgermurun, additional, Tulgaa, Khosbayar, additional, Ganbold, Sarangua, additional, Tundev, Odgerel, additional, Jigjidsuren, Sarantsetseg, additional, Nyamdorj, Tsogbadrakh, additional, Tsedenbal, Naranzul, additional, Batmunkh, Bumdelger, additional, Jantsansengee, Baigalmaa, additional, Lkhagvaa, Battur, additional, Tsolmon, Bilegtsaikhan, additional, Enebish, Oyunsuren, additional, Tsevegmid, Erdembileg, additional, Sereejav, Enkhbold, additional, Nyamdavaa, Khurelbaatar, additional, Erkhembayar, Ryenchindorj, additional, and Chimeddorj, Battogtokh, additional more...
- Published
- 2023
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172. Fast Optical Circuit Switch Using Monolithically Integrated Silicon-Photonic Space Switch and Wavelength-Tuneable Filter.
- Author
Yojiro Mori, Mungun-Erdene Ganbold, Ryuta Shiraki, Keijiro Suzuki, Hiroyuki Matsuura, Hitoshi Kawashima, Shu Namiki, Kazuhiro Ikeda, and Ken-ichi Sato
- Published
- 2018
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173. Globally threatened birds in Mongolia: a review
- Author
Ganbold, Onolragchaa, Munkhbayar, Munkhbaatar, Paik, In-Hwan, Bing, Gi-Chang, Jargalsaikhan, Ariunbold, Purevee, Erdenetushig, and Peak, Woon Kee
- Published
- 2017
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174. Diet composition of lesser kestrels in Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, Mongolia
- Author
Ganbold, Onolragchaa, Azua, John, Suuri, Buyandelger, Paik, In-Hwan, Khuderchuluun, Otgontsetseg, Paek, Woon Kee, and Reading, Richard P.
- Published
- 2017
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175. Synthesis of amphoteric curdlan derivatives for delivery of therapeutic nucleic acids
- Author
Tong, Yao, Ganbold, Tsogzolmaa, and Baigude, Huricha
- Published
- 2017
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176. Human pulpal blood flow in different root formation stages measured with transmitted-light plethysmography
- Author
Ganbold, Khongorzul, Kakino, Satoko, Ikeda, Hideharu, and Miyashin, Michiyo
- Published
- 2017
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177. The peril and promise of resource nationalism: A case analysis of Mongolia's mining development
- Author
Ganbold, Misheelt and Ali, Saleem H.
- Published
- 2017
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178. Estimation of the burned area with severity and its influencing factors for wildfire using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery
- Author
Bayarsaikhan Sainbuyan, Vandansambuu Battsengel, Gantumur Byambakhuu, Ganpurev Dashlegtseg, Vandansambuu Batbayar, Chantsal Narantsetseg, Enkhbold Altanbold, Ganbold Byambabayar, and Batsaikhan Nyamdavaa more...
- Abstract
Wildfire is a natural disaster that harms human and animal habitats and the socio-economy. Remote sensing techniques are commonly used in the research of natural disasters, natural resources and monitoring. Timely and accurate estimation of the location of forest fires is particularly important for post-fire management and decision-making. Sentinel-2 satellite images of the European Space Agency ‘ESA’ were used to estimate the area affected by forest fires at Bayan-Uul and Bayandun soums in Dornod province, and classified the burn severity levels and comparison with other influencing factors in this study. The normalized burn ratio ‘NBR' and indices on pre-fire and post-fire were calculated. The total burned area was calculated as 58,131.6 ha, and low, moderate-low, moderate-high, and high burn severity levels cover 15,423.7 ha (26.3%), 29,529.4 ha (50.4%), 13,160.2 ha (22.5%), and 18.3 ha (0.03%), respectively. The 87.6% of the burned area is situated in Mongolian territory, while the remaining area (12.4%) belongs to the Russian Federation. Comparing 10 natural and geographical factors that can influence the burn severity and calculating the correlation coefficients by Pearson. Four of them related a positive lower, and six of them related negative lower. The weak relationships of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index ‘NDVI’, elevation were 0.4 and 0.23. However, the precipitation correlation was -0.22 (negative weak). The distribution of wildfire is strongly influenced by the wind, and the correlation coefficient demonstrates a negative correlation with no effect on combustion. The conditions of socio-economic and ecological disastrous consequences such as loss of plant species and resources, changes in plant structure, depletion of pasture resources, extinction of rare animals and plants, reduction of forest resources, and large-scale air pollution resulting in the loss of human and animal in post-fire. Therefore, this research is important to due for studying the burning, distribution and, coverage area of the fire, and create conditions for the prevention of future risks. more...
- Published
- 2023
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179. Highly Sensitive Interdigitated Capacitive Humidity Sensors Based on Sponge-Like Nanoporous PVDF/LiCl Composite for Real-Time Monitoring
- Author
Enkhzaya Ganbold, Eun Seong Kim, Yang Li, Feifei Yin, Parshant Kumar Sharma, Jwa-Bin Jeon, Jong-Min Oh, Do Nam Lee, and Nam Young Kim
- Subjects
General Materials Science - Published
- 2023
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180. Rock Art and Early Cultural Dynamics in Eastern Mongolia
- Author
Ganbold Ankhsanaa, Enkhbayar Mijiddorj, Byambasuren Davaatseren, and William Taylor
- Subjects
History ,Archeology ,Anthropology ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Published
- 2023
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181. Experimental and ab initio studies on the structural, magnetic, photocatalytic, and antibacterial properties of Cu-doped ZnO nanoparticles
- Author
Ariunzaya Tsogoo, Ninjbadgar Tsedev, Alain Gibaud, Philippe Daniel, Abdelhadi Kassiba, Masayuki Fukuda, Yoshihiro Kusano, Masaki Azuma, Namsrai Tsogbadrakh, Galbadrakh Ragchaa, Rentsenmyadag Dashzeveg, and Erdene-Ochir Ganbold more...
- Subjects
General Chemical Engineering ,General Chemistry - Abstract
Magnetic, photocatalytic and antibacterial performance of ZnO NPs were enhanced as doped with Cu.
- Published
- 2023
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182. Unintentional Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Outbreak from 2 to 9 October 2019 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- Author
Oyun-Erdene Otgonbyamba, Enkhjargal Altangerel, Gantuya Ganbat, Bilguun Ganbold, Ariuntugs Sodnomjamts, Bataa Chuluunbaatar, Burmaajav Badrakh, and Suvd Batbaatar
- Subjects
General Engineering ,Energy Engineering and Power Technology - Published
- 2023
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183. Forensic and population genetic analyses of the GlobalFiler STR loci in the Mongolian population
- Author
Choi, Eun-Ji, Park, Ki-Won, Lee, Yang-Han, Nam, Youn-Hyoung, Suren, Ganbold, Ganbold, Uyanga, Kim, Ji-Ae, Kim, So-Yeon, Kim, Hye-Min, Kim, Kicheol, and Kim, Wook
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Dashnyam B, Bayarlkhagva D, Evgeniy Namdakov, Batjil G, and Ganbold S
- Subjects
genetic ,Science ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Уг судалгааг “Монгол хүний Y хромосомын генетик мэдээллийн сан”, “Цэргийн албан хаагчдын генийн мэдээллийн сан бүрдүүлэх, туршилт судалгаа“ төслүүдийн хүрээнд хийж гүйцэтгэв.
- Published
- 2017
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185. Management of potentially life-threatening emergencies at 74 primary level hospitals in Mongolia: results of a prospective, observational multicenter study
- Author
Naranpurev Mendsaikhan, Davaa Gombo, Ganbold Lundeg, Christian Schmittinger, and Martin W. Dünser
- Subjects
Emergency medicine ,Primary level hospital ,Hospital capacities ,Mongolia ,Special situations and conditions ,RC952-1245 ,Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid ,RC86-88.9 - Abstract
Abstract Background While the capacities to care for and epidemiology of emergency and critically ill patients have been reported for secondary and tertiary level hospitals in Mongolia, no data exist for Mongolian primary level hospitals. Methods In this prospective, observational multicenter study, 74 primary level hospitals of Mongolia were included. We determined the capacities of these hospitals to manage medical emergencies. Furthermore, characteristics of patients presenting with potentially life-threatening emergencies to these hospitals were evaluated during a 6 month period. Results An emergency/resuscitation room was available in 62.2% of hospitals. One third of the study hospitals had an operation theatre (32.4%). No hospital ran an intensive care unit or had trained emergency/critical care physicians or nurses available. Diagnostic resources were inconsistently available (sonography, 59.5%; echocardiography, 0%). Basic emergency procedures (wound care, 97.3%; foreign body removal, 86.5%; oxygen application, 85.2%) were commonly but advanced procedures (advanced cardiac life support, 10.8%; airway management, 13.5%; mechanical ventilation, 0%; renal replacement therapy, 0%) rarely available. During 6 months, 14,545 patients were hospitalized in the 74 study hospitals, of which 8.7% [n = 1267; median age, 34 (IQR 18–53) years; male gender, 54.4%] were included in the study. Trauma (excl. brain trauma) (20.4%), acute abdomen (16.9%) and heart failure (9.6%) were the most common conditions. Five-hundred-thirty patients (41.8%) were transferred to a secondary level hospital. The hospital mortality of patients not transferred was 3.2%. Conclusions Capacities of Mongolian primary level hospitals to manage life-threatening emergencies are highly limited. Trauma, surgical and medical conditions make up the most common emergencies. In view of the fact that almost half of the patients with a potentially life-threatening emergency were transferred to secondary level hospitals and the mortality of those hospitalized in primary level hospitals was 3.2%, room for improvement is clearly evident. Based on our findings, improvements could be obtained by strengthening inter-hospital transfer systems, training staff in emergency/critical care skills and by making mechanical ventilation and advanced life support techniques available at the emergency rooms of primary level hospitals. more...
