614 results on '"Actividade física"'
Search Results
102. Relationship between depression and physical activity: A review
- Author
Villodres, Gracia Cristina and Corpas, Juan Miguel
- Subjects
Depression ,Depresión ,actividade física ,physical activity ,ansiedad ,actividad física ,Depressão ,anxiety ,ansiedade - Abstract
Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue estudiar la relación entre la enfermedad de la depresión y la actividad física, a través de una revisión sistemática de la bibliografía existente. Según los estudios revisados, la actividad física puede llegar a ser un método primordial como tratamiento efectivo de esta enfermedad. Previamente, se consideró una clarificación terminológica sobre los conceptos clave de esta revisión: depresión, ansiedad y actividad física. Para ello, se ha realizado una selección previa de estas investigaciones, reflejadas en bases de datos importantes que cubren este tema como Pubmed, Dialnet o Web of Science., The aim of this study was to study the relationship between the disease of depression and physical activity, through a systematic review of the existing literature. According to the studies reviewed, physical activity may become a primary method as an effective treatment for this disease. Previously, we considered a terminological clarification of the key concepts of this review: depression, anxiety and physical activity. For this purpose, a previous selection of these investigations has been made, reflected in important databases that cover this topic such as Pubmed, Dialnet or Web of Science., Resumo: O objectivo deste estudo foi o de estudar a relação entre a doença da depressão e a actividade física, através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura existente. De acordo com os estudos analisados, a actividade física pode tornar-se um método primário como tratamento eficaz para esta doença. Anteriormente, considerámos uma clarificação terminológica dos conceitos-chave desta revisão: depressão, ansiedade e actividade física. Para o efeito, foi feita uma selecção prévia destas investigações, reflectida em bases de dados importantes que cobrem este tema, como Pubmed, Dialnet ou Web of Science.
- Published
- 2020
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103. Obesogenic environments in secondary school students: raising awareness from Physical Education
- Author
Ruiz-Tendero, G. and Badallo-Carbajosa, S.
- Subjects
obesogenic environment ,salud ,saúde ,Educação Física ,Educación Física ,actividade física ,physical activity ,Physical Education ,health ,actividad física ,ambiente obesogênico ,entorno obesogénico - Abstract
Resumen: Introducción: los actuales modelos ecológicos introducen el entorno como una variable influyente e interrelacionada con el comportamiento. Este paradigma sugiere que la evolución de los entornos hacia ambientes cada vez más obesogénicos son la principal causa del fuerte incremento de la obesidad. Objetivos: esta investigación se planteó estudiar los entornos relacionados con la actividad física (AF) y el sedentarismo en el hogar, en un grupo de adolescentes de tercero de la ESO. Métodos: esta investigación se enmarca dentro del proyecto HEYYOU (Healthy Environment, Healthy Youth). 45 alumnos/as (10 chicos y 35 chicas) rellenaron de forma voluntaria un cuestionario diseñado al efecto. Con anterioridad se aplicó un estudio. Resultados y discusión: como factores asociados significativamente a una mayor AF encontramos las variables de pasear al perro y el apoyo de los padres para la práctica de AF. En el polo del entorno sedentario, el hecho de disponer de videoconsola en la propia habitación se asocia significativamente con un mayor tiempo de juego a la misma. Esta investigación destaca la importancia de actuar desde el área de la Educación Física, mediante micro-intervenciones divulgativas como la llevada a cabo, para reflexionar y hacer partícipe al propio alumnado como agente activo para mejorar su entorno asociado a la salud. Conclusiones: los resultados concluyen que el grupo participante se encuentra más cercano a un entorno leptogénico moderado que a los entornos obesogénicos., Introduction: the environment is considered by the current ecological models as an influential and behavior-related variable. This paradigm suggest that the evolution of the environments towards obesogenic settings is the main cause of the increase in obesity. Aim: the aim of this research was to study the home environments related to physical activity (PA) and sedentary habits in a group of 3rd year secondary school adolescents. Methods: this research is part of the HEYYOU project (Healthy Environment, Healthy Youth). 45 students (10 boys and 35 girls) volunteered to complete an ad-hoc questionnaire. Previously, a pilot study was performed. Results y discussion: factors associated with a higher PA were walking the dog, and the parents support for PA practice. On the side of the sedentary lifestyle, having a game console in the child´s own bedroom is significantly associated with a highest videogame playing time. This research highlights the importance of acting from Physical Education, by means of educational micro-interventions, as the one which has been carried out, to promote the students´ involvement and reflection as active agents to improve their health-related environment. Conclusions: The results show the sample is closer to a moderate leptogenic environment than to an obesogenic environment., Resumo: Introdução: Os atuais modelos ecológicos introduzem o ambiente como uma variável influente e inter-relacionada ao comportamento. Esse paradigma sugere que a evolução dos ambientes em direção a ambientes cada vez mais obesogênicos são a principal causa do forte aumento da obesidade. Objectivos: Esta pesquisa buscou estudar os ambientes relacionados à atividade física (AF) e sedentarismo em casa, em um grupo de adolescentes do primeiro do escola secundária. Métodos: Esta pesquisa faz parte do projeto HEYYOU (Healthy Environment, Healthy Youth). 45 estudantes (10 meninos e 35 meninas) preencheram voluntariamente um questionário elaborado para esse fim. Um estudo piloto foi feito anteriormente. Resultados e discussão: Como fatores significativamente associados à AF mais alta, encontramos as variáveis passear com o cachorro e apoio dos pais para a prática da AF, respectivamente. No pólo do ambiente sedentário, o fato de ter um console de videogame na própria sala está significativamente associado a um tempo de jogo mais longo. Esta pesquisa destaca a importância de atuar na área de Educação Física, por meio de microintervenções informativas como a realizada, para refletir e envolver os próprios alunos como agentes ativos para melhorar seu ambiente associado à saúde. Conclusões: os resultados concluem que o grupo participante está mais próximo de um ambiente leptogênico moderado do que de ambientes obesogênicos.
