Polypedilum (Pentapedilum) tuburcinatum Andersen et Bello Gonz��lez sp. n. (Figures 1���26) Type material. Holotype male. SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Province, north of Cala, 31.41817 o S 27.7815 o E, 4.VI. 2011, leg. J.-R. Baars & W. Earle; reared in laboratory in Ireland IX. 2011 (ZMBN). Paratypes: 23 males, 10 females, 3 mature male pupae, 5 mature female pupae, 21 pupal exuviae, 11 fourth instar larvae, as holotype (AMGS, NMID, ZMBN, ZSM). Etymology. From Latin tuburcinatus meaning eats greedily, referring to the species feeding on the aquatic weed Lagarosiphon major (Ridl.) Moss ex Wager. Diagnostic characters. The male can be separated from other Pentapedilum species with the following combination of features: more than 100 setae in each of cells m 1 + 2 and r 4 + 5, less than 6 setae in cell m basal of RM, fore tibial scale without spur, base of superior volsella with microtrichia and apical seta of the inferior volsella prominent, reaching apex of gonostylus by having an AR of about 0.8 and more than 10 setae on scutellum. The female can be separated from other known females with the following combination of features: unbanded abdomen, spherical seminal capsules and broadly triangular postgenital plate by having a ventrolateral lobe without brush. However, both sexes can easily be separated from all other described Pentapedilum species on the short fifth palpomere; in both sexes the ratio fifth palpomere / third palpomere is 1.0. The pupa can be separated from other known pupae with the following combination of features: strong anterior band of spinules and median and posterior shagreen on tergite II, anterolateral spinules on tergite VII, conjunctive III/IV with spinules and pedes spurii B on segment II comparatively well developed by having about 100 ��m long frontal setae and anterolateral patches of spinules on tergite VIII. The larva can be separated from other known larvae with the following combination of features: mandible with dorsal tooth, mentum with median teeth slightly longer than second lateral teeth, and third antennal segment slightly shorter than fourth as the combined length of third and fourth antennal segment is subequal to second segment by having minute Lauterborn organs. Description. Male (n = 5). Total length 3.34���3.65, 3.53 mm. Wing length 1.77���2.04, 1.92 mm. Total length / wing length 1.78���1.91, 1.84. Wing length / length of profemur 1.84���2.02, 1.95. Coloration. In Canada balsam, head, thorax, legs and abdomen brown; wing membrane light brownish. According to Earle et al. (2013) live adults have light brown thorax and green abdomen. Antenna. AR = 0.81���0.87, 0.84. Ultimate flagellomere 372���404, 389 ��m long. Head (Fig. 1). Temporal setae 10 ���15, 13 including 6 ���9, 8 inner verticals, partly biserial; 3 ���4, 4 outer verticals and 1 ���2, 2 postorbitals. Clypeus with 23 ���30, 25 setae. Tentorium, stipes and cibarial pump as in Figure 2. Tentorium 131���160, 149 ��m long; 30 ���33, 31 ��m wide at sieve pore. Stipes 137���141, 139 ��m long. Palpomere lengths (in ��m): 35 ���43, 39; 55 ���65, 62; 117���125, 120; 86 ���94, 91; 76 ���84, 80. Fifth palpomere / third palpomere 0.65���0.68, 0.67. Third palpomere with 3���6 lanceolate sensilla clavata apically; longest 13 ���19, 15 ��m long. Thorax (Fig. 3). With distinct tubercle in mid scutum. Acrostichals 11 ���14, 13, biserial; dorsocentrals 12 ���16, 14, of which 1 ���2, 2 separate, close to anterior margin of scutum; prealars 4 ���6, 5. Scutellum with 11 ���16, 13 setae, partly biserial. Wing (Fig. 7). Anal lobe moderately developed. VR 1.15���1.18, 1.17. Brachiolum with 2 seta; R with 24 ���28, 26; R 1 with 14 ���18, 16; R 4 + 5 with 33 ���41, 38; SC with 8 ���11, 9; M with 1 ���3, 2; M 1 + 2 with 53 ���59, 56; M 3 + 4 with 21 ���24, 22; Cu with 30 ���39, 34; Cu 1 with 12 ���14, 13; PCu with 1 ���6, 2; An with 35 ���40, 38 setae. Cell r 4 + 5 with 114���145, 130; cell m 1 + 2 with 99���126, 113; cell m 3 + 4 with 39 ���48, 43; cell m basal of RM with 2 ���5, 3; cells cu plus an with 86���126, 104 setae. Squama with 6 ���10, 8 setae. Legs. Scale on fore tibia (Fig. 4) 28 ���39, 29 ��m long; without apical spur. Spur of mid tibia 44 ���52, 49 ��m long including comb; unspurred comb 19 ���23, 22 ��m long. Spur on hind tibia 58 ���66, 61 ��m long including comb; unspurred comb 22 ���25, 24 ��m long. Width at apex of fore tibia 55 ���61, 58 ��m; of mid tibia 58 ���63, 61 ��m; of hind tibia 65 ���72, 68 ��m. Length and proportions of legs as in Table 1. Hypopygium (Figs 5���6). Tergite IX with 9 ���11, 10 strong, median setae and 8 ���11, 10 setae to each side of base of anal point of which 3 ���6, 4 on the ventral side. Laterosternite IX with 5 ���6, 5 setae. Anal point 99���110, 104 ��m long; 25 ���36, 29 ��m wide at base, narrow, tapering to pointed apex. Transverse sternapodeme 51 ���59, 55 ��m long; phallapodeme 110���134, 121 ��m long. Gonocoxite 200���228, 210 ��m long. Superior volsella (Fig. 12) 86 ���98, 91 ��m long; base covered with microtrichia; with 3 ���4, 3 inner setae; projection straight, tapering towards apex, with 1 dorsolateral seta, 145���190, 160 ��m long. Inferior volsella 158���170, 163 ��m long; 31 ���37, 34 ��m wide basally; 41 ��� 47, 44 ��m wide medially; 8 ���10, 9 ��m wide apically; with 1 strong apical seta and 21 ���26, 23 dorsal setae of which 3 ���5, 3 setae along inner margin with split apices. Gonostylus 164���172, 168 ��m long; with 3 ���4, 4 long setae along inner margin. HR 0.96���1.39, 1.22. HV 2.06���2.33, 2.20. fe ti ta 1 ta 2 p 1 923���1111, 992 605���735, 663 923 ���1201, 1038 637���760, 676 p 2 940���1087, 993 760���964, 871 335���507, 440 286���310, 292 p 3 989 ���1168, 1070 956���1038, 991 670���801, 712 368���433, 395 ta 3 ta 4 ta 5 LR p 1 474���556, 512 327���392, 355 147���180, 165 1.20���1.58, 1,49 p 2 229���253, 239 147���173, 157 74 ���90, 82 0.51���0.53, 0.52 p 3 319���376, 346 188���221, 208 98���106, 100 0.69���0.77, 0.72 BV SV BR p 1 1.55���1.62, 1.57 1.54���1.66, 1.60 2.15���2.47, 2.33 p 2 2.97���3.14, 3.06 4.03���4.17, 4.09 2.63���3.07, 2.86 p 3 2.62���2.69, 2.66 2.76���3.02, 2.90 3.11���3.38, 3.18 Female (n = 5). Total length 2.43���2.97, 2.64 mm. Wing length 1.79 ���2.00, 1.87 mm. Total length / wing length 1.36���1.48, 1.41. Wing length / length of profemur 2.19���2.29, 2.23. Coloration. As in male. Antenna. AR = 0.36���0.38, 0.37. Flagellomere lengths (in ��m): 128���152, 144; 80 ���92, 86; 88 ���96, 91; 64 ���76, 69; 132���152, 142. Longest sensilla chaetica on ultimate flagellomere 25 ���35, 32 ��m long. Head (Fig. 9). Temporal setae 12 ���14, 13 including 5 ���7, 6 inner vericals; 4 ���5, 5 outer verticals and 1 ���2, 2 postorbitals. Clypeus with 30 ���42, 35 setae. Tentorium, stipes and cibarial pump as in Figure 10. Tentorium 150��� 162, 