Xenochironomus xenolabis (Kieffer, 1916) Chironomus xenolabis Kieffer in Thienemann and Kieffer 1916: 526. Xenochironomus xenolabis (Kieffer, 1916): Townes 1945: 92; Pinder and Reiss 1983: 348, fig. 10.80; Pinder and Reiss 1986: 360, fig. 10.84; Cranston et al. 1989: 423, fig. 10.73; Spies and Reiss 1996: 74. Chironomus rousseaui Gotghebuer 1921: 148. Tendipes (Xenochironomus) xenolabis (Kieffer): Kruseman 1933: 178���179. Chironomus (Xenochironomus) xenolabis (Kieffer): Johannsen 1938: 46. Xenochironomus (X.) xenolabis (Kieffer): Saether 1977: 171, fig. 83 A. Material examined. BRAZIL, S��o Paulo state, S��o Carlos, Parque Ecol��gico de S��o Carlos, 21 �� 59 ���S 47 �� 52 ���W, vi.2006, 4 males, leg.: Fusari, L. M. S��o Paulo state, S��o Carlos, UFSCar, Fazzari Stream, vii.2007, 3 males, leg.: Fusari, L. M. S��o Paulo state, S��o Carlos, UFSCar, Fazzari Stream, vii.2007, 1 female with pupal exuviae, 2 females, leg.: Fusari, L. M. CANADA, Ottawa, Ont. Ottawa River. 21.vii. 1980. 1male, coll. and leg.: F. Reiss (ZSM). Ontario, Saint Lawrence National Islands, Gordon River, 7. vii.1976, 1 male, leg.: Roussel M. E. (ZSM). ITALY, Pallanza, Lago Maggiore, 3.viii. 1965. 2 males, coll. and leg.: Reiss F. (ZSM). Lago de Garda, 23.viii. 1966. 1 male, coll. and leg.: F. Reiss. Only the genitalia mounted. (ZSM). PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Nemesis, 2. iii.1986, 1 male, coll.: F. Reiss. leg.: Malicky, H. (ZSM). Diagnosis. Xenochironomus xenolabis can be separated from other species in the genus by the following characters: male, apex of the anal point not surpassing the apex of the inferior volsella, median setae of the anal tergite distributed in one area, superior volsella distint and inferior volsella with plumose setae; pupa, tergites II���V with two areas of black shagreen on the median region; larva, labral sclerite 1 divided into 2 plates and mentum with an odd number of teeth. Comments. The larvae of X. xenolabis recorded from southeastern Brazil were collected in the freshwater sponge Radiospongilla amazonensis Volkmer-Ribeiro et Maciel, 1983. Some larvae were kept alive with the sponge in aerated tanks to obtain pupae and adults. Paired adults were kept alive in individual bottles to allow the association of pupal exuviae and adult emergence. Xenochironomus alaidae sp. n. Type material. Holotype: BRAZIL, Rio Grande do Sul state, Bossoroca, Barra do Angico, Piratinim River, 28 �� 32 ���06.2���S 54 �� 57 ��� 29.9 ���W, 28.xii. 2007, adult male, leg.: Pes, A. M. O. Etymology. In honor of Dr. Alaide Fonseca Gessner for her contribution to knowledge of benthic macroinvertebrate biodiversity and for encouragement during this study. Diagnosis. Xenochironomus alaidae can be distinguished from other species in the genus by the following characteristics: male, apex of anal point surpassing or as long as the inferior volsella and presence of setae on latero-posterior tergite IX. Description. Male (n = 1) Color. Light brown. Thorax with scutum brown. Apices of tarsomere 2���5 dark brown. Total length 4.54 mm. Wing length 2.40 mm, width 0.74 mm. Total length/wing length 1.88. Wing length/ profemur length ratio 5.22. Head. AR 1.64. Apical flagellomere 550 ��m long. Temporals 11. Clypeus with 13 setae. Palpomere lengths 1��� 2 (in ��m): 43; 43. Thorax. Ac 13; Dc 15; Pa 7; Scts 11. Wing. VR 1.08. Brachiolum 2 setae. R with 29 setae, R 1 with 28 setae and R 4 + 5 with 37 setae; remaining veins bare. Squama with 15 setae. Legs. Lengths (��m) and proportions of leg segments as in Table 6. Hypopygium (Fig. 7 A���C). Laterosternite IX with 6 setae. Anal tergite with 14 setae divided into two lobes. Anal point 54 ��m long, 33 ��m wide at the base. Phallapodeme 98 ��m long; transverse sternapodeme 106 ��m long. Superior volsella 89 ��m long, 21 ��m wide at the base. Inferior volsella 92 ��m long, 29 ��m wide at the base and 18 ��m wide at the apex. Gonocoxite 208 ��m long. Gonostylus 137 ��m long. HR 1.52. HV 3.30. Female and immatures: unknown. Comments. The adults of X. alaidae sp. n. were collected in light traps located over an area of the river with a large concentration of the sponges Oncosclera jewelli (Volkmer, 1963) and Oncosclera sp. Xenochironomus amazonensis sp. n. Type material. Holotype: BRAZIL, Amazonas state, near the mouth of the Cuieiras River, 4.ii. 1962, light trap, 1 male, leg.: Fittkau, E. J. (ZSM). Paratypes: 1 male, same data as holotype. Amazonas state, Parintins, light trap, 1 male, leg.: Sioli-Sattler (ZSM). Amazonas state, Rio Negro, light trap, 1 male, only genitalia mounted (ZSM). Etymology. The specific name refers to the locality where the holotype was collected. Diagnosis. Xenochironomus amazonensis can be separated from other species in the genus by the following characteristics: male, tergite IX with small setae; apex of the anal point surpassing the margin of the inferior volsella; inferior volsella broad, with short curved setae and gonostylus extending from the median to the distal region. Description. Male (n = 1���3) Color. Thorax and abdomen brown. Femur and tibia brown, apex of tarsomeres 1���5 dark brown. Total length 1.7���1.9 mm. Wing length 0.5 mm. Wing length/profemur length ratio 1.9 ���2.0. Head. AR 3.0��� 3.6. Apical flagellomere 780���790 ��m long. Temporals 10���11. Clypeus with 11���20 setae. Palpomere lengths 1���5 (in ��m): 35 ���50, 31���35, 57��� 142, 125 ��� 132, 120 ��� 177. Thorax. Ac 7���12; Dc 9���10; Pa 4���5; Scts 4���5. Wing. VR 1.1���1.2. Brachiolum with 2 setae. R with 15 setae, setae of veins R 1 and R 4 + 5 unmeasured, remaining veins bare. Squama with 6���8 setae. Legs. Length (��m) and proportions of leg segments as in Table 7. Abdomen. In poor state of conservation. Hypopygium. (Fig. 8 A���B). Laterosternite IX with 3 setae. Anal tergite with 13 setae in median region. Anal point 50���72 ��m long; 37���52 ��m wide at the base, 25���42 ��m wide at the apex. Phallapodeme 75 ��m long; transverse sternapodeme 42���50 ��m long. Superior volsella 22���27 ��m long, 27���30 ��m wide at the base. Inferior volsella 87���142 ��m long, 35���47 ��m wide at the base and 22���30 ��m wide at the apex. Gonocoxite 132���167 ��m long. Gonostylus 162���195 ��m long. HR 0.82���0.87. Female and immatures: unknown. Xenochironomus ethiopensis sp. n. Type material. Holotype: ETHIOPIA, Bahar Daram, Tana-See, 26. i.1977, 1 male, leg.: Reichholf, J. (ZSM). Etymology. The specific name refers to the country where the holotype was collected. Diagnosis. Xenochironomus ethiopensis can be separated from other species in the genus by the following characteristics: male, apex of the anal point not surpassing the inferior volsella; superior volsella long, large, with the apex bent dorsally; inferior volsella long, large, robust, with few thin setae and slender gonostylus. Description. Male (n = 1) Color. Thorax with pronotum brown. Abdomen brown. Femur, tibia and tarsomere 1���5 brown. Total length 4.88 mm. Wing length 2.5 mm, width 0.72 mm. Total length/wing length 1.9. Wing length/ profemur length ratio 2.3. Head. AR 3.0. Apical flagellomere 920 ��m