- Published
- 2017
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186. Newly discovered anthropomorphic Stone Statue fromterritory of Khӧvsgӧl aimag
- Author
Ankhbayar Batsuuri, Bayarsaikhan Jamsanjav, and Ankhsanaa Ganbold
- Abstract
In 2020, these 3 anthropomorphic stone stelae and their ritual components were registered and documented during the fieldwork to rescue very rare and valuable historical finds of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages which were randomly found by local people in Khӧvsgӧl aimag. It was able to date these anthropomorphic stones back to the time of the ancient Tureg Khaganate of Inner Asia based on their form, depictions, and compositions. One of them is clearly representing that the monument for the high-ranking person in terms of components such as a stone box, an earthen wall, and a line of standing stones as known as balbal. This pilot study will help to clarify the issues of early medieval history and culture in the northern part of Mongolia. Хөвсгөл аймгийн нутгаас шинээр илрүүлсэн хүн чулууд Товчлол. 2020 онд Хөвсгөл аймгийн нутгаас иргэдийн санамсаргүй олсон олдворууд хүрэл, төмрийн түрүү үеийн ховор, түүхийн үнэт дурсгал болох нь тодорхой болсон тул тэдгээрийн олдсон газрыг нарийвчлан нягтлан судлах зайлшгүй авран хамгаалах ажлын явцад 3 хүн чулуу, тахилын онгоныг бүртгэн баримтжууллаа. Тэдгээр хүн чулуудын дүрслэл, дүр байдал, бүрэлдэхүүн нь Эртний Түрэгийн хаант улсын үед холбогдож байна. Зарим хүн чулуунд чулуун хашлага, шороон хэрэм, зэл чулуу бүхий тахилын онгонтой тул өндөр язгууртай хүнд зориулсан дурсгал болохыг илтгэж байлаа. Дээрх хэрэглэгдэхүүн Монгол орны умар нутаг дахь дундад эртний түүх соёлын асуудлуудыг тодруулахад нэмэр болох нь дамжиггүй. Түлхүүр үгс: Хөвсгөл аймаг, хүн чулуу, түрэг more...
- Published
- 2022
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187. Bird repellant on sea buckthorn harvest
- Author
Ganbold Dagvadorj, Tuvshinjargal Dorjsuren, and Baatarkhuu Dorjsuren
- Subjects
Materials Science (miscellaneous) - Abstract
Animals, especially birds cause yield loss that is substantial burden on farmers Therefore, the laser scarecrow bird repellant equipment was constructed with purpose to reduce sea buckthorn yield loss caused by bird and field tested. The preliminary results that support that use of bird repellent would retain the harvesting yield of sea buckthorn and could be used further in farming areas. more...
- Published
- 2022
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188. Consumer’s Personal and Social Factors on Purchase Intentions of Counterfeit Luxury Products
- Author
Ganbold, Munkhbayasgalan, primary and Gantulga, Urandelger, primary
- Published
- 2023
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189. Latent TB Infection, Vitamin D Status and COVID-19 Severity in Mongolian Patients
- Author
Ganmaa, Davaasambuu, primary, Chinbayar, Tserendorj, additional, Khudaykov, Polyna, additional, Nasantogtoh, Erdenebileg, additional, Ariunbuyan, Sukhbaatar, additional, Enkhtsetseg, Tserenkhuu, additional, Sarangua, Ganbold, additional, Chan, Andrew, additional, and Tserendagva, Dalkh, additional more...
- Published
- 2023
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190. Seroprevalence and risk factors of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and Rickettsia species infection in humans in Mongolia, 2016–2020
- Author
Ganbold, Dashdavaa, primary, Uudus, Bayarsaikhan, additional, Nyamdavaa, Naranbat, additional, Chultemsuren, Yeruult, additional, Zagd, Amarbayasgalan, additional, Tangad, Mungunzaya, additional, Bayarmaa, Agarzandan, additional, Lkunrev, Rolomjav, additional, Baasandagva, Uyanga, additional, Nyamdorj, Tsogbadrakh, additional, and Narankhajid, Myadagsuren, additional more...
- Published
- 2023
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191. The Technological Research Outcomes of Boiled Sausages Fortified with Sea Buckthorn Peels
- Author
Bukyei, Erkigul, primary, Baasanjargal, Buyanchimeg, additional, Tumurba, Enkhbat atar, additional, Ragchaa, Altanzul, additional, and Ganbold, Solongo, additional
- Published
- 2023
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192. Educational attainment, severity, and prognosis of intracerebral hemorrhage
- Author
Yechoor, Nirupama, primary, Rist, Pamela, additional, Ganbold, Alena S, additional, Kourkoulis, Christina, additional, Mora, Samantha, additional, Mayerhofer, Ernst, additional, Parodi, Livia, additional, Rosenfeld, Lindsay, additional, Anderson, Christopher D., additional, and Rosand, Jonathan, additional more...
- Published
- 2023
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193. Prevalence and risk factors associated with human cystic echinococcosis in rural areas, Mongolia.
- Author
Temuulen Dorjsuren, Sumiya Ganzorig, Munkhbaatar Dagvasumberel, Altansukh Tsend-Ayush, Chimedlkhamsuren Ganbold, Mandukhai Ganbat, Enkh-Oyun Tsogzolbaatar, Uranchimeg Tsevelvaanchig, Giimaa Narantsogt, Chinchuluun Boldbaatar, Burnee Mundur, Munkhgerel Khand-Ish, and Gurbadam Agvaandaram more...
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Cystic echinococcosis is a chronic, complex and neglected zoonotic disease with considerable socio-economic impact on the affected population. Even though Mongolia is included in the list of high cystic echinococcosis risk countries, there has been very limited research and evidence on the prevalence or prevention of cystic echinococcosis. This field-based cross-sectional study to investigate the prevalence of cystic echinococcosis and its potential risk factors in Mongolia was conducted from April 2016 to March 2018. A total of 1,993 people were examined by ultrasound in five provinces of Mongolia. All cystic echinococcosis positive cases were classified according to the WHO-IWGE expert recommendations. The logistic regression model was used to detect the association between the presence of echinococcus infection and each potential risk factor. This was the first community survey based on ultrasound screening in Mongolia. We found 98 cystic echinococcosis cases (prevalence = 4.9%), including 85 abdominal ultrasound cystic echinococcosis positive cases and 13 abdominal ultrasound cystic echinococcosis negative cases (surgically treated cystic echinococcosis cases 11, and 2 confirmed cases of lung cystic echinococcosis by chestcomputed tomography in hospital of Ulaanbaatar). The prevalence of cystic echinococcosis varied greatly among different provinces, ranging from 2.0% to 13.1%. Children, elderly people and those with lower education had higher chances of getting cystic echinococcosis. Rather than dog ownership itself, daily practice for cleaning dog feces was associated with increased odds of cystic echinococcosis. The results of the present study show very high endemicity of cystic echinococcosis in Umnugovi province. Evaluation of potential risk factors associated with cystic echinococcosisshow high significance for following factors: demographics (age), social condition (education level) and hygiene practices (cleaning dog feces and use of gloves). Children under 18 and elderly people are considered as the most risk age groups in Mongolia. more...
- Published
- 2020
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194. Phylogenetic relationships of graylings (Thymallus, Linck, 1790) in Mongolia based on mitochondrial DNA
- Author
Ganbold, Onolragchaa, Purevee, Erdenetushig, Amartuvshin, Tuvshinlkhagva, Jang, Ji Eun, Tsagaan, Khongorzul, and Jargalsaikhan, Ariunbold
- Published
- 2024
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195. Antifibrotic effect of methylated quercetin derivatives on TGFβ-induced hepatic stellate cells
- Author
Munkhzul Ganbold, Yasuhiro Shimamoto, Farhana Ferdousi, Kenichi Tominaga, and Hiroko Isoda
- Subjects
Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Biochemistry ,QD415-436 - Abstract
Quercetin (QCT) and isorhamnetin (ISO), natural flavonoids, were both shown to possess antifibrotic activity in in vivo and in vitro models of hepatic fibrosis. Although ISO is a direct metabolite of QCT differing by a methyl group, it has been reported to be absorbed more adequately and eliminated slower than QCT after oral administration. Our aim of the study was to investigate biological effect of mono-methylated QCT derivatives against fibrosis using rat hepatic stellate cells (HSC-T6). All test derivatives were synthesized from QCT. HSC-T6 cells were induced by TGFβ and treated with derivatives followed by cell proliferation assay, immunofluorescence staining of αSMA, and gene expression analysis of fibrosis markers. All compounds showed a dose- and time-dependent antiproliferation effect. ISO, 3-O-methylquercetin (3MQ), and rhamnetin (RHA) reduced αSMA mRNA; 3MQ prevented the augmentation of collagen I mRNA; and compounds, except azaleatin and 3MQ, reduced Timp1 mRNA expression in TGFβ-induced HSCs. In conclusion, each compound had singular effect against different features of fibrosis depending on the position of methyl group although the further mechanism of action of compounds during fibrosis development remains to be investigated. These findings suggest that antifibrotic effect of quercetin can be enhanced by adding methyl group on functionally important position. Keywords: Quercetin, Isorhamnetin, Azaleatin, 3-O-Methylquercetin, Tamarixetin, Rhamnetin, Fibrosis, Hepatic stellate cells more...
- Published
- 2019
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196. Using Crowd Agreement for Wordnet Localization.