156 ��m long; 16 ���25, 21 ��m wide at sieve pore. Stipes 131���149, 142 ��m long. Palpomere lengths (in ��m): 30 ��� 40, 34; 41 ���57, 50; 98���121, 113; 79 ���104, 89; 80 ���94, 85. Fifth palpomere / third palpomere 0.75���0.82, 0.78. Third palpomere with 5 ���8, 7 lanceolate sensilla clavata apically; longest 11 ���15, 13 ��m long. Thorax (Fig. 11). With low, but distinct tubercle in mid scutum. Acrostichals 9 ���12, 11, partly biserial; dorsocentrals 17 ���22, 18 of which 3 ���6, 5 in separate cluster close to anterior margin of scutum; prealars 4 ���5, 5. Scutellum with 13 ���16, 14 setae, biserial. Wing (Fig. 8). Anal lobe moderately developed. VR 1.16���1.21, 1.19. Brachiolum with 2 seta; R with 19 ���30, 23; R 1 with 16 ���22, 18; R 4 + 5 with 37 ���49, 43; SC with 6 ���12, 9; M with 0���3, 2; M 1 + 2 with 52 ���73, 62; M 3 + 4 with 18 ���25, 20; Cu with 24 ���32, 30; Cu 1 with 12 ���14, 13; PCu with 2 ���4, 3; An with 31 ���47, 38 setae. Cell r 4 + 5 with 108���152, 122; cell m 1 + 2 with 68 ���178, 99; cell m 3 + 4 with 12 ���55, 32; cell m basal of RM with 0���7, 4; cells cu plus an with 32 ���141, 77 setae. Squama with 5 ���8, 7 setae. Legs. Scale on fore tibia 25 ���35, 29 ��m long, without spur. Spur of mid tibia 40 ���52, 48 ��m long including comb; unspurred comb 19 ���25, 23 ��m long. Spur on hind tibia 48 ���59, 54 ��m long including comb; unspurred comb 22 ���29, 25 ��m long. Width at apex of fore tibia 52 ���61, 56 ��m; of mid tibia 58 ���68, 62 ��m; of hind tibia 62 ���72, 66. Length and proportions of legs as in Table 2. Genitalia (Figs 12���13). Gonocoxapodeme curved, ending on base of dorsomesal lobe. Sternite VIII with 21 ��� 35, 27 strong setae to each side. Gonocoxite IX with 4 ���6, 5 setae. Tergite IX (Fig. 14) with 62 ���79, 72 setae. Segment X with 6 ���9, 7 setae to each side. Cercus 91���116, 102 ��m long. Seminal capsule spherical, 62 ���72, 67 ��m long; not including 12 ���19, 14 ��m long neck. Notum 144���173, 157 ��m long. Dorsomesal lobe (Fig. 14) 97���108, 102 ��m long from base of vagina to apex; 80 ���97, 90 ��m wide. Ventrolateral lobe (Fig. 15) 23 ���35, 28 ��m wide. Apodeme lobe as in Figure 16. Postgenital plate broadly triangular. fe ti ta 1 ta 2 p 1 776���858, 835 523���621, 580 801���940, 863 515���605, 560 p 2 842���1021, 933 768���923, 843 359���441, 395 229���278, 253 p 3 940 ���1152, 1031 874���1021, 943 539���686, 611 327���384, 350 ta 3 ta 4 ta 5 LR p 1 384���441, 413 261���327, 291 123���147, 134 1.42���1.51, 1.48 p 2 188���221, 208 114���147, 136 49 ���65, 59 0.46���0.48, 0.47 p 3 286���327, 312 163���196, 178 65 ���82, 72 0.53���0.70, 0.65 BV SV BR p 1 1.61���1.65, 1.63 1.63���1.68, 1.65 2.14���2.57, 2.44 p 2 3.22���3.39, 3.32 4.35���4.67, 4.49 2.57���2.79, 2.66 p 3 2.69���3.10, 2.84 2.93���4.03, 3.25 3.13���3.53, 3.41 Pupa (n = 5). Total length 4.29���4.86, 4.55 mm. Coloration. In Canada balsam exuviae with pale brown cephalothorax, margins of wing sheath golden brown, lateral margins of abdominal segments VI���VII and caudolateral spur brown. According to Earle et al. (2013) live pupae have black thorax and green abdomen. Cephalothorax (Fig. 17). Frontal apotome as in Figure 18. Cephalic tubercles absent. Frontal setae 92 ���102, 97 ��m long. Wing sheath 1.34���1.44, 1.39 mm long. Abdomen (Figs 19���20). Tergite I bare; tergites II���VI each with 6���7 rows of prominent spinules in anterior band; tergites