Pojam disfunkcionalnost porodice uveden je u domen bavljenja porodicom kako bi se jasnije i preciznije odredilo odstupanje porodice od zdravlja, tj. normalnosti. Za razliku od pređašnjih određenja porodične patologije, on pretenduje da uvaži jedinstvenost fenomena porodice, njenu složenost i interaktivnu prirodu odnosa u njoj, što omogućava individualizaciju pristupa porodicama. Pozivanje na disfunkciju, kao stanje koje je podložno vraćanju na prethodno postojeći, funkcionalni nivo, ili pak ono koje može voditi i višim nivoima adaptacije i funkcionalne organizacije, a ne samo patologiji, sadrži u sebi jasan destigmatizacioni potencijal. Analiza dostupne teorijske i empirijske građe upućuje na to da je disfunkcionalnost porodice aktuelno prilično heterogen koncept. Odgovor na pitanje šta je svrha postojanja i delovanja porodice, kao osnov za određenje njenog opozita odnosno disfunkcionalnosti, pre svega čini kompleksnim to što u vremenu u kojem živimo pojam porodica obuhvata sasvim različite forme zajedništva (npr. porodica s roditeljima istog pola ili surogat roditeljima). Šta je funkcija porodice određeno je i oblašću društvene i naučne delatnosti, paradigme ili pristupa u okviru kojih se porodica definiše, kao i toga da li joj se pristupa prevashodno iz perspektive teorije ili prakse. Relaciona priroda porodične (dis)funkcionalnosti odnosno činjenica da se uvek definiše u odnosu na nešto, dodatno usložnjava dobijenu sliku. Konceptualna nejasnoća i neodređenost ovoga pojma nepovoljno se reflektuju na istraživačku, preventivnu i terapijsku delatnost, te razmenu iskustava među stručnjacima. Kreiraju mogućnost regresije na same početke naučnog bavljenja ovim fenomenom, budući da je (dis)funkciju porodice, pod takvim okolnostima, veoma teško odrediti. Stoga, u radu su rezimirana obeležja strukture i funkcija porodice koja se, prema uverenju autora, izdvajaju kao ključna za određenje disfunkcionalnosti porodice. The concept of family dysfunctionality has been introduced into the domain of family studies in order to define the divergence of family from sanity, i.e. from normality, more clearly and precisely. Unlike the former characterisation of family pathology, the concept of dysfunctionality tends to regard the phenomenon of family as being unique and complex, marked by an interactive nature of inter- relationships, which allows for an individualized approach to family research. Invoking the concept of dysfunctionality as a state susceptible of returning to the pre-existent, functional level, or as a state that could lead towards higher levels of adaptation and functional organization (and not necessarily to pathology), contains in itself a clear destigmatizing potential. A thorough analysis of both theoretical and empirical findings indicates that family dysfunctionality tends to be a rather heterogeneous concept. The answer to the question of what the purpose of the family's existence and functioning is, which forms the basis for defining its opposite i.e. dysfunctionality, appears to be a complex issue due to the fact that nowadays the notion of family comprises of different forms of union (e.g. same-sex parents' unions, surrogate parent unions etc.) Furthermore, the function of the family can also be defined against the background of social and scientific frameworks, paradigms or approaches, or depending on the nature of the approach itself, which could be either theoretical or practical. The relational nature of family (dys)functionality- namely the fact that it is always defined in relation to something - makes the overall picture only more complex. The conceptual ambiguity and vagueness of the term reflect unfavorably on the research, prevention and therapy efforts, as well as on the exchange of theoretical and practical experience among the experts. The possibility of regression to the very beginnings of scientific research of the phenomenon inevitably arises, as the family (dys)function remains too difficult an issue to determine under such conditions. Therefore, the paper summarizes certain aspects of family structure and functions which the authors consider to be the key factors in defining family dysfunctionality.