694 results on '"GT Manners and customs"'
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102. Atribut Baju Hitam Anak Daro jo Marapulai Pada Pesta Perkawinan di Nagari Salayo Kecamatan Kubuang Kabupaten Solok (Tinjauan Semiotika)
- Author
Anisa, and Anisa,
- Abstract
Anisa, 2018: Atribut Baju Hitam Anak Daro jo Marapulai Pada Pesta Perkawinan di Nagari Salayo Kecamatan Kubuang Kabupaten Solok (Kajian Semiotika) Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketidaktahuan masyarakat mengenai makna pakaian adat tradisional. Yaitu pakaian hitam anak daro jo marapulai yang dipakai saat pesta perkawinan. Pakaian ini memiliki keunikan dari pakaian tradisional yang ada di daerah lain, khususnya Sumatera Barat. Keunikan tersebut terletak pada bentuk, warna dan atribut yang dipakai oleh kedua pengantin. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Nagari Salayo, Kecamatan Kubuang, Kabupaten Solok. Salayo merupakan daerah yang terkenal dengan sebutan Kubuang XIII dan daerah ini kebanyakan menggunakan warna hitam sebagai warna pakaian adat tradisional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menjelaskan atribut pakaian yang dipakai anak daro dan marapulai serta memaknai setiap tanda atribut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, perekaman dan pencatatan. Teknik analisis data yaitu menjelaskan atribut pakaian serta memaknai setiap tanda pada atribut menggunakan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Charles Sanders Pierce yaitu Semiotika. Penelitian ini menghasilkan makna tanda pada pakaian dan atribut yang dipakai oleh pengantin saat pesta perkawinan. Makna-makna tersebut dikategorikan dalam 4 bagian. Pertama, pakaian dan atribut ini memiliki nilai-nilai kedudukan. Hal itu tergambar pada bungo sanggua, jalo, kain balapak, baju itam batabua ameh, tanti, galang bapilin, tarompa anak daro, saluak, baju kemeja putih, baju itam batabua ameh, karih, kaduik yag berantai sagama, kain parangkok, sepatu marapulai. Kedua, mencerminkan keadaan alam sekitar, seperti bungo sanggua pisang saparak, dukuah rago, dukuah ramo-ramo, tali baju, tabua, galang munggu, galang daun, sarawa tapak itiak. Ketiga, memegang teguh hubungan sosial dengan kaum dan kerabatnya. Hal ini tergambar pada atribut cawek, tungkek, sa
- Published
- 2018
103. Stitched Encounters: An Exploration of the Afghan-European Embroidery Initiative Guldusi
- Author
May, Katja and May, Katja
- Abstract
This paper takes a detailed look at the Afghan-European hand embroidery initiative Guldusi. It examines the initiative as a cross-cultural collaborative needlework project that provides a space for a limited cultural encounter between Afghan and European women. As such, this paper considers the meaning of practices of needlework and making in general and in relation to discourses about women, identity, agency and empowerment more specifically. Analysis of a number of textile artefacts and the initiative’s website show that Guldusi’s envisioned act of cultural encounter and exchange appears to be limited and to emanate through the expressive narrative power of the European needlewomen. Nonetheless, the initiative can be seen to provide a political space in which individual and collective creative practices foster the negotiation and expression of the self in relation to others. A received awareness of postcolonial power structures and their workings, however, is indispensable for needlework practitioners and scholars in their critical engagement with cross-cultural collaborative needlework projects as spaces for cultural encounter and as a means to foster solidarity, support and empathy between needlewomen from different cultural backgrounds. As a result, the status quo which places certain cultural narratives over others can be questioned and redefined.
- Published
- 2018
104. Cycles of construing in radicalization and deradicalization: a study of Salafist Muslims
- Author
Aitemad Muhanna-Matar and David Winter
- Subjects
050103 clinical psychology ,Linguistics and Language ,Radicalization ,GT Manners and customs ,Social Psychology ,05 social sciences ,Media studies ,HC Economic History and Conditions ,050109 social psychology ,Deradicalization ,HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Narrative ,Psychology - Abstract
This paper explores radicalization and deradicalization by considering the experiences of six young Tunisian people who had become Salafist Muslims. Their responses to narrative interviews and repertory grid technique are considered from a personal construct perspective, revealing processes of construing and reconstruing, as well as relevant aspects of the structure and content of their construct systems. In two cases, their journeys involved not only radicalization but self-deradicalization, and their experiences are drawn upon to consider implications for deradicalization.
- Published
- 2018
105. The coffin question: death and materiality in humanist funerals
- Author
Matthew Engelke
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,Materiality (auditing) ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Religious studies ,Human science ,Humanism ,Visual arts ,Aesthetics ,Embodied cognition ,GN Anthropology ,Coffin ,Sociology ,Secularism ,BL Religion - Abstract
In this article I explore the attitudes of humanist celebrants in England to the presence of the coffin at the funerals they conduct. For these celebrants, who are members of the British Humanist Association, the coffin is something that can disrupt the integrity of “the immanent frame.” Throughout the course of the article, I relate this concern to questions of materiality and material culture, arguing, in line with a growing number of others in the human sciences, that we cannot understand secular formations without attention to its embodied and material dimensions.
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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106. Pumpunan budaya peribumi di Sabah
- Author
Saidatul Nornis Mahali and Saidatul Nornis Mahali
- Published
- 2017
107. Penyegaran Pemahaman Adat Minangkabau Bagi Masyarakat Nagari Sumaniak Kabupaten Tanah Datar
- Author
Rosa, Silvia and Rosa, Silvia
- Abstract
Sudah sangat sulit menemukan orang yang paham tentang adat istiadat Minangkabau. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penyegaran pengetahuan tentang adat istiadat Minangkabau itu kembali. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui program Pengabdian Masyarakat program studi Sastra Minangkabau, Fakultas ilmu Budaya Universitas Andalas
- Published
- 2017
108. Ideologi Berkabut: Gelar Adat dan Mitos Masyarakat Minangkabau
- Author
Rosa, Silvia and Rosa, Silvia
- Abstract
Prosesi adat perkawinan di Minangkabau cukup kompleks. Berawal dari prosesi peminangan calon mempelai, sampai pada hari puncak pelaksanaan alek kawin (pesta adat). Beragam acara yang harus dilaksanakan oleh pihak kaum kedua mempelai. Salah satu kegiatan yang penting dalam rangkaian prosesi adat perkawinan di Minangkabau itu adalah upacara batagak gala (memberi gelar) untuk marapulai (mempelai lelaki, seterusnya disebut dengan marapulai saja). Hanya keluarga mempelai laki-laki saja yang menyelenggarakan acara ini. Hal yang menarik dari uraian tentang struktur sosial Minangkabau dan tradisi pemberian gelar adat kepada lelaki yang akan menikah tersebut,adanya suatu kondisi yang paradoks. Kondisi yang saling bertolak belakang tetapi dijalani oleh masyarakat Minangkabau. Di satu sisi, lelaki mempunyai kedudukan yang cukup goyah dalam tatanan sosial masyarakat, namun di sisi lain lelaki diberi penghargaan dengan pemberian gelar adat, ketika ia akan menikah, dan menjadi urang sumando (orang semenda) di rumah kerabat calon isterinya. Gelar adat itu diberikan melalui upacara pemberian gelar dalam pidato Pasambahan Batagak Gala. Ketidaksadaran kolektif itu menyelinap di balik semua hal yang menjadi tata nilai anutan bersama anggota masyarakat. Tata nilai yang telah menjadi adat. Adat yang telah menjadi rujukan sikap dan perilaku masyarakat. Adat yang Sesungguhnya telah menjadi ideologi.
- Published
- 2017
109. Ute' Simagere : Relasi Masyarakat dengan Primata Endemik di Mentawai
- Author
Tresno, Tresno and Tresno, Tresno
- Abstract
Banyak yang mengira perburuan primata yang dilakukan masyarakat Mentawai menyebabkan kepunahan primata di Mentawai, padahal eksploitasi hutan di Pulau Siberut sudah terjadi sejak lama seperti HPH, perburuan liar, berbagai pembangunan. Sejatinya masyarakat Mentawai memiliki pedoman Arat Sabulungan mengenai lingkungannya, yang tidak hanya mengatur lingkungan lingkungan alam tetapi lingkungan sosial dan budaya. Sehingga peneliti tertarik untuk mengkaji mengapa masyarakat Mentawai memanfaatkan primata menjadi ute’ simagere. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan etnoscience dengan pemilihan informan dengan cara purposive sampling. Dengan analisis Rappaport dan Etno-ekologi untuk melihat fenomena apa, bagaimana dan kenapa berburu dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa masyarakat Buttui dan Tepu’ mengenal dunia mereka terbagi menjadi dua yaitu purimanuaijat (porak, manua, baga, oinan dan leleu; dan sabulungan (Saikamanua, Si Bara Ka Baga, Saikoinan dan Saikaleleu). Adapun dunia purimanuaijat nyatanya baik itu benda hidup dan benda mati memiliki jiwa (simagere) dan roh (ketsat). Sehingga orang Mentawai harus menjaga hubungan tersebut. Karena kehidupan manusia yang selalu memanfaatkan alamnya, dapat memicu hubungan tersebut sehingga mereka melakuan punen dan puliaijat. Dikarenakan keseimbangan tersebut tidak hanya menyangkut dunia purimanuaijat, tetapi dunia sabulungan. Sehingga orang Mentawai melakukan aktifitas perburuan diakhir upacara, dikarenakan berburu wujud dari menghormati roh-roh nenek moyang, Saikaleleu dan sesama makhluk yang berjiwa dan memiliki roh, dengan membuat ute’ simagere. Secara etno-ekologi orang Mentawai memiliki kategorisasi tentang lingkungan yaitu: (1) uma; (2) pumonean yang terdiri dari pumonean saina dan pumonean leleu/siburuk; dan (3) leleu. Leleu ini lah menjadi tempat perburuan dan tempat kehidupan bagi 4 jenis primata endemik di Mentawai yaitu bilou, joja, simakobu dan bokkoi. Adapun dengan adanya pumonean saina dan pumonean l
- Published
- 2017
110. Tindak Tutur Permintaan dalam Upacara Pernikahan Adat Batak Toba
- Author
Lusia, Melina Manik and Lusia, Melina Manik
- Abstract
Tindak Tutur Permintaan dalam Upacara Pernikahan Adat Batak Toba oleh Lusia Melina Manik (1121215018) Pembimbing: Dr. Ike Revita, M. Hum.; Pembimbing II: Prof. Dr. Hj. Nadra, M.S Abstrak Dalam tulisan ini dipaparkan tindak tutur permintaan dalam upacara pernikahan adat Batak Toba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan 1) bentuk-bentuk kalimat yang digunakan; 2) jenis-jenis tindak tutur permintaan; dan 3) fungsi tindak tutur permintaan dalam upacara adat pernikahan adat Batak Toba. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode simak dan teknik Simak Libat Cakap serta teknik catat. Proses analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode padan translasional ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dan metode referensial untuk melihat hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan data dan mengacu pada referen tertentu pada tuturan permintaan. Hasil analisis dipaparkan dengan menggunakan metode formal dan informal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan empat bentuk kalimat yang digunakan dalam tindak tutur permintaan pada upacara pernikahan adat Batak Toba, yaitu 1) kalimat deklaratif sebnayak 6 kali, 2) kalimat interogatif sebanyak 7 kali, 3) kalimat imperatif sebanyak 18 kali, dan 4) kalimat ekslamatif sebanyak 3 kali. Jenis-jenis tindak tutur permintaan yang digunakan adalah tindak tutur permintaan langsung sebanyak 18 kali dan tindak tutur permintaan tidak langsung sebanyak 16 kali. Fungsi tindak tutur permintaan yang ditemukan adalah fungsi meminta sebanyak 25 kali, berdoa sebanyak 3 kali, mengimbau sebanyak 3 kali dan menyindir sebanyak 3 kali. Bentuk kalimat yang paling banyak digunakan adalah kalimat imperatif sebanyak karena penutur menggunakannya untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman. Jenis- jenis tindak tutur yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah jenis tindak tutur permintaan langsung. Fungsi permintaan yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah fungsi meminta. Kata kunci : tindak tutur permintaan, bentuk, jenis, dan fungsi.
