Millions of people around the world migrate either voluntarily or compulsorily. In particular, forced migration gives rise to many problems, among others, registration and status, language barrier, security problem, food supply and nutrition problems, access to education, health and social services, housing and employment problems, adaptation to a new environment and integration into society. Turkey receives migrants and refugees from many countries and is seen by many as a transit country towards European Union. Syrian refugees constitute the largest refugee population because of the Syrian war that took place in 2011 and which has been defined as the largest migration wave in recent history by UNHCR. Millions of people were forced to leave their country and gathered on the Turkish border. Turkey has followed an open-door policy to refugees from Syria which made Turkey the country with the biggest number of refugees in the world. Since Turkey was not able to bear the burden of such a large migration wave alone, the EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey was established and entered into force in March 2016, as a new, comprehensive EU financial assistance programme focusing on humanitarian aid, education, health, municipal infrastructure, and socio-economic support. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of the EU Facility for refugees in Turkey. A literature review was conducted in Turkish and English. The methodology of the research was based on the qualitative analysis of statistics published by local authorities in Turkey, publications of international organizations, studies of non-governmental organizations, books, articles and theses written on the subject. In this study, the problems experienced by Syrian refugees are emphasized. The financial support the EU provided and the problems it was intended to solve were examined in detail. The importance of NGOs in this process and the factors causing the disruption of the process were analysed. Assumptions were explored as well on how the refugee problem will affect the future of relations between Turkey and the European Union. Finally, this study was completed with some recommendations on how to improve the management of refugee crises in the future., Milijuni ljudi diljem svijeta dobrovoljno ili prisilno migriraju. Konkretno, prisilna migracija uzrokuje mnoge probleme, među ostalim, registraciju i status, jezičnu barijeru, sigurnosni problem, opskrbu hranom i probleme s prehranom, pristup obrazovanju, zdravstvenim i socijalnim uslugama, probleme stanovanja i zapošljavanja, prilagodbu novoj sredini i integracija u društvo. Turska prima migrante i izbjeglice iz mnogih zemalja i mnogi je vide kao tranzitnu zemlju prema Europskoj uniji. Sirijske izbjeglice čine najveću izbjegličku populaciju zbog sirijskog rata koji se dogodio 2011. godine i koji je UNHCR definirao kao najveći migracijski val u novijoj povijesti. Milijuni ljudi bili su prisiljeni napustiti svoju zemlju i okupili su se na turskoj granici. Turska je vodila politiku otvorenih vrata prema izbjeglicama iz Sirije, što je Tursku učinilo zemljom s najvećim brojem izbjeglica na svijetu. Budući da Turska nije mogla sama podnijeti teret tako velikog migracijskog vala, osnovan je i stupio na snagu u ožujku 2016. Instrument EU-a za izbjeglice u Turskoj, kao novi, sveobuhvatni program financijske pomoći EU-a usmjeren na humanitarnu pomoć, obrazovanje, zdravstvo, komunalna infrastruktura i socio-ekonomska podrška. Cilj ove studije je ispitati učinke Instrumenta EU za izbjeglice u Turskoj. Obavljen je pregled literature na turskom i engleskom jeziku. Metodologija istraživanja temeljila se na kvalitativnoj analizi statističkih podataka koje objavljuju lokalne vlasti u Turskoj, publikacijama međunarodnih organizacija, studijama nevladinih organizacija, knjigama, člancima i tezama napisanim na tu temu. U ovoj studiji naglašeni su problemi s kojima se suočavaju sirijske izbjeglice. Detaljno je razmotrena financijska potpora koju je EU pružala i problemi koje je namjeravala riješiti. Analiziran je značaj NVO-a u ovom procesu i čimbenici koji uzrokuju poremećaj procesa. Istražene su i pretpostavke o tome kako će problem izbjeglica utjecati na budućnost odnosa Turske i Europske unije. Konačno, ova je studija dovršena nekim preporukama o tome kako poboljšati upravljanje izbjegličkim krizama u budućnosti.