- Author
Amarsanaa Ganbold, Altangerel Chagnaa, and Gábor Bella
- Published
- 2018
197. Global multi-stakeholder endorsement of the MAFLD definition
- Author
Mendez-Sanchez, N, Bugianesi, E, Gish, R, Lammert, F, Tilg, H, Nguyen, M, Sarin, S, Fabrellas, N, Zelber-Sagi, S, Fan, J, Shiha, G, Targher, G, Zheng, M, Chan, W, Vinker, S, Kawaguchi, T, Castera, L, Yilmaz, Y, Korenjak, M, Spearman, C, Ungan, M, Palmer, M, El-Shabrawi, M, Gruss, H, Dufour, J, Dhawan, A, Wedemeyer, H, George, J, Valenti, L, Fouad, Y, Romero-Gomez, M, Eslam, M, Abate, M, Abbas, B, Abbassy, A, Abd El Ghany, W, Abd Elkhalek, A, Abd ElMajeed, E, Abdalgaber, M, Abdallah, M, Abdallah, N, Abdelaleem, S, Abdelghani, Y, Abdelghany, W, Abdelhalim, S, Abdelhamid, W, Abdelhamid, N, Abdelkader, N, Abdelkreem, E, Abdelmohsen, A, Abdelrahman, A, Abd-elsalam, S, Abdeltawab, D, Abduh, A, Abdulhakam, N, Abdulla, M, Abedpoor, N, Abenavoli, L, Aberg, F, Ablack, O, Abo elftouh, M, Abo-Amer, Y, Aboubkr, A, Aboud, A, Abouelnaga, A, Aboufarrag, G, Aboutaleb, A, Abundis, L, Adali, G, Adames, E, Adams, L, Adda, D, Adel, N, Adel Sayed, M, Afaa, T, Afredj, N, Aghayeva, G, Aghemo, A, Aguilar-Salinas, C, Ahlenstiel, G, Ahmady, W, Ahmed, W, Ahmed, A, Ahmed, S, Ahmed, H, Ahmed, R, Aigner, E, Akarsu, M, Akroush, M, Akyuz, U, Al Mahtab, M, Al Qadiri, T, Al Rawahi, Y, AL rubaee, R, Al Saffar, M, Alam, S, Al-Ani, Z, Albillos, A, Alboraie, M, Al-Busafi, S, Al-Emam, M, Alharthi, J, Ali, K, Ali, B, Ali, M, Ali, R, Alisi, A, AL-Khafaji, A, Alkhatry, M, Aller, R, Almansoury, Y, Al-Naamani, K, Alnakeeb, A, Alonso, A, Alqahtani, S, Alrabadi, L, Alswat, K, Altaher, M, Altamimi, T, Altamirano, J, Alvares-da-Silva, M, Aly, E, Alzahaby, A, Alzamzamy, A, Amano, K, Amer, M, Amin, M, Amin, S, Amir, A, Ampuero, J, Anas, N, Andreone, P, Andriamandimby, S, Anees, M, Angela, P, Antonios, M, Arafat, W, Araya, J, Armendariz-Borunda, J, Armstrong, M, Ashktorab, H, Aspichueta, P, Assal, F, Atef, M, Attia, D, Atwa, H, Awad, R, Awad, M, Awny, S, Awolowo, O, Awuku, Y, Ayada, I, Aye, T, Ayman, S, Ayman, H, Ayoub, H, Azmy, H, Babaran, R, Badreldin, O, Badry, A, Bahcecioglu, I, Bahour, A, Bai, J, Balaban, Y, Balasubramanyam, M, Bamakhrama, K, Banales, J, Bangaru, B, Bao, J, Barahona, J, Barakat, S, Barbalho, S, Barbra, B, Barranco, B, Barrera, F, Baumann, U, Bazeed, S, Bech, E, Benayad, A, Benesic, A, Bernstein, D, Bessone, F, Birney, S, Bisseye, C, Blake, M, Bobat, B, Bonfrate, L, Bordin, D, Bosques-Padilla, F, Boursier, J, Boushab, B, Bowen, D, Bravo, P, Brennan, P, Bright, B, Broekaert, I, Buque, X, Burgos-Santamaria, D, Burman, J, Busetto, L, Byrne, C, Cabral-Prodigalidad, P, Cabrera-Alvarez, G, Cai, W, Cainelli, F, Caliskan, A, Canbay, A, Cano-Contreras, A, Cao, H, Cao, Z, Carrion, A, Carubbi, F, Casanovas, T, Castellanos Fernandez, M, Chai, J, Chan, S, Charatcharoenwitthaya, P, Chavez-Tapia, N, Chayama, K, Chen, J, Chen, L, Chen, Z, Chen, H, Chen, S, Chen, Q, Chen, Y, Chen, G, Chen, E, Chen, F, Chen, P, Cheng, R, Cheng, W, Chieh, J, Chokr, I, Cholongitas, E, Choudhury, A, Chowdhury, A, Chukwudike, E, Ciardullo, S, Clayton, M, Clement, K, Cloa, M, Coccia, C, Collazos, C, Colombo, M, Cosar, A, Cotrim, H, Couillerot, J, Coulibaly, A, Crespo, G, Crespo, J, Cruells, M, Cua, I, Dabbous, H, Dalekos, G, D'Alia, P, Dan, L, Dao, V, Darwish, M, Datz, C, Davalos-Moscol, M, Dawoud, H, de Careaga, B, de Knegt, R, de Ledinghen, V, de Silva, J, Debzi, N, Decraecker, M, Del Pozo, E, Delgado, T, Delgado-Blanco, M, Dembinski, L, Depina, A, Derbala, M, Desalegn, H, Desbois-Mouthon, C, Desoky, M, Dev, A, Di Ciaula, A, Diago, M, Diallo, I, Diaz, L, Dirchwolf, M, Dongiovanni, P, Dorofeyev, A, Dou, X, Douglas, M, Doulberis, M, Dovia, C, Doyle, A, Dragojevic, I, Drenth, J, Duan, X, Dulskas, A, Dumitrascu, D, Duncan, O, Dusabejambo, V, Dwawhi, R, Eiketsu, S, El Amrousy, D, El Deeb, A, El Deriny, G, El Din, H, El Kamshishy, S, El Kassas, M, El Raziky, M, Elagamy, O, Elakel, W, Elalfy, D, Elaraby, H, Elawady, H, Elbadawy, R, Eldash, H, Eldefrawy, M, Elecharri, C, Elfaramawy, A, Elfatih, M, Elfiky, M, Elgamsy, M, Elgendy, M, El-Guindi, M, Elhussieny, N, Eliwa, A, Elkabbany, Z, El-Khayat, H, El-Koofy, N, Elmetwalli, A, Elrabat, A, El-Raey, F, Elrashdy, F, Elsahhar, M, Elsaid, E, Elsayed, S, Elsayed, H, Elsayed, A, El-Serafy, M, Elsharkawy, A, Elsheemy, R, Elshemy, E, Elsherbini, S, Eltoukhy, N, Elwakil, R, Emad, O, Emad, S, Embabi, M, Ergenc, I, Ermolova, T, Esmat, G, Esmat, D, Estupinan, E, Ettair, S, Eugen, T, Ezz-Eldin, M, Falcon, L, Fan, Y, Fandari, S, Farag, M, Farahat, T, Fares, E, Fares, M, Fassio, E, Fathy, H, Fathy, D, Fathy, W, Fayed, S, Feng, D, Feng, G, Fernandez-Bermejo, M, Ferreira, C, Ferrer, J, Forbes, A, Fouad, R, Fouad, H, Frisch, T, Fujii, H, Fukunaga, S, Fukunishi, S, Fulya, H, Furuhashi, M, Gaber, Y, Galang, A, Gallardo, J, Galloso, R, Gamal, M, Gamal, R, Gamal, H, Gan, J, Ganbold, A, Gao, X, Garas, G, Garba, T, Garcia-Cortes, M, Garcia-Monzon, C, Garcia-Samaniego, J, Gastaldelli, A, Gatica, M, Gatley, E, Gegeshidze, T, Geng, B, Ghazinyan, H, Ghoneem, S, Giacomelli, L, Giannelli, G, Giannini, E, Giefer, M, Gines, P, Girala, M, Giraudi, P, Goh, G, Gomaa, A, Gong, B, Gonzales, D, Gonzalez, H, Gonzalez-Huezo, M, Graupera, I, Grgurevic, I, Gronbaek, H, Gu, X, Guan, L, Gueye, I, Guingane, A, Gul, O, Gul, C, Guo, Q, Gupta, P, Gurakar, A, Gutierrez, J, Habib, G, Hafez, A, Hagman, E, Halawa, E, Hamdy, O, Hamed, A, Hamed, D, Hamid, S, Hamoudi, W, Han, Y, Haridy, J, Haridy, H, Harris, D, Hart, M, Hasan, F, Hashim, A, Hassan, I, Hassan, A, Hassan, E, Hassan, M, Hassanin, F, Hassnine, A, Haukeland, J, Hawal, A, He, J, He, Q, He, Y, He, F, Hegazy, M, Hegazy, A, Henegil, O, Hernandez, N, Hernandez-Guerra, M, Higuera-de-la-Tijera, F, Hindy, I, Hirota, K, Ho, L, Hodge, A, Hosny, M, Hou, X, Huang, J, Huang, Y, Huang, Z, Huang, A, Huang, X, Hui-ping, S, Hunyady, B, Hussein, M, Hussein, O, Hussien, S, Ibanez-Samaniego, L, Ibdah, J, Ibrahim, L, Ibrahim, M, Ibrahim, I, Icaza-Chavez, M, Idelbi, S, Idilman, R, Ikeda, M, Indolfi, G, Invernizzi, F, Irshad, I, Isa, H, Iskandar, N, Ismaiel, A, Ismail, M, Ismail, Z, Ismail, F, Iwamoto, H, Jack, K, Jacob, R, Jafarov, F, Jafri, W, Jahshan, H, Jalal, P, Jancoriene, L, Janicko, M, Jayasena, H, Jefferies, M, Jha, V, Ji, F, Ji, Y, Jia, J, Jiang, C, Jiang, N, Jiang, Z, Jin, X, Jin, Y, Jing, X, Jingyu, Q, Jinjolava, M, Jong, F, Jucov, A, Julius, I, Kaddah, M, Kamada, Y, Kamal, A, Kamal, E, Kamel, A, Kao, J, Karin, M, Karlas, T, Kashwaa, M, Katsidzira, L, Kaya, E, Kayasseh, M, Keenan, B, Keklikkiran, C, Keml, W, Khalaf, D, Khalefa, R, Khamis, S, Khater, D, Khattab, H, Khavkin, A, Khlynova, O, Khmis, N, Kobyliak, N, Koffas, A, Koike, K, Kok, K, Koller, T, Komas, N, Korochanskaya, N, Koulla, Y, Koya, S, Kraft, C, Kraja, B, Krawczyk, M, Kuchay, M, Kulkarni, A, Kumar, A, Kumar, M, Lakoh, S, Lam, P, Lan, L, Lange, N, Lankarani, K, Lanthier, N, Lapshyna, K, Lashen, S, Laure, K, Lazebnik, L, Lebrec, D, Lee, S, Lee, W, Lee, Y, Leeming, D, Leite, N, Leon, R, Lesmana, C, Li, J, Li, Q, Li, Y, Li, L, Li, M, Liang, H, Lijuan, T, Lim, S, Lim, L, Lin, S, Lin, H, Lin, R, Lithy, R, Liu, Y, Liu, X, Liu, W, Liu, S, Liu, K, Liu, T, Lonardo, A, Lopez