- Published
- 2020
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104. Nivel de actividade física dos pacientes con factores de risco cardiovascular. Actividade física en pacientes con patoloxía crónica prevalente
- Author
González Otero, Lorena, Hermida Ameijeiras, Álvaro, Armenteros del Olmo, Lorenzo, and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía
- Subjects
Sedentariness ,Cardiovascular diseases ,Obesidade ,IPAQ ,Physical activity ,Actividad física ,Obesidad ,Actividade física ,Sedentarismo ,Enfermidades cardiovasculares ,Obesity ,Enfermedades cardiovasculares - Abstract
Traballo de Grao en Medicina. Curso 2019-2020. Obxectivo. O presente traballo busca indagar o nivel de actividade física dos pacientes con enfermidades cardiovasculares (HTA, diabetes e dislipemia), co fin de coñecer se a integran como parte do tratamento ou, se pola contra, segue a ser unha materia pendente. Material e metodoloxía. Utilizouse o cuestionario IPAQ na súa versión curta e auto-administrada. Recolléronse as enquisas durante os meses de xaneiro e marzo do 2020. Obtívose unha mostra de 98 pacientes pertencentes ao SAP Illas Canarias de Lugo. Fíxose o estudo descritivo dos resultados obtidos. Resultados. A análise da mostra dos 98 suxeitos amosa unha maioría de mulleres (55,8% fronte a un 44,2%) e unha media de idade de 60 anos. A patoloxía máis prevalente foi a hipertensión arterial. A meirande parte foi clasificada nun nivel de actividade física baixa-moderada. O feito de padecer as patoloxías estudadas non parece aumentar os niveis de AF. Todo o contrario que o feito de estaren informados ou haber recibido información acerca dos beneficios por parte dos profesionais da saúde. Conclusións. A actividade física prescrita de forma individualizada é a clave da prevención así como do tratamento das patoloxías máis prevalentes. Pese isto, a súa práctica non está estendida entre a poboación. Convén crear un plan de actuación coordinado entre os distintos profesionais e a todos os niveis que consiga concienciar e permita aumentar os niveis de AF da poboación. Introducción. Vivimos en una sociedad con tendencia creciente hacia el sedentarismo y la obesidad, dos problemas que son claves en la patogenia de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Dichas enfermedades son las que mayores recursos sanitarios consumen y las responsables de aumentar la morbilidad y mortalidad de la población. La actividad física ha demostrado ser fundamental en la prevención y tratamiento de estas patologías, concretamente de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Sin embargo, se encuentra relegada a un segundo plano, siendo necesario promover y aumentar los niveles de actividad física para acabar con este problema. Objetivo. El presente trabajo pretende averiguar el nivel de actividad física de los pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares (HTA, diabetes y dislipemia) con el fin de conocer si se integra como parte del tratamiento o, por lo contrario, sigue siendo una asignatura pendiente. Material y metodología. Se utilizó el cuestionario IPAQ en su versión corta y autoadministrada. Se recogieron las encuestas durante los meses de enero y marzo de 2020. Se obtuvo una muestra de 98 pacientes del SAP Illas Canarias de Lugo. Se realizó el estudio descriptivo de los resultados obtenidos. Resultados. El análisis de la muestra de los 98 sujetos muestra una mayoría de mujeres (55,8% frente a un 44,2%) y una media de edad de 60 años. La patología más prevalente fue la hipertensión arterial. La mayoría fue clasificada en un nivel de actividad física baja-moderada. El hecho de padecer las patologías estudiadas no parece aumentar los niveles de AF. Todo lo contrario que el hecho de estar informados o haber recibido información acerca de los beneficios por parte de profesionales de la salud. Conclusiones. La actividad física prescrita de forma individualizada es la clave de la prevención, así como del tratamiento de las patologías más prevalentes. A pesar de ello, su práctica no está extendida entre la población. Conviene crear un plan de actuación coordinado entre los distintos profesionales y a todos los niveles que consiga concienciar y permita aumentar los niveles de AF de la población. Introduction. We live in a society inclined towards sedentariness and obesity. These two are main matters related to non-communicable diseasses. This kind of diseases consume a huge part of sanitary resources. They are also responsable for the rise of morbidity and mortality on population. Physical activity has proved to be essential in order to prevent or to treat this sort of pathologies. More concretely, in cardiovascular diseases. Nevertheless, since they have been relegated to the background, it is necessary to promote and to increase the levels of physical activity so as to end this issue. Objectives. The aim of this paper is to find out the level of physical activity on patients with cardiovascular diseases (HTN, diabetes and dyslipidemia) and if it is integrated as a part of its treatment or, by contrast, if it is not. Materials and methods. The IPAQ questionnaire was used in its short-form and filled out by the patients itselves. The data was colleted during January and March 2020. It was obtained a sample of 98 patients from SAP Illas Canarias in Lugo. With these results, a cross-sectional study was carried out. Results. This piece of data shows a significant majority of woman (55’8% vs 44’2% that accounts for men) and it also shows that the average age was 60 years old. The main disease was hypertension. The more common answer related to physical activity was low or moderate Despite having this kind of diseases (the ones being studied), the level of physical activity does not increase. Nevertheless, the level of physical activity rises in those cases where the patients have recieved information about the postive impact that this habit has. Conclusions In spite of the fact that physical activity has proved to be the key in order to prevent or to treat this kind of diseases, it is not very common between population. It is necessary to create a coordinated action between the diffent professionals so as to make people aware, and in order to promote physical activity among the population.
- Published
- 2020
105. Dieta mediterrânica e risco cardiovascular em indivíduos infectados pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana : 5 anos de follow-up
- Author
Caeiro, Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Policarpo, Sara, and Caldeira, Luís
- Subjects
Dieta mediterrânica ,Infecção por VIH ,Actividade física ,Ciências Médicas [Domínio/Área Científica] ,Nutrição ,Risco cardiovascular ,Teses de mestrado - 2020 - Abstract
Tese de mestrado, Nutrição Clínica, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2020 Submitted by Fernando João Machado (fjmachado@fm.ul.pt) on 2021-01-20T13:31:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 12451_Tese.pdf: 952833 bytes, checksum: a0c472c483ea2298c5ea26f3c0006608 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2021-01-20T13:31:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 12451_Tese.pdf: 952833 bytes, checksum: a0c472c483ea2298c5ea26f3c0006608 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2020-05-29
- Published
- 2020
106. Physical Exercise Potentials Against Viral Diseases Like COVID-19 in the Elderly
- Author
Sandra Amatriain-Fernández, Thomas Gronwald, Eric Murillo-Rodríguez, Claudio Imperatori, Alexandre Francisco Solano, Alexandra Latini, and Henning Budde
- Subjects
Opinion ,Population ,coronavirus ,Anciáns ,physical activity ,Physical exercise ,Viral diseases ,Respuesta inmune ,medicine.disease_cause ,elderly ,immune response ,Enfermidades virales ,Immune system ,Elderly ,physical exercise ,medicine ,Immune response ,education ,Grupos de alto riesgo ,High-risk groups ,education.field_of_study ,lcsh:R5-920 ,Grupos de alto risco ,Innate immune system ,Exercicio físico ,viral diseases ,business.industry ,Physical activity ,Resposta inmune ,COVID-19 ,General Medicine ,Immune dysregulation ,medicine.disease ,Ejercicio físico ,Vaccination ,Coronavirus ,Pneumonia ,Immunology ,Actividad física ,Actividade física ,Medicine ,Immunocompetence ,business ,lcsh:Medicine (General) ,Enfermedades virales ,high-risk groups ,Ancianos - Abstract
In the last few months, we have been living through an epic public health threat around the globe due to the spread of a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 (1). COVID-19 is clinically characterized by fever, cough, fatigue, incapacity to breathe, pneumonia/other respiratory tract symptoms, kidney failure, neurological symptoms and even death (1–7). Recent publications have shown that COVID-19 impairs immune system response by severely compromising the number and function of T cells, especially Natural Killer (NK) cells, by increasing the levels of blood C-reactive protein (CRP) and pro-inflammatory cytokines and causing atrophy of spleen and lymph nodes, along with reduced lymphocytes in lymphoid organs (2–7). This immune dysregulation had a fatal outcome mainly in individuals with pre-existing medical conditions and elderly patients (2, 4, 7). According to the United Nations, there were 703 million people aged 65 years or older worldwide in 2019, which implies that about 10% of our world population is at higher risk for negative prognosis under COVID-19 infection. Aging is characterized by several changes, including exacerbated inflammatory responses mediated by the innate immune system with reduced capacity to protect against infections, cancer and wound healing, leading to more severe consequences of bacterial and viral infections and reduced response to vaccination (8). This pro-inflammatory status renders older individuals susceptible to tissue-damaging immunity and chronic inflammatory diseases. Therefore, interventions that can prevent or retard the decline of immunocompetence would have a considerable clinical and public health impact on this parcel of the population. In this scenario, the regular practice of physical activity and physical exercise has been widely prescribed, including for elderly people, since it favors anti-inflammatory status, promoting healthier aging and reducing all-cause mortality (9).