long. Temporals 9. Clypeus with 17 setae. Palpomere lengths 1���5 (in ��m): 27, 37, 210, 165, 290. Thorax. Ac 14; Dc 6; Scts 7. Wing. VR 1.1. Brachiolum with 2 setae. R with 16 setae, R 1 with 8 setae, R 4 + 5 with 11 setae, remaining veins bare. Squama with 8 setae. Legs. Length (��m) and proportions of leg segments as in Table 8. Hypopygium. (Fig. 9 A���B). Laterosternite IX with 2 setae. Anal tergite with 25 setae divided into two lobes. Anal point, 72 ��m long and 21 ��m wide at the base. Phallapodeme and transverse sternapodeme, not observable. Superior volsella 52 ��m long, 55 ��m wide at the base. Inferior volsella 155 ��m long, 47 ��m wide at the base and 60 ��m wide at the apex. Gonocoxite 160 ��m long. Gonostylus 252 ��m long. HR 0.63. HV 1.93. Female and immatures: unknown. Xenochironomus grini sp. n. Type material. Holotype: BRAZIL, Par�� state, Rur��polis,Tambor River, Grin Waterfall, (04��05��� 35 ���S 55 ��00��� 29 ���W) 28. x.2007, 1 male with pupal exuviae, leg.: Fusari, L. M., Hamada N. Paratypes: Amazonas, Presidente Figueiredo, BR 174, Km 121 (01�� 55 ���S 60 ��03���W), 04. v.2006, 1 male, leg.: Roque, F. O., Pes, A. M. O. 1 pupa with larval exuviae, 3 fourth-instar larvae, same data as holotype. Etymology. In honor of the owner of the farm, Sr. Grin, where the Grin Waterfall is located and where the holotype was collected. Diagnosis. Xenochironomus grini can be separated from other species in the genus by the following characteristics: male, apex of the anal point not surpassing the apex of the inferior volsella; setae on the median portion of the anal tergite divided into two areas; gonocoxite with setae as long as the gonostylus; gonostylus short and rounded; inferior volsella with short setae. Pupa, tergites II, IV���VII with anterior bands of black shagreen; sternites I and II without spines and prealar tubercle present. Larva, mentum with 12 teeth. Description. Male (n = 1���2) Color. Pale brown, with anterior thorax, scutum and pronotum dark brown. Legs uniformly light brown. Total length 3.8���4.7 mm. Wing length 1.9���2.2 mm, width 0.5���0.6 mm. Total length/wing length 1.9���2.2. Wing length/profemur length ratio 2.1���2.2. Head. AR 3.43���3.47. Apical flagellomere 840���920 ��m long. Temporals 11���21. Clypeus with 12���13 setae. Palpomere lengths 1���5 (in ��m): 18���35; 30; 95���103; 110���115; 135���153. Thorax. Ac 6; Dc 12; Pa 4���5; Scts 1. Wing. VR 1.12���1.17. Brachiolum with 2���3 setae. R with 15���21 setae, R 1 with 8 setae and R 4 + 5 with 7 setae, remaining veins bare. Squama with 4���8 setae. Legs. Length (��m) and proportions of leg segments as in Table 9. Hypopygium. (Fig. 10 A���B). Laterosternite IX with 3 setae. Anal tergite with 23 setae divided into two lobes. Anal point 43���55 ��m long; 35���48 ��m wide at the base, 38 ��m wide at the apex. Phallapodeme 85���90 ��m long; transverse sternapodeme 70���78 ��m long. Superior volsella 58���73 ��m long, 13���15 ��m wide at the base. Inferior volsella 103 ��m long, 20���25 ��m wide at the base and 18���23 ��m wide at the apex. Gonocoxite 150���165 ��m long. Gonostylus 103���138 ��m long. HR 1.20���1.46. HV 3.45���3.69. Pupa (n = 1���2) Total length 4.60���5.35 mm. Exuviae light brown. Cephalothorax (Fig. 11 B). Frontal apotome with cephalic tubercles low, rounded and rough. Frontal setae 64��� 92 ��m long. Two antepronotal setae, 1 lateral, 108���143 ��m long and 1 median, 54 ��m long. Thoracic horn plumose. Basal ring elliptical, 35���44 ��m in diameter. Median suture and dorsal region with granulations. Two