Contents: Atmospheric gases in liquid metal processes, by Felski A., Waldron S.N. and Moore C., p.A1-25, 20 refs.; Model studies of gas injection at high flow rates using water and mercury, by Nilmani M. and Robertson D.G.C., p.B1-36, 16 refs.; Bubbling behaviour in molten metals, by Irons G.A. and Guthrie R.I.L., p.C1-13, 12 refs.; Fas dispersion at an annular tuyere, by Chalkley M.E. and Wraith A.E., p.D1-23, 12 refs.; Penetration of particle/gas jets into liquids, by Engh T.A., Larsen K. and Venas K., p.E1-33, 19 refs.; Characterisation of jet behaviour at a submerged orifice in liquid metals, by Mori K., Ozawa Y. and Sano M., p.F1-6, 5 refs.; Heat transfer in tuyeres for oxygen bottom blowing converters, by Denier G., Grosiean J.C. and Zannetta H., p.G1-24, 3 refs.; On the modelling of submerged gas jets, by McKelliget J.W. and others, p.H1-19, 26 refs.; A physical modelling-based approach to some problems associated with submerged gas injection into liquid metals melts, by Robertson T. and Sabharwal A.K., p.11-29, 7 refs.; The behaviour of the third phase produced in gas bubble-liquid reactions, by Conochie D.S. and Robertson D.G.C., p.J1-21, 13 refs.; A ternary interfacial energy diagram, by Conochie D.S. and Robertson D.H.C., p.K1-8, 1 ref.; Mechanical tuyere punching of copper converters, by Aimone F.M. and Fern K.A., p.L1-21; The cupellation of lead-copper-silver bullion by the bottom injection of oxygen, by Hallett D.J., Hendra P.R. and Tait R.J., p.M1-10, 3 refs.; Effects of injecting argon into the mould of a continuous slab caster, by McPherson N.A., p.N1-8,3 refs.; Nitrogen alloying a low-alloy steel in the ladle by injection of calcium cyanamiade (CaCN2) powder with nitrogen (N2) as a carrier gas, by Ritakallio P., p.P1-24, 19 refs., Contents: Atmospheric gases in liquid metal processes, by Felski A., Waldron S.N. and Moore C., p.A1-25, 20 refs.; Model studies of gas injection at high flow rates using water and mercury, by Nilmani M. and Robertson D.G.C., p.B1-36, 16 refs.; Bubbling behaviour in molten metals, by Irons G.A. and Guthrie R.I.L., p.C1-13, 12 refs.; Fas dispersion at an annular tuyere, by Chalkley M.E. and Wraith A.E., p.D1-23, 12 refs.; Penetration of particle/gas jets into liquids, by Engh T.A., Larsen K. and Venas K., p.E1-33, 19 refs.; Characterisation of jet behaviour at a submerged orifice in liquid metals, by Mori K., Ozawa Y. and Sano M., p.F1-6, 5 refs.; Heat transfer in tuyeres for oxygen bottom blowing converters, by Denier G., Grosiean J.C. and Zannetta H., p.G1-24, 3 refs.; On the modelling of submerged gas jets, by McKelliget J.W. and others, p.H1-19, 26 refs.; A physical modelling-based approach to some problems associated with submerged gas injection into liquid metals melts, by Robertson T. and Sabharwal A.K., p.11-29, 7 refs.; The behaviour of the third phase produced in gas bubble-liquid reactions, by Conochie D.S. and Robertson D.G.C., p.J1-21, 13 refs.; A ternary interfacial energy diagram, by Conochie D.S. and Robertson D.H.C., p.K1-8, 1 ref.; Mechanical tuyere punching of copper converters, by Aimone F.M. and Fern K.A., p.L1-21; The cupellation of lead-copper-silver bullion by the bottom injection of oxygen, by Hallett D.J., Hendra P.R. and Tait R.J., p.M1-10, 3 refs.; Effects of injecting argon into the mould of a continuous slab caster, by McPherson N.A., p.N1-8,3 refs.; Nitrogen alloying a low-alloy steel in the ladle by injection of calcium cyanamiade (CaCN2) powder with nitrogen (N2) as a carrier gas, by Ritakallio P., p.P1-24, 19 refs.