339,220 results on '"CLUSTER ANALYSIS"'
Search Results
102. The Analysis of Dichotomous Test Data Using Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling.
- Author
Koch, William R.
- Abstract
The technique of nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS) was applied to real item response data obtained from a multiple-choice achievement test of unknown dimensionality. The goal was to classify the 50 items into the various subtests from which they were drawn originally, the latter being unknown to the investigator. Issues addressed in the research included dimensionality, choice of item proximity measures, and appropriateness of the MDS model for analyzing dichotomous item response data. Three coefficients were chosen to form proximity matrices that reflected the associations of each item with each of the other items. These matrices then served as input to both the ALSCAL and MINISSA computer programs for MDS analysis. A three dimensional solution was found to be optimal, based on stress, the multiple correlation coefficient, and coefficient of alienation values. Both cluster analysis and regional (facet theory) analysis of the spatial configuration were used to interpret the results. (Author)
- Published
- 1983
103. Interaction of Position and Conceptual Level of Adjunct Questions on Immediate and Delayed Retention of Text
- Author
Rickards, John P.
- Abstract
Conceptual or verbatim questions were placed either before or after an 800 word passage read by college students. Results show that conceptual prequestions produced higher recall than conceptual postquestions and verbatim prequestions yielded less recall than verbatim postquestions. (Author/DEP)
- Published
- 1976
104. An Empirical Classification of U.S. Medical Schools by Institutional Dimensions. Final Report.
- Author
Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC. and McShane, Michael G.
- Abstract
In a related study, factor analysis was applied to reduce a selected set of medical school characteristics to their principal dimensions. In this study, the results were then used as input to a series of multivariate cluster analyses that isolated clusters of medical schools that were similar to each other and different from schools in other clusters on the dimensions depicted by the factor analysis. The eight clusters in the final solution each had distinctive profiles on the six factor scores. There were five clusters that consisted completely or predominantly of public schools. Three of these clusters consisted of established schools with varying profiles, while the other two were composed of new and developing schools. Of the remaining three clusters, two were predominantly private schools and one was an equal mix of public and private schools. Each cluster was also described in terms of variables selected from the original data. (Author/MSE)
- Published
- 1977
105. A Multidimensional Model of Medical School Similarities. Final Report.
- Author
Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC. and Sherman, Charles R.
- Abstract
Multidimensional scaling methods were used to derive interpretable models of medical school similarity with respect to research and graduate medical education intensiveness. On the basis of cluster analysis, private schools seemed to be categorizable into those that are relatively intensive on both research and graduate medical education, those that are not intensive on either, and some that, along with some public schools, are both extensive (in absolute measure) and intensive (in relative measure) on graduate medical programs. These groups are readily apparent in the scaling model, but graduations of difference within groups are also apparent. The public schools showed similar separability along continuous dimensions of difference. The statistical analyses are discussed at length. (Author/MSE)
- Published
- 1977
106. Interactions between Child Types and Classroom Types.
- Author
Solomon, Daniel and Kendall, Arthur J.
- Abstract
Research is described which explores the hypothesis that different classroom situations may be optimal for different individuals. The approach used cluster analysis to identify student and classroom "types" whose interactions were then examined in an analysis of variance framework. About 1,300 fourth graders from 50 classrooms were involved in the study which incorporated classroom observations, teacher comments, student questionnaires, and achievement tests. Cluster analysis resulted in the identification of six classroom types ranging from permissive, warm, individualized atmospheres to highly controlled, cold, nonindividualized atmospheres. Three student types were low achievers lacking self-direction and confidence, highly motivated self-confident achievers, and strongly autonomous self-directed moderate achievers. A summary of major trends shows that low achieving boys did best in warm classes with moderate control, highly motivated boys did best in controlled classes which allow for student initiative, and autonomous boys did best in permissive classes which allow for student initiative. Low achieving girls did best in warm and individualized classes; high achieving girls did best in classes combining warmth, control, and orderliness; and autonomous girls did best in warm classes emphasizing student expressiveness. Major sex differences are enumerated, also. (Author/AV)
- Published
- 1976
107. Evaluation of the Marine Corps Task Analysis Program. Final Report. Technical Report No. 16.
- Author
California State Univ., Los Angeles. and Stone, C. Harold
- Abstract
The basic objective of this research project was to determine the effectiveness of the Marine Corps Task Analysis Program (TA) as it had been conducted by the Office of Manpower Utilization (OMU). Main findings and conclusions are summarized in the eight research areas into which the study was divided: TA observation and interview procedures; task inventory construction; occupational field sample size; computer procedures and data analysis; OMU organization and personnel; orientation, training, and team performance; peace-time task analysis and its relation to war-time conditions; and the use of worker characteristics in classification and assignment. The overall conclusion from the research is that the TA program is a highly valuable asset to the Marine Corps in improving and maintaining effective utilization of its human resources. Appendix A contains an annotated list of 15 technical reports that are end-products of this project, and which contain detailed documentation of all phases of this project. Appendix B contains the study directive used and a distribution list. (Author/TA)
- Published
- 1976
108. Multidimensional Scaling of the Cognitive Control Principle-Equivalence Range and Implications for Reading Comprehension.
- Author
Maroldo, Georgette K.
- Abstract
This study investigated (1) relationships between reading comprehension, IQ, and equivalence range (ER) and (2) categorizing styles through multidimensional scaling and varimax rotation analysis. One hundred and six male and 97 female sixth-graders comprised three reading groups according to Metropolitan Achievement Test, Reading subtest, and Otis Quick Scoring Mental Ability Test. Alternate forms of Object-Sorting Test determined categorizing ability. Results show reading comprehension relates to two ER measures for female poor readers; intellectual ability to one ER measure for female good and poor readers and to another ER measure for overall good, overall poor, and male poor readers. Multidimensional scaling and varimax rotation disclose somewhat similar categorizing styles of good and average readers, while both seem different from that of poor readers. (Author)
- Published
- 1975
109. Educators Look at Mathematics Results; Summary of Findings by the Richfield Mathematics Data Analysis Committees.
- Author
Richfield Public Schools, Minn.