- Published
- 2017
111. “It is expected …” between religiosity and evidentiality
- Author
Basthomi, Yazid, Yannuar, Nurenzia, Hidayati, Maria, Wijayanti, Lely Tri, Basthomi, Yazid, Yannuar, Nurenzia, Hidayati, Maria, and Wijayanti, Lely Tri
- Abstract
The present study is focused on analyzing the uses of some expressions showing expectations in academic texts. A corpus-based study specifically dealing with the uses of the verbs "expect" and "hope", this project seeks to understand the phenomenon as reflected in C-SMILE (Corpus of State University of Malang Indonesian Learners’ English). Analyzing the corpus of about 6 million words composed of texts of undergraduate theses written in English by Indonesian EFL learners, this study has arrived at an interpretive point that Indonesian cultural norms are influential to the manifestation of the expressions. The expressions reflect some degree of the writers’ religiosity. This unfortunately also suggests a lacking point of evidentiality in academic written works.
- Published
- 2017
112. Does language matter? Exploring Chinese-Korean differences in holistic perception
- Author
Rhode, Ann Kristin, Voyer, Benjamin G., and Gleibs, Ilka H.
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,P Philology. Linguistics - Abstract
Cross-cultural research suggests that East Asians display a holistic attentional bias by paying attention to the entire field and to relationships between objects, whereas Westerners pay attention primarily to salient objects, displaying an analytic attentional bias. The assumption 20 of a universal pan-Asian holistic attentional bias has however recently been challenged in experimental research involving Japanese and Chinese participants, which suggests that linguistic factors may contribute to the formation of East Asians’ holistic attentional patterns. The present experimental research explores differences in attention and information processing styles between Korean and Chinese speakers, who have been assumed to display 25 the same attentional bias due to cultural commonalities. We hypothesize that the specific structure of the Korean language predisposes speakers to pay more attention to ground information than to figure information, thus leading to a stronger holistic attentional bias compared to Chinese speakers. Findings of the present research comparing different groups of English, Chinese, and Korean speakers provide further evidence for differences in East 30 Asians’ holistic attentional bias, which may be due to the influence of language. Furthermore, we also extend prior theorizing by discussing the potential impact of other cultural factors. In line with critical voices calling for more research investigating differences between cultures that are assumed to be culturally similar, we highlight important avenues for future studies exploring the language-culture relationship.
- Published
- 2016
113. Sustainable festivals and events – an inquiry of leadership and futures
- Author
Robertson, Martin John
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,394 Events Management ,Toursim, leadership, research, events futures ,AI and Technologies - Abstract
As a societal phenomenon, festivals and planned events are discussed in a wide policy context. They have entered a broader discussion with regard to sustainability in which the factors that contribute to being sustainable are part of a new paradigm of responsibility for festivals and events. Recognition that this includes responsibility for socio-cultural impacts has gained traction in the academic literature. However, only minor attention has been given to the dynamics and competencies affecting the decision making of festivals and events leadership as it influences these. As the needs of festival stakeholder are changing, so too consideration of new competencies and new platforms for transformation are required.This critical appraisal provides a significant consideration of my research in this subject area. At the core of the appraisal are nine peer-reviewed journal papers, two peer-reviewed research book chapters and one peer-reviewed conference paper. These reveal the contribution over the last ten years made to the body of knowledge in the research area of leadership, futures and sustainable development of festivals and events. The pragmatist paradigm that had guided the work, and the integration of research methods germane to the stage of the research cycle and the layering of knowledge is discussed.A principal tenet of the research is creation of knowledge which is both academically rigorous and socially useful. The contribution of my work to knowledge and understanding is established in three key theme areas of festivals and events leadership values and influences; festivals and events context and stakeholders; and festivals and events futures. For both academic and the festival and event providers, practical benefits of extending the capacity of leadership competencies and awareness – and the obstructions to this – are shown, with methodologies for future visioning and future proofing observed and discussed. Limitations of the work and future research proposals conclude the work.
- Published
- 2016
114. Program Kebudayaan Jepun tarik perhatian 500 pelajar UMS
- Author
Izham Waidi and Izham Waidi
- Published
- 2016
115. Keharmonian pelbagai bangsa, agama perlu dipelihara
- Author
- Published
- 2016
116. Keharmonian sambutan Krismas di Sabah perlu dikekalkan
- Author
Saddam Edris and Saddam Edris
- Published
- 2016
117. Sumptuous feasting in the ancient Near East: Exploring the materiality of the Royal Tombs of Ur
- Author
Steel, Louise, Zinn, Katharina, Steel, Louise, and Zinn, Katharina
- Published
- 2016
118. Kitchenalia in Bronze Age Cyprus
- Author
Steel, Louise and Steel, Louise
- Abstract
This article explores the materiality of food production and consumption within the household in Bronze Age Cyprus. The focus is on embodied encounters with the “stuff of food”—the pots, pans, and other kitchen implements that were used on a daily basis—and how these shaped people’s lives. Throughout the Early and Middle Bronze Ages, generations of families on Cyprus used Red Polished pottery to serve and consume food and drink: the round-bottomed pots were not designed to be laid on a table, indicative of the development of very specific customs of dining at home. The very limited range of pottery (wares and forms) available to the Early-Middle Cypriot householder suggests a monotone cultural experience. The introduction of vessels with flat bases or ring bases at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age might indicate a move to dining around a table—a radically different engagement with the physical, material world that undoubtedly affected social relations. This was accompanied by radical shifts in production practices—a move away from household production into the realm of craft specialists—alongside which there was an explosion in the range of tableware for consumption of food and drink and of utilitarian wares used within the kitchen. This article interrogates the implied transformations in the cultural knowledge embedded within people’s engagement with their material world and the very different visual and tactile experiences involved in the daily use of pottery in the Late Bronze Age Cypriot household.
