U radu su prikazane gospodarski najvažnije i najzastupljenije sorte mandarine Unshiu na području Opuzena: Wakiyama, Chahara, Okitsu, Kawano Wase, Owari, Saigon, Kuno, Zorica, Ichumare i Seto. Prema uputama IPGRI deskriptora za Citrus-e analizirana su slijedeća svojstva: opći izgled, veličina i oblik ploda, fizički nedostaci ploda, površina i debljina kožice, priljubljenost kožice, finoća strukture mesa, boja i sočnost mesa, masa i promjer ploda, prisutnost sjemenki, ispunjenost osi ploda, boja albeda, međusobna povezanost kriški ploda, povezanost ploda sa stabljikom, oblik vrška i baze ploda, subjektivna ocjena okusa ploda; oblik plojke lista, intenzitet zelene boje površine lista, duljina i širina plojke lista; gustoća granja i trnja na odraslom stablu. Vrlo rane sorte su Ichumare, Wakiyama, Zorica i Chahara i berba se provodi u rujnu i listopadu. Sorta Wakiyama ima najsitnije i najlakše plodove, čija je prosječna masa 73 g, a prosječni promjer iznosi 55 mm. Slijede ju sorte Zorica, zatim Owari, Ichumare i Okitsu (prosječne mase 136 g te promjera 68,1 mm). U krupnije sorte spadaju Kawano Wase, Chahara, Seto i Kuno, čije se prosječne mase plodova kreću između 165 i 185 g. Saigon je sorta koja ima najkrupnije plodove (188 g i 87 mm). Na temelju ovog rada i u razgovoru s proizvođačima kao preporučene sorte okarakterizirane su: Zorica, Chahara, Kawano Wase, Okitsu i Saigon., The paper describes the most common and economically important varieties of Unshiu mandarin in Opuzen: Wakiyama, Chahara, Okitsu, Kawano Wase, Owari, Saigon, Kuno, Zorica, Ichumare and Seto. According to the IPGRI descriptors for Citrus the following characteristics analyzed were general appearance, size and shape of fruit, fruit physical imperfections, size and thickness of the skin, adherence of the skin, fineness of structure, colour and juiciness of flok, fruit weight and diameter, the presence of seeds, Compliance with the axis of the fruit, albedo colour, adherence of segment walls to each other, fruit attachment to stalk, shape of apex and base of fruit, subjective rating of fruit flavors; leaf lamina shape, the intensity of green coulor of the leaf area, length and width of leaf lamina; density of branches and thorns on the adult tree. Very early varieties are Ichumare, Wakiyama, Zorica, and Chahara and harvesting is carried out in September and October. Variety Wakiyama has the smallest and lightest fruits, with an average weight of 73 g and the average diameter of 55 mm. Followed by variety Zorica, then Owari, Okitsu and Ichumare (average weight 136 g and 68.1 mm in diameter). The larger varieties are Kawano Wase, Chahara, Seto and Kuno, whose average fruit weight is between 165 and 185 g. Saigon is a variety that has the largest fruit (188 g and 87 mm). On the basis of this work and in conversation with manufacturers the recommended varieties are: Zorica, Chahara, Kawano Wase, Okitsu and Saigon.