518 results on '"Berg, M. Van den"'
Search Results
152. The application of mouse and human embryonic stem cells with transcriptomics in alternative developmental toxicity tests : A bridge from model species to man
- Author
Piersma, A.H., Berg, M. van den, Schulpen, S.H.W., Piersma, A.H., Berg, M. van den, and Schulpen, S.H.W.
- Published
- 2015
153. konijn, een onbegrepen dier : konijnen (Oryctolagus cuniculi): niet houden zonder voorbehoud
- Author
Berg, M. van den and Berg, M. van den
- Abstract
Aan de hand van feiten en anekdotes zet Stichting KonijnenBelangen (SKB) uiteen waarom het konijn niet zonder voorbehoud als huisdier zou mogen worden verkocht of gehouden. De eigenschappen en behoeftes van het konijn zijn, blijkens een overvloed aan voorbeelden uit de dagelijkse praktijk, niet bij iedereen bekend, of er wordt niet naar gehandeld.
- Published
- 2015
154. Keuze van KRW-doelen en maatregelen: het moet en kan beter!
- Author
Twisk, W., Wal, B. van der, Berg, M. van den, Klinge, M., Nieuwkamer, R., Twisk, W., Wal, B. van der, Berg, M. van den, Klinge, M., and Nieuwkamer, R.
- Abstract
Verkenningen laten zien dat met het nu voorgenomen beleid de huidige KRW-doelen voor 2027 niet gehaald gaan worden. Bijstelling van doelen en/of maatregelen is daarom nodig. Om gezamenlijke, goed onderbouwde keuzes mogelijk te maken wordt voorgesteld om de al bestaande werkwijze uit de MEP/GEP-handreiking te optimaliseren. Dit kan door meer rekening te houden met de unieke eigenschappen van elk watersysteem, dit systeem te analyseren met gebruik van de nieuwste methodes, doelstellingen meer herkenbaar te maken en keuzeopties via overzichtelijke beleidsvarianten bespreekbaar te maken voor iedereen. De uitvoering van de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water (KRW) in Nederland is in volle gang. De uitvoering van SGBP1 loopt op zijn einde en het opstellen van het tweede Stroomgebiedsbeheerplan (SGBP2), dat de periode 2016-2021 beslaat, is nu klaar. In dit artikel kijken we al vooruit naar de totstandkoming van SGBP3 (2021-2027).
- Published
- 2015
155. Determinants of high titer inhibitor development: the Canal Study
- Author
Gouw, S., Mancuso, E., Santagostino, E., Berg, M. van den, and Bom, J. van der
- Published
- 2010
156. Exposurebehandeling voor posttraumatische stressstoornis bij een patiënte met een psychotische stoornis
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Hendriks, G.J., and Minnen, A. van
- Subjects
Experimental Psychopathology and Treatment - Abstract
Contains fulltext : 90336.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) Een patiënte met een posttraumatische stressstoornis (ptss) en een comorbide schizoaffectieve stoornis kreeg als therapie exposurebehandeling. Na 26 sessies waren de ptss-klachten volledig in remissie. Bij follow-up na 12 en na 24 maanden was dit nog steeds het geval. Tevens waren de antipsychotica afgebouwd. Deze casus laat zien dat succesvolle behandeling van ptss bij patiënten met een psychotische stoornis mogelijk is en dat deze behandeling gezien de ernst van beide stoornissen bij hen overwogen zou moeten worden. 5 p.
- Published
- 2010
157. Ontvlechting van ICT vereist nieuwe samenwerking
- Author
Bastiaansen, H.J.M., Berg, M. van den, and TNO Informatie- en Communicatietechnologie
- Subjects
Communication & Information ,TS - Technical Sciences ,Informatics ,Information Society ,BIS - Business Information Services - Published
- 2010
158. Kosteneffectiviteit van preventie: Van gezondheidszorgperspectief naar maatschappelijk perspectief
- Author
Baal, P.H. van, Feenstra, T.L., Polder, J.J., Tariq, L., Jama, W., and Berg, M. van den
- Published
- 2009
159. Kwaliteit van grond- en oppervlaktewater in het project Telen met Toekomst, 2002
- Author
Berg M van den, Pulleman MM, and LDL
- Subjects
meststoffenwet ,oppervlakte water ,suface water ,waterkwaliteit ,uitspoeling ,nutrientenuitspoeling ,duurzame landbouw ,water quality ,mestbeleid ,voorloperbedrijven ,sustainable agriculture ,leaching ,landbouw ,nutrients ,groundwater ,grondwater ,nutrienten ,fertilizer act ,agriculture - Abstract
In Farming with a Future (FwF) farmers, together with extension officers and researchers, work towards sustainable production systems for arable crops, open air vegetables, flower bulbs and ornamental trees. Systematic measurements of water quality on the participating farms are conducted by RIVM; for the first time in 2002. The results of these measurements are presented and discussed in this report. Special attention is paid to the concentration of several forms of nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P), and the relationships with land use and the physical environment. The groundwater of 15 of the 37 farms investigated presented nitrate concentrations (farm averages) below the boundary value of 50 mg/l (as NO3). Groundwater of the farms with arable crops on clay soils and of those with flower bulbs presented the lowest nitrate concentrations as compared to groundwater of the other farm sectors. The highest concentrations were found in groundwater of farms with open air vegetables, followed by the farms with ornamental trees. These differences are partly explained by differences in the physical environment. Farms on 'wet' soils, including all flower bulb farms and arable farms on clay, present lower concentrations than farms on naturally well-drained soils with a deep groundwater table. However, when physical environments appear to be comparable (sandy soils), farms with open air vegetables generally present higher groundwater nitrate concentrations than farms with arable crops. With respect to groundwater P-concentrations, among the participating farms, the ones with flower bulbs clearly present the highest values, (average farm average total-P = 7,4 mg/l), followed by those with arable crops on clay soils (average 0,61 mg/l) and a few farms with arable crops on sandy soils. The most important factors determining the high groundwater P-concentrations on the farms with flower bulbs seem to be the small phosphate retention capacity of the sandy dune soils where flower bulbs are produced; heavy applications of manure and fertilisers (especially in the past); the shallow groundwater level and the practice of deep tillage. Ditch water samples were taken on 5 farms with arable crops on clay and 3 farms with flower bulbs. In all cases, farm average total-N concentrations exceeded the FwF goal for surface water (2,2 mg/l). With respect to total-P, farm average concentrations where within the FwF goal (0,15 mg/l) on 3 of the farms with arable crops on clay, but exceeded this goal on all flower bulb farms investigated. It is questioned however, to which extent the FwF goals for surface water may be applied to each farm individually. Differences between the quality of groundwater, drain water and ditch water seem to be primarily related to the period of sampling, as well as to the residence time of the water in the soil.
- Published
- 2007
160. Determination of matrilysin activity in gastrointestinal neoplasia
- Author
Hawinkels, L.J.A.C., Verspaget, H.W., Berg, M. van den, Hanemaaijer, R., Sier, C.F.M., and TNO Kwaliteit van Leven
- Subjects
Biomedical Research ,Digestive system cancer ,Tumor Markers, Biological ,Matrix Metalloproteinase 7 ,Humans ,Enzyme activity ,Colorectal Neoplasms ,Biology ,Controlled study ,Immunohistochemistry ,Western blotting - Published
- 2007
161. In vivo and in vitro Ah-receptor activation by commercial and fractionated pentabromodiphenylether using zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the DR-CALUX assay
- Author
Kuiper, Rienk V, Murk, A J, Leonards, Pim E G, Grinwis, G C M, Berg, M van den, and Vos, Josephus G
- Subjects
animal structures - Abstract
The present study addresses the toxicity of a commercial pentabrominated diphenylether (PeBDE) flame retardant mixture, DE-71, in a model aquatic vertebrate. Four weeks' exposure of juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio) to water-borne DE-71 resulted in dose-dependent induction of CYP1A immunoreactivity, predominantly in the endocardium and the endothelium of larger blood vessels, such as ventral aorta and branchial arteries, as well as the larger hepatic and pancreatic blood vessels. To investigate the impact of possible contaminating PBDD/Fs in the DE-71 product, the study was repeated after DE-71 had been fractionated into a non-planar (cleaned PBDEs) and a planar fraction (PBDD/Fs). Zebrafish were exposed under similar conditions to the planar and cleaned DE-71 fractions, and to uncleaned DE-71. In addition, the above fractions were chemically analyzed and tested in a reporter gene assay (DR-CALUX) for their aromatic hydrocarbon-receptor (AhR) stimulating potencies. A relatively strong CALUX response was detected from the planar DE-71 fraction (19.7ng TCDD equivalent (TEQ)/g DE-71), coinciding with a strong induction of CYP1A immunoreactivity in zebrafish. CYP1A immunoreactivity in zebrafish exposed to uncleaned DE-71 was intense, although the CALUX response was 10-fold less compared to the planar fraction. Only weak CYP1A immunoreactivity was found in fish exposed to cleaned DE-71, and none in control animals; no CALUX response was detected in cleaned DE-71. The present findings indicate that chemical impurities of the commercial PeBDE product account for AhR-mediated effects. Analytical isolation of a planar fraction from the commercial product increased the in vitro (DR-CALUX) signal 10 times. Immunohistochemistry showed a strong tissue specific reaction to DE-71 in vivo at these relatively low TEQ levels regardless of chemical pretreatment of the mix, reflecting the sensitivity of CYP1A induction in juvenile zebrafish to AhR agonists.
