Khalaf K, Pawlak KM, Adler DG, Alkandari AA, Barkun AN, Baron TH, Bechara R, Berzin TM, Binda C, Cai MY, Carrara S, Chen YI, de Moura EGH, Forbes N, Fugazza A, Hassan C, James PD, Kahaleh M, Martin H, Maselli R, May GR, Mosko JD, Oyeleke GK, Petersen BT, Repici A, Saxena P, Sethi A, Sharaiha RZ, Spadaccini M, Tang RS, Teshima CW, Villarroel M, van Hooft JE, Voermans RP, von Renteln D, Walsh CM, Aberin T, Banavage D, Chen JA, Clancy J, Drake H, Im M, Low CP, Myszko A, Navarro K, Redman J, Reyes W, Weinstein F, Gupta S, Mokhtar AH, Na C, Tham D, Fujiyoshi Y, He T, Malipatil SB, Gholami R, Gimpaya N, Kundra A, Grover SC, and Causada Calo NS
Background and study aims Use of fluoroscopy in gastrointestinal endoscopy is an essential aid in advanced endoscopic interventions. However, it also raises concerns about radiation exposure. This study aimed to develop consensus-based statements for safe and effective use of fluoroscopy in gastrointestinal endoscopy, prioritizing the safety and well-being of healthcare workers and patients. Methods A modified Delphi approach was employed to achieve consensus over three rounds of surveys. Proposed statements were generated in Round 1. In the second round, panelists rated potential statements on a 5-point scale, with consensus defined as ≥80% agreement. Statements were subsequently prioritized in Round 3, using a 1 (lowest priority) to 10 (highest priority) scale. Results Forty-six experts participated, consisting of 34 therapeutic endoscopists and 12 endoscopy nurses from six continents, with an overall 45.6% female representation (n = 21). Forty-three item statements were generated in the first round. Of these, 31 statements achieved consensus after the second round. These statements were categorized into General Considerations (n = 6), Education (n = 10), Pregnancy (n = 4), Family Planning (n = 2), Patient Safety (n = 4), and Staff Safety (n = 5). In the third round, accepted statements received mean priority scores ranging from 7.28 to 9.36, with 87.2% of statements rated as very high priority (mean score ≥ 9). Conclusions This study presents consensus-based statements for safe and effective use of fluoroscopy in gastrointestinal endoscopy, addressing the well-being of healthcare workers and patients. These consensus-based statements aim to mitigate risks associated with radiation exposure while maintaining benefits of fluoroscopy, ultimately promoting a culture of safety in healthcare settings., Competing Interests: Conflict of Interest Tyler Berzin - Consultant for: Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Wision AI, Microtech. Alan N. Barkun - Consultant for Olympus Inc and Medtronic Inc. Cecilia Binda – Lecturer for Steris, Fujifilm, Boston Scientific, Q3 Medical. Alessandro Fugazza – Consultant for Boston Scientific. Rogier P. Voermans - Consultancy and research grant for Boston Scientific, Research grant Prion Medical; Consultancy fee form from Cook Medical. Lecturer Viatris and Zambon. Nauzer Forbes – Speaker for Boston Scientific, Pentax Medical. Consultant for Boston Scientific, Pentax Medical and AstraZeneca. Mariano Villarroel – Consultant for Boston Scientific. Yen-I Chen – Consultant for Boston Scientific. President of Chess Medical. Robert Bechara – Consultant for Olympus, Pentax, Vantage, Medtronic, Pendopharm. Payal Saxena – Consultant for Boston Scientific, Ambu, Erbe. Amrita Sethi – Consultant for Boston Scientific, Interscope, Medtronic, Olympus; Research Support for Boston Scientific, Fujifilm and ERBE. Cesare Hassan: Fujifilm Co. (consultancy); Medtronic Co. (consultancy). Alessandro Repici: Fujifilm Co. (consultancy); Olympus Corp (consultancy); Medtronic Co. (consultancy). Bret Peterson – Consultant for Olympus, Pentax. Investigator for Boston Scientific and Ambu. Silvia Carrara – Consultant for Olympus and Aboca. Jeffrey D. Mosko – Speaker for Boston Scientific, Pendopharm, SCOPE rounds, Vantage, Medtronic. Medical Advisory Board for Pendopharm, Boston Scientific, Janssen, Pentax, Fuji. Grants and Research support from CAG. Christopher W. Teshima – Speaker for Medtronic and Boston Scientific, Consultant for Boston Scientific. Gary R. May – Consultant for Olympus. Speaker for Pentax, Fuji and Medtronic. Samir C Grover –Research grants and personal fees from AbbVie and Ferring Pharmaceuticals, personal fees from Takeda, Sanofi, and BioJAMP, education grants from Janssen, and has equity in Volo Healthcare. All the authors have no relevant financial disclosures or conflicts of interest to declare., (The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial-License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commercial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (