Ferreira Heyn AM, Kliger G, Jiménez MC, Bareiro Arce A, Franco Núñez R, Adrianza Baptista G, Cárdenas D, Carrasco F, Castillo Pineda JC, Correia MIT, Jáquez A, and Figueredo-Grijalba R
Introduction: The Latin American Federation of Nutritional Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, and Metabolism - FELANPE, was founded in 1988. It brings together interdisciplinary societies and associations in Clinical Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as Spain and Portugal. Currently, it comprises representations from 18 countries. The objectives of the Federation are described, taking into account the assumed commitment. This is an observational cross-sectional, multicenter study that included 132 hospitals with more than 100 beds, of high complexity, both state-owned and private, from 14 countries in Latin America that are members of FELANPE. The study assessed hospital characteristics, implementation of nutritional assessment, nutritional diagnosis of patients, the team responsible for nutritional therapy, nutritional therapy (oral, enteral, and parenteral), monitoring, and nutritional follow-up. For this purpose, a digital questionnaire and an explanatory video were designed and validated to ensure the quality of the collected data. Validation was carried out through a pilot study conducted in Paraguay, approved by the Ethics Committee for Research at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Asunción. The current research has the approval of the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the National University of Asunción and the Ethics Committee of FELANPE. The results presented at the XVIII Latin American Congress of FELANPE in Asunción, Paraguay, on October 12, 2023, serve as a basis for characterizing the implementation of Parenteral and Enteral Nutritional Therapy (medical nutritional therapy) in hospitals in Latin America and are used as technical support for the present Asunción Commitment.