101. Effects of Low Temperature Storage before Transplanting on the Inner Morphology of Rice Nursling Seedlings
- Author
NITTA, Youji / YAMAMOTO, Yoshinori / KAWAMURA, Takehide / SEKINO, Aki / MATSUDA, Toshiaki
- Abstract
application/pdf, 論文(Article), 水稲の移植栽培における一層の効率化の1方法として,乳苗の移植前貯蔵が考えられる.本研究では,乳苗の低温貯蔵による苗素質の変化を内部形態の光学顕微鏡観察により形態学的に検討した.乳苗を5.0℃で貯蔵すると,育苗終了時の乳苗(無貯蔵苗)に較べて,葉鞘が薄くなり,第2節分げつの形成が劣ったが,冠根原基数は多くなる傾向にあった.10.0℃および 12.5℃での貯蔵では,茎の長さや大きさ,葉鞘の厚さ,分げつ芽の有無や大きさ,および葉鞘や茎の内部組織・細胞の形態は無貯蔵苗と変わらず,冠根原基の数は多くなった.そして,貯蔵した苗を移植すると,貯蔵中に増えた冠根原基が出現に至ることが確認された.これらのことから,乳苗は貯蔵すると無貯蔵に較べて冠根原基の数が増えることが明らかとなった.また,10.0℃および12.5℃で貯蔵した苗は,茎,葉鞘,分けつ芽等の形質は無貯蔵苗と変わらないまま冠根原基数が増えるため,無貯蔵苗よりも内部形態的な素質が優れるものと考えられた. \nStorage of rice nursling seedlings berore transplanting is thought to be a cost-saving technique in rice culture. The objective of this study is to clarify the morphological changes of inner structures of stored rice seedlings under low temperatures(5.0, 10.0 and 12,5℃) by means of observing every serial cross-section through the stem with a light microscope. Compared with the nursling seedlings just after raising at 5.O ℃ storage temperature, the stored seedlings showed a thinner leaf sheath and a decrcase in the number and size of the 2nd nodal tiller, but an incrcase in the number of crown root primordia. In the storage temperatures of 10.0 and 12.5℃, no changes occurred on the stemlength and size, on the size and number of nodal tillers, and on the inner strucures of leaf sheath and stem compared with the nursling seedlings just after raising, however, the number of crown root primordia incrcascd. After transplanting, the crown root primordia that had incrcased during storage emerged.These results indicate that in comparison with the nursling seedlings just after raising, the storage under low temperature before transplanting increases the number of crown root primordia of seelings without morphological changes of stem, leaf sheath, or tillers. Storage under 10.0 or 12.5℃ before transplanting is available for rooting and growth after transplanting for rice nursling seelings.
- Published
- 2001