- Abstract
The Richfield Educational Assessment Program is a districtwide effort to collect specific information about the knowledge, skills, understandings, and attitudes of students in selected areas. The information collected will be used to help Richfield citizens and educators make decisions for program improvement. The program closely parallels the Minnesota Educational Assessment Program, but it allows a local district to analyze the performance of its own students. Before the assessment, teachers set the standards for student performance; Richfield was the first district in the nation to set local standards, or expectation levels, for performance on items used in both the national and state assessments. The 1974-75 program evaluated 9- , 13- , and 17-year-olds in five cognitive areas of mathematics skills: recall and recognition, performing mathematical manipulation, understanding mathematical concepts and processes, problem solving, and analyzing problem situations. (BW)
- Published
- 1976
110. Category Organization in Children's Recall: A Critique of Past and Present Research.
- Author
Lange, Garrett
- Abstract
This paper examines several recent lines of research concerning category clustering and describes an alternative to the standard category clustering procedure used to study recall organization in younger children. The specific issue considered is the age at which children first show evidence of spontaneous category clustering in their free-recall. Possible interpretations of the contrasting results presented in the literature focus on the types of organizational behaviors measured by the clustering index: (1) associative modes, or (2) conceptual modes. Examples from research are presented to illustrate the distinction between associative and conceptual clustering. It is concluded that there is no way to distinguish associative from conceptual modes of spontaneous organization at any age level when using traditional measures of clustering. An alternative clustering measure, which employs a sorting-recall procedure, is proposed and described. Results of using this procedure, which differ on several dimensions with previous results, are reported. The advantages of using this sorting-recall procedure include: (1) the determination of particularly meaningful age trends; (2) the provision of important information about the qualities of organizational processing; and (3) the opportunity to determine the category basis and criteria used in grouping items. (SDH)
- Published
- 1974
111. The Similarity of Job Types Reported from Two Independent Analyses of Occupational Data. Interim Report. April 2, 1973-October 12, 1973.
- Author
Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks AFB, TX. Occupational and Manpower Research Div. and Watson, William J.
- Abstract
Occupational analysts using Comprehensive Occupational Data Analysis Programs (CODAP) make subjective decisions at various stages in their analysis of an occupation. The possibility exists that two different analysts could reach different conclusions in analyzing an occupation, and thereby provide divergent guidance to management. Two analysts, working independently, performed job typing using CODAP on occupational data collected by a single administration of a job inventory. Each analyst selected the same size sample, at random but without any cases common, from the total survey. The job types identified by each analyst were compared to determine whether they were significantly different in any respect. Superficial differences appeared between the results of the two analyses, but were largely resolved when job types reported by the first analyst were compared not only on a one-to-one basis with job types reported by the second analyst, but also with combinations of job types reported on the second occasion. The contents of this report are highly technical and will be of primary interest to persons working in the field of occupational analysis, both in terms of content and application of techniques. (Included are 54 statistical tables.) (Author/BP)
- Published
- 1974
112. Identification of Social Groups Based on Social Integration in a Multi-Racial High School.
- Author
Marascuilo, Leonard A. and Dagenais, F.
- Abstract
This paper took as its problem the belief among the general public that conflict and violence among students is a common occurrence, especially in schools that are racially mixed. The responses of 303 students from a racially mixed school. Berkeley High School, were grouped in terms of the degree to which the individual students are socially integrated and the students were examined in light of the violence they had personally experienced. It was hypothesized that students who were socially integrated across ethnic boundaries were not involved with perceived violence and conflict on the campus, while aggressive acts, in the main, involved students whose friends and companions were of their own race. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire sent to about a third of the 1970 graduating class of Berkeley High School. The Tryon clustering of objects was used to identify independent groups of students who were socially isolated or integrated across races. That procedure was effective in that it generated six clearly identifiable groups of students who were socially isolated or socially integrated across the Asian, black, and white students in the school. Because of the low frequencies, the hypothesis that conflict and violence centers around students who are not socially integrated is not supported. (Author/JM)
- Published
- 1974
113. A Study of Characteristics of Paraprofessionals in Child Care Services in the Far Western United States.
- Author
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State Univ., Greensboro. and Mazyck, Harold E.
- Abstract
This study was a replication of an earlier study by Mazyck (1971) which was designed to analyze characteristics of paraprofessional child care workers, as determined by ratings given on a scale of paraprofessional worker characteristics. The original study is reviewed and the development of the Mazyck Rating Scale for Paraprofessionals, is discussed. The Scale was composed of two categories of characteristics: Personal-Social, and Educational-Biographical-Working Relationships. In the present study, the category Reaction to Stress was added, and the original experiment was replicated with a different and smaller group of child workers and specialists similar to those used in the first study. Findings show that from both studies there are 20 scale items that each of the groups agree on as being significant characteristics of paraprofessionals. The next step is to devise ways of measuring the identified characteristics and to develop instruments useful for persons interested in selection of child care workers. Extensive statistical data are included, as well as a copy of the Rating Scale as used in the second study. (ED)
- Published
- 1974
114. Parental and Perinatal Correlates of Neonatal Behaviors.
- Author
Standley, Kay
- Abstract
This paper discusses the analyses of antecedent correlates of the behavior of 60 infants as measured by the Brazelton Neonatal Assessment Scale on the third day after birth. The data include two sets of antecedent variables: maternal adaptation to pregnancy as reported in prenatal interviews and measured describing the conditions of labor and delivery (including duration, administration of analgesic and anesthetic medications, infant birth weight, and Apgar scores). The results indicate that both sets of antecedent variables show some relationships to infant behavior. The two perinatal variables which were found to correlate significantly with baby behaviors involve the analgesia and anesthesia administered during labor and delivery. Several explanations are offered for the drug effects. It was also found that the woman who reports a satisfying pregnancy, has no marked symptoms of anxiety, and is confident about mothering is more likely to have a motorically mature, attentive baby. Further analyses of the possible relationships between the two sets of antecedent variables indicate that the correlations between maternal adaptation to pregnancy and maternal medication during childbirth are not impressive. (SDH)