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Mónica Silva and António Labisa Palmeira
- Subjects
auto-conceito físico ,auto-estima ,motivação para o exercício ,actividade física ,adolescentes. ,Sports ,GV557-1198.995 - Abstract
Este estudo analisou o auto-conceito físico e a importância atribuída ao auto-conceito em adolescentes, estudando a sua associação com a motivação para a prática de actividade física e verifi cando se varia consoante o nível de actividade física e género. Método: Participaram neste estudo 460 estudantes (223 do sexo feminino e 237 do sexo masculino, M=16.60 e DP=1.18 anos). Utilizaram-se os instrumentos Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire - 2 (BREQ-2, Palmeira et al, 2007, .58
- Published
- 2010
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108. Intervención deportiva a través de actividades físicas en el medio natural en un programa de control de la ansiedad
- Author
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, Daviu-Fuster, Irene, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, and Daviu-Fuster, Irene
- Published
- 2020
109. La actividad física en el medio natural como oportunidad para conocer el entorno de Ares mediante un proyecto interdisciplinar para 3º ESO
- Author
González Valeiro, Miguel, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, Domínguez-Cortizas, Candela, González Valeiro, Miguel, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, and Domínguez-Cortizas, Candela
- Published
- 2020
110. Proyecto de intervención a través del Street dance para la iniciación de jóvenes a la danza: una perspectiva de género
- Author
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, Fraga-Pena, Natalia, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, and Fraga-Pena, Natalia
- Published
- 2020
111. Programación didáctica para 1º de ESO
- Author
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, Gómez-Vega, Alejandro, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, and Gómez-Vega, Alejandro
- Published
- 2020
112. Programación didáctica anual de 1º de Bachillerato
- Author
Toja, María Belén, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, López-Pardo, Alejandro, Toja, María Belén, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, and López-Pardo, Alejandro
- Published
- 2020
113. Programación didáctica Educación física 2º de la ESO
- Author
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, López-Orgeira, Dino, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, and López-Orgeira, Dino
- Published
- 2020
114. Turismo deportivo y aventura en el Camping 'La Paz'
- Author
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, Fernández-Laviana, Hugo, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, and Fernández-Laviana, Hugo
- Abstract
[Resumen]: Las actividades físicas en el medio natural (AFMN) son un grupo de actividades diferentes a los deportes desarrollados en instalaciones en medio urbano. Siempre han tenido un número de participación importante y no dejan indiferentes a las personas que las realizan por primera vez, gracias a la variedad de actividades existentes y a las sensaciones que provocan. Los campings son una magnifica opción turística, existe una gran conexión social y cultural entre sus usuarios, vinculada al disfrute de la libertad y tranquilidad del entorno natural, respetando unas normas de convivencia. Este trabajo es una propuesta de programación deportiva de actividades físicas en el medio natural, para el Camping “La Paz”, durante los meses de Julio y Agosto; basada en la gestión y dirigida a todos los clientes que deseen participar para aprender sobre la naturaleza y el deporte. Los responsables, serán capaces de ofrecer los conocimientos adquiridos en las Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte y las competencias necesarias para la planificación, organización, realización y evaluación del proyecto, fomentando un aprendizaje significativo con el objetivo de beneficiar social, económica y deportivamente al Camping “La Paz”., [Abstract]: Physical activities in the natural environment are a group of activities different from sports developed in urban facilities. They have always had a significant participation and never leave people who try them for the first time indifferent thanks to the variety of exist in activities and the feelings they provoke. Campsites are a great tourist option. There is a great social and cultural connection among its users linked to the enjoyment of freedom, and tranquility of the natural environment; respecting some coexistence rules. This work is a proposal for sports programming for the campsite "La Paz" during the months of July and August, based on activities that are in contact with nature, and aimed to all clients who want to participate in order to learn more about nature and sport. Those responsible for this project will be able to offer the know ledge acquired in "Science of Physical Activity and Sport", as well as the needed competences for planning, organizing, performing, and evaluating the proyect; fostering a meaningful learning with the aim of benefiting the campsite “La Paz” socially, economically and athletically.
- Published
- 2020
115. Nivel de actividade física dos pacientes con factores de risco cardiovascular. Actividade física en pacientes con patoloxía crónica prevalente
- Author
Hermida Ameijeiras, Álvaro, Armenteros del Olmo, Lorenzo, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía, González Otero, Lorena, Hermida Ameijeiras, Álvaro, Armenteros del Olmo, Lorenzo, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía, and González Otero, Lorena
- Abstract
Obxectivo. O presente traballo busca indagar o nivel de actividade física dos pacientes con enfermidades cardiovasculares (HTA, diabetes e dislipemia), co fin de coñecer se a integran como parte do tratamento ou, se pola contra, segue a ser unha materia pendente. Material e metodoloxía. Utilizouse o cuestionario IPAQ na súa versión curta e auto-administrada. Recolléronse as enquisas durante os meses de xaneiro e marzo do 2020. Obtívose unha mostra de 98 pacientes pertencentes ao SAP Illas Canarias de Lugo. Fíxose o estudo descritivo dos resultados obtidos. Resultados. A análise da mostra dos 98 suxeitos amosa unha maioría de mulleres (55,8% fronte a un 44,2%) e unha media de idade de 60 anos. A patoloxía máis prevalente foi a hipertensión arterial. A meirande parte foi clasificada nun nivel de actividade física baixa-moderada. O feito de padecer as patoloxías estudadas non parece aumentar os niveis de AF. Todo o contrario que o feito de estaren informados ou haber recibido información acerca dos beneficios por parte dos profesionais da saúde. Conclusións. A actividade física prescrita de forma individualizada é a clave da prevención así como do tratamento das patoloxías máis prevalentes. Pese isto, a súa práctica non está estendida entre a poboación. Convén crear un plan de actuación coordinado entre os distintos profesionais e a todos os niveis que consiga concienciar e permita aumentar os niveis de AF da poboación., Introducción. Vivimos en una sociedad con tendencia creciente hacia el sedentarismo y la obesidad, dos problemas que son claves en la patogenia de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Dichas enfermedades son las que mayores recursos sanitarios consumen y las responsables de aumentar la morbilidad y mortalidad de la población. La actividad física ha demostrado ser fundamental en la prevención y tratamiento de estas patologías, concretamente de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Sin embargo, se encuentra relegada a un segundo plano, siendo necesario promover y aumentar los niveles de actividad física para acabar con este problema. Objetivo. El presente trabajo pretende averiguar el nivel de actividad física de los pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares (HTA, diabetes y dislipemia) con el fin de conocer si se integra como parte del tratamiento o, por lo contrario, sigue siendo una asignatura pendiente. Material y metodología. Se utilizó el cuestionario IPAQ en su versión corta y autoadministrada. Se recogieron las encuestas durante los meses de enero y marzo de 2020. Se obtuvo una muestra de 98 pacientes del SAP Illas Canarias de Lugo. Se realizó el estudio descriptivo de los resultados obtenidos. Resultados. El análisis de la muestra de los 98 sujetos muestra una mayoría de mujeres (55,8% frente a un 44,2%) y una media de edad de 60 años. La patología más prevalente fue la hipertensión arterial. La mayoría fue clasificada en un nivel de actividad física baja-moderada. El hecho de padecer las patologías estudiadas no parece aumentar los niveles de AF. Todo lo contrario que el hecho de estar informados o haber recibido información acerca de los beneficios por parte de profesionales de la salud. Conclusiones. La actividad física prescrita de forma individualizada es la clave de la prevención, así como del tratamiento de las patologías más prevalentes. A pesar de ello, su práctica no está extendida entre la población. Conviene crear un plan de actuación coordi, Introduction. We live in a society inclined towards sedentariness and obesity. These two are main matters related to non-communicable diseasses. This kind of diseases consume a huge part of sanitary resources. They are also responsable for the rise of morbidity and mortality on population. Physical activity has proved to be essential in order to prevent or to treat this sort of pathologies. More concretely, in cardiovascular diseases. Nevertheless, since they have been relegated to the background, it is necessary to promote and to increase the levels of physical activity so as to end this issue. Objectives. The aim of this paper is to find out the level of physical activity on patients with cardiovascular diseases (HTN, diabetes and dyslipidemia) and if it is integrated as a part of its treatment or, by contrast, if it is not. Materials and methods. The IPAQ questionnaire was used in its short-form and filled out by the patients itselves. The data was colleted during January and March 2020. It was obtained a sample of 98 patients from SAP Illas Canarias in Lugo. With these results, a cross-sectional study was carried out. Results. This piece of data shows a significant majority of woman (55’8% vs 44’2% that accounts for men) and it also shows that the average age was 60 years old. The main disease was hypertension. The more common answer related to physical activity was low or moderate Despite having this kind of diseases (the ones being studied), the level of physical activity does not increase. Nevertheless, the level of physical activity rises in those cases where the patients have recieved information about the postive impact that this habit has. Conclusions In spite of the fact that physical activity has proved to be the key in order to prevent or to treat this kind of diseases, it is not very common between population. It is necessary to create a coordinated action between the diffent professionals so as to make people aware, and in order to promote physical a