, M, Lopez-Benages, E, Lopez-Jaramillo, P, Lu, H, Lu, L, Lu, Y, Lubel, J, Lui, R, Lupasco, I, Luzina, E, Lv, X, Lynch, K, Ma, H, Machado, M, Maduka, N, Madzharova, K, Magdaong, R, Mahadeva, S, Mahfouz, A, Mahmood, N, Mahmoud, E, Mahrous, M, Maiwall, R, Majeed, A, Majumdar, A, Mak, L, Maklouf, M, Malekzadeh, R, Mandato, C, Mangia, A, Mann, J, Mansour, H, Mansouri, A, Mantovani, A, Mao, J, Maramag, F, Marchesini, G, Marcus, C, Marinho, R, Martinez-Chantar, M, Martins, A, Marwan, R, Mason, K, Masoud, G, Massoud, M, Matamoros, M, Mateos, R, Mawed, A, Mbanya, J, Mbendi, C, Mccolaugh, L, Mcleod, D, Medina, J, Megahed, A, Mehrez, M, Memon, I, Merat, S, Mercado, R, Mesbah, A, Meskini, T, Metwally, M, Metwaly, R, Miao, L, Micah, E, Miele, L, Milivojevic, V, Milovanovic, T, Mina, Y, Mishkovik, M, Mishriki, A, Mitchell, T, Mohamed, A, Mohamed, M, Mohamed, S, Mohammed, S, Mohammed, A, Mohan, V, Mohie, S, Mokhtar, A, Moniem, R, Montilla, M, Morales, J, Morata, M, Moreno-Planas, J, Morise, S, Mosaad, S, Moselhy, M, Mostafa, A, Mostafa, E, Mouane, N, Mousa, N, Moustafa, H, Msherif, A, Muller, K, Munoz, C, Munoz-Urribarri, A, Murillo, O, Mustapha, F, Muzurovic, E, Nabil, Y, Nafady, S, Nagamatsu, A, Nakajima, A, Nakano, D, Nan, Y, Nascimbeni, F, Naseef, M, Nashat, N, Natalia, T, Negro, F, Nersesov, A, Neuman, M, Ng'Wanasayi, M, Ni, Y, Nicoll, A, Niizeki, T, Nikolova, D, Ningning, W, Niriella, M, Nogoibaeva, K, Nordien, R, O Sullivan, C, O'Beirne, J, Obekpa, S, Ocama, P, Ochwoto, M, Ogolodom, M, Ojo, O, Okrostsvaridze, N, Oliveira, C, Omana, R, Omar, O, Omar, H, Omar, M, Omran, S, Omran, R, Osman, M, Owise, N, Owusu-Ansah, T, Padilla- Machaca, P, Palle, S, Pan, Z, Pan, X, Pan, Q, Papaefthymiou, A, Paquissi, F, Par, G, Parkash, A, Payawal, D, Peltekian, K, Peng, X, Peng, L, Peng, Y, Pengoria, R, Perez, M, Perez, J, Perez, N, Persico, M, Pessoa, M, Petta, S, Philip, M, Plaz Torres, M, Polavarapu, N, Poniachik, J, Portincasa, P, Pu, C, Purnak, T, Purwanto, E, Qi, X, Qian, Z, Qiang, Z, Qiao, Z, Qiao, L, Queiroz, A, Rabiee, A, Radwan, M, Rahetilahy, A, Ramadan, Y, Ramadan, D, Ramli, A, Ramm, G, Ran, A, Rankovic, I, Rao, H, Raouf, S, Ray, S, Reau, N, Refaat, A, Reiberger, T, Remes-Troche, J, Reyes, E, Richardson, B, Ridruejo, E, Riestra Jimenez, S, Rizk, I, Roberts, S, Roblero, J, Robles, J, Rockey, D, Rodriguez, M, Rodriguez Hernandez, H, Roman, E, Romeiro, F, Romeo, S, Rosales-Zabal, J, Roshdi, G, Rosso, N, Ruf, A, Ruiz, P, Runes, N, Ruzzenente, A, Ryan, M, Saad, A, Sabbagh, E, Sabbah, M, Saber, S, Sabrey, R, Sabry, R, Saeed, M, Said, D, Said, E, Sakr, M, Salah, Y, Salama, R, Salama, A, Saleh, H, Saleh, A, Salem, A, Salifou, A, Salih, A, Salman, A, Samouda, H, Sanai, F, Sanchez-Avila, J, Sanker, L, Sano, T, Sanz, M, Saparbu, T, Sawhney, R, Sayed, F, Sayed, S, Sayed, A, Sayed, M, Sebastiani, G, Secadas, L, Sediqi, K, Seif, S, Semida, N, Senates, E, Serban, E, Serfaty, L, Seto, W, Sghaier, I, Sha, M, Shabaan, H, Shalaby, L, Shaltout, I, Sharara, A, Sharma, V, Shawa, I, Shawkat, A, Shawky, N, Shehata, O, Sheils, S, Shewaye, A, Shi, G, Shi, J, Shimose, S, Shirono, T, Shou, L, Shrestha, A, Shui, G, Sievert, W, Sigurdardottir, S, Sira, M, Siradj, R, Sison, C, Smyth, L, Soliman, R, Sollano, J, Sombie, R, Sonderup, M, Sood, S, Soriano, G, Stedman, C, Stefanyuk, O, Stimac, D, Strasser, S, Strnad, P, Stuart, K, Su, W, Su, M, Sumida, Y, Sumie, S, Sun, D, Sun, J, Suzuki, H, Svegliati-Baroni, G, Swar, M, Taharboucht, S, Taher, Z, Takamura, S, Tan, L, Tan, S, Tanwandee, T, Tarek, S, Tatiana, G, Tavaglione, F, Tecson, G, Tee, H, Teschke, R, Tharwat, M, Thong, V, Thursz, M, Tine, T, Tiribelli, C, Tolmane, I, Tong, J, Tongo, M, Torkie, M, Torre, A, Torres, E, Trajkovska, M, Treeprasertsuk, S, Tsutsumi, T, Tu, T, Tur, J, Turan, D, Turcan, S, Turkina, S, Tutar, E, Tzeuton, C, Ugiagbe, R, Uygun, A, Vacca, M, Vajro, P, Van der Poorten, D, Van Kleef, L, Vashakidze, E, Velazquez, C, Velazquez, M, Vento, S, Verhoeven, V, Vespasiani-Gentilucci, U, Vethakkan, S, Vilaseca, J, Vitek, L, Volkanovska, A, Wallace, M, Wan, W, Wang, Y, Wang, X, Wang, C, Wang, M, Wangchuk, P, Weltman, M, White, M, Wiegand, J, Wifi, M, Wigg, A, Wilhelmi, M, William, R, Wittenburg, H, Wu, S, Wubeneh, A, Xia, H, Xiao, J, Xiao, X, Xiaofeng, W, Xiong, W, Xu, L, Xu, J, Xu, W, Xu, K, Xu, Y, Xu, S, Xu, M, Xu, A, Xu, C, Yan, H, Yang, J, Yang, R, Yang, Y, Yang, Q, Yang, N, Yao, J, Yara, J, Yaras, S, Yilmaz, N, Younes, R, Younes, H, Young, S, Youssef, F, Yu, Y, Yu, M, Yuan, J, Yue, Z, Yuen, M, Yun, W, Yurukova, N, Zakaria, S, Zaky, S, Zaldastanishvili, M, Zapata, R, Zare, N, Zerem, E, Zeriban, N, Zeshuai, X, Zhang, H, Zhang, X, Zhang, Y, Zhang, W, Zhang, Z, Zhao, J, Zhao, R, Zhao, H, Zheng, C, Zheng, Y, Zheng, R, Zheng, T, Zheng, K, Zhou, X, Zhou, Y, Zhou, H, Zhou, L, Zhu, L, Zhu, Y, Zhu, P, Ziada, E, Ziring, D, Ziyi, L, Zou, S, Zou, Z, Zou, H, Zuart Ruiz, R, Mendez-Sanchez N., Bugianesi E., Gish R. G., Lammert F., Tilg H., Nguyen M. H., Sarin S. K., Fabrellas N., Zelber-Sagi S., Fan J. -G., Shiha G., Targher G., Zheng M. -H., Chan W. -K., Vinker S., Kawaguchi T., Castera L., Yilmaz Y., Korenjak M., Spearman C. W., Ungan M., Palmer M., El-Shabrawi M., Gruss H. -J., Dufour J. -F., Dhawan A., Wedemeyer H., George J., Valenti L., Fouad Y., Romero-Gomez M., Eslam M., Abate M. L., Abbas B., Abbassy A. A., Abd El Ghany W., Abd Elkhalek A., Abd ElMajeed E., Abdalgaber M., AbdAllah M., Abdallah M., Abdallah N., Abdelaleem S., Abdelghani Y., Abdelghany W., Abdelhalim S. M., Abdelhamid W., Abdelhamid N., Abdelkader N. A., Abdelkreem E., Abdelmohsen A. M., Abdelrahman A. A., Abd-elsalam S. M., Abdeltawab D., Abduh A., Abdulhakam N., Abdulla M., Abedpoor N., Abenavoli L., Aberg F., Ablack O., Abo elftouh M., Abo-Amer Y. E. -E., Aboubkr A., Aboud A., Abouelnaga A. M., Aboufarrag G. A., Aboutaleb A., Abundis L., Adali G., Adames E., Adams L., Adda D., Adel N., Adel Sayed M., Afaa T. J., Afredj N., Aghayeva G., Aghemo A., Aguilar-Salinas C. A., Ahlenstiel G., Ahmady W., Ahmed W., Ahmed A., Ahmed S. N., Ahmed H. M., Ahmed R., Aigner E., Akarsu M., Akroush M., Akyuz U., Al Mahtab M., Al Qadiri T., Al Rawahi Y., AL rubaee R., Al Saffar M., Alam S., Al-Ani Z., Albillos A., Alboraie M., Al-Busafi S., Al-Emam M., Alharthi J., Ali K., Ali B. A., Ali M., Ali R. A. R., Alisi A., AL-Khafaji A. R., Alkhatry M., Aller R., Almansoury Y., Al-Naamani K., Alnakeeb A., Alonso A., Alqahtani S. A., Alrabadi L., Alswat K., Altaher M., Altamimi T., Altamirano J., Alvares-da-Silva M. R., Aly E. A. M., Alzahaby A., Alzamzamy A., Amano K., Amer M. A., Amin M. A., Amin S. A., Amir A. A., Ampuero J., Anas N., Andreone P., Andriamandimby S. F., Anees M., Angela P., Antonios M., Arafat W., Araya J. M., Armendariz-Borunda J., Armstrong M. J., Ashktorab H., Aspichueta P., Assal F., Atef M., Attia D., Atwa H., Awad R., Awad M. A. E., Awny S., Awolowo O., Awuku Y. A., Ayada I., Aye T. T., Ayman S., Ayman H., Ayoub H., Azmy H. M., Babaran R. P., Badreldin O., Badry A., Bahcecioglu I. H., Bahour A., Bai J., Balaban Y., Balasubramanyam M., Bamakhrama K., Banales J. M., Bangaru B., Bao J., Barahona J. S., Barakat S., Barbalho S. M., Barbra B., Barranco B., Barrera F., Baumann