- Published
- 2016
119. Lacklustre offering plates? Symbolic food consumption, ritual and representations in ancient Egyptian funerary culture
- Author
Steel, Louise, Zinn, Katharina, Steel, Louise, and Zinn, Katharina
- Abstract
Food is bound to or carried by supporting materiality in the form of artefacts in very different materials, forms, shapes and sizes for its different states of production, retrieval, extraction, preparation, storage, and consumption. Sometimes this material culture becomes very closely connected to a specific (group of) food product(s), as certain types of beer vessels, storage containers or bread moulds in ancient Egypt tell us. Occasionally, the artefacts even become a synonym for the food stuff it should have carried or contained. The carrier then acts as a symbolic substitute for the whole package consisting of the container and real or symbolic food. These often very simple substitutes or models perform as representations in the process of symbolic afterlife food consumption. The offering plate CC 308.004 from Cyfarthfa Castle Museums and Art Gallery, Merthyr Tydfil (Wales) does not usually appeal to museum visitors due to its very basic design and rough manufacture, but is to be seen in line with the lavish offering stands and tables known from ancient Egyptian tombs. The act of ritualistic offering of these simplistic and empty plates should not be seen as non-consumption, but helped magically to provision and nourish the dead with everything necessary to live on in the afterlife. Therefore it stands as a marker for foodstuffs, food consumption, consumed sustenance and explains an important part of ancient Egyptian afterlife beliefs. To understand the ambivalence between actual and symbolic food consumption and the expression of both in the materiality of the object was the goal of this extended object biography. What is of greater interest is the link between the narrative of the object, foodstuffs and the connected social worlds that it represents (Steel 2013, esp. 190-6). What has been presented here is a narrative of realistic and potential life cycle and the biography of a single lacklustre object CC308.004 with its incredible interesting storyline.
- Published
- 2016
120. Me Haka i te Haka a Tānerore?: Māori 'Post-War' Culture and the Place of Haka in Commemoration at Gallipoli
- Author
Simon, Hemopereki and Simon, Hemopereki
- Abstract
This article is an extensive discussion from a Maori perspective into issues around the use of Maori cultural terms, in particular haka, to commemorate the fallen in WWI. Embedded in the article are key theories of cultural memory, 'war culture' and 'post-war culture'. The research outlines the differences between European and Indigenous war and post war cultural practices focusing on Maori. It seeks to understand the reluctance of Turkish officials to see haka being performed when it was apparently banned from ceremonies in 2005. It outlines the media reporting on the issue and the subsequent reintroduction of haka in August 2015 at the centenary of the Chunuk Bair battle. It unpacks deep problems inherent with using such items as they are vehicles of cultural memory. These memories carry with them deep-seeded issues in relation to colonisation and the military. It highlights problems around the cultural assimilation of haka and Maori and the lack of support from wider New Zealand for protecting Te Reo Maori (Maori language). It holds that there is a place for haka in commemoration and that Maori need to be mindful of Turkish cultural sensitivities as haka was used to wage war against them. However, it explores a counter argument, in that haka and cultural items can be used in post-war culture to promote understanding and peace while recognising the tikanga concept of mana whenua. It points out the words of Ataturk about the embracing of those who fought at Gallipoli as the sons of Turkey. It asks Turkish officials to recognise that under no circumstances is the performance of cultural items meant to cause offence and that Turkey's multicultural nature should recognise the practice as indigenous religious practice. As such it questions the role of Turkish officials approving Maori cultural items for commemorative ceremonies. Lastly, it opens avenues for further research in the issues raised.
- Published
- 2016
121. Pensiuni in Romania: Rediscovering and Reinventing the Countryside through Tourism
- Author
R?dan Gorska, Maria Miruna and R?dan Gorska, Maria Miruna
- Abstract
Rural tourism is a long-established practice in the industrialised West, but it is a comparatively recent and on-going development in postsocialist contexts. This thesis examines the development of rural tourism in Romania and draws on fieldwork carried out in one of the oldest and most popular destinations of the country, as well as in a newer and less visited location. As homestays are central to rural tourism, my research has an extensive focus on what happens with guesthouses and their owners. Countryside tourism is a practice grounded in a discourse that praises images of unspoilt nature, close-knit communities, material and cultural heritage and natural healthy food. Discourses about rurality also suggest that for city dwellers, village stays in their own countries can provide a way of getting in touch with their national identity, building, at the same time a sense of belonging. In Romania, such discourses are promoted by NGOs, state institutions and tour operators that aim to develop rural tourism. In spite of their efforts, in the destinations that I studied, rural tourism has strayed away from the ideal model. Instead of bucolic cottages inspired by the vernacular architecture of the region, hosts welcome their guests into large, modern villas equipped with state-of-the art amenities. Tourists too show a strong concern with material aspects of their accommodation, they rarely venture in outdoor pursuits and have little interest in notions of ‘heritage’ or ‘traditions’. My findings show that the lived experiences of local entrepreneurs have shaped worldviews that in many respects are at odds with the ideal models and best tourism practices promoted by various institutions. I also show how hosts and guests share similar notions of achievement and success and how this has turned rural tourism into a house-centred event. In explaining why discourses have little grounding in reality, I pay close attention to the economics of tourism, trying to understand guesth
- Published
- 2016
122. Grounds for Sharing - Occasions for Conflict: An Inquiry into the Social Foundations of Cohabitation and Antagonism
- Author
Bryant, Rebecca, Bowman, Glenn W., Bryant, Rebecca, and Bowman, Glenn W.