- Published
- 1974
115. The Pregnant Couple.
- Author
Soule, A. Bradley, III
- Abstract
This paper reports some of the preliminary findings of an investigation of the ways in which married couples experience pregnancy. Demographic, historical, personal, and marital information was gathered through individual interviews with each prospective parent. The 57 variables measured were combined to make six clusters: (1) experience of pregnancy, (2) psychophysiologic response to pregnancy (physical well-being and anxieties), (3) marital relationship, (4) social support, (5) expectations of labor and delivery, and (6) expectation of parenting. When the father and mother interview clusters were intercorrelated, several patterns emerged regarding differences and similarities in responses. Conclusions drawn from the statistical comparisons of the data suggest that fathering is as involved and varied an experience as mothering and that pregnancy is a dyadic experience for the prospective parents. (SDH)
- Published
- 1974
116. Hierarchical Clustering and the Concept of Space Distortion.
- Author
Hubert, Lawrence and Schultz, James
- Abstract
An empirical assesssment of the space distortion properties of two prototypic hierarchical clustering procedures is given in terms of an occupancy model developed from combinatorics. Using one simple example, the single-link and complete-link clustering strategies now in common use in the behavioral sciences are empirically shown to be space contracting and space dilating, respectively. An extension to an intermediate r-diameter clustering criterion defined in between the complete-link and single-link extremes is discussed briefly along with a technique for preprocessing the original proximity measures to make the results obtained from these two extreme clustering procedures more consistent with the data. (Author)
- Published
- 1975
117. Development of Inventories for Assessing Parent and Teacher Interaction and Involvement. Final Report.
- Author
North Carolina Univ., Chapel Hill. Frank Porter Graham Center., Schaefer, Earl S., and Edgerton, Marianna
- Abstract
This study was designed to develop a conceptual scheme and brief reliable measures of parent and teacher involvement and interaction, to be given to kindergarteners' parents and teachers at the time of enrollment and again at the end of kindergarten. The inventories provide a framework for an analysis of (1) characteristics of parents and teachers that influence home-school collaboration; (2) the extent to which different policies, programs, and interventions might influence parent-teacher interaction and involvement; and (3) the relationship of different levels of parent and teacher involvement and interaction to the child's school adjustment and achievement. A search of ERIC documents pertaining to home-school relationship, and a review of research on parent involvement in the child's education in the home and in the school, provided the background for developing the inventories. A small pilot study was conducted with 20 parents of 4- and 5-year-olds at a child development center. Intercorrelations of scale scores were computed for the "a priori" scales for the pilot data and were examined for clusters of scales that might define major dimensions of parent-teacher interaction and parent involvement. These clusters indicate that major dimensions of parent-teacher involvement and interaction can be isolated from this inventory. (CS)
- Published
- 1974
118. Transferability and Implementation of Educational Technology.
- Author
Texas Univ., Austin. Project C-BE. and Whitehead, Robert Randall
- Abstract
The author has developed a model for transferring and implementing educational innovations from one institution to another. The model consists of an organized set of variables whose precedence relationships were determined by statistical analysis of collected data. A questionnaire was sent to a sample of prospective consumers of educational technology. Using their responses to the questionnaire, several forms of multivariate statistical analysis were used to determine which factors were important to consumers. These factors were then used for the design of a data collection form for innovation developers, and the foundation for the design of a data management system. (Author/CH)
- Published
- 1974
119. A General Statistical Framework for Assessing Categorical Clustering in Free Recall.
- Author
Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning., Hubert, Lawrence J., and Levin, Joel R.
- Abstract
A graph-theoretic paradigm is used to generalize the common measures of categorical clustering in free recall based on the number of observed repetitions. Two graphs are defined: a graph G that characterizes the a priori structure of the item set defined by a researcher, and a graph R that characterizes a subject's protocol. Two indices of clustering, denoted by gamma and omega, are obtained by evaluating the sum of the pairwise products of the weights on the corresponding edges of the two graphs. The gamma statistic is a direct generalization of the commonly used clustering indices and reduces to the number of repetitions whenever G represents a standard categorical decomposition of a stimulus list. The omega statistic, on the other hand, extracts more information from the protocol graph R than does gamma and incorporates a distance measured based on the number of intervening items in a subject's recall sequence. (Author)
- Published
- 1975
120. The Cluster Analysis of Jobs Based on Data from the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ). Report No. 7.
- Author
Purdue Univ., Lafayette, IN. Occupational Research Center., DeNisi, Angelo S., and McCormick, Ernest J.
- Abstract
The Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) is a structured job analysis procedure that provides for the analysis of jobs in terms of each of 187 job elements, these job elements being grouped into six divisions: information input, mental processes, work output, relationships with other persons, job context, and other job characteristics. Two cluster analysis procedures were used in the clustering of jobs on the basis of data from the PAQ. The BC-TRY program was carried out with the 14 overall or general job dimensions as applied to a reasonable varied sample of 3,700 jobs and resulted in the identification of 33 job clusters. The CODAP (Coordinated Occupational Data Analysis Program) was based on the scores on 21 of the divisional job dimensions for a sample of 800 jobs, and resulted in the identification of 45 clusters. The differences in the results may be due to the differences in the nature of the job dimensions used in the two instances, rather than being associated with the clustering procedures as such. The 95-page appendix contains the tables of data (15 pages) and line graphs for the job clusters resulting from the two programs. (Author/AG)
- Published
- 1974
121. Items and Instruction Evaluated Using Partitioning Procedures.
- Author
Ambrosino, Robert J.
- Abstract
Two studies were undertaken to demonstrate the usefulness of partitioning procedures for studying test items. Achievement test items in five content areas of educational measurement were used as stimuli to be sorted by groups of students with varying levels of sophistication with the content, with the hypothesis that sorting by classes with greater sophistication would agree more with simulated target sortings than sortings by classes with less sophistication. These sortings were analyzed using partitioning procedures. Results from both studies indicated that degree of sophistication in measurement was overall a potent variable in the sorting. In addition, several misconceptions among the students concerning the content under study were revealed. It was noted that a moderate number of students enrolled in upper-level measurement courses demonstrated what amounted to errors in knowledge in their sortings. It was concluded that the partitioning procedures were useful for studying how items are perceived by students and for determining how students organize content. (Author)
- Published
- 1974
122. Identifying Concrete and Formal Operational Children.
- Author
Docherty, Edward M.
