Comparative sequence and expression analyses of homologous genes from different species allow us to infer their conserved or divergent gene function. This is highlighted by the comparison of the single-minded (sim) genes, which have been identified in Drosophila (Crews et al. 1988; Thomas et al. 1988), mouse (Ema et al. 1996; Fan et al. 1996; Moffett et al. 1996; Yamaki et al. 1996), and now in human (Chrast et al., this issue). Deciphering sim gene function is of particular interest because of its importance in the development of the central nervous system (CNS), and the potential involvement of one of the two human SIM genes in the pathogenesis of Down syndrome (DS). DS is the most frequent genetic cause of mental retardation. Although most cases of DS are attributable to the presence of three full copies of chromosome 21, rare DS patients carry chromosomal rearrangements resulting in triplication of only part of chromosome 21. Molecular characterization of these ‘‘partial trisomy’’ cases has allowed the delineation of a DS critical region (DSCR), located at the sub-band 21q22.2, which correlates with many DS abnormalities (Delabar et al. 1993). Several laboratories have characterized and cloned the DSCR. Using the exon-trapping technique to isolate potential coding sequences within this region, two groups have identified exons that predict an open reading frame that is highly homologous to the Drosophila sim gene product (Chen et al. 1995; Dahmane et al. 1995). In parallel, two murine homologs of sim have been cloned and named Sim1 and Sim2 (Ema et al. 1996; Fan et al. 1996; Moffett et al. 1996; Yamaki et al. 1996). Chrast et al. (this issue) now report the cloning of human SIM1 and SIM2 cDNAs. Based on its chromosomal location and sequence, the gene that maps to the DSCR is the human equivalent of the murine Sim2 gene (Muenke et al. 1995). In Drosophila, sim is expressed in the CNS midline cells. These cells, which consist of both glia and neurons, fail to develop in sim mutant flies (Crews et al. 1988; Thomas et al. 1988). In contrast, when ectopically expressed, sim can convert the lateral CNS cells to become the CNS midline cells (Nambu et al. 1990). These observations have led Steve Crews and his colleagues to conclude that sim functions as a ‘‘master regulator’’ for the Drosophila CNS midline cell development. Consistent with its function, sim belongs to the basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) family of transcription factors, which are known to control the differentiation of various cell types (for review, see Jan and Jan 1993). Immediately carboxy-terminal to its bHLH domain, Sim possesses another conserved domain, termed PAS, an ∼250 amino acid sequence originally found in Period, ARNT, and Sim proteins (Hoffman et al. 1991). Since then, many other bHLH–PAS proteins have been identified. Molecular dissection of bHLH–PAS proteins has led to four primary conclusions (for review, see Hankinson 1995; Schmidt and Bradfield 1996): (1) The basic domain contributes to sequencespecific DNA binding; (2) the HLH and the PAS domains together form a dimerization interface; (3) ARNT seems to be the universal dimerization partner for other bHLH–PAS proteins; and (4) amino acid sequences carboxy-terminal to each bHLH–PAS domain appear to participate in transcriptional activation or repression of the target genes. Murine and fly SIMs can dimerize with ARNT (Swanson et al. 1995; Ema et al. 1996; Probst et al. 1997) and bind to their cognitive DNA sequences, called the CME (CNS midline element; Wharton et al. 1994). However, although the fly Sim activates transcription through its carboxyl terminus (Franks and Crews 1994), the murine SIMs function as repressors in transient transfection assays (Ema et al. 1996; Probst et al. 1997; P. Moffet and J. Pelletier, pers. comm.). Consistent with their divergent activities, the carboxyl termini of fly and murine SIMs are not conserved. Interestingly, as shown by Chrast et al. (this issue), the human SIM genes are highly homologous to their mouse counterparts throughout the entire coding region, suggesting that they not only also dimerize with ARNT but also act as repressors. It remains to be determined, however, whether the SIM proteins function exclusively as repressors in mammals. Despite their seemingly different transcriptional roles, the expression patterns of murine Sim genes during development are reminiscent of those of the Drosophila sim (Dahmane 1995; Ema et al. 1996; Fan et al. 1996; Yamaki et al. 1996). For example, Figure 1 shows that the Drosophila sim transcript and protein are detected in the CNS midline cells located in the ventral body wall. In conjunction with this, the mouse Sim2 is expressed in the developing ventral diencephalon, including its midline. In contrast, Sim1 is expressed in regions immediately adjacent to the ventral midline of the diencephalon and of the spinal cord. Lossand gain-of-function experiments will be required to address whether the murine homologs also direct the development of cells located adjacent to or within the CNS midline. Interestingly, preliminary results indicate that Sim1 mutant mice generated by homologous recombination display neurological defects (T. Rosenquist, J. Michaud, G. Martin, M. Tessier-Lavigne, and C.-M. Fan, unpubl.). Although mice carrying a Sim2 mutant allele have been generated, their phenotype has not yet been determined (M. Shamblott, A. Lawer, J. Michaud, J.D. Gearhart, and C.-M. Fan, unpubl.). The fact that SIM2 maps to the DSCR Insight/Outlook