U., Bazeed S., Bech E., Benayad A., Benesic A., Bernstein D., Bessone F., Birney S., Bisseye C., Blake M., Bobat B., Bonfrate L., Bordin D. S., Bosques-Padilla F., Boursier J., Boushab B. M., Bowen D., Bravo P. M., Brennan P. N., Bright B., Broekaert I., Buque X., Burgos-Santamaria D., Burman J., Busetto L., Byrne C. D., Cabral-Prodigalidad P. A. I., Cabrera-Alvarez G., Cai W., Cainelli F., Caliskan A. R., Canbay A., Cano-Contreras A., Cao H. -X., Cao Z., Carrion A., Carubbi F., Casanovas T., Castellanos Fernandez M. I., Chai J., Chan S. P., Charatcharoenwitthaya P., Chavez-Tapia N., Chayama K., Chen J., Chen L., Chen Z. -W., Chen H., Chen S. -D., Chen Q., Chen Y., Chen G., Chen E. -Q., Chen F., Chen P. -J., Cheng R., Cheng W., Chieh J. T. W., Chokr I., Cholongitas E., Choudhury A., Chowdhury A., Chukwudike E. S., Ciardullo S., Clayton M., Clement K., Cloa M. M., Coccia C., Collazos C., Colombo M., Cosar A. M., Cotrim H. P., Couillerot J., Coulibaly A., Crespo G., Crespo J., Cruells M., Cua I. H. Y., Dabbous H. K., Dalekos G. N., D'Alia P., Dan L., Dao V. H., Darwish M., Datz C., Davalos-Moscol M. B., Dawoud H., de Careaga B. O., de Knegt R., de Ledinghen V., de Silva J., Debzi N., Decraecker M., Del Pozo E., Delgado T. C., Delgado-Blanco M., Dembinski L., Depina A., Derbala M., Desalegn H., Desbois-Mouthon C., Desoky M., Dev A., Di Ciaula A., Diago M., Diallo I., Diaz L. A., Dirchwolf M., Dongiovanni P., Dorofeyev A., Dou X., Douglas M. W., Doulberis M., Dovia C. K., Doyle A., Dragojevic I., Drenth J. P., Duan X., Dulskas A., Dumitrascu D. L., Duncan O., Dusabejambo V., Dwawhi R. S. N. A., Eiketsu S., El Amrousy D., El Deeb A., El Deriny G., El Din H. S., El Kamshishy S., El Kassas M., El Raziky M., Elagamy O. A., Elakel W., Elalfy D., Elaraby H., ElAwady H., Elbadawy R., Eldash H. H., Eldefrawy M. S., Elecharri C. L., Elfaramawy A., Elfatih M., Elfiky M., Elgamsy M., Elgendy M., El-Guindi M. A., Elhussieny N., Eliwa A. M., Elkabbany Z., El-Khayat H., El-Koofy N. M., Elmetwalli A., Elrabat A., El-Raey F., Elrashdy F., Elsahhar M., Elsaid E. M., Elsayed S., Elsayed H., Elsayed A., Elsayed A. M., El-Serafy M., Elsharkawy A. M., Elsheemy R. Y., Elshemy E. E., Elsherbini S., Eltoukhy N., Elwakil R., Emad O., Emad S., Embabi M., Ergenc I., Ermolova T., Esmat G., Esmat D. M., Estupinan E. C., Ettair S., Eugen T., Ezz-Eldin M., Falcon L. P. V., Fan Y. -C., Fandari S., Farag M., Farahat T. M., Fares E. M., Fares M., Fassio E., Fathy H., Fathy D., Fathy W., Fayed S., Feng D., Feng G., Fernandez-Bermejo M., Ferreira C. T., Ferrer J. D., Forbes A., Fouad R., Fouad H. M., Frisch T., Fujii H., Fukunaga S., Fukunishi S., Fulya H., Furuhashi M., Gaber Y., Galang A. J. G., Gallardo J. C., Galloso R., Gamal M., Gamal R., Gamal H., Gan J., Ganbold A., Gao X., Garas G., Garba T., Garcia-Cortes M., Garcia-Monzon C., Garcia-Samaniego J., Gastaldelli A., Gatica M., Gatley E., Gegeshidze T., Geng B., Ghazinyan H., Ghoneem S., Giacomelli L., Giannelli G., Giannini E. G., Giefer M., Gines P., Girala M., Giraudi P. J., Goh G. B. -B., Gomaa A. A., Gong B., Gonzales D. H. C., Gonzalez H. C., Gonzalez-Huezo M. S., Graupera I., Grgurevic I., Gronbaek H., Gu X., Guan L., Gueye I., Guingane A. N., Gul O. O., Gul C. B., Guo Q., Gupta P. P., Gurakar A., Gutierrez J. C. R., Habib G., Hafez A., Hagman E., Halawa E., Hamdy O., Hamed A. E., Hamed D. H., Hamid S., Hamoudi W., Han Y., Haridy J., Haridy H., Harris D. C. H. H., Hart M., Hasan F., Hashim A., Hassan I., Hassan A., Hassan E. A., Hassan A. A., Hassan M. S., Hassanin F., Hassnine A., Haukeland J. W., Hawal A. I. M., He J., He Q., He Y., He F. -P., Hegazy M., Hegazy A., Henegil O., Hernandez N., Hernandez-Guerra M., Higuera-de-la-Tijera F., Hindy I., Hirota K., Ho L. C., Hodge A., Hosny M., Hou X., Huang J. -F., Huang Y., Huang Z., Huang A., Huang X. -P., Hui-ping S., Hunyady B., Hussein M. A., Hussein O., Hussien S. M., Ibanez-Samaniego L., Ibdah J., Ibrahim L., Ibrahim M., Ibrahim I., Icaza-Chavez M. E., Idelbi S., Idilman R. I., Ikeda M., Indolfi G., Invernizzi F., Irshad I., Isa H. M. A., Iskandar N. J., Ismaiel A., Ismail M., Ismail Z., Ismail F., Iwamoto H., Jack K., Jacob R., Jafarov F., Jafri W., Jahshan H., Jalal P. K., Jancoriene L., Janicko M., Jayasena H., Jefferies M., Jha V., Ji F., Ji Y., Jia J., Jiang C., Jiang N., Jiang Z. -Z., Jin X., Jin Y., Jing X., Jingyu Q., Jinjolava M., Jong F. H. H., Jucov A., Julius I., Kaddah M., Kamada Y., kamal A., Kamal E. M., Kamel A. S., Kao J. -H., Karin M., Karlas T., Kashwaa M., Katsidzira L., Kaya E., Kayasseh M. A., Keenan B., Keklikkiran C., Keml W., Khalaf D. K., Khalefa R., Khamis S., Khater D., khattab H., Khavkin A., Khlynova O., Khmis N., Kobyliak N., Koffas A., Koike K., Kok K. Y. Y., Koller T., Komas N. P., Korochanskaya N. V., Koulla Y., Koya S., Kraft C., Kraja B., Krawczyk M., Kuchay M. S., Kulkarni A. V., Kumar A., Kumar M., Lakoh S., Lam P., Lan L., Lange N. F., Lankarani K. B., Lanthier N., Lapshyna K., Lashen S. A., Laure K. N. J., Lazebnik L., Lebrec D., Lee S. S., Lee W. S., Lee Y. Y., Leeming D. J., Leite N. C., Leon R., Lesmana C. R. A., Li J., Li Q., Li Y. -Y., Li Y., Li L., Li M., li Y., Liang H., Lijuan T., Lim S. G., Lim L. -L., Lin S., Lin H. -C., Lin R., Lithy R., Liu Y., Liu X., Liu W. -Y., Liu S., Liu K., Liu T., Lonardo A., Lopez M. B., Lopez-Benages E., Lopez-Jaramillo P., Lu H., Lu L. G., Lu Y., Lubel J., Lui R., Lupasco I., Luzina E., Lv X. -H., Lynch K., Ma H. -L., Machado M. V., Maduka N., Madzharova K., Magdaong R., Mahadeva S., Mahfouz A., Mahmood N. R. K. N., Mahmoud E., Mahrous M., Maiwall R., Majeed A., Majumdar A., Mak L., Maklouf M. M., Malekzadeh R., Mandato C., Mangia A., Mann J., Mansour H. H., Mansouri A., Mantovani A., Mao J. Q., Maramag F., Marchesini G., Marcus C., Marinho R. A. R. T., Martinez-Chantar M. L., Martins A. A. S., Marwan R., Mason K. F., Masoud G., Massoud M. N., Matamoros M. A., Mateos R. M., Mawed A., Mbanya J. C., Mbendi C., McColaugh L., McLeod D., Medina J. F. R., Megahed A., Mehrez M., Memon I., Merat S., Mercado R., Mesbah A., Meskini T., Metwally M., Metwaly R., Miao L., Micah E., Miele L., Milivojevic V., Milovanovic T., Mina Y. L., Mishkovik M., Mishriki A., Mitchell T., Mohamed A., Mohamed M., Mohamed S., Mohammed S., Mohammed A., Mohan V., Mohie S., Mokhtar A., Moniem R., Montilla M. S., Morales J. A. O., Morata M. M. S., Moreno-Planas J. M., Morise S., Mosaad S., Moselhy M., Mostafa A. M., Mostafa E., Mouane N., Mousa N., Moustafa H. M., Msherif A., Muller K., Munoz C., Munoz-Urribarri A. B., Murillo O. A., Mustapha F. I., Muzurovic E., Nabil Y., Nafady S., Nagamatsu A., Nakajima A., Nakano D., Nan Y., Nascimbeni F., Naseef M. S., Nashat N., Natalia T., Negro F., Nersesov A. V., Neuman M., Ng'wanasayi M., Ni Y., Nicoll A., Niizeki T., Nikolova D., Ningning W., Niriella M., Nogoibaeva K. A., Nordien R., O Sullivan C., O'Beirne J., Obekpa S., Ocama P., Ochwoto M., Ogolodom M. P., Ojo O., Okrostsvaridze N., Oliveira C. P., Omana R. C., Omar O. M., Omar H., Omar M., Omran S., Omran R., Osman M. M., Owise N., Owusu-Ansah T., Padilla- Machaca P. M., Palle S., Pan Z., Pan X. -Y., Pan Q., Papaefthymiou A., Paquissi