- Abstract
This paper presents a study designed to determine if groups of concrete and formal operational children can be identified through the technique of cluster analysis, using a battery of Piagetian tasks. A Total of 64 subjects, 8 boys and 8 girls from each of the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth grade levels, were selected from a public elementary and middle school in suburban upstate New York. Subjects were given five concrete tasks, representing each of the logical groupings studied extensively by Piaget and Irhelder: (1) primary addition of classes (class inclusion), (2) secondary addition of classes, (3) multiplication of classes, (4) asymmetrical addition of relations (seriation), and (5) multiplication of relations. Five formal tasks, representing the integrated group and lattice, were also given: (1) flexibility of rods, (2) oscillation of a pendulum, (3) equilibrium in the balance, (4) hauling weight on an inclined plane, and (5) projection of shadows. It was tentatively concluded that cluster analysis, using these Piagetian tasks, is an effective way to identify concrete and formal operational children. Results suggest that it is possible to form groups of children which are relatively homogeneous, from a Piagetian point of view. (CS)
- Published
- 1974
123. Use of Classroom Distributions of Student Achievement Test Scores to Evaluate the Instructional Effectiveness of Teachers.
- Author
Fortune, Jimmie C.
- Abstract
The instructional effectiveness of elementary classroom teachers is investigated through the use of distributions of student achievement scores. The data used for this investigation were reading, language, and arithmetic subtest scores on the Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills for fifth and sixth grade public school children. Students were classified by their grade equivalent scores on each of the subtests. For each teacher in each of the grades, the scores were computed for each of their students. Upon grouping of students, each teacher received nine data points; mean gain scores for slow, average and fast students in reading, language and arithmetic. It was then determined which cluster of teachers was most effective with certain students and then to follow these teachers the second year of the study and reinvestigate their effectiveness. Results indicate that it may be possible to determine that certain teachers are more successful in working with certain types of students in various subject areas and at differing abilities. (DEP)
- Published
- 1975
124. Conjoint Scaling as a Decision Aide in Curriculum Development.
- Author
Sparling, Joseph J.
- Abstract
In a series of three independent studies that focused on the classic sources of curriculum (the learner, society, and subject matter), data were gathered that might bear on the choices facing the curriculum developer. Learner data tentatively revealed what characteristics of pictures affected the deployment of third-grade children's visual attention. Society data provided increased awareness of the structure and direction of a group of mothers' goals for their infants. Subject-matter data from an expert judge provided useful suggestions for the organization of content for a preschool motor curriculum. In each of these studies, polynomial conjoint scaling, a form of multidimensional scaling, reduced a complex matrix of data to a simple visual display that was useful to the curriculum developer in his decision-making process. (Author)
- Published
- 1977
125. Rhetorical and Communication Theory: Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations Published in 'Dissertation Abstracts International,' January through June 1979 (Vol. 39 Nos. 7 through 12).
- Author
ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, Urbana, IL.
- Abstract
This collection of abstracts is part of a continuing series providing information on recent doctoral dissertations. The 13 titles deal with the following topics: confessional rhetoric in the poetry of Anne Sexton, rhetorical criticism, the Hippocratic oath, messages communicated through team sports as a medium of social interaction, the silent black language, humor in a lesbian speech community, invention in the Carolingian age, Arthur Schopenhauer, irony, communication and consciousness, the development of concept diffusion models and their application to the diffusion of the social concept of race, the rhetoric of contemporary feminist song, and communication as the vehicle of socialization. (FL)
- Published
- 1979
126. National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972. Sample Design Efficiency Study: Effects of Stratification, Clustering, and Unequal Weighting on the Variances of NLS Statistics.
- Author
National Center for Education Statistics (DHEW), Washington, DC.
- Abstract
A complex two-stage sample selection process was used in designing the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972. The first-stage sampling frame used in the selection of schools was stratified by the following seven variables: public vs. private control, geographic region, grade 12 enrollment, proximity to institutions of higher education, percentage of minority group enrollment, community income level, and degree of urbanization. Six hundred strata determined the initial sample of 1,200 schools; later, a random sample of 18 seniors per high school was selected. This report considers the effects of stratification, oversampling of schools by percentage of minority group enrollment and community income level, clustering of students within a school and unequal weighting on the variances of the resulting statistics and therefore, on the precision of the sample statistics. Results suggest that school stratification variables reduced the variances of national estimates to twenty percent below what would have been expected with unstratified cluster sampling. Of the five major stratification variables: socioeconomic status, size of school, type of control, geographic region, and proximity to college or university; region is the strongest variable and type of control is the weakest. (Author/MV)
- Published
- 1977
127. Children's Television Behaviour: Its Antecedents and Relationship to School Performance. A Study of the Television Viewing Behaviour of Children in Grade 6 of State Primary Schools in the Metropolitan Area of Melbourne. Occasional Paper No. 14.
- Author
Australian Council for Educational Research, Hawthorn. and Sharman, Kevin James
- Abstract
A study was conducted to describe the television viewing habits of grade 6 children in primary schools within the metropolitan area of Melbourne, Australia; to examine the nature of the relationships between factors found to be relevant in explaining television behavior; and to examine the relationship between television behavior and school achievement. Data were collected from a 2-stage cluster sample of 271 grade 6 children using a questionnaire; tests of intelligence, self-esteem, and comprehension in social studies; and a diary of television viewing over a period of seven days. A questionnaire was also completed by the subjects' teachers. Statistical analyses involved simple descriptive statistics, bivariate correlation and multiple regression analyses, and canonical analysis. The hypothesizing and subsequent testing of causal path models of the interrelationships between variables enabled the study to cope more efficiently with the complex interrelationships between variables. Results confirmed the important influence that television has on the lives of children, and the importance of home background variables and personal characteristics in influencing television viewing patterns. (Author/CMV)