precorneal and four dorsocentral setae, Dc 1 55 ��m long, Dc 2 63 ��m long, Dc 3 60 ��m long, Dc 4 72 ��m long, with distances Dc 1 ���Dc 2, Dc 2 ���Dc 3, Dc 3 ���Dc 4 (��m): 45���67; 195���209; 21���53. Prealar tubercle absent. Abdomen (Fig. 11 A). Tergite I bare. Tergites II���VIII with shagreen on the middle region. Tergite II with anterior, posterior and transverse bands of dark shagreen. Tergite III with posterior transverse bands of shagreen. Anterior region of tergites IV���VI with two groups of black spines surrounding the median region. Tergites VII and VIII with shagreen on median region. Sternites I and II without spines. Tergite II with continuous row of hooks 488 ��� 417 ��m long. Pedes spurii B weakly developed in segment II. Pedes spurii A present in segment IV. Posterior margin of segments V and VI with small thin spines. Segment I with 1 LS, II���V with 2 LS, VI���VII with 4 lateral taeniae, VIII with 5 lateral taeniae Anal lobe with small spines on middle region with complete fringe and over 50 setae on each side. Fourth instar larva (n = 1���4) Head. Width 0.29���0.38 mm, length 0.39���0.44 mm. IC 0.76���0.87. Labral sclerite 1 undivided; labral sclerite 2 with rostrum anterior. Pecten epipharyngis trifid with denticles distal. Premandible not observed. Antenna 117���129 ��m long, with 5 segments (Fig. 11 C); basal segment 61���70 ��m long; AR 1.09���1.17, ring organ near the base of antenna, blade shorter than flagellum, 54���58 ��m long. Accessory blade short. Mandible 85���137 ��m long, with dark apex and three inner teeth; dorsal tooth absent; seta subdentalis long (Fig. 11 D). Mentum 84���90 ��m wide, with 12 dark teeth (Fig. 11 E); ventromental plates 91���105 ��m wide; median plates separated by no more than the width of the median teeth. Setae submenti 66 ��m long. Abdomen reddish, 4.94���5.26 mm long. Anal tubules 149���203 ��m long, without constriction. Procercus with 10���12 long anal setae. Female: unknown. Comments. Larvae of X. grini sp. n. were collected in Oncosclera navicella (Carter, 1881). Xenochironomus martini sp. n. Type material. Holotype: BRAZIL, Rio Grande do Sul state, Bossoroca, Barra do Angico, Piratinim River, (28 �� 32 ���06.2���S 54 �� 57 ��� 29.9 ���W), 28. xii.2007, 1 male, leg.: Pes, A. M. O. Etymology. In honor of Dr. Jon Martin for his contribution to cytogenetic and molecular studies of Chironomidae and for providing specimens and information during this study. Diagnosis. Xenochironomus martini can be distinguished from other species in the genus by the following characteristics: male, median setae on anal tergite divided into two areas; inferior volsella with several setae; superior volsella pediform and apex of inferior volsella spatulate. Description. Male (n = 1) Color. Light brown. Thorax with brown scutum. Tarsomere 2���5 dark brown. Total length 3.74 mm. Wing length 1.75 mm, width 0.50 mm. Total length/wing length 2.14. Wing length/ profemur length ratio 2.24. Head. AR 1.46. Apical flagellomere 572 ��m long. Clypeal and temporal setae not observed. Palpomere lengths 1���4 (in ��m): 28; 44; 136; 109. Thorax. Ac 23; Dc 10; Pa 5; Scts 10. Wing. VR 1.14. Brachiolum 2 setae. R with 9 setae, R 1 with 9 setae and R 4 + 5 with 7 setae; remaining veins bare. Squama with 4 setae. Legs. Length (��m) and proportions of leg segments as in Table 10. Hypopygium (Fig. 12 A���D). Laterosternite IX with 5���6 setae. Anal tergite with 30 setae divided into two lobes. Anal point 48 ��m long; 25 ��m wide at the base. Phallapodeme 95 ��m long, transverse sternapodeme 