Compared with the first-generation semiconductors (such as silicon, germanium) and the second-generation semiconductors (such as gallium arsenide, indium antimonide), the third-generation semiconductor materials represented by silicon carbide (SiC), zinc oxide (ZnO), gallium nitride (GaN) and cadmium sulfide (CdS) usually possess wider band gap, higher thermal conductivity, bigger electron saturation rate and better radiation resistance properties, and thus draw intensive attentions in high temperature and high frequency applications in recent years. Most of the third-generation semiconductors are wurtzite structures, which have piezoelectric effects due to their lack of symmetry in certain directions. This feature serves as a good bridge of transferring mechanical stress signals between the flexible semiconductor electronic devices and the surrounding environment or the host (e.g., the human body). Conventional piezoelectric effects are mainly found in barium titanate and lead zirconate titanate type perovskite materials, but such materials do not have semiconductor properties, thus limiting their use in electronics and optoelectronic devices. Our group has pioneered a new research field, i.e., piezoelectric nanogenerator, by utilizing third-generation semiconductor nanowires (such as ZnO nanowires) under a dynamic force. The piezoelectric potential generated by the dynamic strain on the nanowire can drive electrons to flow in the external load circuit, which is the basic principle of the piezoelectric nanogenerator. Piezoelectric nanogenerator based on ZnO nanowires was firstly proposed in 2006. When a uniform strain is applied on a non-centrosymmetric semiconductor, a piezo-potential will be induced in the semiconductor, accompanied with static piezoelectric charges distributed on the surfaces. This piezoelectric effect is commonly existed in the third generation semiconductors. The strain-induced piezo-potential and piezoelectric polarization charges can also statically and/or dynamically tune the transportation and photoelectric processes of carriers at the interfaces or junctions. The three ways coupling among piezoelectric, photoexcitation and semiconducting properties coined two new research fields, that is, the piezotronics and piezo-phototronics. In order to systematically explain the coupling properties of piezoelectric and semiconductor transport properties in such materials, our group first coined the term piezotronics in a paper published in 2007. The piezotronics is about the modulation of the metal-semiconductor interface barrier via piezoelectric potential acting as a “gate” voltage, which has been used to explain the transistor behavior observed in metal-ZnO-metal structures and the strain-gated diode effect of metal-ZnO structures. The basic core of piezo-phototronics is to regulate the generation, separation, transport and/or recombination of photogenerated carriers at interfaces or heterojunctions by piezoelectric polarization charges, which was first proposed by our group in 2010. The performance of many optoelectronic devices can be effectively enhanced by piezo-phototronic effect. Over the past decade, these two areas have received extensive attentions and made great progresses in basic science and device applications. The combinations of piezotronics and piezo-phototronics with the current popular electronics, optoelectronics and spintronics have great significances, which will bring in revolutionized impacts for future sensor networks, artificial intelligence, micro-nano energy and human-machine interaction applications. This paper gives a brief review of the experimental progress in device application in these two fields in recent years, and looks forward to the future development of these two subjects.