Larvae and adults of certain species of Trichocera were studied. The length of different development stages is recorded for various species. The short egg stage, highly dependent on a wet substratum or saturated air humidity, is followed by an easily desiccated first larval instar. The variation in length of larval development in the same species is emphasized. Various tests were carried out on III and IV instar winter larvae of T. saltator. These larvae avoid light values in the range studied between 3000 and 10 lux. In the absence of a moist substratum, winter larvae are dependent on high air humidity. The upper threshold for temperature tolerance in these instars was between +320 and +340C. Motility accelerates between +100 and +16?, and there then follows a broad temperature interval with disordered movements. The lower survival threshold for winter larvae was between -6? and 10O. Supercooling and partial freezing is survived within a range down to at least -5?. Males of T. regelationis (spring generation) survive poorly at +160 and low air humidity. At temperatures down to -5?, low air humidity affects survival of males in T. regelationis (spring generation) and T. saltator (autumn generation). At -8? survival was markedly higher at low humidities in the same species. Various air humidities influence the amount of swarming activity at rising temperatures. The upper threshold for survival in T. hiemalis (early spring generation) is between +300 and +340. The lower threshold for T. annulata is between -1.5? and 50, and for T. saltator and T. regelationis between -5') and 100. Differences in motility occur. Swarming activity is released by rising temperatures at 40 lux, but restrained at 4 lux. In the species studied (T. annulata, T. saltator, T. regelationis), the temperature interval in which swarming is mainly performed after exposure to low temperatures, lies between +5? and + 15? under test conditions. These values are close to field observations. Pe3ioMe 3M6pHoHaJlbHoe pa3BH4THle KOpOTKOe. Pa3BHTHie 5IHU 3aBHCHT OT BYiaKHOCTH Cy6CTpaTa H CTeieHEH HaCbILUeHHOCTH B03,ayXa BOaIHbIMH napaMH. ,Lraiiee ciieayeT iIepBbhI JIHI4HHO'qHbIrl B03paCT, CHJlbHO pearHpyioLLJHi Ha HeaOCTaTOK BJIaKHOCTH4. BbIlBjieHbl pa3J1HHU4H B npo0aoJmU4TeJlbHOCTH JIIH'HHO'HOrO pa3BHTH5 y OjHHX H Tex )Ke BHIOB. HpOBOQT4JIHCb p3J1H'HbIe OrbITbI Ha 3HMHH4X J14IqHHKaX T. saltator III H IV B03paCTa. BbIJIO yCTaHOBjieHO "ITO 3TH JIH'4HHKH H36eralOT OCBeC1eHHOCTHI B ripeaeJiax OT 3000 ,Ro 10 JIFiOKCOB. FIpH OTCYTCTB4H BJIa)KHoro cy6cTpaTa 3HMHHe JIH'IHHKH He pearipyloT Ha BbICOKYIO BJIaWCHOCTb BO3,ayxa. BepXH1H4 nopor TenJIOBOH Toj1epaHTHOCTH JIewlKT Me)Kwy 32 m 34WC. HOJaBHKHOCTb IIH'IHHOK yBeJ1HHlBHBaeTCS Me)Kay -F 10 H +16?. 3a 3TH4M cieayeT MI4pOKH4i TeM1CepaTYPHbIH HHTepBaJI C XaOTH'IeCKHMH 4B4)KeHHIMH. H4KHHI4 nIopor pa3BHTH5I J1H4IHOK, co6paHHbIx 3HMOA, Je)KHT B npeaeJIax -610 C. YCTaHOBJIeHO, qITO HH)Ke -5' moweT HaCTynHHTb riepeoxJIa(LaeHHe H 3aMep3aHHe. CaMpbI T. regelationis (BeceHHqI reHepauHs) MoryT pa3BHBaTbCA npu 16' H HH3KOr4 BIa)KHOCTH BO3,Uyxa. Hp1 TemnepaTypax HBwe --5' H HH3KOA BJIaWCHOCTII pa3BHlTHe caMUOB T. regelationis (BeceHHqq reHepaLJuH) H T. saltator (oceHHAA reHepaU4Iq) npeKpamaeTCq. OajHaKO yCTaHOBJIeHO, 'TO fpH -8 y Tex )e BH4aOB pa3BHTHe HPOHCXOUHT 3aMeTHo 6bIcTpee nlpu HH3KOH Bjia)HOCTH4. 143MeHeHHI4 BjaI)KHOCTH B03,ayXa O'eBWUHO BJH4IIOT H Ha aKTHBHOCTb pOeHBH, KOTopoe Ha6JIIoqaeTC51 HpH nOBbIIHeHHH TeMnepaTypbl. YCTaHOBJIeHO, ITO BepXHHHi nopor pa3BH4TEIi y T. hiemalis w T. regelationis Haxo,aHTCI MeCKay +30 H +34', H1H4WHH4 nopor Rjiq T. annulata MewKay -1,5 H5', aUII T. saltator H T. regelationis Mexc)y -5 H -1 0?. Ha~i4eHbI pa3JIIH'IH5 B HOUBH)KHOCTH OTJaeJIbHbIX BHJ4OB. AKTHBHOCTb pOeHHI4 CTHMYJ1HPYeTCI nOBBIuIeHHeM TeMriepaTypbI fpiH 40 JI1OKCaX, HO npH 4 nIOKCax OHa nOgaBJimeTCA. Y H3YqeHHbIX B4,aOB (T. annulata, saltator, regelationis) TeMnepaTYPHbIIr HHTepBaII, B ipeaejiax KoToporo HPOHCXOAHT poeH~e B YCJIOBHSX OIbITa iewKHT Mewcay + 5 H + 1 5'. 3TH rIoKa3aTeJi 6JI43K4 K iH4upaM, nOjy1,'eHHbIM BO BpeMe IOj1eBbIX Ha6rroJgeHHi4 B HlyHKTaX c6opa MaTepHaJia. Manuscript accepted July 1969. A special grant has been received to defray part of the printing costs. 29 OIKOS 20, 2 (1969) This content downloaded from on Sun, 11 Sep 2016 04:34:11 UTC All use subject to