- Published
- 1979
128. The Effect of Prior Subject Matter Knowledge and Text Structure on the Organization of Text Information in Memory.
- Author
Lewis, J
- Abstract
Four text passages varying along the dimensions of the number of propositions unifying one or more text paragraphs and text length were constructed. The text content pertained to nine concepts in the area of operant conditioning psychology. Fifty-eight university students were pretested and then blocked on prior text-related knowledge, and read one of the four passages. Sorting, verification, and posttest tasks were performed. Data were analyzed with hierarchical cluster analysis and with analyses of variance. W. Kintsch's hypothesis that the organization of text information in memory is a function of the degree of prior knowledge, the number of unifying text prepositions, and text length was given support. Reading times and the number of verification task errors significantly differed as a function of the number of unifying text propositions. Educational implications are discussed. (Author/RD)
- Published
- 1978
129. HIER-GRP: AA Computer Program for the Hierarchical Grouping of Regression Equations.
- Author
Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks AFB, TX. and Gott, C. Deene
- Abstract
This description of the technical details required for using the HIER-GRP computer program, which was developed to group or cluster regression equations in an iterative manner so as to minimize the overall loss of predictive efficiency at each iteration, contains a discussion of the basic algorithm, an outline of the essential steps, specifications of the computer system requirements, descriptions of necessary control cards, and explanations of the program output. Appendices include the mathematical formulas used, some mathematical background helpful for understanding the algorithm, sample output, and a complete source card listing. (Author/RAO)
- Published
- 1978
130. A Methodology for Data Structure Assessment in Higher Education Administration. AIR Forum Paper 1978.
- Author
Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis., Baltes, Kenneth G., and Hendrix, Vernon L.
- Abstract
Two recent developments in management information system technology and higher education administration have brought about the need for this study, designed to develop a methodology for revealing a relational model of the data base that administrators are operating from currently or would like to be able to operate from in the future. Administrations of higher education have been forced to rely more heavily on information systems to respond to the demands for accountability and allocations of limited resources. Information systems technology through the advent of data base management systems is able to be more responsive to administrative information needs, provided the relationships within the data required by administrators is known. The analysis, conducted at the University of Minnesota, consisted of testing several data grouping techniques including four hierarchical clustering methods, factor analysis, and observation of summary matrices on the data. Complete linkage and average linkage cluster analysis provided what appeared to be the most reliable groupings of the entities and were applied to the data. The methodology does reveal the relationships that respondents perceive to be in the data. The methodology as it was tested was effective as an aid to the data base designer in establishing a relational model of the data base. (Author/JMD)
- Published
- 1978
131. Effects of Public Money on Social Climates in Private Schools: A Preliminary Report.
- Author
Erickson, Donald A.
- Abstract
Preliminary results of two surveys of parents, students, and teachers in Catholic elementary schools in British Columbia indicate that public funding for private schools could cause deterioration in the schools' social climates. Data were collected both before and after British Columbia instituted its program of public aid to private schools in August, 1978. Over 20 private schools receiving public aid participated in the two surveys, taken in the spring of 1978 and the spring of 1980. Parents were asked in each survey to assess the schools' financial jeopardy, need of parental help, degree of social cohesion, level of teacher commitment, responsiveness to parents, and academic effectiveness. Differences between the responses to the two surveys indicated that parents felt the levels of all these factors had decreased. Teachers found increases in social cohesion and teacher commitment, a slight decline in teacher autonomy, and no significant change in parent commitment, parent involvement, special school mission, and teacher work rewards. Responses by students indicated shifts toward greater student engagement in work, and decreases in perceptions of school justice, the specialness of the school, student enthusiasm for school work, and the attractiveness of the teacher and the class. (PGD)
- Published
- 1981
132. Problem Perception and Knowledge Structure in Expert and Novice Mathematical Problem Solvers.
- Author
Hamilton Coll., Clinton, NY., Schoenfeld, Alan H., and Herrmann, Douglas J.
- Abstract
Although it is commonly assumed that increases in mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skill alter one's understanding of mathematical problems, little research exists to support this assumption. The present study investigated the relationship between mathematical background and problem perception in two experiments. Experiment 1 employed hierarchical clustering analysis to compare the way that experts (nine mathematics professors) sorted 32 mathematics problems typical of college mathematics courses with the way that novices (19 undergraduates) sorted the same problems. The experimenters assigned an a priori mathematical "surface structure" and a mathematical "deep structure" characterizations to each problem. "Surface structure" refers to the items described in the problems themselves. "Deep structure" refers to the mathematical principles necessary for solution. Results indicated that the two groups use different criteria for considering problems to be related. Experiment 2 compared changes in mathematics problem perception of students who took a computer course during the same time period. Training in problem solving resulted in the experimental group's problem perception being more differentiated and more like that of experts. Appendices contain the 32 problems used in the experiments and the mathematics pretest. (Author/RL)
- Published
- 1980
133. Guessing and Dimensionality: The Search for a Unidimensional Latent Space.
- Author
Missouri Univ., Columbia. and Reckase, Mark D.
- Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to examine the capabilities of various procedures for sorting dichotomously-scored items into unidimensional subjects. The procedures include: factor analysis, nonmetric multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis, and latent trait analysis. Both simulated and real data sets of known structure were used to evaluate the procedures. The analysis of the one-factor data sets with varied levels of guessing showed the detrimental effects guessing could have on these techniques. Application of the procedures to the two- and nine-factor data sets showed that factor analysis and multidimensional scaling have promise. The analysis of the real test data showed that the factor analysis procedure was the only one which could do a reasonably good job of sorting items into unidimensional sets under realistic conditions. (Author/BW)
- Published
- 1981
134. Empirical Identification of Hierarchies.
- Author
McCormick, Douglas
- Abstract
Outlining a cluster procedure which maximizes specific criteria while building scales from binary measures using a sequential, agglomerative, overlapping, non-hierarchic method results in indices giving truer results than exploratory facotr analyses or multidimensional scaling. In a series of eleven figures, patterns within cluster histories reveal the structure of the data. If true clusters exist in the data, one way they reveal themselves is by a sharp drop in the index values as an item outside the true cluster is added. In spatial terms, this represents a "moat" surrounding the cluster; a low region of density between regions of higher density which are the clusters themselves. A series of analyses were conducted using artificial data which had a known cluster structure. The Birnbaum test model was used to produce unidimensional scales of three sizes, which were combined with six outliners to make the raw data for analysis. Means, variances, and distribution shapes were varied for the Birnbaum parameters of difficulty, ability and discrimination. (Author/CE)
- Published
- 1981
135. The Formation of Homogeneous Item Sets When Guessing is a Factor in Item Responses.
- Author
Missouri Univ., Columbia. Dept. of Educational Psychology. and Reckase, Mark D.