- Published
- 2020
116. Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Exercise Imagery Questionnaire (EIQ)
- Author
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Departamento de Psicoloxía Social, Básica e Metodoloxía, Pérez Fabello, María José, Campos García, Alfredo, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Departamento de Psicoloxía Social, Básica e Metodoloxía, Pérez Fabello, María José, and Campos García, Alfredo
- Abstract
In this study, the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Exercise Imagery Questionnaire (EIQ) were evaluated in a sample of 166 first-year undergraduates of a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, 127 men, and 39 woman; Mage = 20.57, SD = 2.24. Participants exercised at least 4 times a week. Moreover, the Spanish versions of four mental imagery questionnaires were administered: MIQ-R, VMIQ, VVIQ, and Gordon Test. Two confirmatory factor analyses of the EIQ were performed. First, a three-factor model (technique, energy, and appearance imagery) the same as the original model, failed to obtain the recommended values for a good fit. However, the second model adjusted to two factors (technique and energy imagery) was good (CFI = .97, NNFI = .94, RMSEA = .07, SRMR = .04) with results similar to the original test. Reliability was acceptable as measured by the Cronbach’s alpha, but composite reliability was lower than recommended. However, convergent and discriminant validity was inadequate. There was a significant correlation between the EIQ and the Gordon Test. Furthermore, Tables have been included as an aid the elucidation of the results of the sample of undergraduates on the Bachelor’s degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. The results are discussed, and substantiated the Spanish version of the EIQ was a valid and useful test for exploring two types of imagery in particular: technique and energy, En este studio se evaluaron las propiedades psicométricas de la versión en español del Cuestionario de Imágenes de Ejercicio (EIQ) en un grupo de 166 ( 127 hombres y 39 mujeres ) estudiantes de de primer año de grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (Medad = 20.57, SD = 2,24). Los participantes realizaban ejercicio al menos 4 veces por semana. Además administramos la version Española de cuatro cuestionarios de imagen mental: MIQ-R, Cita: Pérez-Fabello, M. J.; Campos, A. (2020). Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Exercise Imagery Questionnaire (EIQ). Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 20(3), 41-54 VMIQ, VVIQ, Gordon Test. Llevamos a cabo dos análisis confirmatorios del EIQ, en primer lugar, un modelo con tres factores (imagen de técnica, energía y apariencia) similar al original, aunque no cumplía los valores recomendados para un buen ajuste. Sin embargo, el ajuste del segundo modelo con dos factores (imagen de técnica y energía) fue bueno (CFI = .97, NNFI = .94, RMSEA = .07, SRMR = .04), con resultados similares a la prueba original. La fiabilidad medida a través del alfa de Cronbach fue acceptable pero la fiabilidad compuesta fue más baja de lo recommendable. La validez convergente y discriminate resultó adecuada. Encontramos una correlación significativa entre el EIQtécnica y el Gordon Test. También se incluyó una tabla de baremación del grupo estudiantes of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. Los resultados se discutieron, y se observó que la version Española del EIQ es una prueba válida y útil para explorar, especialmente, dos tipos de imagen: técnica y energía, Neste estudo avaliamos as propriedades psicométricas da versão em espanhol do Exercise Image Questionnaire (EIQ). Participaram 166 (127 homens e 39 mulheres) alunos do primeiro ano de uma licenciatura em Atividade Física e Ciências do Desporto (Midade = 20.57, SD = 2,24). Os participantes exercitaram-se pelo menos 4 vezes por semana. Além disso, administramos a versão em espanhol de quatro questionários de imagem mental: MIQ-R, VMIQ, VVIQ, Gordon Test. Foram realizadas duas análises confirmatórias do EIQ, primeiro um modelo com três fatores (imagem técnica, energia e aparência), exatamente como o original, embora não se atendesse aos valores recomendados para um bom ajuste. No entanto, o ajuste do segundo modelo com dois fatores (técnica e imagem energética) foi bom (CFI = .97, NNFI = .94, RMSEA = .07, SRMR = .04) com resultados semelhantes ao teste original. A confiabilidade medida através do alfa de Cronbach foi aceitável, mas a confiabilidade composta foi menor que o recomendado. A validade convergente e discriminada foi adequada. Houve uma correlação significativa entre o EIQtécnica e o teste de Gordon. Também foi incluída uma tabela de escala do grupo de estudantes de Atividade Física e Ciências do Desporto. Os resultados foram discutidos, e observou-se que o EIQ é um teste válido e útil para explorar, principalmente, dois tipos de imagem: técnica e energia
- Published
- 2020
117. Physical Exercise Potentials Against Viral Diseases Like COVID-19 in the Elderly
- Author
Amatriain Fernández, Sandra, Gronwald, Thomas, Imperatori, Claudio, Solano, Alexandre Francisco, Latini, Alexandra, Budde, Henning, Murillo-Rodríguez, Eric, Amatriain Fernández, Sandra, Gronwald, Thomas, Imperatori, Claudio, Solano, Alexandre Francisco, Latini, Alexandra, Budde, Henning, and Murillo-Rodríguez, Eric
- Published
- 2020
118. Study Protocol of a Population-Based Cohort Investigating Physical Activity, Sedentarism, Lifestyles and Obesity in Spanish Youth: the PASOS Study
- Author
Gómez, Santiago Felipe, Homs, Clara, Wärnberg, Julia, Medrano, María, González-Gross, Marcela, Gusi, Narcis, Aznar, Susana, Marín Cascales, Elena, González Valeiro, Miguel, Serra Majem, Lluis, Terrados, Nicolás, Tur, Josep A., Segú, Marta, Lassale, Camille, Benavenet Marín, Juan Carlos, Labayen, Idoia, García Zapico, Augusto, Sánchez Gómez, Jesús, Jiménez Zazo, Fabio, Alcaraz, Pedro Emilio, Sevilla-Sánchez, Marta, Herrera Ramos, Estefanía, Pulgar, Estefanía, Bibiloni, María del Mar, Gómez, Santiago Felipe, Homs, Clara, Wärnberg, Julia, Medrano, María, González-Gross, Marcela, Gusi, Narcis, Aznar, Susana, Marín Cascales, Elena, González Valeiro, Miguel, Serra Majem, Lluis, Terrados, Nicolás, Tur, Josep A., Segú, Marta, Lassale, Camille, Benavenet Marín, Juan Carlos, Labayen, Idoia, García Zapico, Augusto, Sánchez Gómez, Jesús, Jiménez Zazo, Fabio, Alcaraz, Pedro Emilio, Sevilla-Sánchez, Marta, Herrera Ramos, Estefanía, Pulgar, Estefanía, and Bibiloni, María del Mar
- Abstract
[Abstract] Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is essential to healthy mental and physical development in early life. However, the prevalence of physical inactivity, which is considered a key modifiable driver of childhood obesity, has reached alarming levels among European youth. There is a need to update the data for Spain, in order to establish if current measures are effective or new approaches are needed. Methods and analysis: We present the protocol for Physical Activity, Sedentarism, lifestyles and Obesity in Spanish youth (PASOS). This observational, nationally representative, multicentre study aims to determine the PA levels, sedentary behaviours and prevalence of physical inactivity (defined as <60 min of moderate to vigorous PA per day) in a representative sample of Spanish children and adolescents. The PASOS study has recruited a representative random sample of children and adolescents aged 8–16 years from 242 educational centres in the 17 ‘autonomous regions’ into which Spain is divided. The aim is to include a total of 4508 youth participants and their families. Weight, height and waist circumference will be measured by standardised procedures. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet, quality of life, sleep duration, PA and sedentary behaviour are being measured by validated questionnaires. PA is measured by the Physical Activity Unit 7-item Screener. A representative subsample (10% of participants) was randomly selected to wear accelerometers for 9 days to obtain objective data on PA. Parents are asked about their educational level, time spent doing PA, diet quality, self-perceived stress, smoking habit, weight, height, their child’s birth weight and if the child was breast fed.
