Velika porodica Parvoviridae rasprostranje- na je diljem svijeta i uvelike ugrožava zdravlje ljudi i životinja, posebice domaćih životinja, mačka, pasa i konja. Znaci zaraze pripadnici- ma porodice Parvoviridae variraju od posve ne- zamjetljivih do po život opasnih stanja pa osim opsežnog pobola nastaju i golemi gospodarski gubitci. Zbog osmišljavanja djelotvornije ob- rane danas su u središtu pozornosti veterinar- ske medicine nastojanja da se te bolesti bolje upoznaju. Stoga su autori nastojali načiniti sažet, ali iscrpan prikaz najznačajnijih infek- cija parvovirusima u naših domaćih životinja. Ponajprije izložiti osnovne značajke parvovi- rusa, a potom opisati podporodicu Parvovirine koja prouzroči zaraze kralješnjaka. S obzirom da se učestalošću posebno ističu rodovi Bo- caparvovirus i Protoparvovirus, oni su detaljno izloženi. Rod Bocaparvovirus je izložen kroz nji- hove značajke, životni ciklus, dijagnozu i pa- tofiziologiju te liječenje i preventivu. Opisane su i glavne značajke roda Protoparvovirus s posebnim naglaskom na povijest, obilježja, inačice virusa, kliničku sliku i patofiziologiju, dijagnozu te zaštitu od zaraze. Samo dobrim poznavanjem mehanizma djelovanja opisanih virusa moguće je u budućnosti uspješno suz- bijati ove bolesti., The large Parvoviridae family of viruses is spread all over the world and endangers human and animal health, especially domestic animals, cats, dogs and horses. Signs of infection with viruses of the Parvoviridae family vary from completely undetectable to life-threatening agents, and may result in massive economic losses. Due to the more effective defence, attention is currently focused on veterinary medicines to make these diseases better known. The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive review of the most significant Parvovirus infections in domestic animals in Croatia. First, the basic features of the Parvovirus family are outlined. Subsequently, the subfamily Parvovirinae is described as a group that infects vertebrates and is widely recognized as the cause of losses and health disorders in domestic animals. The genus Dependoparvovirus, due to its recognized binding site, has great potential for use in gene therapy investigations. Furthermore, the genera Bocaparvovirus and Protoparvovirus are the two most common genera in the subfamily Parvovirinae, and are therefore more specifically described. Moreover, both are described as pathologic agents in animals, where strains of the genus Bocaparvovirus were recently detected in the swine population in Croatia. The virus features, life cycle, diagnosis, pathophysiology, treatment and prevention of the genus Bocaparvovirus are described. The genus Protoparvovirus is described through its features, clinical picture, diagnosis, pathophysiology and prevention. Only with good knowledge of the mechanism of the action of these viruses can infections be successfully combatted in the future. However, further investigation and greater knowledge are needed to understand the epidemiology of parvovirus infections and the possible interspecies transmission of some of their representatives.