- Published
- 2006
162. Nasal drug delivery: A direct approach to the cerebrospinal fluid?
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Merkus, F.W.H.M., Verhoef, J.C., and Leiden University
- Subjects
Nose-CSF transport ,Nasal delivery - Abstract
With the growing number of patients suffering from central nervous system (CNS) diseases a suitable approach for drug targeting to the brain becomes more and more important. This is a major problem in drug delivery research, due to the tight blood-brain barrier (BBB) that prevents the influx of xenobiotic compounds including drugs from the systemic circulation into the brain. The olfactory neurons, that allow humans and other species to smell, connect the brain and surrounding cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) with the open air that is inhaled via the nasal cavity. This anatomical observation raised the hypothesis that drugs may access the CNS directly following intranasal administration, thereby circumventing the BBB. However, the feasibility of this direct pathway for drug targeting to the brain and CSF is still under debate. One of the reasons is the used method of investigation reported in the literature on drug transport via the nose-brain/CSF route. The majority of these studies are animal studies using extreme experimental conditions, not comparable with the human situation when taking nasal drops or a nasal spray. In this thesis it has been demonstrated for rats that for a variety of drugs (hydrocortisone, estradiol, progesterone, melatonin, vitamin B12 analogue) the amount of the drug that enters the CSF is completely dependent on the amount of drug in the blood, after intranasal and after intravenous administration, and does not take place through the olfactory nerves. For melatonin and for the Vitamin B12 analogue results have been obtained that agree with those of studies using human patients.|Verleent de neusholte geneesmiddelen directe toegang tot de hersenen? Door een toenemende groei van het aantal pati_nten met een hersenaandoening, neemt het belang van de ontwikkeling van een geschikte methode om geneesmiddelen naar de hersenen te brengen toe. Dit is een groot probleem binnen het geneesmiddelenonderzoek, wat te wijten is aan de sterke barri_re tussen bloed en hersenweefsel, de zogenaamde bloed-hersen barri_re (BHB), die voorkomt dat lichaamsvreemde stoffen, inclusief geneesmiddelen, vanuit de bloedbaan de hersenen binnendringen. De reukzenuwen, die het mogelijk maken om geuren waar te nemen, ontspringen in de hersenen en eindigen in de neusholte. Op deze manier verbinden deze zenuwen de hersenen en de omringende vloeistof direct met de buitenlucht die wordt ingeademd door de neus. Deze anatomische waarneming leidde tot de hypothese dat geneesmiddelen na nasale toediening direct toegang zouden hebben tot het centrale zenuwstelsel en daarmee de sterke BHB zouden kunnen omzeilen. Of deze directe route daadwerkelijk bruikbaar is om geneesmiddelen in de hersenen en de omringende vloeistof te krijgen, staat nog steeds ter discussie. E_n van de redenen is de in de literatuur gebruikte methodes in het onderzoek naar geneesmiddeltransport via de neus-hersen route. In het merendeel van deze dierstudies worden extreme experimentele condities gebruikt. Deze condities zijn niet te vergelijken met de omstandigheden waaronder bij mensen een neusspray of neusdruppels worden toegediend. In dit proefschrift is aangetoond in ratten, dat voor verschillende stoffen (hydrocortison, estradiol, progesteron, melatonine, vitamine B12-analogon) de opname in de vloeistof rondom de hersenen na nasale toediening geheel afhankelijk is van de hoeveelheid stof die zich in het bloed bevindt en niet plaats vindt via de reukzenuwen. Voor melatonine en het vitamine B12-analogon zijn resultaten gevonden die overeenkomen met studies uitgevoerd in pati_nten.
- Published
- 2005
163. Fertility studies in female childhood cancer survivors: selecting appropriate comparison groups
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Dulmen-den Broeder, E. van, Overbeek, A., Ronckers, C., Dorp, W. van, Kremer, L., Heuvel-Eibrink, M. van den, Huizinga, G., Loonen, J.J., Versluys, A., Bresters, D., Lambalk, C., Kaspers, G., Leeuwen, F.N. van, Berg, M. van den, Dulmen-den Broeder, E. van, Overbeek, A., Ronckers, C., Dorp, W. van, Kremer, L., Heuvel-Eibrink, M. van den, Huizinga, G., Loonen, J.J., Versluys, A., Bresters, D., Lambalk, C., Kaspers, G., and Leeuwen, F.N. van
- Abstract
Item does not contain fulltext, Little information is available on the use of appropriate comparison groups for studies investigating late effects of childhood cancer. Two comparison groups in a nationwide study on reproductive function and ovarian reserve in female childhood cancer survivors were recruited (The Dutch Childhood Oncology Group Long-Term Effects After Childhood Cancer Cohort Study). Experiences of this process are reported. Two types of comparison groups were used: sisters of participating survivors and controls from the general population. A total of 352 out of 580 (61%) of the participating survivors who had a sister gave permission to invite them for the study. The participation rate of sisters was much higher than control participants from the general population (74% versus 21%, respectively), whereas considerably more effort was involved in recruiting controls from the general population. Participants in this group were significantly older and more highly educated than sister controls (P < 0.001 for both groups). No significant differences were observed between both types of comparison groups in several fertility-related characteristics, suggesting minimal bias owing to selective participation. Researchers setting up a study to investigate late effects among survivors of childhood cancer should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of using various types of comparison groups.
- Published
- 2014
164. UPO het Goede Voorbeeld; Onderzoek naar de waardering en begrijpelijkheid van het Uniform Pensioen Overzicht (UPO) na de verbeteringen door de Pensioenfederatie
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Lentz, L. (Thesis Advisor), Berg, M. van den, and Lentz, L. (Thesis Advisor)
- Abstract
Onderzoek naar de waardering en begrijpelijkheid van het Uniform Pensioen Overzicht na de verbeteringen door de pensioenfederatie In deze financieel onzekere tijden is het van belang dat mensen op de hoogte zijn van hun pensioenopbouw en de risico’s die daaraan verbonden zijn. Deze informatie is te vinden in het Uniform Pensioenoverzicht, oftewel het UPO. De pensioenfederatie heeft een nieuw UPO ontwikkeld. In dit onderzoek worden de oude en nieuwe UPO-versie getoetst aan de hand van twee UPO-tests. Zo wordt gekeken in hoeverre de aanpassingen in het nieuwe UPO voor verbetering begrijpelijkheid hebben gezorgd. De resultaten vertellen ons dat het nieuwe UPO begrijpelijker is dan het oude UPO. In dit artikel wordt besproken waar dit door komt, en op welke onderdelen het UPO nog verder verbeterd kan worden.
- Published
- 2014
165. Three different methods for the determination of total homocysteine in plasma
- Author
Poele-Pothoff, M.T.W.B. te, Berg, M. van den, Franssen-Franken, D.G., Boers, G.H.J., Jakobs, C., Kroon, I.F.I. de, Eskes, T.K.A.B., Trijbels, J.M.F., and Blom, H.J.