F. C., Par G., Parkash A., Payawal D., Peltekian K. M., Peng X., Peng L., Peng Y., Pengoria R., Perez M., Perez J. L., Perez N. M., Persico M., Pessoa M. G., Petta S., Philip M., Plaz Torres M. C., Polavarapu N., Poniachik J., Portincasa P., Pu C., Purnak T., Purwanto E., Qi X., Qian Z., Qiang Z., Qiao Z., Qiao L., Queiroz A., Rabiee A., Radwan M., Rahetilahy A. M., Ramadan Y., Ramadan D., Ramli A. S., Ramm G. A., Ran A., Rankovic I., RAO H., Raouf S., Ray S., Reau N., Refaat A., Reiberger T., Remes-Troche J. M., Reyes E. C., Richardson B., Ridruejo E., Riestra Jimenez S., Rizk I., Roberts S., Roblero J. P., Robles J. A. P., Rockey D., Rodriguez M., Rodriguez Hernandez H., Roman E., Romeiro F. G., Romeo S., Rosales-Zabal J. M., Roshdi G. R., Rosso N., Ruf A., Ruiz P. C., Runes N. R., Ruzzenente A., Ryan M., Saad A., Sabbagh E. B., Sabbah M., Saber S., Sabrey R., Sabry R., Saeed M. A., Said D., Said E. M., Sakr M. A., Salah Y., Salama R. M., Salama A., Saleh H., Saleh A., Salem A., Salem A. T., Salifou A., Salih A. F., Salman A., Samouda H., Sanai F., Sanchez-Avila J. F., Sanker L., Sano T., Sanz M., Saparbu T., Sawhney R., Sayed F., Sayed S. A., Sayed A. O., Sayed M., Sebastiani G., Secadas L., Sediqi K. Q., Seif S., Semida N., Senates E., Serban E. D., Serfaty L., Seto W. -K., Sghaier I., Sha M., Shabaan H. M., Shalaby L., Shaltout I., Sharara A. I., Sharma V., Shawa I. T., Shawkat A., Shawky N., Shehata O., Sheils S., Shewaye A. B., Shi G., Shi J., Shimose S., Shirono T., Shou L., Shrestha A., Shui G., Sievert W., Sigurdardottir S., Sira M. M., Siradj R., Sison C., Smyth L., Soliman R., Sollano J. D., Sombie R., Sonderup M., Sood S., Soriano G., Stedman C. A. M., Stefanyuk O., Stimac D., Strasser S., Strnad P., Stuart K., Su W., Su M., Sumida Y., Sumie S., Sun D. -Q., Sun J., Suzuki H., Svegliati-Baroni G., Swar M. O., TAHARBOUCHT S., Taher Z., Takamura S., Tan L., Tan S. -S., Tanwandee T., Tarek S., Tatiana G., Tavaglione F., Tecson G. Y., Tee H. -P., Teschke R., Tharwat M., Thong V. D., Thursz M., Tine T., Tiribelli C., Tolmane I., Tong J., Tongo M., Torkie M., Torre A., Torres E. A., Trajkovska M., Treeprasertsuk S., Tsutsumi T., Tu T., Tur J. A., Turan D., Turcan S., Turkina S., Tutar E., Tzeuton C., Ugiagbe R., Uygun A., Vacca M., Vajro P., Van der Poorten D., Van Kleef L. A., Vashakidze E., Velazquez C. M., Velazquez M. I., Vento S., Verhoeven V., Vespasiani-Gentilucci U., Vethakkan S. R., Vilaseca J., Vitek L., Volkanovska A., Wallace M., Wan W., Wang Y., Wang X., Wang C., Wang M., Wangchuk P., Weltman M., White M., Wiegand J., Wifi M. -N., Wigg A., Wilhelmi M., William R., Wittenburg H., Wu S., Wubeneh A. M., Xia H., Xiao J., Xiao X., Xiaofeng W., Xiong W., Xu L., Xu J., Xu W., Xu J. -H., Xu K., Xu Y., Xu S. -H., Xu M., Xu A., Xu C., Yan H., Yang J., Yang R. -X., Yang Y., Yang Q., Yang N., Yao J., Yara J., Yaras S., Yilmaz N., Younes R., younes H., Young S., Youssef F., Yu Y., Yu M. -L., Yuan J., Yue Z., Yuen M. -F., Yun W., Yurukova N., Zakaria S., Zaky S., Zaldastanishvili M., Zapata R., Zare N., Zerem E., Zeriban N., Zeshuai X., Zhang H., Zhang X., Zhang Y., Zhang W. -H., Zhang Y. -P., Zhang Z. -Q., Zhao J., Zhao R. -R., Zhao H., Zheng C., Zheng Y., Zheng R., Zheng T. -L., Zheng K., Zhou X. Q., Zhou Y., Zhou Y. -J., Zhou H., Zhou L., Zhu L. D., Zhu Y. F., Zhu Y., Zhu P. -W., Ziada E., Ziring D., Ziyi L., Zou S., Zou Z., Zou H., Zuart Ruiz R., Mendez-Sanchez, N, Bugianesi, E, Gish, R, Lammert, F, Tilg, H, Nguyen, M, Sarin, S, Fabrellas, N, Zelber-Sagi, S, Fan, J, Shiha, G, Targher, G, Zheng, M, Chan, W, Vinker, S, Kawaguchi, T, Castera, L, Yilmaz, Y, Korenjak, M, Spearman, C, Ungan, M, Palmer, M, El-Shabrawi, M, Gruss, H, Dufour, J, Dhawan, A, Wedemeyer, H, George, J, Valenti, L, Fouad, Y, Romero-Gomez, M, Eslam, M, Abate, M, Abbas, B, Abbassy, A, Abd El Ghany, W, Abd Elkhalek, A, Abd ElMajeed, E, Abdalgaber, M, Abdallah, M, Abdallah, N, Abdelaleem, S, Abdelghani, Y, Abdelghany, W, Abdelhalim, S, Abdelhamid, W, Abdelhamid, N, Abdelkader, N, Abdelkreem, E, Abdelmohsen, A, Abdelrahman, A, Abd-elsalam, S, Abdeltawab, D, Abduh, A, Abdulhakam, N, Abdulla, M, Abedpoor, N, Abenavoli, L, Aberg, F, Ablack, O, Abo elftouh, M, Abo-Amer, Y, Aboubkr, A, Aboud, A, Abouelnaga, A, Aboufarrag, G, Aboutaleb, A, Abundis, L, Adali, G, Adames, E, Adams, L, Adda, D, Adel, N, Adel Sayed, M, Afaa, T, Afredj, N, Aghayeva, G, Aghemo, A, Aguilar-Salinas, C, Ahlenstiel, G, Ahmady, W, Ahmed, W, Ahmed, A, Ahmed, S, Ahmed, H, Ahmed, R, Aigner, E, Akarsu, M, Akroush, M, Akyuz, U, Al Mahtab, M, Al Qadiri, T, Al Rawahi, Y, AL rubaee, R, Al Saffar, M, Alam, S, Al-Ani, Z, Albillos, A, Alboraie, M, Al-Busafi, S, Al-Emam, M, Alharthi, J, Ali, K, Ali, B, Ali, M, Ali, R, Alisi, A, AL-Khafaji, A, Alkhatry, M, Aller, R, Almansoury, Y, Al-Naamani, K, Alnakeeb, A, Alonso, A, Alqahtani, S, Alrabadi, L, Alswat, K, Altaher, M, Altamimi, T, Altamirano, J, Alvares-da-Silva, M, Aly, E, Alzahaby, A, Alzamzamy, A, Amano, K, Amer, M, Amin, M, Amin, S, Amir, A, Ampuero, J, Anas, N, Andreone, P, Andriamandimby, S, Anees, M, Angela, P, Antonios, M, Arafat, W, Araya, J, Armendariz-Borunda, J, Armstrong, M, Ashktorab, H, Aspichueta, P, Assal, F, Atef, M, Attia, D, Atwa, H, Awad, R, Awad, M, Awny, S, Awolowo, O, Awuku, Y, Ayada, I, Aye, T, Ayman, S, Ayman, H, Ayoub, H, Azmy, H, Babaran, R, Badreldin, O, Badry, A, Bahcecioglu, I, Bahour, A, Bai, J, Balaban, Y, Balasubramanyam, M, Bamakhrama, K, Banales, J, Bangaru, B, Bao, J, Barahona, J, Barakat, S, Barbalho, S, Barbra, B, Barranco, B, Barrera, F, Baumann, U, Bazeed, S, Bech, E, Benayad, A, Benesic, A, Bernstein, D, Bessone, F, Birney, S, Bisseye, C, Blake, M, Bobat, B, Bonfrate, L, Bordin, D, Bosques-Padilla, F, Boursier, J, Boushab, B, Bowen, D, Bravo, P, Brennan, P, Bright, B, Broekaert, I, Buque, X, Burgos-Santamaria, D, Burman, J, Busetto, L, Byrne, C, Cabral-Prodigalidad, P, Cabrera-Alvarez, G, Cai, W, Cainelli, F, Caliskan, A, Canbay, A, Cano-Contreras, A, Cao, H, Cao, Z, Carrion, A, Carubbi, F, Casanovas, T, Castellanos Fernandez, M, Chai, J, Chan, S, Charatcharoenwitthaya, P, Chavez-Tapia, N, Chayama, K, Chen, J, Chen, L, Chen, Z, Chen, H, Chen, S, Chen, Q, Chen, Y, Chen, G, Chen, E, Chen, F, Chen, P, Cheng, R, Cheng, W, Chieh, J, Chokr, I, Cholongitas, E, Choudhury, A, Chowdhury, A, Chukwudike, E, Ciardullo, S, Clayton, M, Clement, K, Cloa, M, Coccia, C, Collazos, C, Colombo, M, Cosar, A, Cotrim, H, Couillerot, J, Coulibaly, A, Crespo, G, Crespo, J, Cruells, M, Cua, I, Dabbous, H, Dalekos, G, D'Alia, P, Dan, L, Dao, V, Darwish, M, Datz, C, Davalos-Moscol, M, Dawoud, H, de Careaga, B, de Knegt, R, de Ledinghen, V, de Silva, J, Debzi, N, Decraecker, M, Del Pozo, E, Delgado, T, Delgado-Blanco, M, Dembinski, L, Depina, A, Derbala, M, Desalegn, H, Desbois-Mouthon, C, Desoky, M, Dev, A, Di Ciaula, A, Diago, M, Diallo, I, Diaz, L, Dirchwolf, M, Dongiovanni, P, Dorofeyev, A, Dou, X, Douglas, M, Doulberis, M, Dovia, C, Doyle, A, Dragojevic, I, Drenth, J, Duan, X, Dulskas, A, Dumitrascu, D, Duncan, O, Dusabejambo, V, Dwawhi, R, Eiketsu, S, El Amrousy, D, El Deeb, A, El Deriny, G, El Din, H, El Kamshishy, S, El Kassas, M, El