II���V each with medial anterior to posterior patches of fine shagreen; tergite VI with posterior band of fine spinules; tergites VII���VIII with anterolateral patches of fine spinules. Tergite II with 58 ���79, 66 caudal hooklets in single row. Spinules on conjunctive III/IV in 3 rows, nearly interrupted medially; on conjunctive IV/V in 4���5 rows. Pedes spurii A well developed on segment IV. Pedes spurii B well developed posterior on segment II. Caudolateral spur (Fig. 21) 72 ���92, 81 ��m long; with 1 strong apical tooth or tooth bi- to trifid. Segment I without lateral setae, segments II���IV each with 3 hair-like lateral setae; segments V���VI each with 3 taeniae; segments VII��� VIII each with 4 taeniae. Anal lobe fringe with 21 ���25, 23 taeniae. Length of genital sac overreach 140���152 (2) ��m. Larva (n = 7���10, unless otherwise stated). Total length 4.43���6.26, 5.07 mm. Head capsule 0.49���0.60, 0.54 mm long. Postmentum 237���261, 253 ��m long. Coloration. Head capsule brown with teeth of mentum and mandible dark brown, postoccipital margin blackish brown. Head. AR 1.19���1.36, 1.23. Antenna as in Figure 22; antennal segment lengths (in ��m): 48 ���52, 51; 17 ���21, 18; 7 ���8, 7; 10 ���12, 11; 5 ���6, 6. Basal antennal segment 17 ���18, 17 ��m wide; ring organ 10���12 (2) ��m from base; blade at apex of 1 st segment 32���39 (3) ��m long; apical style of 2 nd segment 11���15 (2) ��m long; Lauteborn organs minute. Pecten epipharyngis (Fig. 23) consisting of 3 platelets, each with 2���3 unequal teeth. Premandible (Fig 24) 90 ���101, 95 ��m long, bi- to trifid, with prominent mandibular brush. Mandible (Fig. 25) 146���166, 155 ��m long, with 1 apical, 1 dorsal and 3 inner teeth; seta subdentalis 18 ���22, 20 (5) ��m long, slender and straight; setae interna prominent. Mentum (Fig. 26) 113���127, 120 ��m wide, with 7 pairs of teeth; pair of median teeth 25 ���29, 27 ��m wide, second lateral tooth as large as median tooth, first lateral tooth smaller, third to sixth lateral teeth decrease progressively to a minute seventh tooth. Ventromental plate 90 ���102, 96 ��m wide; distance between plates 48 ���55, 51 ��m; median apices of plates pointing towards each other. Ratio of ventromental plate / mentum 0.75���0.83, 0.79. Setae submenti 44 ���55, 49 ��m long. Abdomen. Procercus 14 ���23, 18 ��m long; 27 ���33, 30 ��m wide; with 8 ���9, 8 anal setae 480���560, 511 ��m long. Supraanal setae 336���360, 349 ��m long. Ratio of supraanal setae / anal setae 0.62���0.70, 0.67 (6). Posterior parapods 133���159, 144 ��m long. Anal tubules 82���148, 104 (5) ��m long; 43 ���49, 45 (5) ��m wide at base., Published as part of Andersen, Trond, Bello Gonz��lez, Orestes C., Baars, Jan-Robert & Earle, William, 2015, A new invasive weed-feeding species of Polypedilum (Pentapedilum) Kieffer from South Africa (Diptera: Chironomidae, Chironominae), pp. 559-570 in Zootaxa 4000 (5) on pages 560-566, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4000.5.5, http://zenodo.org/record/238666, {"references":["Earle, W., Mangan, R., O'Brien, M. & Baars, J. - R. (2013) Biology of Polypedilum n. sp. (Diptera: Chironomidae), a promising candidate agent for the biological control of the aquatic weed Lagarosiphon major (Hydrocharitaceae) in Ireland. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 23, 1267 - 1283. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 09583157.2013.826344"]}