- Subjects
Respiratory Physiology (Non MeSH) ,Urologic and Male Genital Diseases (Non MeSH) ,Acid-Base Imbalance ,Fetal Distress ,Phantoms ,Imaging ,Radiologic ,Environment and Public Health (Non MeSH) ,Reproduction Techniques ,Musculoskeletal Diseases ,Musculoskeletal System ,Portfolio Choice ,Phantoms, Imaging ,Reproduction ,Brain ,Fetal Diseases ,Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases ,Cardiovascular Diseases ,Health Occupations ,General Financial Markets ,Tomography Scanners, X-Ray Computed ,Consumption ,Design of Experiments ,Endocrine Diseases ,Digestive System Diseases ,Urogenital System ,Fertilization in Vitro ,Therapeutics ,Fertility Agents ,Fetus ,X-Ray Intensifying Screens ,Body Regions (Non MeSH) ,Tomography Scanners ,Consumption, Saving, Production, Employment, and Investment ,Saving ,Special Topics [Econometric and Statistical Methods] ,Production ,Estrogens ,Fertility Agents, Female ,Tissue Types (Non MeSH) ,General Economics ,Culture Media ,Pregnancy Complications ,Financial Institutions and Services ,Circulatory ,Digestive System ,Single Equation Models [Econometric Methods] ,Gonadotropins ,Technology ,Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology ,Computer Programs ,Physiology ,Respiratory System ,Respiratory Tract Diseases ,Teaching of Economics ,and Investment ,Physiology, General (Non MeSH) ,Cardiovascular System ,Nervous System ,General (Non MeSH) ,Analysis of Collective Decision-Making ,Neoplasms ,Diagnosis ,Reproductive Control Agents (Non MeSH) ,Fetal Monitoring ,Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities (Non MeSH) ,Brain Diseases ,Brain Mapping ,Stomatognathic Diseases ,General Aggregative Models ,Hypothesis Testing ,Biological Sciences ,X-Ray Computed ,Virus Diseases ,Nutrition (Non MeSH) ,Female Genital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications (Non MeSH) ,Mathematical Methods and Programming ,Models with Panel Data ,Female ,Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases (Non MeSH) ,Employment ,Biochemical Phenomena ,Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods ,Fluids and Secretions (Non MeSH) ,Biochemical Phenomena, Metabolism, Nutrition (Non MeSH) ,Circulatory, Respiratory Physiology (Non MeSH) ,Econometric Methods: Single Equation Models ,Symptoms and General Pathology (Non MeSH) ,Endocrine System (Non MeSH) ,Econometric and Statistical Methods: Special Topics ,Animals ,General ,Technology, Radiologic ,Neural ,Eye Physiology (Non MeSH) ,Musculoskeletal, Neural, Eye Physiology (Non MeSH) ,Relation of Economics to Other Disciplines ,Metabolism ,Infertility ,Musculoskeletal ,Econometric Modeling ,Other ,Nervous System Diseases ,Sleep ,Estimation ,Game Theory and Bargaining Theory ,Corporate Finance and Governance - Abstract
Item does not contain fulltext
- Published
- 1995
166. [Less ethnic knowledge in the Dutch College of General Practitioner's practice guidelines on type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and asthma in adults than in the supporting literature]
- Author
Manna, D.R., Bruijnzeels, M.A., Mokkink, H.G.A., and Berg, M. van den
- Subjects
Quality of Care [EBP 4] - Abstract
Item does not contain fulltext OBJECTIVE: To assess whether ethnic differences present in the scientific literature used as the basis for the Dutch College of General Practitioner's (NHG) practice guidelines were reflected in the ethnic-specific information the guidelines contained. DESIGN: Analysis of published information. METHOD: The scientific literature used as the basis for the guidelines about type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and asthma in adults was collected and carefully screened. Relevant ethnic-specific information was compared to the content of the guidelines. RESULTS: Several relevant ethnic differences were stated in the scientific literature used as the basis for the guidelines. Differences in prevalence and clinical progress were stated for type 2 diabetes mellitus, differences in lung-volume were stated for asthma and differences in prevalence, onset, complications, response to pharmacological treatment and dietary salt restriction were stated for hypertension. The type 2 diabetes mellitus guideline stated a higher prevalence of diabetes in Hindustani people and recommended earlier screening in this group. The asthma guideline stated that the lung volume is dependent of ethnicity. The hypertension guideline did not state any ethnic-specific information. CONCLUSION: The guidelines on type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and asthma in adults only adopted a limited number of the ethnic differences contained in the scientific literature on which they were based. Possible explanations are that information was only included if there was a clear scientific basis, and that ethnic distinctions were found to be politically and socially undesirable. However, this lack of information might lead to ineffective or sub-optimal care for ethnic minorities.
- Published
- 2003
167. Endocrine Disruptors Differentially Target ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters in the Blood-Testis Barrier and Affect Leydig Cell Testosterone Secretion In Vitro
- Author
Dankers, A.C.A., Roelofs, M.J., Piersma, A.H., Sweep, C.G.J., Russel, F.G.M., Berg, M. van den, Duursen, M.B. van, Masereeuw, R., Dankers, A.C.A., Roelofs, M.J., Piersma, A.H., Sweep, C.G.J., Russel, F.G.M., Berg, M. van den, Duursen, M.B. van, and Masereeuw, R.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 125412.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access), Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are considered to cause testicular toxicity primarily via interference with steroid hormone function. Alternatively, EDCs could possibly exert their effects by interaction with ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters that are expressed in the blood-testis barrier. In this study, we investigated the effects of bisphenol A (BPA), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) on breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), multidrug resistance proteins 1 and 4 (MRP1 and MRP4), and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) using membrane vesicles overexpressing these transporters. BPA solely inhibited BCRP activity, whereas TBBPA, PFOA, and PFOS inhibited all transporters tested. No effect was observed for the phthalates. Using transporter-overexpressing Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, we show that BPA and PFOA, but not TBBPA, are transported by BCRP, whereas none of the compounds were transported by P-gp. To investigate the toxicological implications of these findings, testosterone secretion and expression of steroidogenic genes were determined in murine Leydig (MA-10) cells upon exposure to the selected EDCs. Only BPA and TBBPA concentration dependently increased testosterone secretion by MA-10 cells to 6- and 46-fold of control levels, respectively. Inhibition of the Mrp's by MK-571 completely blocked testosterone secretion elicited by TBBPA, which could not be explained by coinciding changes in expression of steroidogenic genes. Therefore, we hypothesize that transporter-mediated efflux of testosterone precursors out of MA-10 cells is inhibited by TBBPA resulting in higher availability for testosterone production. Our data show the toxicological and clinical relevance of ABC transporters in EDC risk assessment related to testicular toxicity.
- Published
- 2013
168. The M4 Core Project with HST --- I. Overview and First-Epoch
- Author
Bedin, L. R., Anderson, J., Heggie, D. C., Piotto, G., Milone, A. P., Giersz, M., Nascimbeni, V., Bellini, A., Rich, R. M., Berg, M. van den, Pooley, D., Brogaard, K., Ortolani, S., Malavolta, L., Ubeda, L., Marino, A. F., ., Bedin, L. R., Anderson, J., Heggie, D. C., Piotto, G., Milone, A. P., Giersz, M., Nascimbeni, V., Bellini, A., Rich, R. M., Berg, M. van den, Pooley, D., Brogaard, K., Ortolani, S., Malavolta, L., Ubeda, L., Marino, A. F., and .
- Abstract
We present an overview of the ongoing Hubble Space Telescope large program GO-12911. The program is focused on the core of M4, the nearest Galactic globular cluster, and the observations are designed to constrain the number of binaries with massive companions (black holes, neutron stars, or white dwarfs) by measuring the ``wobble'' of the luminous (main-sequence) companion around the center of mass of the pair, with an astrometric precision of ~50 micro-arcseconds. The high spatial resolution and stable medium-band PSFs of WFC3/UVIS will make these measurements possible. In this work we describe: (i) the motivation behind this study, (ii) our observing strategy, (iii) the many other investigations enabled by this unique data set, and which of those our team is conducting, and (iv) a preliminary reduction of the first-epoch data-set collected on October 10, 2012., Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures (9 at low resolution), 3 tables. Published in: Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 334, Issue 10, pages 1062-1085, December 2013. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/asna.201311911/abstract
- Published
- 2013
- Full Text
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169. Vrij lezen op het ROC Midden Nederland Onderzoek naar de invloed van lezen op leesplezier, leesfrequentie en creativiteit.
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Brandsma, F.P.C. (Thesis Advisor), Berg, M. van den, and Brandsma, F.P.C. (Thesis Advisor)
- Published
- 2013
170. Nieuw Europees intercalibratiebesluit over de ‘Goede Toestand’ volgens de Kaderrichtlijn water
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Stuijfzand, S., Berg, M. van den, and Stuijfzand, S.