Raziky, M, Elagamy, O, Elakel, W, Elalfy, D, Elaraby, H, Elawady, H, Elbadawy, R, Eldash, H, Eldefrawy, M, Elecharri, C, Elfaramawy, A, Elfatih, M, Elfiky, M, Elgamsy, M, Elgendy, M, El-Guindi, M, Elhussieny, N, Eliwa, A, Elkabbany, Z, El-Khayat, H, El-Koofy, N, Elmetwalli, A, Elrabat, A, El-Raey, F, Elrashdy, F, Elsahhar, M, Elsaid, E, Elsayed, S, Elsayed, H, Elsayed, A, El-Serafy, M, Elsharkawy, A, Elsheemy, R, Elshemy, E, Elsherbini, S, Eltoukhy, N, Elwakil, R, Emad, O, Emad, S, Embabi, M, Ergenc, I, Ermolova, T, Esmat, G, Esmat, D, Estupinan, E, Ettair, S, Eugen, T, Ezz-Eldin, M, Falcon, L, Fan, Y, Fandari, S, Farag, M, Farahat, T, Fares, E, Fares, M, Fassio, E, Fathy, H, Fathy, D, Fathy, W, Fayed, S, Feng, D, Feng, G, Fernandez-Bermejo, M, Ferreira, C, Ferrer, J, Forbes, A, Fouad, R, Fouad, H, Frisch, T, Fujii, H, Fukunaga, S, Fukunishi, S, Fulya, H, Furuhashi, M, Gaber, Y, Galang, A, Gallardo, J, Galloso, R, Gamal, M, Gamal, R, Gamal, H, Gan, J, Ganbold, A, Gao, X, Garas, G, Garba, T, Garcia-Cortes, M, Garcia-Monzon, C, Garcia-Samaniego, J, Gastaldelli, A, Gatica, M, Gatley, E, Gegeshidze, T, Geng, B, Ghazinyan, H, Ghoneem, S, Giacomelli, L, Giannelli, G, Giannini, E, Giefer, M, Gines, P, Girala, M, Giraudi, P, Goh, G, Gomaa, A, Gong, B, Gonzales, D, Gonzalez, H, Gonzalez-Huezo, M, Graupera, I, Grgurevic, I, Gronbaek, H, Gu, X, Guan, L, Gueye, I, Guingane, A, Gul, O, Gul, C, Guo, Q, Gupta, P, Gurakar, A, Gutierrez, J, Habib, G, Hafez, A, Hagman, E, Halawa, E, Hamdy, O, Hamed, A, Hamed, D, Hamid, S, Hamoudi, W, Han, Y, Haridy, J, Haridy, H, Harris, D, Hart, M, Hasan, F, Hashim, A, Hassan, I, Hassan, A, Hassan, E, Hassan, M, Hassanin, F, Hassnine, A, Haukeland, J, Hawal, A, He, J, He, Q, He, Y, He, F, Hegazy, M, Hegazy, A, Henegil, O, Hernandez, N, Hernandez-Guerra, M, Higuera-de-la-Tijera, F, Hindy, I, Hirota, K, Ho, L, Hodge, A, Hosny, M, Hou, X, Huang, J, Huang, Y, Huang, Z, Huang, A, Huang, X, Hui-ping, S, Hunyady, B, Hussein, M, Hussein, O, Hussien, S, Ibanez-Samaniego, L, Ibdah, J, Ibrahim, L, Ibrahim, M, Ibrahim, I, Icaza-Chavez, M, Idelbi, S, Idilman, R, Ikeda, M, Indolfi, G, Invernizzi, F, Irshad, I, Isa, H, Iskandar, N, Ismaiel, A, Ismail, M, Ismail, Z, Ismail, F, Iwamoto, H, Jack, K, Jacob, R, Jafarov, F, Jafri, W, Jahshan, H, Jalal, P, Jancoriene, L, Janicko, M, Jayasena, H, Jefferies, M, Jha, V, Ji, F, Ji, Y, Jia, J, Jiang, C, Jiang, N, Jiang, Z, Jin, X, Jin, Y, Jing, X, Jingyu, Q, Jinjolava, M, Jong, F, Jucov, A, Julius, I, Kaddah, M, Kamada, Y, Kamal, A, Kamal, E, Kamel, A, Kao, J, Karin, M, Karlas, T, Kashwaa, M, Katsidzira, L, Kaya, E, Kayasseh, M, Keenan, B, Keklikkiran, C, Keml, W, Khalaf, D, Khalefa, R, Khamis, S, Khater, D, Khattab, H, Khavkin, A, Khlynova, O, Khmis, N, Kobyliak, N, Koffas, A, Koike, K, Kok, K, Koller, T, Komas, N, Korochanskaya, N, Koulla, Y, Koya, S, Kraft, C, Kraja, B, Krawczyk, M, Kuchay, M, Kulkarni, A, Kumar, A, Kumar, M, Lakoh, S, Lam, P, Lan, L, Lange, N, Lankarani, K, Lanthier, N, Lapshyna, K, Lashen, S, Laure, K, Lazebnik, L, Lebrec, D, Lee, S, Lee, W, Lee, Y, Leeming, D, Leite, N, Leon, R, Lesmana, C, Li, J, Li, Q, Li, Y, Li, L, Li, M, Liang, H, Lijuan, T, Lim, S, Lim, L, Lin, S, Lin, H, Lin, R, Lithy, R, Liu, Y, Liu, X, Liu, W, Liu, S, Liu, K, Liu, T, Lonardo, A, Lopez, M, Lopez-Benages, E, Lopez-Jaramillo, P, Lu, H, Lu, L, Lu, Y, Lubel, J, Lui, R, Lupasco, I, Luzina, E, Lv, X, Lynch, K, Ma, H, Machado, M, Maduka, N, Madzharova, K, Magdaong, R, Mahadeva, S, Mahfouz, A, Mahmood, N, Mahmoud, E, Mahrous, M, Maiwall, R, Majeed, A, Majumdar, A, Mak, L, Maklouf, M, Malekzadeh, R, Mandato, C, Mangia, A, Mann, J, Mansour, H, Mansouri, A, Mantovani, A, Mao, J, Maramag, F, Marchesini, G, Marcus, C, Marinho, R, Martinez-Chantar, M, Martins, A, Marwan, R, Mason, K, Masoud, G, Massoud, M, Matamoros, M, Mateos, R, Mawed, A, Mbanya, J, Mbendi, C, Mccolaugh, L, Mcleod, D, Medina, J, Megahed, A, Mehrez, M, Memon, I, Merat, S, Mercado, R, Mesbah, A, Meskini, T, Metwally, M, Metwaly, R, Miao, L, Micah, E, Miele, L, Milivojevic, V, Milovanovic, T, Mina, Y, Mishkovik, M, Mishriki, A, Mitchell, T, Mohamed, A, Mohamed, M, Mohamed, S, Mohammed, S, Mohammed, A, Mohan, V, Mohie, S, Mokhtar, A, Moniem, R, Montilla, M, Morales, J, Morata, M, Moreno-Planas, J, Morise, S, Mosaad, S, Moselhy, M, Mostafa, A, Mostafa, E, Mouane, N, Mousa, N, Moustafa, H, Msherif, A, Muller, K, Munoz, C, Munoz-Urribarri, A, Murillo, O, Mustapha, F, Muzurovic, E, Nabil, Y, Nafady, S, Nagamatsu, A, Nakajima, A, Nakano, D, Nan, Y, Nascimbeni, F, Naseef, M, Nashat, N, Natalia, T, Negro, F, Nersesov, A, Neuman, M, Ng'Wanasayi, M, Ni, Y, Nicoll, A, Niizeki, T, Nikolova, D, Ningning, W, Niriella, M, Nogoibaeva, K, Nordien, R, O Sullivan, C, O'Beirne, J, Obekpa, S, Ocama, P, Ochwoto, M, Ogolodom, M, Ojo, O, Okrostsvaridze, N, Oliveira, C, Omana, R, Omar, O, Omar, H, Omar, M, Omran, S, Omran, R, Osman, M, Owise, N, Owusu-Ansah, T, Padilla- Machaca, P, Palle, S, Pan, Z, Pan, X, Pan, Q, Papaefthymiou, A, Paquissi, F, Par, G, Parkash, A, Payawal, D, Peltekian, K, Peng, X, Peng, L, Peng, Y, Pengoria, R, Perez, M, Perez, J, Perez, N, Persico, M, Pessoa, M, Petta, S, Philip, M, Plaz Torres, M, Polavarapu, N, Poniachik, J, Portincasa, P, Pu, C, Purnak, T, Purwanto, E, Qi, X, Qian, Z, Qiang, Z, Qiao, Z, Qiao, L, Queiroz, A, Rabiee, A, Radwan, M, Rahetilahy, A, Ramadan, Y, Ramadan, D, Ramli, A, Ramm, G, Ran, A, Rankovic, I, Rao, H, Raouf, S, Ray, S, Reau, N, Refaat, A, Reiberger, T, Remes-Troche, J, Reyes, E, Richardson, B, Ridruejo, E, Riestra Jimenez, S, Rizk, I, Roberts, S, Roblero, J, Robles, J, Rockey, D, Rodriguez, M, Rodriguez Hernandez, H, Roman, E, Romeiro, F, Romeo, S, Rosales-Zabal, J, Roshdi, G, Rosso, N, Ruf, A, Ruiz, P, Runes, N, Ruzzenente, A, Ryan, M, Saad, A, Sabbagh, E, Sabbah, M, Saber, S, Sabrey, R, Sabry, R, Saeed, M, Said, D, Said, E, Sakr, M, Salah, Y, Salama, R, Salama, A, Saleh, H, Saleh, A, Salem, A, Salifou, A, Salih, A, Salman, A, Samouda, H, Sanai, F, Sanchez-Avila, J, Sanker, L, Sano, T, Sanz, M, Saparbu, T, Sawhney, R, Sayed, F, Sayed, S, Sayed, A, Sayed, M, Sebastiani, G, Secadas, L, Sediqi, K, Seif, S, Semida, N, Senates, E, Serban, E, Serfaty, L, Seto, W, Sghaier, I, Sha, M, Shabaan, H, Shalaby, L, Shaltout, I, Sharara, A, Sharma, V, Shawa, I, Shawkat, A, Shawky, N, Shehata, O, Sheils, S, Shewaye, A, Shi, G, Shi, J, Shimose, S, Shirono, T, Shou, L, Shrestha, A, Shui, G, Sievert, W, Sigurdardottir, S, Sira, M, Siradj, R, Sison, C, Smyth, L, Soliman, R, Sollano, J, Sombie, R, Sonderup, M, Sood, S, Soriano, G, Stedman, C, Stefanyuk, O, Stimac, D, Strasser, S, Strnad, P, Stuart, K, Su, W, Su, M, Sumida, Y, Sumie, S, Sun, D, Sun, J, Suzuki, H, Svegliati-Baroni, G, Swar, M, Taharboucht, S, Taher, Z, Takamura, S, Tan, L, Tan, S, Tanwandee, T, Tarek, S, Tatiana, G, Tavaglione, F, Tecson, G, Tee, H, Teschke, R, Tharwat, M, Thong, V, Thursz, M, Tine, T, Tiribelli, C, Tolmane, I, Tong, J, Tongo, M, Torkie, M, Torre, A, Torres, E, Trajkovska, M, Treeprasertsuk, S, Tsutsumi, T, Tu, T, Tur, J, Turan, D, Turcan, S, Turkina, S, Tutar, E, Tzeuton, C, Ugiagbe, R, Uygun, A, Vacca, M, Vajro, P, Van der Poorten, D, Van