- Abstract
One of the major assumptions of latent trait theory is that the items in a test measure a single dimension. This report describes an investigation of procedures for forming a set of items that meet this assumption. Factor analysis, nonmetric multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis and latent trait analysis were applied to simulated and real test data to determine which technique could best form a unidimensional set of items. Theoretical and empirical evaluations were also made of the effects of guessing on the dimensionality of test data. The results indicated that guessing affected highly discriminating items more so than poorly discriminating items. Of the procedures evaluated for sorting items into unidimensional item sets, principal factor analysis of phi coefficients gave the best results overall. In summary, guessing does have an effect on test data, but the effect is not very large unless items of extreme difficulty are present in the test. Of the procedures evaluated, traditional factor analytic techniques gave the most useful information for sorting test items into homogeneous sets. (Author/GK)
- Published
- 1981
136. A Student-Centered Interpretation Technique Using Individual Performance on Skills Objectives of the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills.
- Author
Cummings, Oliver W.
- Abstract
Research on an interpretation technique (IT) for using the Pupil Item Response Record (PIRR) of the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) to actively involve students in their test interpretation was presented. The major concern of the study was to determine whether the IT had any impact on attitudes toward or knowledge about the ITBS. Students in grades 4-6 used their own PIRR and Skill Summary Sheet (SSS), a listing of the major skills tested, to do their summarizations. A substantially different form of instrument was administered to 52 teachers in those grades. Preliminary results indicated: (1) a significant difference in knowledge found between students who had and those who had not been through the interpretation session; (2) a small, persistent decline, on average, in the students' attitudes of "caring about the test" over the three grades; (3) students' attitudes, at all grade levels, that most of the items covered material they had studied; (4) an attitude by students who participated in the IT that they had done better on the ITBS than students who did not participate; and (5) no immediate impact on either teacher attitudes or on teacher knowledqe about the ITBS. (RL)
- Published
- 1981
137. Developmental Antecedents and Behavioral Correlates of Positive and Negative Emotionality.
- Author
Mumford, Michael and Shaffer, Garnett Stokes
- Abstract
A promising avenue for characterizing individuals lies in an examination of the antecedents of recorded behaviors. Autobiographical information from college students was used as an alternative to traditional personality methodology to demonstrate the scientific utility of biodata. The traits selected for investigation were positive and negative emotionality. Biodata items were clustered rationally, based on their correlations with the traits in question and divided into two classes, i.e., behavioral and developmental. Hypotheses were formed about the relationship between various background variables and emotionality, independent of the clustering process. Results yielded a substantial overlap between the hypotheses and the clusters, providing evidence for the validity of the clusters and for the utility of biodata methodology in personality research. In addition, the biodata substantiated virtually all previous research findings. The findings appear to extend current knowledge of the specificity of the relationships between background and positive and negative emotionality. (Author/JAC)
- Published
- 1981
138. Meanings of Work in Different Environments and Cultures.
- Author
Hulin, Charles L. and Ross, William
- Abstract
Organizations are directly influenced by the beliefs and values of the employees. Many of these beliefs deal with the meaning of work and preferences for broad classes of work outcomes. A heterogeneous sample of working people (N=318) completed a questionnaire which examined beliefs about work on nine job-related dimensions that distinguish four beliefs systems. A cluster analysis performed on the nine job-related subscale scores indicated that there were five clusters of people who differed in their beliefs about work. A comparison of the means of the five clusters on the subscales revealed that: (1) Cluster 1 tended to hold Protestant Ethic beliefs; (2) Cluster 2 adhered to the Leisure Ethic; (3) Cluster 3 was neutral relative to the other groups on almost all scales; (4) Cluster 4 endorsed more Marxist beliefs than other clusters; and (5) Cluster 5 held a combination of Protestant Ethic and Humanistic beliefs. For most clusters, beliefs from more than one ethic were held. These data suggest that the theory-based work beliefs scale is a superior instrument for measuring the beliefs of workers. (Author/NRB)
- Published
- 1981
139. Using Multidimensional Scaling-Produced Cognitive Maps to Facilitate the Communication of Structural Knowledge.
- Author
Diekhoff, George M. and Wigginton, Phil
- Abstract
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in finding ways of promoting and evaluating structural knowledge (knowledge of how ideas, events, and principles are interrelated). Research has demonstrated that students' numerical judgments of the strength of relatedness among ideas drawn from a domain provide insights into how they have organized their knowledge of that domain. When these judgments are analyzed through multidimensional scaling, a graphic array can be generated in which highly related ideas are grouped together and less related ideas are located farther apart. These graphic arrays are called "cognitive maps" because they map out a student's understanding of the structural interrelationships that exist among ideas. The use of multidimensional scaling-produced cognitive maps provides a systematic way of presenting structural knowledge which, because of the sequential nature of traditional lectures and texts, might not otherwise be presented at all. (Authors/FG)
- Published
- 1982
140. A Typology of Relapse Promoting Situations.
- Author
Shiffman, Saul
- Abstract
Outcome data on smoking cessation has emphasized that most people have difficulty not in quitting smoking, but in maintaining cessation. An attempt was made to develop a more meaningful typology of relapse-promoting situations using a sample of 183 exsmokers who called a telephone hotline seeking help to stay away from cigarettes. Two higher order clusters emerged from the cluster analysis of their responses: a positive affect situation in which self-indulgence was prominent, and a negative affect situation characterized by high levels of stress and feeling of anxiety and depression. The most homogeneous subtype of exsmoker occurred when the individual was faced with smoking-related stimuli in social drinking situations. The typology of smoking motivations suggests that the enhancements of positive affects and dimunition affects are major motivators for smoking. (Author/JAC)