- Abstract
Na bijna tien jaar is de harmonisatie voor de beoordeling van biologische waterkwaliteit voor natuurlijke wateren in Europa bijna afgerond. De Europese Commissie komt binnenkort met de publicatie van de eindresultaten in een Commissiebesluit. Voor de Nederlandse maatlatten heeft dit beperkte gevolgen.
- Published
- 2013
171. Evaluatie wet op orgaandonatie
- Author
Rosendal, H., Beekum, W.T. van, Legemaate, J., Buisen, M.A.J.M., Hulst, E.H., Berg, M. van den, Assink, A., Veen, E.B. van, Davidse, W., Swagerman, M.B., Chorus, A.M.J., Brodin, H.F.T., Riet, A. van 't, Dijk, P. van, and TNO Preventie en Gezondheid
- Subjects
Health - Abstract
Met de invoering van de Wet op de orgaandonatie (WOD) is een viertal doelen nagestreefd, namelijk het bieden van rechtszekerheid aan betrokkenen, het bevorderen van het aanbod van geschikte organen en weefsels, een rechtvaardige verdeling hiervan en het voorkomen van handel in organen en weefsels. De onderzoekers concluderen dat bovengenoemde doelen ten dele zijn gerealiseerd.
- Published
- 2001
172. Long-term psychosexual and anatomical outcome after vaginal dilation or vaginoplasty: a comparative study.
- Author
Callens, N., Cuypere, G. De, Wolffenbuttel, K.P., Beerendonk, C.C.M., Zwan, Y.G. van der, Berg, M. van den, Monstrey, S., Kuyk, M.E. Van, Sutter, P. de, Dessens, A.B., Cools, M., Callens, N., Cuypere, G. De, Wolffenbuttel, K.P., Beerendonk, C.C.M., Zwan, Y.G. van der, Berg, M. van den, Monstrey, S., Kuyk, M.E. Van, Sutter, P. de, Dessens, A.B., and Cools, M.
- Abstract
1 juli 2012, Item does not contain fulltext, INTRODUCTION: In patients with disorders of sex development requiring creation of a neovagina, a number of techniques are available, including surgical vaginoplasty and self-dilation therapy. Vaginal dilation therapy has been recommended as a first-line treatment because of its less invasive character and high success rate. However, no data exist on long-term psychosexual functioning after vaginal dilation as compared with that after vaginal surgery. AIMS: The aim of this study is to compare the psychosexual and anatomical outcome of women with congenital vaginal hypoplasia followed in the same clinical setting after vaginoplasty with that after vaginal dilation. METHODS: The sexual quality of life of 35 women at least 2 years after vaginoplasty (N = 15), vaginal dilation therapy (N = 8), or coital dilation/no treatment (N = 12) was investigated and compared with the Dutch test validation population (as control). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Psychosexual functioning was assessed with the female sexual Function index, the female sexual distress scale-revised, and a semi-structured interview. A gynecological examination was performed to determine the anatomical outcome after both vaginal treatment regimens. RESULTS: After either treatment, 26% of these women had a shortened vaginal length of less than 6.6 cm, i.e., more than two standard deviations below the published mean value (9.6 +/- 1.5 cm). Irrespective of the treatment, 47% of the patients had (a) sexual dysfunction(s) and experienced sexual distress. However, after vaginoplasty, patients reported significantly more problems with lubrication (P = 0.025) than after self-dilation therapy. CONCLUSION: Both psychological and physical factors are predisposing for sexual difficulties. To optimize psychosexual comfort, the clinical management of women with vaginal hypoplasia needs to be multidisciplinary and individually tailored. With high success rates reported, vaginal dilation should remain the cornerstone of treatment.
- Published
- 2012
173. Mitigating the Consequences of Flexible Labour
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Dekker, F. (Thesis Advisor), Lippényi, Z., Berg, M. van den, Dekker, F. (Thesis Advisor), and Lippényi, Z.
- Abstract
In present-day Europe, there is an increasing trend in the percentage of employees with a flexible, limited contract. Previous research has documented the negative consequences of job insecurity and flexible work. Some authors point at the potential buffering role social support can play in reducing the risks of flexible labour. Though, the decline in civil engagement has changed the role social networks play in peoples’ lives. Moreover, trade unions can provide specific institutional forms of support. However, in the last decades there is a persistent decline in trade union membership in most western countries. The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether social support can mitigate these effects. In particular, for the purposes of this study social support was divided in strong ties and trade union membership - representing weak ties. At first, a sample was constructed in which the established negative consequences of flexible work on health were examined. Thereafter, a subsample was composed that contained only the employees with a flexible contract. Within this sample, it was investigated whether trade union membership and strong ties have a significant effect on well-being. Linear regression analyses were carried out to yield the present results. In accordance with hypotheses 1, 2 and 3 i) there is a negative relationship between flexible work and general health, ii) amongst flexible workers, being a trade union member has a positive effect on a persons’ health and iii) amongst flexible employees, there is a positive effect of being involved in a legal relationship. Hypothesis 4 is rejected, that is to say the effect of social capital is equal to the effect of trade union membership in mitigating the consequences of flexible work. This implies that flexible employees are, on average, less healthy. It also indicates that today, trade union membership is still important in risk reducing. Two limitations of this study are worth noting: i) strong ties are only
- Published
- 2012
174. Neutron star atmosphere composition: the quiescent, low-mass X-ray binary in the globular cluster M28
- Author
Servillat, Mathieu, Heinke, C. O., Ho, W. C. G., Grindlay, J. E., Hong, J., Berg, M. van den, Bogdanov, S., Servillat, Mathieu, Heinke, C. O., Ho, W. C. G., Grindlay, J. E., Hong, J., Berg, M. van den, and Bogdanov, S.
- Abstract
Using deep Chandra observations of the globular cluster M28, we study the quiescent X-ray emission of a neutron star in a low-mass X-ray binary in order to constrain the chemical composition of the neutron star atmosphere and the equation of state of dense matter. We fit the spectrum with different neutron star atmosphere models composed of hydrogen, helium or carbon. The parameter values obtained with the carbon model are unphysical and such a model can be ruled out. Hydrogen and helium models give realistic parameter values for a neutron star, and the derived mass and radius are clearly distinct depending on the composition of the atmosphere. The hydrogen model gives masses/radii consistent with the canonical values of 1.4 Msun and 10 km, and would allow for the presence of exotic matter inside neutron stars. On the other hand, the helium model provides solutions with higher masses/radii, consistent with the stiffest equations of state. Measurements of neutron star masses/radii by spectral fitting should consider the possibility of heavier element atmospheres, which produce larger masses/radii for the same data, unless the composition of the accretor is known independently., Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table
- Published
- 2012
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175. Roads from Rio+20. Pathways towards global sustainable development targets for 2050
- Author
Vuuren, D.P. van, Kok, M., Esch, S. van der, Jeuken, M., Lucas, P., Prins, A.G., Alkemade, R., Berg, M. van den, Biermann, F., Grijp, N. van der, Hilderink, H., Kram, T., Melamed, C., Pattberg, P., Scott, A., Stehfest, E., Vries, B. de, Velde, D.W. te, Wiggens, S., Vuuren, D.P. van, Kok, M., Esch, S. van der, Jeuken, M., Lucas, P., Prins, A.G., Alkemade, R., Berg, M. van den, Biermann, F., Grijp, N. van der, Hilderink, H., Kram, T., Melamed, C., Pattberg, P., Scott, A., Stehfest, E., Vries, B. de, Velde, D.W. te, and Wiggens, S.