Kleef, L, Vashakidze, E, Velazquez, C, Velazquez, M, Vento, S, Verhoeven, V, Vespasiani-Gentilucci, U, Vethakkan, S, Vilaseca, J, Vitek, L, Volkanovska, A, Wallace, M, Wan, W, Wang, Y, Wang, X, Wang, C, Wang, M, Wangchuk, P, Weltman, M, White, M, Wiegand, J, Wifi, M, Wigg, A, Wilhelmi, M, William, R, Wittenburg, H, Wu, S, Wubeneh, A, Xia, H, Xiao, J, Xiao, X, Xiaofeng, W, Xiong, W, Xu, L, Xu, J, Xu, W, Xu, K, Xu, Y, Xu, S, Xu, M, Xu, A, Xu, C, Yan, H, Yang, J, Yang, R, Yang, Y, Yang, Q, Yang, N, Yao, J, Yara, J, Yaras, S, Yilmaz, N, Younes, R, Younes, H, Young, S, Youssef, F, Yu, Y, Yu, M, Yuan, J, Yue, Z, Yuen, M, Yun, W, Yurukova, N, Zakaria, S, Zaky, S, Zaldastanishvili, M, Zapata, R, Zare, N, Zerem, E, Zeriban, N, Zeshuai, X, Zhang, H, Zhang, X, Zhang, Y, Zhang, W, Zhang, Z, Zhao, J, Zhao, R, Zhao, H, Zheng, C, Zheng, Y, Zheng, R, Zheng, T, Zheng, K, Zhou, X, Zhou, Y, Zhou, H, Zhou, L, Zhu, L, Zhu, Y, Zhu, P, Ziada, E, Ziring, D, Ziyi, L, Zou, S, Zou, Z, Zou, H, Zuart Ruiz, R, Mendez-Sanchez N., Bugianesi E., Gish R. G., Lammert F., Tilg H., Nguyen M. H., Sarin S. K., Fabrellas N., Zelber-Sagi S., Fan J. -G., Shiha G., Targher G., Zheng M. -H., Chan W. -K., Vinker S., Kawaguchi T., Castera L., Yilmaz Y., Korenjak M., Spearman C. W., Ungan M., Palmer M., El-Shabrawi M., Gruss H. -J., Dufour J. -F., Dhawan A., Wedemeyer H., George J., Valenti L., Fouad Y., Romero-Gomez M., Eslam M., Abate M. L., Abbas B., Abbassy A. A., Abd El Ghany W., Abd Elkhalek A., Abd ElMajeed E., Abdalgaber M., AbdAllah M., Abdallah M., Abdallah N., Abdelaleem S., Abdelghani Y., Abdelghany W., Abdelhalim S. M., Abdelhamid W., Abdelhamid N., Abdelkader N. A., Abdelkreem E., Abdelmohsen A. M., Abdelrahman A. A., Abd-elsalam S. M., Abdeltawab D., Abduh A., Abdulhakam N., Abdulla M., Abedpoor N., Abenavoli L., Aberg F., Ablack O., Abo elftouh M., Abo-Amer Y. E. -E., Aboubkr A., Aboud A., Abouelnaga A. M., Aboufarrag G. A., Aboutaleb A., Abundis L., Adali G., Adames E., Adams L., Adda D., Adel N., Adel Sayed M., Afaa T. J., Afredj N., Aghayeva G., Aghemo A., Aguilar-Salinas C. A., Ahlenstiel G., Ahmady W., Ahmed W., Ahmed A., Ahmed S. N., Ahmed H. M., Ahmed R., Aigner E., Akarsu M., Akroush M., Akyuz U., Al Mahtab M., Al Qadiri T., Al Rawahi Y., AL rubaee R., Al Saffar M., Alam S., Al-Ani Z., Albillos A., Alboraie M., Al-Busafi S., Al-Emam M., Alharthi J., Ali K., Ali B. A., Ali M., Ali R. A. R., Alisi A., AL-Khafaji A. R., Alkhatry M., Aller R., Almansoury Y., Al-Naamani K., Alnakeeb A., Alonso A., Alqahtani S. A., Alrabadi L., Alswat K., Altaher M., Altamimi T., Altamirano J., Alvares-da-Silva M. R., Aly E. A. M., Alzahaby A., Alzamzamy A., Amano K., Amer M. A., Amin M. A., Amin S. A., Amir A. A., Ampuero J., Anas N., Andreone P., Andriamandimby S. F., Anees M., Angela P., Antonios M., Arafat W., Araya J. M., Armendariz-Borunda J., Armstrong M. J., Ashktorab H., Aspichueta P., Assal F., Atef M., Attia D., Atwa H., Awad R., Awad M. A. E., Awny S., Awolowo O., Awuku Y. A., Ayada I., Aye T. T., Ayman S., Ayman H., Ayoub H., Azmy H. M., Babaran R. P., Badreldin O., Badry A., Bahcecioglu I. H., Bahour A., Bai J., Balaban Y., Balasubramanyam M., Bamakhrama K., Banales J. M., Bangaru B., Bao J., Barahona J. S., Barakat S., Barbalho S. M., Barbra B., Barranco B., Barrera F., Baumann U., Bazeed S., Bech E., Benayad A., Benesic A., Bernstein D., Bessone F., Birney S., Bisseye C., Blake M., Bobat B., Bonfrate L., Bordin D. S., Bosques-Padilla F., Boursier J., Boushab B. M., Bowen D., Bravo P. M., Brennan P. N., Bright B., Broekaert I., Buque X., Burgos-Santamaria D., Burman J., Busetto L., Byrne C. D., Cabral-Prodigalidad P. A. I., Cabrera-Alvarez G., Cai W., Cainelli F., Caliskan A. R., Canbay A., Cano-Contreras A., Cao H. -X., Cao Z., Carrion A., Carubbi F., Casanovas T., Castellanos Fernandez M. I., Chai J., Chan S. 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H., Hamid S., Hamoudi W., Han Y., Haridy J., Haridy H., Harris D. C. H. H., Hart M., Hasan F., Hashim A., Hassan I., Hassan A., Hassan E. A., Hassan A. A., Hassan M. S., Hassanin F., Hassnine A., Haukeland J. W., Hawal A. I. M., He J., He Q., He Y., He F. -P., Hegazy M., Hegazy A., Henegil O., Hernandez N., Hernandez-Guerra M., Higuera-de-la-Tijera F., Hindy I., Hirota K., Ho L. C., Hodge A., Hosny M., Hou X., Huang J. -F., Huang Y., Huang Z., Huang A., Huang X. -P., Hui-ping S., Hunyady B., Hussein M. A., Hussein O., Hussien S. M., Ibanez-Samaniego L., Ibdah J., Ibrahim L., Ibrahim M., Ibrahim I., Icaza-Chavez M. E., Idelbi S., Idilman R. I., Ikeda M., Indolfi G., Invernizzi F., Irshad I., Isa H. M. A., Iskandar N. J., Ismaiel A., Ismail M., Ismail Z., Ismail F., Iwamoto H., Jack K., Jacob R., Jafarov F., Jafri W., Jahshan H., Jalal P. K., Jancoriene L., Janicko M., Jayasena H., Jefferies M., Jha V., Ji F., Ji Y., Jia J., Jiang C., Jiang N., Jiang Z. -Z., Jin X., Jin Y., Jing X., Jingyu Q., Jinjolava M., Jong F. H. H., Jucov A., Julius I., Kaddah M., Kamada Y., kamal A., Kamal E. M., Kamel A. S., Kao J. -H., Karin M., Karlas T., Kashwaa M., Katsidzira L., Kaya E., Kayasseh M. A., Keenan B., Keklikkiran C., Keml W., Khalaf D. K., Khalefa R., Khamis S., Khater D., khattab H., Khavkin A., Khlynova O., Khmis N., Kobyliak N., Koffas A., Koike K., Kok K. Y. Y., Koller T., Komas N. P., Korochanskaya N. V., Koulla Y., Koya S., Kraft C., Kraja B., Krawczyk M., Kuchay M. S., Kulkarni A. V., Kumar A., Kumar M., Lakoh S., Lam P., Lan L., Lange N. F., Lankarani K. B., Lanthier N., Lapshyna K., Lashen S. A., Laure K. N. J., Lazebnik L., Lebrec D., Lee S. S., Lee W. S., Lee Y. Y., Leeming D. J., Leite N. C., Leon R., Lesmana C. R. A., Li J., Li Q., Li Y. -Y., Li Y., Li L., Li M., li Y., Liang H., Lijuan T., Lim S. 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M., Xia H., Xiao J., Xiao X., Xiaofeng W., Xiong W., Xu L., Xu J., Xu W., Xu J. -H., Xu K., Xu Y., Xu S. -H., Xu M., Xu A., Xu C., Yan H., Yang J., Yang R. -X., Yang Y., Yang Q., Yang N., Yao J., Yara J., Yaras S., Yilmaz N., Younes R., younes H., Young S., Youssef F., Yu Y., Yu M. -L., Yuan J., Yue Z., Yuen M. -F., Yun W., Yurukova N., Zakaria S., Zaky S., Zaldastanishvili M., Zapata R., Zare N., Zerem E., Zeriban N., Zeshuai X., Zhang H., Zhang X., Zhang Y., Zhang W. -H., Zhang Y. -P., Zhang Z. -Q., Zhao J., Zhao R. -R., Zhao H., Zheng C., Zheng Y., Zheng R., Zheng T. -L., Zheng K., Zhou X. Q., Zhou Y., Zhou Y. -J., Zhou H., Zhou L., Zhu L. D., Zhu Y. F., Zhu Y., Zhu P. -W., Ziada E., Ziring D., Ziyi L., Zou S., Zou Z., Zou H., and Zuart Ruiz R. more...
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- 2022
198. Global Surgery 2030: evidence and solutions for achieving health, welfare, and economic development
- Author
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- Published
- 2016
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200. Comparison of outcomes between type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic incident hemodialysis patients with functioning arteriovenous fistulas
- Author
Jeong, Seonjeong, Kwon, Hyunwook, Chang, Jai Won, Kim, Min-Ju, Ganbold, Khaliun, Han, Youngjin, Kwon, Tae-Won, and Cho, Yong-Pil
- Published
- 2019
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