- Published
- 2016
123. The Monk and the Mariposa: Franciscan acculturation in Mexico 1520-1550
- Author
Reilly, Penelope and Reilly, Penelope
- Abstract
Acculturation by the Franciscan Friars in Mexico from 1520-1550 This thesis sets out to examine the process of acculturation as experienced by the Franciscan friars during the first years of their mission in Mexico at the beginning of the sixteenth century. It will suggest that the acculturation was a two-way affair; that the Franciscans were as much changed by their contact with the indigenous people as were the natives by their contact with the friars. It begins with a study of the various changing interpretations of the notion of ‘acculturation’ and argues that beside the classical linear interpretation such expressions as ‘reverse acculturation’, ‘transculturation’ and ‘co-acculturation’ may be more appropriate for these particular circumstances. It then examines how the friars came to be in Mexico and the Aztec culture which they encountered which both shocked by its human sacrifice and yet provided striking examples of parallels with the Christian religion, thus indicating an early example of possible mutual accommodation. Next the thesis looks at the ways in which the friars prepared the ground for their mission: destroying many of the temples, settling the natives in ‘pueblos’ and above all, learning a range of local languages so that they could both converse with the Aztecs and preach to them. This can be seen as an excellent example of how the missionaries themselves were open to the process of acculturation; instead of insisting on the language of the coloniser, as was the practice of later missionaries, they carried the word to the natives by speaking their own tongues. The thesis goes on to examine the process of evangelizing, suggesting that in this area the greatest degree of ‘transculturation’ can be observed. Shortages of resources and manpower and sheer pressure of numbers made it necessary to take ‘short cuts’ in the administration of the sacraments, adopting for instance a ‘missa secca’ (where there was no wine) and dispensing with the use of whi
- Published
- 2016
124. A Comparative Exploration of Dress and the Presentation of Self as Implicit Religion
- Author
Barker, Eileen and Keenan, William. J. F
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs - Abstract
Our dress is our identity. In dress, we live, move and have our social being. This book shows how the dressed body is central to the construction of a recognizable identity and provides accessible accounts of the particular dress 'ways' associated with a considerable variety of lifestyles. Churchgoers, ballerinas, Muslim schoolgirls, glamour models, 'vampires', monks and country gents all fashion a social self through dress. These cultures all have characteristic forms of displaying the dressed body for social visibility - whether in religion, sex, performance, or on the street. In contrast to much of the literature on dress, which often assumes a lack of agency on the part of the wearer, contributors to this book focus on the conscious manipulation of dress to reflect an identity that is designed to look 'different'.Why do people choose to mark themselves off socially from others? What are the costs and benefits? For every dress 'identity', there is a corresponding set of entitlements and expectations as to behaviour and belief. 'Priestly' bodies inhabit a different universe of response from strippers, just as 'Gothic' bodies experience the public gaze differently from 'Methodist' ones. Where one look commands respect in one setting, in another it can incite antipathy and rejection. Contributors tackle head-on this 'paradox of dress' - its potent power to unite and divide. Evidence of the dressed body's social ambiguity as a medium of consensus, on the one hand, and conflict, on the other, provides a glimpse through dress into an elementary condition of social and cultural life that has all too rarely been part of historical and sociological discourse.
- Published
- 2011
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125. Ideologi Berkabut: Gelar ADat dan Mitos Masyarakat Minangkabau
- Author
Rosa, Silvia
- Subjects
PN0080 Criticism ,GT Manners and customs ,PN Literature (General) ,AC Collections. Series. Collected works ,GR Folklore ,BJ Ethics ,GN Anthropology ,PL Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania ,DS Asia ,AS Academies and learned societies (General) - Abstract
Prosesi adat perkawinan di Minangkabau cukup kompleks. Berawal dari prosesi peminangan calon mempelai, sampai pada hari puncak pelaksanaan alek kawin (pesta adat). Beragam acara yang harus dilaksanakan oleh pihak kaum kedua mempelai. Salah satu kegiatan yang penting dalam rangkaian prosesi adat perkawinan di Minangkabau itu adalah upacara batagak gala (memberi gelar) untuk marapulai (mempelai lelaki, seterusnya disebut dengan marapulai saja). Hanya keluarga mempelai laki-laki saja yang menyelenggarakan acara ini. Hal yang menarik dari uraian tentang struktur sosial Minangkabau dan tradisi pemberian gelar adat kepada lelaki yang akan menikah tersebut,adanya suatu kondisi yang paradoks. Kondisi yang saling bertolak belakang tetapi dijalani oleh masyarakat Minangkabau. Di satu sisi, lelaki mempunyai kedudukan yang cukup goyah dalam tatanan sosial masyarakat, namun di sisi lain lelaki diberi penghargaan dengan pemberian gelar adat, ketika ia akan menikah, dan menjadi urang sumando (orang semenda) di rumah kerabat calon isterinya. Gelar adat itu diberikan melalui upacara pemberian gelar dalam pidato Pasambahan Batagak Gala. Ketidaksadaran kolektif itu menyelinap di balik semua hal yang menjadi tata nilai anutan bersama anggota masyarakat. Tata nilai yang telah menjadi adat. Adat yang telah menjadi rujukan sikap dan perilaku masyarakat. Adat yang Sesungguhnya telah menjadi ideologi.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Rosa, Silvia
- Subjects
CB History of civilization ,GT Manners and customs ,H Social Sciences (General) ,GR Folklore ,PI Oriental languages and literatures ,D880 Developing Countries ,DS Asia ,AS Academies and learned societies (General) - Abstract
Barthes memahami mitos dengan kerangka semiologi Saussurean. Ia memandang mitos dalam tiga term yang saling terkait, yaitu tanda, penanda dan petanda. Ketiga term tersebut bersifat formal dan dapat berisi macam-macam, sebagaimana juga halnya bahasa. Akan tetapi, lebih lanjut Barthes menerangkan, meskipun demikian mitos tidak sama dengan bahasa. Mitos bagi Barthes merupakan sistem penandaan kedua karena bahannya dibangun dari sistem penandaan sebelumnya, antara lain tanda-tanda bahasa. Penanda mitos hadir dengan cara ambigu: sebagai makna dan bentuk; disatu sisi penuh, di lain sisi kosong. Dikatakan penuh karena telah mengandung makna bawaan dari sistem penandaan pertama yang menjadi asalnya. Dikatakan kosong karena makna bawaan itu kemudian dikosongkan oleh sistem penandaan kedua, untuk seterusnya diisi oleh makna mitos itu sendiri. Sebagai bentuk, makna kehilangan kekayaan historis, dimensi geografis dan moralitasnya. Bentuk menjauhkan semua makna itu dengan tujuan untuk memberi tempat bagi bangunan makna yang baru yang berasal dari sistem penandaan kedua. Tapi, bentuk tidak menghapus makna, melainkan hanya memiskinkannya. Makna bersembunyi di balik bentuk. Pada kondisi demikian, konsep dalam mitos selalu berkabut. Dalam kaitan inilah, tradisi pemberian gelar adat untuk laki-laki di Minangkabau diasumsikan sebagai mitos masyarakat Minangkabau yang bernuansa ideologis.
- Published
- 2015
127. Adat kematian masyarakat Borneo dan Asia: satu tinjauan perbandingan dari aspek budaya dan pendekatan kajian
- Author
Halina Sendera Mohd. Yakin and Halina Sendera Mohd. Yakin
- Abstract
Makalah ini diupayakan untuk membuat analisis perbandingan terhadap tinjauan literatur berhubung adat kematian masyarakat Borneo dan Asia. Penelitian bersifat kualitatif ini mengaplikasikan teknik analisis kandungan berdasarkan kajian pustaka terhadap beberapa kajian terdahulu dalam bentuk tesis sarjana dan doktor falsafah serta buku yang memperincikan adat kematian masyarakat Borneo dan Asia, antaranya masyarakat peribumi di Sabah, Sarawak, Indonesia dan Republik Rakyat Cina. Berpandukan kepada perspektif strukturalisme, tinjauan literatur berhubung kematian masyarakat Borneo dan Asia memperlihatkan beberapa konsep sejagat berhubung aspek ritual dan persamaan dari sudut pendekatan penyelidikan sarjana berkenaan. Makalah ini diharap mampu memberi sumbangan positif terhadap masyarakat berkenaan dan para pengkaji serta ahli akademik dalam bidang tertentu.
