Introduction One of the most important characteristics of every family is the way of communication and interactions between family members. This desirable communication would guarantee family health and consequently health in the society. Individuals in a family use various methods to solve family problems, some of which lead to the creation or destruction of interactive conetxts. Dialogue is one of the most important elements of communication skills and a social action in families. Problem-solving methods in a family can be considered to be dialogue-oriented or anti-dialogue methods. Today, families have delegated many of its responsibilities to other social institutions. Their most important task is to establish desirable and constructive relationships and create a dialogue-based context among family members. Unfortunately, the average dialogue between couples in Iranian families is about 15 minutes according to the latest research in the country. This indicates a sharp decline in dialogue among Iranian families (Radiogoftogoo, 2018). Also, many damages the family context, including inequality, unbalanced distribution of power, domestic violence, emotional divorce, extramarital relationships, generation gap, etc. originate from incorrect and anti-dialogue methods in problem-solving, as well as the weakness of the culture of dialogue, which has been intensified by sexist discourse at various levels of the family and society. Therefore, scientific research in this field is necessary. This study aimed to explain the problem-solving process through dialogue among couples in Yazd City with a sociological approach. Materials and Methods This interpretive research was based on a qualitative method. Among the various methods of qualitative research, it used the grounded theory strategy with Strauss and Corbin's objectivist approach. Samples were selected through purposive and theoretical sampling to achieve saturation. 31 couples were selected from among normal families in Yazd City. In-depth interviews were utilized for data collection. With the permission of the participants, the interviews were recorded. Each interview lasted between 70 and 180 minutes. Theoretical coding method was also applied to analyze the data and develop the grounded theory. Then, the recorded interviews containing all the details were converted into a text. The analysis process was performed simultaneously with data collection. Strauss and Corbin's method was employed for data analysis. The data were analyzed line-by-line for open-coding. Also, along with the development of concepts and categories and construction of the basis of the grounded theory, axial and selective coding were utilized. Finally, a research paradigm model was presented. The validity of the findings was ensured via prolonged engagement, peer review, negative case analysis, member-checking and deep description. Discussion of Results & Conclusions The present study aimed to explain the problem-solving process through dialogue among Yazdi couples. The collected data were categorized into open, axial, and selective coding, including 18 main categories and 67 sub-categories. These categories were presented in one core category of "dissonance in problem-solving Pendolic behaviors". Then, the paradigm model and theoretical scheme of the research were presented. The results generally showed the dissonance of couples in problem-solving in a family formed based on the lifeworld of gender, power structure, and family structure and function. In fact, the culture of gender that governed the society and the family structure of each couple had caused gender differences in individuals, some of which were related to biological differences between the two sexes and most of them were due to cultural and social structures of the society and cultural and educational contexts of families. The rotational and interaction effects of these factors, which had caused differences between couples, had affected the problem-solving process and methods in families. They had caused dissonance in the methods taken by each couple to solve their problems. In general, couples' strategies for solving their problems can be summarized into the two opposing strategies of compromise and violence/avoidance. Compromise includes constructive and desirable strategies that ultimately aims to reach an agreement and empathy to solve problems. It is based on dialogue and thinking together. The strategy of avoidance/violence is related to the people, who prefer to run away from family problems and issues, remain silent, or destroy the desired interaction contexts by aggression, which destroys the context of dialogue. Therefore, dissonance in strategies, which is due to heterogeneity in couples' views and attitudes and is affected by social and cultural structures, culture of gender, and power structure in the family, leads to intensification of conflicts and family issues. It makes each couple use a different method for solving problems and consider his/her own method as the best method. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]