62 m long. Superior volsella 75 ��m long, 11 ��m wide at the base. Inferior volsella 107 ��m long, 20 ��m wide at the base and 13 ��m wide at the apex. Gonocoxite 175 ��m long. Gonostylus 162 ��m long. HR 1.08. HV 3.54. Female and immatures: unknown. Comments: The adults of X. martini sp. n. were collected in light traps located over an area of the river with a large concentration of the sponges Oncosclera jewelli (Volkmer, 1963) and Oncosclera sp. Additional sampling in this area should be carried out to obtain immature specimens. In analyzing specimens from Australia it was observed that the adults of morphotype Xenochironomus ���australian��� (cited in Cranston 2000 a) are similar to X. martini sp. n., but these specimens were not included in the type material because it would be necessary to examine the immature stages of both the new species and the morphotype from Australia, since some closely related species are similar in the adult stage but can be differentiated in the immature stages. Xenochironomus mendesi sp. n. Tzpe material. Holotype: BRAZIL, Rio Grande do Sul state, Jaquirana, Passo da Ilha, Tainhas River, (29 ��05��� 11 ���S 50 �� 21 ��� 52 ���W), xi.2007, 1 male, leg.: Hamada, N. Paratypes: Goi��s state, Alto Para��so, Couros River, S��o Bento Farm, (14 ��09��� 36 ���S 47 �� 35 ��� 37 ���W), 01���04. v.2007, 1 male with pupal and larval exuviae, 1 pupa with larval exuviae and 5 fourth-instar larvae, leg.: Fusari, L. M., Hamada. N. Etymology. In honor of Dr. Humberto Fonseca Mendes for his assistance and encouragement during this study. Diagnosis. Xenochironomus mendesi sp. n. can be separated from other species in the genus by the following characteristics: male, apex of the anal point surpassing or as long as the inferior volsella and setae of anal tergite divided into two areas. Pupa: sternites I and II with posterior bands of clear spines; pedes spurii A present in segment IV and prealar tubercle absent. Larva: labral sclerite 1 undivided; mentum with even number of teeth (16 teeth). Description. Male (n = 1���2) Color. Light brown. Thorax with scutum, scutellum and pronotum brown. Legs light brown, with apices of tarsomere 1 and tarsomere 2���5 dark brown. Total length 5.67���5.73 mm. Wing length 2.60 ���3.00 mm, width 0.72���0.85 mm. Total length/wing length 1.90��� 2.20. Wing length/profemur length ratio 2.70���3.05. Head. AR 2.30���2.99. Apical flagellomere 880���950 ��m long. Temporals 9. Clypeus with 13 setae. Palpomere lengths 1���5 (in ��m): 47; 63; 200; 160; 214. Thorax. Ac approximately 19; Dc 11���14; Pa 5���7; Scts 10. Wing. VR 1.04. Brachiolum 2 setae. R with 31 setae, R 1 with 23 setae and R 4 + 5 with 29 setae; remaining veins bare. Squama with 10 setae. Legs. Length (��m) and proportions of leg segments as in Table 11. Hypopygium. (Fig. 13 A���C). Laterosternite IX with 4���6 setae. Anal tergite with 22���29 setae, divided into two lobes. Anal point 53���73 ��m long and 72���90 ��m wide at the base. Phallapodeme 89���107 ��m long; transverse sternapodeme 80���100 ��m long. Superior volsella 80���89 ��m long, 12���13 ��m wide at the base. Inferior volsella 136���139 ��m long, 25���36 ��m wide at the base and, Published as part of Fusari, L��via Maria, Roque, Fabio De Oliveira & Hamada, Neusa, 2013, Review of Xenochironomus Kieffer, 1921 (Diptera: Chironomidae) with description of six new species, pp. 101-126 in Zootaxa 3646 (2) on pages 112-123, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3646.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/219502