- Published
- 2015
128. Fiesta Cahaya bakal tarik 3000 penonton
- Author
Kattiny Anak Bantan and Kattiny Anak Bantan
- Published
- 2015
129. Determinants of food heritage in Malaysia context
- Author
Mohd Salehuddin Mohd Zahari, Adilah Md Ramli, Mohd Salehuddin Mohd Zahari, and Adilah Md Ramli
- Published
- 2015
130. À l'ombre de Rachel
- Author
Bowman, Glenn W. and Bowman, Glenn W.
- Published
- 2015
131. Struktur, Makna dan Fungsi Pidato Adat dalam Tradisi Malewakan Gala di Minangkabau
- Author
Rosa, Silvia
- Subjects
BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc ,CB History of civilization ,GT Manners and customs ,BD Speculative Philosophy ,GR Folklore ,PI Oriental languages and literatures ,GN Anthropology ,HQ The family. Marriage. Woman ,PL Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania ,DS Asia ,AS Academies and learned societies (General) - Published
- 2014
132. Measuring and quantifying lifestyles and their impact on public choices: the case of professional football in Munich
- Author
Gabriel M. Ahlfeldt, Wolfgang Maennig, and Michaela Ölschläger
- Subjects
Value (ethics) ,Multivariate statistics ,GT Manners and customs ,H Social Sciences (General) ,Public economics ,business.industry ,Opposition (planets) ,General Social Sciences ,HC Economic History and Conditions ,Football ,Public relations ,Social studies ,Referendum ,Sociology ,Metric system ,business ,Categorical variable - Abstract
Lifestyle data are rarely used in multivariate economic and social studies because the data describe the probability of having a categorical attribute. We propose a novel conversion of lifestyle data into metric scale values. Examining the 2001 referendum on the Allianz-Arena in Munich, our analysis demonstrates that refined indicators of value and strata orientation outperform the typical oriented indicators of economic wealth, in terms of capturing the spatial distribution of support and opposition to the project.
- Published
- 2014
133. Did the ancient Celts practice human sacrifice?
- Author
Williams, Anarchy. and Williams, Anarchy.
- Abstract
This dissertation sets out to examine the generally accepted claim that one of the features of ancient Celtic society was the practice of human sacrifice, and to find out whether the available written and archaeological evidence supports this claim. It was decided to limit the period under review to the six hundred years from c. 500 BC to AD 100. After reviewing the literature on the subject, a number of texts from ancient Greek and Roman writers were examined to ascertain what was said. A number of these writers referred to the ancient Celts practising human sacrifice. Next the results from a variety of archaeological investigations was looked at to see if there were any material remains which would support these references in the classical writings. It was discovered that there is little material evidence to support the allegations of human sacrifice among the ancient Celts, that those finds which have been used to verify these assertions have more than one interpretation, and that the vast majority of serious writers on the subject maintain that there is almost no evidence to back up the equally widely held assumption that such practice must have existed. The conclusion of this study is that there is no reliable evidence for the practice of human sacrifice among the ancient Celts. It is recommended that further research might be carried out into a) the relationship between bodies and artefacts found in water, b) alternative explanations for how ‘bog bodies’ might have died, and c) why scholars believe human sacrificed was practised by the ancient Celts.
- Published
- 2014
134. The Choreography of Cohabitation: Contemporary Sharing of Shrines in Macedonia (in Russian)
- Author
Bowman, Glenn W. and Bowman, Glenn W.
- Abstract
This paper aims to contribute some contemporary fieldwork insights from Macedonia to discussions on the coexistence of Muslims (both Sunni and Sufi) and Orthodox Christians around sacred sites. While recent developments have led to the dominance of ‘clash of civilisations’ discourse in such situations, I here use detailed studies of the three sites where intercommunal mixing occurs to evidence a range of different modalities of interaction, spanning a spectrum from overt antagonistic intolerance through non-conflictual cohabitation to forms of sharing close to syncretistic practice. The paper investigates the elements of the social fields engaged by these communities that prompt hostility, permit coexistence, and promote identification, and inquires whether the more benign forms of interaction currentlymanifest in Macedonia are atavistic in settings increasingly marked by ethno-nationalism and fundamentalism.
- Published
- 2014
135. Role models: designers who have been offering inspiration for decades: Zandra Rhodes
- Author
Amy Robinson
- Subjects
NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament ,GT Manners and customs ,ZA4050 Electronic information resources - Abstract
Article on the Zandra Rhodes Digital Study Collection project, which has provided online access to a selection of 500 garments from the personal archive of British fashion designer Zandra Rhodes. The project was a collaborative venture led by the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) in collaboration with Zandra Rhodes Studio, with funding from JISC. Zandra Rhodes is one of the most recognisable names in the industry over the last fifty years and her work includes the design of haute couture dresses and garments for a host of eminent clients such as Elizabeth Taylor, Freddie Mercury, and Diana, Princess of Wales.
- Published
- 2013
136. Typologie saských náboženských vlivů a jejich projevů u evangelických obyvatel severočeského příhraničí v 19. století
- Author
Zeman, Václav
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,DD Germany ,HT Communities. Classes. Races ,HS Societies secret benevolent etc ,BL Religion - Abstract
The Patent of Toleration of the year 1781 cleared the way for activities of two Protestant churches in the Habsburg Monarchy. In the two borderland regions chosen for analysis – the regions of Děčín and Šluknov – the Protestant inhabitants were affected by the religious influences from Saxony that acquired various forms. From the period before the year 1620 there was, exceptionally, preserved the Lutheran religion, whose followers visited churches on the Saxon side of the border. Also, the regions were continuously settled by Saxon immigrants who were not organized within the structures of the Augsburg confession. Only after the commencement of industrialization and the subsequent wave of Saxon immigration was made possible the establishment of independent Protestant choirs. Absolutely exceptional was the Lutheran choir of Saxon officials in Podmokly that was founded after railroad had been finished in 1851. Already before the year 1850 the mission of the renewed Unity of Brethren from Herrnhut instigated the popular religious movement. At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century, religious propaganda of the movement „Away from Rome“ (Los von Rom), in many cases supported from Saxony, found response in these regions. The typology of religious influences from Saxony and their manifestations on the Bohemian side of the border, established on the basis of the examples of Děčín and Šluknov regions, could be used for the nineteenth century also for other borderland regions inhabited predominantly by German-speaking population.
