The aim of the work is to state and substantiate the proposals for improving the procedure of processing requests for access to archival documents that contain personal data, which is based on the current legislation of Ukraine. These proposals can be useful in the practice of state archives of Ukraine. The methodology of research includes methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, comparison and generalization, which were used to clarify the forms and grounds for organizing access to documents that contain personal data. During the analysis of the legal framework, the method of interpretation was used to clarify the content of the rule of law in order to properly apply it. Scientifi c novelty. The study, aimed at developing practical advice and algorithms designed to simplify and expedite the execution of requests for access to archival documents that contain personal data, is being conducted for the fi rst time. The result of the study can be used in the practice of state archives of Ukraine. Conclusions. During the study conducted in 2020 by specialists the of Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Records Keeping and aimed on the studying the practical experience of state archives on the organization of access to documents that contain personal data and their use, the diffi culties in this area and the need to raise awareness of archivists with domestic law were recorded. The article presents the main legislative postulates on which the state archives should be based during the processing user’s requests for access to archival documents that contain personal data. It is proposed to introduce a special appendix to the user’s application and to use a sample algorithm of actions developed by the authors to speed up the processing of requests for access to documents that contain personal data. References: 1. Burtnyk, Kh. (2019). 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