- Published
- 2020
119. Coeducando en orquestas deportivas a través de un Flashmob y Lipdub en alumnado de 2º ESO del IES María Casares
- Author
González Valeiro, Miguel, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, Béjar-Castro, Raquel, González Valeiro, Miguel, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, and Béjar-Castro, Raquel
- Abstract
[Resumen]: Propuesta a través de la realización de un Flashmob y Lipdub en el alumnado de 2º de ESO, en el que el alumnado tendrá que hacer uso de cuatro asignaturas, para así favorecer la práctica de Actividad física, así como educar en valores a través de la Educación física y desarrollar la perspectiva de género, además de incentivar a nuevas prácticas artístico-expresivas
- Published
- 2020
120. Estudio sobre las posibilidades de la realidad virtual en la práctica de la actividad física
- Author
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, Otero-Álvarez, Moisés, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, and Otero-Álvarez, Moisés
- Published
- 2020
121. Proyecto de actividad para prevenir la obesidad en niños y adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual leve o moderada en un colegio de educación especial
- Author
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, Vizcaíno-requeira, Aida, Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de Ciencias do Deporte e a Educación Física, and Vizcaíno-requeira, Aida
- Published
- 2020
122. Observación de patrones motrices generados por los programas de actividad física para la tercera edad y la percepción de sus usuarios.
- Author
Saüch, Glòria and Castañer, Marta
- Subjects
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EXERCISE for older people , *HEALTH of older people , *MOTOR ability , *PSYCHOLOGICAL aspects of aging , *PHYSIOLOGICAL aspects of aging - Abstract
Exercise programmes for the elderly have become one of the main ways through which physical and psychological health can be maintained during the aging process. This study identifies motor behaviour patterns that emerge during such programmes and it examines the elderly participants' perceptions of the associated health benefits. Seventeen exercise sessions run over the course of a year by the city council in Lleida (Spain) were systematically observed using the OSMOS_in_context observational system. Interviews were subsequently conducted with 50 participants. A mixed method approach involving multilevel triangulation was used to analyse two kinds of data, namely motor behaviour patterns detected by Theme 6 software and clusters identified by NVivo v.8 during a content analysis of the interviews. In addition to identifying motor behaviour patterns associated with the exercise programmes, the analysis showed that the participants had a positive attitude to the potential benefits, especially as regards improved motor coordination, pain, the learning of motor skills and their relationship with the group. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
- Author
González, Juan and Portolés, Alberto
- Abstract
Declining levels of physical sport and the increased consumption of healthy substances harmful impact very negatively in adolescents, as well as influencing factors such as performance and motivation oriented academia. The paper presents a sample of 421 adolescents in secondary and high schools of the city of Cartagena (Murcia, Spain). Sociodemographic questionnaire, Educational Motivation Scale (SCS-S) and different grades were used. The results indicate that active adolescents have lower values in alcohol, snuff and cannabis. Also have higher levels of academic motivation and better academic performance in all three subjects tested, math, language and physical education. The practice of sport and physical activity in adolescents is associated with lower levels of substance use healthier, more harmful and academic performance and higher educational motivation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Falco, Coral, Samdal, Oddrun, Estevan, Isaac, and Álvarez, Octavio
- Abstract
A large body of research demonstrates the benefitial effects of physical activity for both physical and psycological health of the individual (f. ex., Blair & Morris, 2009; Stephenson, Bauman, Armstrong, Smith & Bellew, 2000; Strong et al., 2005). However, and despite the fact that during the three last decades there has been an 15% increase of physical activity in the Spanish population, more than half of the Spanish population (57%) does not participate in physical or recreational activity (Garcia-Ferrando & Llopis-Goig, 2010). Building on the socio-ecological theory developed by McLeroy and colleagues (McLeroy, Bilbeau, Steckler & Glanz, 1988) that explains how individual-level physical activity can be understood through the interaction between the indvidual and its environment, 10 strategies for physical recreational activity coaches are presented. The aim of these strategies is to provide guidance on how to develop and implement a more frequent and better practice of physcial and recreational activity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
125. Revisitando a Simon & Martens: la ansiedad competitiva en deportes de iniciación.
- Author
Ramis, Yago, Torregrosa, Miquel, and Cruz, Jaume
- Subjects
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SPORTS psychology , *YOUTH psychology , *COMPETITIVE state anxiety , *CONTACT sports , *PHYSICAL activity , *ANALYSIS of variance , *PSYCHOLOGY - Abstract
This work revisits and updates a classic sport psychology article by Simon and Martens (1979). As in that case, our study compares competitive trait anxiety in different sports and recreational activities grouped by two variables: Collaboration, which distinguishes between individual and collective activities; and Skill. which distinguishes between activities in which common skills are required and those in which perceptual skills are required. 643 athletes and 140 castellers answered the Sport Anxie & Scale-2 and their ratings were compared using analysis of variance considering Collaboration and Skill variables, as well as the interaction between them. Results suggest that athletes participating in activities in which a common skill is required show higher levels of Somatic Anxiety and Worries. Moreover, participants in individual sports rate higher in Concentration Disruption than those in collective sports or recreational activities. An interactive effect of Collaboration and Skill variables was found on the Worries subscale. An additional comparison between athletic and recreational activities was conducted showing that the Somatic Anxiety of the castellers is equivalent to athletes, but concerning Worries and Concentration Disruption, athletes' ratings were significantly higher. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
126. Priming, mindfulness e efeito placebo. Associagao com a saúde, exercício físico e actividade física nao programada. Urna revisao sistemática da literatura.
- Author
Teixeira, D. Santos and Palmeira, A. Labisa
- Subjects
SPORTS injury prevention ,SPORTS injuries risk factors ,HAMSTRING muscle injuries ,WOUND care ,TRAUMATOLOGY - Published
- 2013
- Full Text
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127. Estudio de la relación del entorno psicosocial en la práctica deportiva de la mujer.
- Author
Codina, Nuria and Pestana, José Vicente
- Subjects
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SPORTS psychology , *SPORTS & society , *WOMEN athletes , *PSYCHOSOCIAL factors , *SOCIAL influence , *SOCIAL context , *PHYSICAL activity , *PSYCHOLOGY - Abstract
The influence of surrounding people in women's sport practice is analysed. The sample was made up of 636 women from Spain, aged between 15 and 64 (M = 38.36; SD = 11.51). The measurement instrument was an online survey with close-ended questions about the practice of sport-physical activities and the support of significant others (father, mother, brothers/sisters, best friends and workmates), which followed the Health Behaviour Survey (HBS; Wold, Aaró and Smith, 1994 -- versioned by Balaguer, 2000). Results show predominantly low levels of sport practice (1-2 days/week), with women aged 50-64 having the highest levels of practice (5-7 days/week). Concerning influences from the environment, it is noticeable that brothers/sisters, best friends and workmates who not only practice sport but also encourage women to practise it are more influential than parents; in particular, the presence of supportive friends increases with age. These data complement preceding studies, as well as suggest new research issues related to women's sport practice in Spain. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
128. Relaciones entre calidad de vida, actividad física, sedentarismo y fitness cardiorrespiratorio en niños.
- Author
Palou, Pere, Vidal, Josep, Ponseti, Xavier, Cantallops, Jaume, and Borràs, Pere A.
