Thomas L. Hale, Edwin V. Oaks, Malabi M. Venkatesan, Trinka S. Coster, Philippe J. Sansonetti, Charles W. Hoge, Guy Robin, Annick Fontaine-Thompson, Lillian L. VanDeVerg, Antoinette B. Hartman, and Dani Cohen
Microbiological surveys in areas where diarrheal disease is endemic implicate Shigella species as etiologic agents in at least 20% of diarrheal cases. Shigella flexneri 2a is usually the most prevalent species and serotype in these areas (8, 14, 30). Shigellae are extraordinarily adept intestinal pathogens, as evidenced by their small infectious doses (7). Shigella infection is usually transmitted by the fecal-oral route and can be manifested as uncomplicated watery diarrhea. A more definitive manifestation of shigellosis is dysentery, i.e., frequent passage of small-volume stools with gross blood, mucus, and fecal leukocytes. Constitutional symptoms (e.g., fever, rectal tenesmus, and headache) also characterize severe disease. Colonoscopy of patients infected with either Shigella dysenteriae or S. flexneri reveals diffuse erythema, focal hemorrhages, and inflammatory changes resembling ulcerative colitis. Rectal biopsies taken during the early stages of infection reveal aphthoid lesions overlying small lymphoid follicles (23). These clinical findings are consistent with experimental observations made with the rabbit ileal loop model, suggesting that Shigella initiates intestinal infections by invading the follicle-associated membranous cells (28). Experiments employing polarized epithelial cells as a model of the intestinal epithelium suggest that shigellae invade enterocytes through the basolateral membrane. Internalized bacteria subsequently spread within infected cells by organizing host cell actin into a cytoskeleton-based motor (10, 22). Genetic analysis has shown that this spreading phenotype is dependent upon a plasmid-borne virulence gene designated icsA (2) or virG (22). The 120-kDa protein expressed by this plasmid-carried gene acts as a recruiter for cytosolic nucleators of filamentous actin (10). This actin is concentrated at the distal poles of septating shigellae, and the resulting comet-like tails provide a motive force for the bacteria within the cytoplasm of infected epithelial cells (36). The mobilized bacteria impinge on the inner face of the host cell plasma membrane, and they spread into contiguous epithelial cells via membrane protrusions (10). Intragastric challenge of rhesus monkeys, a primate model of intestinal shigellosis, demonstrates that icsA-mediated intercellular spread of shigellae is a key step in pathogenesis. For example, endoscopy of asymptomatic animals challenged with an icsA mutant of S. flexneri serotype 5 reveals only scattered nodular abscesses rather than the hemorrhagic ulcerations and diffuse mucosal inflammation seen in animals challenged with the virulent parent strain (32). icsA mutants are also avirulent in the Sereny guinea pig keratoconjunctivitis model of suppurative Shigella infection (13, 26). Deletion of the iuc chromosomal locus (encoding aerobactin) partially attenuates S. flexneri in the Sereny guinea pig test and in the rabbit ileal loop model (24). Intragastric inoculation with either an icsA single mutant or an icsA iuc double mutant protects rhesus monkeys against subsequent challenge with the virulent S. flexneri 5 parent strain (32, 33). Epidemiological and clinical studies indicate that an episode of shigellosis elicits substantial immunity against subsequent disease caused by the same Shigella serotype (6, 8, 15, 19). In a rational approach to Shigella vaccine development, we and others have constructed genetically attenuated vaccines designed to establish asymptomatic infections that induce protective immune responses. However, the ideal balance of safety and efficacy in attenuated Shigella vaccines has been elusive (11, 15–18, 20, 25). Current research suggests that icsA iuc mutants could serve as attenuated Shigella vaccines, and the SC602 ΔicsA Δiuc S. flexneri 2a candidate was constructed to test this combination of attenuating mutations in volunteers. Here we describe a preliminary dose selection study, two expanded dose selection studies, and an efficacy (challenge) study of SC602 that were performed in the clinical inpatient ward of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), Ft. Detrick, Md. (Parts of this work were previously presented at the 96th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 19 to 23 May 1996, and at the 98th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 17 to 21 May 1998.)