- Author
Križanič, Martina and Zupančič, Tomaž
- Subjects
sculpture art materials ,predšolska vzgoja ,orodja ,artistic creativity ,sculpture art techniques ,accessories and bases ,likovna vzgoja ,kiparske likovne tehnike ,udc:37.015.31:73-053.4(043.2) ,pripomočki in podlage ,Manko Golar Kindergarten in Gornja Radgona ,pre-school education ,tools ,art education ,vrtec Manka Golarja Gornja Radgona ,kiparski likovni materiali ,likovna ustvarjalnost - Abstract
Diplomsko delo z naslovom Zastopanost kiparskih likovnih tehnik v vrtcu Gornja Radgona je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo na kratko predstavili umetnost v Kurikulumu za vrtce, na kratko opisali likovno ustvarjalnost. Nadaljevali smo s likovnimi področji, ki smo jih na kratko predstavili, področje kiparstva pa smo še dodatno razširili. Navedli smo pomembnejše cilje in naloge posameznega likovnega področja, ter opisali vrtec Manka Golarja Gornja Radgona. Podrobneje smo prikazali kiparske likovne tehnike, kiparske likovne materiale, orodja, pripomočke in podlage, s katerimi lahko v predšolskem obdobju otroci manipulirajo. V empiričnem delu smo prikazali raziskavo, s katero smo želeli ugotoviti prisotnost kiparskih likovnih tehnik, materialov, pripomočkov, orodij in podlag v vrtcu Manka Golarja Gornja Radgona. Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja. Verjetnostni vzorec so bile vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljic vrtca Manka Golarja Gornja Radgona. rezultate smo statistično obdelali in jih na podlagi raziskovalnih vprašanj tudi utemeljili. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika smo ugotovili, da so pri delu v vrtcu zelo prisotne likovne dejavnosti. Najbolj pogosto je risanje, vzgojiteljice pa se pri svojem delu s kiparskimi likovnimi materiali največkrat poslužujejo plastelina in papirja, najpogostejše orodje za obdelovanje kiparskega likovnega materiala pa so različne modelirke, čopiči in škarje. This diploma thesis with the title Representation of Sculpture Art Techniques in Gornja Radgona Kindergarten is composed of two parts theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part briefly presents the art in the Kindergarten curriculum and describes artistic creativity in short. It continues with fine arts fields which are presented in short, except the sculpture art which is presented exhaustively. It follows a brief description of more important aims of individual artistic fields as well as the description of the Manko Golar Kindergarten in Gornja Radgona. Sculpture art techniques, sculpture art materials, tools, accessories and bases which may be manipulated by children in the pre-school period are presented in further detail. The empirical part presents the research carried out with the purpose of determining the representation of sculpture art techniques, materials, accessories and bases in the Manko Golar Kindergarten in Gornja Radgona. We applied the descriptive method of pedagogic research. Random sample were the childcare workers and their assistants in the Manko Golar Kindergarten in Gornja Radgona. The results were statistically treated and also substantiated on the basis of the research issues. By means of a survey questionnaire, it was established that artistic activities are very present at work in the kindergarten. The most frequently applied fine arts field was drawing, and the childcare workers mostly used plasticine and paper, when working with sculpture art materials, and the tool most often used for modelling sculpture art material were different sculpting, brushes and scissors tools.
- Published
- 2012