Lachapelle, Virginie, Comeau, Geneviève, Quessy, Sylvain, Zanabria, Romina, Rhouma, Mohamed, van Vonderen, Tony, Snelgrove, Philip, Kashi, Djillali, Bosch, My-Lien, Smillie, John, Holley, Rick, Brockhoff, Egan, Costa, Marcio, Gaucher, Marie-Lou, Chorfi, Younes, and Racicot, Manon
Simple Summary: In 2019, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency started the development of a risk assessment model for regulated inedible rendering plants in Canada that manufacture ingredients for use in livestock feed. The model is designed to assess the level of risk of each rendering plant to the health of livestock consuming the products used as feed as well as the health of humans eating food products derived from these animals. The output of the model will inform the risk-based allocation of the agency's inspection resources. The aim of the present study was to identify and select factors associated with rendering plant activities to be included in the risk assessment model based on the scientific literature and expert advice. A final list of 32 factors assessed by 179 evaluation criteria according to rendering practices was selected for inclusion in the model and will be used for the next development step, which will estimate the relative contribution of each criterion to the overall risk of a rendering plant. Once completed, this model will provide a systematic and evidence-based approach to help manage the animal and human health risks in the rendering sector. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is developing an establishment-based risk assessment model to categorize rendering plants that produce livestock feed ingredients (ERA-Renderer model) according to animal and human health risks (i.e., feed safety risks) and help in determining the allocation of inspection resources based on risk. The aim of the present study was to identify and select feed-safety-related factors and assessment criteria for inclusion in the ERA-Renderer model. First, a literature review was performed to identify evidence-based factors that impact the feed safety risk of livestock feed during its rendering processes. Secondly, a refinement process was applied to retain only those that met the inclusion conditions, such as data availability, lack of ambiguity, and measurability. Finally, an expert panel helped in selecting factors and assessment criteria based on their knowledge and experience in the rendering industry. A final list of 32 factors was developed, of which 4 pertained to the inherent risk of a rendering plant, 8 were related to risk mitigation strategies, and 20 referred to the regulatory compliance of a rendering plant. A total of 179 criteria were defined to assess factors based on practices in the Canadian rendering industry. The results of this study will be used in the next step of the model development to estimate the relative risks of the assessment criteria considering their impact on feed safety. Once implemented, the CFIA's ERA-Renderer model will provide an evidence-based, standardized, and transparent approach to help manage the feed safety risks in Canada's rendering sector. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]