- Published
- 1982
141. Clusters as the Unit of Analysis in Differential Item Functioning.
- Author
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ. and Bennett, Randy Elliot
- Abstract
This study developed, applied, and evaluated a theory-based method of detecting the underlying causes of differential difficulty. The method was applied to two subgroups taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test-Mathematics (SAT-M), 261 visually impaired students taking Braille forms of the test and 1,985 black students at 3 test administrations. It involved: (1) reviewing the literature to identify possible causes of differential item functioning; (2) forming item categories based on those factors; (3) identifying categories that functioned differentially; (4) assessing the functioning of the items composing deviant categories; and (5) relating item and category functioning. Results were compared to a traditional item-level analysis. In both subgroups, the cluster and traditional methods agreed on the overall extent of differential functioning (substantial in the first group, virtually absent in the second). The method would seem to be applied most productively when a small number of hypotheses can be derived from a reasonably strong research base, overlap among cluster structures can be avoided, and results can be supplemented with experimental studies of protocol analysis. (Contains 27 references, 11 tables, and an appendix of category definitions.) (Author/SLD)
- Published
- 1988
142. A Search For Prose Features That Influence the Perception of Topical Organization.
- Author
Coke, Esther U. and Koether, Mary E.
- Abstract
This study sought to develop a method for describing readers' perceptions of the topical organization of prose and to specify text features that determine perception of organization. A hierarchical clustering analysis was applied to high-school and college readers' judgments of the topical relatedness of sentences in two prose passages. This produced semantically similar clusters of sentences that were reliable indicators of topical organization. In searching for text features related to topicality, it was found that the perception of topicality was weakly related to the lexical similarity of sentences and that both the spatial relationship between sentences and typographical conventions influenced the perception of topicality. (Author/AA)
- Published
- 1977
143. Research and Primary Care: Two Dimensions of Preference in Medical School Admissions. Final Report.
- Author
Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC., Sherman, Charles R., and McShane, Michael G.
- Abstract
This study is an attempt to model the similarities of 84 medical schools with respect to their orientations toward applicants qualified for research and applicants interested in delivering primary care or locating in non-urban settings. These characteristics are defined in 17 institutional variables. The patterns of insti(utional similarity are described by two modeling techniques: cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling. Multidimensional scaling confirmed that there were essentially two dimensions of difference among medical schools with respect to the 17 variables studied. It appears that there are fewer medical schools with preference for research-oriented students with goals to provide health care directly to patients and in geographic areas currently underserved. Cluster analysis identified four groups of schools as characteristically different from one another. Subsequent analysis of data for schools in each group served to identify each group's distinguishing attributes. Research-oriented schools appear to form a distinct class of institutions. Other schools form three classes according to the degree of their preference for students oriented toward primary care service. A simultaneous presentation of the scaling and clustering models provides the most complete picture of medical school similarities with respect to preferences for students who would provide medical services directly through primary care delivery or indirectly through medical research. (SPG)
- Published
- 1978
144. Quantitative Criteria for Academic Research Libraries.
- Author
Association of Coll. and Research Libraries, Chicago, IL. and Stubbs, K. L.
- Abstract
Based on statistical data submitted by almost 3,000 academic libraries as part of the 1978-1979 Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), this report develops a composite profile of an academic research library. Use of cluster analysis of library characteristics to find institutions that were quantitatively similar to one another identified four clusters of libraries. For one of these clusters, a basic group of 127 libraries that share library characteristics, factor analysis was used to derive component score coefficients for 12 statistical variables: volumes held, volumes added, total microforms, expenditures for library materials, expenditures for binding, total salaries and wages, other operating expenditures, full time equivalent (FTE) professional staff, FTE nonprofessional staff, interlibrary loans borrowed, circulation, and total reference, directional, and group transactions. These coefficients were weighted for the 12 variables, multiplied by the data for that variable for the individual library, and summed up to provide a component score for that library. Component scores were computed for each of the 2,943 libraries for which data were available. In the appendix, component scores are given for each of the libraries, making it possible to measure each institution against the statistical research library model derived by this study. (THC)
- Published
- 1984
145. Cluster Analysis of Vocationally Undecided Students: A Replication and Validation.
- Author
Lucas, Margaretha S. and Epperson, Douglas L.
- Abstract
Many studies which have investigated the differences between decided and undecided subjects have assumed homogeneity of both subsets, but results of these studies do not justify such a assumption. This study attempted to identify, multidimensionally, types of vocationally undecided college students. Data on 11 variables from 276 undecided undergraduate students were entered into a cluster analysis. Data from the cluster analysis suggest that the optimal partioning of the data was obtained with a five-cluster solution. Analyses of variance and a chi-square analysis using variables not included in the clustering process provided evidence of the validity of found clusters. To assess the reliability of the clustering process, the total sample was split into two subsamples and a five-cluster solution was imposed on each of the subsamples. The resulting clusters were compared to the clusters of the total sample and to the findings of a former, similar study. These comparisons provide support for the reliability of three of the five clusters. The emergence of these clusters suggests a multidimensional perspective of vocational decidedness with apparent implications for differential treatment. (Author/NB)
- Published
- 1986
146. A Preliminary Report on the Basic Skills Test.
- Author
Atlanta Public Schools, GA. Div. of Research, Evaluation, and Data Processing. and McCarson, Carole S.