- Published
- 2012
176. Acts of Fingal in Early Irish Literature
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Vries, R. de (Thesis Advisor), Berg, M. van den, and Vries, R. de (Thesis Advisor)
- Published
- 2012
177. Emma: Power and Propriety
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Bagchi, B. (Thesis Advisor), Berg, M. van den, and Bagchi, B. (Thesis Advisor)
- Published
- 2012
178. Risk assessment of exposure to chlorine and its by-products in public/private swimming pools
- Author
Proquin, H.A.A., Berg, M. van den (Thesis Advisor), Proquin, H.A.A., and Berg, M. van den (Thesis Advisor)
- Abstract
The increasing concern about the effect of chlorine used to disinfect swimming pools allows research to focus on the effect of chlorine and its derivates on the development on cancer among bathers/swimmers but also workers. A reaction between chlorine and compounds already present in the swimming pool water and those chemicals brought in by the bathers/swimmers e.g. sweat, urine, dirt, saliva, cells and all kind of lotions produce products called “disinfection by-products” (DBPs). These DBP are mainly composed of trihalomethanes including mainly chloroform, chloramines, haloacetic acids and nitrosamines. These products can be carcinogenic at certain concentrations. The risks assessments for swimmers/bathers and workers are assessed with the NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level) given by authorities. These data were compared with earlier studies and French government analyses of swimming pool water. These risks assessments show that the concentrations of chloroform and chloramines are mainly lower than the NOAEL. Compared to a concentration considered as a discomfort concentration by the French government, results showed chloramines concentrations above that threshold. Swimmers/bathers and also workers can experience some discomfort like irritations in the eyes, and coughing making the time spend in the swimming pool less pleasant. Furthermore, the risk of developing cancer by going to the swimming pool is significant for the inhalation of chloroform. A comparison between two countries was made, France and Australia. The guidelines were compared. For most of the criteria, the guidelines allow almost the same concentrations. There are also some differences; e.g. it is not allowed to use any stabilizer in indoor swimming pools in Australia, which is allowed in France. The concentration of chlorine should be minimal 3 g/L in Australia when there is stabilizer present while in France this concentration must be minimal 2 mg/L. The concentration of DBPs maybe higher in
- Published
- 2012
179. Argumentkwaliteit en explicietheid in een argumentatie - Een experimenteel onderzoek naar het effect van argumentkwaliteit en de manier van formuleren (expliciet versus impliciet) op de waardering en acceptatie van afwijzingsbrieven.
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Janssen, D.M.L. (Thesis Advisor), Jansen, F., Berg, M. van den, Janssen, D.M.L. (Thesis Advisor), and Jansen, F.
- Abstract
Argumentatie staat centraal in dit experimentele onderzoek. De aandacht gaat uit naar de beleefdheidsstrategieën van Brown & Levinson (1987), in het bijzonder naar de 13e positieve beleefdheidsstrategie ‘geef of vraag om redenen’. Er is nog weinig bekend over de invloed van beleefdheidsstrategieën op geschreven slechtnieuwscommunicatie. Uit het onderzoek van Jansen & Janssen (b. 2010) blijkt dat ‘geef redenen’ invloed heeft op de ontvangst van slecht nieuws. De beleefdheidsstrategie ‘geef redenen’ wordt in dit onderzoek toegepast op een verzekeringsclaimafwijzingsbrief. In het bijzonder gaat de aandacht uit naar de invloed van sterke versus zwakke argumenten en expliciet versus impliciet geformuleerde argumenten. De hoofdvraag in dit experimentele tussenproefpersoononderzoek is: Hebben argumentkwaliteit en formulering (expliciet versus impliciet) van het argument invloed op de evaluatie van de boodschap bij claimafwijzingsbrieven? Voor dit onderzoek zijn zes hypothesen opgesteld. De eerste twee hypothesen geven aan dat een sterk argument een hogere beoordeling krijgt dan een zwak, en dat een expliciete formulering hoger beoordeeld wordt dan een impliciet geformuleerd argument. De derde, vierde en vijfde hypothese betreffen een combinatie van de twee onafhankelijke variabelen. De verwachting is dat een sterk en expliciet geformuleerd argument hoger gewaardeerd en geaccepteerd wordt dan de andere drie versies. Hetzelfde geldt voor een sterk en impliciet geformuleerd argument: de verwachting is dat ook dit een hogere waardering en acceptatie krijgt dan de overgebleven twee versies. De verwachting van de vijfde hypothese is dat een zwak en expliciet geformuleerd argument beter beoordeeld wordt dan de versie met het zwakke en impliciet geformuleerde argument. Ten slotte is de laatste hypothese: Als een zwak argument expliciet wordt gemaakt, wordt het nog duidelijker dat het een zwak argument is. Uit de resultaten van mijn onderzoek blijkt dat lezers brieven met een sterk
- Published
- 2012
180. De invloed van stikstof op de gezondheid
- Author
Passchier, W.F., Berg, M. van den, Erisman, J.W., Hazel, P.J. van den, Lebret, E., Leemans, R., Sluijs, J.P. van der, Timmermans, D.R.M., Vliet, P.W. van, Passchier, W.F., Berg, M. van den, Erisman, J.W., Hazel, P.J. van den, Lebret, E., Leemans, R., Sluijs, J.P. van der, Timmermans, D.R.M., and Vliet, P.W. van
- Published
- 2012
181. Copenhagen Accord Pledges imply higher costs for staying below 2°C warming: A Letter: A Letter
- Author
Vliet, J. van, Berg, M. van den, Schaeffer, M., Vuuren, D.P. van, Elzen, M.G.J. den, Hof, A.F., Beltran, A.M., Meinshausen, M., Vliet, J. van, Berg, M. van den, Schaeffer, M., Vuuren, D.P. van, Elzen, M.G.J. den, Hof, A.F., Beltran, A.M., and Meinshausen, M.
- Published
- 2012
182. KD10P02 - M. van den Berg - Kustbeheer en inspectie
- Author
Berg, M. van den and Berg, M. van den
- Abstract
Presentatie op de 7e Kennisdag Inspectie Waterkeringen 2010 met als titel: 'Het beheer van de kust door Rijkswaterstaat', over de zeespiegelstijging, het kustbeleid en -beheer en wat Rijkswaterstaat hieraan doet in het project Kustlijnzorg. Het uitgangspunt bij de kustverdediging is het handhaven van de basiskustlijn, het basiskustfundament en het meegroeien met de zeespiegelrijzing.
- Published
- 2012
183. Variabilidade de pedo-paisagens aparentemente homogêneas no estado de São Paulo, Brasil: I. análise espacial
- Author
Berg,M. van Den and Oliveira,J. B.
- Subjects
Latossolos ,soil variability ,Latosols ,systematic sampling ,amostragem sistemática ,semivariance analysis ,análise de semivariância - Abstract
The spatial variability of strongly weathered soils under sugarcane and soybean/wheat rotation was quantitatively assessed on 33 fields in two regions in São Paulo State, Brazil: Araras (15 fields with sugarcane) and Assis (11 fields with sugarcane and seven fields with soybean/wheat rotation). Statistical methods used were: nested analysis of variance (for 11 fields), semivariance analysis and analysis of variance within and between fields. Spatial levels from 50 m to several km were analyzed. Results are discussed with reference to a previously published study carried out in the surroundings of Passo Fundo (RS). Similar variability patterns were found for clay content, organic C content and cation exchange capacity. The fields studied are quite homogeneous with respect to these relatively stable soil characteristics. Spatial variability of other characteristics (resin extractable P, pH, base- and Al-saturation and also soil colour), varies with region and, or land use management. Soil management for sugarcane seems to have induced modifications to greater depths than for soybean/wheat rotation. Surface layers of soils under soybean/wheat present relatively little variation, apparently as a result of very intensive soil management. The major part of within-field variation occurs at short distances (< 50 m) in all study areas. Hence, little extra information would be gained by increasing sampling density from, say, 1/km² to 1/50 m². For many purposes, the soils in the study regions can be mapped with the same observation density, but residual variance will not be the same in all areas. Bulk sampling may help to reveal spatial patterns between 50 and 1.000 m. Abordou-se, quantitativamente, a variabilidade espacial de solos fortemente intemperizados sob cana-de-açúcar e rotação soja/trigo de 33 glebas em duas regiões do estado de São Paulo, Brasil: Araras (15 glebas com cana-de-açúcar) e Assis (11 glebas com cana-de-açúcar e sete glebas com rotação soja/trigo). Os métodos estatísticos empregados foram análise da variância por amostragem aninhada (para 11 glebas), análise de semivariância e análise de variância dentro das glebas e entre elas. Foram analisados níveis espaciais entre 50 m e vários km. Os resultados foram discutidos em relação a um estudo nas redondezas de Passo Fundo (RS) publicado anteriormente. Foram encontrados padrões de variação similares para teor de argila, teor de C-orgânico e capacidade de troca catiônica. As glebas estudadas mostram-se bastante homogêneas em relação a estas características relativamente estáveis. A variabilidade espacial de outras características (P-resina, pH, saturação por bases e por alumínio e também cor dos solos) variou entre regiões e, ou, uso/manejo das terras. O manejo dos solos com cana-de-açúcar provocou, aparentemente, modificações até camadas mais profundas em relação à rotação soja/trigo. Camadas superficiais dos solos sob soja/trigo apresentaram, aparentemente, pouca variação como resultado do manejo muito intensivo. Em todos os casos estudados, a maior parte da variação dentro das glebas ocorreu a pequenas distâncias (< 50 m). Esperava-se, portanto, obter pouca informação adicional pela intensificação da amostragem de 1/km² para 1/50 m². Para muitas finalidades, os solos estudados podem ser mapeados com a mesma densidade de observações, porém a variação não explicada pode não ser a mesma em todas as áreas. A coleta de amostras compostas possivelmente ajudaria revelar padrões espaciais entre 50 e 1.000 m.
