51. Stabilnost prinosa hibrida kukuruza u različitim agroekološkim uslovima u Republici Srbiji
- Author
Crevar, Miloš, Todorović, Goran, Stevanović, Milan, Grčić, Nikola, Jovanović V., Snežana, and Tolimir, Miodrag
- Subjects
hibridi kukuruza ,yield stability ,stabilnost prinosa ,regresijski koeficijent ,maize hybrids ,regression coefficient - Abstract
U sedmogodišnjem periodu (2011. – 2017.) na 20 lokacija u Republici Srbiji provedeni su sortni makro pokusi s 9 hibrida kukuruza Instituta za kukuruz „Zemun Polje“ kako bi se analizirala stabilnost njihova prinosa. Ispitivani hibridi pripadali su FAO grupama 300 – 700, većina ih je novije generacije, ali jedan dio pripada komercijalnim hibridima raširenim u proizvodnji. Iz FAO grupe 300 u pokusima je bio zastupljen hibrid ZP 341, FAO grupe 400 hibridi ZP 427 i ZP 434, iz FAO grupe 500 hibridi ZP 548, ZP 555 i ZP 560, iz FAO grupe 600 hibrid ZP 666, te iz FAO grupe 700 hibrid ZP 606. Tijekom perioda istraživanja bile su dvije izrazito sušne godine (2012. i 2017.) kao i dvije godine s nadprosječnom količinom oborina tijekom vegetacijskog perioda kukuruza (2014. i 2016.) što je veoma važno za analizu stabilnosti prinosa pojedinih hibrida u različitim proizvodnim uvjetima. Stabilnost prinosa izračunata je korištenjem metode linearne regresije po Eberhartu i Russelu gdje se na osnovu vrijednosti regresijskog koeficijenta (bi) može ocijeniti stabilnost prinosa, kao i prilagođenost ispitivanih hibrida povoljnijim ili lošijim uvjetima uzgoja. Najveću stabilnost prinosa imali su hibridi ZP 555 i ZP 548. Oni su pokazali najmanje variranje prinosa u različitim uvjetima uzgoja. Hibridi prilagođeniji uzgoju u povoljnijim uvjetima bili hibridi ZP 666 i ZP 606, dok su prilagođeniji nepovoljnijim uvjetima uzgoja bili hibridi ZP 341 i ZP 427. During the seven years period (2011 – 2017) at 20 locations in Republic of Serbia 9 corn hybrids of Maize Research Institute „Zemun Polje“ were tested in the aim of analyzing the yield stability. Tested hybrids was from FAO groups 300 – 700, most ly there are hybrids of new generation, but some of them are commercial hybrids spread in production. From FAO group 300 i trials were included hybrid ZP 341, from FAO group 400 hybrids ZP 427 and ZP 434, from FAO group 500 hybrids ZP 548, ZP 555 and ZP 560, from FAO group 600 hybrid ZP 666, and from FAO group 700 hybrid ZP 606. During the testing period there were two extremely dry years (2012 and 2017) and two extremely wet years (2014 and 2016) what was very important for analysing yield stability of some hybrids at various production condition. Stability of yield was calculated using the method of linear regression of Eberhart and Russel where on the basis of regression coefficient (bi) is it a possible evaluate the yield stability and adaptability of tested hybrids to better or worse production conditions. The highest stability of yield had the hybrids ZP 555 and ZP 548. They showed the lowest variation in yield at various production conditions. Hybrids with the highest adaptation to favourable production conditions were ZP 666 and ZP 606, while the hybrids the highest adaptation to unfavourable production conditions were ZP 341 and ZP 427.
- Published
- 2018