- Published
- 2012
137. Tanec v literární tvorbě Boženy Němcové: fikce, nebo fakta?
- Author
Stavělová, Daniela
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,GR Folklore ,M Music ,D204 Modern History - Abstract
Even a cursory reading of the fiction work of Božena Němcová reveals frequent mentions of dance. The scenes often take place during dancing. The dancing assumes the role of the image in which the important moments of the plot structure are integrated. The patterns of behavior emerge during the dance that turn into testimonies of collectively shared reality. Therefore, the question arises on the sense of these reflections of the dance. Can they serve as a source of information on the dance practices of the time tance, or are they only a product of a literary fiction? This also provokes considerations as for the motivations for depicting the folk dance tradition and what else it reveals about the mutual relations in a given socio-cultural millieu. The article will consider if the dance situation can be considered as a literary device and if the description of the manifestations of folk dance culture could be understood as responding to the contemporaneous interest in traditional village culture as embodiement of positive values, as it reflected in the works of the so called village realists of the second half of the nineteenth century.
- Published
- 2012
138. Lásky Ferdinanda Pravoslava Fingerhuta Náprstka. Kultura a strava české vlastenecké společnosti 2. poloviny 19. století pohledem Náprstkova deníku
- Author
Secká, Milena
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform ,D204 Modern History - Abstract
Among the admirers of Božena Němcová belonged also the Prague brewer Ferdinand Fingerhut. In the correspondence of Božena Němcová he was almost always alluded to in connection with eating, drinking or theatre. As reveals his diary from the years 1886–1887, food, drinks and theater played very important role in his life. The preserved diary is, first and foremost, a cookery book that reveals the everyday life of the bourgeois household and its dietary regimen in the second half of the nineteenth century. Besides, for Ferdinand Fingerhut and his daughter Božena were very important the home musical-declamation entertainments that they organized in their household. Music and recitations were performed in presence of such personalities as Antonín Dvořák, Karel Bendl, Helena Röslerová or Otýlie Sklenářová Malá. The diary thus also renders possible the study of the cultural activities of this important patron of the Czech theatre
- Published
- 2012
139. Národopisné dílo Boženy Němcové – úvodem k monotematickému číslu Českého lidu
- Author
Woitsch, Jiří
- Subjects
InformationSystems_GENERAL ,GT Manners and customs ,GR Folklore ,MathematicsofComputing_GENERAL ,GeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
- Published
- 2012
140. Slovenské obrazy Boženy Němcové
- Author
Štěpánová, Irena
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,GR Folklore ,PG Slavic, Baltic, Albanian languages and literature - Abstract
The paper deals with the activities of the writer Božena Němcová in Slovakia in the years 1851–1855. She visited Slovakia four times in this period (three times she visited her husband who worked here in civil service, her last stay was intended as a cure, while most of the time Němcová devoted to ethnographical research). All her stays resulted in contributions based on active observation, ethnographic and folkloristic research, consultations with a number of Slovak intellectuals dealing with both humanities and natural sciences. The results of the individual stays differ both in form and quality. They proceed from journalistic "causerie" towards serious attempts of monographic elaboration of natural background, history, demography, sociological, ethnographical and gender facts of a given region. The contribution to folkloristic is outstanding. The writer used Slovak inspirations also in her fiction. Thanks to her activities, Božena Němcová belongs to the history of Slovak ethnology.
- Published
- 2012
- Author
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,GN Anthropology - Abstract
Mella Sari, 03192020, Aturan Makan Peserta Suluk Pada Jamaah Tarekat Naqsabandiyah Surau Nurul Yaqien Bandar Buat Kecamatan Lubuk Kilangan Kota Padang Di Bulan Ramadhan. Skripsi. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Jurusan Antropologi Universitas Andalas, 2012. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aturan makan peserta suluk jamaah Tarekat Naqsabandiyah dilihat dari aspek sosial budaya terkait dengan aturan kelompok yang masih tetap eksistensinya di dalam kelompok sebagai bagian dari budaya masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh melalui pengamatan, wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan yang didapat dari berbagai literatur sebagai pendukung. Sedangkan pemilihan informan dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Penulis menetapkan informan dengan kriteria tertentu. Pemilahan data untuk kemudian dianalisis dimulai sejak awal saat dirumuskannya tujuan penelitian hingga diperoleh data di lapangan. Hasil temuan data menunjukkan bahwa aturan makan peserta suluk jamaah Tarekat Naqsabandiyah Surau Nurul Yaqien dengan aturan makanan yang sedemikian rupa merupakan fenomena budaya yang mempunyai arti sosial bagi kelompok tersebut. Juga menjadi semacam simbol kepercayaan dan kesakralan yang diyakini dan dipegang sekaligus menjadikannya sebagai ciri atau identitas kelompok serta menjadi suatu ketegangan (tension) jiwa dan kenyamanan tersendiri atas kepatuhan yang dibangun secara kolektif. Lebih lanjut aturan makan ini berfungsi sebagai perekat kesatuan di dalam kelompok, menumbuhkan solidaritas terhadap kelompok, menjadi tetap eksis karena budaya yang ada terus dilanggengkan menjadi tetap fungsional dan eksis di dalam jamaah Tarekat Naqsabandiyah Nurul Yaqien ini sebagai bagian dari masyarakat.
- Published
- 2012
142. Note worthy: what is the meaning of money?
- Author
Graeber, David
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,GN Anthropology ,HC Economic History and Conditions - Abstract
As writers and artists invent currencies fit for the modern world, David Graeber reflects on the meaning of money What would you put on a banknote for our times?