- Published
- 2000
184. Variability of apparently homogeneous soilscapes in São Paulo state, Brazil: II. quality of soil maps
- Author
Berg, M. van Den and Oliveira, J. B.
- Subjects
sampling ,Latossolos ,map quality ,soil variability ,Latosols ,variabilidade de solos ,amostragem ,qualidade de mapas - Abstract
The quality of semi-detailed (scale 1:100.000) soil maps and the utility of a taxonomically based legend were assessed by studying 33 apparently homogeneous fields with strongly weathered soils in two regions in São Paulo State: Araras and Assis. An independent data set of 395 auger sites was used to determine purity of soil mapping units and analysis of variance within and between mapping units and soil classification units. Twenty three soil profiles were studied in detail. The studied soil maps have a high purity for some legend criteria, such as B horizon type (> 90%) and soil texture class (> 80%). The purity for the "trophic character" (eutrophic, dystrophic, allic) was only 55% in Assis. It was 88% in Araras, where many soil units had been mapped as associations. In both regions, the base status of clay-textured soils was generally better than suggested by the maps. Analysis of variance showed that mapping was successful for "durable" soil characteristics such as clay content (> 80% of variance explained) and cation exchange capacity (≥ 50% of variance explained) of 0-20 and 60-80 cm layers. For soil characteristics that are easily modified by management, such as base saturation of the 0-20 cm layer, the maps had explained very little (< 15%) of the total variance in the study areas. Intermediate results were obtained for base saturation of the 60-80 cm layer (56% in Assis; 42% in Araras). Variance explained by taxonomic groupings that formed the basis for the legend of the soil maps was similar to, often even smaller than, variance explained by mapping units. The conclusion is that map boundaries have been very carefully located, but descriptions of mapping units could be improved. In future mappings, this could possibly be done at low cost by (a) bulk sampling to remove short range variation and enhance visualization of spatial patterns at distances > 100 m; (b) taking advantage of correlations between easily measured soil characteristics and chemical soil properties and, (c) unbending the link between legend criteria and a taxonomic system. The maps are well suited to obtain an impression of land suitability for high-input farming. Additional field work and data on former land use/management are necessary for the evaluation of chemical properties of surface horizons. Avaliou-se a qualidade de mapas de solo semidetalhados (escala 1:100.000) bem como a utilidade de uma legenda baseada na taxonomia, por meio de um estudo de 33 glebas aparentemente homogêneas com solos fortemente intemperizados de duas regiões no estado de São Paulo: Araras e Assis. Nessas glebas, analisou-se um conjunto independente de dados de 395 locais, com amostras de solo coletadas a trado para determinar a pureza das unidades de mapeamento de solo e para analisar a variância entre as unidades de mapeamento e unidades taxonômicas e dentro delas. Vinte e três perfis de solos foram estudados. Os mapas de solo estudados apresentaram elevada pureza em relação a alguns critérios, tais como tipo de horizonte B (> 90%) e classe de textura (> 80%). A pureza para o caráter trófico (eutrófico, distrófico, álico) do mapa de Assis era de apenas 55%, contra 88% em Araras, onde muitas unidades de solo tinham sido mapeadas como associações. Em ambas as regiões, o caráter trófico dos solos argilosos foi geralmente melhor do que indicado pelos mapas. Análise de variância mostrou que o mapeamento resolveu parte considerável da variância de características "duráveis", como teor de argila (> 80%) e capacidade de troca catiônica (≥ 50%) das camadas de 0-20 e 60-80 cm de profundidade. No caso de características que podem ser modificadas facilmente por meio do manejo, tal como a saturação por bases na camada de 0-20 cm, o mapeamento resolveu uma parte muito pequena (< 15%) da variância total nas áreas estudadas. Resultados intermediários foram obtidos para saturação por bases na camada de 60-80 cm (56%, em Assis; 42%, em Araras). A variância resolvida por agrupamentos taxonômicos, que formaram a base para a legenda dos mapas, foi similar e freqüentemente inferior à variância resolvida por unidades de mapeamento. Concluiu-se que as delimitações nos mapas foram localizadas cuidadosamente, mas as descrições das unidades de mapeamento poderiam ser melhoradas. É possível que isso possa ser feito a baixo custo em mapeamentos futuros por meio de (a) coleta de amostras compostas para remover a variação a curta distância e melhorar a visualização de padrões espaciais a distâncias > 100 m; (b) tirar maior proveito de correlações existentes entre características de determinação simples e propriedades químicas dos solos e (c) abrandar a ligação entre os critérios usados nas legendas e um sistema taxonômico. Os mapas apresentaram-se úteis para obter uma impressão da aptidão das terras para a agricultura mecanizada. Trabalho de campo adicional e registros históricos de uso/manejo foram necessários para a avaliar as propriedades químicas dos horizontes superficiais dos solos.
- Published
- 2000
185. Long-Term Outcome and Morbidity After Treatment With Accelerated Radiotherapy and Weekly Cisplatin for Locally Advanced Head-and-Neck Cancer: Results of a Multidisciplinary Late Morbidity Clinic
- Author
Rütten, H., Pop, L.A.M., Janssens, G.O.R.J., Takes, R.P., Knuijt, S., Rooijakkers, A.F., Berg, M. van den, Merkx, M.A.W., Herpen, C.M. van, Kaanders, J.H.A.M., Rütten, H., Pop, L.A.M., Janssens, G.O.R.J., Takes, R.P., Knuijt, S., Rooijakkers, A.F., Berg, M. van den, Merkx, M.A.W., Herpen, C.M. van, and Kaanders, J.H.A.M.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 96065.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access), PURPOSE: To evaluate the long-term outcome and morbidity after intensified treatment for locally advanced head-and-neck cancer. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Between May 2003 and December 2007, 77 patients with Stage III to IV head-and-neck cancer were treated with curative intent. Treatment consisted of accelerated radiotherapy to a dose of 68 Gy and concurrent cisplatin. Long-term survivors were invited to a multidisciplinary outpatient clinic for a comprehensive assessment of late morbidity with special emphasis on dysphagia, including radiological evaluation of swallowing function in all patients. RESULTS: Compliance with the treatment protocol was high, with 87% of the patients receiving at least five cycles of cisplatin and all but 1 patient completing the radiotherapy as planned. The 5-year actuarial disease-free survival and overall survival rates were 40% and 47%, respectively. Locoregional recurrence-free survival at 5 years was 61%. The 5-year actuarial rates of overall late Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)/European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Grade 3 and Grade 4 toxicity were 52% and 25% respectively. Radiologic evaluation after a median follow-up of 44 months demonstrated impaired swallowing in 57% of the patients, including 23% with silent aspiration. Subjective assessment using a systematic scoring system indicated normalcy of diet in only 15.6% of the patients. CONCLUSION: This regimen of accelerated radiotherapy with weekly cisplatin produced favorable tumor control rates and survival rates while compliance was high. However, comprehensive assessment by a multidisciplinary team of medical and paramedical specialists revealed significant long-term morbidity in the majority of the patients, with dysphagia being a major concern.
- Published
- 2011
186. Spectroscopic Follow-up of X-ray Sources in the ChaMPlane Survey: Identification of a New Cataclysmic Variable
- Author
Servillat, Mathieu, Grindlay, J., Berg, M. van den, Hong, J., Zhao, P., Allen, B., Servillat, Mathieu, Grindlay, J., Berg, M. van den, Hong, J., Zhao, P., and Allen, B.