- Subjects
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CHILDREN'S health , *PHYSICAL fitness for children , *SEDENTARY behavior in children , *EXERCISE for children , *CARDIOPULMONARY system physiology , *QUALITY of life , *PHYSICAL activity , *PHYSIOLOGY - Abstract
The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between some domains of health related quality of life (HRQoL) in children with cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity level, sedentary lifestyle (screen time) and the body mass index of a population of 302 children eleven and twelve years of age to determine whether physical fitness (cardiorespiratory fitness) is a key factor, to ensure the future quality of life of children. Children's health and Illness profile - Child edition - Parent Report Form - Spanish Edition - (CHIP-CE / PRF-Spanish edition) was used to measure HRQoL, the 20m run test for cardiorespiratory fitness, and the School Health Action, Planning and Evaluation (SHAPES) physical activity module was used to measure weekly physical activity and screen time. Parents reported height and weight. The results show a strong correlation between cardiorespiratory fitness and HRQoL, and screen time with HRQoL, but no correlation between HRQoL and physical activity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
129. Efectos de un programa de actividad física extracurricular en niños de primer ciclo de ESO con sobrepeso y obesidad.
- Author
Pastor Vicedo, Juan Carlos, Madrona, Pedro Gil, Martínez, Miguel Tortosa, and Martínez, Jesús Martínez
- Subjects
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PHYSICAL education research , *PHYSICAL fitness for children , *EXERCISE for children , *ADOLESCENT obesity , *OVERWEIGHT teenagers , *PHYSICAL activity , *ANTHROPOMETRY - Abstract
Obesity and its impact are increasingly obvious in Spanish society. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of an extracurricular intervention of physical and sports activities in order to improve students' body composition and fitness level between two groups of adolescences with overweight or obesity for a six-month period. Moreover, a comparison based on gender was also targeted in this intervention. The sample consisted of 38 students, seventeen boys and twenty-one girls, with BMI above the 85th percentile. Several fitness tests and anthropometric measurements were performed. The results showed significant improvements in the experimental group regarding their physical condition and body fat percentage compared to the control group who did not show any significant achievements. According to the comparison based on gender, within the experimental group, girls achieved more significant results both in their physical fitness and in their body fat percentage. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
130. Factores personales y ambientales asociados con el desplazamiento activo al colegio de los escolares españoles.
- Author
Villa-González, Emilio, Rodríguez-López, Carlos, Delgado, F. Javier Huertas, Tercedor, Pablo, Ruiz, Jonatan R., and Chillón, Palma
- Subjects
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TRANSPORTATION of school children , *PHYSICAL fitness for children , *COMMUTERS , *WALKING , *TRAFFIC safety & children , *COMMUTING , *SCHOOL sites , *TRANSPORTATION & the environment , *SOCIAL history ,SOCIAL aspects - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to analyse the associations of personal and environmental factors with mode of commuting to school in children. A total of 745 schoolchildren (363 girls) aged 6-12 years from the province of Granada (Spain) participated in the study. Participants completed a questionnaire about mode of commuting to school, personal factors (i.e. barriers to walking to school, enjoyment on the way to school, who they go to school with) and environmental factors (i.e. time from house to school, distance to school, and safety on the way). A total of 57.2% children walked to school, 40.3% used the car, 1.2% motorcycled, .7% used the bus and .6% bicycled. Travelling alone to school [Odds ratio (OR), 10.049; 95% confidence interval (CI), 3.950 - 25.567], living close to the school (OR, 16.439; 95%CI, 5.717 - 47.271) and perceiving a safe way to school (OR, 2.365; 95%CI, 1.665 - 3.360) were associated with active commuting to school. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
131. Reflexiones del desempeño profesional del fisioterapeuta en el campo de la actividad física.
- Author
Ocampo Plazas, Mary Luz, Sánchez-Arias, Mónica Del Rosario, Ramos, Diana Marcela, Bonilla, Javier Fernando, Maldonado, María Angélica, and Escalante, José Ventura
- Subjects
EMPLOYEE reviews ,ALLIED health personnel ,PHYSICAL therapists ,REFLECTION (Philosophy) ,PHYSICAL activity - Abstract
Copyright of Revista Ciencias de la Salud is the property of Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora del Rosario and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
132. Autoestima como variable psicosocial predictora de la actividad física en personas mayores.
- Author
García, Alfonso J., Marín, Manuel, and Rocío Bohórquez, Ma
- Subjects
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PHYSICAL fitness for older people , *SELF-esteem in old age , *PSYCHOSOCIAL factors , *PHYSICAL activity , *SELF-perception in old age , *PSYCHOLOGICAL well-being - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-esteem expressed by people over 65 years of age and taking part in physical activity. Self-concept and self-esteem are psychologically fundamental components of quality of life in adulthood and well-being. Self-esteem has been proposed as an area of intervention to improve the quality of life in the senior population. The sample was composed of more than 184 people, 92 of whom took part in physical activity on a regular basis and another 92, who developed sedentary lifestyles. The results of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Questionnaire applied to the sample showed different levels of self-esteem between seniors who are physically active and those who are not, with self-esteem being significantly higher in active seniors. Studies with similar objectives demonstrate and support the verification of the hypothesis that establishes a positive relationship between self-esteem and participation in physical activity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
133. Iguales, familia y participación en actividades deportivas organizadas durante la adolescencia.
- Author
García-Moya, Irene, Moreno, Carmen, Rivera, Francisco, Ramos, Pilar, and Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia
- Subjects
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SPORTS participation , *HEALTH behavior in adolescence , *PHYSICAL activity , *SCHOOL children - Abstract
This study aimed to examine the influence of sport activities by peer groups and the family on the frequency of adolescents' participation in organized sport activities. A sample of 9,821 Spanish adolescent schoolchildren between the ages of II and 18 from the 2010 edition of the international study on Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) was used. The results obtained by means of an Answer Tree multivariate analysis indicated that gender was the best predictor of organized sport activity, with participation being notably higher in boys. As for the role of other variables, the practice of sport in peer and family activities were the most influential variables for boys. On the contrary, in the girls' case, age appeared as the first factor and the influence of sport in family activities and the peer group was different depending on age. In conclusion, family and peers seem to be significant influences on involvement in sport, despite having different roles according to the adolescents' gender and age. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
134. Programa de Natación Adaptada para Personas Mayores Dependientes: Beneficios Psicológicos, Físicos y Fisiológicos.
- Author
Gallego Antonio, José, Manuel Aguilar Parra, José, Javier Cangas Díaz, Adolfo, Javier Lorenzo Torrecillas, José, Franco Justo, Clemente, and Mañas Mañas, Israel
- Subjects
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SWIMMING for older people , *SWIMMING , *PHYSICAL fitness for older people , *PHYSICAL training & conditioning , *SELF-esteem in old age , *WEIGHT loss , *MOTOR ability , *PSYCHOLOGY , *PHYSIOLOGY - Abstract
The purpose of this work was to study the effects of an adapted swimming-based exercise programme on self-esteem, weight reduction, balance and joint mobility. The sample consisted of 33 participants over 60 years of age from Almeria. The adapted swimming-based motor intervention programme was applied for eight months. Levels of self-esteem and the other variables -weight, balance and joint mobility-were assessed with the Rosenberg Scale at the beginning and the end of the programme. Various descriptive and inferential analyses were conducted and it was found that significant improvements had been achieved in self-esteem, weight reduction, optimization of balance and joint mobility. The adapted swimming-based motor intervention programme significantly influenced the health and betterment of the people in the sample. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
135. Niveles de actividad física medido con acelerómetro en alumnos de 3° ciclo de educación primaria: actividad física diaria y sesiones de educación física.
- Author
Martínez Martínez, Jesús, Ricardo Contreras Jordán, Onofre, Lera Navarro, Ángela, and Aznar Laín, Susana
- Subjects
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PHYSICAL fitness for children , *PHYSICAL activity , *PHYSICAL education for children , *ACCELEROMETERS - Abstract
Physical inactivity during the early years of life is currently indicated as a major contributor to increased levels of obesity and other serious medical conditions and is being seen in children and adolescents all across Europe. Children spend a large part of their time at school. The new school curriculum provides good opportunities to promote physical activity. The present study aims to measure children's all day physical activity objectively and identify the amount of physical activity that takes place during physical education classes. The study comprised a sample of 32 Spanish children ages 11-12 from a school in Toledo, Spain. An accelerometer was used to measure physical activity. Most of the children did not achieve the physical activity health guidelines (i.e., a minimum of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (mvpa). Physical education classes provided a considerable amount of mvpa and played an important role in relation to the total amount of mvpa that took place during the week. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
136. Análisis de clúster de la actividad física y las conductas sedentarias de los adolescentes españoles, correlación con la salud biopsicosocial.