- Abstract
This paper: (1) reviews the development and implementation of a test designed to assess the competencies of public high school students in Atlanta, Georgia, preceding their graduation; and (2) presents the results of indicator cluster correlations between the new "Basic Skills Tests" and other reading and mathematics basal tests currently in use in the Atlanta Public Schools. Areas tested included reading, mathematics, problem solving, writing, and speaking/listening. In regard to development of the Georgia test, the paper briefly describes: (1) the process by which the competencies examined were refined and validated, (2) the test item writing process, and (3) the initial field testing of the test among 10th grade students. A number of legal concerns related to competency-based graduation requirements are detailed, with an emphasis on validity, reliability, and potential bias. In addition, there is a brief discussion of the indicator correlations (shown in the appendix) with the Georgia Criterion-Referenced Tests, the Houghton Mifflin Reading series, the Holt Mathematics series, California Mathematics Tests, the Prescriptive Reading Inventory, and the Diagnostic Mathematics Series. (GC)
- Published
- 1981
147. Cluster Analysis of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery with Learning Disabled Adults.
- Author
McCue, Michael
- Abstract
The study reports a cluster analysis of Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery sources of 25 learning disabled adults. The cluster analysis suggested the presence of three subgroups within this sample, one having high elevations on the Rhythm, Writing, Reading, and Arithmetic Rhythm scales, the second having an extremely high evelation on the Rhythm scale with lesser elevations on the Motor, Tactile, Vision and academically related scales, and the third subgroup having a normal profile, only remarkable for slight elevations on the Writing and Arithmetic scales. Analyses of variance were performed with cluster membership as the independent variable and various measures from Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised and Wide Range Achievement Test as the dependent measures. Essentially all findings were statistically significant, thereby supporting the external validity of the cluster solution. It was suggested that the first subgroup had its difficulties primarily in the language development area, while the second subgroup had its major difficulties in perceptual, attentional and motor skills that support language development. The third subgroup did not appear to have a clearly identifiable neuropsychological basis for its relatively mildly deficient academic performance levels. In general, the study provided preliminary evidence of the capabilities of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery to identify neuropsychological differences among different types of learning disabled adults. (CL)
- Published
- 1985
148. Ecologic Reformulation of Pediatric Social Illness.
- Author
Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston, MA., Newberger, Eli H., and Marx, Thomas J.
- Abstract
Members of a group of hospitalized children under 4 years of age (48 under care for child abuse, 97 for accidents, 41 for failure to thrive, and 23 for ingestions) were matched individually on age, social class, and race with controls suffering from comparable acute medical conditions. A structured maternal and paternal interview yielded 63 significant single-variable comparisons in these domains: child health and development, past and present family disruption and conflict, parental physical and emotional health, and environmental setting. Discriminant function analysis suggested interrelationships among the case groups and an additive mode of pathogenesis, with more severe stresses associated with more severe childhood symptoms. A classification analysis was performed to determine the extent to which equations generated in the discriminant function analyses successfully differentiated between patients in the illness categories and in the control groups. Cluster analysis on a random half-sample identified three cohesive groups, characterized as "ecologic equilibrium,""adversity," and "crisis." This reformulation subsumed respectively increasing proportions of severe symptoms and replicated successfully on the other half-sample. Its elaboration gives a convenient matrix for organizing data from practice and a value-free alternative to the present manifestational classification system. Additionally, a statistical analysis of group profiles was performed, and high-risk families were profiled in nine vital aspects of their lives. In nearly every aspect the crisis group was found to suffer. (RH)
- Published
- 1982
149. The Couple Versus the Spouse as the Unit of Analysis in Marital Research. Revised.
- Author
Honeycutt, James M. and Norton, Robert W.
- Abstract
Traditionally the unit of analysis in marital research has been the individual spouse. More recently the marital relationship has often been defined as a process of interaction and dynamic exchanges such that spouses have autonomous needs as well as corporate needs for interdependence. Thus modern systems theory heightens the importance of both individuals. A structural analysis of the marital dyad consists of two types in which the aim is to determine whether relationships found at the group level are the same or different from relationships within separate group components. The problem in the analysis is the treatment of the couple's score so that the couple's score is not merely a high/low spouse score in which sex effects are unaccounted for. Scores may te summed for the husband and wife and divided by two (summation score), or scores may be calculated to take into account the differences between each spouse's individual scores (dispersion scores). Using both these scores as the unit of analysis in a study of marital happiness and communicator images among 40 married couples, it is evident that the dispersion score can reveal an effect for the degree of a couple's agreement on marital happiness and not the level of happiness. In short, a reliance solely on individual or couples' analyses excluded some information. Therefore, the reporting of individual and couples' scores when a couple's analysis is used is often needed in order to give a full picture of the couple's agreement on the criterion variable and their rank on the criterion. However, in some situations depending on the exact research question, a summation score or dispersion score may solely be used. (HOD)
- Published
- 1982
150. 'Successful' Teachers' Patterns of Microcomputer-Based Mathematics and Science Instruction. A RAND Note.
- Author
Rand Corp., Santa Monica, CA. and Shavelson, Richard J.
- Abstract
This study of patterns of microcomputer-based instruction in elementary and secondary schools had three objectives: (1) to describe how teachers who were nominated by their peers as "unusually successful" in their microcomputer-based mathematics and science teaching use technology for instruction; (2) to describe how these uses vary as a function of teacher characteristics and other background variables; and (3) to recommend policies for educating teachers in the instructional uses of microcomputers and for devising courseware that serves pedagogical aims. A total of 60 teachers--40 elementary and 20 secondary--in 25 districts and 49 schools in the state of California were interviewed. Schools varied in the number of microcomputers available for instruction (1 to 55, with an average of about 12), and in the resources they provided for microcomputer-based instruction. Based on 16 variables of instructional characteristics underlying microcomputer-based instruction, four homogeneous clusters of teachers were identified: orchestration (N=18), enrichment (N-23), adjunct instruction (N=14), and drill and practice (N=5). Analysis of the data indicates that, although teacher attitudes toward microcomputers were not related to the patterns of microcomputer-based instruction that were identified, all teachers held uniformly positive attitudes. Teacher knowledge about microcomputers was also unrelated to the average amount of coursework taken in mathematics, but the amount of science taken as an undergraduate did reflect positively on instructional use. Recommendations are presented for staff development and the characteristics of teacher-friendly courseware are discussed. Appendices include the interview guides and questionnaires used as well as discussions of methodological considerations and modes of microcomputer-based instruction. A list of references completes the document. (JB)
- Published
- 1984
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