- Abstract
We present a multi-object optical spectroscopy follow-up study of X-ray sources in a field along the Galactic Plane (l=327.42 deg, b=2.26 deg) which is part of the Chandra Multi-wavelength Plane survey (ChaMPlane). We obtained spectra for 46 stars, including 15 likely counterparts to X-ray sources, and sources showing an H-alpha color excess. This has led to the identification of a new cataclysmic variable (CV), CXOPS J154305.5-522709, also named ChaMPlane Bright Source 7 (CBS~7), and we identified 8 X-ray sources in the field as active late-type stars. CBS~7 was previously studied in X-rays and showed a hard spectrum and two periods: 1.22+/-0.08 h and 2.43+/-0.26 h. We present here clear evidence that the source is a CV through the detection of H, HeI and HeII emission lines in its optical spectrum. The hard X-ray spectrum and the presence of the HeII 4686 in emission with a large equivalent width suggest a magnetic CV. The near-infrared counterpart is significantly variable, and we found a period consistent with the longest X-ray period at 2.39+/-0.05 h but not the shortest X-ray period. If this period is the orbital period, this would place the system in the CV period gap. The possible orbital period suggests a dM4+/-1 companion star. The distance is then estimated to be ~1 kpc. The system could be a relatively hard and X-ray luminous polar or an intermediate polar, possibly nearly-synchronous., Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ; 6 figures, 5 tables, 8 pages with emulateapj style
- Published
- 2011
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187. A dwarf nova in the globular cluster M13
- Author
Servillat, Mathieu, Webb, N. A., Lewis, F., Knigge, C., Berg, M. van den, Dieball, A., Grindlay, J., Servillat, Mathieu, Webb, N. A., Lewis, F., Knigge, C., Berg, M. van den, Dieball, A., and Grindlay, J.
- Abstract
Dwarf novae in globular clusters seem to be rare with only 13 detections in the 157 known Galactic globular clusters. We report the identification of a new dwarf nova in M13, the 14th dwarf nova identified in a globular cluster to date. Using the 2m Faulkes Telescope North, we conducted a search for stars in M13 that show variability over a year (2005-2006) on timescales of days and months. This led to the detection of one dwarf nova showing several outbursts. A Chandra X-ray source is coincident with this dwarf nova and shows both a spectrum and variability consistent with that expected from a dwarf nova, thus supporting the identification. We searched for a counterpart in Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC archived images and found at least 11 candidates, of which we could characterize only the 7 brightest, including one with a 3 sigma H-alpha excess and a faint blue star. The detection of one dwarf nova when more could have been expected likely indicates that our knowledge of the global Galactic population of cataclysmic variables is too limited. The proportion of dwarf novae may be lower than found in catalogs, or they may have a much smaller duty cycle in general as proposed by some population synthesis models and recent observations in the field., Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 12 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables (v2 contains corrections of the proofs)
- Published
- 2011
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188. Nooit te oud om te leren : seniorstudenten
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Higler, R., Berg, M. van den, and Higler, R.
- Abstract
Ze zijn fanatiek, supergemotiveerd en weten precies wat hun doel is : de seniorstudenten. Wie zijn deze oudere jongeren en wat hopen ze op hun leeftijd nog tussen de collegebanken te vinden?
- Published
- 2011
189. Interstellar extinction and the distribution of stellar populations in the direction of the ultra-deep Chandra Galactic field
- Author
Revnivtsev, M., Berg, M. van den, Burenin, R., Grindlay, J. E., Karasev, D., Forman, W., Revnivtsev, M., Berg, M. van den, Burenin, R., Grindlay, J. E., Karasev, D., and Forman, W.
- Abstract
We studied the stellar population in the central 6.6x6.6arcmin,region of the ultra-deep (1Msec) Chandra Galactic field - the "Chandra bulge field" (CBF) approximately 1.5 degrees away from the Galactic Center - using the Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC blue (F435W) and red (F625W) images. We mainly focus on the behavior of red clump giants - a distinct stellar population, which is known to have an essentially constant intrinsic luminosity and color. By studying the variation in the position of the red clump giants on a spatially resolved color-magnitude diagram, we confirm the anomalous total-to-selective extinction ratio, as reported in previous work for other Galactic bulge fields. We show that the interstellar extinction in this area is
= 4 on average, but varies significantly between ~3-5 on angular scales as small as 1 arcminute. Using the distribution of red clump giants in an extinction-corrected color-magnitude diagram, we constrain the shape of a stellar-mass distribution model in the direction of this ultra-deep Chandra field, which will be used in a future analysis of the population of X-ray sources. We also show that the adopted model for the stellar density distribution predicts an infrared surface brightness in the direction of the "Chandra bulge field" in good agreement (i.e. within ~15%) with the actual measurements derived from the Spitzer/IRAC observations., Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A - Published
- 2010
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190. Quickscan opbrengsten en efficiëntie in de gangbare en biologische akkerbouw, melkveehouderij , varkenshouderij en pluimveehouderij : deelstudie van project 'Duurzame Eiwitvoorziening'
- Author
Oenema, O., Bikker, P., Harn, J. Van, Smolders, E.A.A., Sebek, L.B., Berg, M. Van Den, Stehfest, E.E., Westhoek, H.J., Oenema, O., Bikker, P., Harn, J. Van, Smolders, E.A.A., Sebek, L.B., Berg, M. Van Den, Stehfest, E.E., and Westhoek, H.J.
- Abstract
De gewasopbrengsten zijn 0-40% lager in de biologische akker- en tuinbouw dan in de gangbare akker- en tuinbouw. De melkproductie per ha is ca. 25% lager in de biologische melkveehouderij dan in de gangbare melkveehouderij. Het voerverbruik per kg karkasgewicht is ca. 20% hoger in de biologische varkens- en pluimveehouderij dan in de gangbare melkveehouderij, varkens- en pluimveehouderij. De verschillen worden door diverse factoren veroorzaakt en kunnen door gerichte veredeling en verbeterd management mogelijk worden verkleind.
- Published
- 2010
191. Stilte voor de storm? : bedrijfsvergelijkend onderzoek VHG 2008
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Dosker, R., Risseeuw, P., Berg, M. van den, Dosker, R., and Risseeuw, P.
- Abstract
Het bedrijfsvergelijkend onderzoek wordt jaarlijks sectorbreed gehouden onder alle bedrijven die in Nederland binnen de groensector actief zijn. Het onderzoek beoogt managementinformatie te leveren voor de groenbedrijven, en een betrouwbaar en consistent beeld te geven van de sector als geheel. De rapportage over het onderzoek bestaat uit twee onderdelen: dit rapport, Stilte voor de storm? – bedrijfsvergelijkend onderzoek VHG 2008, met een overzicht van de voornaamste onderzoeksresultaten op sectoraal niveau
- Published
- 2010
192. Samenwerking in Vallei en Eem
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Oomens, A., Broersma, L., Berg, M. van den, Oomens, A., and Broersma, L.
- Abstract
Sinds maart 2008 bestaat het Platform Water Vallei en Eem. Het is een initiatief van de provincies Utrecht en Gelderland, Waterschap Vallei & Eem en de gemeenten binnen dat beheersgebied. Vanuit de behoefte om meer samenhang en structuur te krijgen in de wateragenda, zijn op bestuurlijk en ambtelijk niveau de handen ineenslagen. Het doel is een betere afstemming tussen de partijen in beleid en uitvoering en in de uitwisseling van kennis en ervaring. Dit moet leiden tot een hogere kwaliteit qua beleid en uitvoering en meer efficiency. Het gaat hierbij om zaken als riolering, de waterketen, de uitvoering van het Nationaal Bestuursakkoord Water, ruimtelijke ordening, natuur, grondwater, wetgeving en de gevolgen hiervan op overheidsniveaus, strategische en regionale plannen, baggeren en visstandbeheer.
- Published
- 2010
193. Civil protection and climate change vulnerability a Rotterdam case
- Author
Berg, M. van den and Berg, M. van den
- Abstract
Deltas in Depth Theme 4: Climate change and climate proofing urban areas, Session DD 4.4: Urban adaptation in Rotterdam and other Dutch cities. Civil protection and climate change vulnerability a Rotterdam case, Maya van den Berg, University of Twente, the Netherlands (2010). Presented at the international conference Deltas in Times of Climate Change, 29 September - 1 October, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Published
- 2010
194. Producer Services, Economic Geograpy and Services
- Author
Vaal, A. de and Berg, M. van den
- Subjects
Internationalisering van Europa - Abstract
Contains fulltext : 131664.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) We investigate how the incorporation of producer services linkages affects the outcome of an economic geography model. We specify the production of manufactures such that a variety of producer services is needed to transform tradable unfinished goods into final consumption goods. We find that service linkages promote the concentration of economic activity in a single region, but whether full concentration is achieved depends on the costs and mode of services trade. Applying the model to a multiregion world shows that incorporating producer services may also give rise to regions that specialize in different economic activities. 34 p.