- Author
Ramos, Pilar, Rivera, Francisco, Moreno, Carmen, and Jiménez Iglesias, Antonia
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HEALTH behavior in adolescence , *STUDENT health , *STUDENTS , *PHYSICAL activity , *PHYSICAL fitness for youth , *SEDENTARY lifestyles , *CLUSTER analysis (Statistics) - Abstract
This study is part of the 2006 edition of the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study. The data presented was drawn from a sample of 21,811 Spanish adolescents ranging from II to 18 years of age. Through a cluster analysis, General Lineal Model, significance and effect size tests, we obtained relevant information about the physical activity habits and sedentary behaviours of Spanish adolescents, It is evident that there is a risk situation in older adolescents, especially girls. These results have the advantage of relating to a global health score: clear indicators of the advantages of an active lifestyle for adolescents were obtained. Furthermore, these data provide information that is relevant to the displacement hypothesis, which is widely discussed in the scientific literature. In short, this paper provides interesting keys for theoretical debate and practical action in the field of physical activity during adolescence. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
137. Cuantificación podométrica de la influencia del puesto de trabajo y ámbito de estudio sobre los patrones de actividad física en un campus universitario.
- Author
Ruiz Tendero, Germán, de Vicente Peñafiel, Emmanuela, and Ma Vegara Meseguer, Josefina
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PHYSICAL activity , *HEALTH promotion services in universities & colleges , *EMPLOYEE health promotion , *PEDOMETERS , *FITNESS walking - Abstract
The World Health Organization considers physical activity (PA) a fundamental link in preventing non-communicable diseases. In this sense, the workplace is internationally recognized as a framework for studying and promoting health. The aim of this study is to use pedometers to quantify levels of PA in different professional strata on a university campus (students, teachers, administrative officers and cleaning staff). The PA patterns were determined on the basis of the number of steps taken and how they varied according to working days or holidays. The results show a characteristic pattern common to all strata, determined by decreased PA at the weekends. Except for the administration sector, the other groups met the daily recommendations of PA according to steps. The university environment can be considered an enabling environment for PA and an appropriate one for promoting plans to improve health both inside and outside of it. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
138. Relação entre percepções de competência física e actividade física em crianças e jovens portugueses.
- Author
Vale, Filipe, Dias, Cláudia, Corte-Real, Nuno, Pedretti, Alessandro, and Fonseca, António Manuel
- Abstract
Copyright of Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto is the property of Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Desporto and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Pereira, Margarida Miguel, Mota, Jorge, Nogueira, Helena, and Santos, Maria Paula
- Subjects
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PHYSICAL activity , *WELL-being , *SEDENTARY lifestyles , *ENVIRONMENTAL quality , *CHRONIC diseases , *CARDIOVASCULAR diseases - Abstract
Nowadays, the fact that Physical Activity (PA) plays a fundamental role in improving health and well-being is well known. Nevertheless in modern society, lifestyles are becoming ever more sedentary, which contributes to an increase in the risk of developing a plethora of chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, CVD, hypertension, some types of cancer, muscular-skeletal diseases and obesity, among others. PA and dieting are habits that are shaped from an early age; thus behaviour as children and adolescents may determine adulthood PA Levels (PAL). There is scientific evidence to suggest that the urban environment may influence the level of physical activity of the population, proving that some characteristics are associated with active transport or with the development of leisure activities. Despite the evidence, few studies outside the USA and Australia have been performed on objectively measured environmental features and PAL. It is important to identify which variables are more likely to influence adolescent PAL, especially in urban spaces, in order to promote healthier environments and healthier people. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Núñez, Juan L., Martín-Albo, Jjosé, and Domínguez, Evelia
- Subjects
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HAPPINESS testing , *SATISFACTION , *CONTENTMENT , *WELL-being , *PSYCHOLOGICAL tests , *PHYSICALLY active people , *PHYSICAL activity - Abstract
The aim of this study was to translate into Spanish and analyse the psychometric properties of the satisfaction with Life scale (SWLS). The sample included 508 participants engaged in physical activity (275 men and 233 women) with a mean age of 34.31 years (SD = 11.85). The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed evidence of construct validity, and the factorial structure of the scale was invariant with respect to gender. Furthermore, the correlations analysis showed that satisfaction with life was significantly and positively related to intrinsic motivation and physical self-concept. Finally, the results showed evidence of the instrument's reliability and predictive validity. These results support the use of the SWLS to assess satisfaction with life within the context of physical activity in adults. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
141. Relações entre actividade física, aptidão física, morfológica e coordenativa na infância e adolescência.
- Author
Saraiva, J. P. and Rodrigues, L. P.
- Subjects
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MOTOR ability , *PHYSICAL activity , *PHYSICAL fitness , *PEDIATRIC physiology , *TEENAGER physiology , *BIBLIOGRAPHIC databases - Abstract
The two main goals of this review were to understand how the relationships between physical activity, physical fitness, somatic fitness, and coordination are established along the motor development of children and adolescents, and how they would influence their future lives. The web based bibliographic database B-On was searched for peer-reviewed publications during the last decade (2000 to 2009). Search criteria included all articles on relationships between any two of the above named factors. Although different methodological designs and variables were found as markers for the same factor, overall results suggested the existence of a clear positive relationship among physical activity, physical fitness, somatic fitness, and coordination from childhood to adolescence, with a special relevance for the relationship between physical activity and coordination. It was also noted a renewed interest on physical activity and motor coordination developmental characteristics and relationships as well as on their lifelong health effects. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
142. Efeitos de terapêuticas respiratórias e actividade física nas pressões respiratórias máximas de mulheres obesas.
- Author
Cruz, M. S. L., Fernandes, P. Roquetti, Sonehara, E., Reis, V. M., Policarpo, F. B., and Filho, J. Fernandes
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RESPIRATORY diseases , *OBESITY in women , *OVERWEIGHT persons , *SPIROMETRY , *HEALTH - Abstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of differing therapies on maximal static respiratory pressure in 51 obese women divided into three groups: i) sedentary women (n = 19, aged 57.37 ± 8.10 years, BMI = 38.3± 5.9); ii) physically active women (n = 13, aged 60.31 ± 8.94 years, BMI = 38.0 ± 7.7) submitted to seven days of therapy through incentive spirometry, and iii) women in pulmonary rehabilitation (n = 20, aged 48.75 ± 13.71 years, BMI = 34.7±3.8) submitted to a 12-week program of aerobic physical activity at 70% heart rate reserve, and breathing and stretching exercises. Data were treated using a one way ANOVA with post-hoc Turkey, within groups with paired t test and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results showed a significant post-therapy (p < .05) for the maximal static respiratory pressure between and within group with significant changes on obese women's maximal static respiratory pressure. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Molinero, Olga, Martínez, Raquel, Garatachea, Nuria, and Márquez, Sara
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PHYSICAL activity , *PHYSICAL fitness , *PHYSICAL fitness for girls , *SPORTS psychology - Abstract
This study investigates differences in physical activity levels and patterns by participation in sport and day among early and mid-adolescent Spanish girls (N = 177, aged 11-16 years) who responded to a Spanish adaptation of the Four-by-One-Day Recall Physical Activity Questionnaire. The results indicate that the girls spent most of their time engaged in light and very light activity and spent limited amounts of time on moderate and vigorous activity on weekdays and weekends. Moderate and vigorous activity declined from early to mid-adolescence and participation in sport did not appear to prevent a decline in overall physical activity. Educational programmes promoting a more active lifestyle should target young people who are less physically active, while preventing the general decline in physical activity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