- Published
- 2011
143. The rules and structures of participation
- Author
Payton, Victoria Louise
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,BH Aesthetics ,NX Arts in general - Abstract
Through critically informed practical research, this thesis explores modes of participation that it is possible to support and enhance in public participative events. Using a series of lab experiments, to tease out strands of influence to participation, it examines how these affect both participation and a sense of participation for the individual participant. Using these experiments as a basis for a further meta‑work, it then examines what these structures and rules may mean for the creation of future participative works and further study of the participant experience.
- Published
- 2011
144. The influence of culture on political choices: Language maintenance and its implications for the Catalan and Basque national movements
- Author
Daniele Conversi
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,History ,HT Communities. Classes. Races ,Sociology and Political Science ,Cultural context ,DP Spain ,National language ,PH Finno-Ugrian, Basque languages and literatures ,JA Political science (General) ,language.human_language ,Philosophy ,Politics ,Political science ,language ,Ethnology ,Catalan ,Humanities - Abstract
A travers une etude comparative, l'A. montre comment la langue a toujours ete dotee d'une valeur centrale chez les catalans, ce qui n'etait pas le cas chez les basques, du moins jusqu'a une epoque tres recente. Cet etat de chose est sans doute du a une moins grande diffusion de la langue basque par rapport a la langue catalane
- Published
- 1993
- Full Text
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145. Teks Pidato Pasambahan Batagak Gala di Minangkabau dalam Perspektif Semiologi Roland Barthes
- Author
Rosa, Silvia and Rosa, Silvia
- Abstract
Gelar diwariskan menurut garis kekerabatan matrilineal, dari ninik mamak kepada kemenakan laki-lakinya yang akan dan atau sedang menjadi marapulai. Dengan diberikannya gelar kepada seorang laki-laki, itu berarti keberadaan nama menjadi tiada baginya. Aturan itu terutama berlaku untuk pihak keluarga isterinya. Mertua atau saudara-saudara isteri dari laki-laki yang telah menikah, tidak akan memanggilnya dengan nama diri, tetapi akan menyapanya dengan gelar yang telah diberikan kepadanya. Adalah suatu penghinaan jika kerabat isteri tidak memanggilnya dengan gelar adat tersebut. Ada aturan adat Minangkabau yang disampaikan melalui ungkapan yang berbunyi “Ketek Banamo Gadang Bagala” (Kecil Punya Nama Besar Punya Gelar) yang menjadi pedoman dalam pemberian gelar itu. Ungkapan itu bermakna bahwa bagi seorang anak laki-laki ketika kecil diberi nama oleh orang tuanya dan dipanggil sesuai dengan namanya, tetapi ketika dewasa, yang ditandai dengan pernikahan, kepadanya akan diberi gelar adat oleh ninik mamak. Dengan demikian, ia akan dipanggil sesuai dengan gelar adat yang diwariskan kepadanya. Tradisi pemberian gelar ini hingga kini masih dilakukan oleh masyarakat Minangkabau, baik yang tinggal di lingkungan luhak maupun yang berdiam di lingkungan rantau. Meskipun terdapat beberapa perbedaan kultural antara kedua lingkungan itu.
- Published
- 2013
146. Mortality and regeneration: Bebelibe understandings of life after death.
- Author
Merz, Sharon and Merz, Sharon
- Abstract
The Bebelibe of northwestern Benin are experiencing rapid socio-cultural change following the arrival of modern institutions. People’s views about what happens following death are based on the cyclic flow of kɛbodikɛ (vital force) and mtakimɛ (agentive purpose). Death occurs when kɛbodikɛ and mtakimɛ leave the physical body. Despite this, their bond with it is not completely severed. Only once the flesh has decomposed, leaving just the bones, can they go on to reincarnate. Consequently, the Bebelibe have two funerals: mhuumu (burial, literally ‘death’) and dihuude (celebration), which should follow several months to a year later. Part of the dihuude celebration includes a ritual that allows kɛbodikɛ and mtakimɛ to ‘breathe’. The introduction and proliferation of coffins during the past twenty years has proved controversial as many think they slow down and complicate reincarnation. For others, kɛbodikɛ and mtakimɛ have been dematerialised and spiritualised, primarily through the influence of Christianity. One outcome of this transformation is the quick separation of kɛbodikɛ and mtakimɛ from the physical body. For those who accept this development, coffins no longer pose a threat and the focus of dihuude changes from ritual to symbolic. Reincarnation aside, many are worried about the escalating costs associated with both mhuumu and dihuude and the increasing social pressure to use coffins. As many have embraced aspects of Christianity, even if they do not convert, its impact and the importance it has gained in the area cannot be ignored. Especially younger people are attracted to Christianity as it is associated with being modern. Despite this, many churchgoers still accept reincarnation, although their understanding of it may be modified as people appropriate the parts of Christianity they find attractive on their own terms.
- Published
- 2013
147. Current cultural politics in China: what makes the Chinese tick?
- Author
Christopher R. Hughes
- Subjects
Foreign culture ,Economics and Econometrics ,GT Manners and customs ,History ,Totem ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Alienation ,Cultural politics ,Environmental ethics ,DS Asia ,Nationalism ,Law ,Political Science and International Relations ,JQ Political institutions Asia ,China - Abstract
The article begins with an analysis of China's past in terms of the interplay between Confucian teaching, local, or folk, tradition and the impact of foreign culture. There then follows an examination of the current situation in terms of continuity and change, with particular emphasis on alienation and the rise of nationalism in a post-Marxist society. The article concludes with a critique of Wolf Totem. This is the edited text of the lecture which he delivered to the Society on 15 November 2008
- Published
- 2009
148. Le mot dans la mode: fashion and literary journalism in nineteenth-century France
- Author
Lehmann, Ulrich, Brand, Jan, and Teunissen, José
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,PN Literature (General) ,DC France - Abstract
This is an essay about temptation: the temptation for a man to dress up as a woman, the temptation to write about clothing, and the temptation to leave the secure grounds of literary production for the transitory and ephemeral field of fashion journalism.
- Published
- 2009
149. Markets for modernity: salons, galleries and fashion in Paris at the end of the nineteenth century
- Author
Lehmann, Ulrich, Brand, Jan, and Teunissen, José
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs ,DC France - Abstract
This essay attempts to apply fashion studies to the economic and cultural setting of Paris in the latter part of the nineteenth century in terms of established art-historical research.
- Published
- 2009
150. Ottoman costumes: from textile to identity
- Author
Artan, Tülay and Yoffee, Norman
- Subjects
GT Manners and customs - Published
- 2009
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