- Published
- 1999
195. Heat trace asymptotics with singular weight functions
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Gilkey, P., Kirsten, K., Seeley, R., Berg, M. van den, Gilkey, P., Kirsten, K., and Seeley, R.
- Abstract
We study the weighted heat trace asymptotics of an operator of Laplace type with Dirichlet boundary conditions where the weight function exhibits radial blowup. We give formulas for the first few terms in the expansion in terms of geometrical data.
- Published
- 2008
196. Nederlande Hersenbank: Jaarverslag 1996-1997
- Author
Ravid, R., Swaab, D.F., Berg, M. van den, and Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN)
- Published
- 1998
197. A Simultaneous Optical and X-ray Variability Study of the Orion Nebula Cluster. II. A Common Origin in Magnetic Activity
- Author
Stassun, K. G., Berg, M. van den, Feigelson, E., Stassun, K. G., Berg, M. van den, and Feigelson, E.
- Abstract
We present a statistical analysis of simultaneous optical and X-ray light curves, spanning 600 ks, for 814 pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster. The aim of this study is to establish the relationship, if any, between the sites of optical and X-ray variability, and thereby to elucidate the origins of X-ray production in PMS stars. In a previous paper we showed that optical and X-ray variability in PMS stars are very rarely time-correlated. Here, using time-averaged variability indicators to examine the joint occurrences of optical and X-ray variability, we confirm that the two forms of variability are not directly causally related. However, a strong and highly statistically significant correlation is found between optical variability and X-ray luminosity. As this correlation is found to be independent of accretion activity, we argue that X-ray production in PMS stars must instead be intimately connected with the presence and strength of optically variable, magnetically active surface regions (i.e. spots) on these stars. Moreover, because X-ray variability and optical variability are rarely time-correlated, we conclude that the sites of X-ray production are not exclusively co-spatial with these regions. We argue that solar-analog coronae, heated by topologically complex fields, can explain these findings., Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal. 33 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2007
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198. Genome sequencing and analysis of the versatile cell factory Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88
- Author
Pel, H.J., Winde, J.H. de, Archer, D.B., Dyer, P.S., Hofmann, G., Schaap, P.J., Turner, G., Vries, R.P. de, Albang, R., Albermann, K., Andersen, M.R., Bendtsen, J.D., Benen, J.A., Berg, M. van den, Breestraat, S., Caddick, M.X., Contreras, R., Cornell, M., Coutinho, P.M., Danchin, E.G., Debets, A.J., Dekker, P., Dijck, P.W. van, Dijk, A. van, Dijkhuizen, L., Driessen, A.J., D'Enfert, C., Geysens, S., Goosen, C., Groot, G.S., Groot, P.W. de, Guillemette, T., Henrissat, B., Herweijer, M., Hombergh, J.P. van den, Hondel, C.A. van den, Heijden, R.T.J.M. van der, Kaaij, R.M. van der, Klis, F.M., Kools, H.J., Kubicek, C.P., Kuyk, P.A. van, Lauber, J., Lu, X., Maarel, M.J. van der, Meulenberg, R., Menke, H., Mortimer, M.A., Nielsen, J., Oliver, S.G., Olsthoorn, M., Pal, K., Peij, N.N. van, Ram, A.F., Rinas, U., Roubos, J.A., Sagt, C.M., Schmoll, M., Sun, J., Ussery, D., Varga, J., Vervecken, W., Vondervoort, P.J. van de, Wedler, H., Wosten, H.A., Zeng, A.P., Ooyen, A.J. van, Visser, J.C., Stam, H., Pel, H.J., Winde, J.H. de, Archer, D.B., Dyer, P.S., Hofmann, G., Schaap, P.J., Turner, G., Vries, R.P. de, Albang, R., Albermann, K., Andersen, M.R., Bendtsen, J.D., Benen, J.A., Berg, M. van den, Breestraat, S., Caddick, M.X., Contreras, R., Cornell, M., Coutinho, P.M., Danchin, E.G., Debets, A.J., Dekker, P., Dijck, P.W. van, Dijk, A. van, Dijkhuizen, L., Driessen, A.J., D'Enfert, C., Geysens, S., Goosen, C., Groot, G.S., Groot, P.W. de, Guillemette, T., Henrissat, B., Herweijer, M., Hombergh, J.P. van den, Hondel, C.A. van den, Heijden, R.T.J.M. van der, Kaaij, R.M. van der, Klis, F.M., Kools, H.J., Kubicek, C.P., Kuyk, P.A. van, Lauber, J., Lu, X., Maarel, M.J. van der, Meulenberg, R., Menke, H., Mortimer, M.A., Nielsen, J., Oliver, S.G., Olsthoorn, M., Pal, K., Peij, N.N. van, Ram, A.F., Rinas, U., Roubos, J.A., Sagt, C.M., Schmoll, M., Sun, J., Ussery, D., Varga, J., Vervecken, W., Vondervoort, P.J. van de, Wedler, H., Wosten, H.A., Zeng, A.P., Ooyen, A.J. van, Visser, J.C., and Stam, H.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 51722.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access), The filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger is widely exploited by the fermentation industry for the production of enzymes and organic acids, particularly citric acid. We sequenced the 33.9-megabase genome of A. niger CBS 513.88, the ancestor of currently used enzyme production strains. A high level of synteny was observed with other aspergilli sequenced. Strong function predictions were made for 6,506 of the 14,165 open reading frames identified. A detailed description of the components of the protein secretion pathway was made and striking differences in the hydrolytic enzyme spectra of aspergilli were observed. A reconstructed metabolic network comprising 1,069 unique reactions illustrates the versatile metabolism of A. niger. Noteworthy is the large number of major facilitator superfamily transporters and fungal zinc binuclear cluster transcription factors, and the presence of putative gene clusters for fumonisin and ochratoxin A synthesis.
- Published
- 2007
199. Gevolgen Europese intercalibratie voor Nederland beperkt
- Author
Berg, M. van den, Latour, P., Molen, D. van der, Dekker, B., Berg, M. van den, Latour, P., Molen, D. van der, and Dekker, B.
- Abstract
De Kaderrichtlijn Water schrijft voor dat normen voor de biologische toestand voor oppervlaktewateren vergelijkbaar zijn in de Europese lidstaten. De 'goede toestand' voor bijvoorbeeld waterplanten in Frankrijk moet vergelijkbaar zijn met de 'goede toestand' in een vergelijkbaar water in Nederland of Duitsland. De vergelijking is uitgevoerd voor onder andere algen (fytoplankton), waterplanten (macrofyten en fytobenthos) en macrofauna in rivieren, meren, kust- of overgangswateren. De resultaten van deze Europese intercalibratie zijn nu voor het stroomgebiedbeheersplan 2009 bekend. In een aantal gevallen moet de Nederlandse doelstelling voor natuurlijke wateren iets strenger worden, soms mag het iets minder streng en vaak is de goede ecologische toestand vergelijkbaar met andere landen en is dus geen aanpassing nodig. Al met al kan Nederland tevreden zijn met de uitkomsten
- Published
- 2007
200. Nederlandse macrofauna-maatlat voor rivieren internationaal vergeleken
- Author
Knoben, R., Berg, M. van den, Ruigrok, T., Evers, N., Knoben, R., Berg, M. van den, Ruigrok, T., and Evers, N.
- Abstract
De KRW-maatlatten voor macrofauna in natuurlijke watertypen zijn internationaal vergeleken in het verplichte intercalibratieproces. Hierbij lag de nadruk op de klassengrenzen zeer goed-goed en goed-matig. Bij deze vergelijking is gebruik gemaakt van een gemeenschappelijke maatlat, de Intercalibration Common Metric-index (ICMi). Ondanks de matige prestatie op de index bleek dat de klassengrenzen van de Nederlandse maatlat binnen de berekende en afgesproken bandbreedte van de andere landen vallen. De klassengrenzen van de Nederlandse maatlatten hoeven dus niet aangepast te worden en zijn hiermee internationaal gevalideerd
- Published
- 2007
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