144. Effects of personal, social and environmental factors on physical activity behavior among adults.
- Author
Oliveira-Brochado, Ana, Oliveira-Brochado, Fernando, and Brito, Pedro Quelhas
- Subjects
PHYSICAL activity ,SOCIAL marketing ,DECISION making ,MEDICAL personnel ,ADULTS - Abstract
Copyright of Portuguese Journal of Public Health / Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública is the property of Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública - Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
145. Physical distancing and use of face masks during school physical activity in covid-19 pandemic: a brief communication
- Author
Alex Ojeda-Aravena, Eduardo Báez-San Martín, and Jairo Azócar-Gallardo
- Subjects
educación física ,exercise ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Social distance ,Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ,actividade física ,Physical activity ,physical activity ,exercício ,actividad física ,World health ,Face masks ,physical education ,ejercicio ,Covid-19 ,Psychology ,Social psychology ,educação física - Abstract
In order to reduce the transmission of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus that generates coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) globally, governments have adopted multiple health policies. Among the main potential measures for decreasing the risk of contagion include physical or social distancing set at 1.5 m and the use of face masks. However, this suggested physical distance is not recommended during sports practice. On the other hand, the World Health Organization does not recommend the use of face masks during physical activity in adults and children. In addition, with the return to classroom lessons and especially school physical activity may involve a higher risk of contagion when considering the improvised displacements and if it is performed in confined spaces. Therefore, the present communication aims to examine the evidence on the recommended physical or social distancing during school physical activity and on the use of face masks during school physical activities. Con el objetivo de reducir la transmisión del virus Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) que genera la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) a nivel global, los gobiernos han adoptado múltiples políticas sanitarias. Entre las principales medidas potenciales para la disminución del riesgo de contagio se incluyen el distanciamiento físico o social establecido en 1.5 m y el uso de máscaras faciales. No obstante, este distanciamiento físico sugerido no es el recomendable durante la práctica deportiva. Por otra parte, la Organización Mundial de la Salud no recomienda el uso de máscara facial durante la actividad física en adultos y en niños. Además, con el retorno a las clases presenciales y en especial la realización de actividad física escolar puede implicar un mayor riesgo de contagio al considerar los desplazamientos improvisados y si esta es realizada durante espacios reducidos. Por lo tanto, la presente comunicación tiene por objetivo examinar la evidencia en torno al distanciamiento físico o social recomendable durante la práctica de actividad física escolar y sobre el uso de máscara facial durante las actividades física escolares. Com o objetivo de reduzir a transmissão da Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) que gera a doença coronavírus 2019 (COVID-19) globalmente, os governos adotaram múltiplas políticas de saúde. Entre as principais medidas potenciais para a redução do risco de contágio estão o distanciamento físico ou social, estabelecido em 1,5 m, e o uso de máscaras faciais. No entanto, isso sugere que o distanciamento físico proposto não é o recomendável durante a atividade física. Por outro lado, a Organização Mundial da Saúde não orienta o uso de máscara facial durante a atividade física em adultos e crianças. Além disso, com a volta às aulas presenciais e, em particular, à realização da atividade física escolar pode resultar em um maior risco de contágio ao considerar deslocamentos improvisados e, ainda mais, se forem realizados em espaços pequenos. Portanto, esta comunicação tem como objetivo examinar as evidências em torno do distanciamento físico ou social e o uso de máscaras faciais em estudantes durante a realização de diferentes atividades físicas escolares.
- Published
- 2021
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146. Um resumo do estado da arte acerca da Síndrome Metabólica. Conceito, operacionalização, estratégias de análise estatística e sua associação a níveis distintos de actividade...
- Author
Leal, Joana, Garganta, Rui, Seabra, André, Chaves, Raquel, Souza, Michele, and Maia, José
- Subjects
METABOLIC syndrome ,PHYSICAL activity ,CARDIOVASCULAR diseases ,PEDIATRIC therapy ,SCIENTIFIC community ,QUANTITATIVE research - Abstract
Copyright of Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto is the property of Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Desporto and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
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147. Avaliação funcional de idosos em três programas de atividade física: caminhada, hidroginástica e Lian Gong.
- Author
Nunes, Marcelo E. S. and Santos, Suely
- Subjects
OLDER people ,PHYSICAL activity ,QUANTITATIVE research ,MOTOR ability ,AEROBIC capacity ,CARDIOVASCULAR system - Abstract
Copyright of Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto is the property of Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Desporto and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
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148. A influência da actividade física na saúde mental positiva de idosos.
- Author
Fernandes, H. M., Vasconcelos-Raposo, J., Pereira, E., Ramalho, J., and Oliveira, S.
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PHYSICAL fitness & psychology , *AEROBIC exercises , *MENTAL health , *SATISFACTION , *SELF-esteem , *MATURATION (Psychology) , *PERSONALITY , *HEALTH of older people , *PSYCHOLOGICAL research - Abstract
This study aim to investigate the physical activity levels of older adults and its effect on life satisfaction, self-esteem and personal growth. A sample of 168 elderly persons of both sexes with ages between 60 and 95 years (M= 72.06, SD= 6.83) was used. Results reveal that about 41.1% of the sample is physically inactive, while only 31.5% of the older adults reported physical activity levels equal or above international recommended amounts. Correlation and comparative analysis demonstrate that physical activity participation is associated with higher levels of life satisfaction, self-esteem and personal growth, and that this effect is superior in the elderly people who practice at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity on five or more days a week. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
- Author
Costa, Ana and Silva, Cláudia
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CHILDHOOD obesity , *CROSS-sectional method , *NUTRITION , *NUTRITION disorders , *PARENTS , *CHILDREN'S health - Abstract
Objectives: To identify to the knowledge and behaviors that the parents of children between the 6-10 years possess about childhood obesity. Methods: cross-sectional study; method of harvest of data auto-applied questionnaire. The sample was constituted by forty parents of children of the primary school. Conclusion: the acquisition of knowledge happens for diverse forms and is influenced by diverse factors; the inquired one demonstrate some knowledge concerning childhood obesity and preventive behaviors. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
150. Actividade física na infância
- Author
Patrícia Correia
- Subjects
Actividade Física ,Nível Social ,Índice de Massa Corporal ,Sexo ,Obesidade ,Sedentarismo ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Justificação: A prática regular de exercício físico não é um hábito comum entre as crianças. O estilo de vida sedentário destas pode trazer repercussões nos níveis de saúde futuros da população, pois a infância é o período nobre da formação de comportamentos de saúde. Em Portugal não há estudos que caracterizem o nível de actividade física deste grupo etário. Objectivos: Caracterizar o nível de actividade física em crianças portuguesas, investigar a associação entre actividade física e o sexo, a idade, o nível sociocultural da família e os comportamentos sedentários. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo analítico na população de crianças das escolas primárias de V. N. de Gaia - Portugal. Seleccionou-se uma amostra por etapas sucessivas (n=440). Estudou-se a associação entre actividade física e a idade, o sexo, o nível sociocultural da família e os comportamentos sedentários. Resultados: Foram obtidos questionários válidos de 316 alunos (72,5% dos inscritos) com idade média de 8 anos e 49,7% de raparigas. 46,2% das crianças eram activas, 38,6% pouco activas e 15,2% muito activas. No que se refere ao sedentarismo 65,2% eram pouco sedentárias, 26,3% moderadamente sedentárias e 8,5% muito sedentárias. Verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os sexos quanto ao nível de actividade, sendo maior no sexo masculino do que no feminino. Os resultados do estudo da associação do nível de actividade física com a idade, o nível sociocultural da família, o índice de massa corporal e os comportamentos sedentários apresentam-se relativamente homogéneos, não se verificando diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Discussão: O nível de actividade, no que se refere à participação em exercícios pesados, é inferior à de outros países, enquanto a participação em exercícios moderados é sobreponível. A associação da actividade física com o sexo masculino é concordante com a bibliografia. Quanto à relação entre actividade física com a obesidade e o sedentarismo a bibliografia não é concordante. Contrariamente a outros estudos, o nível sociocultural da família não apresentou associação com actividade física.
- Published
- 2004
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